HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-01-12, Page 3• • eater finger ou lips„ as they both heard Mr. Hartington -"announced and the next • moment heard 1Ir. Neaves saying,• • . "You are histin gown:let congratulate -. me on what I consider a very fortunate - change in thy business,- by which; thdrigh tried old friend goeit Out of the firm, a dear .,young friend, and one of the most capable - and upright young men.Ileeerktiewecomes inea - ' • : ; - • ' a-• • He thee went to the alP9te, and returned reading Name by the. Win& •" It will be eat'eaves, Nanse.aeNeaveiitfroire to -morrow, and Mr. Nanse has all. the eppeizitments. for the counting-rottim and ,euter offices. • - New tell me, Mr. .Iteetingtohe have I net prepared a pleasant surprise, for you in securing -you the :first °hoes to. -wish a -friend jay Of well -merited proMotion.r. The. eyes of the young men met, Nauss's. literally derided with the '13Appy light of love, go happyin its 'renewal that'he could hot be to look On thesultee and pale countenance 61 his defeated silent foe. . " Ahe sir," he' 'exclaiined, 'if left with me, there'ltbaleve ihartges,aaand cer- teinly none in the-0000ting-fopro ;'' and his *ldck ntreated- sonic) • conipaesiout ofiayae- - Ne Isar Hartington. sLuIie 2'1 :said Mi. Neaves,„ie,07 • poring these looltsa He: went, liehind, the '-'-'onitains. and drew the yotme fely berth into elei light, and laying her heads. in those of Nanseilee titeeed again to Hartington; "You knew they • were angeged to each other Ionagr., and had a tattle tiff,.. as • levees s‘act to -night they're- *taking up . for lost time' BY Jove, sadden feracity--"- take a lesson'hy th's eight,eeted • by the forlx.aratic*- thee loving hearts. `make me show' syou!" - who had not iipplien, turned and went toward the: dooe. , there Mr. •1Neeves, wha- evithheld ,Nanse • and tulle from approeceiea- --eta putoatehie-liand.. " 'rake eLk' j ve, , ana, 'then • back to you you„;st ler& or here are a gones.a Liar& • word. r 6'4 .t.-ta jet 117 . eer eine or two: ea and pity' •happy loyee ad. the Our- lfigh bliss, "feratheire -ad •weet _ere, at.. eete,otiaat -,conipassi exebtrt seek& stared parto w k to their...tryst bell a quite fetmrgot, in their se, ett-ii hoursflying se, swiftly 'a e longand tedious to their -in ra,ians lett all to themeelveFs: When th ofmidnight struck,, Lulie started With -nth pang of remorse for taie aegIect, and, 740between'the curtain. a• fhy, Will I" she whispered; saftly. The! Will peeped ' forth, and `thenthey prepaid close togethet and laeghed. - -Soft as fas this laughter, it was overheard. Mr. Novos and Mies Ingram came - toward than- - . • " He laughs beat who lauahe lest "- saia" • . e , • vr. Neeves, looking eite triumph at .young Sans& ' Miss:Ingram and Lute clasped(eachothee, know -he was at school with` you," sancily whispered Luna - • f, • The Death - of 'the _Brave triiiiman.. Whci Won the Victoria Cross by Savidg . . . ..Ciacknow: • • .4v-o1'IDE *Cruz JE)t P.Lo Fri • One Of the bravegt. of • the !Raab men • Whon:t his boonaWarded the precieus little. . - piece of gin -metal known as the Victoria Croee haw just died, reepiving- sceabitly word of notice ; from the • English press. Thoe3as Henry 'Kevanaghat nethe IS pre-: ceded .by the fatal asterisk. in O'Byrne's chronicle Of the Victoria - Cross -.published nearly the years 'ago, andra still motel 4ccomp1ished contemporary historian re- cords that " Lucknow". Kavanagh "lost his hte. ehortly after his heroic explOie, in battle with the enemy,' yet. he only passed, away a few days ago. Tee offieiel record of his deed is brief: "M. Thomas Henry Kavanagh, Assistant •:COmmissiazier izi •Qudh a *eland- "on the atli of Iltavember, 1857, then serving under .the ardent of Lieutenant.GeneralSite, James 0 utraM, in leicknow, volunteered an the dangeroas. duty of. proceeding through the city.to the 'camp of the Commander-iii;Chief,..for the. purpose of guiding thtrelievina fordo: to the beexguered garrisod in eae- Resiainey, task which heperformed with chivalrous devotiop." • In- 1851 Mt: Kavanagh was a ehbOtdieate in .ovirof the Goverennent departments at 'LackuoW Already tivo attempts been made ta relieve the garrasea of tae :Resitleacy an to- raiee the siege. • 4aveleekeej1 the devoted.lierdeullx-"Vill dere increased, hut jr tbge.PAr• diniinishing Stipple (:If food A one side," we read, ere °illy: a small prickly bear hedge and a narrow ditch, on aneeher alow • fence hae. that whch ordinarily euvirens, the eopaineit Iudiaa compoued; but the -.men who were behindthese trifling obstacles iever thought for a .moment of flinching." They Were half-starved,. many Were sufferingfeom dysentery, more were wounded, the hail of bullets under - which they • sttood, , was unceasing; they had nothing to pheer them except their own grand ppirits,, relief could j. -.not_ possibly come e and 011;:b The Dangers er 'wage -tartan unfit.. • , - ... The wifeof tae celettrated- Dr. Tanner . has lately taken up hereebede in rranoe, having obtained a divorce from her: eccen- trio hueband under- the followirig circum- itancea eDr. Tanner, it appears, is-„pecu- * Hartyaddicted. to. extraortlinary fancies ; and, some time:since, 'Iiii: thought -that- ... ' he had ioand oue that t e human charac- k ter becomes modifie . according ; to the food- ataken. by, • 'e individual; " and especially in relation' to the;vegetabIes ' consumed. Cerro* he avers, make people fidgety and.sly -turnips produce extreme •• amiability"; whilst a. °prolonged, diet . of - French beans induces gteat. irritebiIity of -- temper.. -The marrying out: of this theory • has brought great Womble into V4. Tanner's -7lionne.- He Xrttlidtk a 'heaey wager „ten the ' cluestionc with - some - friends, - and experimented on, a Mr. Tanner with French: beans, giving her, to eat about : three potinds of this vegetable daily.-- It is no altogether to be Wondered at if, after such a reginien,,Mrs. Tanner beeeene rattier , more irritable than was perhaps oontem- Plated,Ond threw a jug at Dr. Tanner's head, • The doctor4 however, geined his 4t, and, more thoeoughly.c.onvinoed than aver of -the truth of his theory, pubis wife •, . on the" turnip diet, soas to make her . . as _ainiabIe as - she .was : before the • .T...'rench bean regiment. .This -time, how. 'ever, the result' was not se steictly in accordance with the theory. Mtg.toner ' b' i • at objeetea to be any longer a su Jae o ese -vegetarian experiments.; sued for a divorce,' and, What i.s more singUltir, obtained- it-.--, Britigh Alecriocki Journal. .,,, - ' . . - fireinee eatemaich a martereto Neur011Atoi rorn‘ the LOidon Stsaidard.j. ./eJleuralgia from 'which 'Prince. Big • .. aaabeen suffering in the head and. 'fa.4e lately has now 'keen* so setelfre that he is scarcely , able to articulate. , Privy Councillor Fredetichs, a physieiert fee- - • quetntly consulted by the Chancellor hereto- foreeteliverecl his opinio4 that the pain • arose not ,improbably from tie teeth, Prince Bmarck, though helas never yet -Whereaboata:of 'Sir Celin Caerip" urtdergon4a- dente' opeeetien was quite -Sir Colin Campbell,"- said thd Vining to Subniit• to '0110 IIGVit if, it were officer, eyeing the Sepoy unifOr necessary. On lexamination, however, by to 40; whoare you, sir en exgerieacea-deraist, no trace of any handed to hail Sir 'James teak could be discovere4.among-the _teeth,- "Is this- truer asked Sir 'end accordingly Prince Bismarck; .who distrust kindling in ' hirdsoll Balls his Malady- ti o donleureili," youdoubt me, • sir has esotoped being experimented, upon for - "NO,' no," replied Sir!: , . very strange." thapreraant. ' • out with Ninth ant -1074'a) el might be ellerta" • A inventor has .brought forWard. k; ,..ventur an iinprovement in 'the constractio'n • of °milting wsh T. pianofortes which claimed meets the , ,prohIern of equalizing the gtrengthe and "• fiances otthe differeita °dame& A.: seri4s tuning forks are freely suSpenCted over the three highed. octaves of e piano, bac* .4:en wee his wit, who fork havingltheeicact bitch of the string ide m treabee. and' over.Whigh is suspended The vibration ieteeeenaeet hi deed arta itk or the stringarecommiiiiicated to .the ing the adveece ndthe ,which in turn reacts: bn String, aaa which, tAtetteeed; uatil. strong- obiatrast teethe shoet and dry Bwitssi".1;441 brtre thus"a fall and susteined tone ilifieepred in • e- a/1LE Vail. 8°1:6e*"Lut - toe more numeroi. •; • . •. tram Of Lucknow, anctlieid the office at the e time of death. .1trvent home on letiVe last spring, but in anti' ill -health that he -spent nearly the whiole- of his visit in hos- pital. •He was On 149'Way to India when he died at Gibraltar, eitiO was buried with military hewn. Of an • old Irish- family, eeLucknow " Katie/is county of Cork. • 1E4,1, •tivesiein this count 'y was compelled to Emmet's rebellion,* atitive -pert... • r A married Merit: think i it strange that* vented sleepllid.not to babies. - - - was born in .the_ doubtless has relit._ as his. grandfather to America after hich- he had taken our aequaintanee e man who first in. end tthe invitation • - • .lonie ttueeet ieteet. . . itilegause his erOpe, W re smalleAdelbert Lobdell banged hiMseli in his . barn :near Port. Depoeit. At Grand -Fotks, heilhg lost all hi swallowea n3orphin ire ,wife. t • 1.1 • 4 • His frind litiziored, ...Curtis: 0. W. wept tie his- room and ear to ear. .. . • • Geo. 13arnell, of a well-to:do farmer he began to speculate cuthis throat. , ., Williatn Ford,- oney at gaibling, he presence of his for $50 being dig- Ilace, Of St. Louis,. t his throat from accidental breelataatmeg saloon -k ;eeeper on township, Ind., s not Satisfied; so became insane and - ere child, a 'taw:- - herself in a mill= - it longer," • _Bridget Scanlon, a rencea Massa •drownec pend becauie she fears atEitt el'eveland. Then he lilled- himself: • Frank McOarg, cian; of' Corning, committed -suicide- 'by ;jiwping fromi the Kuoxville Bridge •becauS he had been far -- bid -dee VO play inetae a hestra, owing to his dreneeimesea -•• . • . _Caleb Hobbs, of Line iitontN,C found his favorite nitita. dead ih afield. After a* good crying spell haWot a note saying, he cetild net live without tii melees/id-then .committed suicide. • _ < -Hiram Tucke a disk) ointed inventor of Boston; 60 ye4brsofageatta�ed a ruh- ber hese to a ge aet,itife. ed on the: gas,. - and, .puttieg th mak. end, of the hose his mouth, suffocated Ili self. , •-• Claud Lester,,ran Binh ziasii,,,W.64 ficur.1-, -lrir fie •iirair courage never mica gave 0110." Sir Colin Campbelteaaii. society of the youpe- feta ad.vaneieg; .and it was ' the ,greatest player, and, going to the et importance that . ;the exact position of the rebels and the bestline, of approach to their works' should .be cominuoicated to him. But wivb. the mueineets:swarreing, around thaResidency there were a lie adeete. chances to, mitt teat any 'ineseengg' under- taking the desperate Journey:Aemild be discovered, ' and, discovery .meant a brutal -probably a lingering <death. Kavattagh, who had been fighting the:tienclies. among the civilians and had been wounded. • several times • volunteered . to- carry' de- Spatches to Sir Colin's carat), ..trusting to his knowledge . of the native language and customs and to hiadisguise a:Badinash, or7_piiiashbockler, -,WhO had came' from Oddh or Delhi to join: the champions of the goocceausee Outram endeavored, to dissuade him from his mission by frankly poiuting put its. dangers,' but` Keyed:8ga persisted , - tendering. his services, .and theywere finally Accepted.- His features did- not lend..themselves readily t�: his disguise; but he succeeded RP Well With the. burnt cork and other' limited. inaterialsi at hisoommand-that when -towards eunset he *presented himself at the General's quarters no ofie.recognized him - till the levelled -fiini- sell,.-giving his costume aed complexion a final touch, hiding a note of. ietrodection .to Sir Colin Campbell in • his - turban, ' iievenagh: . -.off • at nightfell, aceotapanied by :a native ;spy, '11anaoji Lai, bidding -good-bye to Citatain- Haxdinge at the river's edge. The rnesseia gers-fortled the stream' and passed the., in- surgent sentrieson the opposite bank. "It is a bald, night," lead- the sentinel as at last, satisfied. that they were friends, he allowed them to march on. "les; but it will be colder by and: by," was Kevanigh's smiler.; They passed the ordeal of the picket further on. as :successfully,' after a "rigid questioning, and presseclam, at times Teaching shoulder to shoulder in the eatiks with theer enemies. ...Once again a guard was turned • out and- they were questioned narrowly; then they blundered into the enemy's lines at DilkooshateTark, and im- proved' the oppoetanity to the. guns and estimate the force; then.. they waded through a swamp foetWahaure-andzioseed the canal; the Irishinaaas 'pet -being :badly cut 'during the passage, 'and, 'after other mishaps and labors, at :a. na.theYbeesed. through theaest tworebelpickets.and scion were overjoyed .by being cheatehged by an English 'sentry, After receiving a glass'o brandy fraM -the officer of the pick Kavanagh Was directed to the CO/ialliattla 4i-Chief'd tent, wbereleniet eldAP dem au 511fift hawing it, of whom ‘, ve without the a former em. home_ nea Niagara Falls,, shot him and.:then sh himself. . . - • .• 4 : ary Romey, sedonieetio In the. em o cv, Me,. Dodson, of-Oitei 1 st took laiidenune; then- Area- : into a. deep ditcle, Ana: fnally 'throat, but is yet $49 says trouble iw She is tired-ail:Ire. William Ransom ir aent at Barnet's . it Moe after ,being asest 71ti ned - head art'anaah ei'it pate., ent,SteopEt from tear t rain began, tca-enevee cross a rail and vest! 1?ehe ain. • . • • Cr% nly` tation; fferson- embe- *Lion itit. • his neck ed bythe ,three hundr health, Mra: ifps°aratttl: :hr. last re e°e9 rh eth,rea:iwna 13, tehtet4; baengite.Rallefluolua itted suioide eck, one end' is Treflpeorlagleig 'priligs, of the _o4f174e. recent whicll John 'beennhoatfoblr: neat- was a -exe-incle• p. ay arranged between ea oh cer_tiftoato, bottom -Of- , -and a piece inches bane escl• ete!ywkitli, had imaged 'wife, through Weide Milt,T. a• WORIeDee laDetitta New Invention§ - Popidetr Science in - -vakenti.' &spiels, late. . Statioes on some fi the ,Irarquesan !elands will be the only Practicable ones for observing the eclipse of the sun on May 6th, '' A - feoeen plant maybe. sometimes re- vived if thoroughly.- .drenched with cold Water bepanse the application of the liqaid, produces a neutral thaw: 1 Inftie solar researolies Professer Lang- ley -finds. that the 'absolute color .of the photosphere is blue and -.that the inaitiMum energy in. the ' visible :spectrum is in the region of the orange. - . . . - . . ' : In the new er armee e earl°lamp . **1 a - '' i - • , _ „ .. there is no.glabe 1 from which the air has been exhausted, as in all the other incan- desce' t .systems.- Inetead. of a filament of carte) -Mr. Weedermen uteri; silicium;Withi .it is timed, better results. -- Ale nhing powder can be obtained'by the cenThination-of chloride with ,- dryslacked lime, Out is: eomtnereially ..obtained as a • bepro The fi for ble the en Itse will b where other t uct in themanufacture of soda., et application of bleaching powder aching purposes was made towards -of the last century,. • „ emsprobablethat the electric' light largely `eriiployed le= dyeibg works; also elecericity may be employed for urposes. At night the tigletavereree he in , _-_rafil? and Wage flower menu: etTeture.• le 'a very _extensive; a branch Of Aastrier glass industry. it now so de7 velOped that a petroleum fleme gives some 1550. yards of glass - thread "every el:abate,- .that is --oven notonly, for glass cloth, etc., but also for Watch chains, brushes, etc. - mathe service city of tei double S.ay the tive horee-p do net 1)906,4. t 'carefu man mailuf at raps .deterin'ned • atically that in itrdmiI1s .the 'most Ne wind is „that lowing at a Vella-. 3 feet per secoh . • .The Mae of the b such a force, revolve with .neate! e Velocity ':41f etahre:tWndindh.:::::: .. . he Atneeictaht:yOce:mtwintewnitsootde.'ii6Ww..e aa a rolling iceuitldaehea,86,veokh hastened la erdi vseor. - . _ . wer, dee abetela day •WG em. coking yie longest used , -begt. ano al or veg insure...ke ‘-.1‘TO,m ood to begin invariably in u- the itiportant rule lth and, strength .from, the tter whit the -quality' Of the- ith May be, atebad cook will ur heavy. doctors' bills and- e. - • not lees leconidereble a little account et the diuggist's -,* • • . • In la50. the Hoang -Ho 'River, of China, emptied in the Tellow Sea -,.-notv. • this mouth.- y and the river has a new channel ope ng to. the Gulf- of. -.Pechelei nearly three hundred k• miles north of its former outle strewn timed aside froin-its. old- ea at a distance:of mere than d milearoin the coaet., This f meaty changes, .'back. Ana d•-, by tate.' gliinese during the tared years:- a The chimps s caused by eainte In the die- inMg°pubilinta'inft%; deade-ni-ngfleo.- o have been Made ' the subject stout. It is exiseedingly simple, erialleannlikei plans that heave.. proposed in this jOarnal, . A - auk ii;directed. to be inserted' h joist, two inches Iron), the e joists, .tand -projecting tour th them. -The belling hoards are nailed to Oak intermediate planks, and tile epatabetweenas tilled,With sawdust to Within -one linch 61 the joists.- By this mode ofconstruction-. the sound:is said to. be eo ?flee Willa deadened . that the,enost . . vigorouah mmering ebove•eannot be hear iair_yi:ef4.1r beneath. ' Aire irbn itis new. unstable . Each bottle of Briggs' lectrio Oil will hereafter be'accompanied.hy a corkscretre as itis important that t,he cork should be. preserved and the bottle well corked when not in use to retain the strength of the . medicine. - It cures Rheumatism, Neural- ;. gia, Liver and Kidney Complaints'of the.: Urinary -Organs '• oures.epmplaints arising from Colds, Sucheuelileir.e Throat, Bronehi-: ' tis, DiphtherileCougly Astheia and Difficult • Breathing. - • " . • The love that lasts -The love of money; There are said to be sixty-grayeyards in Philadelphia-. • . Deeerves well. Nothing ever, introduced for the cure'of any ailment -deserves the aigh reputation. it has so rapidly gained as Putnam's Pain - lege Corn.Extractor, the grep and only sure cure' 'for. Corns, Bunions'. etc. it acts • promptly, it acts -painlessly, it acts' efficiently, it actsain the . most radical manner. No. pain, .no disoon2fort. Put,- nanks Coen Extractor is the •aome of per- fection ilea safe cure and painless remedy, - for Corns.- Beware of 'imittions and sub- stitutes. ‘.4.- C. .Polson Co., props., :Kingston, Ont. •4' _ c TCU And coMplaints Of a Rheuinatip nature - 4 - RHEUMATIOkignotia.sovereign Terneciy for "all -the ills that ,fles fo," but for NEURALGIA, SCIATICA; RH IMATISIki, and .,pomplaints Rheumatic nature • zr is SURE CURE. L• etter freiti,..1.11.ret IBL. Webster, of GnesIploi-., - • • •E r - Mother -Of the t iateetteeillerer et the • •11.41-kaw.r., U.,„ • 1 .4...e. , - 0 ' 350.WOOLNVIC ET, GITEPPrf, t. . . February 28th, 18182. ) . • MY DEAR DEAR MR; SCITHERLAND,---4:110.5 lila so - many people applying,to me for parti Mars of your famous medicines " Rheumatine, '. that I thought' I would write and ask you particu- lars about it. My son Robert, in Ceylon hearing ! of the wonderful relief it hit given my daughter. 'Ada, Wrote asking you: At yell 1104 afi agency in'. - In cousequence harles Seeley, Of Raheste enths-old. phild,. on the awling -andel the ha GP rputting a rope abet h of which sae had.. tiead. In Centre Of U.2666171111 i • t hle on which he h ',carrel Stang . shot himself #- , Gine his Wife's picture, theamarel severalletters Writt 'i 5-371„ be 41 of the- rope with- a Wit . le t'.erseif.. Each arti 0 .wa Crape: Stang had beedin an but was released, and his. fear of him, lis.d eomutitted rw. days -before. v. , _ 4 llow to 'Oki 'Take life like' a Mane . houga it taate4a it te-ira eisehtiel affair:: Take it you peaionally -weate bop] erfor. ling a intary peat i /4/ .the • -eldi had welted 'le ake ate; though it iv e • .tunitY to do, and t • fOeveard ad .ge and Cheer a suffer heart -broken,- undervalued 131... kind. It is Et( should be tate women tea might be upon or the- . with some . . eyes. " Do- .Xavanigh., "-bit it 'seerias - who Was worn-, _ , asked that be ep before re, pest -willinglY d • d - De°nauP 1:0,vfirst thwe e°_, hi sake ne d for the. • i'.4inar-t1,8,1, .8100, w44 -uult d lot his fafety, to the Big). frc'Ea tb es sent Ifiadlt jaaaeaall' ea&-_te leanxious. gar- 1.jLl "Is until Stood •by bus ;been evetnided,1 I Dur - severe .fighting the laih the. 4-4 ifc! ak it just se :earnest.. eat -as, attiugh ,t)-Jiask 'of '0•4'ae titenigh. our- coneieg.. graniroppor- ete ;-,- to carry. ' mes ;-•to help lit; .Wea. te.- ie. may • be Th feet.. is, life 18 t . . ,f.ee, t aeority of. man - 4e -half iire much of! as i. Wbere 15: the man or ' e tithe -Of What. not look back ne unachieved, ons -unfulfilled, of : thee !tepee- -If - we .: kbese: e • the Meat cf- 'hen it' iie IsloW side. leone the adfastlk, oonfi. • ecOrrieti • :famous. Eilt'll • :gree:tnetoi -;cif nders,',adinires; illustrates' what 1d of life:with:a •ahe -.Will, and ftellOws it -up, taere is. hot ingin: reeeoe he , , . . a., .mernoteexpect to eceantlisle., • There .11 eo, magic, to:miracle,. no s +net to biniMhcr '15'brive in: heart and. determined in -spirit, 4mplisfies o Ar? Whp-: ca pities- lost, -pi aspieat • ,ased,froni the lee d poesible •effort baeto•take and Ma 1.1 Weald be fargreatet -• _ "),.. then ;a Man' •ptanfli8 0V7(1,.. labors earnestlye st ently, and. straightwe for ..wiedem, intellect, eonie sort. The world -eV idolises.; and :yet it onla each play do if he takes urposee -a man -but ' • ' • ' the East, or in Magian .• . Would you kindly write to me at ,your .leisdre ' ani tell me all about it, so that I may ceramuni- ' cate with,:nay son, and give information opeople eit inquiring, ;for the fact of my claught 's• severe Ulnas and. OMR-LETA CURB. has - gone' far and wide? We followed:the-aft:edict's on tee bottles . to the letter. , 135, the time she .had.. finiphed the Fiecond.bottle.all pains had left- her, he slept well and had. a good.' appetite, T and f9und her : strength coming beckebut she took thethirdSo as to complete the cure. •She has not "a ffered at I - all. aline from rbetiretat gm, although. we have i had: a changeable, trying winter. 'I jam. -glad we - will now be able to get it in our own city, as • Mr. • Petrie told nie he hid sent for some. ieneain yours, veal er - - M. "W131l3STEP;.' SOL? BY, A.TeL DRUGGIOS. . . Ike Rhetunatine Itianuracturing. C - • • i ST. oArraArtmEs, on. j. Winer & Co., Waotesal tuts, : a few years..ago. that absolutely. eoame known to keientists, and. howe .toybe Metal - Alligtost. as • s **Eder,' teed still kneed in .the 'laboratory as'a greit Curiosity, - .a previously been Ittioent pare 'iron was shown acobi to.baa compound -of iron :aild-liYdre eh. He first separated the two go -called e enients. During the process the iron incite Red in volume .-chteiged from a dark to e ilvet-whito eAttencee very.duc- tile: and soft ' as to be nearly. as regally , • cut as lea . experiment pteived, the, hydrogen • ayed an important 'part irthaf- 'dealing an terapeehig•steelaeits.m.ech eo as' carbon- t.hoW-or.wh.y none linow_tb this - day. • : • .:•. •:- - The fOl awing, says the*Bestoicgdwina/C are safe lotions fer ireclsles : 1. Moisten he . finger witlewitexadip jtjntO fipely-pe dared- nitre, ..atet.applyit to the freckles. PatientlY, continued, remedy is said. to he 'a sire. one. 2:- A solution of borax in water÷a.drachin to the pint - applied night and naireitig. Sekaminee one &Ohm 'giro water, bile pint; lavender cologne. *slot, .quarter. ounce, xect'abd skated. With the finger night an -morning. • . :these there are van US_ mercurig voiShell.• . oint- ments, such aefilie citrine; sib. dada - 0i0118. skin troubles,, .but are etteride withsuch danger that some skilled payeicia .1cr' some ediicated dinggietehould direct t use in every 1- • • \ e:•fl'‘.:14C-v• - - (1k, , (BRAIN-8cNERVE FOor.).‘ I. A FTV•ft"• For Old -god roving; Male on teased Positively cures' Nervousness in A its, Weak Memory „Lossiof Brain - tration Nigbt Sweats, Srimatorrucea, Leukt., '' _ ...• rrhcei, *: Barrenness, Seminal Weakness allid----- -.7--=.---- General!. Lost • of Power. It _restores -Surnri.sing • • Tone: and---aegor to the Exhausted Generative organs. ii -with each order for ..rwAr•VE VELOUR& , accompanied.with five dollars, we will send our • Writtbn'Guarantee to refund -the tnoney .if the eatirient :does not effect a .cute. . It as the-- -henpeat and Bet Medicine- in the market. Pamphlet sent eve by mail to alit address. Bold- ,,,,. . tea druggists at e0e. per box., og, 6 - boxes for • $O MP, _mailed free. of postage ; ezi reCeipt et; buil:0y • • , • ,•• - e 1 Blades. eitaweetic Metrateine ce. . • . , Windsor, )nt.,10aneas, . . - • • hold by all drUggists everywhere: • . • , . . . __ . .. • , , usuai I'd •- Kavanagh tones of -thisz, instrument. The changed fighting, end was the. advising . an . quality of tae higher notes which is thus aorce to reach his former .st of. there/mina• , pioducedaldo iraproves theoharaciar of the rewards °We berm ' .- .:: Cornrades. The Nobody WS mere -bitterly- witty than military rink:- an .s _person_..p. ot.hola;--ors_ - , Lord 'Ellenborough. A . un • -." ' . _ • .The Agin -deli Of Twilit'', the ea& position ew, stOteiIkist ore than ii.tem- eoatie;:after he appokt, ::he only: ens by eccumu:; Mr. -Connor, iliustratin of Jay. in.te0. 'man is a foal for getting. petence . in this world, t has' Made enough for his adds to his cares and ikt !sting riches."' This is osophy no doubt, But then hew &any nilalosciPhie petering there are in the world. etho would gladly.. relieve Mr...Jay Gouldof all the cartgB and burdens, in excess of a 3orapeteneyi• -that _weigh so heavily Upon Weal ' - - lloWer ones. . toria Cross givento were the • first Vic.' . 79 g awyer the apepao-I-6XIA. *0 T RADE' • V, • • . 10933' tir embhng with fear, rosa to make Ins .first few "eekS later in -macoxi. tat Bri2 e„; YkOssrei timidon dentist elates, _ -aite eeteeliiee scent carbon lamp t-ii,11%90_,_-4, oleo. cf•the mouth a 14 aa ease * "te. fitteao....-ajaer‘ ..sostvtt-1.11atete0/' . . • • b d began: • -ray. Lot.ci, my unfor-- 43awson itorni • isl‘ 0355' 0t '«- - - o 1. • .. - e - ttmate cilent-my `Lord, my unfortunate. native police and '1 ,•4110' Pee t client -my Lord--" " "A° on, Sir, go on," ' Sandels„ :in which c'aetatae taa- eala. Lord Ellenborough "so far as you defeated at Luc 10•5*" have proceedel hitherto, the court: is en-- position. • = a 041- "-ea ,ireat with you." = Mr. Kevausgh * eeae - Pones _ otAe'' ate t;„70,3•\Ite�r xe.l'i, 06% 'Os ttk _te 11. tusg' •61; • o • • - There 4s a Comnionbelief that if you ones be .12 the use of a certain -clads cf medicin s you must keep it ale or reaction will foll vetnevitably. This is 'true of all :stimuIaitSand -koitantaleke• strychnine, vegetable bitters; which joie& .bhemic Ilk,' and mechanically to goad the organic functiofls to greater activity with- out 0outributiflg anything to- thew0Th' repair. - - The iramediat_e_effectif- •. - the. ultmeete res -A-ate:al-00e - • • al* - 4.1•11, 6.‘91.Ve-cs al. _Auer - • AI co - ii2f11,,de 1 • 1 VitOn Isay' cure I do not Wean merely to stoirt em or. : time endthenhave them return again, I mkati aradical cure; I have made the disease of FIT'S,. EPILEPSY4)r FALLING • - :SICKNESS a life-long study. Iwarrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Because others have faCedis reason for not now itaiving a cure. Send at once for. a treatise and a Free Bottle °tiny infallit:3 remedy., Give Express and Post 9ffice. costs you nothing for a trial, and cure yo. . Address Dr. EL G. BOOT, 183 pearl St, New Tett* - . ' • • eaft Iweek in, your own 4oWn., Term s and, $5 .."evu outfit free; Adarees R. -RA.T01...usi1':!*•cro. Portland, aine• - - "it •,,,v FJ) A. WEEK. $12 a day at home- easily made. I 1.1 Costly .(kutit , free. Addreae Tniin & Augusta; N.atue_- • . • , 4Thive a positive remedy for' the abv use thousands of cases of thestanding have beenicxed-f: in its efticacy,IDat, . • 4 • 0, e • • m a t• • • 4, 4 ' Ott 4t 0. Stitt".• eel° 1 ea 1011 t.. igt1.--40-t„ ete• se, . • ktix°f•. ott -011'001 fi Ft ' • • ,MINNESOTA, DAKOTAI `A -ND I .':CROP,AGAI . . LOW paloa; Leo:inn: REBATE lecntmaxlv*. MEW; RgbaostliArttAND-FROGift 10 gartiATIO: •-=' .FOR Ittru..ltpomampri.Ac"Reag . • • •-`HERMAP411..Titerre LAcia Aii4ruilWrkipiii•- • -live PA "4. a ;." - e • - - - #