HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2016-09-14, Page 13Wednesday, September 14, 2016 • News Record 13 Non -Profits of Central Huron: ONE CARE Home and Community Support Services Justine Alkema Clinton News Record ONE CARE Home and Community Support Services has one main goal - to help people live in their own homes. This large, local non- profit provides all kinds of programs and services to meet this goal. ONE CARE was founded in 2011 and is an amalgamation of three smaller organizations that had been serving Huron and Perth for over 40 years. These organizations came together because they real- ized they were all serving sim- ilar people, so it was a way to simplify services for people in the area and work more effec- tively by combining resources. ONE CARE has a huge impact in Huron and Perth with 259 staff, many of them PSWs, and 920 volunteers. Their head office is in Clinton, but they have a number of sat- ellite offices in Goderich, Grand Bend, Wingham, Exe- ter and Stratford. "We aren't highly visible, so people don't realize how big we are," said Manager of Commu- nications and Fundraising Shel- ley McPhee-Haist. "Most of the services are done quietly in people's homes, so they don't have a lot of fanfare." ONE CARE mostly works with seniors and those with declining health and chronic ill- ness. To describe all of their programs would not fit in one article, but some of them include assisting with transpor- tation, bringing meals to homes, day programs for adults to have a day out of their house and many exercise and well- ness programs. Last year, they served approximately 4700 people, delivered 31,000 meals on wheels, provided 76,000 rides through transportation services and over 1200 people took part in exercise programs. They are funded through the southwest LIHN with their PSWs contracted through the CCAC. Other funding comes from a number of grants, United Way Perth -Huron, fun- draising activities and private donors. "We are part of the health care system and are there to be an efficient part of the hospital system," said McPhee-Haist. McPhee-Haist emphasized that one of the main benefits of their organization is to reach out to people who are socially isolated due to poor health and old age, especially in such a rural area. "When you're frail and it's hard to leave your house, hav- ing someone drop off a meal and come to your home is so beneficial for health and wellbeing:' Contributed photo Volunteers and staff give a thumbs -up at the recent Clinton Dining for Seniors program which is held every Wednesday at noon at the ONE CARE Betty Cardno Centre. Seniors are welcome to attend this program which includes a hot, home cooked meal, entertainment and education. They can register by calling in advance by calling 1-877-502-827. Those pictured here includes Mary Barnes, Grace Dolmage, Jen Rooney, Heather Kroetsch, Edith Falconer, June Howse and Marg Rogerson. BUSINESS DIRECTORY To advertise in this MellHE021 =MCCUE:DM Please call Daum 5ohiefton Sag-6E32466B To oUSI ESO adv@rtise k CTORI Maw cd Dam Joohmstoffi 5 9=462=3443 adveartise To o U3llN SS DSR c'roo D Pkgm DD i v msto i MCK1.LLOP mu L'. Lrr4SLIR0010 7fil`o N AUTO 1 HOME 1 FARM 1 COMMERCIAL 154 High Street, Clinton, ON kim@mckillopmutual.com Ph: 519-482-99761 Fax: 519-482-9815 Cell: 519-525-9976 awe CONCRETE FORMING COMA !I RC i L * RESIDEP07141. - F'�il'ni aIilais< • FIror FinLrlieiii. • Circular -1 nnI.. * Snncly iclr FREE I�: ` 1 MATES 14R16 I•; +.II 519-523-9971 Fay +!-.II. Our bean&aa la built an SERVICE ENERGY II -MATING !AIR SCC#NDITIC?NINE - ELECTRICAL GAS FIREPLACES * AUTOMATIC GENERATORS JEFF WISE 252 Bay1luld Road. CIirrtain • 510-452-7002 r- Dave Bernard kt-Mpt EE SERVICE cket Truck Service e Trimming/Removal Stump Grinding Free Estimates 1998 CLINTON, ON 9-482-3976 www. mckill opmutual.com oUDINES� DIIRECT00 D! Mane t Dam Fa tom s:9=4E32=3443 To advertise in this D300IIITa0 0 9)llEMCCUORff D Please call Dow hitt©i Dagn6 o 2=D1�D