Clinton News Record, 2016-09-07, Page 44 News Record • Wednesday, September 7, 2016
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Always think safety first from the OPP
Tuesday, September 6th marks rules with your children.
the start of the 2016 - 2017 school • Children should always walk
year for thousands of local stu- on sidewalks where available.
dents. Accordingly, the Huron • Children should use the services
County Ontario Provincial Police of the crossing guard whenever avail-
(OPP) Detachment is resuming able and cross at the intersection.
enhanced patrols around the vari- • Cyclists under 18 must wear an
ous school zones in an effort to approved helmet.
ensure everyone is following the • Always look both ways before
rules of the road and staying safe. crossing a roadway and remember
In light of this occasion, the to walk, not run across the roadway.
Huron OPP would like to remind • Children need to watch for turn -
motorists and students to always ing vehicles before crossing a
"Think Safety First". Parents and roadway.
caregivers of school -aged children • Children should also avoid lis -
are encouraged to discuss the fol- tening to music or using their
lowing safe bike riding and walking mobile devices when cycling or
letters to the editor
Concerns about ambulance service
Dear Editor, First, if I as an elderly person will
It has come to my attention that not be helped, why call an ambu-
our ambulance service in Huron lance and pay $45 for the service.
County is to be curtailed. We have Second, why am I paying $48.53
over the years got the training and a month for a button to call for
education so that EMS could help help if that help is not available in
people in need. That seems to be the ambulance.
changing as it costs money. Third, what happens to the
I have a few questions. people who watch a patient die
Apology for story in last week's paper
To our valued readers, article did not attend C.H.S.S.
In last week's paper, there was a I, (Justine), was extremely upset to
story about C.H.S.S. students who receive this call, as I had no doubts in
had invented an action camera my mind until that point about the
similar to a GoPro called VOLT X. legitimacy of the story. In fact, I was
The day after that paper came out, really excited about the story. I talked
the Clinton News Record received a on the phone and Skyped with
call from George McEwan, the prin- "Kevin; and nothing about the way
cipal of Central Huron Secondary he interacted with me or any of the
School, who said that the article was information he sent me signaled any
a fraudulent story. The people in the red flags. I looked up the camera
walking on the roadway.
• Where possible, children
should use the buddy system.
• Motorists need to drive with par-
ticular care and attention in and
around school zones. Children will
make mistakes so drive cautiously
and anticipate them. Here are some
back to school safety reminders for
all drivers.
• Be aware and respect school
zone signage.
• Always reduce your speed in
school zones.
• Children will make mistakes -
be prepared to stop at all times.
• Be patient and wait for
when they cannot help them. We
are having too much PTSD
already. That will cost the system
Fourth, it is time we heard more
about this situation. I understand
that this has been under consider-
ation for some time. How is it that
we the people are just getting to
online and saw it featured on another
media outlet as well. It certainly was
an elaborate scheme.
After the call from George, I looked
up the camera again and found that
a story had just been posted about
how these individuals were scam -
ming newspapers all over the world,
including in Australia and the States,
in attempt to get money.
Most of all, I feel very upset that
children to complete their crossing
before proceeding.
• Do share the roadway with
cyclists and pedestrians at all
times. By law you must leave a 1
metre berth when passing a cyclist.
• Be prepared to stop for
stopped school busses. If the over-
head flashing signal lights are acti-
vated and the stop arm is out driv-
ers shall come to a stop.
• Don't drive distracted, always
leave the phone alone.
A simple conversation with your
child will help to reinforce these
basic safety rules and will help to get
your child in the right frame of mind.
hear about it.
There is a meeting on Septem-
ber 5 at the town hall. Perhaps it is
time for us to rally there to hear
what the council has to say about
the whole thing.
Yours sincerely,
Lucy M. Sage from Clinton
people in our community might
have donated money to this fake
cause. For that, I am deeply sorry.
I have taken down the article,
reported the fraud and contacted where VOLT Xis
fundraising so they can take down
their page.
Once again, I am extremely
sorry for this error.
15 years ago...
• Vanastra hosted a Vanastra Community Day featuring a bike
rodeo for kids. About 30 kids were at the former Vanastra
Public School for the event. Constable Don Shropshall took
time off from his vacation to help run the day.
• The Ontario Court of Appeal released its reasons for
denying Sarah LeBeau an appeal of her convictions of
charges stemming from a drunk driving accident that
claimed the lives of four people from the area. She was
sentenced for four years in jail in 2000. In 1996, her car
crashed killing Neal Atchison and Pamela King, both 20
and from Clinton, and Brian Hill, 21, and Mark Webster, 19,
from Stanley Township. They tried to appeal that she might
not have been the driver and four other grounds, but they
all failed.
25 years ago...
• With the formation of a steering committee, the Sarnia-
Lambton United Way worked towards helping create a United
Way branch for Huron County.
• The Bayfield Historical Society and Bayfield LACAC
commemorated two of the villages oldest buildings
which both received a plaque. The first was a Main
Street store called Country Charm Collections built in
1855. Next was a home on the corner of Victoria Place
and Anne Street, which at that point was owned by
Doris Hunter.
35 years ago...
• The Clinton Horticultural Society had nearly dissolved due to
disinterest, but it appeared to be holding its own with a
decent amount of submissions to the Flower Show. They had
28 adult exhibitors, eight juniors and seven elementary con-
tributors with a total of 226 arrangements.
• Long distance phone charges for calls between Blyth and
Clinton, Auburn and Clinton and Clinton, Auburn and Goderich
were eliminated.
• There was an explosion at the Huron Day Care Centre for
the Homebound at Huronview. 11 people went to the hospital
with injuries after an electric water pump ignited fumes from
a broken gasoline line exploding in the underground line.
Some playing cards by where the explosion happened were
thrown from their chairs and struck by flying glass from
nearby windows.
Thoughts, observations or concerns about this community?
Share them with Clinton and the surrounding area. Email your letters to the editor to Justine at
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