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Clinton News Record, 2016-11-30, Page 11
Wednesday, November 30, 2016 • News Record 11 Contributed photos A photo from the Ride for Cure for Kaitlyn Jeffreys who is making a full recovery from Non -Hodgkin's Lymphoma Cancer. Jeffreys is in the front row near the middle wearing a turquoise cardigan and sunglasses. ABATE motorcycle group raises funds for worthy cause in unique way Justine Alkema Clinton News Record This summer, two individ- uals were helped by ABATE of Ontario Huron -Perth Chapter through two motor- cycle ride events - one in Clinton and one in Brussels. Recently, funds raised from one of those events were donated by one of those individuals to the Goderich Alexandra Marine General Hospital. The two beneficiaries of the ride were Avery Bonsma from Wingham and Kaitlyn Jeffreys from Scarborough; Jeffreys's dad lives in Huron County and is a part of ABATE. Bonsma is a quadriplegic after being in a car accident one year ago when he lost control of his vehicle and rolled over five times after trying to pass another vehi- cle. Jeffreys is making a full recovery from Non -Hodg- kin's Lymphoma Cancer. The two ride events were in June and August of this year. ABATE of Ontario Inc., which stands for Association of Bikers for Awareness Training & Education, has nine chapters in Ontario. They are a group of motorcy- cle enthusiasts who advo- cate for legislation that is positive for motorcyclists, and they also raise money for local causes. a m 41.44 41 14, kik ih #ri .1.4 :M* Jeffrey's ride was in Clin- ton in June beginning at the Fish and Game Club and ending at the Clinton Legion. Bonsma's was in Brussels. Funds were raised from the event through registra- tion fees. $4,000 was raised for Bonsma of which he gave $200 back to ABATE to help someone else. $1,800 was raised for Jeffreys who recently donated those funds to the Goderich Hos- pital for blanket warmers. Bonsma gave the funds to this cause as during her many injections she received for her treatment, she said she will never forget how cold she was and how nice it felt to have a warm blanket wrapped around her. 1 1 1 1 F`r-Die:P7ki er o1 Male Your Own Rte, w+inC. Cmity., JO Fruit Wne dr ) 84 kilt&titio GO'IERIO-I 524..2323 AW439553 u A photo from the Ride for Avery; Avery Bonsma is a quadriplegic after being in a car accident one year ago. He is seen here accepting a cheque for $4000 raised from the ride. GODERICI-I 519 52-4:—.7811 FOR MOVIE INFORMATION... viwa.movielinkszamiud ,,.a.143p0, 654438 110 ©CLINTON RADARS 0 . 2016-2017 HOME GAMES FRIDAY - DECEMBER 2, 2016 - 8:30 PM PETROLIA SQUIRES CLINTON RADARS SPONSORED BY: DYKS1IRA CO N S-TRIJCTION OFFICE: 519-482-9082 CELL: 519-525-8675 • Clinton United Church scores Carpet Bowling Ladies: First - Elaine Townshend Second - Lucy Sage Third - Cheryl Trewartha Men: First - Burt Greidanus Second - Don Overholdt Third - Eric Wheeler Shuffleboard Ladies: First - Ethel Walker Second - Nancy Turner Third - Brenda Wheeler Men: First - Eric Wheeler Second - Ralph Feltz Shuffleboard: Week of November 21 Ladies: First - Ethel Walker lli Second - Mary Gibbings ird - Brenda Stubbs Men: irst - Eric Wheeler Second - Murray Forbes Third - Ralph Feltz PLEASE , "r71 RECYCLE • S.A.\ Lk APPROVED • ® X44 •smen Brought to you by Kinettes Central Huron Gives Back! Annual Christmas Parade Friday December 2nd, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. We encourage parade entries to donate non --perishable food items to support our local Food Banks, Please bring donations when you arrive at the parade. The Girl Guides want to help keep people warm this winter and will be collecting socks for the Huron County Christmas Bureau You can find a Colouring Contest sheet at Clinton Foodland. Completed sheets can be dropped off at same location with child's name & age. colouring contest sheets can be picked up after Nov 12 For Parade Float Entry please email clintonkinsmen@clintonkin.ca See you there!