Clinton News Record, 2016-11-02, Page 2020 News Record • Wednesday, November 2, 2016 Central Huron decides against green bin program Justine Alkema Clinton News Record At a Central Huron council meeting at the beginning of September, community member Joan Addison requested that Central Huron research the possibil- ity of implanting a green bin program in Central Huron for organic waste. This program is active in a number of places in Canada. The report sent back to council that was signed by CAO Steve Doherty and Roads Manager Tom Sinclair described the program as the following: "A system whereby organic material would be collected curbside like waste and recyclables as opposed to private com- posts being installed on individual properties." It said the latter is "an option that already exists and is in practice throughout Cen- tral Huron." The report read that "a Green Bin program is not viable for Central Huron at this time for a multitude of reasons." The first reason is there are no local sites to accept the materials. They would likely have to be driven to Guelph or London which would be very costly. Second, the program would have to be manda- tory. For this reason, they would have to make waste service also mandatory (currently it is not) to "limit the contamination of the recycling and organic bins." Third, organics must be collected weekly due to the smell which is quite fre- quent. If organics are col- lected weekly, waste could be collected bi-weekly, though in the long run this may cause issues for some residents wanting to change the size of their waste bin. Lastly, once the Mid Huron landfill closes, waste will likely be brought to Watford. This will increase the cost and it isn't com- patible with driving organ- ics to Guelph. Two trucks are not feasible for the entire municipality. No cost estimates were given, and it was suggested that if this topic is to be brought up again, it is addressed after the closing of the Mid Huron landfill. Justine Alkema Clinton News Record BUSINESS DIRECTORY Our U LIE I noes 1a built on SERVICE HEATING AIR CONDJTJONING * ELECTRICAL GAS FIREPLACES * AUTOMATIC GENERATORS JEFF WISE 262 Bayrtield Fkoaid. Clinton - 519-482-71062 Too 3170 aclveart1ise k INES 3 DRECTOO! Tkmae WE, Dam' Yoolhnstoi 5 R9— 42=3 0 Dave Bernard • Bucket Truck Service • Tree Trimming/Removal • Stump Grinding • Free Estimates Est. 1998 CLINTON, ON 9-482-3976 M KILL P PAA I IJAL FNSUEs1 NCL COMPANY AUTO I HOME 1 FARM 1 COMMERCIAL 154 High Street, Clinton, ON kim@mckillopmutual.com Ph: 519-482-99761 Fax: 519-482-9815 Cell: 519-525-9976 m u To advertise in this MallHTF20 TlEllECTEOL( Please ca: Dawn 5omanoton www.mckillopmutual. com To advertise in this g3 11 IEge >>lLMCC"Oo RKW. Please call DD : ohnotona Sag -682-26.2 KIM PARKER 1 AGENT aciveartise An dab o U INESS REC�'OO Rf Mem (milli ai fohmsto i =42=343 Ve 7'uuc&#t forr CONCRETE FORMINGt, u � v , COMA1E 1YM L * RESIDENT MIL - Nuatlikl ita11 • Fliuw FinL;hirrk • CircularTsinks *Sandwich tiViiIIS Hr Hr: T1M.Ar>R h ; [1I LIi 519-523.9971 fir.' '�iil