HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2016-05-11, Page 15Local musician
combines Lightfoot
songs with stories
of year in Banff
Steve Rice
Staff Reporter
Thirty years ago this fall, high school
graduate Lara MacMillan left her home-
town of Windsor and headed west on
her own in search of adventure.
"I wanted to find out about me, what
the world and I had in common, and
who I was," the Stratford singer -song-
writer said, "and I learned a lot about
myself in that year. But to me the inter-
esting thing .. was that I found out how
wonderful people are."
MacMillan will share stories of that year
in Banff, and the experiences and people
who changed her life, in three shows at
the Stratford Springworks Festival entitled
Lara Loves Lightfoot, featuring the songs
of Canadian icon Gordon Lightfoot.
She arrived in the Alberta town at age
19 with no job, $8 in her pocket, and
unwelcome at the home of the one per-
son she knew. Encounters with elk and
coyotes only added more flavour to
what she describes as "a humorous and
poignant odyssey."
"I wanted to push myself to the
boundaries. I didn't want being a girl to
stop me from having a real adventure. It
turned out I was very ill-prepared in a
lot of ways -I really did get my adven-
ture," she laughed.
"Unfortunately there are dangerous
and troubling challenges for people no
matter where you go, but the thing that
makes the difference is other people.
This is kind of a celebration of the indi-
viduals that I met that helped me out
and made it possible for me to have an
adventure in spite of a lot of
misadventures "
MacMillan has pleased audiences
with two similar shows at Springworks:
Lara Loves Leonard in 2014, featuring
the music of Leonard Cohen, and Lara
Loves Lennon in 2015, featuring John
Lennon songs.
Lara Loves Leonard was well-received
at the 2015 London and Ottawa Fringe
Festivals, where she will take Lara Loves
Lightfoot in June of this year.
Fans of her earlier shows told her they
loved the stories and her personal take on
the music. Looking to do a third show to
complete the series, she chose the music
of Lightfoot after having seen him in con-
cert at the Stratford Festival in 2011.
"He really won me over and made me
a fan in that concert," she said. "He's an
incredible performer. His music speaks
to the Canadian experience and I real-
ized how many of his songs were the
soundtrack to times in my life "
She tried writing a show with stories
from various stages of her life, but even-
tually decided to focus on the year in
Banff - a journey that fittingly opens
with Lightfoot's 1972 song Alberta
Wednesday, May 11, 2016 • News Record 15
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bluewater will hold a public meeting on Monday, June 6, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mu-
nicipality of Bluewater Council Chambers, Stanley Complex, 38594B Mill Road (west of Varna on County Road 3), to consider a proposed zoning by-law under
Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended.
BE ADVISED that the Municipality of Bluewater considered this application to be complete on May 2, 2016.
This by-law amends Zoning By-law 43-2015 of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bluewater and affects all lands in the municipality.
ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation, either in support of or in
opposition to the proposed zoning by-law amendment.
ONLY individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal a by-law to the Ontario Municipal Board. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated
association or group. However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or the group on its behalf.
IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY that files an appeal of a decision of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bluewater in respect of the proposed Zoning By-law
does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the Corporation of the Municipality of Bluewater before the proposed zoning
by-law is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed zoning by-law is available for inspection during regular office hours at the Bluewater Municipal office, on
the municipal website, or by contacting the Planning Coordinator by email at planninginfo@municipalityofbluewater.ca
Clerk, Municipality of Bluewater
14 Mill Street, Box 250, Zurich, Ontario
NOM 2T0 (519) 236-4351
The proposed Housekeeping Zoning By-law Amendment to Bluewater Zoning By-law 43-2015 would affect all lands within the Municipality of the Bluewater as
it includes text amendments. It also contains two site-specific amendments which are noted on the included maps. The purpose of the proposed zoning by-law
amendment is to enhance the clarity of certain provisions within the Zoning By-law and to modify provisions which are not producing the intended outcomes.
This by-law proposes the following changes:
1. To restore the zoning to the properties which front onto Hill Terrace in
Bayfield which permits the lots to be exempt from the requirement to front
on a street and reduces the top of bank setback. The special zoning on
these properties was unintentionally deleted during the Zoning By-law con
solidation process. See related map.
2. To clarify that lots located at the south east end of the Hensall Settlement
Area (located along the Highway 4 corridor) can continue to develop on
private septic systems and are not required to connect to municipal
sanitary services. The requirement for full services was inadvertently
applied to this area. See related map.
3. To include driveways under the legal non -complying section.
4. To clarify the definition of attached for the purposes of application to
accessory buildings.
5. Clarify that the General Agriculture Zone (AG1) permits one single
detached dwelling which is either accessory to an agricultural use or on a
property greater than 38 ha.
6. To remove the reference to zones within the definitions of 'front yard' and
'rear yard'. This clarifies where the yard extends to and from.
7. To clarify that for properties abutting Lake Huron, the 'front property line' is
deemed to be the lake side of the property.
8. To clarify that the 'Residential Dispersion Measurement' provision applies
only in the Bayfield Settlement Area with the exception of the R2-1 zone.
This provision was inadvertently applied to all areas of the municipality in
the new Zoning By-law.
9. To clarify that semi-detached dwellings do not have to be separated by a
wall of masonry construction as per the Ontario Building Code.
10. To clarify that new driveways are required to meet the setback to an
intersection. This ensures that driveways do not encroach on the sightlines
of intersections.
11. To clarify within the definition of 'Zone Coverage' that awnings are not
included but that balconies are included.
12. To permit larger accessory buildings within settlement areas.
13. To permit plumbing in buildings and structures accessory to a dwelling in
limited situations.
14. To treat closed and inactive cemeteries as a Type A land use under the
Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) Formula. A Type A land use requires
a shorter set back distance than a Type B land use which is what
cemeteries are typically considered.
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15. To delete the 'Multiple Lots' provision as it is no longer considered ap
16. To add a parking space requirement for a personal services shop.
17. To clarify that for multiple attached dwellings, a setback between the
driveway and interior side yard property line is not required.
18. To permit additional entrances (driveways) to a property to be approved
through the municipal entrance permit approval process without
amendment to the Zoning By-law.
19. To remove the requirement for buildings and structures to be setback from
an easement in the following zones: R4 (Residential Park Zone), RC2
(Trailer & Tent Park Zone), RC3 (Recreational Commercial Zone) and AG1
(General Agriculture Zone).
20. To remove 'dwelling unit' as a permitted use in the Core Commercial (C4)
zone within the Bayfield Settlement Area. This is proposed as a temporary
removal until such time that additional servicing capacity becomes
21. To add a provision which permits a single accessory building below the top
of bank on lakefront properties provided the building maintains a maximum
size and height and obtain approval of relevant approval authorities.
22. To remove 'second unit' as a permitted accessory use in the R1
(Residential Low Density) zone within the Bayfield Settlement Area. This
is proposed as a temporary removal until such time that additional
servicing capacity becomes available.
23. To clarify in the R1 (Residential Low Density) zone that for properties
which abut Lake Huron, the lakeside shall be deemed to be the front yard.
24. To clarify that for semi-detached dwellings, the minimum lot areas stated in
the Zoning By-law are 'per unit' minimums.
25. To clarify the number of trailers permitted within the RC2 -3 zone. This
number is currently stated incorrectly in the Zoning By-law.
26. To add a 'campground' as a permitted use in the Recreational Commercial
(RC3) zone.
27. To add a 'campground' as a permitted use in the RC3-2 zone and remove
a 'church camp' as a permitted use.
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