HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2016-06-22, Page 17Wednesday, June 22, 2016 • News Record 17 World premiere of 'Our Beautiful Sons' highlights local story Laura Broadley Postmedia Network It's a story that Huron County knows well. Cpl. Mat- thew Dinning of Wingham was killed along with three other members of the Cana- dian Forces during a tour of Afghanistan in 2006 when he was only 23 -years -old. An interpretation of that story was told in the world premiere of Our Beautiful Sons: Remembering Matthew Dinning, written by Christo- pher Morris and directed by Gil Garrett at the Blyth Festi- val on June 17. Our Beautiful Sons follows Laurie and Lincoln Dinning one year after their son Mat- thew is killed. The play starts when the Dinnings are contacted by the Canadian Armed Forces, asking them to decide whether to accept their son, Brendon. They want to know what whether Brendon is enlisting for the right reasons so the army leaves it to Laurie and Lin- coln to decide. Right from the beginning, Laurie is angry. It seems to be her only emotion, directed at everyone. Rebecca Auerbach was given the task of acting other emotions through her body as the script left her with lit- tle else, which she did expertly. Her darting eyes, and white -knuckled hands had to speak what the char- acter's words weren't saying. Laurie goes on anunplanned pilgrimage to the El Camino, a collection of hiking routes through Spain that is hundreds of kilometres long. She brings some of Matthew's ashes with her while trying to figure out what she wants for Brendon. At one of the trail cabins she meetings Mario (Tony Munch), who adds some humour and contrast to the anger emanating from Lau- rie. He's a loud mouth, chat- terer who doesn't seem to notice Laurie's irritation. There was only one set throughout. The stage was split in two, one half with cots where Laurie and Mario meet on the El Camino, and the other half is the kitchen of the Dinning household. The scenes jump back and forth from past and present, which can be confusing and misplaced at some points. Jesse LaVercombe (Mat- thew), Cameron Laurie (Brandon), and Lincoln (J.D. Nicholsen) have an onstage chemistry that effortlessly weaves itself through scenes of happiness, comedy and tragedy. Scenes from the past show a regular family, a family who could be anyone's fam- ily. Who, unknown to them, will be altered forever after grief tramples its way into their lives. The story shows how dif- ferent people process grief and guilt, and how those emotions can reverberate through relationships. The story was about the Din- nings, but it so easily applies to everyone. If you want character development, and to per- haps learn more about your- self, swing by the Blyth Festi- val to see Our Beautiful Sons. Our Beautiful Sons: Remembering Matthew Dinning plays at the Blyth Festival until Aug. 6. Tickets are $31 for adults ($35 for preferred) and $15 for youth. Tickets are available through the Blyth Festival box office at 519-523-9300 or toll free at 1-877-862- 5984 or online at www.bly- thfestival.com. Contributed photo Cpl. Matthew Dinning of Wingham was killed in Afghanistan while serving with the Canadian Forces in 2006. The Blyth Festival's Our Beautiful Sons: Remembering Matthew Dinning premiered on June 17. AD CENTR XTEND YOUR REACH -ADVERTISE PROVINCIALLY OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local community newspaper or visit www.networkclassified. org ADVERTISING FINANCIAL SERVICES Lwcna oder . +k t atxlvkn REACH MILLIONS OF CUSTOMERS IN ONTARIO WITH ONE EASY CALL! Your Classified Ad or Display Ad would appear in weekly newspapers each week across Ontario in urban, suburban and rural areas. For more information Call Today 647-350-2558, Email: kmagill@rogers.com or visit: www.OntarioClassifiedAds.com. 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