HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2016-07-06, Page 21Londesborough News Brenda Radford Special to the News Record Sisters-in-law Crystal and Kerri Whyte brought a fun and interesting program to the Londesborough UCW meeting on June 20. With Canada Day on the horizon, the women offered a Canadian theme. With the help of the computer, the ladies present that evening sang and/or hummed along to three familiar songs about our vast country while watch- ing scenes/highlights from across the country. First was Bobby Gimby's 1967 Centen- nial Song written in honour of Expo '67. Then we heard the familiar "This Land Is Your Land" and also "Canada Is [a Countrymade for Love]" The UCW members were asked to list what they felt were the top 10 symbols of Canada. Are you surprised at the items on this list? They are the loon, maple syrup, our great wilder- ness, our beer, the moose, the beaver, Tim Horton's (seems Timmies holds the record for Canadian coffee sales at 60%), the RCMP, our national sport of hockey and the maple leaf. The ladies had other suggestions like CN Tower, Inukshuks, Nia- gara Falls, Rockies, etc. Then a form ofJeopardywas played that asked questions about our land and the women realized that for the ordinary Canadian geographical knowl- edge is lacking. Fun was had by all nevertheless while we leamed some true facts. During the business part of the evening updates were given on plans for the Grade 8 gradu- ation banquet, the summer theatre outing and happenings at Camp Menesetung. Items were collected for the camp at this meeting. The next regular meeting will be September 19. ET CETERA Canadian Tire is currently running a TV ad supposedly from Labrador City, Newfound- land. It features a song that is all too familiar to all of us and in this case has become most irri- tating to the parents in the ad. We have all been there I think. The song in question is "If You're Happy and You Know It:' It is one of the first songs chil- dren learn in elementary school because the melody is upbeat, catchy and easy to leam. The tune is two centuries old and comes from a Latvian folk song. The words were most likely penned early in the twen- tieth century. The words are a call to action and hearing the tune always brings a smile; itis a mood changer. Singing this song at any age reflects joy and happiness to the world. Alex and Kelly Vander Eijk, who live just west of the vil- lage welcomed an 81b baby boy last week, another future pupil for Hullett Central. Con- gratulations to parents and grandparents! Congratulation also, to Bob Trick who celebrated another birthday on July 1. Not every- one has such a party everyyear to help them celebrate! Pupils at Hullett Central School may have thought all the sirens last Wednesday after- noon were in celebration of the last day of the school year but actually they were for a fire west of the village on Londesbor- ough Road. A steel building on the farm of Aaron Reinink, for- merly owned by Bert and Linda Renkema, which housed some vealers burnt When terrorism struck the United States and sent shock waves around the world we heard accounts of ordinary people becoming 'every day heroes' as they stepped forward in the face of the crisis to help Wednesday, July 6, 2016 • News Record 21 out And I believe there is a song about angels living among us. Well, one of our villagers is one of those angels/every day heroes. On April 28, 2015 Don Goodall and his driving partner were stopped for a break at the Flying J Truck Stop in Kapuskasing. On their way back to their truck a man came running toward them saying his friend, another trucker, was in distress in his cab. Don and his fellow driver pulled the man, who had no pulse, from his truck and commenced CPR and rescue breathing. They continued their efforts until the OPP and Emergency Measures Services arrived with a defibrulatot Don has had lots of first aid training through his work with Boy Scouts and at West - cast. He noted that in his years with the ski patrol at Caledon he came across more than one nasty situation. His partner, Norm Fitzpatrick, had training as a paramedic in Nova Scotia. The men were notified by the OPP two weeks later that the man had been stabilized on site and transferred to a cardiac unit To the best of their knowl- edge he made a full recovery thanks to Don and Norm. On June 17, 2016 Don and Norm were presented with the 'OPP Commissioner's Citation for Lifesaving' at a ceremony in Barrie by Com- missioner Vince Hawkes. They also received a 'Lifesav- ing Certificate' from St. John's Ambulance. 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