HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2016-02-17, Page 1010 News Record • Wednesday, February 17, 2016
SBEC Summer Youth Programs
The Huron Small Business Enterprise
Centre (SBEC) is hosting an information
session on their youth programing oppor-
tunities from 7-9 p.m. on Tuesday, March 1,
at the Huron Business Centre in Seaforth.
The "Summer Company" and "Starter
Company" programs have been around for
years, but the "Make Your Pitch" video
competition is relatively new. Come to this
information session and bring your ques-
tions. To register, or for more details, con-
tact infohbc@smallbusinesshuron.ca.
With summer jobs for youth few and far
between, young entrepreneurs from Huron
County between the ages of 15 to 29, have
the opportunity to take matters into their
own hands and operate their own busi-
nesses this summer. The students receive
financial assistance from the Summer
Company, a provincial youth -entrepre-
neurship program funded by the Ministry
of Economic Development, Employment &
Currently in its 16th year, the Summer
Company program aims to inspire more
young people to choose entrepreneurship
as a career and to equip them with the tools
they need to succeed. "It has been an excit-
ing program to work with through the
years," reports Alison Lobb, Business Con-
sultant at the Huron Small Business Enter-
prise Centre in Seaforth. "Seeing the young
people grow in their experience is reward-
ing and several of our graduates have gone
onto run successful full-time businesses:'
Designed for students aged 15-29 who
will be returning to school in the fall, this
program provides for up to $1,500 toward
start-up costs and, upon successful com-
pletion of the program requirements, the
student is eligible for an additional award of
Each student must submit a comprehen-
sive business plan with their online
application, and participate in an interview
process. Training and mentorship is pro-
vided during the summer by a volunteer
group of Community Mentors, along with
Alison Lobb, Business Consultant for the
County of Huron and Donna Taylor, Sum-
mer Company Assistant. These individuals
work with the young entrepreneurs regu-
larly during the summer, assisting with the
management side of operating a business.
The students also participate in a series of
business training workshops. Contact the
Huron Business Centre for further informa-
tion 519-527-0305.
The ministry will provide another youth
opportunity program this year, entitled
"Young Entrepreneurs, Make Your Pitch":
High school students are encouraged to pre-
sent a business idea in a two -minute video
pitch Videos are judged through online pub-
lic voting (40%) and expert judges' scores
(60%). Online video submissions close on
March23, and 20 finalists will receive atrip to
Toronto to pitch live at the annual award-win-
ning Discovery Conference in May. Visit
www.makeyourpitch.ca for further details.
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Free business webinars
The Huron Small Business
Enterprise is hosting two free
lunch -and -learn business
webinars, facilitated by Tina
Heathers. Her topics include
'An Entrepreneurship Self -
Assessment" (Wednesday
February 17) and "Marketing
your Business" (Wednesday
March 2). The fast session will
include a handout checklist
that will be distributed by
email that morning.
"Webinars are something
new for the SBEC," reported
Alison Lobb, Business Con-
sultant. "If the response war-
rants it, we'll consider more:'
Sessions will run from 11:30
a.m. to 1 p.m., featuring a one-
hour delivery by Tina and half
an hour of Q&A. That way if
participants can only manage
a one-hour lunch break, they
need not stay for the Q&A. If
this is your first experience
with a webinar, you are wel-
come to join us in the board-
room of the Huron Business
Centre in Seaforth. Bring a
bag lunch and your own lap-
top to sign in, or join us
watching with the Centre's
Participants will need to
pre -register and would be
advised to check out in
advance the free software
needed - GoToMeeting. Reg-
ister for the webinars by call-
ing the Huron Business Cen-
tre at 519-527-0305 and speak
with Lisa or Alison. The
morning of the session, Tina
will email each registered par-
ticipant the link to join the
Tina Heathers has always
been a popular facilitator in
our workshop series. She has
a Master's Degree in Business
and many years' experience
in corporate training and
small business consult-
ing. Tina has worked with
many organizations across
Canada and in the Carib-
bean. Her passion for entre-
preneurship and creating
business ventures shows
clearly when she is coaching
business owners or teaching
groups of people how to start
and grow their own busi-
ness. She has owned and
operated a chain of retail fash-
ion stores, a business consult-
ing company, and an alterna-
tive wellness coaching
business. She nowworkswith
individuals and business
owners to help them achieve
their dreams.
Our regular evening work-
orkshop series will begin in
March, with considerable
focus that first month on rec-
ognizing graduates (274!) of
the SEB (Self Employment
Benefit) program. This year
we will be featuring an
expanded two -evening
QuickBooks workshop, so
participants will be able to
have more hands-on exer-
cises. Workshop sessions are
normally held at the REACH
Centre in Clinton from 7-9:30
p.m. For the spring series, you
can either purchase a spring
pass for $50 or pay separately
at $20 per workshop (HST
included). The pass would
allowyou to attend one, or all,
of the workshop series.
Details, and a schedule, will
be available soon on our web-
site www.huronsbec.ca.
Our Weekly Deadlines are as follows:
Friday @ 2:00 pm
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