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Clinton News Record, 2016-02-10, Page 4
4 News Record • Wednesday, February 10, 2016 1111 ILIiW Clinton News Record PUBLISHED WEEKLY — EST. 1860 53 Albert St. P.O. Box 39 Clinton ON NOM 11_0 (519) 482-3443 www.clintonnewsrecord.com rp] POSTMEDIA MARIE DAVID Group Advertising Director - Grey Bruce Huron Division 519376-2250 ext 514301 or 510364-2001 ext 531024 NEIL CLIFFORD Advertising Director NClifford@postmedia.com VALERIE GILLIES Journalist clinton.reporter@sunmedia.ca DAWN JOHNSTON Sales Representative DJohnston©postmedia.com TERESA SMITH Front Office TSmith@postmedia.com SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 YEAR $50.00 (47.62+2.38 GST) 2 YEAR $95.00 (90.48+4.52 GST) SENIORS 60 WEEKS $50.00 (47.62+2.38 GST) 120 WEEKS $95.00 (90.48+4.52 GS1) Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error, the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged but that balance of advertisement will be paid for at the applicable rate. In the event of a typographic error advertising goods or services at a wrong price, goods or services may not be sold. Ad- vertising is merely an offer to sell, and may be withdrawn at any time. The Clinton News -Record is not responsible for the loss or damage of unsolicited manuscripts, photos or other materials used for reproducing purposes. Publications Mail Agreement No. 40064683 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES: CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 53 Albert St, Clinton ON NOM 1L0 (519)482-3443 Clinton News Record is a member of the National Newsmedia Council, which is an independent ethical organization established to deal with editorial concerns. For more information or to file a complaint go to www.mediacouncil.ca or cal tot free 1-844-877-1163. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canadian Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. A0 Canada Member of the Canadian Community C11aNewspaper Association and the Ontario Community Newspapers Association 1 1 www.clintonnewsrecord.com Putting Vanastra back on the radar Lynda Hillman-Rapley the former RCAF Base Clinton. "so open, so welcoming." She adds Postmedia Network For anyone who follows CBCs the Still Standing crew gets the red Murdoch Mysteries, you will recog- carpet treatment within a home - With some of the best of the The nize Harris, who plays Constable town welcome that's special every Strumbellas playing in the back- George Crabtree in the show. time. ground, the people of Vanastra For Still Standing, producers are This crew takes a journey across waited for comedian Jonny Harris to on a mission to find humour in, Canada to explore small towns on take centre stage for the taping of well, the funniest of places. Execu- the ropes and to meet the people CBCs Still Standing on Friday at the tive Producer Maureen Riley feels who remain fiercely proud to call Vanastra Community Christian Canadians particularly enjoy these towns home, and in their Reformed Church. shows about themselves—and a search they came upon this small Filled to the rafters with close to light-hearted half hour is welcome southwestern Ontario town called three hundred people, the anticipa- relief from some of the bad news Vanastra. tion of comic relief was in the air on stories in the headlines. She said By immersing himself in the the last day of filming in Vanastra, residents of the towns they visit are adventure of their everyday lives, Harris came to understand their passion where they live. "Vanastra is one of the more interesting places we have ever been," he told Postmedia. By the end of the week, he said he really felt like he belonged. In each community he finds enough material to put an original stand-up comedy routine for the locals. In the process he shows the audience that no matter what peo- ple face in this vast country, Cana- dians love to laugh at themselves. CONTINUED > PAGE 17 FROM THE ARCHIVES 15 years ago... • Skunks, already a danger to pets and humans in this area because of the numerous cases of rabies confirmed, are now posing a bacterial threat Dr. Robin Wiley, from the Clinton Veterinarian Services, explained that leptospi- rosis, a bacterial infection that can cause kidney and liver failure in animals and humans, and which is commonly carried in skunks, possums and raccoons, has re- emerged as a threat She said that the infection, spread through the urine of infected dogs and wild animals, has been around for years, but cases in the last 10 years have been sporadic, with one or two reported to the Ontario Vet- erinary College every year. How- ever, a new strain of the infection has be discovered. There has been a dramatic increase in the number of cases both for the Ontario Veterinary College and local veterinary hospitals. • Local residents have the opportunity this summer to get a real feel for the theatre byvolun- teering to act in or assist with the Blyth Festival production of The Outdoor Donnellys. The play is the opening production for the 2001 season of the Festival and will be performed at various sites throughout the village, and will explore the events leading up to the murders of the five members of the Donnelly family in the Lucan area in 1880. Former Festi- val Artistic Director Janet Amos is returning to Blyth to act as Com- munity Coordinator for The Out- door Donnellys and is eagerly anticipating her retum to the village. 25 years ago... • Schools and libraries in Huron Countywill receive origi- nal literary works written by the late Isabelle Campbell. Miss Campbell was Huron County's resident historian, and in her life- time she wrote seven books on the pioneer beginnings of Huron and Perth Counties. Two of her books, "The History of Tucker - smith" and "From Forest to Thriv- ing hrixing Hamlet" are being donated to each school and library in Huron County by the Huron CountyHis- torical Society. Margaret McClure, president of the Histori- cal Society, presented copies of the books to the Huron County Board of Education at its meeting. Books will also be sent to the 29 elementary and secondary schools in the county, the two Christian schools, nine Roman Catholic schools, as well as 23 libraries and the Huron County Library headquarters in Goder- ich. The donation has been funded by the Huron Historical Society with money bequested by Miss Campbell following her death in 1989. • Junior Kindergarten is back on the front burner in Huron County. At Monday's meeting the Huron County Board of Educa- tion (HCBE) voted 7-5 in favour of sending the issue of long-term planning for Junior Kindergarten (JK) back to the board's executive committee. JK, aimed at three - and four -year-olds, is to be imple- mented in all Ontario schools in the province by September 1, 1994, under guidelines estab- lished by the former Liberal pro- vincial government In earlier dis- cussions, many HCBE trustees indicated a strong opposition to the idea of JK, and a reluctance to set up a JK program before the deadline. 35 years ago... • As has happened in past years, Clinton Council again in 1981 have carried out their annual debate on parking per- mits issued in the town, and again no changes have been made. Eachyearthe town issues permits to local businessmen and resi- dents who applyforthe $15 license. This allows them to park on Clinton's downtown streets without paying their meter charges. Although council had planned to re-evaluate their pol- icyofissuingpermitsin 1979 and 1980, they again in 1981 have agreed to issue the permits for another year, and in 1982 will set down a firm policy on who the permits should be issued to, and how much they should cost • ChiselhurstUnited Church, one of the few remaining build- ings in that crossroads commu- nity, was destroyed by fire Wednesdaymoming, February4, 1981. Congregation members were unable to save anything from the building. The fire was discovered by a neighbour, Ruth Howard, who saw heavy, black smoke pouring from the chimney when she went for her mail. Within minutes, smoke was pouringfromthe door andwin- dows of the brick church. Fire- fighters from the Hensall and Brucefield pumper truck responded to the alarm. How- ever, little could be done to save the church, which was com- pletely gutted. Less than two hours after the fire was discov- ered, iscovered, the walls of the church had collapsed. ChiselhurstUnited Church, on Concession 12-13 of Tuckersmith Township, is on the comer dividing Huron and Perth counties. It served about 30 fami- lies and is part of the Hensall United Church charge. While many of the congregation wre on the scene, the only thing salvaged was a lawn mower in the church shed. CLINTON NEWS RECORD - HOURS OF OPERATION MONDAY: 9:00 - 5:00 • TUESDAY: - CLOSED • WEDNESDAY: - 9:00 - 5:00 • THURSDAY: - 9:00 - 5:00 • FRIDAY: - 9:00 - 5:00 • SATURDAY & SUNDAY: - CLOSED ADVERTISING DEADLINE: FRIDAY AT 2:00 • PHONE 519-482-3443 • FAX: 519-482-7341 www.clintnnnewsrecnrri.cnm