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Clinton News Record, 2016-08-24, Page 13
Wednesday, August 24, 2016 • News Record 13 out Justine Alkema Clinton News Record The Clinton Legion's pipes and drums band entertained the crowd in front of the CNR School on Wheels Museum in Sloman Park on August 18. The museum was open for tours at 6:30, and the band played at 7:00. The school car had their 1000th visitor of the year the same day, which is more than last year at this time. Museum staff Carolyn Brophy attributed this to all the events that have been held at the park this summer. The next event is the extremely popular "Thomas Day" on September 10 featuring all things Thomas the Tank Engine. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Dave 7,14(41,ea CONCRETE FORMING t-aicir,Af CO.+nff=RCM LL * RESIDENTIAL Foundrhliol ► Floor FIeiL4iirrg • Circular Tanks + * 1,1;08 FREE. °.STIIM.AThS 519-523.9971 Dave Bernard SERV/ • Bucket Truck Service ,• Tree Trimming/Removal • Stump Grinding • Free Estimates Est. 1998 CLINTON, ON To - dvearthi:se oU IN DMECTORI Elegae Dan J©1 stoi 5_9462-34,43 M ,fir AUTO 1 HOME 1 FARM 1 COMMERCIAL 154 High Street, Clinton, ON kim@mckillopmutual.com Ph: 519-482-99761 Fax: 519-482-9815 Cell: 519-525-9976 ® advertise in this 00311H O E 9)llEaCUOM. Please ca Dayma ; ©heat©n NJ _-6,E32-26.2 g www. m ckill o pm utual. com Dur business 1a tbuilt on SERVICE ENERGY HEATING • AIR 0ONOITIONbNG - ELECTRICAL GAS FIREPLACES * AUTOMATIC GENERATORS JEFF WISE A i el lan who'd Read, CH Mon - 519-482-7OL J To advearthise o U NESS D1fREMI f Mem gdll Dam Tohmstom 5'9=462-34 4 3 RIVER: Brad Hart Owner 37819 Huron Rd • Clinton, On Phone: 519-441-2067 mapleriver-renovations@mail.com FREE QUOTES