HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2016-08-17, Page 1010 News Record • Wednesday, August 17, 2016 Working together to help Huron, Perth seniors Residents in Huron and Perth Counties now have a sim- pler way to get services. ONE CARE Home & Community Support Services introduced a new model for receiving Com- munity Support Services (CSS) at the agency's Annual General Meeting on June 28. The innovative approach supports people who receive multiple services from several agencies and who often experi- ence confusion in knowing who to contact and in sharing information several times. For instance, an individual who gets Meals On Wheels, transportation, dementia pro- gram support or home care could deal with several agen- cies, each who offer programs in various communities. This is confusing for individuals and their caregivers, as they have to talk and give information to several agencies. At the ONE CARE Annual Meeting the audience heard that ONE CARE has worked with several other local agen- cies by building a system to share information and to improve services for clients. "Agencies worked together to create a shared client record FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mike Campbell & Kelly Jewitt We are pleased to announce the marriage of Mike Lampaell & Kelly Jewitt. Friday, August 19th. Love from your families & friends. Frank & Wanda Rozendal are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their Daughter Marsha Irene Rozendal Matthew James Bylsma, Son of John & Ruby Bylsma of Arua. The Ceremony will take place at the Clinton Christian Reformed Church on August 20th, 2016 for people who are served by multiple agencies. We now have up-to-date information at our finger tips and are bet- ter serve those individuals," noted Jennifer Croft, ONE CARE Community Program manager. How this works for a client One phone call - All intakes for partner agencies are done with one phone call, in one location, with services provided by local agencies. Individuals no longer have to call separate agencies. Shared client record - a common electronics database for shared client records was created. This means that all agencies have all the necessary information they need to sup- port individuals that they jointly serve. Coordination of care - a shared role for assessment, care planning, service coordination, and crisis management is offered on behalf of all the CSS agencies, and works with cli- ents, caregivers and health sys- tem partners. If a client has additional needs or increased risk for health or safety, the care coordination service works with the client, caregivers and the CSS partners, in addition to the physician, CCAC care coor- dinator and other health ser- vice providers to ensure a shared plan to support the cli- ent's needs. IT shared technology - For small agencies, Information Technology (IT) resources are limited. By sharing technology, existing resources have been Contributed photo The ONE CARE Annual Meeting featured a presentation and panel discussion on improvements to support residents in Huron and Perth who receive Community Support Services from multiple agencies. Panelists included, front row from left: Deborah Simon, CEO, Ontario Community Support Association; Andrew Williams, President and CEO Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance; Julie Girard, SW LHIN Team Lead; Mary Atkinson, E.D. North Perth Family Health Team and Huron Health Links Lead; Catherine Hardman, E.D. Choices for Change. leveraged to improve IT resources available for all. "We are hearing it is much simpler for people to access services. They don't have to talk to so many people. The services are more coordinated and the client knows that everyone involved in their services has the information needed," Croft noted. The model is the first of its kind and has garnered the attention of health care provid- ers in the region, as well as the HAPPYfltH Rita & Gene Powell Love Your Family KIP'S HELP PHOME �l FREE EMERGENCY GALL 1-11.56INE TOLL NR 4 14Dli R A PAY RUNWAY, SICK, IN o EI. IN T?ill Iry9 r Southwest Local Health Inte- gration Network (SW LHIN). Representatives from health care organizations tookpart in a panel discussion at the annual meeting. Participants included: Deborah Simon, CEO, Ontario Community Support Associa- tion (OCSA); Andrew Williams, President and CEO Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance; Julie Girard, SW LHIN Team Lead; Mary Atkinson, E.D. North Perth Family Health Team and Huron Health Links Lead; Catherine Hardman, E.D. Choices for Change. The provincial perspective was given by the OCSA head, Deborah Simon, who said, "Cli- ents who have multiple services and multiple agencies are eve- rywhere. We have become a siloed system and we have beenworkingto get the political attention and create a holistic approach. What is happening in this model is a phenomenal opportunity to cut across sys- tems and services. This is really exciting to see clients through this joumey:' "This project has changed the conversation about how people get services and the flex- ibility lexibility of all agencies to wrap services around the person," said Julie Girard of the SW LHIN, adding that this model will be introduced throughout the SW LHIN. "Everything is being designed to wrap services around people and to be more user friendly," Andrews Wil- liams noted, citing the new SW LHIN plan which highlights patient flow and transition through the system. He added that hospitals to continue their work on supporting patients on discharge to help put services in place. The audience heard about case studies where individuals had to deal separately with as many as five different agen- cies to get their care they needed. "Historically Community Services have not been well understood;' noted MaryAtkin- son. "The work that ONE CARE and the agencies are doing is bringing services together. Frail seniors can fall through the cracks. This model sees primary care and community services working together to help sup- port people to remain at home" Acknowledgement was given to the agencies who have worked to create the model, with ONE CARE as the lead agency and including - Alzhei- mer's Society Huron; Alzhei- mer's Society Perth; Bluewater Rest Home; Cheshire; Dale Brain Injury; Knollcrest Lodge - Community Outreach Services - Milverton; Ritz Lutheran Villa - Mitchell & Area Community Outreach; Town of St. Marys (Home Support Services & St. Marys Mobility) and VON Can- ada - Huron Perth branch.