HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 2016-08-10, Page 15Wednesday, August 10, 2016 • News Record 15 lassifie clintonnewsrecord.com/classifieds Phone: 1-866-541-6757 • Fax: 1-866-485-8461 • Email: clintonnewsrecord.classifieds@sunmedia.ca Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales * * * * * * * * * * * * * ANNUAL FALL MACHINERY CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Of Tractors; Combines & Heads; Implements; Trucks; Trailers; Lawn & Garden; Recreational Vehicles; Feed; Shop Equipment & Tools; and Farm Related Misc. held at the Jacob Auction Centre, 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell SATURDAY, SEPT. 10 AT 9:00A.M. ADVANCE NOTICE: Call now to consign a full line or a single piece. Always a large well attended annual sale. To consign items phone 519-348-9896. All items must be prebooked. Please con- sign items by Friday, August 19th for full advertising. Prebooked items can be brought in Sept. 5, 6,7, or 8 only. For Upcoming Auctions see Jacobauctions.com. To book yours, give us a call! AUCTIONEERS: David & Doug Jacob 519-348-9896 * * * * * * * * * * * * * LARGE AUCTION At the Jacob Auction Centre, 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell THURSDAY, AUGUST 11 AT 2:00 P.M. Including: Nice oak table and 6 chairs; oak corner cabinet; match- ing faux leather recliner loveseat and sofa (dark brown); Lazyboy power lift chair; tea wagons; 1940s nine piece dining room suite; pine roll top desk; two grandfather clocks; usual line of quality fur- niture; full lie of late model appliances; numerous antiques; old cabinet makers bench with 2 vises; lots of old country collectables; milk bottles; eight place setting of Royal Albert "Lavender Rose" china; collectable glass and china; gas mowers; large offering of Chilton and Motor Shop manuals from '60s, '70s & '80s; older small engine and chair saw literature; 1960s farm equipment literature; farm toys; clean housewares; and much more. See jacobauctions.com for pictures and more detail. 10% buyer premium in effect. Viewing at 12 noon day of sale. Prop: Listowel, Mitchell and Kincardine Estates AUCTIONEERS: David & Doug Jacob 519-348-9896 Merchandise Antiques & Art Collectibles vithisout Place your Classifieds ad using our online Self Serve! Go to: seaforthclinton goderichgbend .adpertect.com Online only and print/online combos available! Save $$$ placing an ad yourself! Automotive Services Automotive Services Advanced Truck & Auto Repair • Diesel Emissions Tests • Tuneups, Exhausts and Other Repairs • Annual safety checks and inspections • Access to wide variety of parts 0•• ••-- 36936 Glens Hill Road RR#1 Dungannon o/o John Curran Roadside Assistance (519) 529-3222 Wood, Coal, Oil etc. QUALITY SLABWOOD Ready Cut; Oak, Maple & Walnut. $20/face cord. Delivery or Pickup (Auburn) Call 519-524-3493 Miscellaneous FOR SALE 1949 Cockshutt 30 Tractor. 1950 Massey Harris 33 Tractor. 1953 Ford Jubilee Tractor with front end loader and 3 point hitch. All are in good condition, Call 519 565 2716. Miscellaneous Quantity of Cedar 700 per 1000 BF 450' of 4" cove mold Red Oak $3.00 per foot. 180' of 4" cove mold Ash $3.00 per foot. 85 Red Pine 2x4x10 $1.50 each. Murray Perdue 519-482-8219 Looking For/Wanted WANTED to buy old bank barns. Complete clean-up available. Call Steve at 519-523-4523 Services Offered Services Offered STRATFORD MEMORIALS Monuments Markers Inscriptions 100 Kingston St., Goderich, ON N7A 3K4 (Lower Level, 5 Point Financial Centre) Don Denomme - Manager BUS: 519-524-8457 RES: 519-524-6621 (Call (br an appointment anytime) WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS LTD. Four modern rotary rigs Seaforth 519.522-1737 • Stratford 519-271-7860 A` Real Estate/ Rentals Apartments CLINTON - 2 bdrm apartment in quiet building located down- town. Lots of storage space, and open con- cept kitchen with pantry. Apartment size approx. 800 sq. ft. Laundry incl. $850 in- clusive per month. Call 519-871-2750. Clinton 2 -Bedroom Apartment, two available, Sept. 10th and Oct. 1st. $870.00 All Inclusive. Refer- ences required. Call 519-441-7779. No Sunday calls please. CLINTON two bed- room apartment in newer building in- cludes fridge, stove, dishwasher, in -suite laundry. Ideal for sen- iors and mature tenants. Close to hos- pital. $795 incl. heat. No pets, no smoking. 519-565-2314 or 519-955-5848. Condo Unit For Rent Maplehill Retirement Community in Clinton, 55+ community 2 bedroom, 1100+ sq. ft. Secure indoor parking Available May 1, call Richard 519-955-0105 SEAFORTH - Large one bedroom. Appli- ances included. No pets. Ground level en- trance. $650 per month. 519-955-0060. Houses for Rent House/Cottage Sept 5th- June 30th. 3 BR/2 BA, large bungalow with open concept kitchen, dining and living room. Covered porch with lake view. Bed and bathrooms in separate wing. Sleeps 8. Dining table with 8 chairs. Wood burning fireplace with insert. Bathrooms are full; one with tub, other with stall. Finished basement. New gas furnace. Dishwasher, microwave, 2nd fridge, washer, dryer, clothesline, hardwood, large lawn, parking, less than 5 min walk to beach. Utilities included. Internet extra. $1,000/mo (519) 831-1933 •_ = Education/ Employment Automotive Industry Well established automotive shop looking to hire Looking for licensed tech or third year apprentice for car and light truck maintenance work, diagnostics, and other work as needed. Some tools provided but would prefer having own tools. Starting wage $16.50-20.50. Benefits and retirement package. 519-565-2538 9 Main St. S Bayfield General Help Wanted WANTING TO HIRE A person with AZ license with a clean abstract. To drive tractor trailer. This is a full time position. Fax resume to Steve Haney Trucking @ 519-522-1475 or email stevehaney2@gmail. com 77 AD OENTRA4L EXTEND YOUR REACH -ADVERTISE PROVINCIALLY OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local community newspaper or visit wwwnetworkclassified.org FINANCIAL SERVICES $$ CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBT $$ HOME EQUITY LOANS FOR ANY PURPOSE!! Bank turn downs, Tax or Mortgage arrears, Self Employed, Bad Credit, Bankruptcy. Creative Mortgage Specialists! No proof of income 1st, 2nd, and 3rd's Up to 85% Borrow: Pay Monthly: $25,000 $105.40 $50,000 $237.11 $100,000 $474.21 LARGER AMOUNTS AND COMMERCIAL FUNDS AVAILABLE !!Decrease monthly payments up to 75%!! Based on 3% APR. OAC 1-888-307-7799 ONTARIO -WIDE FINANCIAL 1801347inc FSCO Licence #12456 www.ontario-widefinancial.com !! LET US HELP !! PERSONALS ALWAYS GOING TO PARTIES ALONE? Isn't it time you met someone & enjoyed being in a relationship? MISTY RIVER INTRODUC- TIONS, matching single people with their life partners for 22 years. CALL (519)658-4204, www.mistyriyerintros.com. ADVERTISING REACH MILLIONS OF CUSTOMERS IN ONTARIO WITH ONE EASY CALL! Your Classified Ad or Display Ad would appear in weekly newspapers each week across Ontario in urban, suburban and rural areas. For more information Call Today 647-350-2558, Email: kmagill@rogers.com or visit: www.OntarioClassifiedAds.com. FOR SALE SAWMILLS from only $4,397 - MAKE MONEY & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com/4000T 1-800-566- 6899 Ext:4000T. HEALTH Do you have a DISABILITY? Physical or mental. We can help you get up to $40,000 back from the Canadian Government. FOR DETAILS check out our website: disabilitygroupcanada.com or CALL us today Toll -Free 1-888-875-4787. CANADA BENEFIT GROUP - Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll-free 1-888-511-2250 or www.canada benefit.ca/free-assessment VACATION/TRAVEL ALASKAN CRUISE - Learn to paint! Enjoy fine wine! - while you experience an incredible Sip "N" Paint cruise along the Alaskan coastline. Details: www.alaskansipnpaint.com or 1-877- 479-7455. Marna Lee Travel, 55 York St., Unit:803, Toronto. Cell #: 519-533-1342 (TICO #50021282). MORTGAGES BETTEROPTION M O i=t .T 6 AGE LOWER YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS AND CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBT NOW!!! 1st, 2nd, 3rd MORTGAGES Debt Consolidation Refinancing, Renovations Tax Arrears, No CMHC Fees $50K YOU PAY: $208.33 / MONTH (OAC) No Income, Bad Credit Power of Sale Stopped!!! BETTER OPTION MORTGAGE FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL TODAY TOLL-FREE: 1-800-282-1169 www.mortgageontario.com (Licence # 10969) BUSINESS OPPS. EXCITING NEW HOME BASED BUSINESS. Raises Money for Breast Cancer Research plus Provides You with an All Cash Income. Check Out Our Website WWW.VENDINGFORHOPE.COM OR CALL 1-866-668-6629 EMPLOYMENT OPPS. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! In -demand career! Employers have work -at-home posi- tions available. 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