Clinton News Record, 2016-04-27, Page 22 News Record • Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Seaforth retirement complex set to cost $21 million
Shaun Gregory
Postmedia Network
At $21 million strong, this is
one of the most costly projects
to be built in Huron County. It
is certainly the most signifi-
cant of Seaforth's time. They
celebrated their launch on
April 21 at the Seaforth Golf
and Country Club.
Members of the organization
told the community their plans
on giving older folks the chance
to preserve a high quality of life
as they carry on through the dif-
ferent stages of aging. They are
expected to have a 30 -plus -
employee roster and 44 sale
units to go along with the multi-
million dollar complex. This is
expected to suit all the needs of
seniors where they can experi-
ence life with the care of profes-
sionals, a practice they would
normally not receive if they
were at home.
Marita Kloseck is the school
of health studies director at
Western University, and she
told the Expositor that her
Contributed photo
This is what the JL Retirement Living complex is expected to look like when it's finished.
organization has recently
partnered with JL Retirement
Living in a research opportu-
nity project. Graduates and
undergraduate students are
projected to be able to work in
the community through
internships and mentorship
"Every community is differ-
ent; we want to learn from the
people of Seaforth," stated
Kloseck at the Seaforth Golf &
Country Club.
"Students can learn from
being merged in the commu-
nity by helping with residents
and learning first hand [...]
what the issues are, not gener-
ically, but hands on:'
"Not only will researchers
be welcomed," said Jessica
Lunshof, CEO and president
of JL Retirement Living. "They
may also incorporate student
nurses as well as PSW's:'
"It's exciting to see the need
for this type of community,
and it's going to happen here
in Seaforth," she said. "The
rural community is going to
be able to stay and age where
they've lived all their life:'
Lunshof said they are hop-
ing to start construction for
the spring of 2017.
:ce ir'a1 Huron
Central Huron Donation Fund
The Municipality of Central Huron is pleased to announce their annual Central Huron
Donation Fund. The Municipality will again set aside funds to assist and promote
community-based non-profit organizations.
To Qualify
Organizations must be non-profit. Proposed programs or events must clearly demonstrate
a direct social or economic benefit for residents of Central Huron. Successful organizations
will be required to submit a post project report identifying the use of the funds.
When applying please include complete description, budget and date of the program
or event, also supporting information including statistics for previous similar projects
and the amount of funding requested, specifying whether a cash or in-kind donation is
required. The Municipality reserves the right to fund only programs or events as deemed
Deadline for applications must be received by 4:00 p.m. Friday, May 20, 2016 in person,
by email: fax: 519-482-9183 or by mail and are to be addressed
as follows:
"Central Huron Donation Fund"
Attention: Brenda Maclsaac, Clerk
Municipality of Central Huron
P.O. Box 400, 23 Albert Street
Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0
For further information please look for details on the website
2016 budget meeting
revealed 1°/$3 decrease
for tax payers
Central Huron's budget increases while
school boards' and county's decreases
Justine Alkema row that taxes have decreased
in Central Huron with a simi-
lar pattern of a decrease in the
The annual budget council budgets of the county and
meeting was held this past school boards each year.
Monday, and the overall tax A discussion did emerge
decrease for 2016 is 1 per about spending in Central
cent. This is due to decreases Huron and if there are cuts
in taxes owed to the county that could be made. How -
and school boards though ever Mayor Jim Ginn pointed
there is a slight increase in out that there are some ser -
taxes due to Central Huron. vices people really enjoy.
Summaries are as follows: "I don't have any figures to
Central Huron's 2016 back me up, but I think we
budget is $6,160,535 which is have the most paved roads of
a 6.47 per cent increase from any municipality in the
the 2015 budget which was county, and I think from the
$5,786,374. This is largely emails we've had in the past
due to growth as there was a few months that's a service
6.42 per cent increase in people want [...] If we're
assessment, and it is also going to make cuts that's
due to a decrease in provin- probably where it's going to
cial funding. happen, and I don't think
The County of Huron's that's what people want," he
budget is $4,827,987 which is said.
a slight decrease. Councilor Alex Wester -
The school boards' budget hout said for years the road
is $2,431,611 which is a slight behind his wasn't main -
decrease. tained in winter, so in theory
That means the total taxes it could be closed without
to be collected for all three much impact.
purposes including Central "We've had those discus -
Huron, the county, and the sions before, and closing
school boards is $13,420,134. roads isn't the reason I got
Central Huron gets 55.02 into politics," Ginn said. "It's
per cent of their revenue always tough when the fund -
from taxation, 18.34 per ing gets cut from the prov-
cent from federal and pro- ince; it makes our job tough.
vincial grants, 6.02 per cent There's too many things that
from reserves/reserve property taxes pay for that
funds/trust funds, 5.53 per the province should be pay -
cent from casino revenue, ing for."
4.89 per cent from solar They agreed that spending
panels, 2.6 per cent from in Central Huron is some-
interest/investment thing to discuss in the future
income/other, 3.59 per cent and that the community
from licenses/permits/ must be asked for their
rentals, 2.97 per cent from input.
fees and charges, and 1.05 More information about
per cent from other grants. the budget can be found on
This is the fourth year in a
Clinton News Record
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