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Ontario PCs call for Liberals to withdraw cap -and -trade bill
Special to the Clinton News Record Ontario PC Caucus has with Bill 172. Ontario taxpayers are rightly con- investment out of the province.
First, the Financial Accountability cemedthattheLiberalsarepreventing Instead of listening, the Liberals
One April 15 the Ontario PC Caucus Officer stated in his testimony before the Financial Accountability Officer have cobbled together more than 70
called on the Liberals to abandon their committee that this proposed legisla- from properly investigating how cap- amendments to their cap -and -trade
cap -and -trade bill and begin develop- tion allows the government to restrict and -trade funds are spent," Thomp- bill in a desperate attempt to clean
ing a revenue -neutral plan that is sub- his access to documents related to the son said. "No government should be up the mess they have made on the
ject to rigorous, independent Liberals' cap -and -trade slush fund. trusted with so much taxpayer money, file.
oversight That means the government can with so little accountability." "The government's band-aid solu-
Ontario PC Environment and Cap- decide, in secret, which companies Second, businesses from across tion is unacceptable. The Liberals
and -Trade Critic Lisa Thompson sent and organizationswill receive $1.9 bil- Ontario have called on the govern- should shelve their cap -and -trade bill
an open letter to Glen Murray, Minis- lion in new tax revenue. ment to stop rushing its cap -and- and work on a new revenue -neutral
ter of the Environment and Climate "With this government's record of trade bill. They have cited several plan that supports economic growth
Change, to highlight the concems the scandal and secret fundraisers, concems about job loss and shutting and is subject to rigorous oversight"
Liberals are failing to commit to the long-term operation of Demonstration Schools
Special to the Clinton News Record opportunities to build their skills and In Question Period, the Minister of decision-making processes. We just
confidence in order to look ahead Education refused to address whether cannot trust them to get it right"
The Liberal government is refusing optimistically to the future," said schools like Robarts and Amethyst Thompson said. "The government
to commit to the long-term operation Thompson. "Last Friday, a mom told would remain open beyond the needs to commit to families that
of the province's demonstration me her daughter, while sitting in a 2016/2017 academic year, saying no these schools will remain open for
schools and the special programming room full of her classmates, knowing decisions have been made. the long-term, so that they can plan
they offer, despite heartfelttestimoni- that she wasn't like the rest of the stu- "With the Liberals' announce- for their children's futures. The fami-
als from students who have benefitted dents because she needed different ment yesterday that they would be lies at Queen's Park today and across
from them, says Lisa Thompson, MPP techniques to learn, never felt more reversing their decision to stop Huron -Bruce deserve better."
for Huron -Bruce. alone. That's not the inclusion she enrollment for the upcoming aca- You can view Lisa's question to
"Schools like Robarts and Amethyst deserves - this young lady wants to demic year, it clearly demonstrates a the Minister here:tinyurl.com/
have given young people the leamamongherpeers:' lack of confidence in their own heshocd.
FROM THE ARCHIVES incidents follow damage over the past nial Public School is one of the top three develop new and innovative approaches
few years, which have included a lookout biggest schools in the county. According to meet their specific learning needs.
being smashed and washrooms spray to Mr. Carroll, a request for funds to cre- From Thunder Bay to the Ottawa Valley,
painted. Dale contacted the Huron OPP, ate a permanent expansion on HCPS has women on their own, or in cooperation
15 years ago... who visited the site to investigate. A been put before the Ministry of Educa- with various colleges, government agen-
release from the OPP states, "A search of tion. Another potential problem facing the cies or other organizations are creating
the area turned up a number of empty HCBE is the change in how the Ministry educational programs or learning experi-
• The Bayfield Ratepayers Association beer bottles in the parking lot, indicating of Education is going to be handling ences which are tailored to meet the
(BRA) will not support a new arena facil- alcohol was a factor." Damage was esti- transportation grants. needs of rural women. The Ontario Con-
ity in Bluewater until a needs assess- mated at $4,000. •Environment Minister Ruth Grier and her gress on Learning Opportunities for
ment is completed. "Let's get water, staff are delighted by the number of peo- Women, in cooperation with the Univer-
sewers, roads, the things we need for our ple who took up her invitation to tell her sity of Western Ontario presents a week -
wellbeing before recreation," said BRA 25 years ago... what they want in an Environmental Bill end conference The Rural Connection to
member Geordie Palmer, during a meet- of Rights. By early January, or less than be held in London May 8-10. This will be
ing of the BRA. According to Palmer, one one month after Mrs. Grier issued her the first attempt in Canada to deal with
arena for 20,000 people is common in • Discussing options and ideas for solu- invitation, the Ministry of the Environ- the special educational needs of women
Ontario. One arena for 14,000 people is tions to school overcrowding was the ment had received more than 50 written from rural areas on such a large scale.
the provincial average and if the new subject of a parents information meeting submissions and about 200 requests for During the conference, women will par -
arena is built Bluewater will have one held by the Huron County Board of Edu- additional information. In December, ticipate in workshops and hear presenta-
arenafor every 2,200 people. The associ- cation (HCBE) at Huron Centennial Public 1990, when Mrs. Grier told the Iegisla- tions on such topics as: how to find
ation stated it does not disapprove of a School. According to an accommodation ture of her intention to introduce an Envi resources in a small community; where
new recreation facility but it should be report which tried to predict problems ronmental Bill of Rights, she said its to find funding for programs; how to
done about five years from now. Once the board of education would have to principles would include: the right to a organize their own learning opportunities
the municipality finds out its borrowing face, and an urban analysis report which healthy environment, the right to sue poi around local areas of concern; how to
power, and if the new arena rates within looked at school enrolment and building Iuters, the right to participate in environ- utilize nearby colleges, governments,
the top three of a needs assessment, Bill and population trends, the board will mental decisions, greater protection for educational institutions and organiza-
Higgs said to go ahead with the arena, have a problem finding accommodation employees who blow the whistle on poi- tions; how to form networks with other
but he added it was absurd going ahead for students in Huron Centennial Public luting employers and increased govern- women in isolated areas; how to deter -
with the $3.5 million project without School. "This is one of two hot spots," ment responsibility and accountability for mine learning needs and goals.
knowing how much money the munici- said Superintendent of Business and the environment. She also told MPP's
polity has. Bayfield's cost worries Operations Paul Carrol. "This school has that she was setting up an advisory com- • Congratulations got out to Mrs. Gail
include: sewers, renovating the town hall more than twice the activity of other mittee with members drawn from envi- Lear who brought honour to Londesbor-
and the Bayfield bridge. schools." A statistic showing population ronmental groups, municipal, business, ough with her high marks. Gail learned
• Vandals used a truck as a battering growth stated that in the year 2001 there legal, agricultural, health and labour from the Ontario Registered Music
ram to crumple a steel door and move a could be up to 6,910 children between organizations, as well as the First Teachers Association that she will be
public restroom off its cement foundation the ages of five and nine in the system, Nations and the provincial government to receiving the Cora Akens award at the
at the Hullett Wildlife Area. Scott Dale, where there was 5,180 in 1986. Between help create the bill. Mrs. Grier has been convention in Hamilton in July. This
who is employed by the Friends of Hullett the ages of 10 and 14 in 1986 there fighting for an Environmental Bill of award is given for the highest mark
to work at the Wildlife Area first noticed were 4,362 children, in the year 2001 Rights for more than five years. obtained in piano pedagogy (teacher's
the damage when he was travelling that number could be up to 6,519. Other written) examination in 1980 with the
through the area checking to ensure map factors have also contributed to the over- Western Ontario Conservatory of Music in
boxes were filled, and also looking to see crowding problem including a set maxi- 35 years ago... London and the Royal Conservatory of
if there had been any vandalism. He said mum number of students in a classroom Music in Toronto. Gail's mark was 93 and
already this year, map boxes and signs and contract agreements with teachers. her teacher was Mrs. Winona McDougall
have been smashed or stolen. These According to Mr. Carroll, Huron Centen- • Women in rural areas are beginning to of Blyth.
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