HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-08-26, Page 5-.11111, —HAS THE --- BEST VALUE IN: ,aaima.sprass.aour...11ammousra , - araleilm21V- .01•1111111.01,741611111.6. This Wee INTO 'BUSINESS AGAIN, We have just received and opened up one case of Novelties Including, Ono Hundred an! rorty Silk Girdles, (CORD A.1TID 111..A.SSMDS,) In Seal Brow, Fawn, Drabeasfy and Black, ,also repeats of our 'elebrated SUGARS BLACK - AND COLORED SATINS . _ , . • -r - from him. .• • -- purchase ktENAG1. . VEST' SPECIFIC' MEDICINE -aI-1 TRADE MARK.TREG1rEAT EN -TRADE MAIC.. AVites to isinform the -:114lie .ble Iliathas . . ... litly (in haKid a. FiR T -CLASS oTOCK OF • - = and Children's Bootq. • go. it,n(1- e.x.f.tmitte his really saperki - • : igEoek. in each elas, espemally 15s pia Pebbte fifoots GLISII REMEDT. An• unfailing' ' etire for al W oak !less, • 8permatorrliea Impotency, and allDisease,s-- Befor;q0.14„" „Abet foilow as 2, /Z. . "'bsequenbeofSelfBaleg - A use; as loss of Memory, -Udiversal..tassi- tude, Pain in ,the back. Dimness'of Vision, Prematureold age, and many other Diseases thatlead to Insanity or Consinuption and a Prems,tore Grave. 10EirF1111 partielliar13- in our pampluet,.which we desire to Fiend free by mail to every one, iarThe Specific Med- cite issold by all Druggists at •$1 per pack- age,- or six packages for $5 Or will be sent free by mailou receipt ,of the Money, by ad- dressing • - _ I 44-1 • These Goods are. Had and- Shoulders above anythingiii Town for Vane. Special attention is directe0 to our line of • - , ... THE GRAY MEDICINE Co., • -11,...fore purefiasinn- e sew ere. - - -. . . ;„ - . . . • - • -- Toronto. O. Canada ..A. c A _. , . „ , . Al'111-IfttPtiirincr --T— Si3etlialty • - w_SoIdinLuciatow by all druggisa ev-And . _ by where in Canada andthe UnitedStatea . , . ,, - - - ''• - • •Y-74%.11 witoleale and. retaidrueostts., L'Ag. •yo.tr's §totfk - sola at and under: . . - -.. . „ - : • ' _ - . Ana a week-lap:kir (.)vin'ttwii._ Terms t-gr•Ei-..atic.1 Batter .taieli id azehange `4. ..,...v.5!_ni: $5 outfit , ire!. Address, H. • ti,A4*-14-ET4..Port,lanii, Maine. .. for.? crooti.- . - .. - ' ' '- . 14XXXXXXXX,IINKHNNNHV irutP U A TQVi f -"rte, • ' *d v• r, ovq s - . jA4VIES GORDON. , .-:I., .... .„ ..2, ,C1G.TAB FElyelAIREES f . C - 4 BEST SELECTIONS : tail - •• '-_-- •ttilvilis \ 0 MADP c ROM THE SHALL NOT i . UNDERSOLD!•; it OAA4., .,_ 400,64 OF BRIGHT at 1,41 a .is A FLUE CURED 1 fl:11 I. •11AI 6 .4, . OLD - and to, _ s ea --". - os 0% AlINGINIA . Lower _Prices 1: - • LEAF . . , a: 0 , - - fear. anfone in town. _ $1.00 1 °member we are always to the Front with NoVelties, as sJon as they are produced. 1E11114BER THE CHEAPEST SPOT IN TOW141 IS; C - _ Hanjust received: a large end varied stockW; CLOCXS,. HE8 GoLi) ii.:11§VI:17-T MC 11*...T Cife:°1142.Pfrl81n4.11' 67 97: JEWELLERY -and: rtATET2tf _ _ ' ' the ne*.est 1-IC.L C,K S pliPpelig. Si EAR-LocKiT, • f13 ?M'and-,NtrEDP•JN(4-..1d.NGS1.•-,:- - - - _ • _ _ - .."_, iittf)S-ana CU -re BUTTONS, BUTTE4 COOLERS, •-: - . = • • '-_TEA SETS, CRUET -find•IICLEI-STANDS; r • 'FRUIT:and: EU.17rAR KNIVES, NAPKLN RI;s7.08,• - CA4P PAS, otwitbstaridlogl'•tbe- recent advance of 00 po' ric0#'!_R-t4eV1101e.81e' = 'market I -are prepared to aell a,t '• . . I kinds of repairing neatly and PrehiPtirexecnted and setiafaiticn 1 • warratted, solicit weal from- inteading pn`rc1]ae0r, before, bUyiie' ilsewlieren tniftlini•the stand.iwo doors East of4011/sT .11feEfAt. DY'S, * •- - Campbell Street, imeknor.- - - .Spite a opposition, is detervatned that he ‘1/4 vi 0 , ..e.x.,.. t It, 04:. ..- 4.-14v ...., 4 • 4:!' I. et --: El if , . i8 Roli in•—...- IR le• alkali 203=0 CO - ER- RUNNINGORDER•. -4-12"4'''''. "i WINDs°116. than liver it was before. - We bave put -in 'a -e,-9,. lin/gine and a nil, l'Isner, ii,#di have - evehatglid all the rest of the 3fachinery and an How prepared to. dti 1 ' - . • HE Lf.TOKNOW lis Many Patrons may rely upon it that while there wili,he a lowering' dir WI --, prices, there will •be• - go Lovvering.th. Quality 3in. his lengthy experience he has, foundtbat • pays to keep nothing but good meat. orieV to Lo' an. of womc - the BUILD- I Retaeniber thatl-Gordon keeps the. • et Meat lAY a ,11-wrii: On Real Estate, atreasonable asoneLumber, -Doors, as rates.; on terms of payment to hate as on band alai*t. or. C11J • Ilia s ,of the Oita. stilt 13 orroivers. - , . . LI LOT TRAVER :OFFICE--Next-to Post OLee k **Rig 1.41Ckft0i0 31;ii•pb - " ••- A-3 •-• . •. • . - • . • ..• . • , . . . - _ - ' • ROLL -AND BAND SA I G _ P'iing, Etc. -4-- UtLOINO SPECVALIY. I. • Mkrai 41g, viltr WM. MILLER Having bought out Mr. E. Dore's stand, Ross Street, intends carrying on the Carriage'. and Waggon-Maimg BUSINESS, in connection with which he • Horseshoelng at General Black- sinithing And will guarantee satisfaction in beg, lines of the trade. First-class Worknien only employed ' sr d the work superintended by myself. Fifteen years of experience is sufficient warrant (,f the style of my workmanship. - Parties requiring anything in the above, lines will do well to GIVEIVIE A CALL. - • - I hope by strict attention to buSiness to -merit a. Liberal Share of the public patron- age, 'look for a return of my old ens -- towers, and a continuation of patronage. • Re -Painting and Re4rimniing . Done with neatness and despatch. • W.M. MILLE Itfarch 4, 1881. all Paid for sgs. TYa4e. your Eggs for. Boots and Slioes - • Peart Corrigazt largest and inest. coropiete Stock ef 13907S 8.e. SHOES That: can _be mit, of al1 the best aud late Ata.:No. 1 Sn'icri ' ave them. C iistorners-can. depend on• , getting a Goon ARTICLE with us, Parties wishing- inferior Stock can ,get: t1etti7 ton nct 'front vs. . • -. • 1 We ihtehd* living -in Lucknow and following. the liont and Shoe, business'; therefore it 1 it is to our iterest to do business . ' THE. SQC' %RE 'We aiemantitacthrin HARVEST -MITTS and :'ba-ve .gOod supply on._ hand, - 'Beld•wholesale andretait.,-- :• Orders selieit6d--aski(ir quotations, - Aar Ali orders promptly attended to. • - out & Conia*# or Diseases 13f ti e _-• - • ••-' • '" • - ' • - •1, ENGLISH C9MP OUND FLUID: 'EXTRACT- OF _BUCHU:t coNt • • Cubebs, Juniper and Spirits Of Is.14 re • tan and safe cure for ,GA3illia (lee' - r Strictures and Whites Pains in the Rack an -• - Loins 'Seminal WeaftnesS, „AfrectiCns -of - KI1)14EYS, iiravol,irritation•of the Uretha " Irritation of the -Bladder, Non -retention - •• etanding and whether in . the Urinary Organs, no. matter of how Ion Incontinence o.f. the thine,.and all Viseasel • Malo or' Iremle. t1 42; Physicians Endorse and Prescr r Be.BIM UVCal for ThIrs ComPonnd Extract of Buchu and - Cubebs,for Kidney DiseaSesi as it is endorsed and prescribed by 41nr Mbst talented and oldest practising ph3sicians. L - • DO NOT BE DECEIVE -D CAU. 1 -0N. --,Do not let any -druggist off any medicine on you in place Ca-ink/hind-Extract of Ruclui and Onliehs • thereis nothing equal to it that can take its • . • ; i place Ask for t, urul takelto other. •= • - Those who 'Cannot Obtain a bottle of this • ' medicine from their druggiat. may aeud us' oe# • ..- dollar and we Will kid it to them. • - • - •• - W. ATOH.N.STON & CO., • Detroit, Mich ;•.-IrrAgents _for the 14s.-ana Canana ' . fl ..'.;i":16t. 'iglixiiolidl'hies mbe5a:u-14factihri:del?AlYilwi 1, t124- ,,..4_,....‘• C 011 ' .21relL It Vb0,,,!i ., .. 'la :This -iiii, a- n:lerIth .343,4.'"v7;rateAdetdainikartelleeiinf t°h8et ,/iiirtihVot i, r1P.... Al, ...agameg, ..it•ronta In - ac 0 epnipeti ...est .... A- ... . bitioii,' irst,l'rize i.,Troyincia1 •jPwtiou,. aidiltgb. t40111 '3'iedlil---t•and cad ' mon zichthrtfort, tttawa, Silver Medal; - ,- arraers and datithirinititeivng ,m,aclittrY 'wilt "--19tPkilly:u11;Ymaenreliallt fonr 4-AnYautsalknega0A-41":hleN:" 4 • t.,••=74. • - • - " - •---- • - - -