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The Sentinel, 1881-08-19, Page 5
t BEST .14 - idtg - - - - - - - . - IN We have justrecei-I-ed i1 y:„ ttp e se Of rir,)'`;111i.ii ..e;aszr.=:,,:ankiami.ai.conrosesnrarp7124.crias • -*--"4" CZ 4.j 7 12i1.11101.1a. • eV .2:: a- 2-2 .0. 2..- I . • • - • • 11'1 = • • • • . • - . . , ..• - Vrit;rri:(.* -1--r--S1-1- • -• -C - -RADE ARK _ - .TRADF... - • • ' _ . (0 0:1-7--.1:) ArTD• SITE 1c3,) • - . . USINESS ACAM "-45,•N*47.^' • • /-71 A • - \ / -•i I - - • • IA711, TiJITLI_1'-i-' . _ A. . !..i.. -.-1,,c \ ii,!'"'•ii:.- ; ,•,t, out Mr. L. l' -.••• 1,-;,,•,..- t•-•••_rrt,1.-, , ,1F ,,1-.ri,,i • - t .. 4 1 ! - • Drn,ale and Ilanrt-ibiirii 1...,- „,3(._•iii ia 11 . 1 • -k...., • i t.'-1.:-.,-1, ..\ 1?,:".!1„,, in toiln,.A:,•: • ••••. - LI. I. i r.! 1 li..ti 1"'"es'llfit. int:: 4.: Ge/16' C:11 I:L:4 h.- ‘ 1 ;+.1-p". -,,..•;1.1. .11.o,1 -:.1:t.-••• .:1.1±1- --- n ' n 1 :r.,if.,••• , 1 tit,. ;.,- •,..,-. - l'ir •i, • -7 v• ,•-: 'J+," ,.,1: ..—P (.•••:',' ,•-'•-•:' -•'•- ' 'I - - , ...". 114 I, ,,•,..1,.-Iiint..,;,1,..(1 1,y- I": .••!!... F-,:-.-• •1 y--••• -..r , Y.i.i'-.i• no, it; ,.....n.-.,-;.,•nt ,-,..:!-•,,••. • I tile t•tyl- f my v,-,,rloczaa.L.1;•. li.nr--iiiin- Ir. the •:, --.-.) i".o.: . • .,'-.-,k, 1 t)- : GEV E. i'Vl : A. CALL. iI lvq.. 1v ctrict ',,,t-tel:t: • •'. • '. -..•5 ' - '' ...c. ' •". Vterit a 1-I",:ral 1.- 'o -, ar,...• r.f .,,, ' --• i•-.---- fig,e, - 1 '1: f,,r •,,, ri,tn,-,. , . !.•-• - •.. cl . ::: • .t4,1_PerF.,-Iir.d.a c,rit; Tilostik • r • .• • -..: • • .• :••• . . In. Seal Br6w, Fawn; Drab,Thav and: Blaek-,ids repeat F (-)1 OUT. CO1Clir1&teel. • LACK AM) COLOit D SATINS "Filese Goods 4re Jeal t S1io-9.14.1ers al)' e Town fbr Value.' Speelli attention is directed to our line of BLACK SATINS AS1. 00 c,3-120 • 3 1. Remember . we- are always- to the Front Nki.th. Novelties, as • - . soon us they are produced ; lflitarrt • , .- A • 1A- - _ •••• and a.: • - - • • • • re -Taking ifirt.,(.)11111,_ it.f. Aft • l• • • • tit d---Tit.0 • •.: )diEfiABER CIEAPES'i SPOT IN TOW is 2*2_,(1-11 .-:. ''. - - = - 1-• ""•• T iT" ,,, r..,,. j.,,.«41 .”..4)101 X ; ....1..a:i.,...n.. ,... . , •„ i i'-Ee,-;,--a-in. in 1.11,=. tht;-'1.; --.-111ad€` t f \ 1'1°11' "'”` -`1---` - e - _ • it.- . I ''1-.....,, -€.1 •1:.• ;,1,14-, -1. and -1,..^..-.11,- (,,,`,1P- r Diseases ill,..,t it.,...,-,,,,,,=). In---.apity (,,. (,,,,---,,rtnp-twri rani a f tl .:1tt„,, .,-.,' .,„ r,.,„„:,,„I..;_ Gra,' •, • .1:7..,11 1-0 rtienlars in `,.... 111 is 1•= (..- -.= ••`... -,, 1 k) - - - • 1. ,..‘.„.,. 1,,,,,,,i0.,,t,,,,i,.1,b v'ck. a..... -,re ,t o si.nd. - -, -- -. _ ,„ . 1 1,0.- irtaii12,`-s. sv...- 1. r. 4 11,-,!-,pccitic - (...n. viral :,::.-1,71:,-14-: -!..t.i:5 r.a...i.-s s.,..1..J.:4-_-ry:_t 1 il-,-,,e'.-issn',..i 1-,\'- ii'll I )r.ip),1,•;- ;Itpack- . ; .... - - •, ' == 1 - = .-...• . .,-,- -, -:, ---.4 • '' fa ' 1 • Pr " ill 1'len 11. t '.-41'....F' 7!'n oc..ctl-cia...ifl, ,,s-ilf cta_=y.,=i1-.: , ,-; t , . `.1-- i -Lb,- 1"k f• -s - "-`', • "" • " - , , . ,,, • - ' • " fir:, by nia-..11_ on rc....-Ari.t.. iTi t Ile Inor.v7 Dy go-- ``' --i'll-e/ •• IP lc; Itii,v-le-bltsio. t -eta-% .;% - -., ---- -v-1,• .4 Ci -t: •t,- -. _ . Trigits Git.t.Ii 31E:soft:ea:co., . . 2 - Seal- at- ` -'0--hunoa --aAT ETT Portland-, Ma -Ent"' ell. r• • • ' r -4", — • - zr,iros=fa., Or' tAnada -Li esz.now 4y Ay here.1.11 Cmtall tim_f_inited:k.tateS. y yttn.whoiate zaia rtetatrni • . • • . 0 411,1 -Adatess, e)e rI.Arn town:. Tetras. y nur. , _ ---T • _ F -rt A -;:tr g \ 3,...• -•Ax -V . ' GORDON19ti 1 l' th!„.a..,..tii - .. 1 ---'• 1111 : tri , ,,f! r`• 1 .i /41 - ' ....-- Kt ti 1, T 1 1 IF -D3 - . Illi E -uu, u I 1 v,..i ill-, I U fvPr Eir..„T-Kli:iq te-Nnt. ' ;41,- _in • 3.1,410p,s mav rpi)- it -that. • :./v1.!.t be a lowf.trna 111 - prices:: tlIcre w).1i be GLOBET013400.0 6NAieri ri girt Qu•atityt., a china Je-telle- • • t • 1-fas i-ust rezeived. a large and -varied- stock. ,of : -•3-E \X ELLERAt and. PLATED WART - °con-.1-}rng tile newest i;tis of (MOGI( S, GOLD rix_i-Si.1-1;VER-SN'ATC;31•1-•,-;.•", • li1300CIIES, ' CTE"PTIT TET°0C:SETS; P STITC--)S-a-24 TE -; 11 ILIR GOOLE1, + • _ - TFA ORETEE (-I - s„),• • • . • OLSJIS &c • - ' _ • Notwitlistanaing recent-- afivaTiice.of.-30 per:cent In thc--wholestile tuaret,-- am prepare( -to sf2.,. at _ . , . • • it 1(Y v, Int and !ma g 1 - with -E.,:atr.‘,Eis and • . . LL to,-ricnow, March 4, 314,14 _ tr gat TTI;r4-.„. • 4611 el ci4 „ Ch pe 161'79U p.3 w rfliadel YOUT and -S 30..C13 • -4 - . ..: 8L--tgrlit . . • .... . • . ., Ir.rh, f arizes.V an(1-in mit; -c...-'i-p-:•-olf -.-.',..f ..,.. - .,_ •• „ • _ . • • Irtin,t, :Can ie crof,- of ii.11. he tvf...14:: fqld 1.1-•i. ti -.F. - -. - 1., --• 1:-SToca ; no •;ills.,11,13.7---we '•,,v1", 1--- .3, - can ,i1,4:1;1---(.1 .. ft: • i' IlLIN,a• tilt'.21.-7:6.0Coils)r.yers _.„.,. .1,... ...., . . , . go,tting A.B.TicT4E Tin rtiecishin.;.infeTioT Sitcli." c•-,;*n,..c.;pt..ti,i.,Te .i - but nr,t f &(.P1 12S. • ' .. -.- : • , • 4 tel.? S Vitf - . the Befit ,,,,a 'Aloe 1)-asine,-a ; ther,•44--i-P it ITC7e- intend livioNg• ,i.:- 1::n:;:::.. and: is io -oill. it.erest tr.,' fitA, tr1F•;!",i-F.1, ' ' • .. . . We ate -.11-iantl'. acnrirg:. ..... RATE S T: iv' IT T 6,, ne lap,ve a .g0(1(I .f -1 -1.40, -;,LI pit im-ad,. • ',. Foiq Nyliol';‘!:EaleVIL(1.1',4;-,ii, T 1 , • ----All orders in-orn7.ttly • • Teats - • = - it -or Diseases_ ofi the -_ —is -F HILL'S co7.-s1101.D FIA-crip - i. EXTRACT OF SUCHU,- .., (;ubel)s, ..T-nol-per and ...,91:irits. i. .. :- ' CONTINI.'N.4-4 "-, . . - - . . - ' - kin:As- -of-. replitinn•-_ neati-y• 1-1111: -krjora_ PI) .-exeCu.te&ar.--ncl.. satifat. tiop tail' Oi-irl -safe -core los Cow: Th* -4, Strictoires and Whiff..s., _Pains ii. k..,,.; Back 2.11 -; ..- ‘varrap-Q ' - - - : • : ' ' .1:gill's, Sernin-4 AN t.;a1-,-.tilis, .A.ifeetionti (If selieit:a,:•call fieli:T..-illtielici-1141)11:1;t--1fusel;3.-1.;fore :iluyiug els .e.:,:,-„,ipre, .. 611)ITY13, ''-'r."(4 11141-16611 tbe Tjreta * ir.rita.tiou of -the Dintieer, Q11-truete.-a-tiiignExoT , . ‘ - incontinence -Of the 1,..irin, ti21(1. ' 3),,cluei-LiVp-i' the`:-.3ta:id..t rzo',..10174La5t --of ..I ().1IN -Stella:DDT'S - the Urinary .Organs.', -;-:_. viattvr. of bow lull.: - 141 • - . - - , ... -'.---' -• . .,.• .0-1_212p.'oel-i-treet, Ludkne7.. standing', oad.-1,yhllet in - . -, . al6 or -- r-'—' --------7 -''—':. ---'—'-------'------ -------- ' ' -- 7-- - - hysiolaris -Endor-t" artii PreSc-r -...: - --- - . . . _ . . ...............4.-..:.................................. 404R,IWa4SWSainllif.inrn.rraIBZ•MMMMIe f • - - 1.! • 13ETTER RUNNING. QRDER-H - Be •iire 'to call ffi-IT-iirs ‘."ompolnulEx.traci L'of lincliti and -CtineIfm., .fnr !Kidney 1.)iseaste;, -as it is endorsed mot i-rf-suribed ivy- .onr inobt. taleensvtired.ani:1:1.7.espt:st-o:ttiietinatrsnyvh:::ris:. _ .• .,- ..:i:•1' .1: D 0 .r.10T- .t -E DECW.,11VE-13; . _II -. t, ' - --* 4 • ._..-f- off any 'medicine -int "von in place -.,1 -,- Cbroponnd 117(.tmet- of B,i.v.iiiilovichibob . there is rtoth-Drp- :e-qual to it'.. that teat: tal.-.. it*.._ pla6e k for it, .rane takeno ntlier. ThoFe who ennE.(4t 614zina--hottle' of ,ii.%'.....; mcdicine from then- druggisy,inay lienti. *as -oli,t ' ••. dollar,'and-we villi 1,,i4ni it tti thee--, gw..4.3gli...ii:i5. f;x:01.e.V.•-.., a1-.;)--3q;.trnpf!,a,(4t -i-.11.1., ; :-A—L:-.-*-:2--7-:-"-=--.-. .--7,--`7''.'÷i'l•-',1'-, W. JOHSTON' fir, -,.„.. •-*1. 1 - :i--: I -.3,•,- ,. , c 1V -)3A --..is ii..):::---t-t):e-1)_t3,..-kttilli*bitria. -Otis - - .- .,-..,.. *-.0,40.4 :t$,Taavitottkiioa by, .,,, , . .._ • :5!111-1•SGR"°1711` tb ••-ver v, -1,E 'before. \V11 la&i,e' pot in- ;1?,-ogioe glad rh_avd• ovetimal0 ;o1. the iest of the Ala.cliinery, ale liOW prepartni Ito do 4 • _ . e - of WORK in-- lie. BiTILD NG T ottli - L KINDS - • We hal•e also on hand a large Stock of - ten -terra -ter that (.;ordon, keera the L; Meat SuDly own4 t 9eFired to 'at: Parts of the - V !age, on Shortest i4ntite. plis11-amd lisvejoai streets. - " . • . • " • _ tel-rns of-i)aylnent.:to eains°0•Pei-lc.101121--su - • _ _ uTi e, at reasoilable rUt . . . Borr,oNvets. - . .„ - - Gia. 01, ANI,„ • L1OT 'TRAVR OFFICE ---Next to Post; 01.,...ce G-iv.e in a Ober, Doors,-Sastl; gtihil;tt, :°1 nr -11463301: At7 7111 eld -..4S4t134)r4s-1 d B -n- Ea>ie Troughing,- Etc;-_ o :TO tfe**0 41- ht- BANI) _ •- - 'riAliTi-laYlk.:.Dir3/41P A $PAC11 AFT " ttliblitjotx);4titutYt le• ()11,,tner1,1i# test'aiti : .• callIef (Fe purchasing elae ere, - -•ys#Ettr,s itti41,, • ,„ - - : - - _ _ ; _ f0.-3;n6A- •. -411.01“10.1V, arch 11- -..-- ., ,..i. ...t%: : , . . .'t'... -..':!t' ' ' •:v -"•••: •T . .1 ".--,,.. •,..;', 4.,••;14,4.., - r••• • , , • , • 1 ' •