The Sentinel, 1881-08-19, Page 4Success 1 n Unprecedented S 1,41) 'Sainday morn: .R iiil, Nvh11(. k[r. John Clark's ahildren oat around the hous6, a Z, aili-mt nine yoars of age -1� FAY IV rxvinmil" IV 19 11F kj _ice of i!iO 1) r 0S, 0 UN U "'B" 0'"E PlEASED All EVERY- 0'*4NE A _i: E7v ni Un r Iwo 1" tll-,-) one I i -i i 1'. f-, Inurst- 10 a -L, NG d'(.sscd the AND NO WONDER, AT THE PRICES I AM SEL 1,31:1111101'. A t AA - -, �Cu*,'17,1 1 : �'11 I i a AlMi M0 V,A�: the G. 1. "u. 6ft V. 11VA-1 r c i i v L!.-� I t Nvork a v 01 F" ALI v,- RVERY DEPARTMr- �h Uj J kd I J0 t I N Tj _L' 1 .1.1! j] f ��7 !I Ti qe. ar(l 1.11OVING DULL A� �;E A S 0 N 1, Nr 0 W N '11) 11 1 ii t real t o 'P,- A t tl T H LIVELY mY M A"" I ti, C. G 0 0 0 E of its mid T, will I)uv flien -i j_T_ik.TT7RALLY AS T 0-OntiMIC tO f A'U, L _�k 0 -F r I -.11 uw foot OL a L -P- 0 KEN NIS ET11 Ac t I-) t I I ill; C 1, f -j 0 ir P cor rt. Z, - C r, t I1L I juL t1l 0 T !J6 b�l "m W 41 -LL " __ - `Q) - 0- D I lPe 1AC* Nv.li -A-r-r i, r L� i s 0 Wj)i6ll S A- t d. v --,I I u nt t A- C-1 f 1z1ve t Oest notst, b- 1, Oe hdl est, d tock anc, I f 1GW ct, Wetid - c1f, _Th6- y- theT a I tit - 1%v ith tharer. e tack L ALl t 0 po 2�rs teut y --tetv. yd tljje�-e. o rE -I titiof thl-'Oft"JI aiiii! �r �flz I L U Ii as WIS irt Onil-A ei th T. ildke C -ew Ja lie, lEx-ery o cl t at S t 0 -Ve L OY Of 4 iv, ul i a r T 6- we it M %vo alal'-wh ]1' Ot I' t U_ 3? ocadp-_ Vel 'aed to tre 'N-Vidths' litinont mav C r 6f bad or, itia'4116reft T Pye tan S!, aNvs 4 66d o�A ae;;ojis inthe caa rr that- is; _V t1i ti ni- 01 Me me 10 tr n i I I tut: 1rA tit. -t,- bi t-vc'e ry 0 1 11K, I aaf Lis f y lip. tQ w x e, the ele Oil lee - ILL tj it rj I, I e, k R - aii - the ji OS -st to oie T, L r w I i n F k!e< I C ry nrr TA RR �oe 5 _E M htvv4 Q,.IV' (-d A I L vwttl tl,bji Ile ure k.' L it, al 'I of. -will A to, ck- f f o ii -v- one ur i.e rmb of. SAD T t TT TWE M, . T, _.fran� of L I is, ]u- '00 to S1 00, AD LB (-j r -t. lun -IV n� e v i:n c 1 -in th! 't r 6 TA f t �(Rseaae 00, L __0 0: IT, t] of T r, U. S -tbk t L rj, f r 4 iNvar.,14i; o itr_ iwit ,3 vil tl off for s _"A A�7 t a o n rat' to I 0 Ir 9 --At on tJh e 9t fr. e, -%vi ft� Of TtL,.)aIe5..1QUMMih Ibf,� .12 a. -111M tire b NV.e LL 'cow" j H r _NE A I t�q uptil t j t) t -(J -- A 7 h z1 tiit. Lyav ma a li'd TI, 0 fit Q t Af ter ti -%v: VOM "a aim rs k T!he vnly--'Medicine -'th succesduill' �it It Blood acts -#p -B6 1q, Skin, and T I -C n.- the Liver, oii the' --tim ervo lit Ioa_ys7 .ff 7dp ".7, �1 lie, 16 "tps tit& *hile,, le bee -I Icri kr itre het a bebffiULted-"Zy-steW_'-. erfedtlyand-j 'k thi hic V tllat_- the - Sia Consti- --v Opeedfly -C BM0115110,;,-JaUndice, DY �e .. .. - , a �,ive ..%11 ordur- 'iv ma 0 6 o, Headddl �tisbi, 1)r0PSy,-N_ etvol "0 10� oll; Rheum .6M ou ill t rm rt t yl 4q. ; - c.. ta t1le cQualtalv to tril tapil 5 PLI e ry Lnalpraddce�with the,sw_ U.. e. T era;l Deb* 81 0 0 ;1WL14 0 Co. .0.6 M 17 species Y M, cGRI, 'hind eve of 4ase 11 M 0hro c Di. -ans hy the way, is rairBl he� ver, Po tatoe­­per Uq 0 35* 0. -D soidorio Bidiwds'of B160d. tomaAch, by itoetor$,� ieyi, S s:' uand -6 -PPRIFYINC TONIC I OEBEST BLO Boatlet" lee. T., M(t�U§R CO., Sffl� AGENTS, j011010. After tbe .10 W -a .0 227� 0: 2 'ill health, is to. find.-Ol, - __�: -STORY TRAME liildl�n or confid F one. n Worm. Powdev sa safe, sum znd'ieg�ctoal. destroyer q worm in h ��t OF aduits. hice x cep S. Or 5 Teetj ( Pp6dte:Tho& Wew D6 Mas"C'. Dyes� in evam, aoi� 7br biiklabms 0 114 resit. ence ) vlrtltIir� parti& - wrence's Ad�r- -, I � "s � ggs )loco of lMrs. anti -k 4410W , - -00. 4410W -'B 0-15- 16