The Sentinel, 1881-07-29, Page 7uteit (row ,iiii..,,eit exgl. elareil he could tiot-gii to Lyn', OW, the plates was foil fir work people. 1 10 did oot 11 It friiiiitiaiiii, and With 1414 iiinnoloaa um 14 44,4441 thy filing peer wall auvora1 uatatini could w oll la,. 1 allowtol him to bowildor lumoolf wall 000filood wit:moos and Him tiers, awl tilli‘i Illik1311 111111 1,11 .114111 11c1 at PlitrloaGourt. lie alumni, ',pooped for joy,' as the i.iitruii say. 1 le will follow ils hi a week or tun titild• 14i0U01 Will sult1S.Willi UH." " 1 14111 very plimuo(1," maid 14ady lihtrie. " Next to you, 1 totialii, I lova ',lintel Daore i bid !raids, prouil, fetish:me dispottition Into a great, ellarm for nie. Ile le eartainly like lie -atrium_ Row he deteete everything mean and false, Jlibt- Ira oho does I " Ronald, gravely, " 1 arli proud it illy children. -`1'lloro iii no taint id untruth iir (10004 there, mothur they aro Worthy of thoir rano, I enneidar Bow trim, tho iloblobt, girl 1 have aver !mown ; awl 1 love toy sweet 1,111y just ilti " Yilli wiiiiiii Out hist) tu part with them mitt?" oitid Lady Xarlo, Idwoulii aon oor pal t with m " lio y lira, .. rtIll!ed. " 1 ado not given to etroug oa- pramsioile, oulthor, but oven you iambi novor gloom how my life la bound up in thoira." .._ "Thou lot inti Hay 1/1113 word, lioliald," Hold his mothor " remember Dora loveti them 11,4 dearly awl dimply ati you do Just think for a inoinelit what it, has matt her to givo them up to you 7 lilia iiititit KM 1,111.1111 /4111111, with puir full. coiiiiiint alai permis- sion. They eon go tolier, if you will." " You filo r,ght, mother," ho ouid, uftor a fow itimutes. " They aro tiorit'a chit dron, itiol Hilo illiglit to sub them ; init they !mist hid roturii to that fitriii.luitom I cannot hour the tiumglit of it. 1.1urol,y thoy .01411 !mail oli Hell trill ground al your Immo!, Hay, or iii London ; and lot it be ut thlritit- 11111,11." > " 11, had hotter bo iti 1,0iiiliiii," satil tautly Iltileim. -. t WR1 MAO to. Dorm, and toll 44. Tim vory antioipution of it i,vill inalitt lior happy iti hi tho time urrivoo . !Mei loi-111+ 1/111' cliiiiiri sndearly." ' Arid lotto ti, tiorteocid thought, of Dora panto to her iiinibuntl, _ (if courtie she loved them. 'rho littio ..1,11.1a-, at loitiretwo roso heforti him ; lie eitsv-.vividly, It14 though lie had left -it Init-yeetbetlay_, dm pretty vino. aliadoti room wf tyro m 'used I hito HIl, it ursitig 14111/141441 0111111-4 O n _ • ITriooroboroil her tiwoot pfLtleitetii hor nevor:failing, gentle love -- tied he done ij.Iul to wouldthat-mot heti afrOsit by Luikiijg those- eliddren trout to r? WWI it IA \Pia alai- fitting ree,varci. far tho .wittoitfill_ ' lova -and 614111 a 4110113i I ilitify "yiittrit't - - -. lf. - - . - - ' • , , „ .. • -... Ito Would -14n littvo 'suite -old her, 1 11,- Jiff mina not, ;-.1w1 ita Add to Alio-melt otin, .4-." iii -the hour. i- f ileatIrl - 1- will forgi ct, her 11 ((I( , • _ -. . . tit 1 tit eta it i ti mut. • -- - itstEst'itits, witt /Ira p.m YOSt tatr Lf4et..tcy 14(44 t t f vott•Littc fit 'I Illitir Aline.- ,-: ----- , .1.:9,(11,,I_I;r,tve.r..1,e- iti-t test -riOnt etals, . 9(111 Istiii_litr altrtf 11 - taw ptttk; RI cttprattl 1 c.f 91 n-J,14r DiN,,_ • . . ' -.11.04 ntitut?- 1,_ . _ 34411 14 t- 1114t r[411`tit At/411f tin 11,14 f110.1% iforrtillo n!`r,gl'tifr"t." ' .1h6 Mir ttp- it4:1-ory 'way_ • - • Ut-tt lcuslat /awl Itavo- von afittIn tr!„-tv11.? t t'.f LI -ESV 4E41 titC11,1 Oldf.FIOVirt y • unlit., Vipto •. tt Qs- out -14, _ 4(144 with wittitritutoi usq_li, _ Wily to i.wmibitii t0rVitt qui 9I[ (1 njcptcplt ; Falif Iott utt!'hili`tg 13Wiltd, s sit Mitt, !! • Vortt ft4v4.11111411-trt ir !With! ' ri101111 It ill 19 n'11141111 , _ - ▪ iitittilif vrt onto - IiiIttit:11_14- -Aiijity_ . 4ii. - • 7 1. L :40-itiow4t,-_-, - - - H-•_, flitittva -hi- lit,-iiii4ay bolthelsothee-phieen - and-baStt invidery ; it lo- -tt:--ittitig: ',4tottritti: -.W.ttCtititi-1-111if p0fiff, ti:S4, -.. --WItit rk yuttlig Omit- . liffr.f!ootfire!I 0-110 (If -.1,1to iliallitt you upgitiltilittg -tlitto _turned- -rfiirrittd---cti6-0,Anirtlitte,- ato ftiorti ‘-- iff- is iowo. • or ' titiottentett-•-• tit . _. .. -. _. . . ., . _ . • - that. _eciiiitte tticto .' ,. nail-. -. it: - tfiltift. - - Wiflt-i,---t0tti .1141 1--; iyitirili". 1000610- fihriolci nit- • " "tittedlie I" is, elm thy , -a- pciliciontaii) eitpiclly _firiVeir itittott 120. itiglekay,-- , -'„I'lle.pollecifinto, iiiiinkis,.. :tate opts." to ithreit.- _node ble .... ertvtipiet-willt ot gc_i_Offilltt rfitiltet,4- t6: ft!tt ritypilaft4 ((Mt Ail iecionontlytlio -oittritgti, gnes. -mi.- .Iktow--. • tit - . a tittaltiti,eft itikV0-- .11,111111,-.14- litiiittkieft "bat-, 91 01,110(1 „dreett.atel ft- pettl- emit ettfttte ilt it. travertied ity ilia_ vehicle,. - Atertfolott it lOolot ft,f4 • It-fiOttift- tlriabolletti ttet -Jii - tout 11 0-:st_ locd.li000 otitoinittolf-, 'of • WhieiliTairwotinti- tatliti'vletitty-, it ltot.ttittr., ilori,.atiritutra tt atiareely-lotta heutitl,':,- .‘11_4141_tiliiirtiliteitillieg_lif ificti'm Allier - ...:.=AIN.."..''"". . -- 7410-01-(1friir -141 itaitteit•PearlDeort et-melee/I , • -• k.--_4(44,tilifet : 'ffiltic- tiffigettiti dittetl -_-latitt MiiiiittlY nial . Say -el' (lft- l4ttitutday'S/Itttlittt lt,iitititClice.lt - Oro- kollak tiottr.Vtit two yoarti In tief,M•tirt.er 4134ton for dettilketitn se; ale- '•.tfederlY--- -ecttel let, ttoifoittorttaiug lo 11101114, ,lititst bl,(1g- 14e1111 if (414,ritaiy,._ -Thin.- IrlOf ttilitt-Yr. fi. . •_ft-, .Mblittyre• mite -roll tni appeal, 'frottt.tite. .; dot -del -oh Of th 'Inaglettatti 10 the. bake,- - it. --wilrli6 lieldil f9Jt tititiM._ that there. Iiitit --..bOOlt IA ttliAt Ittftlitat.0;100- tif. tho law, ill orongOttitett000f.wi-trolt Rini att(toroll .putilalt • rortjt.t, ftearli flood. 1141tow- it( jalli ii-rottattd ltittirerantitt tumidly tiro Wholt littatteerated In. 11( 194 pitwo. •:-iltor-litxtrriatit' intit 111114 1,1,491! - eltortt, - Alto t infest to give -het pelitter it afttici •---roffuevetitct lin finillnetlit Ot dation.- Hite •. tiOtet Waiit iiiti. folks- lit itoelfeeter 16 Attu* --, of itio-itiogi4.66fill 666.61tiotoo ot-ittifititi-tO / ltittgatott. { •- • -- ,' -...- . :- - .. . < .- . .. . . . '11114 1411#1144T 1V4/11,1111 W14 frIT Moisture. George hi, (limn mid John liNtiltbee,uf loillion, have 1.041E110d from a trip 1,1Attkliikilni„ 'fluty report to the Fro. 4-9r�d tol fidlowo ; 1111111Y of Ow privolp41 Wiltdoef14141 1101114Egi awl iiianufatiturere of Ontario and Quebeu either have reprettelitett Veil fir 1.111411611 Wgra 1111140;i4 111 Witinipag, anneig whom aro Ntesere, Teener 1 (So„ of J144111404 Vag- orty N Jiro, of Montrooli John Otiopbolit of Loudon tho obtO4Wit 0141)11100 uf (Jiii llugib Drown'of Toronto 1 Nitride, Opp ot ot ilrantford ; John Witt, k/1111, of Ayr ; Gurney, Duetted IN6 CSOct of Diindu,e, and malty Waimea! MI of whom appear to lie (liking ripitsilig Atiotimi tialoks cir real eatatif vou very numorouti, arid tho amount of property changing halide daily le itinnething emir - moue. To Oyu you on Mom of the vo,luo of real eetitte in that eity—on the day We arrived thdre a property 1,nviiig a frontage of 1 1 7 feet on Main otreat watt mild fur 11115,200, and in tile following Monday emoting lot °hanged it111144 11,1 117t1h-per foot, miolisolvo otbullclLHgH. I amtving Winnipeg mi Tumidity, we pro. oottuI to Portage la -Prairie-111i milee- west, ou the 11, 11. 'tow Lilo west ter - olio tie of that lino, q'ito l'ortago itt prettily mitilated mi the bank of tho Diver, and in the Midst of the ll000t 144- oilltural-omintry ono tam imagine, It has now :it populittion of about 1,bn°, and is rrtoilly looroitaing, on 1 an I ill) houllOS 1misfit-1g been built the o sluui Net January, hotolii rllou tsti aro going up in alldiractli awl simnel par 0 warehotitien Iii groat doniabil itud oilimand ILIIIIOHV fubu• lona runt% Miring . our. atity- hi Lilo Portage." we wee° Rio' ginetts etir old toivt mate 1 ir, thigltrty, IMW one of tilt] large t -landed proprieture la tho country, I, whom and hie good wifo wui wens inotit lospitithly ontertaitiod, and who- ilaily took is for long drivoti throughthe eurroutel ng voutitry, whore wo auilliul upon II of. fart mire formerly from Ontario; %vie, al Hiiuutili 1.0 glow:log terimi of the ocooltr 11,11(1 Wit OHO 'Or W110111 did -not oxpre ti an opinion that it woo for ahem] of. °tali 10, 11,14(1 ti.114t-110-W041141_1.10t rotor"' here oti conebloration, preferring even the vititerte them to thee° of Ontario, %tile arinWthpre E(tIlg(i 111• ewe- froth -1120 to IWO alut_evett 1000 tterea. _cite% ittitl tut 14 tow farctieriffittvenow Item too to. ono.noef, 111 whoil,t, all. !oohing yougitilleent,• find tiroin 1,111.11toro.-40 twirl busholti tint onto, whioli W111 1141 notrIctited at- tho Portage itt•Iroln 700 .to ON/ tiorrbilshel, bob* nit proimot wtfrth Ililo Thu •irtutolitti into- tagcr ham greatly -biotin-teed the valitO .1.1 fuLI'(iulIi 11111(114 111 the': unighborhood,. Igartiei t kat could -have been .1mitialit lk year -itteri.- for il.:111 per wire, -now befog- friitif 111 to Aro steadily, hiereasing hi _ iniquity.uPI -digit ioroviniciivh. Iiiiittlecieent, diatiouirme Rot- Robertson 44tiiii4ktittito,A1.1. 14014401, t10 .itey..1 bad. • p;rtiwit•tiald y" 1 have- never 110011 111/1111 111 the- Wu y.of tliondvainied oritleistii. • niertittiridoiime tolieliovo 111111 119(4 .11.0.01te.ilpe Or- JAM Itig110-if 1/KittitliMittlY 1111 44,11141F.Or It late itgo.--or, -.I hold that tiro book tontitThavo -Went writ - Val by ra lotto .-fatittiimi with tletitirt ittui people. -freolt ,frOln 11011t1 wattilerloge Egyptian -AWL.. Tito,wliefe that 11, 1(4 itokt bu, IlllInoliIiIul for tho .otortilfiteturo .iiitita10-21-breatlieti of the 111 1411 fel of. Egypt. Attert Ito ileive, had tapir Ittlitight -into reonttost with -the -great attepotititti, all Luiu itro6gory tluitti ittiotlier kliy..111111 pio Ittook boor 1.-vti I, roc to :611-0,40. L-1111yo.,.. Theo thti- 01 -own intir .niitirely twit filght.fir 66(1. -tito: -desert the itekoowledged -Ittiouturo.,61 Iktor dayo., btotro --thO -strofigeet tetterm Of -Ole itilf110,1100 W_Iiltitltliti - (9,91911(11 t(l'jlfl7l(tj1J91'Intd oxoroisiort 4111 11,11 -41111(010 We -thr . - 4(4" t 11.(11101/0 flef thitt'!_ti14, advanced (tritibitttil- Wilriottirn to -the -belief -that, the bootie or tint l'Ontittetioli•tierO stitittittlly- the ;of itgo-. -wittieteiod titti stittet1oringa, with largo -inter-, tiorationa ptitteibl iolt. It w 11 1131,: tint -work of -Clio learned anti_ rovorottt itritio-to...traotti lint all( istO need.the-rettesnranilc.'We ting tot -t it_ ill tlio *61011 -:,-Oritl0t1 Of OW -bate with Habil-tile ttneettalfity 49)1114 fli14(lU44(9 10 21(1 aneltint -doetittietiti one. ter,: or- -mitt -ago, attil• that it,. another, Wrangle. ovor tho wlill_opritttacting that itidlotttittiot . Indiapitteiblot take. proo.tat ..ti I (04 1 -1 - ft vlow-O tlio-v ttRout," otiottoittlitg- oti -litoWtte dineouree ifeter-littylitt 4A10- .altottitl, 40- teinfetift; incite-1111nd. it- tattier' wittoote- "tint ittipreolatioti Of - grotiolvo soinnetn.ltt4-_oxottiplitiod Iiu Vriiftetteir Stnitlett -.10-toroth. than WO ((20049 wlth In Mr. *nag actin -ow"- • _ . Pereonnl. The tiartIold food lute How reaelied 1 h I i000, Itev, kldward Harrington, Cation of Iflseter, Is dead, 1/r. O'Iniuovait Ow Newo csorres- porithust ilisprieritied at Merv, ltev. ()dory, of Olanford, helm milled to Europe by family and will probably be ttwo y three trouttlia, Mr, Lowry, of rirantforti, and family Intend to IfiltVO OM city oPoot tho Ord of Auguot, and to 104110 Toronto the plata) of their 'Moro reeldeoce, Milt, 'saw Burpee fell at Vraderiatou un Ttlead ay, and apral nod hot/ foot fio boidly that illto it1 quite unithlo to 000 It; Oho roturoo4 Juitit vaetaratty olorain 0, rare, MIliOlakIt W110 Or 44111-• M. nn uontracat 0, 11," C, V, 11, died titrliVal Vortaga -on Watineeday aftlernamt of MI affeotion of the brain atter PM 111110140 of ii law hour, Tha Yen, Araliderteon Lauder writea to ody that ha im_rapidly improving, owl thud thoro Is no .foundatloo for the alarming deepittelles mint to the 111131111 from OttaWa, J oboe liontallot on June 20111 gavo at London, hia forty -loath annual tionuort-- experionee that has probably flavor been eijualled by any natiel•-• elan, John Himonti- lute been for thee', years on tho Northwest Moutitod Polleo, but. is now rooruating flalt, I to le a son of 'I', AI, Himmel, for many yearn manager of tin, Goro Mutual !minim -nee company, -Hon H, ‘Vood and 1/r, Deputy. limpetitiir of ilVitintlit Had Attylutne, went at Vint 1V111111,01 011- the Oth (i'roasurer is expeoted rtiturtt .to Toronto hi a wool' or tett dap': . 14d19414Goiltigan, daughter of John Oostigail, M.P., was h. winner of o, ;nodal atc. Notro Dame Convent, Ottawa. Artionither worIc wait a .portrait erayou of hoe father, and it.wite 11101311 teludrod, - • -. thi.gzooll000y the ClovorOor-Oonorid how. -consented to .11014 it, v00001011. Ht • NOW.- triitrhot, toitt while on wty north. Ile Will_ iterivolt. Nowirittricat 11 1.110, anctivill V0061418 WA reply to tultleoteeta front' tlin Mayor- goitl thirpittation, il toti it -McCarthy Iflthit tellittrkit,Wo loiliclog titan of 50-1 ever -few, 116 l} 11(1 well-pristerved•nt - mai ; btiowit.hair t full mainly. board .-,apooteclett oiceemlingly (11y1 1100 y intt-leiitureattful generitt in/LIM-up, -•- . „ - Prof, tiohcettion fituitit etated 1' .1.114111414/11. -111/i jiti0111111./111: lett: to -enter ft • pulpit,. till-, filo- Ocnieral - A steilfildi'e rlettitilon 111 11114 1111,101-1.1044 1400/1 roVoiltint- -11'00 or 1114 prittelpal lay -Itupperteell. 114V0 lett Itt0 (litutuli,_ or tire- alum t. th (10- BM - . . _ • luta boon requotttod- by tlittut,- (lovertkor %yd.' not, 'through' - Me, :Plairar ataitipt illo-kocilititlitlett.ot Govern,. Mont...Dome during Tart ble----titity_ftt lortuloriciton; .b1,1): • eoitrtoott4,• in vita-. -Orin will no iltitibt-liti'potriplied t- . l',"Iltryitti and. Mee, 'thins" 1.1eitio Blythe) -rettietted.froto the II00ti 1.(041'' rterflity, Otto, - Oxt,ondia1 11110 played Jii- Napanno and 6.tlitir.111114104.'t0 400c1 4110 lilt& IL phittetint triple/ley per Ottialiter l'aiMport, 1.1 • I JoIllt-AlOoro,11,131:1 .1 arm or; watt working it vIioii • _ton ..te......nore, soft o ,0r00t0trialtu, klolteirliitti with groat -for e; '.1.11to titifortAitiato lttcl ititer,... flu- wati.a.beother oflite.Metifire, Moore,- of -t, ov.ol(try fuirhOlVorliii, 0411, - - 11111114 N`1111111/ 01If AN ACTIOlit A rrrit of an. Engliiih Actor tu NI 9f, 1 01'11 --OWN hill Mid le Iiiiiiiivi lelottiol -lila Slid Pitory lirinird Ili rif.11444 90 Ilia 11111111c1 Elnine III% lititleist o, 'The atory of the Plhglialt itutor Fanelli 11, tot told In tho Now York pollee court =Ai PliwidiAy,-with liourtrondli o If how lio had loft lila wifo and four ohililr Ili .1„, „o ref:mint:11 in London to eattle affairs and Iliad od tor America id the eteeraaa of the eteartiiir lifirdiniom, OP June liOth hu likiiiittl at quelifin, after having endured all tho d ft- eomforta et a ateerage p000m40_ to a orowfl 111 etetimer, -Ile then went to Montreal, an di amemnpanied hy Mr, Sparrow, Manager of the Theatre Royal of that pity, joorney 11 toward NeW York to Ond tonpia,1" iiient, De had just 110 al ii to promin e , 4,47 *4 4. ' 4-roditertilehtere oi, rpoom fT1011r1 ati I tl Mao Ilatel, Mot with laappointimmt , 0 ovory hand, and finally milled on the 14t ,G, hell Commis who wad he aould do oottillim, but oont him to the Ht, George'e Hornet y, This war' the last hope, but here too -4111111i- Pollitinant Mot Mtn, /le had been . livi qui at restiturante for fifteen ciente per day Or - two wealifir and then Wall ,pontlylems. I a Wii 14 too proud to sing on the area withoet- a diegulaa, and 001114 not ask_ for it 111111 /, but thought that it lie watt clitiguisod to- 1. !I• itrettent RAJ aid 111011 0114 141111g -swim Ili 30 .01111g/i 11P011 the Ittroutti ttOtntt itertioini iiiig`it &Oil it few (mules in his hitt. llo related -how. the d Nubia wait a H14000tim itt kit, Haying with tearti, " I would not have dor tide had I itiot been etarving," Nit on t ie OCIS0441041 cif his arrest he mane m3arly litileg injured by the angry mob who porpolv id tho deception, Ilo Hold iie had (to y eaten a crust att08 Monday. WIWI! 110 received st .tientinum of Rix ininithe tlin illitoltwall'e laltto,1 the prieoner lirokii dm 0 csomplototy, and- Hobbod bitterly. • .Yeaterday, au rouding Iiiii 'dory lit 14149 morning pa aro, Influential permute mete it Iiiii relautio, Ind thole purposo witii sosol J- 01010(14 14 tters offering id 101111' -1 e" quently tut otripanied by peouldary. at ), bad been yob -04w In- All day -.from ntitei le pointe, and itr101111 benevolent- gentlem en of the- oity . 1 vd not -.boon baeliward in ittbetimte to. f rward- Abe Interoata Of tie unforto flab) atitor.: i . . - - • i • ••••• - -1,14111 IISIIIN .111116A411-1N/A. .:4_ , Lumina - itilislotor „whip - Ipiiiiiiiiii. . -Po Inn trivoiiiiilininlisiii• . . _. .. _-.. . _ - - ittlY. Ji , Ili Itobinktir lit: Vi/c1-1-krarIn Wititillo4let.0 ergyinatr) doll yur.od ttle ittitlrept •-t oo tholltilp i, t:the mooting of- tile Miteli.• torotl AoHoolo, 100;4400-1,10o, ,yokford ay , . .1 tho'clourfiti-of him rettoteke lio said i Ilo v. 1.044it, ham -90.1itweitii4-0f l‘litt idyl() or wilt it. preaching nom° to pave 't. 1 answer' tl le; 1 minititioit -10-netitly haul. aticonmig _ tt) ,'tilli piagitiiInt, , wiiii0 : 10- trio.' m0004- flint) I It un taut 0:-.- tpo. - WO- - tot .--_opi oloi, of • t- te -itte-tyr fervor - l./L/111 ._ ,t1M011111101/4 ftt ' t fel -- parties 'I refer - to. lto -: any othor 141101 111 Milt. ..,110: . l'-- . belleVO '01111 1101111.1.--W1/04 V foltuallett -rirlyitlititti--tiettitheir Witt 1 •/4014.1.0 W(01,11yi- I ad Irfc - A5/1t0:. go 0)0116 tilo -et/unity. leetifelng, 1 itYp .lied- intrelito -do .witli I ie i dotorloratiotti.,of gomiloo pnl pi t Ohl Heti, ci, They _ ' hay , told timetuloteii- Jitogiial- lc ii Stories -101C 1 EIN-0 ..autitt,.10,rgetly „ill earilia- turninf Th y linve -rantittekisl fatal y.re-'itt- tiotie.;to tit -(1.4110, poftimo -of -.(loop.liolo.-vtii ;oyinpatIllee 1 they have. gathered tregeiliee 'from -the 141 11(1 It 0/ Our to.WinCailt1 ititirl 1* provielting I rildonta fond -016(11)y ex tottat .0-7 tell;VOIN 401(1 (1 AVIde.1141(1tIaltittl.11O0 AVitli ((1 ("9. by litrim. ICH I. ciu_ts Ittiewi rOilti 1400111'111/ -11, 111 ' 1(11144 ._ They 1000 111100 ' 1114 littigkitial the foist .1ro dy- t0- 410100_ tlici 1101101- ft.( 11 if*(114_11.10111. - ito)111- mirth, • - '1.11ta . Work 9 applause -11a -ipt.8001011 Ilitia ibilkity011 til(3! 44 1910:world - titd----tho• 1110r011011' 1(29111(34 -It _been: showo ed -upon-. _them__ and- this vel ati .Withill 1144-11 14:Faid ' "-CIO _ tilbt4 tin& tle lik • -witith".: .Clo up-, a looture, or. ti-,,Itioat ol . _vont " Heti °tit ftw-tlio•paperliettil it 1 pet yOureelf . ad eitlend . and -fair' y goiog lit -.0ip iterianotrilo payi and your -fortune la madc. Sointittion la tint thing, it hi tint order of i to- dit'aiy1 af .4:01.101 ottil oy,ei. _tialia4111.prinoLpets:rthittfit hi: ;Diu- litil i:ti, . ti '• "flevi3rei o the.. notobtira (1.tioattrott- ito 6 Areatot ittmer.1,11a6 ifflirai: t-,,,.:,_ _ , _.,,,... ..w- it(ido.yi: 14- oi)ftuti.igi joit.a4itiote•otity.dirttiptitfotottitt. oof .1toitv.r,t vott.14,o_oo. o: 4.....1.:-..--- • --- Atiiiiii Mei& rat the 111eiteit Ilya * -0aptitin aii-becii Offorcita liotiltfon utt .1416f to .-1110 .00rvitto of: .•fitor atteehati-tor.,1;166, ig: tio_ftv.6611: Detroit -to. ooti boi.61)10-40-1600Opti.-iko -tliciaaal4ea.ot .whiali 40-,140: WW1: )1.1. poolroom(' In flriptotilber. • • • • - • -.it appeartiljutt litlity oil filff tioverinte- Siiiinirgl,the it*ord wit -felt belonged. to .1,14 year-Ilitri,'Inta' :61140-ittl Moo tgoittotly; -:Itt-•!ifin616611.6 fattillytioililitig ttio TkiltitILL 1k1S0- tint -..gotter'al -hitting -ttocttlod - • •--- --:..Titreti-Vit1 table Ilviiigfi bairn -lately ii6oultio v.tteri,t(ii 111 1' fly titio. twituth tit late olotayoloo *oti ilog loittiOrlt hiotilhotglit thet-= itoomit ol irtiooftooft14, thou: of •klietat , if,1411itithttit «'4994 lint- ritlitAtttOd-tttattftlf _ ifftitI hitt': ItiOrlf. ttt .trottoit- oititoly toOlt oei19,114: to g4 Elio it-fei too. Jo -6Iat 011,940- 111 '. It 41.Viligf .*IttlAt-fttftfill it . tttitt061-44(tXtteattrilittnify- ohm, Itit ttritty - 0 liter ; ., .ottitto tonne !r - ota inotit, . _ _ . , . ._ . i . . , : ,...„ ..fittitlineti. • t it ordortiotild Itt4-pateted.,:ittito ----Pccgmatit111 (11 -Sift) (#1(.1: a .yol(e, .:1.11ttito 4.1/491)1(14.1/491)1(1 tokit tiootot el000 1646 woto--ftuolg. t000eo(Iffige- ..to -litho 4111 14991 iirithtdaytt; *.4/6:1y,,iii1149l2 --;foottt - utir-,_ 0$441-tott -of: -tlio - olor'vino gy :Alt:aft - _ -.oi.i pi,tritlift r by yotista- Ago; • Tito' :11016: Me.: -. -Ielnitticitto 1 int lately flItt(1,•, iitag -tillibttIsli, -7- Iiiittll.tof kg:: M, . li,;. divIttit lit: 1114 (foil fail, .:- . litot,li,- ,.-•Ptioittei li - tatifaxo ,,,-1,4, fit,- • - i: ' - 4 ' - -- --; •'-- ittifalL000 iiiiiiiii riiiiiiiifti4 friiiit bin fit -alibi -I_ titr.;4i A -10ititiet,- li itantillorpt- tin -11400-60d :11tiltott- Ptiktti ..tt ilf.O. 241114, or loath!" 'littg • fititele tit 11(1,IttItt hititif tillfltiftaltritttitItttiilltill --_ *Ill( beijilkw tittiii'allif 111-ifttilletattly nitt(Itc-.Itt ahape Of I epttatont II/ Ittntifit.{001 ttlItiii• _Nib, Eiiii4 11 (tit it totoliton lam : 0411- tlitu thalolf . - iltrq't Affltib - 'tat 40(11151(1(141(1. tlitittiall‘-_tititt I. -, ittlifft lettal i 1ttibtlIti- , - vetrtiltippeta in "tile elittrell iivithre filto Ciptirda, hold ItOttintitlildi tail; tit/ Ifni/ tO 1400 1:11(9 10(44, titlitgertgittl011---$611ittl ti -wliott-tliO kilned 16itti-PrititititIff 441 %V11149410991 titOltoyal fit -4611y atitotio 491149 341101011 tin itoktiooloagttionti of 14itttti outtroittititty aid _titittitttriti 11114)1 11tit- otitaidera griettly plettatidi Witatt tli8 -itt- full tittifrotati. the oltitroli -door at -1,.1i6 tifg!thiStItc filltfOlit1(13Vitti _ • Tint ettin of .gittlett..:Yttituffiea- yoifilifigit into' tit ,111,16..ryttliff4 ill -front -di frifiditttl voty lit rot-tot:1ot. tit - This _ 1.111Whittftictilit1 111-0: oitott 6116 yottd4rtifitt‘ ititijotity.• Of tbout -tktifti 141111611( ttiltilOtld tYl htliffly i 11(11)11 16itiottiti - - - - . f4ttiittitt-ttitig itpprritteiling: .iiiitittirtnte ,11.--iti.ifin!'tittfl!tiii-66ott- '1On too lot!' flab ailait6n Itt--1110:billiftf _Of tilt" - Lino .ttillein liy tittro.6.1t6t6f.otitt. ito lI(I(1ft43149104I 1I(1(1 !Joint -piano Itit_itOtt ittaftitilltititlittltiti 1121 votioolo 01 tIlItt lIftit - "foltit fi.witticlititrina., Of -al- IfIttilititltOtija tile1111141t otoittfoldtfig-(,f 21 Unit'. Wittl tit Ig!clit).(1. teitititfingi totoittlfti to ono lc fitooliattin .1,1,0 flitting , . .• -A- tiontoti oaf eittifitdif• 14 alk1/1134 04 fib; f Otte Wtta11(4111(1 - 000111 Wlitir 1111 41,411511 Itillgtilf it fltiltbiltffrifibil a liotki tlio(14/1. ti6aff attlftuffooliiitotif•- - 1Porelgvi IVO I MI. - - Thu Duke of Cambridge, while at the (limier of the 'Andric oubriam, the other day, reoislyed WM10%01113, (III 11 111011t, MO of the cabmen, III 1'01,0114 - Ing to the toast- of -the eveillog, chew/flied the joy which be felt at the Ilret folfht 01 the Doke, lie Itoyal I liglimose, bald isabbs had a proem -we mid aiveuraitoe had ha not known who he was, would havo 1114UQW1111r11 to think that he was a tatbuino of thirty years' Ptanding, The 4)ukc kmhoci glum tor innalOntt and then )(lined biArtily in the laughter whieh followed, What ifi IttlOWIJ 141 trettalug tbc tiro" was performed at Pantie -lore, India, re - (godly, in honor of ovine pagan deity. A pit, it foot deep, six feet broad, and thirty long, wax dug, Some five or six odrtloaus of wood were thrown.into the pit and Net to living doals of fire the whole was ,,proka out and tho fire flattened to the endue of the pit. The votaries of Thurrnarah (tho name of the deity) then ran over the bed of Ore the whole length fivo or six times, .eaah time 000ling their feet in wator. Mao Proudfut la ono of tho loveliest girls - iii Heutbern Kaissaiii and it year ago Was the reuipleut of much admirlog attention from tint oppoitite sex but ilosv there u, ditipoeithei on the part of the young men to Way away from her, no °bump IN °tweed by thalami, that thecae of her miltorit have roueived gunehot wounds while in bor company. 149 413 not known who Is, but he ie eupposted to be moniebody who, being tinable.to 1400Ure hintitelf, 10 determined that nobody else WW1 do tin, The Prinoe and Princeoft of Wales flamed a new hilirillary for the Wok poor of M or*. hono pariah, at Notting Hill, on weak, The building has bean .oroctod by the Doard.of Guardians 9149 91 cost of El 18,- 000, tome/orb:n°(14,0' about "700 'link pereoue. 1.1.'he reception given by the inhabitente of the dietriot to the Primus and Prineeets of Witleen,s- they drove through the stroete W1114 anti -Inelastic; - Tide le fetid to bp the fleet 11140,1100 In whioh the °potting of it ,poor -law luetitution lime been honored by tslio pr000two of -11.pyaltVi- - There 10- but ono way to cur_o baldne)04, and that le by 1-10111g _Carbollutt, deadlii. ised estritot of petrolanin, uatorta -butt grower, t All reaentfr - I tnpraved, .it t110 - 0111y ilreseing for -the liair • that .cultnt'ed polople vi1I 11(40, :Volt ittioatelioi6Vy,litiltiii--: frolgtiti-Oitro brOii-e- o;woryfrOot 16 1 '11111 ltol I mita, vitt d .attOted 1.100/11 •16. grade- of 611-41iti-fecifi• to tile' tit -110(i A lilettitib.tive -went itt A101141116. ithtl ittadel.• it • briah grayity proved:-too.'intielt (4t011111, 9111(1 totto -Root: tlittflaofifitg., tfloilar'aft.-tho7ratio-- -otify tiff .liont, 06116----fotwatit to oloai tho ttiiok,,bit ttot- be.- obeyed qitftik 'ontitigli:,by'.0tio-Aft1/111 'the Ottottptotta-.oacapediltiat ti ttio to itiVOld (10914)9 lit ono itioti10.4.6.4,1olotit' uolligloow 1122149 ever 1111-ppOttalli fleet- -OlOvettl-.3voolitt • of -011.11tot lit. litiblitritveritged- glikitor itgaiitot.-40111. .11664011::'•646d 21.1 In i14Igiburgh itiotitg-,tiogiffil to tho :agglottiefatiotil of liftman. ---'6610.04: tit -.1.toodoili,f6 -bolog•ilioAttfithoitt tioj. worttli,stittl-16 tit°, fittito ot Ito • at fitantltig. tattoo to --flittift1 frotitall.titilEtterat dill tittutelloitty .16w :11toattitiofffitoliit . • ., .• _ At Otitiffnituffat *tit Ifelittidi ittiogivoit tlitt • tytivittigit :tilt Mltt. oft/1004i ltitolto: on :flit mfonoilf- illiffEwo61" ilioy Otto -6p164 anti 61116 into 6fiotif ift,-1V4 (9(3(24994 11 tittlft 6104 1610;_t(10 7kfiltfitscl.14fit-pdtooniti'lt.:80-11410tii - tit A 111114 yuitY tifta ao'hine 'Oil II1V '11111' wgi(ts..1),- nianufentured MCCOLL CiR08:4400,;.TORONTO. . • . . And tor -sale by atialette-Aalc voitt -tne.rotant far bonnet, alai litho no othpr, - • • 'nth' 61,17.101(10 tho severest test mut meat 91424 ‚1(3 cereitetitimi itiftfi at the q'lltSlit0 111(1101. ial 11 111)1111(111 the Itionett oleo • the (tti141./ at tho- Provincial ilxhibt. ..ntelleitet ItItt O019(1140',tim ilv Ser 1 n0(10,14 tionillottiltoii and tbo bialuffit -Rivard hi -tho t ate all vile Hoc Agrioillitiral 11191011111 ory, wilt saveutni tiounnuery by using • none . . . _ - .48111; 71'CiZti ;111d1i - . re011101411,14 VE11100,1'iliffilige0116111ff - •eit0t1't.1 _Thik out dfitatilleheit_ratnody cti:A 'to irith COurt - ammo toocintritilitioll lot tbo above -coultlainkto .41sItY IT, 11 your inorebatit- his tob-tiot -it lie vittjteirttp,i_.-you aoiftiC igoicalf - WO itie :.'t tilie. middle ,of - ;Itilyt Iiit:. lia lionou fly :6(04 only' juat embitilted:uptitt pig . .fitidlinifitor 0a-te.tit --NCI-l-in *Joke-- a- l nia /rotii hold d the-oblte- of •ottli iiigatio illitgoltitneelf inplayfulgkitttaitioo6 ion 6110 obon ftitborryt. Altotly be boalit to; (11(11490 Ott 1118 IitteeMolt 4646110VO MA)oto Mot -- ' .- tit -Alin Itiketand ; Ala '..-0111- Iiettridigly Ittfetit- ate oivaiti pot mitt ploligo toitAIS,114to lite ,.kouti, _tattle oft lit) -tietv.ttdog ,tJtits• iviitita-i. -tiiiii.bitiltitiblitiod ily Ili it bid-ebath hot will (hi tile buoltio§§ of troyer.itt 1oit0194his iliotigh 110 wukdo-.11141:- tiltiotiefa 494,. -ailyiilt.iiig- bob' iirayilic 1, • fogl. a. -Ittiiiilly itItIA itettitti tkity - WittlitINtil- lid ti§o. lot ati-alattti tilook, .Thotii: with -filo ouiftitig tit diott'oftMattit8 lititaviflie .ouddotify 114altotitid lisifel 01 49110 faintly -will 'wildly ilittgAila 114114 atlf0140 1118 116861(014 otty iloilgti ito, will -Ita Ootify 1o14.w.h11(1 -die Auttotiltig =tied _Oat itoltif hint tiiiii Oil tho' siilloioi takItigit • till/ :wash' 0'66 .61tf3411144 • ?lief' MI6 ottot .dOtitte/Ity of -61E611-k1n1( li'd itho tiOttli.olit *0131119 i66 104116 wotitay be Ante bid tit Wirt a took'e 091111(19449 titfootioni (1-: ilk moftli -It I gv_i- filo :iiuttittii: ..tiiiiiity *111 iittimiltifti oly tolotioti4j-41.1406 16 1ly 1i1i.tt ......,..4..-.4.....5....4.r......--- 1 • . Lady.. -16fOlitio tallith -...irioli itlitii -ma49.. bluff& of : Otto 16. -66 . tamp iffittlit Wit litiffi tta biding tiiitt itfictittooking. lieWit raMolta ith :flititioltr-of Olt 1i -60'66161i Aim •tio:tottiflt 660 :•tlib. --86trldifilitlit ' 484 aged_ ttlittifitil ifof iltif.00.1iiitfyiti011tif Allo 6111g .11i,htititi i,44 t# 49l114fi i . tf, .illiffill :11otfeL-1 lo oil, .ilio Conti:- 6111 off lo--gtfaficl- ,tlitl. liCkts - t.. -:oI_'. 4 811 itttelfidfit Rio-itoyal• titiftfiftiootott,i'Otto 114,01 lialt El 40134 big: abolif1114 811ttifig tiOioliiitd *ofy oittlf- abotikittoott1 1111/idligtiolilaly loitifitoo-616.6ilottgoiltr tittAfllOil iti ti ifiit Of:okillt '1118itiIli itilik lifimigocti ; - - Iliti libtlf klitit With- Tit IVIatitlift;IltilliY 'fit Of tady '116fottito :Avitli 46 16111fIttltifi itlattofl ift a416tittititt 61:.410?, . aftlat r.116 tato tolig116- of 11 flio• 141zoott*.ofitatfoititotitottlity ilia Atolitiohoti Of :Olio ttlibuiy-Naid Wott,T4 -.611;Ioati Otiftl f--114 • ittflidot fond tioalfitotio gftfif6 ettilitf-. of f011gtonii- au& .616616fitil filo: lit ff. = - r• • • 1-..toftt filo. ,tiffietifil.ti of :-.13ofiftly anti --dotittitto fittiftil04 fottiofflityt 1: 1,flicf- Plit.ittlettiatotittio *an(1 Leto 1)19110 -Aigyft ptiehiff141-. Diellerp, littoffiolty. Atioliii6(1-_:all - :Itltithj,tt1 (4191311 1t301 itituiliod: to. 61-64ttliffi Witt,/ .1)01-f•tuott 61, ontitittoofuli- flail 'that gfiett6b llt1811l118/ - _ titI4OWIII8t16 1111Ilatittl wotlis itittfo,16(fgOi 1161..-titoffiltto )1i. that iftottfill illettfitifid." 6 iffy). §itiffro• titkild itivity foti-do -0814-fitillittkitli1111/1 NUit trilaita - . 48 pitolotot 0 ' - : •NAILNOill iANDS, -E. Ottoriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitillitto, ' 1 imoo rut', tooco“ ittei, H& Iiimoliggelittileriortiol 'floor, ettiStior ittifilOttilltittiretat titit.el*tli comb anti Hilt ar nal -118Yttnintlii- lie. 411tIfitt Faro tip Itilillit to 94910149111, write -for 41 ti If ititaitth0 Ittii . / 0 tiYa UO*10'11'6111! Attblik SI itbilittl at .?!tit.Otittit -* JIL - OA! tif141.41111(11111 ,...,,..g) LtItiti litttItito43ta Vitt t Id i - 1* --r1.** A A. IffilNif(14 niffitt de ft 111 11ft tE, - yo so 6N.8-1 .- 600,000 Aeteig :UZI:a/111J 4 • (IN Tilt Eii414 AVISOONSIN CENTRAL t. itit parbleilliiisi -which ifii; Ito ;$6114 ." 114dti'"•811111A111/411111ti diO1Jit 01110 tdtgp Lady ielottifino- li, littit - -offtles tititi-aliti _tlio otliof mill Mgt/ Wtit0041t, a 4,1 1 alid ilto• obi; Woolf tiiWitY oiriti ati 14 tat ftild'itit tliff B60'644011 dilt -if ali 111 /1641'2 'tOlitt tit 111.111100bl 146flititligi Nil kiliiiiii t nail/ A -ling t Of gold billhilig ht4 tifitift fi illtli . . . Votiff, tiff lifftiottlit Et ffittitionikott Intino 16 Stifaii iti,,- . ACIENTS WANTED- . , • •Nildifb0 Orttia tti 88181 Wall. sal Vet lettditig sit too - mid hi alit &CNN for dotter] vo -- 149 -41ji . Ai‘i''t :)ie btiltieti , fif .tlfiiih Whtt: aill11 Iliirl'I'm 4ti'"it itP0ie.ttaAilfl run Oft88Plttiitfkilt flieito 1VaVait6'wig'1#16"at4-til VItiF-11fti -IJoitoi -. r OA 140119), 11bo41YI1113i Ni•t- OtitTS 1 -.AVANT lit .--lititiliti fivoifitiflitaiiik141.14 iiiiffiligiii itif-418 t'tM otde iV titgii iiiiiettl e 6811 iulen dii*ti WM.tilWeAt Ali ielitiltii il I l Nli eel tieniliiiII OW eltiiiifilif11111 tiil 44iai Alatto min toiitliiay0ii7ttli ' r--7t—ift,:116l1t1ii0-"P_ ,iWp_AN_yi. .Tii h .:vot/1vatiti 116114 9111(1 i I61I 'ni11fiNg tit81- 8 JO 8Ai i118 pi rt l•