HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-07-29, Page 3usearreartirlftiv ItrITIIA011 IDIRAUV. o Tilliti 1V0111411 141410 ncr," THE CYCLOID 01? THEISEABOI, —— — A iliamiir Nisavd, Ilionisiev• and starving. atttiag liall's ill'erms uf illiorreader- Total illeeintegf011 Of r. itlionemoto Town-- / )11 rim,„r,ta,y Jtaties 444 joln Arotr„rig Ile Peaces Absolute Ifreadont-75 Terrible Millets ol the atom -Whole were hefore a Magiotrate- at Owen Hoosol, 1 ruthPlie pagriogiP PoP000ll. Enmities Killed -Blair a 111111loo Dols cisarl with having *stolen 4S4144414 libtling 1 Attar Hitting buil and hie followers had hors Lost, lasts of cowslittsrabiti vatup from onu of tho , bean brought in to Fort 1314ford and bur- A dospatalf from Now Ulm, Minn,, alkYil I fishermen- They u4 ' -I guilty. James, got rendored to Major lirotherton lif Pnatiell A The ayolono whitih strut* this Oruro on *bier, a sisarrissa Mail Wail family, Wad wae ovened. Drallerton forcibly outlinoa A Fridity ovoning was of tho moat tortilla itiVbil (did Inman, end lite FOL 5V John, tits volley whiell this Onvortimont ititernro oliaraotor, •Ovor 100 bioldings woro do, 4 itgeti ih, was given 1 1 days its jaillion- to follow, and h D by which and his fa,mily inclished 41,144 upwards of 00 perbOnli killed stable Kgerton, who arreeted the must be ,g.0 'dud; ito informed thorn that Though shogior towno in tbo coopic, round the ts.iiiily living iii it thay will be IWO t tprili alta lartieli telfldon viinnity loll tile ook, tho full tarry of the iiinssy wigwam made of lumber edginse of tlicir people is,t ort Yatoo s that they , oyclono voiltod itself horo. Two tornadooir and a nom, null, near -lli‘fridon's Mill. Tno Heed nave no heir of reeoiving. any linos A met direetly ovor this Owe, and ilia work familY colibistad of tho two men, 14. WO11114,44 from the military *us long ass they be laws+ of doirtruotion was aceomplialiod in lotus 11iiidcl '41, w1f1i "1 1.11"410 Arilibtrotili, 5044 themselves properly, and that thoy will bo than fiftoon minuteir, Tho eourso of tiro four children aged from '4 mouths to il treatod tho battle ad 131000 who surrandorod alcione aould bo diatinatly -dioairruird, and Years, all twoulbe, They 104 14, halting during the winter, lirothertan's remeirkos : s mooned to bo moving in /031/14fri,13 aV014111014 boist,so7their tiottoulibioll, in whieh theY eti,V were receivad at tiniessbygrunto orapproval from the Hoagland Ilona', Oloudsgathorod Whoovor bringe up a MOO group of obil, Tila im,ter 1.01064104 fluent for, ova whii.tzhogortitottzabp4idoit,y, Thorp wail a perfect droll right, manly gold womanly, and *sets they -LI -awe from the hianitoulin island, hy noarly all the Indians osoopt After the incarceration of the male portioni !lull, ii It would havo boon al, thorn fourth in tho world, is a bloireing, not tlie eoliatable arrested the mothor and minutes. Than addrosaing -himself in a "`" moot dark ao-midniglit 11%4 it not boon for to grape ehildron alono, but to all whor lour chiPireis as vagrants, fiES they ware in short speech to the Indiana lie turned to the oontinual ilashoo of lightning, Tim through thorn, obeli be blaissedi and no Mali a dtate . osiiii affobio atervation,"_ In Not ilia little eonand directed 141tfl to take up thunder . and lightning. were torrilio, can ininteure that,-Ifenry IVard Beeoher, they ha.. _ it,. ft, particle of food to their hie ride and present it to Ilrotherton, Tido Tho wiiirl blow a burriaario, while pobeeeel4Seild their wearing 14pparel Wed being bona the Chief baid, " I surrender tile rain desoonded in blinding oheete, 140011 NEW* 19011 WISE vuoilimvs, insuilieleit,_ to cover their nalteduelio, thn) riga to you through illy young son, Thoto was a momont's lull, and thou tho Havel -el gentlemen of the town contributed whom 1 now doeira to wet in tins inannor. — it 5 mei 50 nitrite each to purcihase it little 'to Into b000me the) friend of the A.rnorieans, oil Pi ni° oittsnitrunettilt, VIII ttothwori ,imacilulootstairttlittrionlyainigt Th0 Vonalgr slim Siang* Over tho flood, of oho 4' MblillItehere." Underclothing for them, and,- thaex Wen) 1 wish him to learn the habite of the._ dioappattrod Ris 0144460y mo it mono, Ito Although tho ., ohirmiblioro,, hove bean sent to jail for OW kiii.140 langur 01 lima ali whites, and be educated as their eons are affeobt aro almost indeiroribablo, 14orno quiot Ahura the affair at Livorpool Town the fattier anti husband; • educated, I wish it reruombered that I i10104441/ woro otruelt by the lightning; others flag (says it London cobieurornh the police mil the toot man of my tribe to surrender lifted up bodily by the violoneo of tho wind, Of Liverpool, 11boatar, Dirtniniihani. Man- . 'ahe tierce's tiitt to, 0 sole survivor, ray ride, and Oda day lutve given it to you, and dthors dornolieboil by flying debrio from obi:later, H1401014, Olasgow - and °that tl,roio the Liverpool l'ost-i and I now want t° 144'nw "W I ilm guing other buildings, fileores of dwellingo and centrists whore thero is a large Irieli popula. Iler Majesty has, unsolicitod, fotwarthal t°, 1"4017 w4.111„,ivtoil:ollr• yWouhRfuteavyeiriii,Y:auto4..iirov:ytt7 etoros wore entiroly doetroyed. Very fow tion beop h vigilant op on the moyemonts - a Bum of £15 to a sailor named George "two, einiapod. uninjured, ".but many liad Limit of things known to be conneoted with -- Kidgor; tlie sole aurviver of the crew of the would liko to receivo or. hear, now, for I roolii blown off or rso badly -injured that Fenianiorn. The law rofitting. to outragets liritiel, ship Nouantarn", wrecked last win- dinet wibt to. be kept in darknosis any , i n t'llOY Win have 19 ha Pollod down and by osplooion Is inuolt mato Novato than is ter off the IsiewfoUnd-104 coast, Tho bailor liollier, 1 bay" ''""t "vared "11-3"6"Irr" ''-' robuilt, The fitorto was most dostruotivo enmmonly oupposod, Tho Act under whioh iu question lauded iiiIiivbrpoot 054 1(50 2061 hm ere frotime to time, but none o them in tho north end of the silty, where whole the Liverpool prieoners will be indicted . lust., awl oti the folloW1m4 daythe aceount have returned with news, - 'Other Cle.U1, ilavo. blooko of frame buildingo were swopt away i providos that ovoryono who; by gunpowder of the Oat/wreak appeared in oilr cohnnus, eldefa, Crow iting _ and . hardly a barn or *stable esseaped,lind it le .or othor osploeive - oubistanoo, throws A more thrilling otory;than that of tin" bur- tot "ntail ine to come, and _ eotinutte4 that ovor 100 hansom and oattlo down Of damages tho whole or any part feringe which this utifilriuuate crew under. I 1111" "vet' rwieiv84 gpcsil """ were killed, .The roofof a hotol W40- ear, of any dwelling -how, Or any perSon behold went hap rarely boob publiiihed, - ried .. blooloi through the-- ale 1014 hurled therein, or of ony building so as to (sedan, thealiery stuioeeded at reaching laud, hot .Niue of from them. I now- wish to iie allowod to. live this side of thei line or the other, OA I afainot Joon", Millerio house, -whioh it porn- ger tho lifo of any poroon, may bo soutonood found theuitiolven 60 liles from in iuhab- Hee tit, I wink to continue triy old life of. p otely dornolished,,but fortunatoly Minor to panel horvitudo for life. Ifivoryono cvlio - ited place, The gro ' tol Wee covered with hunting, but -wohld he allowed to trade on and hie - fonitkly 0Hooped befovo the ovoid' plitaini or throws into, upon, undor, againot, 'mow to .tite depth of aev.eral feet, 'and the befit' 0146° fir 'Ole lint' rni" its mil c°11"Vri ammo. The Mayor - estimates the lose at or Deaf any building, 144, or V40414411. any . ..weatifer wan terribly severe. Nothihg wan l'81•14 141° IlcIt Wiiiis t° i*C°1°P811° V° 41511 t ball a Million. The lowest esti,:frate is gunpowdor or Other osploolve substoneo Wrotpliati plight the 17 On• pet out ou tjudr _100..VO oared trot"' the arreckli and in their rnoet up. My heart was -Very sad at havin lc Ivo. bijou, -1i, friend to -me, bijt, I.wojit iny Many lifiN0 Jaist tb-elr- all. The oitizeno, building, islilp, or veise01,- or any efillinet tilk. Groat- Mothor's Country.- lie 1.11b0i000. Nono of the property IS ineured, With intent to desstoy -or damage any (mob weary tintrcit throtighla bleak and denolate 'however, Met Ow disaster bravely, and are inaeliiitory, ',corking tools, fixturos, goods, . countryi without ilt qti'.ide, end with little ohildron brogglit.1111, Ili toy nativo eountry, taking prompt stops th.tirtair tho domogo; or .ehottols,:whotito. or not .103 oxploidon praopeet of ever reel :Iiitig their jounloyto• . arid I_ Ono- w hill to feel that I: eon violt my The 000001 aro iiiiO4 . with ..ileorip.. !rho touni pima, 14444 whothor or not arty amain eni". line broil° 51184 mon fell . out -. of the- teftvinlilsw.T1-11'.1',°. ici.wt4lia0E4°:011°110,1011,1111-liolny° piiiplio(30"1; lorr brick moat .atorliet.; the Methea st. itt monied, may he Raton4 to penal MOrvl. . ; rankir:- front sheer .o11„11aUstiollf 7310Y NOV. an Lntlieran -eburolies-wore Swot owaYf tu4"110r" fourteen eitro; .- ' If death- roilults • -• ferea terril4 from feket tito-- taut hunger, •It-ve- t°goltor 0000 OHO reliBetrattain PUOUT „„„i •tliti et -00 10e of three-..Catholia-clinrcbea. .frotn AO -0000010 - t110 .01011110110r illt :Of 414 of-. tett -.#ays- two- Innti'.-alone" ' A f ini":,114i 1411"4113,4 Iliatitiii°4iri i. 1 llt :77 4; ' WW1.' Of . and t110 110114111g0-giltted; Oil 1.Pte, (Silltfit31-1144toto4 fo Murder, . -_dooviituoit. oat:. rm,410,....:_40„,,noty RiAger -.1ionfoes itrtt . Yy 00)-y #1.01.41114404„1441414 / 14 itY_ _ them od. 9 4rAtiptijoi. / hon.„14.41410-44r Eortiolly..40-otroy#4,-thO Pint of •flot Pollrt' . . . - and ,a- .ssailoc naulnd .. - -Peterson-, - filo . 0000 ofteriOt1 off, many baiiiii004..141took-and soitoWilinit.,Vir (30i;i4ittfiktVOuto, ' - latter Kisoontebed tlfr.---tiiineer,, - and. 'Ms- a11-1°1114 - 0113 Y°11i3114411-ililji ./"- 1.-!4[4:441.:'°Iiiitl i t -Via Ptiblle 0011010.-- dostroyed,- :Lightning_ ' - -__• -_-- - ----• r-',--- -I; --- --- •--E-- - ' - ' "Stirlir104 ittihInar°111Vntri'e41-111°11P1wW.°11111;0/113:ttiy,'.0-ollftvtlaYg: - 'C'ori7ruselii- wi7o1171.474:Y14:1"!.111-11°4111"1114- 11-1filrg°r- 14.--it1.14: .., .ddropy,,,kio: for .. ,,,,,opor ., (fit -y.. _coo/Abided pyou wfolt -oliof.thertt, owl -those witolotvo tn iii"E"Y. til°"61 '-'* 44. t3ti(l' -'6r. *1144--i-- gtoulgu:ti:itnt ofltrui,14°Iiiitig-tolt'lvi:l'it-it:r-t':%11(33"1-1111"'IP'11-1a1 1 if (10,00(1-,- Waft dostroY04,:'Liglitiiiir_ft- Strtl, a -oho. -'1)04y-..-pf - g.. num .4tra ad tfehry. :1), twit -uppu,iut#tly dying state irY Honor liellet - !Int vs:i"Y-P_I-tho-y•ft;b:411-14411'.„.4-,.A1 1.!1°ti. on-liouritlit-totit 0:44 -?1,.•. tostto_r041...10 bb,114,11 -wiiiitin. -wan founii,..iifintstni ...40._ on toy OMB' lin WOO pleked141- if 5415 IIP6010104-1140- ,- iuetf; - -, A_ sesrab es ' 'clition- wise organlied• :- - 515515 t'h°11. 4rtnWistiiI.V°thinte- "isV° ° - - i - alb ' °tit, - 20-0()0 'biiiiiiiilo -of who& near - the.' Notborn - --olaVotor, • by . i4Otlie . „- i all,a Chu nalitiiin- an ,ilistro *sailor wore. fours t1111.-.611. i' -..w_. IL.Y. ftm.0.- win- .- . number Of. buildings,: 'Arnett by--.11glitulog .0orhooeu • - -on. -Attie. 40011, .. -. to- y, . - - - '1i-vti - l'1"'4jitr Pri"t1-“t" 'in° ' b-mni ''''r TiiisAiistfiJ s!ssoolui '1-1.10 , tillirri'ltifile-, :"(01"ght, Aro awl -*hp' Owl' 10-1114 toN° fintlid .--nOkitiaye..esiti: lif-l_the: wator,-mora HUCK ,a, -isliariestert _lowing ' actingly- :been . . .. .4_, -. -., . .heen -dostroyod- iii -,-thio: Vow bOt ' for: tho tbrof tin -00_7.400; pm-- i wifoott vic14$ ob-motooy.. driVen- ..-to eat .tho Iliottiois- 'or titeirj,:doad A- iffhotommi ii.lour niiiimps: iitriffiereu,10 •rajii/. •A*11016 laalborfyttrawaodoaroyodf It; •fht,-,ittot paid. .64 by liiir ompl.oyor,listioli • . , . . . . . coniratinThit, 'that _ ploy . diefl ifooft itttor .-_ who,,,, :chow -.gissoloi iiii-01,41 In 'Ten TOO 'storin.-Wini- .fearfill to -colitarriplota, intOrs, of :001.Angloi.Amoricsar -110011; :liaving boon found, -.-ii ifffigpr tilootLatirvirod. - .4.0nr.,.. . --:- , . .., Vocipin oti tlie- 0,0040 WOro litOrgill'-.61"1! With. W11.010 tio•worlytt4 its "bus driver; Tho - ti 01° itYlOg. onfortunato intui . *40111(40Y oddieto4 -. aufferod -tot firmly -fef'.1:t.utlittoi.'-j-fillit-olliftifelbulluili.a.tdo- -i-fl-gi "aiiitity - fat 01° lvta.v6n-ti" ..6f :"11Y -t4414 u'41--iittlt"lf- Wund'd ' • , _- - pf ,tbe (..41fw ff„ :olot, f if bitCo both Irififeut 1141111414ittA. - 'Doi- QUerjit etliuhS; -t"I'lltir°141-br(-11/01t-t° ifigi - /44-H064 . Wee NO 1,1011.04 by Ili, ',ionised.- ot ' this -story .Market l'011OO. -C011ite:. yoritiodn!y Morning' . that she bus, as statod;- just forwOrdad the 1-'11E't;r() . jtili14-ii4"4."" :115)°;11 1116-111°111464 'Hs . and:. rhilounent , Vittotto„. - oged 10,- tilt --. Of - sitipwro6koii-- truirliOr it ,Weitiointr :AUL Of ni-ititit, .14tritit, :....iicititithitnati .-. magisenny 4 .- - . toatified '-tliat at Wet, in, lie saw. 1110 'Miro° - -- - - if • .-inoitet,w.itit a•kinkineissage. of sympat14.- - - - 7 ---""-4-t-f"" - • - - 'cliiidron- " grail:Sing the. Bowery, . The Contemporary tileanings. King Halation*, of tho flondwioh Isloodo, lo quit@ oivilisob At (Honor givon him in London ha got drunk on4 trio4 to Moo tho Lord Mayor,- Thie ehowo that ho up Lo tho etttudard of nooloty at Ottawa, whoro ono of tho fillet& at a vice,regal boll got drunk Hind WhIlt04 to MOO ono of tho Italakaurt obould bo invitod to tho float ball,-Tercare Neu% flir Edward Thoronton loot boon Eng, Miniotor tlio Miami fitotoo for thirtoon yoarff in opito of politiool Amigos in tlio govorismosit of hie aountry, and even now Ito 115r00541184 only to bo promoted. Whon ism any prominent American diplo, mat be allowod to metro ouoh r000rd V, Herald, nOinsio 1144TZNIT union -atm. rope ii,o0 on tho Insult 10 hie Predeees. liorPs iletanins-Unhappy hilreet at the 1114.----1141104iMlf Conduit in it Court. A Roma doopittob oftyo Cardinal Jitoobint inforCied thoMinititore and othor represon. tativis.i of foroign poworil how deoply painod tho Vrpo waif at tho Moult offorod to tiro body ,1 Vino IX, Ilenooforth ho must oori. eidor himoolf looro than OVfor prisoner in tho atioan, and prevontod from attonding tho rifilgiouir sorviao ill tktly of tho lissilloao of itcrrio, Mgr. Jacobini read a oireular to the p4pal insuenos abroad, whioh is to be handed to tho reopeotivo Ministers of 'foreign A-flaire, Part of the Motionge, rolating to_ ,roligiours borvioeis in _the oontirms tho itisiortiGir that had tho body of 1.4lue 1X, boon peitooably romovod, tbo Topa womd have found an oarly oisrasion for pasiong tho doors of tho Vationn, isilis Mon baVe boon timid and imp‘riooned - for disturbing the funeral _prooession of IX. Groat disorder_ prevailed at the tria.., and tiro oourt was olearod twioe. Tha oontonoos wero reaoivod with Omuta and blooms. A orowd of throo thouriand oheored the priironerti on oorning -out. 01 ooart, and followed thorn ohouting, " Down wigi.the aloriaals," Holdiors disporsed the mob, whioh tortistomblod at tho °Moe of ono of flip clorioal newspapers, toro down the bullotino and otartod for tho railway ista, Wit to protoot to tho Xing and Quoon on or -riving from Naples, but the police pro. voltitod the domonotration, NEW PAVIIII A Company Wormed with a Capitol el '14440,000--Asho Not Wet heiteteth _ A otrong oompony boo -been orgonized in Toronto for the purpose of eotablishing paper mill in Ontario. The projeot is pre. noted by the leading paper firms m the who have already oubsoribed mufti. 0k-int:amount of Moak, The oapital of _the company will be #250,000, -Varioue sites for the mill thaw boon considered, 'find of. Woodbridge Most - fovorttbly, but Aare is . substontiol objep, tinn to tbill.place,it is stated, owing to the high rotes of froight on the Northern, Which IS the only roilwoy thot Herveli that (Harlot, Tim Other looalities thought of -11T0 Comp! boliford, retorboro' and Cornw011, --The oOmpany ova now negotiating -.with on ,eXport in the United -0%0m, who -whoa -ho Orrivos will Oesist-the .00mpany la- coming - to dotortnifuttloil thomit4tor.,. T-hosite. not; in 'timy, (wont, • bo pl000d -further- -coot Cornwit11,-- -No bonus will lut trofailid or_uolood for& from •:any-munlol - ; -Port of, 00 phintalll Ito purebaSed Hootland- And _port in the Motes, Mr: ... .41-mes-Ilarber, Intro lifts boon .46404 prof - ibilotiot-Vrosidont of the -company!: ' - 'Il is' liras is • .srue • VI* - _ • • .- 7 '..*Iiitotii-Vrof Prato, • „ . • At no ono -time wore -moro than -seventeen -persons 00000 tho -Mooting of. ultiSone-eouVened by ,tho• Mayor -44 "for .tho purposuoCarrangittg for.tba reooption. and -.- entertainment of 'Ills Eticollottcy tho-Cov. lornor4)on0rttl On hlyt• visit .ta dity;' Those whe -rtifitionbor bow thronged vox 'tho olt WO ton a" HiMilar intinnionit 'When fiffbrio,' rooting was sent t 'rough the; to eirtnk-, and at the -oft -Would oppoor *pita airtsttd-twiffted tout Pruitt -plod 1,1140 .1)(411,1', latoost- oritsy., •Ift -siirpoisod that *bite. /V large" quaiitity of grain Wail ileistroye,(1 in. under -the at quer ;he viaridored- arid- ornootli, Huhooriptionsfottlie-suffororS for Clore Ifity,..-vibere it Is said -ho bos:tWo • Lord IT.UffOrIn was about -to V -101t 110- 01411 "th'o whoat hosAls beitig ota gloati titi S110.-40011000 0114111W;f0-' thltri 'Strati-1er Ore 'itl-reflAY. O0ifliOff. "nrm:' t'OtIt0fili-114/111g.;; b -W aocidOtitaltv f-tootIO01Y- 16,41 - to arOm Signiflo.ont tom!. tthetit- mile- wide, • • , - . topped -off • tlittWborf and: wao drown -06 porison; Tho ofitlitutistitri ou 'thy lottor 14tf deopitten • .0ayn - a,.0yolope 01.1 ,Ats loquostswytti 0-600016ii Was- • not -,moroty an oxpresolou Tisurooloy-niglit Oostroysd,two largo elavs; , , - of . Taspeot . for :tbo • representotiva tern - n6ar- OroOltoton; • Tito Nifty . •• • - • of- tho Hovorolgn • or o dimoustroo eyolone, (10Vastated.111-0 gauntry for forty barb --of Ireton -a, tt qopt.ro ner 1,, ".tiett of -.• estootu: for * ,Cattitdit's .giftod - Hos oxtont• of the* &Wog° is.yot ifroodo.fn and .prfolperity, shouta t io 0,,,ntir and -*min crioo4,. :it...10.011140d theme and , iyna good -Moral ohkractul sottle-tbittatriore.. Thounitostiming manner: " ""41°u11 and- graffiti -courtesy of Lord :and Lady . . buffer -in, thoir- anxiety to -Hoot the wishes of tine people lo ."overy .propor way, their . -freedom front ,stiobbisti ' giro of oxolusive Suporiority Added. Alto gib*: -Of porsonol attiteittinifit to the voiptiot dna '.thoir -high ,ottition, The-abseneo of similar enthusiasm, on Thursday night may 'regretfully - :be • Oooptod, :as .strotig" Indication -that - • sonno fattlingaytre not •Olitortaitted for .,ths -present elovernor.nenern) of -:Canada, this;Livo nslievoi-Joithoi -the. psoOlo of !Winnipeg nor the- Marquis himself- Aro 110060011rilY blainod.- • Th-ers is 20 "bog . -Winnipeg to-iday thin :there ---wits whonliorii Ptifferin Choored our people's ,fioarts,:with 'his_ stirring pronionfir. :- tiens o great_futuro,- - Thou, reit • act -for -the- represontatiVb of Boo .A Attooltiligtott carreopotident.telograpbot --ohler • carried a -bog -..anii -tile -,yottoger - 61100 - - . . • - - - to '-."#:i fievet Witrieseett trioro 110 .1.' - ' -11 et..-111-;(1.1ittelttitli,, They went from. saloort_ tititol. 'rave s -sen itri Ales,. Oftrlielil. _ during. :g - . -if di_ lelleil-T-nti eligitr - stubs, .---The this riOiircrial, • Tliere Stiernil to Ifie tO be -rOUlidEltnall -:: 011oviO4.. for • it long. - time,- a:singularly' hubtiti bond -of-.Hyttipathatia ttoptifitedly„ while dlgging in tire-- gfitter; . urilon, between-:thisl(liffsband end:wife, It thoy . unrroWly escaped -helot( ruti- -osier,. , IS. it: life bound up In 6:1110;--- T110 0110 railleh '11!lie Worn . tattled and' kiiiked in- did -Hai . , :. . .. ._ - , .. , _ _ aoll'ItOpi`OVeii appakOntly-• fOr the Ktilte 1001- •-_ -under tflottiftgoetiollytiluentof of thootlier;-. If: - "--Thoy oonnot; littVo. got Many algar --Idrit,ciartielti was.itlisent, I tlyinktbotelVould Stump' SO oartY,'-' retnatko(1-3tistieni4mitii, bo :far leasiebanekt than . there- is. of tho . • ".litiflood. - -they *,1-14-vo -Itir.;"- -.kitinarlyed -,-Vrooffietit'tt rettoVery.- Hhoutd- tklatotreatilt bfrittwootty,ond Ito, lifted ocoorso-bOg mere enottoafter oil, .(w.hicit.t hallevo . now wilt tittitr half I oil; -.":',11tor hovo aver -ft 411Ottf-,., - - - -. ---- - tot be-titeeinfoyf -14ilitiiild-trotrible_loillks, sittia .fitutptis III 515)11. to4 ilia buutt-Wurkitigi -------,--------tiortieltt, -Yet filla lino 5458.4' totnarkoblo taft hOUill WIltiti•lArtnOtellibeittef' unit-titles- thot I ;Kayo- ti-i-iiiptylitTimdeetha ---..--'4•41/-bitfido4,110/littrviltit 4,1tettil"- htiaviest affiletion -that conld-fitil;ppoo lair, 0 They-. Lnittko frelifnese.. -olgar6,-', •Iro*OrY- ,her. brova itoort .watild• enable,: hoe 'to -boot „Witifftf,-- and tooth vowel -or out -of them'," -- - .- - . op if oho thOuglit ittillot -duty to othato 0 ',- Officor -.'W.ilitoti,:pn ballot, of CUP: otiefaty; . ,. . . ..-oubdtio hot. gliof -,_aitttliva,- --.-.-.1.4110.14indood- ar Oolttid-thattho.,pritioners be hoilishod- frost' toodel•Womitti,"' - 'A. • --. - - ---;:'---:- . the strotit • • - -...-. : . - - - --. -_•._;-•., Tho,. ttnitnci. HpLtog -. florbto,t y of . tilt; - t1:1110tei0-.01611(1. :etill4rati to prIsonli s. aid. . - , . . - - - - . . . -_, „ Treasury lent SW.44011 A110 - $401(1 -life- OrtAiloti 0.0 : 11-114tie61 --- " blif if you will -take thorn - - ---- tnialai -tu Mit Le0,101, tiOW .111-ret:14* Laty ii. wt°to't11°Y-Oti:t1 lit litoot ttot to Pot in 0011of -- Vilisciti7f; itt" -recognition of. Iter perviitoo.- in-: .-1 %vitt 66"itolt-016mi"- ' - r - - • reoeiting ttlitttnhor of -parsons from:drown; - OrliebriWilgoti trtithilfed 't-114t-tilii s°°16tY I _ _ firatii-tirerigggo,oUthorAot tinth-offzi'vottld ' provitity• Itgainet.; thtt - -boyo ...being `1'-oked-u 'and l'aittica-- Oruith,sont_tlionvtyi .i.tilitnown,r, but; a large -iiiitriber of -people . . ... . , . lia-re been- killed- atid-.Woutidedoittside ot. 1 ar, toornboroltip - yi ., 1411. -. . -New • 0firk; ' In ' soma . -itlet4t1. 0430-- W 't1 ti .#1 Mot • IVO. -giltuft_ -0011. '11111/0 .Oitti- Cathitlia familieft---tvorO. . killed,. tind on ...one_ far.111-. 0-116tat owt's vi° - --*vtt l'°v"-' -cl'u'ritabl°' imta - twoutyffive'cattlawero fotind dood-y•- _ - ---'7". -11011tileo- And c'flitl-1':1---l'iiit iii-natianig "61°Y, :should bo : - doVotod .1- tri-. ' nittlOtial --. -Sfi'd . :111401111A IIIII'Vet,' 11111411.40C*, - .pattlaio objeetsjiri‘the promotion Of tyllialf Wo 'are Wilting to take)* tho himil oily man -Onto itif 'he oefititet.,. itoneftufaews moo,.... of attY credo" 'Who -oollo 11101001f Irish, and - -.Arnerfeart --4111ria.00!1•51. /tousles - by- iho - wilt,. 114 worthy of thOnamo. 430r dilarpli . it. ' ski -,itkorernn;roi..--,- - , - , ..and Ilantifted i &Petri -Men bave,lerig -h- 1:- -, -- ' -- ; ----: -- ,, -;, -.moieties Ofiltift kind, -till . 1.1 -ib .v0. ro ,04 . --boritilomoitibititittnioolititiootim(indatf4,_i .mitighty. harninfitiors_:_sna_ Jiliabitbi.ii ttibbbit fooluding plitt6,,ortiattle.fils, 416_,10414 010...iiitimbons, r -the..go4 014.1404in th*ta: dild tittoougorlijrthWer0 1161u -011 ' ittilfultVt,. oitiom,..,.'- ithilt - dinacilan,, - , ..- - .- Londoff-. arid. rirttlied - °yet $7,000,:.. lie! .: Il ii- ii bOliticd ' -.1 that -tho -Egyptiith pottoff; "1/1111"1411-11"riPt °I ‘"YMing "ilk° Or0 W111 eht161 that Of lhOttrar• TIM _biiro°1i"gtitt4.-12tro ,--g-Miljal$H6u4:146‘riptfri!atiii41-1,11011o4Itt.4arrilittill 1118Powood alanoo -140 guineas, 'Tii0 manutyoript p .tho , Se of Itiltondori" 411-ItyiOtt .10„-Tifooven"._. an't "-portip Vottiti'' brought .90: ifilitioati Irloming ". far 200 guittetut;',Alrolf brottbk .1161161anoy on itillreillabnipl,thbootioliinnuidomatot. dy„ 54 temil,:-` "A- mat of -titereitypty--*plattny of oti leg Audit rowor stnoot tilt, rotten/fro weret Cattollo Vrotootory,----N; -1`, , oditiOn litatto Diortto I works, odited "ifialor oirettrnotoricos Ictr oxtrofyiti by. -bib goo with • tho copyright, of -Ilia A 11.101141114 tnonloir tinti notes brouffii t250, Tho ..herilic daring, an4 involved tile rielt,of fail@ ffoois of t is Curzon street -164_y_!_s- lifio.. Ai ISO' ait known, tilinlias savo - . , _ . __ ----- -- ---- - - • . - ' - - furniture an . 6 itit41411--;11--vi"•t' LI.- 4;-- t• • -: -- '- 'it - -1-4-Ibrnd-l-'-if°i"1--111"----'111N111111-- isingla'-' -house will be sold_iii,n; fortnight -hence.; • • - -,_-- . Vellicatio. Lottini,:,,,od-: zittoly with' int, 'onfa.corefognitntity sr sosty!fforytyrito, A large. niid iinn-nrttatii nniinotian ni ninnii, - An4 gritiAitlitit Llifrolt itti` tho .Watit.:.- a„ fx. deotettolf froth.' Vaspebutoil (4(16:i:says itoripto rolitting.totho hititory:ondliterotttio' , 11.1-40T-gn:,!.twitlitiolit,•!1-ti',-4, -? :Il: 4itiff,.4,0,11,„21.11;74- attitittg.-__v000ttio- rotitrning:- fiksin th6.1-lorgi- Of. A111-0fleftf lor0,46W -Henry Rtavonti, of ,, H„ 0116r0.614101 Gat Of f4t;''' Vo*renearoport - :VOrtitoot, wait 'also' oold,-.: -"The aelleetion . uttkittoilitig-t:irt-,.90flitil:le/,04tttifilb°-ritii4-0101td.11741,64:10;hi-01"1471"ii" thitaato I 111 (541(15411 vory.good, --- -Voryoston- cootainatioarlyalt.tho- stirly . voyagoa Anti- itive -tiro., war@ -.raging,--in 4 6 'w - d -;-.1 - : t r eta' -Of- -English; --”titch-, iFronah- atid - ttort-L-No, I '14411640M. Otrtieti---46lid.- 'wolf .6v6r,:ittitt-groot totiaotpreportif lo fettrad,in Opitultilf novtgators, .matty books- on tit@ gra4iiiirnie re-nottinn, ii._ ittrgo_ pitys.. •Whtiti ilia illitt.0 ti4 Or 414 adjoining -distriatiyi. --OP .Areoricari itoVOlution and the war 61 1410, -rialattlatoit. be teetiptioti-, Ity.:tho evotting • twOriii,iiiinn hoitrodli kiwis worn it4sottd.-1V101141410 tli0:11111 itifiti 01011011ln -.11t6flOil W-Itli iniattiplee of flatly :ping -lig! itspimittlly, : ot, life, -1 le Itoutillior, -ti_ . , asp@ , . lit SOW.Eti land,.- and -.11tiftlerOUS Norte, of --- te-tire6t ttio yrttiodhow _ i -; .: -; . -_ _ Tliundei itiveri about .eiglity.- ttilleit-;fielow- Amerioatt itoraturo, os -- - t - '1?-eortiPhostorTIVo4 ato 1106 the following .bloifte, /tot entirely liwopt aWayby fire, -the ordinary Coll/lotion or WM11'11614 latterly fologrotti."t - Vatr.olr -Itilledssa,- WItilo- on. -o. . only butidingrottittiningitt-tho- plaeo baing and wettings, lit- is-. titidartitood,.. hoWov.orf ' drunkott woe, 1(srually intirdorod-Itis wifo .th.o -Itonna,tt , Catholla Misilott --Chtirolt; that the latter WOO willdrawn_,-_ at offet-Of la thisnity tooth -tight, by daohinf_cout her ,TwontY..ittvo.' familia hod 41ntored .titotti 11.7,00.0 for it Ott What of tlin United States Veins with en trot': dumbiholl. Tho flitiri ond thri-ootoft had -been- vory largo sattio. GoVorninolit -bottig attooptad -throb-44a ilbrod woman *is about, 01 yofirs of . ago, wag, innoh rdlotOil- - to igiriliking„. Tho tourdoror 4iiii ;Or arrent,. - • .-:,-,..- - ', - . - AtIlie (inanition (it' iliti;'Ig.tiatieff ily@• (m1101106- of doofth -on .11@say 11@TO/106f-tit@ 1011141iN1111110f;111641.-bOOLI 001.11ifitItOd;. The - -tiranfl-Pukof4Ohaol IAA- boon- Opp.oltited ,-Frefildotit -of die ItuptiriatConnall„ and tho .. Otatilt-Pnitty Al-Sxiti Grand Atitniralc. Onn.. ..igilatioff . halt r000lved•olovoral throstening .--lotAgs from:Nihilists, _ 1)6.-Itobort. 'WOYbOrn,__,Milt# of 00.0461, - OfhliN 111 htt0140,1166 Oh Vremidont Garfield, waii born at.010gott•itt 1809. In 14601. ha- tiottfyieLt`Witilltia fent:fly:at Watihitigtott, -gild. bait_ @Joao. -bee,f. suocesofully .oftgagad in . . . ,proetion thoe@,.: - - -, - - -•- --, - • - - - of (11 110 1115411 In -work at tilit Sitino - poriods - - A' dostraciii1O 'Ma @sty.. nut thoro is 110 VredispeOltiOrt. Nile ' (kitten -wortrt haft -•..6PPoaroa lo the Prqvi06 whatoyor 10 grow iinnoneSsarily anth46000 of Motitifyh,"- Thoeattio plogno is ravaga$ over' It tour,morked _at Ito very lititnet - by • Om -Frovittoo of_Hionto;. • - . -.:- - - i '.-- - -- a dispitty of stipotolilous arroganco not .iit ' . _ . . . , . -i'portyoOrttilway !nett ifecently imodhytt" .alt-polattiblo to - -Conadions,,, iffo ..do not trip over dui -Grand _iSoittliorn Italiwo, ,- Of hold- .tho --. GovernorfOotteral: . -porionally Now Brunswiek, from Otifitepliett -to-i4t,- tomponsiblifor -this .hinoftittinsto-,state of -. John, with -rt viotti-to.arieertaining -its cups', Offoirs, . The idio _ datigiais 'layout - the bilitleo. aft -ii. :portion -Pi -at:proposed -diroot OttaWa Court who -assume to ,manago...tho -- . aoliti to Booton,-. The -idea- Is detaile jot IIIS totitt-are,- we -balievor7-tho "---- _. ' persona -who _haVe Produaba. -this iiinistor ..." -situtitIon, . /Ord 1).ufforitt restrained -their abStird prOtonSiona.:- It Is 0: pity.' -11111 -1100.* 000116? -1100 1101 -followed -the •-satno ',aurae+ -11ad hadonti so, tho 'insult now. 'offered 10. . the Canadian proms, and -through -them lo Ilia ConeAlon . people, wotild navor have . beau pertnittted or Av-titt oimastvod.. - .. , NO-liteettteltntowati„--Tliorresbytorian 11110 from Fit, to loatto ttto pootod f Witli 4100 1110 --The other 111 Stutter t Itev, MAttad,-laterof Nolo, gedburgil i, to tho chorgo of Crown Court ScottistnNationol Churah, 111 onecossion -0 Dr,. Outfit:fling; The:Earl ofiAbardoon prosidad, and 1atlors -were roselfroin tho Aratiblitliop of Cantor. Lord.-Hhaftesbury and others, thing .litto- 000 quintals, btit - o'ottraaiy boforo thOottotion,'- boll- of it wits got • on_boa,r. • tits vtioattio , . . _ . . ______,,,_ _., 1:;!°trifn iv,16101°d4' tnid".dbliwt:P0:0-4 affrAtiptab°11@tt- : :.A molanalioly saaottat of the Ontharraotif" Horoo-011110--lish. and part of -.- offoots- of tit(' Int,Tlits4 64)0fuirtrry11,114.1411-1-ilifilarirtil'vfilT-6410;'/fortliniii. witibring- party' wore -.,-.sovod: by _Wing. -"i*u oxfeditor of --tit@ flinisi:filla 811161,7)11111-was- itolit outho tarty woo loftwitit .only what touthinotiod to theTroeurotoria,•-orke in 'tho rottio-teit fterotto Ili@ Thunder itivot,..but- .4116Y--'t°°4 ill' 2 Viftl-'"v-6B1 builditjgt" , 'T'Ll-i-:4-ii8toaribillisfitha°fi Oighol4sarmllotvittlirrsT,g'iti-°sof of. ' locob's -W.011,. wItich -lio: 111143: T46614 -fly JOurnal. 11 WOrti destroyed-, and. tit@ 10140- tO.Mr,"-Lia- 14;64016d thirn in, handotiffs-.. 0,fid tf@d- tir iii.,60iitlied, li .tho.first - alturoh built -over- . . " - ' . . .- . _ Ibittillior.lit ofittmated at. -shottt.-.11,10,000, ith a ro @ rtilitid- Ills. 16rns, : - Atte,- f -fit@ - woll dittos -Mint -tholttodond-ot ?lira - Fotir .Philadelphions will he - likely •to 140 .inotn.-were-upsot whit@ Ottomptinif to. thirttwit's solo -OffeL64 10 Ma to bovo 1115011 -contitry,-whfolt is highly-Probabla, titer@ ,is raftd--,itha .birth columns tit the - London. thot - of: publishing: ft.:statement that -40k 'nothing tolPrwront illie• 11‘0110 -from Voing newspapers olOselY hereaftor. - ThoY have wifiternd ni tilt) two*, and ittid itigt..fggott9d 141lactriiittpageltinitiortiniloettitit loillh- Mo ultiolfitifseorb..lirte .111i.tii1er, Stone of Alio narrati*of : i -- ; beed_bauttoothadli20,000 ottolt by the 1610 ''-- cross Titundor itivor 46 6 fiat "bota4 000. . dwedin-tdh000rifilnIrg AbsolfroadapteoioritoPr401:(1)iteintlitiensgeo.n-boliytilltigri trbei:. of • thou'. wag drovtnads -Tilift .1111111- bOd big 'ill@ itnd oix-Shildron frOfil 1111i bilrOlOg il" or or Mr; Flotonji to rosigeAlie -.6ditorebrp. -0i,T. niiii-60-Q:E-6.iatir"..1,110110Y:trin 'foto Nogagle were initiyng tilf, .s? w ,ffig 1.1110 Jo.Ong, -- -• - • ' - sorVises were aoottuetedby &Congregational. throol - ghtersf two of Wilma- are .0firried Alittla 01114,- daughter Of -lir:- Allan diameter, ottatirrod, and.-brouglit tito vt ti ... 0116 otOlioritY rooltolarlbi 1141101111t 6f ministor, 1 Theovent wilt doubtlost- sattly, bud. 0 0 IS AVOW) to be; all- die olilldless, honott, Fortunatoly, tip) of Mr,-Lo.-Doutlif Otivolition,.- Of 1.1t; - lifarys, -thong'. liariod- away-, or thole- oufforingti would1 v 70114,1thl 1011f to ' tho 00r111011. ffitherlftbd '.by dans@ the 'rigid .,Cburehtintin whoso organ- i Princely gift is about te, ha- 111140 -O'er,: ssvoral foot 'by '6 1110W .1.111 010 1113a fr0111 Ow _r groat,: fig --the - entirO stook of _provisions- at onllg!041011 " to Alaorioa oh 12,0.00,000,000 sania---yetiell owt. daocribed 'the Qfieon'ti to tile -town of Dundee, .-ficotiand, • -21100 tio-wegotter of -a Orafid-Trualt- 11611-witr thastotion,-oxtutietoomeltsh,vitutdootroyad,. MOM, -.. Many. -rogard_fhe vast tido - of -.taking th'@.. sitoratnant .0 a. Proabyt.orittti Boater - has-. signified it detike -0 -Great s -troin, /tot onlylyttiil Ilvoa, but- Will probably, wht,fi tho ifooseiluft ths .sbost tha tire was stolgration not ttean iintnixod evil bttt '.tts it- .eltapal Piti iisdi 41'4u -sting perfortnaticp" - . C011ogo Of Arts and 601011600.04111ppOSWIt11. --.;664,61.• -- - - ,,--; ' - - • -..-- - - - @till rtiOngiti the: Woods,. and . One of the -EllillY1614. -64661114 • -:T.1013" - obatolid -;:.-that ' ilov i li.Hutitor, gootatttry- of -tt § Tb, a totalling staff such as will attract 5411 10 - ,A..-.1fitity Oho* Dooutnontarrlyyt-Cat Ult., liohing stationaof Messrs, Of Robbins &Coif- uonniulY fs"§uffarfog frf,1111•0vorsPoPaiatioat sonto.'ividtafsf. Chorayingar,- -whos :ging@ D011 OD and the - diStriet -who -desire a .1 ..rfirlif, troland, f tom Norwaytoit Vifidnosdoy „Paapoblao,*tali in -groat_dongOr..- . -, - -- -Tho - North (fortiion Lioy4s" Steamships alb leAt f, stifon of Alio . obbforobto In thorgugh eduotttion. -The ; site alone will '. evoning,-.ift a, ifalf.d@alted. boot,'. thiiiiy-feet-1 - - ..1. .. -'''- , '1 eamPail .hoNa ' ooatraotod -wit - , , oss ,-. --D- ant tOp btlA -biAll il@OlOinly ifUnVONtat .40lit frOnt 01%000 -14 S40f000, • - longi -and- sailed twain for -Amerloco_- Whore -I,: -POti Gerbei • tlio -- f4ponith .piontidOr_, Ipbu E. or.44-Co",; for, ithe COnstruotion * f is . moth i -b -otter .,:itithou- - not -yot-uotila -A .. violent : aWdentio of "411pAboria- has. - he fotpootty to„Ortivaln-fiftydaysf, -BO okra- -ron_ontly-o1piiiisalrom Ifronsollistivorivia. suotkor-stottmor. Intontisti _to, ohjipso tiotsly rostoroillto hoolt i.- Hotta§ ru3umod - among. li ---13401'sburg. . Denmark, _sal rloc.1 oighty dui 0! pro,y1Sions, ... 111740llaell.: .- - 'Elba 014110 IMMO 11110 iti 11100 Wet seoOd.\ hii.poitord ilutioS,. -- -_,. - _ z .. =buy- aoathis .bontooearrod -. - .. - _ .. , . ... , . , . . •.: rood Houthorn. ond.t1to ipro• ono liOngor :to : :Coilais,,wfilob :--tho 'Citattitt, ity Pnblio :mooting Watt , _ isaki all -tondoni to, welcome -the' '". -----.---"Aoriwil!of -Aldo shownion, Pediere•and 06111O0fOrti f0116 -W 1106r)i-'01r01111. and-pay...for platios .elos Aly. tho -main tehts; -Ai gasp iiiiit veftder .ro Se tho- customary ,tribitO -to Forepon li i thionagorfo, but - persisfAmtly bitwitid it:Waits HOtti tha.nttittt antranco. Mr: -P opatighwhipped-biticat PlatiktiVar rolls, With-, and was Aited 1124, : • - -' ri,oil; Of W. por46111Y- solids- to, the:a-Moo W. . of Ilia Paloo hie- Explorittion Fund 6 dra*. , big and an- exconnt of the inciant mouth coallootion %vita tila fignial'4/te.04tharititil * - (Thumb .e4Fort Urie.determinell te ,hold Pieflio for -the .Porposo of raining :funds for the support of Oa oburch, This WOA1.611 correat, but. the promotors.lof the picnic deoided to have s dation- in .0onneotion ther@W,ith; -This ootning.to tho -corm of the Frosbytery; which sat Au -11amilton, their suguilt bodyinstructed Clerk to write to the oditopboarers-.of the -congrfotion, beseeching them not to bring 'Scandal on bloriattiont by htiNing dancing Is