HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-07-22, Page 7141.1(I1+41161411N.
11 01. be 444 yr 1144rgbor116114rprior 114/1.4t •
Probabl) thu Most peculiar. burglary in
the criminal lustprs
occurred 13 liortly before midnight on Frill's:
111 the peaceful home .....of Benjamin F.
assistant pastor of Plymouth
on the bluff ‘‘, est of Thos. Los.vry's
residence. Mr. Sliiiart was bleep' ng 1 uir
room U1i the (met side of the hoUbt), 11lId al
1.3l) ticliluk was awakened by a crash of
glass io tho (limns -room, anti lya,s further
startled by hearing a %ellery of oaths
of the most eliouSieg character- At
first lie itnegined butue irunken lean bac'
entered the house, and SU informed his
startled wife ; but this theory Was SO011
when a swaggering form eutered
from the dining room- and a strange voice
-yelled out, " I'm a burglar and I went
mune)." By this time the position of the
intruder was- deflued, and the peaceful
elergyitiati picked up a 'Leavy old-faehioned
chair arid banged away at the burglar with
geed effect. The two men clinched, and
then lellowed a hand-to-hand combat.
Around the room, hugging the_wall, went
the twu men, at laet settling near a wiudow
iu the sitting room, when Mr.filtuart called
to his wife for help. She grasped a. five -
potted Indian obit) and made -for thecom-
batants, dealing two heavy blows, but
unfortuuately they fell on the head of the
preeetherinstead of that of the burglar, and
she was conipelled to desist. Al! was dark
as pitch, and theeineven battle eoutinited.
Finally, the burglar got the preacher in a
canter and kept banging away wi tit a pair of
brass knuckles until the preaeher was forced
to ask for quarter. . The burglar then letup
on his victim, pulled a match, and Made a'
light in the'studenegJamp en the table inthe
itting-room, and .;proceeded to ransack_
things. Meanwhile Mrs. Shurt went out
in the yard and vaiely called for help. At
this moment the 'hired girl came . down
staine: elitist -he burglar, Unsuccessful in
his hunt for bootie started to leave_ the
. • house, wring off w itli muttered nurses. Twice
during the hunt" for valuables the burg-
lar's baiik was turned, and Mrs. . Shuart,
• armed with_ a stnall• pocket-, knife,: was
ablaut to use.; it, -lint . And so the
burglar departed unmolested -lied withent,
anYthing' to Erhow Ifur his .C.Iploit save a
Mr. Shuart tate Off the burg..
laresmesk during tild striigglci, tutd is poeitive
-110 pen recogui.204;pan agaia:-_ Tri...bithe
.rreporter'ealled at. the house. yesterday and"
- -re sight •Met Itis eyes never tt? be .forotten._
Ore threesdeeof t4sitting..-teoniethe welle'
and deem and -the, flpor 'were spattered.
2-thiekty withe.lilood,i,IshoivingpleinlY that a
leaf -eft eyeeis-erit terribly, and irepresents
terrible struggleninetehave • takeu .lade.
Mr. Stuart le, badlyildirt about the hetet,
• t sorry Appearance ettoysethe
burglar -evinced 11(1fear.fear-, end from. the start
iwits itoIsk aridseareless. Iti will be several-
weeks.before the- teeierend gentleman: Will.
.e - presentable forpulpit _ duty. Mrs.
Slider t 1.4 .stifferitig from._ uervonaneSs 'and a.
niek reeeived feortelthe inirgler on her left
(-7oulti. flu be /mind totclay; that burgher
email no drinkbe free to tentless.. Iris sure
_prise ,ritethe„ warm -repetition iie receiVed
frotit a messenger ofirecice.
AN.,UNPAICA 11141111LE 11 -VEli
:from. 4b(4,:-111iorribli
-Sjlicrjnii 11 '
.. -
.1 The.politrial•'refugee ivies liaS•juskrekoired-
-Switzerland 'after eiteaping.. from' . Siberia
may -.fairly cleint the „credit ef -an alt but
snipertilleled feat. .The _ernly_ ,other nian.
he- bee .evests- escaped" with life -.from the
seerhl-wicle duirgeorilef z,.SilLtit1 RUSSiS; WaS
(1.CflInt likrtrOWEikt,:ot* of- tbe .Polislisineurs
getitre Condemned hie- the Czar Nicliedart• to
exile after the, abortive ..tieing Of
1.lavingsucee-ecle'il-in obtaining a nett,
tious.peeeport and -eluding- tliesvigilance of
hie: guard-, this _indernitable. elan. cein--
.‘ieteneed Ills- flight in lithe, depth of _winter
ansid a serieri of_ littedeltipe rerelY equalled::
- and never- eurpeesede -Robbed,- while he
• slept, Of hie pasepOrtli iiba the bulk Of hie
scanty " funds, heswee "compelled to avoid
• the - beatentreek- by '.constatit
througli tho frozen -forests, often .passi
whole days "witleptitlformi,Aod_tntiding•_=n0
Shelter- at ntkkt navel. the 'drifts. -ie
- VehichJia.sceoperliaeberrOxv.for h_iniself like
wildebeest'. .0tr.o_n4 occasion. he, :fetind
hitneeltin the f3arriiirooni -with ger:tiered (if
liis late gultrillansesselto: were, luckily too
rnueh intoxicated fle.'irecognize
anoth.er tinies. When every.motrients 'delay
might- throw, -hine into, the hatfds.ef his
oursUers,..._ -Wag - 0-n:4;8110d' .ta.- listen
patiently.. to the inatnid-erings
drtinken Coeseek,..wlipee-spitgpicions would
havebeere at once- .aroused by any attempt
to give. him ...the slip. At- length:, haying
• jOittedilie'erew Of.a. canal.' beet, he worked
his way by slave etageteilto St. Petersburg,-
- where, knerwing_the irnposibility of paesieg
the frontier undetente'd.,
Gernseid shit/Mester-710igive Itini a passage
to-- DittitiiteeeThe -eacrieititit the shipswas
--_elear of: the' .1ft:tertian -i'pottst 'he -1611.W-debt-
. froze -sheer exhaust.icM, -. and eremeiiied,
eunconetione...for.' a-- velinte. Arty and night.
= -The narreetive lieleinibseetiently
iff'-‘leinden was _ tureed togoodaccount by Alreteleidet Oeteetie the-Ian:Ione
Nihilist editor,in hieleattitelifee upon .the
Rusjan Govetninente •II • -
: -ilstitet-trerkt fee-Ifitindnee
. .
-At the .tiieeting of eta eTo*ii Connell
(111 Ittottarty evening leet-itied erteposele !lento
submitted, bi t behalf of a tottiesanys to
-eonstraet water wetlia for Dtierlite. The
s -nrrit•Wee to build the.Wdrke; ley Melee and
--hydra:lite Ott Styertil o the prineipal ittectit
_and supply water for firo prateetiion, - fot-
the reanufaetotiee aiid for
.portere the -total Cost to be 44g,6,00. The
tiecorel wag to furnish 2 _Waters lee fire tote.:
tention aed street Watering itt tensidetatiert
'Pf en 0.1111110.1 rental, of $0,066,_ tilkadttititkflY
to retain tires -privilege ettliepoeing nf
- the factotiee, titivate; htnieelt; ete: AO,
it, 0: Ch!otil9-., C.; tiptilte.in. favor .
art -eaten W611 _Hytitetri.
in:their eideee,"Ittid.a lehg, deflate
obetlea, whicdi teeittte$1.,fb. 0. cotritiiittc'e
being:appointed to cotiOidet all eelteinee•
• brought:hetet:0 theft-. 4 • °
Crisco/14 IlitisChlettgelfiretefe Wee tety
yettterday bieedthe flinttilkt lffi
flak notnittented the'. litO1 dity if 'bin -fiat':
• /re has itiade alt attatigiitifeiititt:bi -ding tb;-
day 6if the stage of the Ittlyteple theatth...
Ifhl*eight:at heehWitife*tibtittlibeaffiteiiii
- the day befOrn,efia.gattfttlitte 149 Ptititidin
•_Patties -00. ; feetiltittibris 401 eteniPetittiffel
T114 uivopit
lioimiloo chi, allsti 411111
-iiivitalogcs to by 1,1010E4 if.
fif.....its4-*'441 Ile forth-
coming if the practicability of the tunnel
were brought to demonstration end the
Houtheastern Hallway Gompauy, who have
borne all the risk of the preliminary
experiments, would achieve the triumph
of supplying a long -missing link ill ii,eYeteill
of railway communication which would
reach front the north of ficothind to
tirindisi, to Oadiz and to 'Odessa.. The
advanteges arising front the abrogation of
the short but miserable sea passage front
Dever to Calais would be filtuost incal-
culably beneficial. Tile old diligence
journey over Mont Cenis was full enough of
discomfort, and the cars ou the Fell Rail-
way, albeit a much swifter, were scareely
eu egreeable mode of conveyance.
Still the Alpiue pesees laboriously
clambered up and plodded down by
lengthy trains of mules dragging cumbrous
caravans full of travellers, the dust, the
flies, the finOW in winter, the ill -supplied
and extortiouate posting -houses, did not
deter English tourists from visiting Italy.
It may, on the other hand, be justinably
assumed that " the silver streak," so dear
to poetry _ and to patriotism, every year
practically prevents thoueauds of English
people, especially Indian, from visiting the
continent. .We sufter less, perhaps, front
sea-sickuess than any other nation it' the
world : and for one English lady who can
thoroughly enjoy a passage - `across the
Atlantic, and cheerily report -herself at the
captaites table at breakfast, luncheon, din-
ner and tea, there are probably; ten Ameri-
can ladies who pass their tee days', and
nights on shipboard moaning and groan-
ing in their narrow staterooms. :Yet
is sea -sickness not makhown -atn.ong us,
all hardy and _rteafaritig from erur earliest t
youth as we habitually are, and even case- s
hardened -travellers and 'old sailors by
profession dislike, if they do not dread, the
channel .passage. -The railway companies f
clowhat ttiey can ; praiseworth-y 'efforts
have beep made to improve -the steamers; a
ampler- harbor accorriniodatiens May be f
eveutually provided on the . French side; ft
.y4 tii0_,Cilallilel pfteeftge COM scarcely feil to I
remain what -it ,is, and What it has 'ever -it
beett-ethe naostmiseeable Of ordeals. ..111.10 t
. , _ _ .
semberkation afiddebarketion,:thettanship- g
Merit of the luggage, the liauging about_ the -a
station: until -the train- starts, .are thetie •
selves peocluative of disconifott, aim -cry -mice t
and irtitatiptietturi these -ere aggravated to f.._ _
an intolerable degree whensthe weather; is 11
• tempestuoureanclethe bottle- are croWded. 11
The conserrietien Ot. -the channels tunnel ti
again,. -lead to__ e weee .bet; e
tet feeling; between • the, peoples .of it
the Awes (Sill 11 now separated . .w
thaAilyer -.streak." The .working -classes 1(4
of lentud
ce _an:England at preseut. know p
comparatively elittle.qf one enether, but.
could.tliejonniey betweeii Charing .0roes: (11
0.11(1 the Cant du Nord be fiecompliiihed
11 Stft. 'touts' railway rine-with no dolorous- lit
triitl of.,a sea pasSage,_ iminense. iintubers. Re
of ttedespeopleand Workingfidkin-Lenden :1)
ILIIsi Paria -ieepectiiely would-be 'brought. in w
frequentr_ and,. it is to. be hoped; lute_ th
fru:tern-al contact. -.Surely the :Cause p
of thenn
channel ttittnel should- he the further: "of
arice•-of-theietereets.of peace.- 'Once- wl
pIeted, the. neutrality :anti integrity -of: Re-
therellgilly cosempolitanwork shonlde
acknowledged_ and guaranteed: bythe whple
civineed„world, -end it should - be no more'
internationallywairantable to destroy. or
injure 'theehennel tunnel than to bornbetd
,the _Parthenon again . or pull admit the
. _
She Silo -
CLOSD OP AN FnaltADIMINAtiy 0-41iNEli•
A despateh from Louisville ley. sive :
To -day 'auto lime of the death,
in iMissie--
eippi, of Major 11. Throekmorton, of
Louisville,, a man of leieure arid of style, lk
baeltelor of 115, a famous hese of a (Darter
of a century atio• and the lover of the
beautiful genie Ward at the tines when the
bewitching Southern girl captured the son
of the Puritan Govereor Lawreuce, of
Massachusette. When the yonng • btide
want to her New Englaud borne, Throck-
morton followed. It is asserted that
jealousy of Throekmotton, which Mrs.
Lawrence was too proud to resent by
explanation, wes in reality the cause whieli
Ind to the separation of Lawrence and his
wife. • Sallie Ward (apse baolt te her
father's house, and a divoree was
granted Lawreece on -the ground
of desertien. The lady gave no
explanation. Throehmorton still hov-
ered around devotecIlY, but W11,8 not
rewarded by the lady's hand. She married
Dr- Hunt, and, after his death, became the
wife of a wealthypork man nettled Arm-
strong. When -this gentleman died, it wes
rumered that at feet Major Throckmortou
was to be blessed for his lifetime devotion,
but the handeeme widow drives about in
the finest private turnout the city affords,
and- Iree paid no mote attention to the
addresses of the Major than in the deys
her girlhood. The beauty of the lieutucky
belle, Sallie Ward, made her fame world-
wide, and the pereistency with which the
Major followed her gave him a certain
nterest in the eyes of the Multitude, but it
was another w-otnan that held him up:to
he gaze of matikind, a woman -Who
hadowed him more constently than lie
taunted the path Of the famous.belle. -
Throckmorton Was a pleasing . and
rivelous man -of the vvorld when he first
met the sclipol girl. Ellen Godwin. He -wee
bout .110. years of age ; she wae 15. Her
arnilY Was at least -the equal of his, and to-
ll Older sister_ he: had been paying g attent
ion:. The girl was impulsive, intereeting4,
iidinirc)oent He deliberately -set to wetli
refeigniterve andtegaie her heart. .HeVinge
:tined it heihrewit asidewithout cionCerit
nd went his.-way7:-
Brion tater :as -veiled •figure...appeared oe
he. streets.- ot -ferm
it --moved Silently- after the Mali NyliereVO
o Went: . FilibetieVer spoke toslihre neither
or nor reviled. When he.- entered
eliss. stood Sit- the. door ; whenlie
door -frarn cluh she. we
irs, stir -New York; in. (Meanie. she.
as at bis side. phentonelikes -Ile joeulerly
Tolte of her to • his:file-rids ILS his -
eliglre? . : •
Ten year's )assed. _ Her fiiende
(led her crazy keeniog the thing up.
Fifteen .Yeare rolled =exeunt -1, the Police:
few lier, theY -Watched her faithfully, ari
the harmlese, demented thing, and pegged
et 'from _beat to:Nate-es she plonghed- her-
e:sr hornewatd -the 'wee_ erne,' lionrii .0f.
el -stormy .niehte - No Inn -nee. being_ ever_
ffered her harrn:.br although she
tem etecel .611 --night before. the _places'
iete hilr guilty lover was hidden:
.Twenty years icrerregone-; Oldfriends hail!
TIIE OnSuity
. -
Primo tr-toicwibern 11141#0.11POIfit, of.
• Albrigironge Etlects. . .
, . _
IficitUp*n; .11.11Y_
twee are gieittlyekeitedoeer.a series of dire
ev_etite, ifieluding the attempt to Murder the:
President, the-it:these of Rev. John jasper,.
--famous- for eermonemi -the navedutien of.
the Sun , arid earth; reed: the' -death of a
popular. colored -men,. allenfHWIitCh=they-
ettrib'ute-to the -appearencie of the cornets
which „celisted-7philes6pherasdeclare----,liats
'heist; and itreefiery, et:intents_ _itee feet
approaching the earth, *bleb.' will seen- be
etrvelopede are beiegeeehyerted
_atretn_arkehle tittles atid placee.- the-
tobaeco- r-factorieli: tha-. millacUltjuss visione
and cOnVersions.-•reerieuely.iiiterfe.re'.with
bus -Bleeps -and thermallia hathibtuatlytaken:
the fotm- of lunacy, =::
.11106 -Cost litet11010,e.
-the spirit shown spine otthe.
outtagenin Theland ailstiniesaltidierollaferitti,
• The praetiee-ot bailiffii-to eat -their.
processes bite been e,ineetled if/Stand°.
*bleb is reptified-finiti Mettte-,Cotiety. West-•
-tnefttli. • A•fittinet.trielelieg. hear .the fetish
had the.iniefertnne to And- One Othie cattle
very --A village Iretetinary itorgenti pre,
_ • -
eetihed ..COpiouidage- of -castor, all, but,
Ohl:at-innately,. theonlyvendor of the Attig:
it the iieigh.botheiOdhad-beeti..",boyeotterty.
The.-tattner-lAad ,alternative but to ;lose
cow or entet the-fothidderi Abp. tie
waited nfitif. eightfalic *heti- he- Velittired
into. theshop anti -preetired half a pint .:6-t
tha.11. "Ife-.Viag: net :tinelni_erteitli • .
and lied not pteCtieded. fat on his: ,...ttay.
home- -whet:F.1a lois filet toy- eotrik.
tettgilerili *he hire. not
keete- that Iteillyie shop had been: "Obi,
-betted:4' := tfaileaded dire -Ilene-81410j but in
vaifj....Thebbitte -WAS titliett ItOtti
iipeti;-.kittl' the
atairied dew° thtilith. - 10 hilt
likely to iftgitik - 1.t.01patitiffittie of the
.biitttittett " - •
• . .
- diltfi.a44: bottilieth- ititifi -the- Other.-
drey tebettbitet tit4t1 Seta hehitld.k eouple:
toho .got b it- little -I s6ation fitiftteSt.-
Thottitteeittid the fight he 'hail Seen tile:
ttittit'S"fdee •tfitik tit
§1ifitpiy, and:trying' to tetivehihet-.. Where- he -
„haft feet eitti, iitlibb the -lent itithed -And
. yriti thofbee - i:tif bettEilt /"
-Yea •;• ahd etetrt.:ybo ibt
tiitftih ?"
-r • •
. .
I thoughk- you Arid
yeti. Hit -filet Milky_ -lodge.
of .bettet- thiog theft- ihtiti!'
eirtib lett-beet bit Ii
Oifftlit •
, . - - ,
died---father...einether, .fieboolmetes; lEer
lime hot thinfiettancliibitened.;: 'her for
stopped, s, (tough sounded-bel_low'On the it
Iter step. Wail neereeLeeble ; yet none the le
it tritelsa,tt purtly, gray.:liaited„lasinen
bly attired -men freen fllallsiou to TflftflRi
New .Yeat'e- Day,' froth theatre -atid el
nisi, night after night.
T re -en tys7three ....yeats -passed. Even t
Ile ehildreti grew - to ..-know1110 I'lai
ebtry,- blifek-yobed -Woman, and ti
"gets 'peinteel'. at .:-Throokmortori1e ghee
iing-gitre looked wonderingly _after'li
elietresried theta siretitly.....Niiven eighe
ettillede pityiegly-sethey- _vote tio Seen
d. ". ribelteted-----When 7 gattneti
USilea Obit.own. Mothers gra:Sped the
ls trintn-relegely-,ntippose thisewernen
bog:shot/Id-be. the, fete ..,ef -their ewer)
figlitets inthe- days to conio. go, _fo
enry-three' years, the phantom, ellen
tein,--dOgged the: 13-ett*yerie stops. A
ti friends of hie had het- attested cise
atieetind, -"pte
tion,-tli.e-triansand Wonsan seerebtongli
e- to fade in . -the -boutt...tbobi -al: -Lenin
e. ...Then it _ties that alt the city wok
to the ethe. • knowledge e. that se thi
nan,Wati neither' ss °ritzy.. net.
I. . language *tie _elotibeer,..--.he
nner refined; her Mee- firm. The .tvliol
story of_ her -life' told -her veiv tI
ti*-iiitit Until' the- libitt- retribittion
.pettiatent. eVatehinge hereilefice-aii
ilefete tlieeeoinahhohad to -folio
roektnott6n quailed, 404.: hie .btittltd
noteefial in the eteeke.tetieetibiting .-t
lie teak eitieried. . At 'eat,'
6° leffettibit.ittieet
t -.Voiitt Ifotine:4-::-•it'rgteet • ehott
nded oheer after cheer vent -Th
brintirittoi-lige kat* with .applattee, Men
UP their line.' " *.it
ttitte6 itod Thfookibtittoble, -Abet: toe
for the tvoitiabi.hkog. -btotight filth
14 bat and li-fttifig: told the. hioty 61,11
dy; said thither. work -tints done, ittid
tootild hitint hfraho thOtei.
teltainitl trottt.• eiteetieg Theti gtektly
lis atifioyecl hithi dtitihg all the tviehty.-
e..yeate; afid -the tyridid Aloe
.itifiteid, &fat -:§116-2
dititt regarded by • the
retitle AN :hall -fief
tilitiiit ititerPeeed their
;.fbeelliog bletielet; Tile& heifer -*he ti
that thie in 'hitt-
. At iliffoinee the bfitit4tbbitriOitti'llitigt
tlie *11610 6ity the4ieiiie bt
tilidielttioti; Vire-. 'intern - trelifififefl
hifide tvith the it6hiiiliiO4
peteofie yeatii poked ,het
tint. feengnitierfi Wilted pardhh. et ibeif
fiend:• .•
ter- 'the trial,.- thy:frieridg -teli thitt
thy- ivey- 08466E1_6*
an her
:tett icli one even
to. t
the k
end -
liffijef Three tbeftefie
tirifig :the late 'etbrwi eitym titer:keit'
tibtietfthfr, tlie hotieti tit. Aft, itohti .11hyd4
tihl• itie0 titafe ivae
thibiy -ettiried beittplettilY &Vet lifri hatit
etiftte:liffitithettitwoi -the:-:1180r- ahd frihridir-
t enbelog lett:-;1i thietilt. thttituJti Mt;
Pr elleffiddeli
the lie l h1 tivo
PYreimal, 1
Arelicleecort 1.44,14dort of Ottewe, 1-411EST _NOT?
Ottf304444.. ttt
v+4v 1131-W1:14-4 -4441114.40•
tlarali lieruherdt le entietmeed gi se a
series of performatwee eliortlY :Hein
Roy Allatt late twee epponited triteel-
ling ageut of the Grand Trunk, with head-
querteris at liuffalo.
-Lord illlphinstone and Hir John Pticl‘ eil
have goile up the Grand River, and will go
dowil the itestigouctie to Metepedirt.
Mr. Joseph Blacklinrn, editor -In -chief' of
the Loudon Free !Yea, left ou Friday for a
month's trip in the upper lake country.
Rev. W. McGregor, of Ououdage,
received a call to the pastorate of the I. x -
bridge aud Clooclwood 13aptitit Churehes.
While M Manitoba, the Goventor-
Cleueral and suite will stay at "Sil-er
Ileighte," the residence of Hon. •Donald 4.
4t the liotaincs Gardens'-eveuitiglete the
other night the London Truth says Princess
Louise looked "particularly -well and vesy
youug." I
Mr. Whim Black is said to ha-ve le-
ceived from his 4eglish "publishers .02,500
for his 1064 story, " That Heauti ul
Miss Richards, the daughter of Govern r
Richards, of lititish Columbia, has reture d
from Paris, where shaliad been studyi g
painting: . •
Rev. A. W. Nicholson, es-Preeident- f
the Nova Scotia Methodist. Couferene ,
leaves in a few; days for England to attO7d
the Methodist (Ecumenical Council.
- Mr. 11. 0.- Northcote, Sir Ste_
ford Northcote's uon, is coming to Canada
with : .view of heitiiring into the fer-
tility and climate of the. Canadian Nortb
weTslit.e MancheSter. Unity Oad-fellcises ins $-
tuteda lodge Of-thet Order at Vali Riv
Mfte8.1 last week.; This is supposed to -
*the tirst lodge of the kind iu the _Unit d
States.. - -
_. Sir Alex. (lit!ti,is eeit iri, pantos, t.
-ie said, prepoedsto visit Manitoba. ata t e
Northwest -:TeiTitories -tInriogthersumnse
:and probably tatiirif -EpglanCl'ili
Optoblere, , I- - „Walter Savage -
Latider; Said.: fell
that lettnigtoWnig for Want of :sorer
-body-tcetell leeking young ei
ever. -fOliartning'sfaleeheed1.- There t
vast klgsr of -Vital air in lovingsw.ords-e.:f
• JehrePieltard, M. Ter bee _issued invite.
-tionete the Wardell and inembere.:ed 111
-York- Conn ty •• 13 rensiVick, t
11 dinner at Predericten, te.meet the "IIcw
Dion Borteicault met'With a.coldeilt.ti
.his foot Whiliriplaving in ". The Colleee
1.3eYen", at the 04.3,40 Paiatie,,Loodoneot
'Saturday. Ile 'was unable toiptoceed wit1
hiapart, beiraine -better in- the eVeiiing
Mr. A. M. Morris; 13, A., Ileadinester 6
the-Itigersolletligh Scheel died at 9 ifelde
onFticlay evening, after a -short -illness o
it couple of days' duratierm: 'The pause P
his detith was, .tifitim matfett : of the. bowels
-The man.LefroyeWbeelets tieen arresite
-foe the inurict4f "Mr, tiold the Baleorner-,
titithelewes of sheh evell-knowit:rottiancie
:tendencies that alt. roend :Wallington an
.Ciirshalton he was known by the eante're
".Atianitts.11- ' 1te . •
-The .wili"bf .BUrnside.,-late--o
Now Orleans; -written 1857, _liaa..been
opeeed. He -make§ bequests of li150,600; -
and- appoints Oliver Dietne„ of Virginia,
legatee 7 of :the residues' Veined at
.sik -Milner] dollars: ". •
Rei. ..A„:.mitate- Of .Grace
Church, Elm street, Termite', the newly -
appointed, Professor of Classics and Annient
,flintery- the Western lJniversity: at
Lellacin,. is to i be Mittriedier Miss
Daniels, daughtek of Mr. -Daniels; .St.
;N: B.-.
• -
• -It is -understood that-M.6°p- Walnli; of'
London, intends spending the:rettirtinder of
thesuirtmer'neenthe-misthe shore of -La-ke-
Erii, A conmsedioue residence has"- been
-:ieeted fot-hie-iionottemodatieti; :ehtift.diee,
Acieee Iron Port.Statley, and fintriedietely
overlooking theltikre.
• ,:. -- - '-- - -
se -Whilst WiliianiPentie.11yevai Hitting:in
'tis.. viegg(iii on the :Clandebo.ye, toad, near
-linear', iiii:goturdity,. he was startled by
'the ...-_etritiott . bt, ''it'" .1rifiti: _l=aod - a
.titiiie.fi paileitig -i --tiiithiu 4 tett _inches
Of ...:Ifie breitiff..- "If -appetite - that ii.
young thatt-hatt fitea at- -a- itquitiel, in an
apple tree. , the'ttillet missed the squirrel
And eatne near kilhfig ..lionneily.
-.., Mr, itity, -0,,filetellitiiti tailor ot-'istettleeird;
Ont., has heti --ii. *alit:fog - ittiek-. -which was
eriginallyi_s:Istestriited 46 Ittibert • thittleein
kaitibargh, Sebtited ,gtektegt. titiet„, Attlie
death of Burns - the etiok-:paseed to the '
heirs &Rd eVetttnallY to Mr. tit. RaP-. It19iii
niiititi Well -proiettod..ehtigel, -of . eurithie
ehipei ahdlitehld itiake*teed-detehee eyeh -
against the witcheShf-u.Alititii4 kirk ifratd,"
tile a tall for Olittitiatill tribe:no looget
septikett of as a -terrible chief, but -ae.-.S-7etir-
fiet-titere.--Itittlet.I,.. -A.. Storekeeper. --itt -'.tjte
:ii.ttielle 4titeg - td-WitiiiiPpg AA - :fell-eV/a:.
"'We are dally-lielihg.: ikeibie: 0:Weighing
Sitting tifill.t6:-dity_lie- hailed-- 0 illotote-
tut _. 8iigitio.- _It -Itiitii': gitttio hiiii,:.•bitt 1
teinititied iii-lhe .platei retheieg to • gir.
-hritill 'had giveit ;hitt . eohiethitig . to at.
gilbgbribetitifyi ilia :-itititiblitIff to Iiiintje tb-
iitiblti.tbit filOt: otit .0 .ttit pittbt i ai-°-
.-. -lliti iteittii beiiiitted at Meikiej Pettliiiiitte
on, ._the .- lith..ult:i .61:gii,.:Ciebige kitilbehi
11iot4 tif-.1tifiltioh,- , tib *a the iltbeh
bf. ei -tfety 0.ildien1 faihity, iihd tef hourly.
half it -.0bilitity he eieteined-- it- btiiitetitil,
ihiltiehee . fh itit i'hikfillt4t iliteti3itt 61 - Mtattii.
Mid -the itidnettlitt deitipinerit .of iliti-eetin;-:
tit: Ite..iititit tile- 'eldeitt non tit .titorte
inibell.4..*Ittl ibbk. kb itbilit it iiiitt ifi - la
eforin hill Oittittoti:tliatiiii etitittbil-iiterij-
ftlffeittidi 7 and- he hid 'te 441W -toftige iii
lefitiibb,- ,-iiiii tied ti. Vgii: iitbittbil !.klitft,iblit-
lit:P.:01i; . ' ..-- . .. ' ' ' .
'-:Villeti tietifil till ard'i a mfliiiitift it,
-iiitilkiitti, ibitiiihihg bride .ef bl yeare. lie
WW1 iff Mil* itOrd •filif... ne -*AM herif if!
Plifilli tit/Lath lb 1771i mid ::he feeeiltay did
theduty at tt- ediki11iiiii4 _illinfr -When •Iiiii
age vae.dhiibted IW pihdheed .-it,eitver efiutt
;lid* fiellitili liti eititt*ift-e-elflienfittlflid -Iiith,by
Nat:1616rd' 1-: iiitfif !the battle:6f Atetliik
lie gefitiel:- lifidel! , VC enii - I° -ifitiet .n1 bin
,kteitt . hittlea, ifielii lig atieritsh lie bailie
-fh tittiftidir -lit illi101 4 eld it- 66itiiii1ibil
lti ' tlifle ifilibii frdjiiiiiii duilitatiiia •Vielibit
ClAiiiifillifi filirilifi 6f: gin/
• Connaught.
recently advertised for bele within
p4rtivelY 15114411
portion of the _Prol
After a protraoted debate, the Idle -
by teriatt A.ssembly, bitting at i)
decided to prohibit the use of thetrun
mueic in the churches under ite jii,-
"o(11:eir 100 armed police atteuded
encetown, letely, to protect a tit,
server in serving writs. Ou entering • er
houses the process-server was -me I,/
womee and deluged with dirty
However, he berved the writs in Ste 1 i
-408,yr re. Dr. Hutch, preaccently on the occasion of the co. -J.-
I evhiug ape
cretion of a bell for tt Roman Cells-
eliurchnt Ballyniecoda, said it was
tiuctly laid down that a bell should ure, 1, ;
lised for any secular purposes without !,
express perwistrion of the Bishop. "!.,1
observation had reference to the ree
practice of using the chapel bells for 1.1
(summoning of the populace to n • S
(County Westmeath) Quit, e
Sessions more than half the civil bills gi‘• fi
to process servers were not served. s,
affidavits were made that non -service u -1
owing to attacks. The- process eery, ill
were unable -to attend from iujuries. Tee
judge said that owing to the open reeistei,• o
to the -law,. and the deseerate state of the
country, he would, if applied to, hold
ing writs on the court hops° door as service.
Ex -President Guillermo, of San Dein ie
go, hes arrived at St. Thomas with Gen.
Perezeand is purchasing an armamenter
preparing for an invasion of San Dointiesee
He has two schooners. of 400 men read 1 13
Btart early in- August. Reports from Keit
Domingo say the greatest commotion pt
thero v'vei the .-threatened invasion
The frost has done terrible lievee
West Clare; beautiful Potato crops n'
burned, in some eases to the ground, tli-
potatoes sown near the Rea. are not
as these inland, but in the.vieinity of Ell -
rush the Stalks are .130064 . and
'pp so much that it is feared they
. _ .
_ _ - _
11-11l VERY f31438
achirie. 0 1
"Is manufa:ctured..by •
. • - - -
.And.for stile b3i dealers. kiik your -merchant 1.*
,Lardi and tali° no otlaef..--
oii under the severest test and mo- 11 -
active criinpetition WaR at the Toronto ind111-3-
trial Exhibition awarded the highest:prize; also
the GUILI) MEDAL tit the l'royincial
Hain iitou, and the highest award at thc3
Dominion kxhibition,-Ottawa, the silver pleas 1.
Irarniers and al) who use Agricultural machin
ery, will save fnoney and machinery by using.
1101.143 but -
iASX/- -
Anii-Coisumptivo -Syrup
cprtais, co.tDo, AsuritivA
. -vvnoopmciacouviii,
'• txtpuitiva
, -•
.-Thiffold established retpedy. bah bo with coiifl
dencerecombiended for .the. 03010 complaints.
TRY IT. If your inercIiinit has not got it, be_ -
-can get it is Is you. . - •
- JOHN. W. BIORtli
, . • , (Fortnerly.fi. 13101410 di Ron),
- 4arailton, Ontario. -• Proprjetor.
rOliwtructo Foit
• 50,000 hrtse. ..8,000k000 Atm. •
11tstt7beat-taffdlltitifiltadoe4 thefts Thalitt,
Cita vet-tterectedntwitd. One-sixth
cash and fiveatinual-paymetite, Re-
al -iced frittkand•Preight to settlers.
Write for iiblicatitine176. 61°- •
Glee. Dew, tatelliPg Agentlilvenge
St., Toronto. E.)1. BeIrpOrtif, General
Lahti Agebt; Rt. Pani.Mintl.
M 144-14 BIS 0 1x, A .
WI S -a0 -N SI N
-b00,0Q0- Apio.§
rot hill partiettlirs, *Molt' tvil be eeeb
itddteetc- • -
Ito -4
tiliieteseleeleee* ititiVetikeei tine.
fly aentllng i3 ebote bibeet witil
figte61311:1t Of ettlif find halt
ytiti * ,bY rehlt,11mali
corteot joiletttif of your ftltUte fitte;-• -
belie trk iftifej with uftuz ahtl. datauiatrfne•
Aldress *. FOX t;it R. _
flit a leildifigittelait'the ehid dile
teetititt - i3e ne ij JI
elill tfelleilliti4 .
it -U4 101,1 111101111A014
ttitti,iligiibotabtb tot
6 tit fg3titittlieriti ft&
tileeitdeelteb#.theifi ehgtid tte
lttftil. teidb *116 eih tiibit -kiitWnt&1 effjlk 43bbIit1libe1tetler0.teStlit**11 Adbtelf witil
foe e-WAIbllt0
'61;.4 eti rag." hike
At Ilk J.if tzar ei