The Sentinel, 1881-07-22, Page 2•....r•-t....91.150,1T^e, 1.5,r 1Vostion's rhroo Woodor., A mm.11.11114 OA may 1111.1 fair to boholli Rot:howl111 tor uaby Lliiiik of LIL 1I or. ottilutt 1:11at 4ity, Aunt iitLt 111 11C1 ppwial 111111 1ItnLi hur (moo viita thyme ifor form pat a fitiry'a ILJ 1vo.,0.1 hor alto lovult Imo ttlL hubt, .Autbilti 111.1 1111.11,, r ritaipP. blot ooiliptp.)1 them ifirr-Italtpli, I,tit, unit Tom, mot Thou I,LWhhI Iitt 11,144, 4110 Plohlutar111plY daiti • " 1 it Midi it hi, h ii f shalt hat !' A lIltIlIlIl of thirty 1(11111.1ippaiiititt (pearl Wiliam 111111 hill 111 IlIr1.111.1,0Y chair Ti Wiwi. ot tilt' lovirta that your, 111.11,1 -mill p.111,11111- Iiittt. LIIIII hair toriptuatopt Limy Billiton* hail L 111 9.1. call, and much aliortor Lhtlly Aip.1 liotao‘or alio full. tliuy IA aro aura to proptitio, 'HWY NV ort, coriil I IL tip gal op awity. title countod thou' ovnr-, Ihtti list wasn't long— All hliti marryIiih4 woo of lair mut, Tholi howl-111411ot Baia "1 11 11 r I1.11 WIC 4 Vila 1/4,1! A. Illalt10..11 tif forty, pale, tioakaii, aim Kim, t'(huhLth 11 hur toiay chair To think 1.11 thip lovora tui titsvor called now, o41141, oat lioratoro ItitiliIIt Intir ; lir lipv orb had loft, hot- Oita litany a flay - 11311111, I,00, said Willis. mill Fuld, it silo turiloil with(' sigh from lovurs gotta by To arilimilitancesstiIhtiitytiih - Him comae,' thorn ovtir, Tom, harry, and Diuk, Ali the own under tiovotity-throo, Thou iPiPwing hot 1113111 aimplu:spairioply bald: / aApptalor which Will have (t. W. 'ittiliNatit-I. Ell.F1CTIIII4141114 llitellitilitillf. - - -,-- - Stow it Iv to be A pplIt,t1 to linottiou *troy' , l'itro—A itecouil Cottsla to rorpottial notion—only illy' Coots it !boy to Itteu it ttionushoot. , • Mr. Alva 11. froatte, will cornmeutie run- ning electrical etteet c.itre.- at Cincinnati in a few days.. llo mayti;be eau run a stearri- boat.at it cost of tiv-efi: uts a day. • Respect, iug the street carsli and •tho. method of working them, it repo 'tat of tlia Cincinnati .1,:squirer -says,: " TV re is- eiiiiply to 110 attached to tlia.bite.k,1 At) a cog Wheel lii inches in dianteter, b ' which the power is camtititilinitted to thi -ear wheale. Tills cog- *heal IS atlitIHd to - another one- -rieveittli ltH diatIl0tOril Ilia* is. *Brined -1.110 iinitor, and connect14! with tlitts'geiteritter .either by.ilitialtarthig i r otlierWise, 'There: 1(4 (1110 revellitioti of t -is .motOr to tett of -the- generator, whieiti'llyes Seventy revol-i4 .„ Coils of- the -generntd tn.. (111(1 -of . the -car. •• -it*In.' Tha•getierittori -- iffilatit,oftone „wheel- • -Dr- i3litery and. Otte. 1 f. 8111111,. withtheir_ • peripheries. ILI ,Oottittii,et,_ :-. 0414 '. rev plying toward eiteir atlfiar.;-. Wlitat titritpplited hi the- . svay. of!-ptassure to llio, wheola :to_ °tinge :ftriotiort,1 or by. ,whiti .wbether .1:iy_qopper. ..-briieliee ." or - OthetW et. ,-- the-- current la, reiceive.d,.. wits -not -13.4 IttltiOdi "11,1111-1t -111 1101, - ftlIportitikti..: , :Ill W111111 .111tOO.Or HJHO t110. i-/o1I1,-_1. :- 11V4 arid riegittive ourr tiltIl, thuti generated -I-are to be.applied-to th --.teetor,:t110J:kii611or, cogw.lieel -nietitiorfed, wits_ hitt - et ptitauad._ - - 14(1011 1111 tilitilleatiori„ estrIting tilt . trulti9ft.., - 111131,0111for: itttloto.f. tii a. -art -tartootripliiilied„ foot- ,:- and til rugllr(1 ti tho degree' ofpower- - involved,- .:- Whet, - A - -Evotett ail.ir toff - -.that ft single «lrc'p It'twitter.:_will :eau -- talon. the ._eleetrie (Ili 1 rgy .t -of- it - thunder-, bolt, afifileient to 14C ttet • the:. sttangest - -towers., itifd t-britig.'t erif _•toppliti‘g- to the .'--t. - eartli,Iliere-. eau, of te urse,,,..110.-1.10 110111).t _tlieit '1511inclient'can b obtained-- frail-E./tie .. .-. ainery aiiit stool...wile la _itorticitaw:.' ". The- - ' ,triiiiiirkaliinfeatifre I al 'tile:: inVotition . -appearad _to bale. the f to t 8.1181, 111114 genera- tbris run:, by Elia reitrIntious at the very ,-- flepre.litee-WIlitilt they- _,;re-'. affirunied• to keep. -_-_ in t_natiliti..„, frit 'teeeptionOf 'illis ,fitiOrttia-- „ --Mott* the._ rpr-esta ._repOtter...1- bityieg---;_senie ----sitspifibut .01 the litvelipiotes. itioship,. to. p.er•• j, .. petiertl toetieti tititertirr es.: whietted. softly and Inquired-. 4--c.".Wheri . aear etopti,iiuppotiifig - I1. will ever rant,-Wlittf.' _ tri Start lt again 7' * f.1111,- this - isn't ail i -.perpetnal: Motion' ',-7,7biiiiintrie-,__.-t"- :rePliialt 8.110 inventor._ Ilierri. - • Is, ik -podia attatilledi to tha*.getierathri • (1.11(1 -1-118 inanager ef.,-.1 lie oar (fail rev -filly& It. -withIlls foot. t...'• dozen. revaltitians_ ...will -ittatt. --the-. car,1 ftrid .... their- with•, that, .eteetrio.. capacit , on, .1.utiiil.'ilt ,. eiiii:. -tIoutia-to rini itiielf...-tniWity,:if. .11tturis it'fir simply tiorrieliee, arid if it.eantiniies to run itAff OP ettiPeifilhtle- -1/1,.. its. t:CEjd.itit,icir any, - but tite ' inast`..e.otripriehensiVa -minds. te . . _ ....-gtairiff' etelthimed-tbeirepartiir as. he bade thetinventat good-bye.,i. lie sew, A iti-lt_negt- •__-ttttlIon, affhe wended- his' - way:hirtutftvatd, Otis -a -tliose street:II re „Witlit.tart, eleetrie --. triatOrtattitelied,..iiiiti I -our which .the eon- diletbr. hadfallen-, golii t _along- liroadway at- then' tido (,f 11, 1(1110 fl trilinutet _gathering, ' Inottieuturn ...al i1. trio ed.With Its axles r- ablaza &nil -itIrnatoA,-. patalyaell. With- - fright, htitieliiti trnen, °Mw eand aliildreti tatpictietr. arr itir.-iiray,. .perfeet - bosom -of --•deetrutition..- li"ot if, /1 1h.tt !pine apparent , that- the fieter the ail 'tevolveil-r the latiter - thd getierittOtawill bad 6--- thein 1-0 „tufo, Re --that thilettitititalttlittett61.title-.-fettlittottilifg . eteetriotittftittge,tiiieosiltolled,-.1fitettible to tiontettiplatit, _- "- - - - , - - Mr. Artiii-ei.-,: lois .pa. ttett s volT .bieitiif appitastioti - Of._ lisitottiiiefi Int -ninon& paletL •. Thiele. a -11641-Whiiiii filitittie lifitt plittelilitittie -i-,.. j.e. thellatli;:eftet Ili II 14 , beett thfp.tiettil tO, • it - li' . tt-,-I'lltY tett Of -lite eat le it Olaf( itibo -, fi • oil: with Vity.psioto ' -0 all. that-itilioetito -.kitty ikto 'etrike k--iiitt.inittelt ands -held it -tieitet the:glade ,ttltitti...0111Et Will .thekti tlitt. : fleet" lekiiiititlit1. thud81 -bit bah- eihirily: bo- .. .. :fiettiotott --.- :hob Itea-:-afi iiigh1..- loag_. ',it, the - - -tibitittiot4--iti taat-thitt, 0 Why- they: Itlikti 141) - • little -in the...day tittiei • -ialiitig tiff 4. Wariti etittittitied higlit:le tray bock- Itio4 and iiiiiitk -ably tibia that bially 111iglerfl ettildetti.tti .. •'..:. ti,ibiog- . Tito-, -Ittiliatiti-3tblititah toil eofittatioiori. 'Ithiefi. Jim betel- 111 'Wilt: totiitioatitti, lot it- ,ity&ft. ..fittit teethed- er: -1_444pfeine ':entifft opltiitth. Die- plaintiff oottopittitiod-.that -.- the bells' at tile': ,Iiiiktiiit . (1-66gfegatitifig - Glitildi ,.4vtifa. iktitliten fi Mid -u14iiigt4'6 heivii thertt -#110tieed - by art ibititiotioiii" .4 tidgo ' Liatittoy 1tseid-o4.--- th81t etee-- fOlid, *AO- - • : 'atittifttbitti and ilitti tliti tibrit.toiltio totio* -of tho- bell Ltrw8f tf1W1t11 -tho--. plitititiff'S bonen ititititlie':616tiell, t _Ifliiii IR' equalli - 000tttihtuototy -to bo-Ot'idoff ff " mod 1118 oofio. _ . will go ta tho Cfatift of Appottlet. " __ - kedir. tipifio-- .§syliti:-.-_16.1.1i66tiiittcfft- iiiaytt- tittkt: _'_(-Itlittgitit4f ootoof •J)Ito tb.e_ ootivitiok - hag' jfigt - aff1vec12 ittiOtita - .611 tiff- efif. 044104i _plitiftt atilt tieftelfatd-thit tfarth.Weltilidnit all . he tintiknitted tillito groat.litiatotetiffooatol. - -.ti -.goo: litif aft lohg it* l'iitito-•• oatatir ill .ifii Mitsit ittiftiti.awto- -woOtt.y.- aotioithif ' &tit"- - 464.614- feltifbilablii- tiattf."111 ... '-*- , .. _ • , ,. to itot•- •!V-*-fifilf@f mill frof'i .- ' . : ,Oit the • gif • .Naffitiel 7,144 110itfi 4 - Atte_ -Afffettti- , . .. — :11111.tdi - tttttilitt., lei - tot kirAttittkivti. fiiiptitig top Itt tho Itooky tifotilitaitia, '-• -. .• • - _ Adofiba tiatif 1i11# egad l& tiOtitfatit fili A -fitfeenn Of etifineftN.-- ifl f1t .--tibitott -§tattiot tiogiiihifig iii Nevifoik 1464iotiitifig I, - • THE VOLUNTEER REM, The Oreatest Muster of Troops on English Soil tilinoe THE INVASION OF SCOTLAND BY NINO EDWARD - The 9ueen Looked Her oast lind-tileermi to Grow Younger. . - - DltitiON AND TUN CANADIAN Illrrnit, Daiwa al IIs' liourtnlitstorlat tor grotto( -1110111oul firttlitirium ol itiotithltat -Sits mhos,' Eight Attotsiptvtl. A Loudon eablegrani Hays the grea vril unteer review at_ 1Vitulsor Park came off successfully. There were more 111011 wider arum (58,000 all told) than ever mustered 0118 time on British soil elude Mug Edward marched to the invii.sion of Hootland. Iu June, 18110, When the Queen &lid .1•Irino0 Clonsort reviewed the Volunteers iu Ifycla l'ark, there were only 21,000 011 the ground at the review of 18114, 22,000 ; aud at the last •Wfudsor review in 14117, 08,000. 'The volunteere to -day Were drawn • from 1111 regiments. England Waif' repreitelited by twenty-eight- eountioe, \Vales by two - Glaruorgan and Pembroke. There Were no volunteers !rein -north ,of tlie Tweed, but Hantlaud -Wait represented by Lard Elcito's old cerps of tile London floottish, under 4Jolonel Lutichderi, and Ireland by the London lrleh, under -.Colonel \Yard. -Tile ()Aloe! maintained its preiitige for blundering, the st)ace Hot apart for field exereiselh being altogether too HIIIaII for handling 140 -large it batik of 111011. - 1110 1,111118pQrt service, too, bloke - 41OWL1 1114 110(1 10,000 won who liftd- neither bite nor_ sup -during the day ftWore like the lirttilv 111 Flati.dorti. With these exceptions Mit) review Weft ft 111400013E3... ' Wee 110 sliatil light, but tile 'troops -Were pit t -through 11 iiiiriibor. of.; titdd exereises,' -great steadiness 111141 111101 IiglIIwo.. . The tjiteen,-• eseorted by: thri!-Jundroir-of ilterl.loyal Horse Cluarclii hlue,-firove.on to: the:-groutiff at •-.6-10ri. 1 tor Majesty- apeoffipitilied".:" by .-.1kr11100 1i1!Op0111. -111141 Fringe -11eittrifie. and, 'attended" bY 11 11111g0l staff, -tilotilding „bit t Clarriet=- end ltoberts:. -111 the iiext,c4r- ritige.-karnetile._Prilleeen.: Lioulee;, 'at:tended" 14ititly-.14611-lita Ci)1 Tile -Citine the firoWii Trriticeee '_of (formally,: the 1)iteliefii3 te the 1.)treliefte .0f -Clon; naught,the...P.rfitetifiti flake" - 111111 lliieffetia of '.reitli„ .(leutit Prince. -Of j../enikingtoli,T-ftiol the fOreliiir .4inhaeiu1tlOte.'„ King_ - the h'aIolsViolI-14410n1-sr - one of- coarriagee.- Prbiceee- • aitetilled..-.. by_ 1.5ord. Cob *Ate,- fleit, ',..Fraticiet I4toItIlr, Lady iig-.4; 41- ItIligeotite, ...drove tijp. tihorti-y afterwards, and wita received . tvj titetttlie..., elteering, the...runitittide. Mina tile -erupt_ fitnalt ..1fIxeliattge eft:liar/I eircultited ago tthitts. her eide.st, 'soh, • l'rt,ioo Albur1 Vietor, liad been drowned:wt. %li1l,ouriio. A44 010. tO .(tioareff eartilfi4e,-Which Wrislrawtu by -four groyll, were 801111 trotting 1111 fro,ii the-, Castle lii to the ktest park.;:the royal- Witarrun itp painting 'point 'tile- -bands- orty-ftve Iti- noinher,-played -WA .11Ittt01111,_ tlipthi -otta- ni& 1,.vditilitterft, Up 111 lotig 181814, -preserited- itrinirl wlilk, that tteriejr lirod 11 14e1e1e,_:1.100„rd.,(11stifietlk itt Pritornie 11111. - r - P1-4-6--Thike-ot Cain -bridge, wlio had geoe;• :rat...elfittge of dity"ff -work, oeenpled posithie ifeitto the -.44-00.ifin id the. ealiffiffig, poiot; kle.r Itititiesty wks. entirtfie gittb.of the ltatiger. Of AViiirlffor end tte krtity •01 11t1tty . °Meets.. 18 881 tile...PP/hp-heti bittern Stitt, oe of the -116tett. thiardll4 Behind tirettcriAil :along' the, inain pavHioii itiltistered the- littgeiht 81101 toot- brllliatut gittlfeting .et .taidesindlitalos ever -eitioetile- old:- jetoitiok - Altlioughi thrthigli oversight,- Cbristiae-- hitd ilegteetedi-to yrovide seeeletiiedittioit•ter the reetebere et :tbe ltemse:et (iOUIUU)flR 11(1181 the- hist teotoest, theta wits s& large, , titin; out. ofIliat forty . -beeides.- took • part isi-.the ,f0Viet#, wit-h'the' eorpit to *blob' 'tiloy. • bolung.-Tho .110WeVeti. *ad'ootiiipietiblis by ito ebieifee, IL4Ir Iltigh- .Childered3leetetttfy lei Viet,WtIll thatikett by the-- Queen': .:1,6t 11114--effotte-- lir trieltieg. the ,greitt. -she*, .titi000f4Aft11: tftif 'fittestof torde•watiwoll _-A' kietift.'at liet-t44114y- Let& treibeitire, hati Ltiottit4toti- *fake, biotin -0d ati-d-th full.- tibifotia &tiyed-- Wilke behind, the tOyit1 eititittge, -with - the, Lotd: tilittiabettaitei Oriole ol7gtitittOttiOtt=itiritftlitt tatatif .14E141 Fife11 iiuUibotat latdo.iit,wititiogi:-.-ithil quitle'tly ettpariseeeil yeobiati;61-thektittitl•:-.0ticitit tottl Mt,II14OIIJ • Vatiolliati, -pfttotiaitik at Wlnbho1mi Wete'titi the gtoutia tiot fat itiyar, 8114tkff4 theif etotkati iltieafated with iiittplolettivoti:r Clibootit thoitoolattiaiid-ofi yilio- +voti-7 the lefitioo of at-Witablikloti.twe pito§ -obi -wito eordially Aitiobk the foteigh aftiootti -prosiotiti_wo-to -Chit-totals (Iftwfofd mid gotio4ORlis gtiste-tit: Iffitieb W oleo i#146:ftsclo:Mi --hottil • of thollotiotabloAttillaiybottiPaityi:of Wliioh +trio liotiofttiy teetdi/ett 4 .tieffeet. oyatioth tlie boyo tfoffi.:14tottivho bootiploct tobted---tititisto lithe laid_ -The_ toti ebbe@ out.: fifillitaitly- ttit tho biftbitfy-rogitootitaillitiadod by- titoLl'fitioti of etif.ptif hogoia to- filo.tJio Offideflitettltitilit, lief. Mttjoty itithey pose/Ai- tintrtliti bitittlafllfijriIlg 1 0-64 gaitlf tho Atotti 8811118 had woo to-eititS reglitiett 114 1Offite4 RAO 1w6 71881, hothi-608iiittf Ithe Outfeh- &lid -tteytti IrIIllllIy,tifoto tilfougli-.t.botoi filo" tfootiti' 11f48Iii848g kftoil 8.188 tittoil§ pithyitigt. aitilfory ttaltitic!,. Al, Oto ofoott ilia 4,41164k dtiatio Ott -Me /aid Ilit,.11ti1C0 al fiaitifitlito- lio liOliMlf .11181881104 the 661filtith48tire: A 1, tho f#iti* 61'6_ Qutoth litsr-boatittild otioitio 'lolls -ye: Igo -wit otitigo- during: lief- lioltintok fbitif et -NW& Thtf Pititf6 4,1 litttltii. iti11f6iit4. hi 1118 1181141 8,1.$1111 11666f811I16 Artillery- tlaitipatiyi woo not r000kiliztid. by Oa 181889.bi.1b p8ok164 mid FANO . almost iiiinotiood, T148 Pulto of Connaught, looking the beau -ideal of 11p soldier, rode at the head of the first brigade id 1110 ssoond division; und Ward the lion of the day, No 11114,1411111V1114 were attempted, tho troops merely tithing up a position and unarehing past. The geueral appearanoe of the (nen was satistitotory, espeolally tho regiments from WO northern eoulititis, ()it, num Nytim reported to have died from fatigue. • lorateilien 101, W0111011 141111 111111111011, T110 London tioelety for tho Protootion of Women and Children were csonsulted last year 011 two thounana oecaftionti. Itti Knee - outing ollloor made four hundred and lifty- throe inquiries, and attended pollee mule 11111-1501481011 hoinitat oue hundred and sixty- two times, Forty-seven mentenees, varying from one mouth to two years' imprisonment, were pithead by means of the tioelety,•in mhos of brutal olutraoter, whore the vietims were the helpless and the weak, in referenee to Italian organ grinders, the society reported that many perstrue wore not aware to what an extent these men are the Menne of spreading corruption by induoing young English gide to. hafnium their vompaniona. Tile soeiety 111414 done ;what it could- 'to remedy thin ; but Ali theme girls eontraoted 'ouch *Mamma . their -own %mord, and retuned ally offer of help to be restored ke their fritardr, effeetual 'itehietanee oeilld not be given to. gime - who were. not willing to be aesisted. The society' urged upon parents and guardians the necessity of seeing. that no young people under their eare ithould corrimpoud. or enter into an engagement Iii consequence of advertisemente without the most ample and -unquestionable referenee. ,Especially did tide warning -apply to those whe eorrespond with it view. to going on the Continent. . Puri caution, in -this matter "would be one very effective method of Nifty- • ping .the horrible traffic in -English gide; HOV- oral cases had been brought before the soolety of Eng' ish _women having :married French.. men in England, .aceording to English law1. who' afterward _found that, shoul81. they go with -their husbands bi--Prance, it would be entirely optional on the part of the huttband 'whether toe marriage. -duly celebrated in England- should be - regarded, WU yaw to Votive.- • noi a tit. 11111.1-1,11‘•-• S. V-0 tor. A Afedieeit lost' -ft riffle ride never. lifewatnr, 301 1-114)140 whr are in tiff): habit; Of lea -.Wittei-. it will .iint burl, se Much tiff these- who- only tieciiiiihnally :natl.:- it; 'r Another- pertileii)tis liahit whieh. pantile .hitVe hi to -drink lee. Water immediately -after-eating tfruit. --Tut .,exattiple 8 '3'('II lig fol Iow wi tli 11814tokeet- iietirt, g()es- s.to -toe .ioo-oresto esi000 and tiot-• tiorrocp_i_eittly they Oitt; 11- strittv: bellies-, 11(111411 of lee,arearit itinithen drink 81 gllLHH leeWitter.t tvliflationii -of . _ -fiftture!fi I11148e.-14/111_ produce congestioii *of _the atOtinteli,-and•thettiodk-=beftfuries-, over, - heated by-inereitseil itetivityt OP.:then Wit6.1.6 orgaiitarii inali :effort to IiitVe life titid: 1-111 Che-ItYlitelli of -the initrofter; "-and. Sol* 1)1144 fI'lIIlllg of licitt attribetedto the bet. Weittlier,-wlieft. it comes -,•.frotif it• WIlilt (1? kiiewledgesoft.phyelologv.- • Coo:Fisuirin • touch litany out .eettdelts Iii ii very tender SPot to hest that the eta ..iiett prop' -.114/11 is going. 10 be irernanee,_ -Nothing like the (If1110(1)41 11a14 been Ithoiteri-10- . _toitty yeare„-.' the, Way.- tilts is it par - t-entotiff 10 -fire. 16-04-: for the si-iperstItionff 11T lfrairt altnofft all the'greitt. eetitree-oorth-.elidsetitli.tif. Kti: Johns tho. rephitS.--,•-itre miiiforinlY:favotable. = "in niftily id (tees,' sitys -tioeileot -et tbe- diltisirest ." tiatels•lastf-gtbat titat.iiiifitlishp tees., thisAgh.. eat; 'with fish. -and "-get 81 Ifere'.111-7146.t 41411114:the ilelierinen Ate taltrog-atiakeitorthotte.,iitiaotities- that they are -selling their overpliiii tti.'-euretre Itt it (toilet- per 1111'Ittited4eight.",. r. lust 1111-iik of 11-1, _Codfish' tit...Otis eent 'pet_ Petted I Wilyi we HlIalIalI he able to 'order tioo 1,111814 titifh-seasbri ttease get, 410 •-bfetitt'foll hi:141111W- - ' • • ••••• . „ • - A.'• Velbairtrite---.--catresporifierit i•-tWilteS : The -rabbi tir ;Ara liniteitsing.iti.- seine pitrteet• . . the eeJohy to ith .0 -Ate -et - whel1V The. ;whole ,e0tiott4' itptreart.t.-.otte.. ttiovibg itikett- of 'butt t1104, .411e- eclet :treto_ s.111-ete,' Ittibgrod. d-otid,:f14,fittlf6' 1Iiii ioroopl1blo. 'hey aat.tip _tiyety gteeo thiiik ..c.boatt w811- he1'. tottell to give -elittse to thete-i: eftei 11 .dtty. tive'e- eittietiehee.-....They _11,100 beitit' ittthelted:' it tiffetetititti"Sie:L-elibti-_:titig.:61ft.t. Wit t out,. •Iiitelled but, fbiidod:t'Uli; 811111(514 Tlia: injaetinri tithrbehin- eel tl hitattheit- hales: been. larind .effeetive Lately - tho tioveftibititit 118114 tattoo -40 with pil'oetiltotizott. oato, itte -disetbsttilitg trete- .the- ilistriets-.thete--thislo lItaetIlled. Thoy kftt 141184 to be 11IIM4 by - 1413 theto lo hopolliat We tatty yot 18107 to oeti the day Whoa -the d.g. rabbit litiati." air, I1. le allw1 1I0ro( *111 be got • 'foit bitty lib/table that 41814hot -tilteg-etlieivit,eheeithl .theiigitt '•thet-ttie 'rabbits' you oat 141•-•taillo 8-8 I81 1181(18 061118 to ity tii,--titiiftioatiotii: • .- - .• • -if ilierties .Citeell*ay . 1.1 4116 44 bite etfitell 0 out tlilii44 iti' tito Naftliwtiati, Ahotit 8Yetif 81446 :I46-166at6(1--8 towii heat ttook 1i14140 148111 (8141148111 titytital (iity. 1119 iti • the Ivieibity 61 -We' telittle tlitiCtiinet 614116. -titoptiott end: 11 81 pObtilti Ofytital city bo#. ftgletitfjf 118981 ftitttle- 4116 1-80'ilitq- 1tee11, titke aitf.fm eftiettgl.lifettr.:tditittlyi-ittnd'IrbifOritly- OVef- fiftiOat of --tote were dieresed:ef...-by m11/4166i most 1,1 thoto. 616 46.6 go 111811 ff05448I1 app68(f811ie89 84808(416 84111180141 t.hat- dititioway fitif *iirY. •int itittliie 168-118188- 6811 011,114 oity, - la -4 good dtitti OolItithitr.- -Oath latito.t'811110iIffiul1 1111- 1,1H,f8 8F 4tlllIilfij '478118 th.. (lett-WYO.1,1 liti-wog. to. 40 8808 1*108 18k1 84'8f$'lite:yettte- try got - tho tint -Alb • doneeof 10138484411011111841itioaey 41-64 • , • --11.641661-14-61.14661641-Alnli4w1188184. to itaaffy •11 17011,114181 gl1i yob - 1418148 ati What:4w ive .fatitof wftlto: The •kifl foftiotio mei mid shieide,'! VAS 1188 884814- o#gp fotufbod b# 11i8 94.141 148h1f8 1111114844 Heir, •.- • • _ At, At/plot-ob1-4 tile'j1111111141i11444 111418 of Aftplotoii-& (16- i diet' 1911418(1, 14, ti libth • tivmsstititra..11- INAT ENT MCOTTINII I TIORRIBLE 1-3Urre ERY. No fowor than -100 prisoners wore tried In the tolloo Courts of Olattgow one day lately, Most of the delinquents, of worse. were '4 foreigners," Instruments for takilig daily nieteorillo- gloat observations nu 11014 Novis, tiso highest lend 114 Great Ilritain, have . boon emoted on the mountain. The Anehor l,liso Company lined by the Filierilf tor nom. t see' twoommodation for their emigrants whilst temporarily looated In Clattgow. The ease wait considered an " aggravated " one, The Pollok family hawk been ovioted from a farm in Eitgleslutin parish widish they have oaoupied for at least two hundred years, and where one of their nuniber man - posed the greater part of " The Course of 111111;" 1the ltegistrar-aeneral's 'mortality returns for the pant week tillogow titan& within -Hem of the top of the list of twenty largo tOW0H, WW1 mortality of -19 per! thousand, the average being 'M. The oal- 1 oulations for the week aro for the firiti time bibbed on. the reeultit of the recent 001111110, Tile weather at Thilmoral hail been bitterly cold, The thermometer on the tower of the Castle regietered degrees of frost the other morning. Her Majesty has not as Yet made any of her wand exeur: 14801114,, awl tuts only taken long drives three Illimht Thonsond Itrii-,./ 1 it .., ,itrit, Wo. men nod Children or 41_, alit to Ileloati• by firth ithottololl. 2 1Atlie tli, taftebi rttillielilig( tius'sjfiiitii1 irli-:, 'II": 11;1:;1 1 4i I b1":WrY II U p the outfit 111111 by611,11,11 1- alal mitered the broach, 11 ..10 0110111,, lil 1!..11 ill quit the strolighold 11,11.01 1100 1,1.%% ,, •-, 1 110 ihimirt. The hormetrieu being moutitod, mini 441118 10 get away first, and thi.,, hi ,,,m,.(1 /Jut ten or twelve thousand (ow' ,,. -, ..1. f lot men, W0111814 and ithildren. Their path lay aerose . , , (•11 a shrub the flat and open halo 114, „ er dip in the ground to 141 4. t Isl.' (101108(14. 151081, Against those 1-41«,11.•Ivif mint the itIvritmlieoroyia fliiiiiidtis eavialry,. it polis h o'. of hiorse il notify haNitliuts aH (souk] be fipared. The purening forro started at 4 o'eleek and oontimied itn wi irk tif iiiittoittore till 10 ut night, wIten ilaritiloss oottipelled thorn to briug their operations to it oloro. There 14000114 to have bciiiii 110 rosiste,1100, at leant. Hliebeleff'm report, 14 hell _ in iftinute enough in other inattern, hponlifi tit none during the pursuit. Tiffin., 18 aim, iol the elightest mention of ally 'mono, Ifelng made to take ally prisoners. Whitt appears to have been 11000 W0H thin the cavalry went on ahead to out off the retreat of the foremost fugitivoit and ellook the -progreee of tbe °there. The borne artillery tired volley after volley0.f griti,u into the 11011440 11111111100 of fugitives - bollitid, and then the infantry foll,m fq i with the timer. . _ Cardinal Man 'ring preached in conneotiou fiWialuieglitedratijklerietlir ttillipanemaOurde . = • - • bayOnet and massacred all v ii,itio wbundg . or 0Aliatifit100 left then, lir IWO, ltiHH to wimp°. With the opening of a new 110man Catholic HoopPerur‘detiiiirMIal Uhuroli in Glasgow it few dityli itt40, and Hkobeleff telegraphed to thio Emperor ex premed hie opiniolai regarding the triiimpliantly .that 0,13,5500 Telt kee lied been Chrifitian ,„Cliurali in .general; and hie pleeure in contetnplatng a union of- . the _uteked to p. eees ?"nThin mana/To -of the flooteli and EngiiolChtrchs with that oftnforttuute 1urcan11ns proked it certain !tome. , att101111t of adveree porno/mit on the partof - - the Englieb PreHH at 1 110 1)1110,hilt it W8114At the High Court of . JuatiMary, Edin moan -nett that the fugitives wore d,1 of . burgh, oft the 17111 ult., John _Elliman wee them men with -weapons hi their litinde, :David' Iti fitoul L�-18 inouthe'iiiiprisooment. eouteneed--to.lb years' penal nervittule, anti and 1101100 little with 0144410 .of thoottughtet by most newspapers. 1 t. now appears, hoW- at Edinburgh -for HO brutally assitulting- a vi e er, that this WPM Hot the -came, 1ttllti • ' . ' - - • . - - ' priiionere were 1101101014fronAL M. 8. Vlgi ' atrooltyl' fora 111 -,notilifig more than an In big policeman that ' lie afterwarde diedT . . id -ohnolal report, from whe o . „%4I. take thie ". atroolt ,". Cleneral-filioboloff pone oaltitly; Itia.t.lrio00- 014:attlyittijtostoit:tifid.it.broorgoi jtiu.l.tii...0. 1 11,1Or ,th_13_ wor_ R 1: gi jut boiti: .,:ii.j:::::, by jtir.ptui r:etitiFilani . .8:0811:47t.tr.pytaitoolictivilt::::::boot 1130 .a.riinlyet-i-ftisi.r. lt.11it,8ilt3-: , 1144116 ' - Ill iit ilifilattrY reg -,. iiip09. Of lioree- artillery, _mete .1-1 -1.1 Mt . • . lq 61 _ petaone; ro o 1.140V . - . . troop . -..' f.,()0404-0,.0(1 cloicilielifit_finat ,i,.iiiidd•by t‘lvietirt(r , ._. In recounting the triumphs Of -the -siege,- ho. , 1414y144- "Alter the 0aptilni -:-f-ilm-fitronglaold W`.e.lterleil. inside . it 400 hodios, "hiring • . inefite and brigade depots— tile 42iid Ittoilerti thti illeceiol hea4. ellorpettig fegifi ittetit;'ttod:the,j111:1-nittoti-litif.faile-tl)6 Second. be" 4111°1114 brig4116:14' .081.e)°x°:telviiient:mtiolititifIft•:ril:t"ii .tr-Tilfloepri? tie* ' - Iliggar M 'entered 'the" GlitsgoW. • • recently, but was told by the porter that: onlyIneroberii 'were adinit- litlet11,111 11,11y: ItHHU/hpti0/1 Ott -al -11h -ftilit,hgliter :of 1-11(8 wtitOott Arid. -011110r1.ii. 'watt. lyniuttni,.. : .todil.- Ile :then _WI thdrew,•.artiitl _tlie Itootingn 'Owing:rind 'done lir :tile !heat .of ptitiiiiit. .- ' - Of the r'nerelittittfi.A .Litter iii-tlifit-ilaYi 4014' ..' ' friliebeleff treats Ili() ellilightitr' ilii li ' itilift-er, ever,: the- liOnOtablii getillettittit,. returitedy- 7of .course, its it t11-1111-1-0T-06111nicitt bo011trOitho: actooilipaitied by 'lit tonmhori who: -.entered -. hi 411113F111111- SW1trfete; Itfici to. lie 'rather ' Mr.,11,iggsi'S.-natrie 111 1,110 .S-fifijtor's hook,. - refroutiterl tWith..pride than •exidfrined it-Wity -... - -entitling hint. 164-1140..tlie. Exellatiga. for. Dile . by excuseii..- -, • - ---- day, , ..- . ' _ -. - -1 • -.„ . • • : - . Hernettirtie agot.tvk; Gliilig.to_W_.-iffilletablee.. - .. . .. . IVA ativ-o/vci jir 4) va II In Etrt. 'mord that a nififi.ltiatned ..I.iyon_ had corn- -- .'. t, . -.,,. . . - _-- i7- -.---; tifitted au itekatilt,i-iiit the evideneeshowed"8101 r'ulti 0 I_01114,.1,11:4 - ..l.ista.ilii, tliat liewttsfiefilfiiiltildbiaciolietiiblec,vib4iP'°:l$14c4tl4::1:14:410::r. iiitairiitikeililit4fortjoilioipertoi.iic,01ivede4:ayttibr11,,71;i8,t1re. Ivilii 't .F4tireialiary "faiid,tlie two. (3.011Htitt1108..81101110 ' :to lluft-ifin froin 7 1 if V14, ( )11. lAS; 11' WOrifthrg . , fie . tied bY :ilierlf ( and Jury, 'tlint -41.1° 048a . girls„-eged-tes'peotiv.e1y ik- ictiii 20,W)10-'lle"d-- ' dietipedibeeitOse thollisettl':toolid there Wait ;three_ inolitlis itga left- Oto Ttlftti distrietfr of ilokiiiiilleielit-a*Ido3iiee to sustain it profit) peouHylvaniti, lotthe -City ;of 1-406Ite. j 'the --- _linking heel' ittliWn_ to the - niatteri.1-tlie-`,. two via _ ileitiit of ,. . entiott:. 'the attention Pt lliell-rowil ofiloilam 541(14-4 were 4117-seareli (Ifwt.! ittitilitOyi 11.16011.tteiiii Ili:ell:1a- i oonetables 'wore SliPreliel.;fleat mild 14413 ifow .0ilieei- _Milli : Street,- -. .itifil' .eoeli" 'after- tqtbe triod ell t031-41,11-40.of perjury: - . .-- " arriving iirt•lhiffalbtt by llit.tflirs,-,,MIlbeeet164 ' ..:' -tittlilltiide . lit l'fletitltaid. litellW.I.Ket:-tlitte'lb' liotling 1*, ' :.-141nitli.:-. told them,..Ilie -girls ' their . libigilltere 'Ott -.trio . tibliappy- 1141 4131(1 to'.ffit5C- --...-.'-.'..-, _'.dHiit1_16-1.011.1-7,10.0k'.11.P9t;l,lije-t:iliafe.t 1ibttii:73.:1414111:°katig6;1eftrt*a3'Ilttll-tce,44_41g41ii:i1,tio,ititartiooi /1ttit:(if.t1110141143-04ebf"101ltedht41'lieyealleliti1Wefh,(iireiicdto 8-42 ttbitaodbow'itiietlief (1)811014. Tliere is tSIttitl ittebt;,ito,toi01iitliloiuo61d-• - _feria -111.--.10.erfarab1r0 _Whir& • lain ARO for t;thettet 11011.. a _t_thittation (melt -as : •thby •_.181104 - it litte'jukCbeen- telet for -j.',D40:Itl. • .aceiocl: -.About 7.80 p.61. the girls 0011e4 . _. itt •.poiiitea out" it'a sii •aittoipie of ti,o-..pr-eva=i' i.fer.th to Ana .the elaseld reliadea' of the . 'lent aver -rating otiand 'that -. tide_ farm, -at. 04-1 p_trept.by the....ettbaft.whoeto unturvoity rePu-t -tent of 1.:800, via§ -not tiOhltitleted .tt5--.1)0 lett tattoo : heti; neVere. teitelied their .iiiitooent 811 8111 trintelteeriablaratei-tir -ttbiritelbe 1t4fitr--1 estai . lipaii itiquirlog -the-Way;:.iiiid stiffing. ago in- tile. ilistriatu- Rut. 'tbe•-t-eititilt twits :what they were in Heareli of, ii-getitlettian -it molutelY iiiiiibleto makii.--both emle ttieet,i.- .Whotii they ttelte0 1014 them that they were -itail tlielatidlord-.11041 the •54O10(1 -Hetet° not being led 'atittity$ and etitterted ilietti- to the .°lilt:,t6.•:_r.6 • 414.: but Lo glY.°- 111411l - ,111;:a-- 6- t• I.P-21: -Wtiatirlera--t0tifkieliii(!---:6°a(;Pt.eO1,- d."8116'1P'1.4-6-op r-dilalvooo lietre. wit'illiCeillY r13it they lied- teen directed le lieititet Itettet . .. .....1.:,.:'...1111_t• 11.1-11iC-1141441-1* !! 17 ,41-• 111i 6 . theiffittleiliati3 . 0411114 l''Whiall is eierrnfly ei -tor- 'woreei than the teet (,f the -iioosett I/1 4: usirfi.tiaideil **mug 'Jodi ift,tilitett - to- .tOttnoti " the-It:de-died d I striet,'.1. end ft 1/10111' _glop' .ihe _Ilitittifi-1111.fit 1/te1te . tto , it, Vile of -degraded priptilationtblitill coutaite cute. __jai, ii iiitthettlidiati, . - - 1 -tioitattrti it iatO.liti hoped, be. ;found iii flatly • - ; ---..! '-- '• " f - - . '. - ' - - ' - •• - Oty jti.Oe thiota -, - • . - - . ; liti-Isfit Wedriesdity_triertileg.ut -14 ifereelt1 „ - •- : . - • , - (sitypi thel:/ttlitsat-llereid), atepbew of et “ tel .. A. -ca - 4,,,,i '. tit 04 thotgi-prothifietii tottl-,- eiltete .ifgehtsi - • 1--"1 I-44041104 11,a0:•-11-11*‘-- , Wee..thoffied _fit 141; 1'ititi,14 0.1trtifieift,:itquiartif:::.,: 4-, ii-Tiohttitti:dmelifoeitor§Y,i1:6-114.1'ktiiteltheloigtoeixt:§biottilYatialoot. of f4prieg etiil Agigtt11-iitiilets4- 4foitioliv, ....kfot,16144 to . the itittifigge ow :rettitasiti-lifoi-Iglit before -bis ealleegiree the " Aittldtbbty_ hitd - gitifieted-:, to . witbees- tfitt; fittP6ft fi6f±4 016 (1110114' AtittlYetiViseatint -. -yontivoilliti.fittefilthlti.eilgiktd 0 -it, tespeot. egmeol it tow whiet utterly diefektotiod the , iitiiii,g.- ittAtti iitittifitig. lit --the-- ootitottipitlated :tiobtretotiviiitoti by the ...bitt.gistfoteolot atilt, ..abib' -Iiit6ii'llPtIal-dtiaell.. IiiiiVewilitt-Utitift$--gtili°Ittili.-45.1111teY,Iiie-8T6 11601. t‘..eift?ti‘it-81°Till§itil.flyttotprilifietAtitd-fittift6.-1:1411M-8°,11ttilibitif krii6atidd •ifitii•g-iiiiii- -,.. lb/title" bi-.iiitittili..ieli--- 'or tii!lit:idt! :tit 1 tiii bEfii!:!)1-1,0614- tilirodf . itUlppg'iytttiltlilarli:6:411116tiii°4611%:',£11141211:it:tilt;th'Aftittibdt- :ti-itili,t6t! ••.. efadittg ..lothir :Alio.. ... otiagothoot_ ffhg, -ful-• elite,teitisitieri the , . tillithd --„Ilevetihe -. 811111, 110(181 piiiinh,i5;41,'i.-.:T, ,4.6_.ti_.itithet,--,-,,o,-1,-.--",114,,a,'t61:1,11-iiittil -4110111(iiiitEdititdy64:4L-1-6141061.ff:ifittit•Yh-tiltii(Itlitilfitp. iiiillatitittliit!ibte-- -cliti ;tit' -- -did. - . hot 7 .-016,*: . :.ilifil,),tilt -iiiiiiiiiki iitit:witgpodtiliat, ttr•tim clew fretti• - -Iiittili_tbatiialliititiliboit-to. break. theirtaiti. '..411161i it *148 011181181811, -1110 IA* 'kelt 'head 18-8191 181119914, :- - iiiitittittli.Oflotil,.• Ita, - tat :06-firtivi§iiiti'ltvf a fitiiit'itig6114. flf. •fl#iff. tiyetytialakfi- : boob ph-ipso/Ifoe: tho toott '1188 'bilk #lifl '-fitiffhltilj'i ttlititififitiffiftil We ill:It:ft Itillikltril-tte,,Olf6t.iiiiiiilliiitttlig'il'Ileilbitir ofilLeii6illifititilitiotif6ftil‘i 6462-bitelli- " ti#1114tiltfttitinijiVil .116$1t6 'Cetbliiigtiliq'blitit6tiltii*g 1.-!ti.nli-ittlito ----- MI% miiitOt told hot gooefti heiffitl.the,etlier 0.1410 -milk-gitfifYIY#. -• ' -• 11§iboatii.f„-eilh'etttliffid°1"fithtli14-ilt;h4-illeilb4-41111111ellii. 6.tfilloittilli4N ,,,, .. thhfeli• 1111181(8, 1(1418 itall'ati 1411iititeito'at. "treated jociltalait-tif.t000 116iti .6iiti of .Tho .1Witillifigfeliii[ Ilk§ . 'probably Alltid -.mote- 41$4.-; - - ftowojj. fitid *Ali', Eid ,:-.11110-: ill oho; jtatiirothid tiiiktilolitell teilikiN tIthil . ttoy __other . , j 6 _ i.tieektitti.iifhilitieiknutliii@ft-(ftifiptiogttiO_rflioprode of bubthet Ofthe Etitateari tliltdulttitaripli' . -- ."-- : hig.utiftailiftil 4Lii Vit6thth&ilelits14ii AiiitAttlitof to 8i44h1 Jiti6ftlt6 tl81ftliidl110184 ttiftolfotnonf f Io 46014146i Orfia tittrea h fttent tf 61.10ttf, ofthihadafrthobldtl:ftitllitelti tfliittfeffi trieetlt 0vtit4iilt.titsi.liiillof1.tfio"Ite.ii144itfIii.itilitidlglpfetaf; ifittiiltotlilt1-188 811144(44108811,10 tiogititi ligM itidi MStVietMi!Wilt/ 'il17111t-18144dijtillY- 4- , .91,18 wag LPIttatid.,, titeppotl iiii id -1414g9 'Ofi ttielt. tlifetitler ..116 iii Ihtgit-Voyard; the _ittiib-ifItitlyl_ .-littia: • 141§06fitiK . t6 . _ low thfld titiftiftre11664 -1114 tittfebf it§ -geefOiittfr:ld ' 'tifert4141115ii gild 1606.. (146 §tibitiffigly:willi 'Vetillit .0itildlif1 fie ItieftiedittivAitieriettil f . lifled7-.fitinftf ii.iiitiJ-1 0-11006 lief eltkifii. 614 :11?Otlitlino itil4teitill tile 186W lifting -.64- .ittiiiie, - 016 IfiIiiii§: 1884010 1411l118 Rif- 4 iitUifigtiffitl 1 :Chi FfiClitYliii@filtibil. 10 ilitStiittild Tftidiiii- liiitti 0 Itititi6Yr-: .f--• .•' ; -- - -- . , ,:'. - liftti t tr.iti lig titi1 fti,O.ttifi.g .f. i- Irz - . - iiiiio .otativii isilop, elesty etf*pteil lie - - - '. - t t•' ••- 1. - ,•. '8t (114 While thettraiii.-WitiIli fittiticht1181 11,8 eitittAllf/14616IitilvtY-001444Y . thli d tre r-itattlit.iiiild.at the iiiiiid railibilt - 11106.pr188if41t1 tittit 148141 1(71 It itirWit- fit . tile ti117ood 1,1iii:Ititif,tifoti., 116 t r i tipl lit -jigged ' tt tiftlft-ftY •ot ,ttltiefflilll -r_oitili .1411f#ftl• it., ,•-tto Iatiohlorittfo dititahoo -in thio letthhoti,flio --- tititimil._tii4t- ''-tiftkilai Of (boettifisok fetit . touaiiiiik tho ;gfotiod slid hie. ftilig: IdOilid'Uttiliviti 1- Ill iftiti filffi'littkOfti.4$*ififf" -gitittdigit4d ttfoonk the wheeio: llo woo. soimil- -§,t"--61111(3' §fi.:r il!If Mi/l4041:1161111 *Maui: • Nettle 04 461111- 41/1118*418-0:fitahtlitig po th-e:.- iiatitt:fostii• - -.-- - - ' - - -, -- .• (aloft/I-. (I helped- froth -hie lief iiotio poet; - .,. . . . _ •._, _. _.,. 11i8 i"110681717 abitioivaii-pfetionti iii 1-188ithi fillittif ' . • •'t - tilt • .trt1,1118114 bit Itaildity fertiiiki•ifi, itt -- .-Tho p. latioh-ol"Vidttifilti A, Cif e*tilti., -- The otifoihabist-ti tiiiieltbit.iition -lib& litiyirl iiiiird ihtliodifii. tag. .116684 4(14668-14088881 by . .11iiiiffietill-Friii#0., ,teopold 1-411688144tlibliatli. F119 (84181409 otiliftioratora to -to liitill4;. Tito A1141114 Eigtit'iiii Ditto :al; Ailiaity *id poi I) itoidit -of tifti Fratfitool -.81611491sf41f *I _d_Atitioliii-...- • . ' - - I silotift.gbout 06,000,1 .,.._. . . . - . . .13 . A