HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-07-08, Page 7Fugotwrred, Ita,Liit ,)1,1 A\ 1i} lo L1111.1. .t 11.1; 4.IIj Lliy f./1 rituit,i 1%, hal- Ai..t LL. %AL .„10 ‘1, ,tiol'L‘t3LIiltoid, • • •,hi tla LL Ili Lit L., I '14i.L,Lt1 ?„.A\ 11Y LL lint. la 11.110 Ni litu.hy it8la 1k 1••••1•41, 1.4i. 41.t••tiglip I, 1- 1 t rs“, ' \\ vit ail. ILt.:11 1 ricvit 1 I. haNt iflaCt) thlAI 4lul1u 11‘,4 1 11104 Ll. a throne , 14 1,0 oi eight. 1.1 1,.. hcribm r J.r J •"5, 1.0111111% %'E11', thy 11,4: ttlaitur far " Mat4ollittiti H., , ie%,..11 It•arb ',about' like a long - trati quit Llreaut. '1 lio Kill rood anti oet, the nth,' ciattai anti_ lowed, opriug tiowero blootiod mid 'died, tile ottleuter skied 4,114110a, 11,1311111111 lettveo of widen hue wi °red on thi, ground, awl winter -snow , i lei _ --t. 1 ito change tattoo to the quiet lutnitt'oteitil in the Kendra' meadows. lie:arose awl Lillian. inul rescliud their oix.tutottli year, nod two fairer girls were bc1,1,,to rwt111. Mr:, 1..yittu'liettorto bailout been 111 1 .1.11L; they were acietnutiliolitti far beyond the ortlinary rim of young girls. 1.iiii,iii inherited her fitther'o talent/ for drat% mg.- Hilo 11.11.4, 111.4 au eiccelleut artibt ; l_ittatricc excelled in moons. tibe hod a magoiticent coo train, voice that had bout carefully trainuill. Both were eilltivated, graceful, elo4:t4 gale,- tont' Lady Earle auto siglital to think they oliould be . living to ouch profttioni obbourity„ film eould do nothing , cleveiii: yearo had not tiuttiged I.orti Earlit'tt ria4o ution. Time, fair front softening, embitt nal lion.the more agaitua Itis bon, of Rion ld, Lady Larks heard but huh,- Ilti woe till tu Africa.; he wrote at rare ttervalo, h " there watt little ounifort ill 11 It _ Lady Earle 1i4 wliat tiho ooubt -for her gratithihildreu,.nOt it woe a strange Linnet- - oral life. They . new no other girlo ; they had uever bee :tweuty nines from liutt.tbford. Alt gtrlitili pleasurco and ., - enjoy mentif-wer I. sealed book to them. They tted never en- to -4 party, .1i pitsitie, or 4 ball ; tio lit wits - ever More 'simple, ... more -quiet, wor , levoicl of all amusement than LIIuU'I.j. Ji., Midi wits stitititied and Iiappyi ; tier rich- t timing hitray, her artiotio. .tuittd.1 anti cot t utetli. oweirit .diopoSition -2wa1hd114t1 e4e11(14 -Lai her, happyglidor gay -:-eiretlieoltalicoS 'li it it, wito different ',With- -.7: brilliant, Iteittitif.i . fletitrute. - -No ‘vild bird .:.;-..-_itt.i-cre eV ..•riiii! 'itl.,(4_.:11146rty:_iir _ ehafed:_ under restraint, inOre than -she-did, :.*S11.4.. - entail oitt- lotalliFi agents t • the -,- nitittWirtit. . eali-titile; 0)0- ilia' i, ion ofsoak it_life., - _,-,- - 1 ad000: tutt(4li_ titr_--1)pre- The coy-, .girholl I beauty:- that--; had won . _ _ . - . -.. - itoutild.Larlot'il It i rt had given piece to •- a ... _ . :_- . - - -- - .sweet, -patieut., voinanhooti-._ - --Coustitut atodoeititiiet with il 6 StI 0 iegaitt and it:tilted ,s- , . • ,._. . . -.. f0V-iurs. _ v y viall 1 .ii,a amiu_ for: her. -Nvlitit ' notltuttt Pisa rott Id IntAie- achieved. - Dora liad caughtthe:ir ined, high -bred .a.coetit, -:.tite-grativint„--ctilt -ated tottniter,, the :easy l,i .heconiti imbued NVIL:ki -.Aim-. Vs. Vt_tas no 1 e thought s antHcleas, - -- Dor a re4 ained-1 ), aveettliaritiesHene. was: .- :a great dislike feril*onald, the ether ignition° dr.codof all lover. .fiCrlier ehild reit. Vrootelier -they_ heard -nod fing hut--. depreciation .uf ' 'men.. -Alt nictii.,‘• tie allite-_-false, itisiuterti,- 11 tiakie,: cruet ; tt.1 t love.- Nva.fi tiousenoe _and %folly.; • . INIts.:.:Y,y .tait -. tried iterbest_.--ito countertict these i tits ; they -130,tliiii -aie -Oil cmiHe'lli-onve. I.. that neither- I-Alliap_ tior, ..TIettrtio-e :•out-ukt •!' vett dream :.-of", naming - 11_1101i 00.40010 10 ti Elir 'wither,. vvito should .:. :have been their ftfiend and tiontidant. " 1( 111 -.-.--- - _the booke--Lady lit rie.seat _ there. ,was any- - Mention of thisile e; their mother -dreaded el., tlitty.Went • th 14.ErH :jyyvittn, or pu4zital over-. it'themse v 8.. . -_, With. - these .:t.ttio- - exceptions Dem-hatl becoml.. tt. thoughtful', •-gouty! Woman:- -4 3 her lititul becatue_more ., cuitivated she u delstood..better the- diti-j_ honor of the _fail • which .-hadIro.bhed her . - of- Ittintild'a 1(110 tier - fair .- face.- greIW criuffll w vhmt ho remembered 'wiott- she, -_-. had datio:„ - • .., - - - - witti not wore pnre 41,444stainless 1443444 tho young girl who 441, amidst the purple heather, sketelting the white fitr-oft tio intent watt Lilltatt 4)0(1 1104 drawing that she did not hoar light, rapid steps cooling twat.; she WC1,14 Hut avow:led until nob, riitialoal volUe yelled, " if 31034 have 14111 oliuligod row) etime or etatue, bpoitlr." `I'iiori, looking up, elto itaw lleatriee by her " luty down your Lemons arid talk to me," ti11111 litattrice, imperiously. "'low unkind of yeti, the stilly human being in tine Olive who can 14114, to come here all by youreelf 1 What did you think Walt, to beeoine of tint?" "f thotight.you wore reading to mainiiiii„" said Lillian, " iteadiog 1 evelainied licattriee, " You - know am 444114.1 of reading, tired of writing, tired o,f dewing, tired of everything 1 loom to tit) ." Lillian looked tip 114 wooder at the beautiful raotleos facto. " 140 not limit good ' 41 Tog," wild lientrion, impatiently. " 1_ am tired to 1-14111.114 (41 it all. 1 warit Hittite oli(4oso. 1)0 .you think any girls itt tile world lead swill t1 life ito ‘ve - ill rattobliug old faint -house, studying from toorti to niglit.; ono, tut one bide by that tiresome eve, ou tite -01.14111 by 110140 41.444 lioiv nen you take it kir) quietly, Lilhan? Nvintriati to- death." tionualtitig liati diaturbild you thio otorniiig," said LitIu4B, gently. ."1-'11111, to like titatitina," cried Beatritie ; jinn, her very toile anti words. filie does not unclorstand, you do rtot uticlerettritd ; trittruttia'e lifu satiefies her_, your life. 001411)01e you ; ittine does. not 001110111 me— lt 144 till V a.guti etopty. 1 should weltutitie . anything -that, cluttiged thio monotony : 011011 EiOrrOW viu1d bu 1.11111.114 t11411 11414, 110411 10V01—otie day kto like another, 1 eau -neVer dietinguitilt titern," - illy dour lleatrive, think of- what you are Baying," said lilliao. - "'I am tired of -thinking," Said- Beatrice ; " for_tiot 11181. 11111 years I have beau told to 1111111. ' tctid_4 retleet.' I have thought all..I -can ; I -want 11 freoh oubjeet." " now beautiful • theiti-- far-off .wliite 841114, loolt;" said how -they gloittn tit the sunshine. flee, that oti pits li_lis 41 iiiysteritrue 1itiii1 4(44(4114 1.11 beo aWtty:" - i'.1-ituj.l 441111144 -are •very _woll. for you. Lillitto,", • rttor Luti 1 loiitrj.iu.- Bee nothing tit: then) „--.-.1.4eak at_ tlitt...iitotieti- We read how_diffartilit thooe_,girls_are from titi I Tilay have 41111.friou4iii they have: joWelii.-atid droosoK1 theY. '114%1u. llitaltitilmlo'n•_diliirere,-,‘Vito pay thein horu age; '-ride,. ttuil;eujoy thennielves. 1144,4411111'Up-here -vvith (44(1 11434 - .serioLis_ _ - - - - nosh _ „littittrioe " ":- said Lillian intunit111:11( ;Mt • •-"Ntit itt-Yeatit'perliaps,"reptied Beatrioe;- ..". but she seeppi to toe old- i.ti sorrow, :Hite -,itever- --gay- or ligitt-liearted, -Mrs: Vyvitin 444 very.ltilid,-Itut 'she .nev.er latighs. In LL1. 0 ry 'one- sad atid itaPpy„ 1 wonder long to. see- 'the-World—the bright,gay vvorld--over the- setts ,--the-re... . _ long for- it -it nett -bird longsor freoli itir end .green, woode."- " You wliuhl ;tot -find it 411- happiness," %aid 1 t1liILn, sagely, Spare -lite' trunitint,". (tried Beittriee. Alt, 4,144101', I ain . tired of all this ; fur eleven ryears the (41.1(1, 141114 been • sineng tlu 4411111(1 1410(448; these Vtivett rule tour ad 'just as they- did It hundred_ years ;. the itirdo oing the ;: the suit 811114(144 tho 1411.11111; even the, tiltit.dovv" the, .grecil,-. oline hills (titer 'the. .jtist 4E7 it alit wllml -welirst. played -there., long to bp 'away frociiii..tlie henna of .the sett ttud- the Entitling tif tliu ilii trcee, . I- want. to be wItere ttiereare-girls of toy- oWn age; -and cid !LEI ItIlt3y• seeing. to -tne -.- we --shall: go on reading mild 'writing,- sewing -and. draWing, 4'1d ..takiog %vital -• nitittitria calla inetritetive ranibles,- until .":Our.littads -grow- . '.‘.•It js ((1)1: (4(4 naet KR. tluit, Betitrfoe,,' -PH,Pa; 111(11-44. returu-stanedity; then all go to bitn,"- - It WKS fair arid tramiuil wornantiood.; the .ditrir•.eyeri. retaittoid their vvondrotiti light, and ; the curling rings. of -dark hair were IuxrIrilLit 14. patient, ,swet-t• t liettltIty-e(titilttr blooni tot tile fair' lik .tite elder . :thati their tilotheg ' -The `quiet. • hill ;dreamy Monotony was - broken tit. ILHL - Mi.VyVian Was suddenly- stotonowar !Iferrnother;.,.to Whotit- Rho Wag.WctrIlily.- '011111014- W11/3 HILid to be ted her -few :last days- er---.datigirter: -At tire -1L/10; Av-rpte- to sat :that 1' ill that it wtis int„; look.: for any -lady 't.O` place, ghe. dense, r the fIrat tittle hi their Itt-were left-. for IL few nipauion,_ tind -without-I - t ILEI ever ; the lips- wore xpression. - The clear, had given a delieate _i_tortt looked more , . ter of the young girls dyne, and.-elte- wt • to- be ettt -wait -i4tErne. Gillet:Lady Iter itosittittd IVItS pitssible for her t supply 'Mrs. _ _ - queue° %MR that, E the young-gt weeks ivithont:tk _ s'arteil-butet. • -..iatli tAl RR-- XVII. ---.7 , • , - - . . One betitttittit: ittOruing in- May, Lillian •. went out !done to,Sketeli,.. : The.. beauty - of, -'sky _and ;sew tenitiod, tier; --- fleecy. white - cittils limited 'gently over the blueheaVeno ;.'-, --the snit .filiCtite upou, the -*Ater 41titif, -at --tiiiies. it :retienthlep-ahoge See Of .-rippling -, gold.---, Fitr-'-eilt- in -pie -.tilattinco- -_*arc the ...- Sinn nli ig-- wi te. slaiq- of two -boats ; they leaked' itt tire- golden hazegikethe krilliant-Winge of. Soine:bright bird„ IF Who. sun upon the; white- outs struck,her fanicy, aridshe--. Winted to o sketch. the -effect, 1.,..`t . - ' ' - = - .1.1 it was-the-kindait ' mortting -that /hakes_ -Life seem 0:11.-beatiti and - gladneasif. eVen 'If I the-heart:is. Weigl ed dtrivn.with _ca.r.e-, .. It v‘itts, a lii..kury 'mon 1y:to live and breathe, , - The leaves were a I ; springing* thewoode; . . . •-_ilie' titeadoWft • W. re _groen -; Wild ' .flowers. - blesSonie4. by,: the# liedge,rowe ;' "the. birds': sang att.yly et gut Owing: attnaner ;.. Um white litmtltorri t'ireiv- ita.rielt .fragranee - alt-areitittl, and tit. lyellow--brootti .bloonied .. en the cliffs., I -- .--; • - - - -,--. .j • • Aft she sat titer , :Lillian Was - indeed. -a , . - -fair pieturo ltersel n that, -May" ruo.roitig ; , the aweet,.spiritti 'face,-: -the ital.*" head; .SVittt 410 crowtt of ideit, hair ;.- the violet, . , . ' eyes, -smfoll of th dit ; -.the setntitivo lips;. -Sweet.yet . firiti-,;'' i0-,..Wilitt3 forehead, ,the, -throne .0f littetleet1:::Tlie little" fingers - that a rites -ed. rapidly _.titat -gracefolly- over the. c •. drawing Were Whikel and eltapoly ; there wag . . a dedicate rOsOlertf 11.1811_111.the.prettYlitituL•- : - She --lacited fride-it int . trait -lull • ati . . the- t . ..... ritOriiing_ Itself, -- 'I 6 -pure-, '6Weet fact)... had. _ -- ailuurnoved; tlic • ' ortIliitd.tutver breathed c .-:7 no touch of ilre or , . listen ; 1 tit:Heron ItY was f ott-theleriocent, ch talikettilrid"..--- A White a I never -believe one.....5vord- it;" Said 'Bett..trie; " At ti 11(1411 - I .eouldalmost-deelare papa 'wait it - Myth; do, we. not -live -littn-?. 1Vliv (Meat° never write ? ---We never liearof , - , _ oFfeeitp BRSO throngb "Lady 'Earle ; 1511(4.1 !1() yen thin.k heard Vyviati- 'toy (141(10 1(1 It %Vas that we -might 111)4. 440 to.-blarleaconit-. ((1(4.13 --41(111. if papa did not return, or died, youtig, all ymild got() IL Mr. -Lionel trilorci. arid we eitohld reit-mitt here, Inittgitie.that, Tate -living along life; and:dying:at. the. _ ‘4,It is -all eonjouture,..' 4441.4(1 - lier 14184.411. 'Try ta uipte contour:tot], _Beatrice. . We' .do not -Make our 1.1vea; we have "not tlio-_eout-rs.d Of our own...destiny." : - liko. to eantrOl-ntine,-'!'si oltOd :Reatrice„" -"•Try te-be itontented„-darling,"-emitititast the sweet, pleading voice.-- " We till. love _ and admire: you; No Otra- wait.- ever -loved- _ _ _ mere dearly or -better than: you are:: :The days 070 rather I.ong at times, but.t.hereare .all wenders -and beauties :of -:nature .atid art. -"41 . - - ' • Nature and art Are' all very well, -cried Beatrice; ." but 344V0 1110 life:' HIie turned- tier _beatitiful,:-regtiesii face trent -the smiling_ seti the _ eoutli• witid .dapeitig over --tile- yellow: gorge attatg'itt . up the words- uttered in that glean musical and_carriod--then.i • over the. pliff to 110 -who' was- lying-, -with- -halt-elosed eyes -tider the. shade of a large tree•--lt. -yoUrig intin,...with' 14 dark, iandsoine v441i 11.:'c011,4ee:-.1t11i1: of beauty lin was lying there, resting upon ,tho turf,- -enjoying the beauty of .the morning. tho.. musical tones" reached Pie 'strange- woids•foll _upon .his oar, ho erniled;• and . raised .-TAIT 1iatid.,10-lieti who Uttered thorn.' the young blit -faces woro tiirnad'frotullito those -Words- rang in Ids bora.: "Ilittitro (1.11(1artare 1111 ve1'3.'7welI, but,give.ineolife.:" - • WIin was it 'longed fertile?. IL° tinder-. stoo11 to .wait there until theglrla went ttway. Again he heard the.sattie.voice: - -Rh rtl I -leave -you to. your- Rai 1J111E1111. rwish. those sante -boats :would- -cattle ta. arty -Its -wish Wings. and °Ohl fly -over blot Sett, find site -Clio bright, grand World that lies beyond it. Goodbye;: I atri -tired .of tlfe nevet-iinding washof. hose - - Ito- 1411.15'. 11.._ YOUtlg. girl, _title., froth:- -tile ragrant-Ilieatlier, and -turd to dbateitti -th-e liff, thiftiglit lid itteliad dOwb by nether pittli-,_•ittid, turning back, contrived 44. Go meet, lier half -WAY, lidatrios (same singing down tlie (411 If. lier humor, IteVer the battle tett Millitteli together, had muddenly oliariged, l3lie re- membered I -10W 411C1 tiolig that 1.11443.' ltirIu had taint, and deterniiirod to.go home try it. 'novo 044140 Ito warning 40 her that bright Hutitmer morning. The boutli wind lifted tile hair from liar brow, and wafted the fragraisee of hawthorn buds and spring flowers to greet tier, but it brought, 110 waroilig tuisitiage ; the birdo singing gayly, tile so brightly, not tell lier tliat the tiret link in a terrible oliaiit was to be forged alikt 1(4011111144. - 1(4141 W44 down tile 1134 11, where the pat)) was. steep arid narrow? Ilea -Grillo hi -4(140411Y met the etristrgor. A stranger wan a rarity at, the ilium. Only at rare inter- vals did artiet or rt, tourifit meek elielter arid hospitality at tho old larva -bowie. stranger boomed to be a gentleman. For one moment both' etood still ; thou with a low how, the gentleman 'stepped • iteide tit lot the young girl paire. As lie did Ho, he noted the rare beii,uty of that brll 11(1.111 faire—he remerubored the longing w°"rtNl'io.- Wonder," ite thought, " at eiu for snob a ratio air that to be Iiidden hero." The betruty of those magnificent eyee etartiod him. • 'Who was elle? Wiratcould elle ito doing here? lioatrioe, turning again, maw the etranger looking, eagerly, after 'hurl with prof ruuct admiration 041113000(1 ill every feature 01 )1141 face ; and that admiring gaze, tire first elle liad .over recioived itt her life, Hank deep itito the vitioi 1 girlish -heart. - Ile wit.toired the graceful, -elender figure until the turn of the road hid Beatrice/rooi. hie view. Ile followed her at a safe distance, and maw her eroae the long rnoadowe that led td-- the Elms. Thou IItigh 'Vernely. waited with pationee until oue of the farm laborers 041710 by, liy judicious iiiiiistionitig dieoovered muoh of the history- of tile beautiful' young girl Who longed for life. Her faci8. haunted figeoillY -beAutY-411u .ila.rk, radiant ()yea. -,Corne Witat Iingh Fornely said to hitueelf, 1.10 34144411 (4811 her tigitin:- . Ort.the following morning he HaW the girls -rettire to the cliff, - Lillian fittiolied her pioture. Ever and 414011 lie heard Ileiktriee 44414444(444, 413 13. luw, rioll v01(104.4140 Sung that 41114111111r111114Iter with itti..Weird- vor Men intuit work, anit-ivonuni-1414.116t4,661)--' A11411110 taunter to' over„ the .tioinier -te-oniett7. Anti- goof Hive- _to_tlia_411T-4144 11.41--11°1141i111,1!--- .- I 1140 _heard lmr say. vVotider Soou it be. weep?rts---:Ghe song iiaye Ivor wept L'Iu 41i ..niorning..the :gold -co -haired eister -left :tire rat, -aut1:1)eatritie -mat r-eading -until -the.ticou-dayeitti-:shelie Ileri book •-ohatin.ed bet Wits: it • stOryi tulti 1144 (If tlai'life :She loved cud longed- for ()f 41111 gayt-gladi ;world,: .'linfortunately alt . -tint-- people in- -•booit". arid The -Yen -rig: 1-1ilI((hliLlit 31, believed-that.they. Who lived in- 't,he..world•irclit) 'longed for, • "wore 41122"-lilic 'people -Whet". ehe lett .tlte path =that 10(1 to the- ineatiows,---4144 saw-by:11er eitlethe tit.raeger. who lied•toeblier -the day: beret -it., - Again: boWed.proftiondl-y,..atitii_With (''4 p401444411 topelogics-,....asked keine ". Auestiou abeit 1 he road.- --,-, • : ,- 13eatrioe. replied -brielly, but filte-'ootild. not.lielp seeing tho Wolider .of latiMiration 11, 1441 Jute. own grew aril:peen-, tinder 11114 gitze-,liolitaw and ;his heart "beat high witlf--."trittinpini• -Att- Ileatri.oe Wont through- the meadow Ale Walked tiy•Ilor - Hide. .•filie-110V.O.r quite rtinieninered how it -happened, but itt:-,11, -fetv .lniuntes was tellittg :her, -liovi -Many years 'passed since lie-ItinItteeti the iii\ring England. Bite ferget reetra.iiiti, all _ prUdence, and raised 1.1er bettuti.ful eyes tehtS.-. • t.bon,".' 'olio- eried, " the gritat.werld-tliatlies Over the wide sea." " Yea," lie replied, litivetieen. haVis in strange,- :bright- laudti, ect different front: England that the-yitiotimed to:1)-06.11A. to aitother- I jittvo. neon tititity -of.. the wonders -that bo.oke Of. ---atiutiy 91in-1es, bright Skieff, and glittering' Sette,-where _the lipid& islande-' • . spolieiin Worde that.- were of *hid, 'untutored. eloquence, .be saw. - .the yeitng•gi-rl's -eyes riveted _ono -1-1.14M. Hurt' u( havitig arciused-lter attentitin, he bowed.; .apelogiZed-.ter aud 313(1 1)04. '. -1)erit. betnis_sliker. .iitlier• inotltera, Beatrice_ •Avould have related little. advetith re and -told -of. tlis=.1tancloothe.,:Young traveller bad been Strangit As- kii.o.wing,-“,her.--inottierli titter - (Tread of -411-Inen—lrer fear ItiatioirtillItdren. should love -and- --inarry=-43eatriee tiattreill tho -atm tironglit, -much. of.-Itini-.1tiinrioll;_httt of tlie World he had eta:ikon- ithotit-7-and:tilie hoped tlitit 'it tnight happen . --to her to 4)1004. 111114 4411111. • - • If we had: -.Sqine;oti-e- here _Whit could 4.41111. tallt In- that -wa,y,": said to herself.- " `Tholliihns.'Avoyld_not he 4ulta iso imup. portable." - It*O-Ciar:H.'aftiarwilta Beatrice,: wandering-_, on tho. sands,: met ---Fernely.:- She ,saw- the Startled. look_ot delight on his fabe,- and -kinilcid-at lrh4- pleaoure. - - --" Pray me;" 110 ottnitat 11(1(4 seetatetl-to int like one.:1-ctiig night 14111110 - Ile Iield in hiis hitods _sopa° .beatitifill 1(111.48of: white waAett .boll Wits .perfeett: efferedtheni- to her WIttfa "IOW bow. • :".Phio the Mast beitt.itititt---.4oWer have Spell for many yos;ra,' he said. Nay :Hitt it,iete06._:tol,pii6g.j_voie:108t,t.76-lie.ottgu,gt.ii..titg4i:ip. ejra10,47.1.sto,btitiv.to.e-oeffv...4ri:." Beatrice_ teak _ from : blushing: itt. Ids words.. .thiv3Viiiked. by 'lior 81(10 along ellow otindo;-tho .ittid brettitingat.their teet. Again his eloq.itenco. _oliar_tned Iter; told .her him pitine, and liow he was captitin if trading vessel. linitiiiatiVely-lioneoined _to -understand-her .:clittraeter; . liar romantic-, :ideal Way '-of 1.10 -,tttlkett to- her of t he (1('l'3) seat; tiiid theirillatiny Wenders .01 tlie oceitii-tittid to be fatliottaless ; of the Certil end or.;.:Waters--. lit -_-wliese depths_ the oystercotitainitig palti,glettm., ing pearl fotind,;-of the qttieb titient, Itt sett .4110re-the stais- shine ati they never Heein to slitite -011,10,lid .; of. the Strange 111181) that falls /foot/ the_ ileayifig watera•-• heti*6 - etb•iiti.,- IOW Ater; of &rya,' Whi'n they wore bettiltifed titieli_the "-groat • deep'. when tlio.'vestiel:,seemed - npon apifirted With her marvellous fancy and r. tiiek 1 ittittoiphtitm bile tonowed Ittot to the wondrous depths et silent waters w iere strange 0044100, 340Yttr seen by livittotri 03'0. ahotinit, 14he hung upon his worde• lie saw it, arid rejoieed in las kit400(Miti, ila did not startle lier by any further riorriplistrtints, but when their Wii114 With 011404 110 tOI liOP that ttiorning would live itt bid tumour as the liappieet tinge of hie life. After a few dayo it ottetillid to hewn e a bottled tliiiig that Ileatriee olituild 11111114. litigh loortiely, l_tilliiiii wondered hat her .sieter eo often preferred lonely ram goo, trut elle bilW 11113 14311•UtitIll facie mho luvui so clearlygrow brighter aucl happier, ii iver dreaming the (ranee. . Vor litany long days- little though -, of Mind ran always upou what lie had told h r - llugh Iff3r1.1131Y 041P0 to 13(31-4,111i0O. 110r Up011 1)10 deseription of what he had atm and heard. Ile noted this, anti wallted sritli pationoe, born of love, for the irile who'll she iihould take air Interest irt b int. Weirdo wore weak lii W111011 to exprees and stately young girl. .1 t beamed to lii114 like the parerioriate love lie felt for tine beauliful a fairy tale ; on the 1 -earning lie lint saw Beatriee he had been walking a forig dietaiiee, Itlicl had lain down to. rest .ou'l tile csliffe. There the beautiful vision. had dawned upon liiro, 'The liret rucirtient lie g.rtzed 'into that peerleeir face he lovod Beatrice with a paesion that frigliteinecl himself. ITO determined to wiu bet at nny east. At last and by elow degrees lie began to apeak • of lier and hittoielf, slowly ancl ooraftillY, lite keen eyes noting every change upon " tier face ; loa began to offer lier clelieitte compliments, ittul flattery tio well diegnieed that it did net seem to her fie,,tf,ory at all. lie made lier understand -that he believed her to be the most bealltiful. girl lie had ever bolield. Ile treated er (11WAY0 (1,0 'though fibe were a queen, an he lier liuMblest olava, -. - 'Ellowly -hilt Hurel the sWoet poilion worked tte way.; the ay came wlieu _ti at graceful, eubtle flattery wits-. nat.:1088.4r to the very exjstenoe -of: .13eatrioe- E le. There was mfich to excuse her ; the 'cle eri artftil Ulan lto whose hands site liad fa on W1144 lier firet adrnirer--the first. ho seemed to remember _She.- was no- lo ter a chil-d,- and ti)' treat- 111111 W1114 deferon ial :- attention.. .---llad_-Eiltd teen, as -other.- rle ftre..entrountled by friendui 'atreusteur-ed 'to 'Beeieity,-propetrly, tritined,.-prepared , by - he -tender:. wis-deln.:.-Of 4i iiiving mother, he.. Would never: h it.ve cast, lier 'proud eyeis u ou --11.uglt.--. Fero Y1- ----1410-,WOUla ..14/Ver.. 11 vo courted 4.1)0 danger (ix! tiuu the riiik.--.. - _ '.. • - : AH it "Was-,-WiiiiirPorapreferred tiolitlilde,' and' noitrislief-11--"kee-if diftlijielellerlinsbt_hd, -in' .Iter.. -11eart-H-vvitile_ Ronald yielded-. to obstinatOpride, and . neglected every -AI itY .----whilti natit-'preferred.:-the indulgence .0f. .titeir"-eivii - tempors, --and . neglected: - : he I -children- tlie-Altnighty -had • intru.sted to tlietni- Beatrice vveut,on:4e her late, .: -.It wits - so eadi a :atorv tile. 'dirt -anti ;so ehitple yet 13(1 (144.1(111. -,11IVOry -element Fof t-liat itotittleiv „idealistio_nature ltelpod on -the_ t.ra,gody„-.- :11tigli" iirooly understi Ca: -13eatrice as pi3rhaps no oinselse.ever did.-_-. 'ile idealized -Ifitneelf: .. To 110-r.. at .leugtli he -beeatoe_a here, :who_had.-Inet with,Inun "r., leria adveuturoe,Ted•_hero Who liad tra.V-el ed ancl_liinglit, brave trird_getieroue, .* Aftei .-a titne he epolto-to Ifer of. love-,, at :first Jut er appearing_to-Suppose „that sb,a, eduld -iri re for, .bitn, 'but telling-- Iter . of . his .-o li 'painiiiitotte_worsliip-Atow her facie haun .0 141111, Alled.liis,.iireatinctit-night;-.4nd sh a beforehitn allday-,•--Ii.ow-. the - very :grim td tilotato.od Upon waS sacred le Mtn -7110w ' a 'envied the 'Revving,. -.site --touctied7--lieiv - e Woilld-giVe Upl evervthing to be tile -rc se .. . -. _ .. . . _ - that died in her -hoods, --.. It Was all '''V '3,•• pretty.titid :poetical, -and.: he. kneW.-how ' to ilnapretty:pic`turefique Spots itf-blit. wets It, where the -birds_ .and, the -11ctivere help d 1)403 to tell.history.:- - lipatriee:,"fothid-. it yery 'pleasatik. te e worehippesd- li)te'a- titteeti ; there Was ,O More- Monotony -for her. tvery. mood ig• slie-lookod forward ; to -setting :Itugh . to learning Atter° lot those wordii 'that- seetil d • i - _ . to. lier _like -ottweeteot Jniiiiie. . Silo, kti vv that'itt some tittle Or other during. the d y • - i • - , alto , vvOuld see litin; -lie tieVer tired . . . • adiniring her .bettutfi.. -Blamewortli-d - _ . , .,„, a -the sad mother' with _ ,bor ...,--iitern' dootriii .s,, blameWortliv tire proud' .negleotfill: &tin r _that alio Ittiew-nothew, -Wrong all_this -wi !1, Re -loved her iiinlit. tlionsamPeloquent ways hetttlei . her se. - ,She •vvas - litS ,:lodii,ot r; beautiful and -peerless.. It- was far tir re pleasant to Flit 011 riett---shore,--or under .thp -greenwoe.d. '• trees, -- listening 1.- to su h Worda, than- to itatem long,-;, dreary -lion is iti-deors..:-- And 'tone ot thosa. intrust, J-.1 .with the ear& of :the yottng - girt,- ev 'drearned-uf lier danger. ..-..-So- 1.1(414 147(114 laVelter Mother dread' ',d, 00. 1111101i, 7 ,Thlifi: Vitkg-jlie..., love" pects..SaT tg of Mid norioliatir wroteabout,-...-It Wail ye 437 • pleasant; bob -When 1.3eittrioe.hereelf ca. re to lovii, irlie.know that- Allis had- boon b t child -'s. --play: -- It wair,the..rdtiratitionf tliestoletitneetitt ,FI that-eliartited Beattice.,---.J.f Hugh had bei ii - 'adinittekto :-.-quir:-Elins, she --wduld -harie wearied -1)f 111(13 111a -weolt ;_littt -iiike -_co,(1 .0ealitletit gave Pet sOniething - to iiiink...'f 1 There Wini.stnnetbittg to 0001.1py 1101' mint every day olio moot attangelor along itinible;. that she Might meet Hug_li; -., So, whi e. the:oorn grew ripe, iti,.,thii iilolds, and the, .apple-bloialoiniti7 died_ -away.---while , warc, -lbottrituri _atitnincr --titled -wi.tii Its.. gold -On -witid---Ronald Barle!ii danghter,wetit oti o her fate. - -- • - I- - pitAPTER ..c.VIII--; - ., . . . . .. . At -length-there cattle iiirititerroption , o -1.1tigh . Fernoly's:)ove --drearn.: : • - l'he -till. e drew- :hear- when: he - Enlist leavt) ficalta ; Vhe-vessel-he_eotiatuanded wee.. bannd_'-fr- Ohina,"tttid wart to-eall init. few'daya., 'T e i thought -that -he trinsii .leci,Ve_- the _beatitif 1 girl lie toyed . se dearly -afidtRideeply -stilt h. bitti *fib - tolet:iatirtilte.f.otiri; he. seen -led 'only to Itaielhed :Anita -lie -lied 'net- litt,. and lie knew -tlitt life Withent.her would be it btirden toe great:for itituto-bette, He asked Intrisoltn -hundred-tittles -over; "I)oeti -she. --.10-ve .fitel " nit notild het tell, /le teeolved : to tty.- thy "tailed het'. look that -ftititre ie the face 'which titionid take- her from; hitt .- -- :-..Tite tithe drew- tiette,;. the day was Fiettlea bu-wIlibil the -seagull Was to. set Haiti: and- yet.Itegii- veitiely:- Iiiid: won- ',no, -prottihe frou Beatrice 'atle, . .-- --' '• -- s'-' - , . --- 'One:morning litigh-finit- .lier. at tliti'-fiti e. leading train:the fields -into - the_ Mi3ido V_ Latietliti prettiest. -spot ' in. -Ithutsfort Tits giound wds a peifeetlY beautiful cartitt rif --(16.Weris--411d liyaeinthiii.- purple.,fm glyves, titi3tsr-. tale .iittawbeity hititiatiii,ii. 14.11grew.th-eto; - the hecigoa wtitb 01.10 illati3 of w1441 tetieS and 'woodbini301 -the:to:It el, : trees that ran along the lane met, shadily overhead ; tile banks on either aide were radiant iii different tailored 1704.1:11ifal i huge ferns surrounded tho roots .31 4.448 trees, 148144.114013 liked the quiet of pretty, green 140t44oW Little. Him often walked there, and oil this eventful morriiirg thigh titLW lier aitting in the midst of the fern leavao. Ile watt by her aide in a Ininute, and hitt dark, hand(4orrio faeo lighted tit) with joy. 11 ow the bilii 411441.1041?" 110 said; "I wonder the birds begin 4.0 4(11144 arid the ilowero to bloom before you moue out, 4/isti Earle." , -1, I am not their Nun," replied Beatrice, witli li, smile, - "1114 you are niiiie," cried Ilugli ; and before'elie (amid reply he wee litieeling at her feet, lier haricle olasped in his, while he told her of tile love that With wearing hie life away. No one oculd libteu to such words unmoved ; they were true and eloquent, full of etrange patlioe. Ile told her how dark without her the future would be to Irina, how ead and weary bib life; whereas, if elle would ouly love him find let him _ elaim lier when lie returned, lie would make lier happy as a queen, Ile would take her to bright, auttny Janda—would show lier all the beauties and woudere she longed to riee--,--would buy her jeweie and .dreeeeti Buell writer beauty deberved—would be her humble, devoted elave, rf eho would ouly love him It Warr very pleaeaut—the bright morning, the piotureeque glade, tIte warmth awl briglitnees of euttiriter all around. Beatrice Waited- at the liandi)oroe facie pule with - -emotion, elle felt Ilugit's warm lipe pressed. to her hand, elle felt hot tears rain upon her. fingerer and wondered at trueh love. • Yee, thie was tho love 81.413 had read of an(1. thought e,bout, ., " 13eatrioe," cried Itugli, "00 not undo me with one word.' Hay you 'will love' me, my darling ---say I may return 0.11C1 (3 ailrl you as tny owl). Your whole life filial be,.•., lilte‘oue long, bright summer's day." She was .carried;awayl by the • burning torrent:Of partsionitte words, - 'VV-itlt all lier less befere-the, mig ty love of •tlaa strong spirit and pride illi felt weak and ,power.. real). Allnellt Utteentioious of what alieldid, Beatrice .laid her ,white -Itande upen- -the- . dark, handeome Thead.of lier-lover, "Ilush; -bushl" -she said, :".you-'fr_ighteu - Me, I .d0 love.: your; _;see,;:yowr. •L-toa_re _w.et . . . . . -myluttiI,."-- ' - • • - I-, ' - - --- • = - .- - It Vies 1104. 11 very antliusiaetie'respcnea; but; it- fititielled -.--liiin, 'Ile _clasped_ the- - young git,Iin din', artne, and- -Slip ',did ...:not - resist ; he ilikiRici :the proud lips: fold the 111111110.3, (31(0(314, : --iBeatrice Earle ,e_itici__ no .-• 'word ; . :she - was 11.iitif frightened,- _half - touched, -and Wholly 'subdued,' -",140.,Wyou tireinitie;!•eried-ITUgh--,-"naine; My- OWIA. peetleHki 040 V....114411in); :8,1444.41 part; - us but (10144.11 1" • i ' • - . - - - • " Iiiiiiik] I" •orjcd-Peafrioe, again „shudder- --. , ing am Witli Cold fear,: “ that is -.4 word I dislike andAread se pinch,- lingli--da not use it.""-... - _- • _. ';,-- "I 'will uot,"- lie itepliedi and then' - Beatrice "forgot- I her Zfearti, . Ile was so happy-410,ilovedll.or -Ho dearly -410 Was -so _ :Fond - of .),Viuning, -11er, -- 1311a listened . throegh tile -long ;Iteurs- ' Of --that --Bunny -.. morning. --It was the - 1411i:of .4suly-dift - Anode her noto. the•day---and in two years hc= would rettirti.,-to talte her forever from -the -quiet'luitnie,•Wherelterbeatity aud-g-r.ftee - alike were buried: ,' ' ' • - - : That Was the view- of. Lite Matter that.. had- seized .upon the.,girl.'.s imagination. It .was not so touch- loV,e for -ilugh„,4tho liked hlui. . -• Hie- • liattery--tlie .exciteMent- -of ---.. meeting-, him—liiii. love -,had ' betaime *, . neobseary. to .Iter; i but, :had .44 -ether- . means 'ef- .aseape..frOm-,tbe niou,otony :she . hated pr.esented ".itself,-- elle vvould have tt,vailed herself of it quite•aseagerly.-..-/lugh was n.ot 'so much- a lover to lier -as the Medium:4 necitper train a life - that -daily became MOre and-1110re unbearable,- .81te liatened- With ibr.igIrt --am ilea when...be i told her that lb •two years ..he...ehould return . to. elaini bet; and- ate,: thinking much -it - the romance, and little -of the. 7418h0110t 'Of' -0.ciimealmenti told liith- Itow lier sad young motlier.liated and -dreadedall intuition of. . toVe and:lovers.. “ I'llen ..you must ,never-- !tell.'her,'“ -hp --Fatid—"leave that for .Ttne ,until- • I-rettirn. = Isliall have- money ..-then., and perhaps have the, conitn and of 'It -flirt) _Vestiol. .--'She will bei-ref.tioo ine 14711011.8140 knows liow dearly 'Ilove.yOu; -and eVelI'Slicitild youry.ofiai tnhoe:?---0. , will be truele mo,Beatricei will tho'father you tell 113(31ot—come hinue, you --. --,'," Yefi I- will be true,"- (3114-213NiCCIftild -. to do her justice, alit) tneaut it at the -tifue.• .11-er,u lather'S -return -scented' :vague _ and' Uncertain I -_ it miglibl-talto-plitee.....in, ten- or - -.twenty iyears;.---it.itirglit.never ha,' . Thigh offeredlier freedoni andliberty.-in two:years. I _ "If Othera ,altould See_k .yottr love,?' he s111d;,4_4_41/Ould •pradieeour boatity,_anduffer: . 1 --- yeti ratilt or -wealth, 31,0u_ will (41147 to --- - that ,yerfWill:bo true_tO_IlitglirY - . i.' Teiri'.' 14110 (4(4.111 firmly, " I will do -s-,%,, - - "Tweyeareivill-o0on , rase away„."- .suid -, lie. 1! 411.,•_ Beatrice,". -he _Ttoutittuecli- 0 r. --- Akan: lea-vp . yea next Thursday I :_give ln0. all.tbe-Ifouts youlea.ii, : Once aWay. from you, alli-tinle will -see.14 to plea . Icing dark 11-i.-gilltit-O?.11aPpenre-dtha t.l t'-:-tli--erfartil- er -.and. - liift ' 171011- were at 'work in -A, 1101(1._witta :oh ' the - -other'llidc -of...4-n.UtsfOrd.:',13ortt and IdlIi_ati s ' Were Intent; the plio -.01334• .11; box of , book s /jowly arrived,the 'other -.upon .64 piettire;itottlat Beatrice had every day diatry - hours4Or her. iiiiiplat, _.Slio -spent thetn ttll-witliRugh, .whoe . love .Heetned- to hi-. 07138,90 With every tnoinent. : Hugh woe to -.leave Sea,hay lOn4'hurtiday", . and on the N.Yednoadayevening lie lingered by her side. tte though-. he Could not ;part . with her. To' do. _High Pernely justice, .he „:- toyed Beatrice for herself.. --Kati .she been 7- tiPentilleso.begger -he would have, loied hor jot.thesame... Theiottly dark cloud in :his . gky Ives': the_ Ituowledge , that ' ',Otte was far -. aboVe hint-. Still_liela.rgued to hintself,the.--,... Story iitil.teld- of her ifatlier Who an-intpoits, - Ible one.- Ito ilia liot -sbelieve that:lido/laid - - Bitr.le wittilti ever take liiii ,datighters home '. ---4.1.0 did tiot .quitekno*what to think, but • lio had 110 fear on tliat.sebre; -01.1- ;the .., 'Wednesday - evening , they Wandered down the cliff, aluTsat tipon - Vie shorti,viatelting the 401.1601 over the waterii. tingh-toOk-froin his pocket a little ftiorroett otise,-titia, piattict it in Beatrice's hands, - She Opened it atid tried ;Out Vvibli adreirti,7 tiou; 'there lay the - 1110441 extelletit ring site . e had ove aeoh, :a _pix 6 pate told, delleato. aud olaliptately ehas.d,tabd.set With 'three gloat:dug bpala of tai "Look:- at -the .,indbeauty.: tte --Inaide;" said • Hugh. i . • ' • - • . • ;:: (tot/Hutted 011 sitthisigo)