HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-07-08, Page 6J •TL - fat 11111IP I fit I II 091'F, A nurseryman at Derwick-on•I'weed sold an orchard for guineue. The pate mills of Dundee have nearly *shut up the tlaxt manufacturee of Russia. The progress irf the Jewish recta in Hcot land i iliewir by tho iambus retureir to be of the poet merited character. A. farm aservaiit in Stingditiven ceded the tail el a horse belonging to his employer lied week oil aucouet of wages being clue Tim (imitation; price for Hwottrurg lin rimed by ilio Police Nlagistreters of Peebles is 141.111 2s. ht[. ttji mall. .Frequent swearere find the habil ex L1tiuiHiVU! All over Heritland, in comae:non with the recent renewal' et learsee to tenants, tile relate ere, its et rule, believed to have been iiitbieeted to a reduction varyieg from 20 to 2,-), or eveti-30, ttr cent. The iron/0/mM pit of. the Monk land (Lan- arkshire) tron whieli W1LH elolitid HOMO menthes lege to kindlier out the fire which hail oecurred ie/the workings:, was found to be etill burninOwl/rin openedlatit week. An effort is bking made to ha,ve the pre. 8011(0 ()Lyman/CU:Loris at tile opening of the Niaw Dock t•leorks at Leith in July. The ground has be ti entirely reclaimed from the sea, tiod tit ex tell£410U, wirer' completed\ will 110,V0 ooHt t;t7,ouo. 1)uring a titk fog tile troopship Ifolland, with the 121 1 lighlanderr! on board-, grounded at q10 entrance., of -the Frith of Forth, atinel leat excitemeet on tiliore. T.he tele was 11 !riming feet and the troopship - soon fleeted lilt' with Hafety. The Commertial and hyderidale Banka -re about, it is quid; to adopt the principles of Limited I ' bility iteAsrovided in the Bank Act, of o years agre'and it is ex- peeted that th r example will be..followed lay,other tJat19lti erstablishments -111 the country. Strange to shiels, which become ('X till(' and it -Herons .t lutv.e gone Ltit hint 111(113 ferrite years: - ;the shawl trade at Gala: riost people thoiight. had 1 has revived 'IL latift again, ?fa. (NOM high -0404H ntiawltt _went of Ireland during tiie s than have gene there 'Ric, Aft tit& resu , of a. Bill splietly !mimed through: Parlo merit, ladies ill tieetiell(1 Will lloW IltiVe I share in tile election of timnieipal (dile ys.- 'the 'requirementrs of f - the new voterst Ire einiply that eah_ iscbitil bp- a lionneholci ir, Pity heed raten, and .be • able to, teed a itt. swritil..- .ft• in expeatecl. thiti. tilil . COO. .,itllerwy ilow--....0/111011 111 to being • -Nviil havii great influence in rodueing ` A-.. blacken -it li, residing et." Old .;iforik-.„ ' - land; .1.7itearke lire...wan- taken -into einifiely for re,ratettly illashing him wife .Pi. _the . grofirel beettujr.. 'mite -refused -to -„-go. fer whikkey; for Id !kat --''.4 reeleelf.iri._ the morn- ' • kiekirig le' until he-lir/Flu one - of her lege, rind' sine. '4iirg _ler fare in to '. It,: pull/ - with. his fiefs, r, hire stir= W11.4 "beirig. tatrriid b 1 • elplpso fieIq tlirylit:iijiglibor Win't hiul. lieNi •r -a,lartikallirylicriers; [twit' trouble' Lan- , .....citistilreshesitri ass this. ' ' . • -• -....,- 'rig; SWitlg "by titO i/rt0 before 111-, ili -reeently petit graerarorrna. .-Tia,--1.1txki: Hell ,OtteiriCaitIniesitwas_hofight )1015.-0 ./rf Portland .riciir icing 'it le„.,_ arid - thfi Vomits__ 'lava 14relt . tEr6- Pr/rise/it Nike' ti,. ibti-Uredrietimi hi niter FNII.R., :itn. expert clow it -to Scotland - to hunziriv int.ni he- matter, and_ tho.....-_repert WILS that 'file- r",tite. 'Were - 2, • pet:- (;141t:;" Lb() lf .1.kit:,- titter -.tri iY, tin's& "te.060rdinglly -becji ' rediiWt, .f tt 1 netrout.thrit the :.preperty 'had been put peaty t vevrented' befoie- it _ .Waubroughli iiii tha Market,' --- Iti-:Falirintr _ last - somo wild -• Ontragee . were iroitimitto iit'eatineurgo and -Leith ,,, , , -,,,,,. , -, - - . by two deSpert .e-- felhiwk-Wholied-ree.ently. Arriverdicroirt. ,'-ustrali-te.-. -.One- _or the-- t Wo 1 toinniit reti- sni licle -on -being'. iirreeted: 'and- - -the other, Ala .4. 0 rank' alsoAu ...-N/1okt] - to•-• it -.7- ake hisi;oten Tiro: . -The -..pitiliee, _however, •- eeetiredGraut.„4 butiMettetal-of -their ,.-thitii, bar Wer.a eltotrli . ther iit-ttiggln-Whiele look Save. If rant Wag. ttied _in:: lidinbritgb • lately,autl.14-11-rig 6(invikPar wag seu• tepeed : • tp ft/10PM ifittrillerAl ,florvitaulty. (in - -tieliterico beiiigi' aeset ittie prisoner said- he- . ...wished-_ •,,aapit' 1 - piiiiiiiiittient. - bed. been- •- Intl -kited, as- litIttentled-Minder,- and did .. - . trot -Wish t07 Rio ' filet.' i l'fiettred itt Ilionitiestio, . „ ' IMO't rry 'Yen't-6iret*ork. . ICeeti ri -big / iftitlity. Shipp t..',0e111,1 oat _wellei/joy lif gti6ks to> you; Ohosert p.ut#tut, hut not- to ' "nlioseir eiPthicit - , - lie eatitettf,/ill small begifinitigit-titul . , he eutti tti deft. op theft/ . - • ,. . - Ile wary ... tl dealit 1 trith_tlfiRtIOi3tififtii .". littlit. - i . " • - . iitit liti`tratitibuit'. it, Wirtni yon ffittie 1:16,t;;- gaih, thake. it holtify. make 1E4 field to fitted:- - - *Mattea prirtiefdivillloil.of _latirki- and heitalter ifiteiftire fief tefthit ititeffiefeii66 ' with yout off, • ptitimee; but dool.to..peflitt.. but deii't eh/it/tit/6g11 *fattof., • ltetit Make fritieff • t take esti tike 16 tsidieve.6tiif .... • Iteeetite: . (int t fir Off -e/Ititt: . . _ ' • Lotik tittei l' Out " tdottoto it-- atid all - _totiitsoi ta-tyyt? t entry. lit litigoitioo thy Ate telieibte 6*)i fibei fltifiibit Atli- illiti - . ifr ititietlef -yollt otedit- to poottioO-S_ .tittytoitfi_ttlitith 'iy tiiefi- to trtetehtl ft,titiy- by oitititt tilfe 6 datd' ahead, - = - - fog/flat- hy ;Sift Of ootiditig -out hills and --- state/no/its 14 iotte tiffestiiit tifah stiastfin,. 416-- donning.. . . , .. . . . - leditet 'yout .lh1tgeM who -ft. -the gotglo too fittlel fiottl..-w '16:. - • - - Maio 'fowl or it littlo way ahead; but dottit -site t-h.t.iu iIt itotif . - .: • - .1froh'If tell vilifir yott-lifq,-going-itt 46 -MO iitli hiwo.titiiiif )-4i; ' -- ' . A -t.littoittooti-i tto _de8pot/4i "4ihIIo tlie Wee rotiot4.4vith tho otoittoor-iitt.-td fotie triuWt ufr tite.ivof 14t-lit/116y i*ftsiiiotth e*-plodeft ttittl filtnee.:1 tiltti bliiitiffere itt - tififtland tiff._ -bah tottittwoftt: z7-11.116-441111.0tilttigfili • I-1116 litttt gel Ii6 ti IIIII f kititfr. too tititOf.ottitiloy.iott idtlio Plottittitt.woro. i foil, paSeetigtirf,:•fitiffie• Ali hqNI ..ttt be' thitil ftktitt 14itet.i6tie ,66lietli slightly( fitilttift 1ff fffitti tatil tetWeoft:Afiftioebilfg• 'Ilfatilifitistef,T • ifitatt tionoittli ifttlfelite Will it iftalif/.. 10 Alio trosidottt Otttor tbttf lhagaratitiphso Atha tith lliuut 'kit! taut!' • .-efilitg. Of fit4 ' able Y--41hieliye . - . _ . 11.1-9111N0116 PAINT. 1111 Apptirttilott to at Cat's 'I'toil Causes Recently Mr. Monkey'e boy took the family cat and rubbed phosphorus all over limi. It wits nightfall when the boy com- pleted the joh awl let the cat go. The cat got into a barrel mid began to yowl, and that attracted the attention of u bull -dog, and he elbIlle along and danced about and barked, and got terribly excited. It Wats a cense of deg in the light, cat in the shud- der ; dog full of tight, eat growing madder." Pretty soon Lite dog upset the barrel and weet in after the cat. liut it was a sur - Flee for tiiui. l'he phosphorus glowed in the ditrknerse arid he beheld a, caton fire. Ilti VELUM out of -that barrel and went off howling 11,14 though a policeman had etepped on him. Then the Oat went up 011 Lite ratite, where other eats do congregate, and tried to churn round with 'eln. But it wasno go. They fled from him its if he was a bootjack. Ile didn't understand it, and gave chase, and an there were about forty. °atm on theme roofs, and they were all Neared and fled from him, howling dismally, the noise was something fearful. so that folkm in the vicinity who heard it were seared and had (arid sweats. The crate continued to tear about and yell so that it couldn't be endured. Mr. Monkey and °therm got up and wout.upon tbe roof witholubs. And .itt, first the sight of ficiry cat frightened thorn, and ene Indy who Haw it mereitmed and fell through a skylight and -nearly killed a mail /dapping beneath it, and made him think INlirther Shipton was right. Filially, Mr, Monkey and 1144 friende 'mule - a desperate charge Orl the fiery cat, foul tile poor eat teokn fl.ying leap_ in the etreet. Ile hit on a policeman, saving hie life, but nearly searing. tile officer out- of hie, aw- he thought he was etruck" by lightning. The cat jumped to the ground,- 11.11d Hal marine/111(.140am° along and took him for an aerolite aiel-tried to pick him up. To_ his amazement, the netelite ran. Then he wits beam). too.' Finally the eat got into il stable, and Homebody thought it wits afire, and they -called raiit the enginen,• and got seven etreitniri. turned on him. Ile fought well, but ' they fixed Adm. And then _investigation HhOwed no- .fire, but only, it dead eat. And they told the istablirthan be wen mercies-0.gal fool to ridatake 11. eitt'm eyeiefor a fire, ttntl eo- they left itiiti. All neighborii. are talking: of- the naysterinue fier-i-eat,anil only yoUng .11,Ionkey. under- atandir -the mystery.. . • - The I'Verrest- Tiehlatittic(1101,100int; . • Clattelea Ogden Ferriii,•the.liairlSir it,'!ito-r..„Y _not 1, viiitiriferior to -Arthur Ity - turne:itisoldier, sailor and .421.--sai.lirialieri- lie la\ at: regent: riteChing. in". Sit _le a nuiteli, phramari tt.r p acre itt I [vet it, titan /tome oni.ers -.., for instainee; ini.xt, -or tho- is- tri• 'know' why -he kept:Houtuot uatiag twfo_tfial of. the.. Other ehtimarit, -:Thin• to rimeountri for by. say i wli ilO vtiru1vrirzg itt tire Argant,inelUi1ititiIit. lirtviitg bairn robbed/ hie milr van PriVatti- _papers and . Moue:36.-1re beteitha despeindent-:.•-"Strioding -atone"- One; noriiing NoVeni c ‘2901-, 18,511 prOeireeeeloternal tied, 1 did there utitil porn:swain- solemnly, taitile vItatw01110,- wotild--teeept Myself "t6 - no if it Ocal'is -will.. hi Spare- ine--• .:1-ft•Xl'U • 1.?'ta-ilt..1 then .proirlairri oil/self 1tagot 1.1 at rio:.4-T t ehbore re- 7 1 lictva fal th Y-kpot -Thy- Orftii Wil.rf my:all • and Any - /44.- Pi'. her 1141.y; feryieV-01",-ittAfillit( tatzilfc-jo 0/6 -Way of 1-.0•riS establishinJt. hiItiti 11,' i ha: 04a. et;_tat -i4 -tf=aity' far is aloothe-'•IiIng-- - • - _where las lir_efteeemint 14 now' .servi nit out - - - - - 'A , A hi tht I ha -itt figutiesieettirtifi • Arnie -1g tif(t. atIvettiseto.ente-,- of 11.66s0-34-htisioss i ttiti :1-etft have few or tunny to the -110011, of the.wearet. 1f the holy lip ,tall there .1tre! four-- or: lily/ deep ifititineee, tirittle.oNtiff muslin l!if Alitirt.tWo "aro This 'is 'ail aI'triitiug ,tri- 11(111111(411fient t tlibREF :4110 i ko the, ilteuded q.'figtigh mtiv aii.'firrangeitient for -diMtoutdittg the'. ef ' d reesitet,'• it 114 Wily :too- probably: titiehibg a /106.t fot the . distension . the witole: ftitiplithde," Viotti" haw -beek, 611teatsfiltik. -fof Yeats.' t6, tairive tide nfigiiinly itild.ltinst,iiiettheetifteat hnt-Iiitlietto the .-pertielitititis--tif- the artistitiv- -otosfr-olatio•of -ootwitott oeuosatiitifig -defeated lila ll,teiitittIiti .liy degrot litittitiVeri the - tour,tute. haft boeH gottiogoadually-10gOff atid haniewt, iti-Patior tit Jag- toadied this diffloa4t000 at 66 ttitiolet deeeritie4 kbetei witlj it lOti.t. t Iive fliti.frefieti • fltidete- Loiiitea •Pti/t/i./ . Ottftiotto"igtr folgootii: A oil -rib -m.1- trotittootiott Afitftteftittiui - Httle attootioo the- Attotiloy.-tietiorki_ - agaiiiac t116-:kittvotOti Ititiltoticisi *Molt -too priotiettliiv .1 n tail e titige flottly gf anted if; Otay:- iiiihsoiluetttly ittiottrtiel. thief, lite:: Aticlge lotel groti.tod ttio tifflet wit/bout' fea4.1. tweet:ft-dog the. entiffeel Mil. tho of tlio quo otittietttietitly- Vitt dhIgh wititr 1fe hitt otclee toolt hitoodif idi 'tit o illtotto rospotioitiiiity.-for • .littoty oottlisof iftiliniltil the- Papief With a lavtif tsittifigh66---whieft Oid_ hot holti toottor• greittly jai : Vitif intiitlettf ttottiowlisti of - tit@ Pfitiftiottt--jolto played ill- Moutretth Otto iihh- i)tat fit • Atiriff .witett -...-tflo protoinoti.t tirtizotto- til@i rt. hItIOOtt ttiiptititioh-t&ilisdOttoftiotLOoliOfitir tydti lig: 1118 ilitoollootty4o iitetitti6- 'etkiittoh- of /611 sigtisfei -•-•' • " tefitilithati-tfittl0d:/titetifitif-hhh,:j.44 tflifttillar 00/(itig -11; itio ihohoy- mid hal& Imo th ifivatib- - 114 -woo 1-0 tiotT f6f tutopOfsfy. :44N -- 411'1110d fooOuted Stiolt.iotodofoneof tttittl W0# thooglikto. lie -After tt-fert- dttliptOttdotatilio_ ditutig figkfettl tuf 'le- li WO Ofilied• 11141. f ifOf . . _ _ Afftlitlel Ortigtti • bahOf ti (Jeflef lel III tlis Iiftotiottif afthyLigatt sOlked edict hold 611.1,1to ..titt: yeti111tfeif Yotit till iVetIttootior by it *iittittit W1iIIi 0 Itiltif fObbed him -Of 11111 vidtittbtoth l.rtio moo Wilt, bffelliedi-litit ifie ' THE COMET. It Is Idepreerstislly lohotogroptted -Ilia- revery of Another Comet -The Danger of Foiling Into the wont. U'lie comet has been Huormostifully photo- graphed by Prof. -Draper, at hie obiservatory at Ilitetinge, on the nucleon River. Ile ob- titieed iseveral negatives. 1 mpremeione will be made from them, and the picturen dietributed to men of ecionce throughout the world. The di/dunce of the comet from the earth is now about- forty million miles, and from the sue about Hixty million inflate and it in receding from both. Con- sequently the nucleus will not become any brighter than at pretient. Um apparent motion ie now a little over three degrees per day, alinoet -exactly toward the north ntitr. Itis horthward motion will rapidly diminiish, fi0 that _It will require at leant two montlin to reach the _ neighborhood of the north star. From the Dudley Observatory at Albany early yeetarday morning the comet pro - Rented a remarkable Hight; The tail bread out into two well defined branches, enveloping the north etar. The_ eastward branch ran up, passing about 2i degreers eitet of the north star, and 'shooting up toward the zenith fully forty degrece. The other brunet' idiot upon the weet for at leant thirty-tive degreee, being about five degree% astronomically eouthweet of the polar star'. The diarneter of the nucleue iii decreasing. Profeseor lioiiii etatem positively that the menet is the Bruno 1114 tile ono mien in South America June let by (lould. _ P.rof. Klein, -of IIiirtford, liy.,clainis that he diiicovered the eorriet now attracting itt,tleii,tio, r 1 11itu,tiiepternber. lle Hays it its the e(nctrf78i: A scientifie writer observers :- Comets havo in all ague been theArioet efficient white oftliorie who iriake._iiioney and influ- ence by catering to the eupermtitious.. 'iThe world liitH inOre than once been terrorized by a cornet, and even Nowtcni coutributed to the dirit,rust with which the.- comet of 11e0 was regarded'. Ile calculated that the. , . - Comet was 'headed almost- straight at the fitiJI, and it WWI- belieVed thell, /LH it 44 now, that if a rennet should plunge into the sun it, wOuld heat that liuniettry up to• /inch a degree as 'to fleHtroy .the earth. .Newtoti WaH not wrong in hie figures-, for the eorriet did puss very rieur 'the sun. .7'he cornet of 18 1.3, however, went yet closer.- In feet, it in Haiti to- IiitV6 .graked the RIM'S SU -1/1.001 .030 ' HOir10 /L5trOlf5/11er's. have . assiimed 111114 10 . to be .. the -twine.. ofcertain. great -MjItt,r. .- disturhanens -.that _- were. - suleie; (penny -witnessed-. and .' that - inane. lliernfailveki fejt in -PIO' electrical condition cif. the - earth:. 'fire , -dietio-very that -vent traies. of -..rneteore folloW-:- in . the traulis of, cOiruita renders. it all the Amite likely thrit: -the fall of•-ii-tellitit ili.jori the .-eiin w.oulti-lei diaaistrona. to the earth... Put the tette- icorribrs.roasetiriligly..104R6rt thit,tti 11':1114110e Of ace/net 'Plunging _into. the- HUll iF1 -.Very el i gilt:: 1'110li it ve till erten. to „witiid .r . i o ; _and elthough "they rare- Oritwit toWii" d the •sinewheri they' fitll vvitliiii the 'strope.ef his• --attritotion, the resulting.ortrit rni -.Such- that" they swing aro-uric:I him ouirt enr-ve, thal tire than:.fhing oiitinto -spice -lige:in.Tla rre Is: -A orii etinli g , exceed frigly i 4.44efisive . i- f .the V1161E0.11_ thrit-,Kre-at .tenn e ts. p rehab) y w. ii il er - tient/ ifilltlAdt _SUP,' .tillNellerS 'throng r: the Universe; ' .Now ono -vii;it.trfi a- 'd Rowe millions of- VearK..11enee-it. tnuV glv Itt ,the. ThoEaufg .410l-. eiloirin_g sities--of . the: ,worlds. .- _ -._ •_,.., --. ..' _ A__,Cleintere- litriI! .,_: ....- • .. 0:at, eirelo_ithout K.iri.iin o_ f A, Id.iihafaii..._. 0:- l, thrinAleserigeuitrepte Oita:. . . .. ,_ lion - of Jiro - ,puivislirrien t .-- of, the, Avielitel after death, atreoitlinii -to- the- llie iillist- . . r,. . . ' theoryi- which', lie '-wititeiised-iii the su nrbfi -of Ciiiittin ; - ‘.'' Alto si Valk of itlieht It nate, we eanie---t6 the' Topple of ltorrore:. -TIrin "is a hortiblelilitee,---thet-le,,tlai .seen.antire 'hideous: •-• Tito:intent kiii in to top, eaout- iy.-vliat -a- WA faitO ;would --ourfot -tato (108111. 11 it IS composedilf, ten- differentigrotips of statuary; :of (flay, -.and .intiiiY tif .t110411. are- Ortindrling .- to _pietieu. .. 'The- • psi_ ..Vfoup: repteneide.--- :Vie trial: . of -the' pi:mi.,- 111'. 114 .slittoninled , by -his Itin/11- -and iitietiiis,-. Who Are._ ttyik• to 'defend iiittii the-- sesondj.*hate lie -is 7-ooticfetotitut 'awl . . _ -aim] -pifilt tO tlid oketrutioner ; in the third he iii•,-,nialergOing iii -stuni-lititfisfottptition ft -Mollie. train to . --the bilitts.•;,411.6 f urni, Wheie- lie •ik . oft-riot/1 'a frill ..lientl • own. wattla, /did Islyeing gtOntid .fit, ;:. his ilng .14 by the side ofthe toill liekitig.'ofrhitc lood: iti, the httit.' scope he , is ibetitig. latied botw000. -.two tioatdoi'- Sod 14 ,stiwed down-- -leogtlfwiser;- •eiktlii he 'Sluff/let /6 ittg(t helli. w Moil -IR tong till the..eotionosion- kit . hint ;- a sevotitlii the itittit • lo -tyltteett opoil it tble, and - -tWo Weil Aferheatitig-. him. will, tWu large piddles ; eighth, , lie' is tipph. tank; itiid. the iiketitithitieffi- too tootioo, his flesh witit-. tetthavtiitioorol- oiothi -lio- it4. iti- It --tahicifou.rtit hoilitig_ lead- •,-,. tho - tooth tw000 -reprosoots Witt- titiott it --gridifoo,. t.tglort gulag. the itrotiotis of- rottotitig: - --Ili Earth/10 Adolfo It hi- ' filthily itte fifefititit i: Alan lafge lignite- Wife' fetifentitit -tliti-jtitlgtif keen- 110itif1i littlk clovilo Om) vittiotiolOetrithietito ti of torttire,-", .-..- ". •- -• -._ ' : -11oro. 04 4.-itott I :fat' -ifieee little boy who littio-orloititi. to 'fait ttway.with fhb. -..-ifotio:. ...Let/tat/I -tiatio *AS. Mail*/ ft .portot et ifi '111e...hog-446o- to: . Who • wily V .yeitro: oldi: .1i/iglu-wog ttif: 6/.1-16ettifEttit, ,ftif fidefit • fOtt46kittifiltilietfOliiiiig 611(iftlf6. Ott 1118-tfit1feA04 •1ie,-06iIi.tilelifiOf totit of gtioligititi dokfiti HI ek, otoilmi --_--ititiotitriotisly . .Whilo tit .worki, An(1. ttltogotitor:-.wito ill, ofiljetit...of hhi,y th,jffikp-• .111.1e Iiptietilittifei .. A 'few .elitys ogo klilide)ily- foggotl- mid' wait-I/tit-of 1_1 woo. ottitgh.1. otettl- .itig.tt,Alfilikof.ittiikiftilii-tt uot i.lt. a litinten. .1411e(4/ 'lleing-' affeetedi. be .1Itti4 - .tilitift..- he WAN,: 1iet111ttl1 _41tetIO) ilitife iattlentiAll lied ifinaptieittited hint ..tor: gifflottotto footoittoil titittElor -tottotholodittet beim tt eta *itigiu ..sholtorletto•trattifie i . ..6--:, - • ' . : . --A hovol stottitt iiititittot-litto Pot hoott lititit:-. oftoct .-itt,-ilittfpili ..--4,116 -1fi8 1.14y; 'goo foe+, loft tl. oft& :-ottilithlo- of ettrryikAfitititoittt :(Itiod Weight .of .etkirti - iii@l-lifigijooti •. -stit(eittilly tufilt- f(ii r-wet-,14titg-,41i6?-DO .14a,y. I/retell:off 1,118. 'Foy -lief fotttitifeii_ -. t&Wiliklii eon Si it _ill- ite 'flit/MIMI: Ittiftbitt. tifil linekllitfrlittlifile). the -tile fieflife. lino oltlio totis Of t.lio- ilafti Mit; ofRopaf - atiOit lioitig at- figtit. atil;o4 t -..o dig@ tieing tiiitt .setti bf-blotlititi: leittoli limit ;of -- the propelloto r itiotlo-tolOvoltio itt - -it Ilirootion ttiollootto to 1110 -tidier, thitti 04110,-- terttotlit0.1,fio thhdhoot hi lit, Singto fiftiilellef to ottrry.filto sytttor rotioilicith-ifri --.1/16feliy. pftiqhhing-ity *wit' a Of l'. Oita. Of 1lit-4 '-tlittikti - tlitifilinfiliee 'tali 'die, i fillietlY klififitiffeedt hitt.. --tittodiform Mitt' fottr itOiteygi0367-• "itiity. bile aft malty:loin@ 4 : abli, digia ,041 thoy -olititioo,_,-,-Flottiiiiiti ootti otiti': iltiooli ilia litletififry- of iffeltitlfdiNie.-. -- - 'WHY PERMONtil The WIWI Cored by Force of V3111. or the Valit of n Hiernes• tor the .1116W It may not be generally known that it is the vibration of the relunt pendulum pulati which 'snoring, hut it iii no hoes a matter of interest to a great many people who either snore themselyee or are annoyed by enemas. A city. physician W1.111 j,inter- day ankeid wily people silorey hen it man in fatigued," lie said, y and has self- control ib iniubually relaxect /deck, be iii 'apt to let hie lower jaw drop dowe. No man was ever or heard to female with his mouth Oita. The morel iis 4vious. The Hoft palate flaps like a sheet lin the wind, and the near neighbore of the snort- ing eleeper Etre correspondingly dieturbed. Now, the Indians never snore. They think it a die -grace. An Indian believeS if he suoree when he in young he will grow up to be eVeLl 1014H 11/131(.11401110 at maturity tlia,u nature originally intended. His 'vanity, therefore, ie enough to make it savage sleep -in a proper position. A well-known physician uptown, whoee practice has beenlargely CLIA1014 of affee- Oen of the respiratory syistem, WWI :asked whether enoring ie disealse, "Not Ho much disease -ail a bad nthit," he RDA; "but 1 am ftequently cane I upon to prescribe for its euro." "Can it be cured?" " Easily." . - • - " Why do elderly or corpulent People' eommonly.snore 7" "Because their epitome itre generally more relaxed in Bleep, and their r maim then hill open. Any one will be li tely to snore if he eleepe with his mouth open, and no One will if he shuts it." .. " Ilow can the habit be (lured'?" . " First, you must give it periion a hence -to breathe throng" i I .1 _10 110140 1.1111 their iriithe hint do so. If there ifi any o 'Arne - "Mon in the nasal passage, that n tit be removed .by treatinent. Then, if a reurrer can't keep his mouth shut by • foree f will, ids jaw meet be tied- up. A liar,' se for the- lovver. jaw .is Rotraitimen enipli ed 111 bad CURCH 'of imoring. A elitill ca ) wern _upon the lead eervem to hold a sy - i. ern -of sitrapii undernie chip arid -keep tire nontli Mint until the patient- emu forinet 1 bit Of 11 sleeping onliis side, or with liTs he d suf- ficiently elevated to holdhis jaw." : IS it itti 'itsy matter _Co holdou i's jaw t, when Rider " • . . -- "..1111.rdly tier° so than when awit, :e." . " -"-.Why .114 Hgoring, then, se .coinutin if it . - . -• l' d 1 ')';' i Pi -AO :NV, y . urec . ..-- -- " lieciunneicatarilial -tioubl.ce..are o corn- .frion,.- ,W1. till ---priivorit. :tree, ..inr-i ratioli 1. -thl,ough ti 0 flpotrio4. - I u_ideeping oi is and hi. leite s - lone." - fmquently- . 110114-1 i'' - the resentint fifidre, -...beefti.14e peoplo .ili ' those, It plitees ii5vo Hy -ego to- sleep; -tired oi t. - Art . .. . _ . old'iloc-tiy'ruiled tIr ail vocatO fileepini on:the _ - . , . . . .- fAiuteoer•i.ticig..g, i ,i,r _figeififit -.t_h_cf p0H1.5.11t ity rof. _,.. _.- . -. -.11.11‘._fivitiffie.i,oke'A,04 e;f:'• Illefailsi Al birth tile. babe.. :undergoes -an ordeal that, Wer. he --eieteCioure would lit -inore trying than tie•terist pittelnl death.; at lie. _feels ifiliot:-. ncirii in thi unconistriree Atitte, the brairt-in /.1,-pabia- of te.neiving (.1.6 -sciouft, -iffireseiOrni, lifF4 entrance,ifiti_i thifi b .flierto. - -. . . . . unknown Wo .1c1...is accomplished di riug.. a -ritttik.Of .titrii iOli Istrown as- Naturel itnraes:.-- tliersiti-i.. „.. .:- - - ' . ., . . . . -- _ _ .1 ainlekiv we eertie'W1f( / NI WO linnr`,. 110-t ' : Paink:offy wit it,t);--whiiiit4 Avo .1:114/w-/ ' t . .. . - - • ' ' lererri the earlient_peritid -i,if huff u'llis riedeie eral is- • tory_disii11/ _I !Um been ,t_ioneldered: sarily ireceinpailied by -pain; so ger tide belief Ai at the tariffs t dcrittli; gony,..".. "laststr ggle„" •" pangs _cif :iloittli ," etc:, ; have -lie tt itt "'almost_ "-.-uniVers il use _. -in ovary-L=0T -lied-, -under all eel ditions of soeiety. 14t1iing oollid burl . -More" etteire-Ous ; ' the ',Fatly ifiz-_ pftin ititu -death :mei/loth -.git .--togetifer,--:0 -Mean- t /4:: 'lent -finntieritts of --life. (if 4. egerfsti, Iletti J fnity bk.p,teeed it- .by: Weeks -.e•r. even itt ' ths tif extreme- iireting, its pee -firs -during 'Ottitill iiI6tititIllt3 di$Eit(1301(i - -SO ;0:7.49,gg8t.itt ' (I ; iffte. . //Sett this holdall iliatif•Inik-been-ition .1tleteil sti -itot :of _ -1/uttianity .to ,-/tti'tiiiipa , e -4.` .(1610-15eftl gl,e':' : hy-..vioienoe -;.- for tigei'l it' Waii-euetelii ty. itt000tt the lower- oi 410S•of , 1(..A.ifolye - 'I:4 -. fritetek- death -.by -iii chleiily jetkitig- the pillow-lire/le lieneatii t A head - of .tiie-elyitto tilos ',.titrotviog tile ilott. _back.' witttif . -stt iiiitig . - tile. -: phorytitlei 1 . airtt _thotatile ftini1olesJeildet-ing tile tefip, itiiti011i: 'ttifeady• .1-diffietilti. shortly; inipoSeil le A. Vetietioti Otithosiottioriiti..Iliti tittle 0 .Q.treen garyi- -ostiertetl:.thitt - it-- ,wits I it. o 'ititlitiff:: Ott Stein --:ttolOtig lite_ den fitry .- te pie -to. Stootit-er T the • dyiog by - lifetifigi Of . ' pillOW iiialied 1./Ivefs. tlie ' Ifieffi. 'I/pen ".2. tillidif Idttittia- - 'ti titti 3 libt4- iiigtf,4513t -4 lativo, Thin ": a - . flititided • - iiptiii , .... the priOne belief- hat. a tillott-...foad iiitifi.t 10 beet tine, thie titietetti *tie handed tiott trent Ktifiefittititi:t6:..phift.Atiaiii .poretito -P 'ttettitaf• nig it lui Miele tillittlreti--4t1/1. -tt/it,1 .ters(ti- iluti litiiliatioi tlio Toa-dderit- titlYile "o .,O-VOt •tilloWeti•-,the neat trietitla of firdyi Or.. matt, •6/5.6t6sionaliyi ovotitte./.1 dntittg -..the = ' too . of 14tioeu.--;.,-,fizttbotli, *lion through 0 , of:Allot 616616ff-6,14-10 ekeetiti61162by itoogitt. ----tiiey worti pertiitod to graotftlio halt at 11-6 pug. otttottONO4, 1- tlfgolpitSto - iftlir- At itietiol ttotitled -orititioith - /to(' ityi alio& th tito .weigitt - 60 Alio- hotly, tit roily . it iteliihg strangtilatieth," it is heedless to 'a 'iy OA thoser tliotirtoo too folso lo-,ihoth ti011 toptioti ..ttoct -.torOotioo. _z-tiotttii: Jo it- . i;hyst titihioal Otrafftffifi 00 . like. all utilef...-roffutt.14 ..•Otiolii di -oltotild- 'Ott. ttiolootti-----lo.. !/.1iiiiittiti ,11111611, Ofi...1:0:' Pop I, lt.:gi 016(i. Ailiii(114 / Mr-olli lib-, - • _ - - ' A "tittb10 idoopittolitititibuttiitio tlio Mit V (litoriett itqatifititit.-,14141thoit.iti.toofoo h tetti 6I lliffingidni in- tho 14fill,yOttif tif..i-. ils ago, Tlieliflit ItlititiifittE41_ di:010041mA 'titatOtti-, _Ittoti-itid tioldier lit the feign Of GI 'age I, -ittel (fedi* it, lastilito pitotii: 14to, i-111440. 0 . -gefitlitii(iii -iiii tii0ff,Viiiii- tlio - eii fittlitig ittittAtiej Mit4iI.Kitiiet "- Ili@ .' ititLontl ' otatm _Of tho-littri. =Bari slottoott 4 to hittooti -I -Y, 1 VOtotoititthi, ow.olOittithOlof Ilaff Wliti_.thaftle. toil. yeatlfaktia aiittot ) CaftlugtoOs '.41lio-kitttutiop- 4'1E4441. -fitigtOui ate litallth:eit 0 .iitthily ( lidtiott. if_;siti§ hi -dlimitotilOift iti10.O hopoo:lilaritt gttlio0-,-_ . - „ . _ TUE thlEXICAN TIIILACiEltV. The Terrible Plunge of it 171 Mier, Truitt Oyer at Bridge -Nome Two Hundred all'eerrutohn.• Verish-Itilowly flaunted to A City of Mexico deepateli dated yester- day (Monday) Hayti further partirulars of the bridge accident on the Merelos 1 ha i I way Auto that a run ot the trail, Wan loaded with alcohol. 'flue reit tire to the wt eckage and everything watt consineed. One hun- dred and ninety-two privet(-- load oftieere were killed outright or elewly rousted to death. Fifty other persoes wire fatally or seriounly injured.The bridge was known to be monde, but was to:Vorl lif Ivhe to/1- tillUed ill 11140, 'll,e road war, first opened on the 18th inst. pie liewn of the disaster eaused great exeitement here. Never in the libitory of the Republic hits so frightful a casualty been tromeled. 1 t is feared that it will furthe . prejudice the popular mind against rai1 way enterprises, The Morelos road wan built by it Geverement Hubvention, and in entirely the evork of Mexican engineeriii. The engineer fuel tire- ' men of the ill-ornened train were sertilded to death. I LATER. -Only eitty perflotm oil the ;tin eecaped alive an of these forty re injured. Many Steil and children of the soldiere were arnor.g the killed and injured. The disaster occulted at 11 o'clock at night ais the train, which was a long 011(3 (IntWil by, .two engines, waft- poising over the wooden bridge: Fer a monleet after the plunge all was darkness. Suddeely •100 barrels of brandy., loaded on two of the vane, caught fire and the burning fluid inundated the frissi of pameenges e rtruggling in the ruine. . On ly a few who were not disabled or hopeleEisly wedged in the vim - bens crimped. Ti+ dead and livieg were wrapt in a sheetof flame and slowly burned -before the eyes of the survivors, who were unable to help than. . i 114tesum Hind FleettirhY. Oddly enough, the Stephenson ceetvary ie celebrated et it :morneet, wlti n• cesser to stertm-power is being tried and talked ithOut in much the name way its the "-kettle o' steam " when Stephenson was a boy. The doom :O. the stege coach was _ mounded then as the doomof the steam engine is sounded now.. Nearly sixty yeare ago the- piOneer lop -motive was run between Stockport and Dirliegton.A car driven by -electricity has just commenced Twining between lierlin and ite eu-butha: Those of uti W146.0,re too old and fat_ to aspire t;ii eleetricetricYcle:May Jive to venture tio -the Metropolitan - Railway -W1iiu tlto electrio ": light line freed it -1,rom garroters and the _ .eleettio- engine' lifts ("leered it of asphyxia. In _the meantime it is only :foie to .adtnit that, we are doing 'very little. On tho. aeon- ftt. jiiisseltlorf lasl,. year. atlierlin - now; at the-. Exhibition to -be Opened dirtietly----electrieity as a- mot i power is4 • erigagieg the close attentioui. (if lt-is to -be tried it -still 'note pracfiCar aview to runnidig trainslliroegh the St OntilardVithoal. - A rsittil -11liel • ,, . - ()ii •Tneiridity- -O'r "iii.fit -Wfq‘k ("liatlee -,ii. - - `jell i son , Boil of Prederickietlisoie- of lildile- . ...Iiiird, .: 1We: , _ 'Was bitten -hy_ 414 bliiek_Apide_r, _ 'f,roinr .:tho..effecti4._pf Whielf. Ito. /lied. _-_Ofi • - _ .Tuesdity --trioridir4, when"the. 'boy MOO of his riioin; lie i info/1/1E0.i his. _brother- a- spiderlitel bitten-liiin. But littloriotice waft taken of the bite whit:II:wick juet -ever :olio' _ ()f11•413 -eye -s-,, . I t,Abitithenc-edi-to -swell, mid - Fri day --.1-lity--eitIle4-‘ it -pliy-sfe-iiiii.,- At -, this - - - time ,the boy's fitere wiiii'•v.ergolin eh -swoiton ; . tlie --Was clelirions,1 and -. liis juliiiilittil risen 'to 16(f.Ile .'ilied,-on Monl ay. flipt.iiing.-- .lioRteiti fieii.- . •: f • ' . ,. .1' - ' ' ,.. . , . . ,.....- - : . ;•. 1ctot06616/4•64 oll 'limb 4!tOtege4 , . " ''.1.')4p Iiiil_ifitx IF.itiipie,"iii itiitieing ilia -posi- t-len:tot the' VitriOus, l'reisby.terian(lollegen, . -refritirkn :: .".. Knos.(killege is ids/fin lack of -. 'fniidii-,. and. IlitS a '. consolidate& .ileht.,:or -$27,f/00. Now tliet tieli fitrikiers of tiiitaitio. -eliotild --not- iitittul. -thin feij .ri, -single year, .. Tiley:shoold „for. liveith Wipe out- the 'debt", ot.,(.1. fUtniSh .liait It : Inillidli ,ehtleWtnent.. . T'lle-tionistitutiney of lciefix ••iellege .lis very 1 teel f -to be so Vas. lydistaneed iiY tvlpfitteni, large -anti -tiolti -11.-ototito •Abi)/ild, not 'allow liideediit idio-tild, and, eonfil easily •step to . tifetrofft ahd tit -ride. al/eat?' ' - - _ '• ' •- - ' - - ! .- '4iir.. '_ . : Tile _body . of the.' lleir..i • Sidney_ Si -Stray Whe lOtind -ifi'llie ItiVer .ti1 ' kansas Ali ty ./iti Irtiflay.:, -11O-viao Olpolled,ftOtu then:Ifni/dry , bythelifetsbyteiy. of ,Clietk_s_ 1../611s, 14,-Y„ -. On lune lith foti...)411ootifiglids wife-ittl-irrare - totitihorg,- - Wheire fte---woOl tiostot of: it- fttohietittlile ohoroli-, .1144 AfteftVettle •:66/1- .." feeftefl to .eti6434- a11egati006. 61 'IttlilltrY-,- gtfaY re/II/foil at Ji.,etotetrw_ititli Miffed Mtifeb; " *bete lie litilittlie• poSiti iti; of lictiklieeloef, Leartiftig -that', ..lhis xi/ E'f - brother hitil titortietl.- west tvitli tho .:.tti wot1 totootiott of olitiotiog. -hitoi.. he loft i- itavootvor_th ttod ohoitgea !lig' riitrool, 00lititt1 to Itatiefte tity, It ittottlyttooed -..i.thot he . olt to-tliiilk -iota .. , . dtotined- hittiselti • . • . . . _ . - Tlie -solieitte-of.iestablishing fi line of fast Ate/thief/I 'foil Milfofd _ ,..1.1aveif to .14eif Yotli.;-"a 'outfit/thy -for iiiiii-:•litttior• rtlio, forooidootly Oftoiti -Whritinf *Atli failed to be Itt a Heated, et/eine:06W to Ila ti -st-totatioot of beiogitittriod ttitti- --Tliott - In* :at:Mil- -fora ore heitig-tittylelly O. iti6tAa, .. it.ftt eaftfltiat lift !ee_1'fiittati,w.A, lttyiltl.ietteri, id lidftittitig to hegotiatiwith the i)ek Cootaitytopttehtoo the figliai tit fait. log: histo tolto to tti o - ititortot Iii protiirititig the ..-Atiotitio- lo •tifess steel:net lc soh/lite let thitliiiik flie.tif titioiiii-11*0 .dayti., Tito tivot-pel Atittittio tit a tr OWtiere:afe. _Hindi intefeeted Ili the 06 iti 'et. . : - '•At die otit pewit! fyittafief ati- lietWeeti 116We _hod i1isth 1,, titofif tlior 6146 hitig Of trio Wool ittOglibotiog Titittgo ittict With: their • foiltiworoi Alen -Fiffelt kink ;esiofttiofiglimbr brimbt eo161§ hold Ow- hitof Wlliht Solt woo;do-vortifl with, gtildeti -Wet() Wtii#fited *lilt • the goitititi tit thtif titoyi -werO: otipptifto4 4:6 14 oitoi - tratoll -" Ifratioo the 110_00 ito toot . .otio-ottfirtipoisi tooittou, Pit tiOttittif .tuotioy- • aud ./Ififfej bii6 6114 11, 18 otherWitioi tlift ifilitatleetillfOlOffer hOltt iti-ootttoth;hooittlielhe m000tits Iti fidtuii efeeti4 lie tObtitlf L6fd, -1,110 ty loottiatilhotit ntidefstand ifuttivg; tly-jt 18 that - buOitudi. -s tabfohooff s , ,f4ttiff: be/kilter/ itttigieitifej 1itf1(10 taiiki“ It '•18 Itt 00#lltltotI ifigifti • 'lutiiittt.tiutt iOf 'bat -toted -ttlid goodie 'd,ftioR.tttil$4.: -*Ito iyout tiifoo .yiutiofttgo god' :11-ouatioi tjoivorti. 6-106111'44:tulolittlivitiO144;vAtii°1411°.billoo4otitollidl';41r- toldliti. -1,otto01-f ithd.otteh 0 yftung itittli will ,,tit fonfott 10 .ibtroll 414efieu10 - - /4110; 11 io ttottortoil lierbeft &fine thtttftlk wilili tkplieitited ifigt00# tiftor • 11 01! *It OletlistWftIt Whefti to olo.tioa -oottio tithe Noe -•