The Sentinel, 1881-06-24, Page 6A Weersa'e Avowal.
At 20 1 tiptuatit
%Mb 'Jima (.1111111E11114,
BUG bib out au -Light
My cant+ witm
A tyrant in 1
Ana he itohio els wbop
Ari 1.111bows netott use ‘h.vt-;
'Th., on Kighing 11.11k1 crying,.
Ar15 1,1 LUC C1111.11(.1t,
Witt' *MAI a IJLIICLs.
Anihrienh.tit 11.11.1 laughter.
Reigned tit illy marriage,
lint 1 learnint hi/1/11 after -
sly Minn Lie tiltilittritUts,
Wall it intshontr oft grombiteg
.ttpi twits itpwi big free,
"rwas howil.larIng and humbling;
the dative the,u ',Lilt MU?
At 15 is die illative,
For Intuit iti w tPht donee.
-(11,1 Fryttrl; Nulty, ipinnIti 11 11. lig '1',01 Mitt.
-••••• -
1,41VIE.1401 E'l'•
aly the loillior of "Nhelolow's Lover.",
" You muet lean) to love: us," naid Val-
entine ; " we are your humband's dearest
l'uor Dorm had uo graceful wordn ready;
her - heart wan full of gratitude, but she
knew not how to expreen it. Itoriald looked
at her anxiously, and she caught, his
"-Now," thought Dore,. " Ile will not be
platimed." She- tried to say something of
her pleanura in tensing them, but the words
_were so end and ungracious that Ronald
hastened to interrupt them.
--- A luncheon -of fruit and wine witebrought
out iuto the garden, erid they- talked
merrily -of Earluecourt and the dear old
friend', there; of the ball and Prince llorgezi;
in alPof which lora felt that elie had • no
Who was tide beautiful lady, with ber
fair face.and golden hair? .
The seine face Idle saw that Ronald had
- painted in Ws picture, and every one ad-
mired. How graceful elle was! How elm
talked! The wlirds 'teemed to ripple like
nnutie over her perfect lips. Viliere- had
nomad known her? Why lotd he never
told lier of Mime Cluirterie? -
Ali," thought Dora, " if I cotild-be like
".- her!" Arid - a. 'flitudden einem Of wonder
etritok her that Ronald hail' not loved and
' - married this fair and gracious lady. .
- VSJetiti•ne. neither. forgot nor neglected
i • . -
her. She-ttiedito dravelier into their. tron-..
- -venation, but fiDara. replied XI uneasily"
ands() briefly: til all herr torn -ark* that .5110
/41tAlft110 truest 'kindness. was to leitVe-- her
"-aloha. - --f:;.
. .,
'1' li e -y siren t_ a 4ew..• li ii ii rs .- ti [(Tanen t I y, and
' Lady - (lirartetis would nut . leave- 'until-
,...itooald. proinhiall•to takehis wife to - spend-
-..a-longday---itiii them:. , --, - ---'''---.- --_--- -'
1-catc, hardlY -tirornisc for Dora,' : said
. itonald.. • kindly ;_ .'" she.. seldoni .. leaven-
:- horne."
.... Mrs., Earle- i ill not _refuse -nicii"-• said
- Valentine; Witlf,• that stidle -which no one
ever res-h•teil.: '44 killer will eoriiti 'with :- you
-arid- wo„, will initioiller-liappy.ff.---_-
= Milan_ the tiny "Was:mettle& :The ladiew
dreYti-e•WaYi and Repaid Witteliedthe'-eatr-.
riage until it witt,:oft-t, of sight....' . :. -.'• :.-- -
-"My dear- -IValentine,.= '._ ---rcried _Lady
Chatterin,-wlieh-they were otit.- of: -hearing,
"-iny dcat chi Id,. what cOuld posit -writ lton aid
. Earle -,•! Whaticotild lie see in thatsliy,„-
-'awkward girl ... ?to- induce • him- -to give,- fiti
e ve ty tl i in gaud; gel n tos ex I I elfor I ier.,, Sake' ?-
• filar
is not . 0 Vt• i k pretty." .. -. - -: - - •
- ." She " lr. i-lteted-,,: inartirria," __ began
''.--Valeritine.:' ---. 4: - ' • i. - ' r - ' - .: - : - -
,fi•Altered 1". interrupted Lady 'Vila t terie,_
r_ _I.' I sliTiii1A1 iiiiiighie elle Is,' arid_ „..tininippy
- too:, .Slie im frightened to Aperik--slie: ban
_• inalpoer, no dignity_. •.-Ile tnunt-
_.LhitentiecitiintiatVe.!1'. '--_,...._ . - - • :: __ . -
:- ":1„arnquitoure. lie- hived. lier-,7"-. said
.Y0,164 04 4.viar1 _ ly.,.. "and hives-. her, now,._`-'
- -'--..."That lit 'fali :tlie_tpyisteryi" -replle4,-:11r
tnhtlieri -i`-e. el Ver-rnattlike be; is, ricelis.
i torlied.t&ititel • gen Vit rulAntatitiftillworrien,-
I elitill tieVer tirderstandit.".--:._-. -
• "Do not --try," .-piald ,Valentirmi calmly.
" filibisr- evidently nerVaum -.and -sensitive,.
...-.:1 mein to: 'be... #_ true ' 'fiend _to: Ronald,
' nierotna, -- -I shall try -to -train and lortit_.lint•
of jealousy stirred the 'simple nature.
Ronald talked to Miss Charterte of things
all unknown to her ; they eeerried to have
the name thoughts and feelings, while elle
was outside the charmed circle, awl could
never enter it. film watched the growing
admiration on Itoriald'n face when Valen-
tine played and hang, and her regime+
heart grew weary aud- faint. She had
never telt jealous before. When Countess
Rosttli talked and laughed with her hus-
band, treating him eornetinten ite a captive
and again an a victor, Dora never cared;
but -every etude on this fair worriauS face
pained her -she hardly knew why. -
When Miss Charteris, unuer pretence of
showing her favorite flowere,took Dorm away
from the °then, and condescended to her
104 OW buil 'lever done to any other, actually.
earensing the anxious iittio face end offering
hereelf to bp Mrs. Earle's true friend,
Dorit'e heart closed egairiet her. She only
replied by faint monosyllables, and :never
ranted her dark eye.t• to the face- turned so
kindly upon her.
when Wanda had taken his youug wife
away, Lady Charteris sat with her daughter
111 unbroken silence.
• " Poor boy," toad the elder lady, at
length, " arid poor -Dora! This is ono
more added to the Iist of unhappy mar-
riages. How will itend?" -
As she watched the sun sot 10 the
golden west Valentine rtmked herself the
Saffie illlefitiOli -" IIOW Will it end?"
If any one had.tolit Dora she wesjoitIonm
elle would have denied it indiguantly,
although Valentine Was "'Odom out of her
From pure kindrions Lady Charterim
-witthed :Ronald to paint her daughter's
portrait; it was to be it large picture they
could take bock to Greenoke. . Ile was
pleased with the conanitetion, end beget] to
work at it eagerly. Lady Charteris came
with Valentine, and remained with ° her
durieg the long Sittings, . doing •everything
in her -power to-pleame awl win the • artimt's
timid wife. - • • •
- " The fair face, in itis eithn,Grecian beauty,
grew upon the eallV101.- Many a long hour,
when Itonald .was abnetit, -Dora lingered
over it. The portrait had a ntertoge
tion for her. She dwelt upon every feature
- Until, &the lips -hod opened. mid smiled -ii
mocking -Hir•ilis at her, Him -would
been greittly surPrined. It wits lees -1I,
pirate her than a living,. breathing reality.
HIio Woold.watelf-Ronald as he worked at
eitger and. "malt firtitt,Htie ;tlit,ii, !poking -Up
41111 liedirig her dark. eyetcrivetedupori hint.
With KO 4101,00 all. ekpresteion Weill&
call lier.tu_seri what progreeWhe!had- matte,:
an d never drearaig of .th ci growing jealousy-
lif 1)ora's heart, speidt with :-1131 artirilt`14
Of' the pectileter_features.5-,-
Without any greatoe-Nuddetr-chatkge,.daY
by day Dora grew. mare silent:and reserved.
.She.-wate 14:H411111g to to
ROO troubles in her awe heart
!iiiitl.ponder • thinu. --The 7131110. *HA :post.
when, 1411-15.*011bt
sorrow there, -
'Ronald did net notice.the Oriange.„ Houle
them. 'When he returned home, looking
bright and happy. Ole w.ould ask him,
" Have you seem Mitosehrtrteris to -day?"
arid he, glad of ber interest in his include,
would reply that lie had been to her
mother's house, and tell her at muhic•
had heard or peopie he had met, or of
Valentine'e mettnagen to her. So liora fed
the dark, bitter jealousy that haderept into
her heart.
It was 0 proud but anxious day for
'tomtid when he wrote to tell his mother
that he Was now the father of little twin
daughters, two pretty fair babes, in place of
the long-looked-forheir of Earlescourt. -
Lady Charterie wam very kind to the
timely young mother -so kind that, bud elle
borne any _ other IMMO, Dorm must have
loved her. • A glimpse of the old happiness
come back, for Ronald was proud and
pleased with the little twin lindens.
(Inc bright morning, when Dina had
been taken down iuto the pretty room
where the infants lay sleirpingr Lady
Charteris and her daughter came ;
Itoriald joined them, and there was a long
discussion as to the names.
"You must have an eye to the future,"
maid Valentine, smiling. "Theme little
ladies will be very grand personages some
day. It would be a nice compliment to
Lady Earle if you culled one Helena." ,
" I have made iuy choice," fetid Dora, in
a clear ringing voice. " I shall call tide
little onewith the fair hair Lillian, the
other -Beatrice."
-A faint flush rose to • her 'face as she
spoke. She' would allow no . interference
here. This mtniling beauty. should not
give names to her children. -
. 1 iultaire your choice," said Lady Char-
teris; "Beatrice -and Lillian are very pretty
. Then Valentine befit over the cradle and
kiteted the children before taking leave,
Dora said, " I have had my' own way, you
see, Minn -Charterin, with my little ouem.
.61r. Earle did not -oppose me."
Vantritine thought the wards handl and
Strange ; she had no close to their meaning:.
Slie could not have imagined Dora jealousi
of her.. She made time. laughing .reply
andparised on. Dora waw not lonely now,
-the_ care of the little ones occupying her
whole time ; but farfrom their - binding
Itonaltlite hitt litime,.-.103- became tnore ;eh.
treriged from -it than ever.
r.• -Poor Dora l, ::- glut :AVaic_ air(iady 41.01104:
: and=fornied„ but no one -wo.uld underktatul
. - . _ ,_. .
- -that. - People- 40--nov.expeet---the-'•perfume
of -the rosc in if wild. strawherry-blesitoui,
-or tho-. fragratteci of the :101110tropti .in rt.g.-.
•-. elitfonen: -14110.4101L: l'_: -.0-t they' 'wondered
... that In -this shnple-1--girl, -linorant of. tlie-.
---*Orld. and its • ways-,-.. -they. 'did- not And-, it
.-- clialiitted- mind, -it graceful. manner, - and it;
--dignilleit. car-rhtgei- - -Thei c ' Only, thought
• , was -to,triiirt- at A feria her, ,.Wheretts nature'
and not: art had dono beth...-
. "Dera,-."-- isild !tonal& as- the carriage-
dinappeured from view, 0, try to likta.aul y
Charteris-Andlee-dam/liter ; - they arti .rto
-kindly dispose :toward you. .,- . ridiall 'he . iso
vleaseil to, 14(91 31011 good_ friends."
., " t will ,--. try,--"... silo -•-replied; cheerfully.,
I few7:beautif I- sho is, _itentild i That - in.
- the lady - ye call - Guinevere _ in ' your
picture,;. Tell e about her._ - Yotr.retnetn-
Wired her face exaetly; should_ you remember -
It -.W1114 thatilit _touch- of -jealousy Fitirring
' -itt the siinplo loving heart._ ' -- -. ' ..- ,: _•• -
" Far better, : said lipinthlf with a String;
and then -Tic lcitit•Ited bp in, alarm, :for •Dera_
...was:Weeping. 'Idly, and -clinging -to hitn.:- -
- -: "-flit,. itetiald," she said, "-for'your sake
-I wish 'I WAS like her._ ieuill yon 5)vor .tire.
_ 'of me, or Wish yoti bad not - inu,r-ried tin, ?"
:-•..'•i.tonald. seethed- mod comforted -hitt ., wife,
.and.did.not--return to his stittlio that: .day,
----- ut sat talltingtniter.,-telling_lier•how. noble
tid good 'Valentino GlAarterlit witS.,. . • -
CMI-ri'Elc .Xti. -
...-It is- very seldom:that a inaiipf good-ALS.-
position*doesk wrong. -.wilfully. _-_ -.1--tinntici
' Rade would havefeltindignant IL any had
•- etecUsealtinintdishotior or Ile
- thought,Q Portii : enjoyed' herself more at
- .i bout° than itt Sodiety ;-contiegtiontlylie . left
her there., : flabits soon grow. i- Tint tittle
°sine When Was_ the Wiser- eourae-,*
Ile felt.- mere' at ititt cane- Witheut liat-..--. If _
r I)ora by chance Itceortipanied_, Iiiire.:- lie-
- :Watched hat anxiously, Piarfiil - lest -Wafts'
,. sItOuld:4114000r ,'..and detriment. itikin thit
- jittle- ileficieneles she bit NO tieutely,. •
..__...__ :- The visit to •Iletly.. Charter's was_ „duly
paid---T-a day.,,,'that Ronald : enjoyed,. and
- Dora. thought AvOuld never end.. - -She could
not fool -at home . with- these; line -i-adies-'.
: i Oilthough Lady:Charteris- watt, kind. to her
1 and_Valontinti.laid herself out to -please
;not_ even' when'Valentinb,1•ftying.J. her-ihYi
timid.' -nianneri and iwidont constraint,. - tack_
- bar out into the garden- and tried hard to
Win - her ,eonttlenee, . : •I)Ors'ot - :heart
. Monier to -Chow ...agailitit 'the_ beautiful,
brilliant lad , who -know hOr-' hutiband And
eeturieil very_t1011,. It.-was-agreat ,pleasure
to leave thasolititty sit in the
brilliant, to ton of :14idy- .Charterne
Appointed ..liotime, _"...1 t wee pleatia;rit to
ccIIlLIlgo ilia dull trionlitimy for sparkling.
-cittiyartiatitni and gay society,- -
.-Vnl ti tin 'lied tiiny admirtirs. .-,,Every
:ono- knew _the -Nike- „Ilorge,,i. would
.gladly' have -laid --Ins: fri.etrine •• and -title,
-at her feet,;- but she cared -;for -neither.
Ikon:aid often watclied.'llet; es, 'fieble 111111
learned 'men:offered- their."-liornage . te1.7 her.-
--- brightly,- -apriliel --'ikrid-
griteefully..-; but he r:iever. her fa.rie
tho. leek; tliatlie--• brio -Teetriern hered- Alit; tit
Lady' Charterni dreplored. liitr datiglitAr.'s--
obittinacy. I4Iio took ItoIilLhl into :her.
-000liderint3.--and confided" to hint het-iinuoy-.
Arica w hen,: One_ HUI toy alter _another watt.
Ito aid •Watt riot 'par tie I arty." vaiti- Like
_ . _ , .
_inuitt; men,: lie had a: ploaking-coireciontinetim
Otkrt worth; but --he could net:help
Oticanionally rernerfibering_ Iiis irinther'S:
itioiuratide.tliat -Valentine eared :flit'
-Gould it hitve been thre.?..- Wria".there ever it
titter w hen tliitt2beautiful,girl. so .1 1 iidi ff eren t
tuallliernage, cored- for biro.? Could_ :there
ever have been it -tittle; When: .thri -prize for
othore sighed in -vain:wan "
gritHr 4114410 slighted -it
mine as "well ? _ • -
The pretty-, picturctique- -villa was very
small ;thero WAS 110- r00111-LLVai latile for a_
riursary,".. Wherever. Dora tett, there-m.4;ft
the -little ones hu; tunialthough they Were
verYcharrningte the; .inothetand thanurtae
..the (-motioned limn° • irritated
-1tonald_greatly-....-- -Then be.grOW-Vexekl/ora-
.cried,---roidnaid.•tbitt he ._dicl not lotio thern,i
•and se•the harrier gteW day by- day between
tlioiso WheiehouldhavO. been- all in all to'
-each other.:
'llie -ehildren grew. I_Attlejlerctrice- gave
.ipr.--orrihici of - great beauty. 'the
Earle in her facerAlonald 'eaid. Lililito
:wan iv -ill -ark tweet: -gen tie.- her :
-mother 1,116ught, to livo. Neither of their(
reseiribled her, iittil•-rit tirrictil/orit. wittlied
himself that perhaps she was not far
From that day the breach between thorn
widened. In after years Dere, saw how
much ithe was to blame. She understood.
then how distasteful her quiet, milieu re-
serve must have been to a high bred, Usti -
diem; man like Ronald. She did not see it
theu, but nursed in her heart imagieury
wrongs arid iujuries ; and, above all, elle
yielded to wild, fierce jealouey of Valentine
'For 1401118 weeks Miss Charteris saw the
cloud deepening on Ronald's face. Ile
grew silent, arid lost the flow of spirits
that had once 'owned Dever to fail ; nd
during the few weeks that followed, a strong
resolution grew in her lithe]. She was his
true friend, and she would try to retort;
peace end harmony between him and his
wife. She waited for some days. but at 'iler
mother's house it was impossible to !see
him alone, Yet She honestly believed teat,
if elm could talk to hirn, remind him of his
first love for Dora, of her mirriplicity `aid
many virtues, Ole might restore peace
harmony to her old friend's home. -
thought Ronald to blame. Ile had vol
terily taken active duties upon him',
erici to her clearly, tightly judging in
there was no eurthly reason why he she
•-• --upon- thenglits,
but. they Would come into_ mind, .It
-Wits seldom •tini,t itY passed without:Itis
(!alIing ,it the-7pretty house. where -Lady.
'Cliarteris _I -always welcomed- -hint -.kindly:.
Aotry. for him._ 11-0 Was. never ili
,trny with her,- - Olicattionally, too, stindr vo,
.ont -to nee- bin _ Wife .but. the. vitilts.--Werc
rather finliti-of duty than of pleasure.-- .
Then. Dem.'s health. failed. She .grow
week and languid -....•irritable
_uulike.- the • einiihig,_ blushing Ronald
1110_1111/11/4014(10Urti gard0014-.44-: it iVat4
possible for be.- ..11c; wrote to tell KS
itiOther. that at -length theta was bope of an
lielitollteirancionf -11e- .Wals very
41114 and.pationt hisailing,._ delicate -.wife,'
giving parties- andgetrimm to mit with bar;
ydt:, to guens. • why Ikirristi- 'dark -
eyes looked ho strangely..tmonhitn.. •
-Ludy ,Charteris lutd-platuntd an excursion
to sethe.picturesque ruin that, had --pleased
her deugriteri Who *fished to inake-asketeh
of it: 'Ronald vas aakedto-jeitt:thern, and:
.-Ite had been looking forwardrfor many days
JO .feW:pleamtfit -Winn* away -from oil carc
and -anxiety -out in the
With- Valentine. _But - when. the _morning:.
came Dora looked pale and ... She.
•not.ask himr to stay-- with --her;' but- he- :read-
the3Vish in her. face.-- -• - • -
will not go, Dora," 440111 :her Ittisband;
"-ei will not leave you. Tishall-Hend.O. nete-
.-of exeusecto Lady-Chartorn4,- and take -core
-of yeti -all day."
Is MINS 'Charter hi' going?" -Ain- -asked;
. Yes ; and -several •otherer-. ---be replied.
Theittever.::mind nie," said Dora; r" do
.not-glyo up it day's -pleasure- for -
Itonithl„ might .. -have :01,1014.80(1 ,tilere •witS
Semothing wrong -front the t011e of her voice,
but-i"lionald Was •not tif
know- Wotild give up -every- ?league() in. the
world for - •
lfo bent over her, and.-.kiksod the Ankle
lbttIo fttee-.. Time_had When _the
heart, 'Would" Jutve-- --sOithr
happiness_ at.- .his_ words ; but Dora gro
vold-:and bard;
---.-_" It used -tole always so," Who--thouglit,
before- She cattle- with.hor beanty and took
klow. much.- misery. -would -havo.--.. been
-averted-badihe told-Ronajd Of her-joulotis11 bbs -
foinhisq: won,: A ficroe bot, brook -..tho.nglits and_foors.:_. o never sop° should quarro. .aga n, g
Un -
it had been Otherwitte. ,
Perlintin-iri llomild Earle's troubled
life, lie never • spent a:noire. titinattled or
wretched year than -11;1m. irnpossible_
to paint," lie to -higri,ielf, " when dis-
turbed by Crying nabiee."--14o t1111 greater_
partof iiis time -wars ...spent away from/*erneliotirs 01 every ' day were
petitted"scitli Vitlatitine lia neVer:stoppo d
to Atilt .:111M8011. What led Id 111
-to seek het society.; .the calm rePoia• of her.
uot fulfil them. Ile would not lcd 1 urt
at her speaking, she felt Hum for he
voluriturily sought her aid years ago.
Valentine waited day, after day, hopini
find a chance for thono few words
thought would do so much good; but,
no opportunity came she resolved to tr
one. Takirig her little jeweled pencil,
wrote the following lines _that were in a
time o death warrant
" DEAlt Mit. EA111,1,-I Wish to spelt]. to
you particiilarly and privately. I Shall be
in our grounds to -morrow morning a lout
ten; let me mee you there before you e ter
the house, Your sincere friend.
All the world might have read the
-there was nothing wrong in it -good
tendons and a kindly heart dictated it,
it Worked fatal. mischief. When Ito iald
was leaving her mother's house, hos
-Charteris openly placed the letter in his
"That is the first mite I Int,Ve .ver
written to yOu," elle fetid with -1; iile
"-You -must -not refuse the reques, it
"1 will send WM home happy to,mort
mho thouglit,-" lie is euinly influtineed° for
good. lie Must make up the misuriderst 'rid-
ing with his pretty little Wife--neithe of
them looks ' • ;
-. :Ronald- did:not:open the letter- unti be
reached:borne. Then lie read it_vvitlea fitlf-
conscioutmena -of =-_what - Valentine. Wii ited
him ler. --- - - - - - ' -
. .. . .. . . ..,. ... ..
-..‘iSlie is ri, noble woman," . Im. thtri ght.
.." lIer words:made' roi; brave- before -4. hey
Will- do. mAgood • again." 4-'-• - - - , -
- Ile -left the..foldecipepiiriipon-..itie tet rein
-.did. - So,_ and .a bitter,7deadly -Jett. nusy
.piereinglier heart like a two. edged in. Ord.•
it -confirmed her worst -f ears, _ her '4Ii Rest
doubts:- 'Hew dared thitt brilliant, beai tiful
Woman hirellooeld from her 9 How dui. she
_ . . . , . .. . -. .. -
rob her' of his love? . , , _ • .
-- ltimald loeked aghast at • his-- wife's lace
. .. .
_when tthe re-enteted the nitting-roonr. • Ile.
had been -playiint 'with:the childrenI rind
his studio; and jealoun _little Dora, r
in:tn.:atoll of Home _work she liad :left,
it there. She read it .wlird by _Word
color "dying slowly out of- her face it
know that my warrnemt, deepest sympathy
is with you-"
Valentine Charteris never ithished her
sentence ; u pule, angry face and dark,
gleaming eyes full of passion suddenly
flashed before her.
" You may spare your pity, Miss Cher-
teris," cried a hoarse Voice. " W hy have
you rnad.3 my husband disnatislied with
me? Why have you taken hie love from
me? Why do you write notes asking him
to meet you, that you may both speak
evil and wrong of his low -born wife.? "
" Hush 1" mad Ronald, sterDly, grasping
her arm. "Stop these wild words, Dora!
Are you mad?"
" No, not yet," she cried ; " but this
false WOloati will drive Inc SO! "
Then Miss Charteris rose, her cairn,
growl face unrufiled--not a ituver oti her
Httiy, MISS Charteris, one Inoirielit. I
pray you," said Ronald, " while my wife
apologizes for her folly."
"It is all true," cried Dora. " She wrote
and asked you to meet her here." •
" Dora," Said her husband, gravely, " diti
you read the letter Miss .Charterivwroto
to mc?"
"I did," she replied.
"And you deliberately came here to
listen tit what she had to say to me? " he
continued. "You deliberately listened to
what you were never intended to hear?
Hits grave, stern dignity calmed her
angry petinion, and she looked half -fright -
cued into his quite white face.
"Answer nee ! " he said. " Have You
crouched behind those treets -deliberately
and purposely to listeu?"
"Yes," she said; "and I would do HO
again if any one tried to take my husband
from Inc." .
1"rhen may I be forgiven for the dis-
honor I have brought, to my mime and
race 1" said Ronald. "May I be forgiven
for thinkirig such a woman fit to • be My
wife! Hear me," he continued, and the
proetion in his voice changed to corbtempt.
"Miss Charteris is your friend.; Site asked
me to meet her' liere that t•Ise might plead -
your cause, Dora -that she might advise
we to remain more at borne with you, to
go leHH illt0 society, to look more at the -
bright side of our married life, _and bo.
abetter husband than I have- been lately;
it was for that she murnrsonedme h '
"1-1 do not believe, it," sobbed his -
wife. . . -• - - .
That .is at your option," he replied,
coolly..,-" 'Miss Charteris, I would kneel to
ask your pardon fet-the insults:, you havo
received. If aernari had uttered them I
would :aveuge -them. 'The...wornan wfie.:
epoke them bears my, -I.-entreat -
'your Darden:" - - • . •. - - _ _
•' It is granted," she- .replied. '" Your
Viite must hay' e 'been mad, or - she would
lithe -known -1 was .1mr- friend,' I deeply -
-regret that my - good. intentions bavo:
resulted so unhappily;. Forget my annoy
auto, Mr Earle,: and .forgive Dora; she-
eould :not lia-ve- known' -what --she was
• " forgive her," Said Ronald "but i never
fair,preferce " cent rasted1140. pl crumb tly_ with hadforgotten for•ti.lo-finie-----bOth Vale tine •
jtjttt petty' trebbles :arid istiilI jiiiscrie'.: of 1 andlior trete,' -11n= criedout in alar
i 104
lioriw.- Whin M is Cliarfetis redo out lie Slie.iturned her -Onto,' wilti. face to hiii iii
•-accittli hid her tiltedto inoot lier at duinb. HiltIlit deSpair.
per ties- and balls, lie Wouldliave :thought .---"-Whitt is thainiatet,'Dbear 110 rie(1.
a day Sail and dark Wherein he (11(1 not see , you.. or frightened? You look
-her; - _ - --'7liko 11 ghost." - _ • '
W11011- the:141;141.4meg reached -their llrst SIie Made sili :reply, gititi. lier busr arid,
relapmed.into:one-.ot hcr
.tnought,-;:pilichirsed-a grindassortmentof littlo fits el tern per; ..- Sighed Thertyily1 end -
toys, iiiid-droyeover.ifulte---tinexpeatedly to bade her •go6114fight.",- . _ ••• - • - :
; 11wasnotit -very cheerftil-Heeil(3:: :Peer; °Vet -
that midi-hor gaze......-.1tonald. Wai4. busily- lay downto rest! .-;• She. had (Tinto res I Ved
-engaged in writing. Doya, ilwshcd andslidwould-go and ineot tho husband who
'WOril, 'Wit!4 tryingito.stop. the (fries of waii. fired of her and.the woniati
onezeliild; while_ the Other at -her luredliirnasttay. Wile -would' listen-14°Tning'm Work, • "
lai4 tIio ,vorcei itho4oit: of tho intib _again perm was not .-thet_e_, _Just-. at that_-__
oft4S-dOwri,-, and shook liandir-withltonald,-- Proceeding Struck her.: - Poot-Dora we' not !186'vrxrii;etlo-
IiLtle whitlier 4411(3 12110
gajmue0:4 greater thao,he bear.
eernewlitie .-ttetiarned Of the _gifted With great. refinoMent 'feel!
-riSpeet turning ibltl and sorrow isecwed
)ora she 011'0- 1 oOked _Upon- .thairstepshe etniterii It uted
wish to look Upon ler IMO .see
nothing htit dishonor there. "My 10e:died
0. violent'lleoth ten minutes since. The
Woman -so dead to all delicacy,: all honor.
as to:listen andauspect,.-wIll never more bd.,
wife of 'misc."; . ' -•
** "Da -pitiful,-":' said -Videntifiejlor'"1/lifit
Was -weeping bitterly now ; her fire' and- •
possion,"all ner angry .jealonsy, :bad aded -
before his wrath. • •
I am _-Jiitiful," ;he "Heaven'
known LI ,pity pity -loyeelf.-, _
sEitrlem. Rive- hoorable Women when. ,we -
love' at all. will _escort :you to your house,
:31boi-Charteria and Oren Etirle_and _
mysel f.* will make our arrangements." '
" In her Sweet, womanly pity Valentine
.bent-down'and kissed the despoiling, face;
" Tty believe that -you are wiring and
mintaken.,-- Min.= Earle," she said gently,
-"I had:no thought nave -to be ybur
They • Spoke ne' --word. as they Denied
through- the pretty ..grontidt 3, Valentino - _-
was full of pity for her companion, and of
-regret !.-for her -own-share -that fatal
111111011 drCsfe--------The-itrixibun, dreary 'face struck they had to fifty, And then eontiont • m,. bell -110114id -reached the cluster of trees_
It •
took the child _frotri lier arms, and little- rather. 11.14 a triumt over" - (Inertly than -
Beatrice, lOokingatherwithwonderingeyes, s degradation to-- erself, she the- _ '-
forget, ta cry. s - 'place in tho grounds Wherothey. Wert be The passion And despair of that
Yen aro not strong'. enotigh,1 Dora, to Su -re to meet. _Miss' Charteris called; ther plined heart were something pitiful to nee.
nurse this heavy child;"-- said WWI Char- -hewer it was a thick eltudct of treeis. rider ReatiOni fiense..and honor, for s, time, were
" Why do-you.not find somebody. to theshade of.- Which- -stood ar prettY 1111tie all dead: If Dora could have staniped out
hol-pvoti 'I", " , .. : . - - - ' - ' the calm beantY of "Valentine's Magnificent -
her whole heart and f10111 Were in angry
- Before • lionald partook 01 ibrei fast
" a cannot afford it," said
gloomily. - • -
"-We mifend too much in -:gloves and
borsem "-- added Dora- bitterly • 'bet no
mooner were the words lipoken than sho
would -have given'the world to recall them.
Ronald - made no reply, and Valentine
minion» to avert. the storm 1410 had
unwittingly raised drew atteutionlo the
'toys. - :
; When :Valentino left: thorn, 1)ora land
"..R.onald 'had their first- quarrel --..--long 'and
bitter; lio could brook insult her
words itraplied----spolcon -before Valentine,
too 1.- and .sho for.tho first time showed him'
'how an -undimeiplined,-untrahied nature esti
tlitoW Off the reStraint of ..good manners
-and good. 1.3reecling-...-- It Was. (parrot
'never -to he forgotten, When Ronald inllie•
-height of his.rage wished that heliail never
•400H- Dora,- d she , re-echoed- the -,wish.
Wien •Stlell a 'quarrel takes plaea between
:Mall and Wifp,-tlie bloom an d. f remit n esti are
gone fro -M' love, They -maybe reconciled,-
bpt they will never_ -again be to each other-
-What they.onee weire.--. A Strong barrier-. is
'broken down, and-. nothingcan be put 10
its -place. . • -
'1'1i, angry, Inissienate words; -spolcon by
Ronald, almost the- .firmt lie - ".ever -
_uttered, - 140011 faded 'froin mind, but
_ they .ratikled liko poisoned- arrows i ti pore:44-
- helot. . Filie'bellovcd them, Before evening
her hushittid .roponted of Ids ....anger,
'and called --himielf a -,coward; for having
wedded -Dora.-- Ile:went up to her and.
raised her.faceitnitis.. _ • • .
I.J11/40stVifqjt! 110141d, wo- have .1bOth
'boon wrong: . am- very 'sorry -4(A Us
mole friends."
a-suspiciennf sullotinefig
ill,Doraltinature, and it -Showed -itaalf 111
full -force now. . -
".1t_is no ritatt,ser," -she rOplied,coollY; "-I.
'know long.ago_that you ,,...Were tired :of- me."
.. -Ronald Would' not. .answer, . lost- they
I ot d - 1 but he thou ht to,
seat : 'and Dora thought that, if 14110 1, aced
herself behind the trees, she would b I able. face,' she would have done so. Ronald ti.
to hear all unfaten. _ -- , - auger, his bitter contempt, stung her until,
°limb .revolt, until bitter thoughts raged like a, •
Dora had quitted theliouse on her wild tempest within her. She could not -
errand. She knee/ the way to the 1 otime
luta Hee much harm in What she had- done; she
irtathe entrance tethe garden. --.811,
tio fear;_ event.wero she discovered
1200110 could -surmise more- than th
was resting `on her way to the bonne.
crouched behind the -trees -and -vvaite
was wrong.,weak, and wicked; there-
witit something No- pitiful in tlie whi fa0e.
full'of angdirdrthat." one would "I ardly
knew whetherto pity or blame
1411111411ilie l'0110hed -her, the
were singing in -the -.trees, the flowers
all. lior sorrow
_desolation; heeded nothing.' T' At king
iraW thern:Valentine in her white in
dress,lier_beautifidfaco fullofdeop,.e
iiinotions.and .1toruild by ,htir__ side.
Surmised they walked straight to tb
and Valentine:signed to Ronald _to.
Heat by her :sido• :Sweetly. and.
.every word mho uttered -Hounded' to 11
but they.fell like drops Of molten le
the jealons heart of Ronald's Wife. '
-" You must try," Valentine was i•
"-1.1114ed to think you -would bo
You aro proving yourself a very 'wen
erring main -
Dora -could not distinguish R
words NO plainly, ;lie said something
"life and its MiStakOH."
1 told you- 01100;" 14111(1
the man who could endure so brave
consequeties of his own actions wits
hero. , Grant _the worst --that_ yo
triad° a mistake You mild ---tnak
best youcanof it, and you aro not
that now." -
No;" he said, gravely. "1 -a
unbappy-more so than you can i
Valentine. Life Fleettlf00 base leist
charms for mo. 1. had such great
once, but they IWO en dead no -W..!'
"You are too young to say tha
replied, "a little courage, a little pa
and all w11bewell. If it eon3forts
• - " .• ' '
• and
H Fihe
ke ' a
did not /Vita See why reading her own
husband's letter or listening to a private,
conversation ding was a breach of honor..
She thought but little at that time (A . -what
she had done; ber -heart was full of. forget
against Ronald and Valentine. She clasped
her hands:angrily,after-Iliss Charteris had'
kismet': her, crying out:that sheiwas Talkie. -
and had lured -Ronald from her. Any one
passing her on the' high road would have
thought her mad, seeing _the white face,:the _
dark" gleaming eyes, the -rigid lips, only
opening -for MOUS and -cries that marred
the sWeetionninersilence. He Should keep
his word.; never -coma what might -never
should he look -upon her faco. again -the
face he had earressed Straiten and thought
so fair.; . She would go away-howasWilt°
tireil of her, and of her children, too. • They
d .)on should tease him and intrude upon him - no
Mere. " Lothim go to the lair false woman
who had pretended to pity her. • , -
rng,- 'The littlenursetinikl, 14 simple peasant
nem: girl, looked on in •mute amazement when-,
aim her mistress entered the room where -the
•f, -childion were.
about •,
• •
" Maria," she said, ." I atil -going. home,
over -the sea» to. Eug1ritid Will. you go
with me?"
The only thing poor Dont d learned •
during those quiet years ,was a moderate.
!share of Italian. The young nuno leaked
up in .wonder o,t the bard voice, usually -
Holt as-the:cooing of a ring dovt3.
"1 will she replied, " if tho. signora,
will take me. 1 leave -none behind nio that
very love." • - -
'With trembling: pasoion_ste bands_ and
.it11 -White; stern face 'Dori packeher trunks
nor" and -boxes --the Or
hildren's little Wardrobe
• and her own, throwing far from lier °yam
fin° present either of drab or toys that Wien -
once, tine bad -brought. She never delayed Wloo _
ou to - (Continued on seventh page..