HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-06-24, Page 4Ike Xuchnow entind, I'HV,',rnY:tar To UTTER ANI To ARGUE lr$VELY , "••'It 0 si To TOE t,lerATKs or cosi:ton ics we 11 hr. AMA' It ALL,.ThEir LlUtiaT1Ed. - (Zuckaow, :um 24, 1881. iur: Premier is expected to return to ('atiada about the 2lst of- July, his health having. been greatly improved .,y his visit to England. The lion. .' I r. Mackenzie is also expected to return about the end of August, ;physically stronger than ho has been iur years. The lion. Mr. Mowat, who tied -lost his voice, is progressing towards recovery. HO too is expected to r,'turu to Canada sometime in the *nth- of August next. SraTIette rarely inflicts On the human yce an evil. without supplying a. coin: Liens—ding a•lvautal;©. rhe long: • iltinued noel and wet weather which Lately prevailed throughout the greater livrt-k'ii of - America has effectually •tibpuv•d. of the army worm in the 14astern Stites, : and the f•srrtiers are- • l, 4reatly :-relieves-I. Millions -of .:the eivornis .are to be seen dead in the graco& t ids;. - . lieftire the: storut =set, to the 'pints. bad f.beguti their- ravages in. earnest,_att.l pr-r)nlised to accomplish as d m ng° as; they did lust year; . • 'lir' cor(1nnr'a inquest on the Victoria: tF isustur h's- rnsultetl in tn(i discuverv- t(atthe-primary-Callao yof the ro{'aize of . in -.the hold A e ,.boat wy>i water . ,t - Ilse . v..1sel t+. : dieeovereti� in. , 1�Qlo wits- - bot tom which httcl -mean ' cued hy. •t,q,ntiog _ itt cotltact. with `t' Atone " or: �itV t Of cop et'- fasteningti' -�1taK T1tQ an _ . >.p . P . 1'iio boiler" arid the trumpery Wa were ut w_h_tch,tlrei boltG,r upperwurka. � p t:'P6 gtscher, resulted in a -general collapse, - u:s -soon as the. 'boat lurched :over, and au„etI .tire --:fearful -loss of life 'that ejratketl the --affair as one _ of tho`rnast - tartlins calamities of the .century._ `he itlallag'r r, ,Mr..Ptirieh;-shell Uaptaiu t,. 1ltankin have been atreaterl,, (lira rusult' `e,At th( inquiry, sill• their trial iii .now pre ceeditlg **before . a . beach of trate9. Lockalsh News, The statue labor between this plane and Lucknow is now completed, and we find that there is 'imperatively little of it lett unjtavelled. This toast will euou be a hest class one, for which we have to thank the fatruwra Jiving along the line, who have event so much work on it gratuitously, Soule dogs were into mischief on I%louday night, 13th -inst., and almost killed some lambs belonging to Mr. 1). R. McKenzie, which appeared on the following morning with bloody thrusts. We wculd advise the owners of diose dogs to administer the effectual nure of cutting of their tails close behind the oars. Mr. 1). T. Mackenzie's now stable ie almost coiupleted,, and is Oland some addition to his premises. .The building cr nsiats of a driving shied an.l two apartments for cattle and horses. It iv substantial and comfortable in app-•arai,cte; awl the workmanship re- flects crc-lit on the carpenter, Mr, J no. Fintaysnu. , Mr...1. S. Reid, who travels for Hys- loptaut r1t,11 .dc Cu.. of Hamilton, and .who has been over a considerable por- tion of the counties_of llruce; Grey, Huron and Porth, thinks that the crops in this vicinity- will compare favorably with any he hes ' seen. This either speaks well for Lochalsh or very poorly four the crops in other parts of those.- couutiee. - Citor ptospectx, boil- trent whatwq- 1j1 ye seen and :heard; aro -not-16f the brightest- to .this-c'intity. The contir, net late- frosts -have Clone .groat deal of aruago -to ..epriug growu- grain, :whip the -dry ' weather has - injured the meadow!, floss a poor- hay:. erup : will be- h'e" res3ul . Fall -wheat his riever hart .•t k_ oud_cliinco-fcoru..thn; first, and will ` ,el t:ioappoiutfng to ninny who .Lave tegtecte(1,proper - dutuntt b- fallow.iog leafs to :torus.• few wiio so -g'kal _ farsui,,g t'( rierally secures an: u1egittite tavern. this Section is decidedly- ahead of �t_th 1t inures inland, owing-1toirloitt,t;io $ s ft'uts'r. lav© left, )r,, fact- Unit ttiN��vcr.y f � llt_ ilius tra(:e on our fteldd, ;not'eveli: - lir ` the sarie)tatoed 1. Y. -t GIti-A1 Many -1)0014e Were alewait,.. l Care•1 to death t•rt hiturdeiy • arid $an):' :1{ that the world,_ .iccar(tirig to 1Pi'rot. _Grimnit-es prophecy, Iwar(tu e.,,wu to ai1 'unit, Or :rather to bti. ili',sst�,rycil or): that rl'ny Csnt+.irlbrahl(,. cru►r vp,usn �K;� was felt-rn Halifax rciuong E: i ;R,ogreg tions at 'Cho cvueiog servtre s u, t aritlay • Iu '()ttawu tliens wa4= lain iciersUle •'cunst•rreatie►n among; the_ lo'. r'e.. winch wits: heightened" by a-„ *etrut;Jc of--an-., neat, be iNv't).igthat ('rirtinrer's-.071p416-y Wn4: -;,i-.10--:.bo be ftalL,ilod We hi.voo._ b• -en i'toltl that groups Of--!!(e0I►10=were standing' {111 wit -on tile= filtiaWtllk bet ween_ the+ f{aftsrtrtir .anal the • Lsskrt .equate, at:- 3 %o`t,io.zk;-tell" titidav:, oriiitlg,. (waiting ith - nervc,n 4- anxiety- 11143 tint(' -t atair t'r',p)to which wail either- to .`knaek the 'earth it to a 'coc'keti_ hat; --or :crown _flet j; -i ntra h"t;i tI to 'by a_ l:eigbty deituge. Prof. it F raven, the!bowman,- spuduneed. liiri .€Y'iitention of exhibiting . the town ',all after tlte:"Cntr1juat.Iure 0. tis i31,14,,etary syitt.ni ata l T itecyL 1 ul.n. Y it- -following will. be the or(ior i f procedure at tiro Loniion Carnp: Garr:. fire at .five a, tn.. and nine .p. in.. Bence fiatt•1v est'tur u:' .tiro;:the batedof tilt' day will :march. through -the •catn p, Y playing -Music fur at leant half°rut hour, in tIti n ori iiig, ,frilllift sunnl11nntes the evr�uini;.. -'I'f o bi glrs %ill.suirttd. reveille at live, u.'iti., atitoo at half past, nine • p. rn, a,id lights out at tell p..1.11., after-- whiul. 'tile 'cantly `Inust le kept. ,t rfec lv -q quiet _till un frre.alis a►ex l i. 0 I3 - ° L' ' for at iuurri.i 1�..;1lee: t),rn 1 •. well N y : hour lifter tinnier. anil lit* toast 1,tio ot t such ' other times• RA limy -bo-required.' Aa' the I:cri.�i><latf�et lat,i fsi'tlell to pewit a Ittw authcttizrni; tiie'riale of sp rituoi1Ee .liquors, or air', iii eviilitar-y camps, a!1(.1~ OK the Ostia tdOuch is cu ntriiy- to the awM_of (.)irtiriu, n :ole,beer, or spirit:' of • aeiy kinii- min bo sohl on the -cam i ttrouiid, and' the: 'nen are_Strictly-fur– bidden i r.billden to bring the:siinie int() can.p:. McLeol-& IZ%>xK have dies••lved ps►:rent r4hIip.. -" 11Ir. Leodintellt.l9 to continue the bled nes,- and- we - understand Mr. .lioee will T38LI111e Url 1)is own"accoiitlt.. it_jJA Ir.rs..- rr 7141� ,V:,, .t1'��,XJri acLeoci tt ossi OHEAPE EVE i N JW S P R 1 ATG G 00 D S. The Largest Stock Eve Brought Into 1_ ucknOW. BLACK 1,115Tii.T;, tc, to 25a PER .YARD. - BLACK (.ASH 1110{E, 20c to Mc. %00 1'11:1'1;`~ DREFS GO(ilaS. 10c. tr, 2*. 300 PIECES PRINTS, from:tie. to llc. 150 P1YAa:,s h urronv Corr4,N, Sc to 114c. t:f:s s.W' N 1)1: CK, from 121c to 2'2c. ALL -WOOL TWEEDS, FROM •1:1c t , 51•c. GROCERIES. TEA, from 'tile to 33e. per lb. Boa_s EN DIES' BOOTS, from $1.00 ut'. AUGARS. (1ieaitcr titan- Ever S ' s_I-1oHIa: BOYS' PLOVGII 1;00I'S. $1.00 n.p: 1),I EN J'l,1.U(;1'I BOOTS, $1.25 np. &e. &c. We Defy Competition, and Cannot - be U l dersold, as We Buy and Sell for CASH. and F %kinins -our Prices and be Convinced. We have ,lIT-if lr, t.. -s•!!1> at a smaller Profit th-L , our, and make our ('ash syate n com- pletely distance tln.Creaiit way nt (1. leg 1:114tr•rs. HIGHEST PRICES PAID F -CR 1' ARM PRODUCE TAK IN TRADE.(: --- `1 W-T'IUNt'S, WV';1)1t SS''(.001)9;.`-- 'h E1V, (=1i1 l'(,NS, 1 �V DCI+ltIN(1S., N'E\V ('a.sII 1T`h;li>• I , ::: 1stI• ' Slillt.'i'I1'(1, 'NI' \Y SIII-/LJJ.NUS, i1}f1{, iauh.cri)Pr. wishes, tri inform` the pat - that lie has is hugettilantity t,f the VERY BEST -LIME CON S'!'AN't'1 Y ON HAND.— And also- to Hay that intending i)urebaserS s1.'nid,not take any ti••tice-to what they ht,:u to thv;c,1itrury,-its I. an, inf,irmed?that s,.rnr .rvil.diseioreel er.4 Iii ''1 t,er,r'' nus-va-stl•J.J.. ,l t,eoplii on the wtv t ,'.the. kiln,: saying, leaser l' ,i 1 o hill:', 141.:had ii bait - burn' Stow, ti i, is mit ttie.case., as..1 'lave 'over -1 ,000 h rshelr+ un hate,) at present. When;y,-nm Inuerea:•,er,e right:tn-the. Kilct nt-1..tt21, :1; Kftrl•sri, VAI: T'RASIr R:. ees >r Sale. T{ JAM F.3. ?11i1;1,FIt.wishrs to t.. , t M of:hie eh n ,� c, a not t e form the n,hn 1, ,t lit+ hat: -rt larc;e stock ••f_Paur Italfaln Beck - for e k,for Stile.; :Ile has also ft.r'Kalcs' Comb 1 owl. dation, which he will sell cheap Orders'by'. tr,t,il promptly attended to. .JAS. MII4T.h.It:: Luckn+,w, .June 14. • ammoth . Collar W.. t ASS] C (-'A.N NrEi !; PEACH ES,. NN El) I'1 : �•AT O S,- 1':1:x`` t?1)' ('(Ilty, "U 111.1Y 1'01VI/Int, 1 I. t' 1' J'S, • TIA tt5,. I)11,ii,1'-.111LA'1's, ' Manufacturer of gill kinds 'of IIAItNI:5s, SADDLES, 'L'lUrNKS, VALISES, i&e. tie HINTERS: =ILVIIHElt _ ICU(N, i AVF;i1t1 T ItL�CI+'IVF1 l'ti.lr T.AR I, (31;14'1 dh�att,rt, and best selected -stock ^ (4'f'ltUNKS that hart ever heed brought to afils town.'' f1si11 early Sit'd southern. Prices, ranging tram 7& center upwards; TEN- pe •seal. •ct g ter Car6. : ARi NEW 7 NiBI].I.LA 1?.WNEW- -T1 ES,__ b'1;\V'.010vF,S„ - .. NEW 11111_O '4 NI;W hlill.1,IN r; NEW. 1 MI'T')11)I : L ET'PS-('O('OA, (t11.00AN1-7 i'; C'OI'NSTAR(111, .`. Ti('IS iXS, T.I.1IK:1/31.1.111.UNI' , IA( KI I EL 1INI (,O1)F-ISJI, ' 1,1.I.A){S, - 1r1;N'S V.11.11'E _S111B'I'`, .� 11t EN'S .., t)N I'U]{I) 141:111t1 S;. EN'S 14V1..-RALl.S, liAN1)KL1.C;i1Ii }'R C6(11 , 1 B11:NT), WAsjIING CRYSTAL', TWIN. 1 l;rYl'NI hS YEAST, _ a' 1 .r'Y',U,'1'S,. !Nal 1'1' •Hoard, 1;1,1.01'.iat' SuA1', IN. til�nle;inr the 1)ILl)licfor the Vt'r `,Liltel'al-:hlttronage a(ccircled -.‘me during'010 past .till cu° VcorS I woultOttluotinOi3 that it [trill :I1n1Jt)1tatiO}is s i c la%1 ;ertitan usual, .and c-c:ccliitgly_(: u(.)(1 Value, L alit selling Attit : Lowest' '(.,;ash. Prices FACTORY) COTTONS, DUCKS, DENIMS, _TV EEDS DY•MAD CLOTHI.NC, SEA E TEAS, SUGARS. a1 C,(IEA I'-- ee Them NNE`L.r . LOT -.�F: -SS KED. Y.— AERIE soots a d Shoes • GIVE NEA :GALL! - ► a- week; 12 t' lay,t,t' Bente ea lv= Aso errarle 0413,7- outfitfree. AelesrLA ` 1 1{tTI: & CO.. /kis„ e -st , Maine: The only Medicine ,that nuccessft fly . purifies . the Blood, acts upon the Liver,' Bowels, Skin and ".one s, while at the = same time it allays Nervosa. =.rritation, and strengthens' the Debilitated Sstele gerfectly and a;speedily caring Biliousness, Jaundice, yepepsia Const' patios,' Headache, Rhe°nmlatis�ru, `Dropsy,) ervoueand -Gen era Debility; female 'Complaints, Scrofula Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, and every, species of Chronic Disease arising from - ' - Disordered Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels or, Blood.. ' THE BEST BLOOD PURIFYING TONIC IN THE WORLD. Supple Bottle.' foe. t MILBURN & Ca., 8011 ACENTS,'.TONONT& '- Italian, stye, $I.oe -. ;1 Illra. Wryer ad's Wenn Powder ' ii a saf., adults. Nee es eau ats for $1. , :*.# >Rtlr. 'a *ow MMile DM POW i-i-s-iP ARD H. T I.M __ ES Hug reduced :the l,rlco of Now is thetime to_pureha+. Wage stand. Park .tot (flit)' or.without Bt,il. ingr')- • J__ at ferias WHICH (MILLSUIT. RICH OR POOH - .1'71,y applying -to. S�MEJiV1LLE, V.11 , will he 'found -at .his Office , rm. tLr - P.ridge, needy and__ W'Illiag. 'z to accommodate -his nun.e>sotis 1'sbitune. isi ANY OF THE WANTS W Mich :hi has fur years past served them.. � DEEDS. sure and ellactlisit dertPoyer of worm -in shildt, or are seders 1i ewlr • 00101b • ills b7111813.0 •Loa and ;other DOCUMENTS Carefully and Punctually _iittou ed to