The Sentinel, 1881-06-24, Page 2‘,..1.1•111111.1M, To 1,Ive. It 14 to Mil thu waking world (halt! morning To Any 'food night whun evening drapes thu until' ; To tml with brain and ham! for gold and honor, For sake of thoqo busidu the honauhuld hearth. 1 t 14 t" t:1141-1" th,,stupgiof littio Phi-laren ; N1 ith strong. true arm to shield Om inns1 head ; WWInulpray, to twin° tin, bridal roses ; 11,1,1 /MU.% thu garinunts of tin, 'lead. 'rasa IL 14 11/ WIllk a111 who'll leaves aro starling . huor till , hints sing, tread thy garden path ; Ti, 091, lilt' 1111.11i1 gathur in the harvest.' : To look on Fluids all_rich with afteriimtli . fuoil thii hung] y. givu Om cup of Ivatur; To br-vsk /41,1,11. C1111,111 /111.1 111.11/ /401110 soul go frot, ; T., 1,11 114 onr rastlea_ and to ace them vanish To aim Ir whun our ship.). win cross LIR' gl.)11, it IAt • ili111141•T WIlt1 till' Itt. 111141. 11.4k1111.' 1 .“VilI gutgall , for brvitil. ri•erive. ; 1 % 4111111•Will'n• (11/11.%11(!ltVVII A I t. fi LI P1 heart i!.4 all iiiy Sil t 1 4 1 , paint. 1.0 carvv. atil nevcr. I.%1.0 %%114.0 ottitnev....444 fair 1t, ))164 W rough t, 1.•,,1)od the -n:4. on. Aimee, or Om pit•turt• fair, s., trui% sperfeet fl tin, thought. '1%, 11%u! is 12 iovu, to long. to siITir T,,•nuarch hi t ttl. tospund our stmig fordrnsa; T 1,,40•• 11, %4 1 11.11,1 All 1 ftlt titftlmir whining 14 Init 1(04.. LATEST BRITISH ARO MELON NOTES, DEATII OF A 14111111.1E WOMAN. • . — The lirond Qualities hown by the Wife of a Hosettl. (NoW York name.) Tito death in jersey City of Mrs. Sarah M. Hamilton. recalls a touching story of wifely devotion. Mrm. Hamilton was con- nected with a, biOdy respectablefamily. she was married to Alexander 1). Hared - ton, *home fitfully .connections wore equal to her own. Hamilton associated with politicians and eight or nine years ago was made Treasurer of Jersey City. .Ile had been in office a trifle less .than three years when lie fled, and it was dim - covered that he bad stolen 580,000 of city bonds. He was tracked through the. country till he was finally ascertained to be. in Mexico.. Police -Sergeant, now Chief, Benjamin Murphy waw sent to that country to capture him. Murphy found that I lani- ilton had placed himself under the protection of Cortius. who was the leader of a_power- ful band -of _ outlaws. Ile decided that this protection would last only 140 long ai4 ilton's money, and he patiently waited in Mexico till the outlaws should -turn the fugitive out from among them, penniless. - Ile did . not have to wait ninny weeks. Cortina robbed his ward of all lie had, and then abandoned him. . Murphy brought him back to Jersey City. The first per-. on to meet him. wits his .faithful wife. She forgave. .hifn the - disgraCe he had brought upon her and their children. When lie was arraigned he pleaded guilty. More in remponme-ta her entreaties than to arty eirethustance mitigating his offence, the court :leniently imposed a sen- tence of . but - three years' imprisonment. Mrs. Hamilton went at once to the Governor to seek her husband's pardon. . When she _found that he could do-nothing without the aid of the'Courtof l'ardons 1410 iniportutiod everybody in her large citcle offriends to intercede with -the fithinbers. of the court in :her husband's behalf. She sacrificed -health and- fortune' in- her -efforts to get_ him out. A -yetir.'before,Itis terin .would tiaVe-expired Ito . was-. released froth WA confinement. i 1 ton then ' p I aced the reffinan t of herlittle fortune_ hi- his. hands -andbade him_ Make. a nowIn MU Of !Jiff:1801fllis friends -heliev-ed.tbatili6 wa ni thei- fair rola to rtideinptiou 0111 all gave him ft lifting hand, Ile establitriled.a milk lout°, that gave -employment to lliree 'then, find _ . yielded fli-hitudeome itthotne,- but 'he- semi len Intek into -evil._ company. tiollitig-.(tot h113 rnitk-route he - purchased n- saloon ttn Grove stretit.-.- Therelie started ,. -a. Variety _ . _ show' of the very -lowerit - character Ile pri . , , , _uttically. riefier.ted ids w.ii TI or. the _lewd -women ',that- performed an stage:or gathered to. wittress the plays'. The p&Iiee raithol :the: place sod -arrested hnri Mrti. - liateilthe --tett -- in _court at -11114 -trial acting 06 -Part of a faithful wife, uottvititkqmollog hiM trefteliery to him -During all titistiltit -,%Irs:_littlitiltrifi'afattilly- and _.-f rieud 14(1,0/, - with an sciet4i, thatilier health wasfnlliiig fast, . They.:begg6Clier to digefird thd-man and -leave him to. his 'fate, She " turned..a -deaf --.6ar, =to- _them. Several years :ago -JEILIfIIItOIJ , disappeared troth 11113 borne-. -The faithful- woman heard -aothing froth hire, and her deOth-froin broken heort nt her reward for her fidelity. .1 lerlufferal willtakelduce to morrow.f rota 'Groot City. Thb English '' Itational • Dress Society ' has its model costume oft:view in ',widen When the prOpositiOn to erect a statue to Thiers_was putto the vote in the Alunicipal Council of' Maiseillea the other day, the follow -townsmen rejected it by twenty-four vote', to- two.. -1 . 'Ile Gernutn!., 11°Si-office has adopted and uses postatii-i .-staffipil_whomet colors -can lie . cancelled by water. This- preveitta. frand, - foe 1.04 44001f -14H ttf0-44tattipi4 are win -died. the .color is .obliterilted. - _ Major Ktfortilt Gerinan author, tries.- to allow that thetartitien of Foland-- has not pftill.-becitusclhe l'oles'arq: at the -kitten' `of all.tif6 fithcsidef (lone. Upon the continent -of Ettropv. - Ditring-tho-hrtirt fifteen: yearit of -elits:-70ry , aid tinutit_riti-in. d.-4i4117:..09-thitles-, of -eaten, :Ilutipg. the' fir. t -fifteen, _years, :tinder 'Otte., • dont .tlint • is. '', front ,- 1 4i.;:i ii, to IM-80.---Tt00. .. litithber of halt, ' prodireedviae,;'1f4l3f4 .. Thi' plagetre in of -.the ,ltetr., itr.-Lorntier -of -01.1-1cago,'W-Efi..11{41 Mereii' (tin ,ltik :own' i A -. fier)rif-pit -by titell.tev.iir.irtirker, of, 1.x.jittloet was_ . widely eoputietited:_ oft sometime ago. - -. itr..1"arker. hakijust heeecatight,,..aceerding. ... to..tht.,:-Itopti.4--41etae-,tiot.-ehlpitt tlitt Rattle -. lit,t;rary him. illut,- - in_ atetiling ...trent- .1:-.1r.,-. • : Lorimer„ ,- - ..'. 1.1 : -. ----• - --- - ' - - -- , - . • - ,, - - . I" -- . f , •:44.5-ropttith4-0(-1111 01.-ftbeefLk:Of fiLliftti0441.1t. -bfstA44.4,0- I1i1td4044;1411d Mointrnmedaes: have, -T. itialtifested .tittimselveit tit -Lalthre ited OHO.. . w=fierti itt leilial.tiot.witlertandieg the. efforte .-thade by tinvIdailitig. limn of both:religions' 1.0.1;iffii.oth: (ivetlii.t lie :differeneff9:. i-V11611.1iii.- _idt:em, -aro tlth- Ogressort47„-- Onk.litivo. given --. hiqelt -offentie liby -publildifirg a -patifplilet,„-. _v00(41-.114 siutpliya_4,40101t. Mid -$4411y attack '•, stiv,it.„ . '.8.1oliar turedshisni.`.140_ lar . the -'.Molettettleilatiii hay& - mitftwin.' rem -641(01e •.,_ pAtisnife' tiodeil eiretitrtatangeW_ if ti most watitoo ..provollation:f,i bitt-- itt-Cm .(1(ilibtfiil • hole/long they;Will.do-so. . •Irc,_ , Virtyfai:i essurOar.' the' pliblie lit the siltedierit .1-eariu0 .thatit great improventent •.-: has.... been' tiffioted ' itt .ilowiii. Milk"..by-- the. Aktesburv• INtiry,e010pw, -_-1.1y cert. -Oils - treitttnent, dieCovered :by . irr, ..brotiklittel,-: ..- -.Alta_ -01in-tient ciefitiet, ordinary„cow're•-__follk ' --ipt eltitogtid-to ititman: inn, •_4.- Pm compefti„- - tfon -.is. i1b40-14ely - hien 004 „With .tlifit-.'-of. •- lotutitl. toillt, 1111(1, tinder 1t14 11130 t110,40k0 - • 004 trisadvant kes..of . die bottle _feeding, of7 .. -itifants is.--rodn. etl- to -"-it trt in i mu ftl."- - It may: .14-er1 -expellee , !thing,- --. li-r„ . l'„, bits- 1440(1 11. . hi:instill': tit pis , n'actree-witli ,thibest-tasults; ._ lfut-am s„. role attereptsto irepr.oVeupon the ••iirttitral,prouttOof'thercovr-aratiot euctieler;, _fol:;:espetiially,pc. attihriptir Of -thelnercerif.: ary and tongue itific. Milk pcddlerit.-. Qiiit'otti,t1/_,' tardiest- -foists in- ewirOming _ over tutifortneClit 141,, Louie:140i performed. . by W1Illiate- liftre,. who, when leililtinged f rota tint greatl bridge,. .deeired to comtnit Vsitieldri. lint Orono+ 111147 mind- Ott ,striking ...::: the -witter. ' Vie suicide -Of Clivollereee,iik .'„. .brotlitte Of' :40110 liertiele,itlits prirriti,:dounit : .rtitd(Ititlir --reight4(1. ' front Coloio,(.1(4. -:- wee -.--ittrkel by_.1k ilifut i tar change of- pu 0 pogo, -but • ..-`iti hisease ii-cilKiottld tiOt saveltififfielf,-The- . :Solthote (rpero. Gentriatty, :..t..0 --Witie)f /l•e 1/01011044-tfiati*ipa atrain w li ieli- was delayed: _., it _nigit.:brii1ge _:ever., Clear.. 01116.4_-.--. - AS r tionigif . suddenly -cone-01011g, the idea-, lie- -7----- -- -cried.: -"-Goe. . y,allritnit kuniped froot_the•- tit , - ttlatfortit.of tin ear. Oltenia the-water:he - --trietrwitilin;11-40a iniglit.-_tif reach -the -shore , . _. . t Owl itis=:tiompoliimitt fought to3134(1113!.hitti - • . , , . , . . • . . . but k Witt enirrent.swept.itintkwity,-.---, , 1.-0-ritilititto onteeestiful---witrriorti loon . -gen, Orally -1.thellr it/a/le-. hi- Mitiltindi-varVitigAll. •. -111414141fr Vat '1004ffit-' iceording-te-threutit-, •_-1.etatices , and. .'lltt..-- More :'or • 1014 ittipoirink •: riervicem- of titti.recipletttit„ -:111.1,1tt_ Maribor.•: . : otrgit ght,,:tnatirj,r/i owl broad-tiiitatiiii,-tt suollt: • .-. Liteliti pailieeif,0414 k lierpettiiii- . pee/40ff, - Wellington reedited marks Of- tile 1/./111000. /01.14ffilletifleff .1411, 1/00-011/4. .1/04.14.41110.11t$ ; -..0,- . :1i001711y/ 01401 pension- after .TaloVerra.;_ -. initteased rat+ and it:double petrel:6e after. ' .LGindott---.1todclge; 7 a hundred; ::thoutiond _ - pounds _itfter4-14tilititionett .,-- limit tt•-: million . Tooke,to porcliartean estate -; _tit (11(5 011,30, of tire. l'ettinsul Ir. -1 War ; . after Water1O6 tut rs, additionol TtV1 . hundred thotistind.._fiefitidli; to--:- holy - to .:Inillif .aft(r.:-,f-urnitilis Apsley lIotise,-', -thi.d.i keep- ' lip - ...fitrlitiiiieldifti,yer, -'flials-Wit got it -c0tt1Ilt1-of pernifoke.fer •Itireit ..fives--;. :Rodney, stet -emit, of thousontia..yettr ..for I t inisel f ittid hislicirsforever„- :Lord:Lake, • , :__ titelieCa Of_ Luisvioree; tonoived a peerage : anti a pension4 --Lord: Ketille; 111(1 340.111(1 alter • OfiliZtleg /knal,the Afghan earripaign of 114l,31t, . 1--J6-rde"- 11 ardingd slid - 1.1engit. - wore -yeti. • liberitilY -treitted..--filtor-..rtfor: -filliii::wari" OM: •: :hist:with: tt,phinsion-of- eight, itlifl -the Lotter. •. with' mot. of 10r...thousand- le .: year,: - .MCre. - reCeritly Hir Ifertry-lfaveleek. witii r.lronted: - te borontitek,- ,'.10.1-. apettsfert - for three lives; •;after: the - rot:Sr.-of 1,tielte6w,..: Sir Garnet .$1tolmeley 7 go ',.. II-, Itiifir ftittili : (If II VO.tktia-. • tiventy . tiontitantl. , pounds,: anti reftimed-.it - ' Entrorietey-„:ft,r ids A:4.- courage,: neergy. On& portieveronee-',.'--itt the_ Ardiontee war- ' and poW: Sir- Donfild fitowtirt and:Sir Frederick- - ltoberts are- 0, haver it rilmila.r: -faun -di ivded , . . : . . -; ggitallybotwtrot 'thbinf: -.)ilr'.. lYfdlals1.-Well.khowti- picture .4. Olt: . ., ". /IWO ifi-. tFiti 7 filOWei filitfi- jilfaili061/ field - in.Lotirion for ll1ft,000.., -:::.. The-- -artirot Imo. ‘. :kitty had Sli 1.11i1(1efttlitfit.:0401(lo13t, - As Ito - Waft 101401,1g'14il1e.Vole-- -it, frkitrnirt itt : bistily shutting the-earriatie door J4111i1114fll. two Of . the fingersiif Xe. Millais'. ii ' Chandi 'crush, .. . int thent iievetiely.:-L.:,•:•- 7 ' - ' - - :- - ----- I—II: - • -'''-- 4 LAKE OF TUE WOODGOLD. A Miner's Paradise -3,000 McIntire .11111es of Mineral Territory Accessible by Water -Bich 'Discoveries. (From tho itat Portage Progress.) The mining region on the Lake of the Woods, which comprises in itself upwarde 0( 3,000 square miles of territory, not taking in any of the range 118 it extends inland east or west of the lake. The slate mineral range is about sixty Miles In width, and crosses the northern portion of the lake from east to west, embraeing thousands of basil& varying in. Mize and shape, am well as the main shore of the east and west sides, all accessible by navigation from ltat Portage, to which place_ the Canadian Pacific Railway is now in operation. The part of the lake *which is crossed by the mineral range 113 a complete MOM Of islands, poniumulas, iuletH. baym and chan- nels ; in fact, it is as much, if not more, land than water. Seine of the islands are small, comprising Only a few acres, and others aro large, but the shores are inter- mected with bays and inlets, and all the locations now surveyed, number- ing itt the neighborhood of one hundred, have a navigable water front. Up to the present time some of the richest lodes dis- covered on the lake have been found at the water'e edge and traced inland, most of them on small islando, on the mainlandond Bay Island, which is large, but- of along, irregular shape -The chief discoveries have been auriferous qpartz. Which can be obtained in largo quutitities,..as many of - the lodee are from two to four feet in width and traceable to great lengths. The testi( made by the Boulder Island Amp mill, and Fetch an are made by the mortars and hand Washing prove that tile quartz itt very ricii in line free gold. The.pay rock to be had for milling for free gold alone .wituld profitably employ millione of capital and thousands of Workmen.- .Then too; some ,very rich silver. ore has been discovered, but of which we. cannot .write MO positively, an the testsare not no easily -made to ascot.. - UM the 'character an.d amount of eilver per ton of -reek to bo obtained, Coal- and.. other.valuable- mineritlehave also hew. -found: Foot-• Anchored. Ar. few _weeks ago Fri 0. buoie eke iruneee' pee -.between . two .0fin -otthein deeded - the ---other 300 opres-. hard midi the other Ask, :the buyer:entered-the selleeii "offhle: - "-1 intve - just r(-Ftirrtied from a trip- to .PerturtYlvturitt to. see_thot land 1 got front. -.:. • "Ab,As 1 !lever Saw it mYtielf •.•11 hove 14011113 euriosity about: it:" 11. itt a -_-ewitalle, sir..; --a. -.barefooted swindle the other • -that-possible-7-- Didiet yUu Dint -the land . --; • ,!-Y=6/4, $41':,11)(4 it IA nothing but a 14111 ts it areal solid hilt . • is 08.-801 hi 11 hill 834 can be made of their-11nd dirt , "'Any -cliatice for ttnr-:- pert of..,it_te.. slide 11,11•1, • lliCOTTISH NOTES. Steam tram -oars are running to Liver. p061 • and Edinburgh, but Glasgow, the second city in the United Kingdom, rejecrbm them on (esthetic grounds. An attempt was mode lately to fire Lailmodie llouse, near Dunfertnline, dynamite. The perpetrators emcaped. Tio attention of the Government will be called to the circumstance. Several well-keown Scotch farmers ere about to start on attour through the United States and Canada, for the purpose of ob- taining definite and -reliable information 1444 to the prospectm of agricultural emigrants to America. A slab of grey- Siberian sandstone 43 by 17i by inches, with their regular tee - polished surfa,ce -carved with rudely incited work, much obliterated- in various parts, broken it the foot and back,.and slightly. at the top, has boon discovered at Glen - Ince, Wigtonshire. The land reform movement has spread from Ireland to Scotland, as was -expected it would. Mr. Fraser Mackintosh, M. intends to urge that the 010,11140 in the I rim!' Land Bill dealing- with evictions should be made applicable to all 'tenants in Scotland whose rental is loss than -twenty pounds. There were two kilted regiments at 1,11e late liagehot review-, and spectators had an opportunity of judging of the inerite of the feather bonnet in comparison With the Glen- garry cap, the .former being worn by the 42nd, aud the latter by the 113rd. .Every 000 was of opinion that the sootier the 03rd get the bonnet, the better: • A.11 extraordinary will case, affecting the interests of Iiiitnarnock legatees 118,H been raised itt the Equity Geurt of *Melbourne, -AuStralie, On, ft, motto' for a revocation And the annulling of the Will of George Lament, on the.ground that it bad been executed, by -Lamont when he was under -the influence of hi McGeorge and Mrs. Jitcluton,.1,wd spiritualjstai -mediums, had induced turn to hequeatball lin; effects te-thent.L , - . over- 011.anotlier 11.11(11" sin"; - • " Keett19 tobe pretty stint] 011 1144 piers, does it 7" . - . • -.--Whee it becomeattilly khown-to the lfliIl ing Itublic..that the Lake of the Woods. pomiremses: grand f act' itiem; for -catryieg on operatione. capitalviill.turdouhtedly _be attracted, and the butlinese of Ratl'ertitge iditrinloted by .the.theurettols'Of ',people that -b r tably erntlo 'oil rite ity. can tot v . 'lliENen, Thins -ItiNlioes. ... apt!) eser--,robes,.- adapted to ilturrtottize With .the -corittit.tnon.ltled-widep 'arid -•Epro bonnet, fore a' fit-_,Horte -I kilt II Le r.. Sortie: foreign leiulere ef --fasitioti iritend to .go. .fitrther lir direction ()riiiittitlisfil.„ by weitritig,=. settsiil& (0141009, ',Iigtittalite shown.- The ,litpictiese /41100 110(50filfillid,sitag itself to tile. aitatonty of ,the'foot. ".. It 034 -rounded -and Wide at - . , _ . too all-(1-,liarrOW.- afi Abe lip' Uppere. aro. '.f fine- strii-vi, fiver 1401/10 b,riglit.celocc.(1 _The:, soles aro zof„Tiiiolt.: leather, In on r, el lite. tile. leather tipper" is retiuiSit0,. but tliere.iS- reit-teen ehould tiot be -Oilt 11 1(1 3..aptitieme .0,44 prottily.:-6!nbroN6ract like -son inoecatrin. -Omen - thins made, -14t0iit er. deformed- feet -would- not be itt- the d lead vittititge .they -now'. are.: Carry. :Size tit. the:rounded woultt.rifford etinceal. Mont to -Protuberitricee.... -TO he, thlerably -welt off„le -the .Ordittary..beet,:tlie feet tenet be .yeri rifirn;.,- . .no .111anditointir- ..objeet.-tintii_it -brunt:tit foot-Whielt.111114 110(311 11,116svedto grey/ tiit lit 'liberty _end ifila:rnild afid -dry' Nor -i14 there More ,uneiglitly object -theft. -nen. Aliat, .Iner• beet] Ilefortned-Thy -tight;_ Observe.With w.huit core . the Par,isietine - at . the -: beach., 'there_ is irritootiti-rfatittins- Ott; litsforee-She goeir 1.60 - Vie water, -lier:eanditlled hothing If lior feet-lookek-Lwell--bare,.--Site W(,tlldh(, 1134 ear.eful to display therti. nude as- Hite .to ,..iThen let IOC. 00ligratnlitte you on _your bought and -sold itny ainount of Pen fifty-lye:int land, -mid, tile great draw. bank-liliM 1404311 to hti men 'ft; big bill ws/uld- stay itt one- epot over fi; Week, 'l'lut 18141. (11445 1 341,1(1 3410(111,titile and a -holf whitlo the- buyer We/4' going from. here to • Pittsiturg. You litt,Ve ferule a great -invest. meet, trir, and I trineerely eongratulate Y0.11," • • *Clime glory eft ten 'Manhunt: _ t - MR. BEECHER ON HELL. Everlasting Punishment Not Taught in the (phi Testament. DYING THE EASIEST THINO IN THE WORLD. A despatch from New York, datod Satur- day, mays Mr. Beecher complimented the zealous ones who turned out in the ram to attend the prayer meeting last night. He talked to them about death and about the futuro life, particularly in relation to the doctrine of eternal puuishment. Ile called the attention of those who cling to the idea of an everlasting hell to the fact that it is not taught at all itt the Old 'festament, atmerting that in the administration of a nation which was avowedly directly under the Divine care, " there wam ft period of four or five thousand years, during which the doctrine was not tauglIt onc2." It wits -evident thac among the Jews there Wa8 certaiu idea of a hereafter of pain, but the teaching of a gross, sallipual, material torment " beionged to the Erin an !hind." It, was " the creation of the medueval age, and there had come down to U14 lingering retnnante of it." Mr. Beecher touched lightly on the New Testa- ment allusions to death (titan eternal sleep. Ile pointed to the distiection that exietif between the Western and the ()riental 'mind on this subject. In the Western hemisphere everybody seemed to dread death, witereas.lie Ghihese and other Orimitabr had, UN 0 rule, no more fear of death than they had of going with- out a meal. The Roman empire watt built upon the Tllf4C8.11, and, although the latter Was conquered, the l'utican'e horrible con- ceptions of future torment had.permeated the itoman Empire. When the Roman . •Catholic Church Grgunized itself gradually it melected as its most powerful instro_tnent the keys. " No sceptre in the'king's no sword in a general'e hand, DO iiii4trument of torture hi inquisitorib,1 hands ever had the power in it that was in _the keys. -They typified, the Churcli'm :claim to lock and uultick the gates of heaven end hell for every-hutnati trotil ; and -while .the Church. Magnified the . joyir of tbe redeemed fin Titradifie; their imagination wok .absolutely drunken -with- the :sufferinge -_ef-th e damned- sOuls.thitt went outtnregeneroW,atdeath.” _ While the Protestant .11eformatien threw off. great. deal .61 thie yet it -retained ithich of . it, .and it might be • Raid . -that the popular notion of hell now wow - grOf444,' • "-I believe,-". added: Mr. -1.1eecher, " there itt O -period of- penslty that fellows transgression this life, befit is Mental, it is Moral, it is the other:life, and under clearer eiretmoito,ncett refluiriiii, eel f.condein notion. -As, rit'man who leer squandered ,bis °State itt brOUght to Poverty and then begine to think: Wilat 116 . ight 140 uhderStand liew ingiu'ir mind.inu,y torture him itIi constant retninders.of what he hois ,Paiu and pleasure are diSciplin- Ond aredesigned the divine turononry to work out afterivord„ if not hero, a -sal. vablc --frtitte of mind.".• reply to the queetion, ".1-loW should- a Christian look ot - death 2." . ' Beedher ."Well.; in. the - place, he Should not look .at it at 0,11 -on. purport.). Or, if he looks at it, lie should do so, only to sttimU late Minigolf to lead u, hotter life here' and not to brood over'. the horrors of- ariisnagi. nary- hereafter.' People -Wondered how -they would -feel .svhen..dy_ing.. tell you how you'll. -feet--:friof of. -yen," r. Beecher. . "You'll _ stupid ; that'n all you'li- feel: You'll wont to --go te-eletip. -Dyingie aa °DAT AK going to Weep inmost lost:times; Once- in it while -there *is - • trinitiplinnt or radiant &loth,- or .41 rethoritefol death;.but itot once itt - -.tinuni-wite there 1411611 ,/k110atIr if4 described s inbooks„ _Mitt was- •flurnmery.i" Mr Beecher attached no sighineance- to the -manner in which a tnan expirel,-,11,4 wart "principally the Phyttieid acci dents, and afforded- ner.-tetit of his lierdord (Efig;) Timis/4 - tens; :this A-thry Itt 1-04:1.,pilbury. wolfs emisrespotidenec;" uring-ItiSt iiieole-flostock Wofithweiht - - • - - - - - visited ,Teribury, - Our -readers sviII reinerit her the. .elophttnt WotelerfOl :recognition _ --Of 1.111r-, .cheinist, 4,1 Tetfor-street„-when 011,14. vieit to :tottot 11b1,tI 1 two Year:a:alien, - :Tint 'animal :eittrinoitt-Of:the:protrereileti..to greet bint at his shop door, -rernernbering its her de! 'livecor -from -intense pain .e,oused by an attack of- oolle. -brougliVon through.dripkIng .00ld -witter: wimpjourneying'. to TOsibury. Mr, f.i.'.inley,---on.visiting the tneitogeric .•the -etherevening,wits at Oncnseen- by --Lis*, .wita otoltrace4-birti with -her trunk itt 1454(4)1 33, ,ffikli fief 1134 tff pause •alarm: to- lier keeper*, but ark: affectionate bug 'for hor proiicr•yer w11147 Itil VIC: peer --crtiottire 1)Publioto4;11Milornembrano0 1,1 bet_ friend' wiltneyer-,fat effaned,% Hinee: this Itt the socend:_time she- has greeted-, Xt. _Tinley in welt a:surprising. • The following letter.Was eent to W1( OW bad just diet', and.left-ber. Self 0114 8 okild 011.014401.ible-t000,1'n,ronliitil Board otn,parillb in -the North of - Seetland; 1.4 Dear--Madain-Your husband: died yos,t6r- day unirniniat, If.. you-tirink you -can make a feW Shilling4 off. his chit heir. let11111know Or1d--1, will Mend' Your beet plan is to Marry_ air sotni 68 you. elm .tigraid, 0! you get a good Offer. You are but young yet.' -1 am, .deor_readani, ydurs: truly, -coVer Own 7 III 1;110k°, anything .rnere -ridieuletrol tugly T•tintit it Europoi&ii haotakon tlio forth of a partieril fir foot, whcus etien apart _f rem i tor- li Obltual wearer 7: -I :hove :knowit M..111rtatio1If4 begun tar -which might. 'lave ,•.1-ed:tip. 1 to tliellyrnotical altor," but --fortite dentexlithitioint of bootic_fit 31/0I1r00171I1001•11 11.1,-.:1/0t01 corridtire. (laparteme . shoe wottld : trot in, w,, .ridieuleurily-. telf;.title,. roore ettriy,',- it .wotild..net- bo forced-L.:by_ the weaterge:- foot, itt-te.'par(fctiliir.ti -riltorani,oritteit Truth; - At the Oductinnou Of: a burgh court in- Seotland lastweek the Promeentor i4tilt1 to his assistant, "-You'd better leek Up al ktho )1 pens and an d other things, the Policemen e me here to get their wages to.dey." A._ prim iner at the Hanle equrt was very unxioua to 11 ake -it etittement to the -bench . before ;the witneeses against iiim Were examined .., but um tide was out -of till rule lie- Wits ref 'Red-. At thil.,-cleire • of .the triol"Iter'svai telt . lie eceild. not*/ state' What he wanted. _WA Waff biN 141.41(516/81_,- 1001 ealidid .,0.11/4 er.: "Oh, there'ano 11140 of 1110 saying Onyth ng ; -there'ti been- enotigh-lies .-told 'here:- this morning- ftIrdady." . The Orkney girl% have their:Own WU '14-bi• punishing liothleter levers. The other day IL young fitriner's.blinnewere"-proclitin ed.' -hi the kirk intim hearing. of -a lassie- who had -. hitherto etipito-sed -hereon. to bit -.his n intended ;bride. She sought out thelar - -or,_ - whom -irlie fOundplouglii tig in i1.. field; and pelted 11141 HO -.iieVerely." With - Init.-town turnifs that -he lied to run for etifety. . The wrathitil.yonng woman Witaliad up before the Sheriff,. and _ -Ordered to -pay 110M- soyereip. for. the aielaUlt,. u pen.. will& -she elected to go to prison,- but waif saved_frorn -ftnbnantofyit.te hy:0110 of •brotileropityine.:the - - . . .. .-: :141114)WNI-.11N: Tits Air'Alril n. ,, • - •- av It is It curious fact that ipoor people lio Humbert -oils children; whi the:rich -seem td- have , very .fotrailles. ,Wiren :rianceirtioninue clergyman 13141(110 ono of his :humblest partsbionerir, Who was surreunded by -Attie onw eerfough to !pa ukkrainy Hug? day gongregation, " Iffy-r.friend,' ILO wire mends mouths sends also food," the- poor' man replied, Thit maysbei but the trott- blp is that lie mends thio -Mouths to ono !Willy arid the food to another,"-': rho:Emperor 'William and King.John of Abytisinitt...haVir been exchanging. gifts and -affectionate m04164614 through Dr.'0,erhard Itohlfwi- The Emperor Sent the doctor -all the -Way to Abyssinia for no other- Yeomen Ilisato carry- these "evidences of 1301434.. In: France veloolpidis are tiO.WprOpelled by electricity; : filch 44o141-010e'overy. in Ciantann._ deepateli frorn Novi:nee .14/04' ft ...groat _ stir of excite -worst -1k eatima in the -irounty: by-thrtrepor-te roe:. lit eirtittlittion :edit- Teerning: a gold: mine -Which lots been ilia:- covered -the -TOwnititip- of :Rain -Aar,: in.- thoett11.' 00110004111014-011 lot - T110 .11/i/16117 ado 0.1,1,311, two Milt* front :Flititon,•itild are protioutteed :by -,priteticitt -Coliforifitt- 'gold 11:11101'14: 1(1 4/0 'tilt/ ,11011101C-toponitriotiy:titey over 81-4W; ',the itoggette_of goldapPeOr on the Surface- of thd.qtrritrt-Z le ,payieg quittitif ties And -very 'pure, Tito disirktvery:-waii made.-- seine.. years --ago- by 71)„ //Mil ,1101110d. Llad,- but ver y- little- mitten tiOft W01( 1/0141't0 tlf,0 InitttOr: -111/t11. 0. few daym. ago :Whet' lie fell in company -with tnati.nomed-Paltner; ii. goologiitt, wlio.rhatle-apractieftl ettainitta4 ,tioir of the 111011014. and oft finding „Noels- a of . -gold ho ittimodiatoly opened tiegotiatiotiii tlio Ooverriinent'l and purchttoOd lotii 24, '25 and -211,-whicli show the' ,rieheioti -opocitrionii: sto11:.-. Mert--,-are busy at work opining alead to the 1,1135013,orid it - expented operations be corn. -mended it.tbitee.3- 140eoirtioefi-of-tbe- titutitiz aro brought and:ibiAtiolitiolis 111144014old-Californientr-Who trove -*Irked in the Mines:10i years- - , ti nakenliati. • flow lo .11ehtive ,When Nudilenty ntersed. - An Iripth physician, Dr..McflOriria Belfast-, goon as far ise to Say, that it at all neceientry.orinevitable that a p m - of not rf4011 knowing- nothing of -the art of :swim Jog 14)10111(1 be dr.ownedif he depende •afld: iiti rely °tithe powerafor self- pretterva- tion , with -which nature -holt 'endowed 'him. The pith .‘ottlie dot:toes re:narks-is 'con - t110 following Paragraph : " When-ene-Of-tlie--_:inferior animahr lakes tile waterrfalliti lathrown Ontly begine Walk 40 it deem when it is o of tile - wider, But when -a"triati who c: nnot ' SWIrn sittlls into the water,liemakee 'Spay:Mottle ritrugglesi, throwir tip liist and iliseV/rifr„-:.Tiffi brutein-ri-tlicother treador w.ater, remains on tint surf . -Virtually - ittitubtporgeable..111 to eliettpe-:-drowning-At 114 (ffllt' :.tetry- to liaan as: tbrute --does,. d 1,11. tread or walk -the ..tvister.:: brute ad Von tage ht regard Jrf his relative lit: • reeved the .tvater, over -faun -.yet the nititi•perislies wliilether-brtite llevertlielestr, ally. man; .ittly Wornitn, Th(1,0410014 appliettrits for 'fidtrilialion to 010 Lifil0 -Kiln Club were-, reported rejeetett for the cousin* named VinhandloIlmith, of Missouri, for having imposed upon .colored-peeple with a bogus haludyet-. • • Allday. -White,: of Illinois, 'for having repeatodly tone fishing -on Sunday (without catching any !fob). - • - : : Col.Dimbar Green, of_Canada, for having falsely assumed -the. title of colonel. .It has been proved that the only commaild-hiever had was -the command of a mule; .Solong-Gray,- of Ohio', for being 11'wilef beater. -In_ refusing hie application the cominittearecommend that live or NU of :the neighbors get together and g1VO Soleng a doso of his' own: medicine.,.Dpireli fi'ree Press, . a Pt* rine, land:, , 11.45(1vier; 134 te1114013.. 1154(34, ond- = any 01411(1. whonail waik-on the land may. ,-also State. .4. 44.OkupVon.lolvtase " Inisir- .. • . ristigesi. The Harmonica .Associatiortiri NewYork le tut orgailization for tile -purpome of, pre - _venting " tire civil effectof the go-rts-you- - • Pletitre. my -Stein of nulLrrlagdl wisieli everYi- where &Inlets -litifinitiity, and which, un- . happily?, ore now celebrated itt both .Chnrelt and State with prayerit. and- llovierir and 1211 Ivornal approbation." . Its projedtors.: detrite to „secure • legislation " to regulate . tho relation of _isetrriage,_ find . eepecially to -prevent tlu e,otitieuititce of -the eyetern by vilficli•-any Om of opposite .140,1,1 how - aver ignoritne_•-_or 1.110-Wev_er ditreame_d_,_ and however .iiiettinwitattiti for the reopen, sibilitiem" of :paten toga, nitty obtain 'the - rittnetien Of prieet or.'squire th.e.onsummato *hitt -be deemed --the. merit and delfdate of all 1'61 -at -Mint known -to 'bunion -.., nature!' -. They 10414 for •tlie-appoink, tient of 11 C0111111134341011 WhIUtlI " shall pOWOr tO -itiveetigate hit° th(3. anteeedentro 01 theindividual; tied .slutll fully- -and. 13(11(3(1 ili)ctil 1)',exittnitte -premeliht condi- - tionii, both phyeitially tneritally,. of pereon who prpment ?himself:or. herself 1134 a candidat-e for .. tit(' inarritio -relation," Thiss 001/111111041011 1/4 to IZ0(1 to 1/114U0 .coriiiilestoi to those eligible • -and-Illoso Who triar.ty-willioutaucli eertifif-. cotes- Ore- to 'be puriiirlied by lines and imprieoninento orhoth.. walk In ;the.waterfust as readily ti -iinittial does, and that without any • -instrirctiotie or drilling whatever. 'T dog intothe water,-ancr, he troadsor the water:instantly, and tiforefis no Ir able -reason why a 11Ufflail bohig U11d circimistances houI11 net do as .114 doos. brute, indeed, walkm Water instinctively, whereas -man hat told." • • • • irhe 1,1eitor . question in she in; irnrilunient. -A cablegram, dated 1.6tIt ittitt„ says 'louse of Commons last night diricus Lawmonso motion-- .that -l'arli should legislate •itt the direction o option in -the liquor Iraflic, accord!i resolution carried hAt sossiorb- Mr. adinitted,that there wore dlitioultiois way, but ,sall tliatthe (intuition irig continually., and.witIrconstaiit.p for its future" losults. TIC vote 'motion stood- 100- against. .154. Tli Of111100 party eviliked Muc14. rojol the -result. • "--,press this s -mor somewhat (10140443(1 033 the qintstioti, b ' the tier OW ft 01k0 agin: like dog the Ito be raj's' The d Sir 1111/116 local to- a 4,ight 11 tho grow. 0111013(5 r the toms Mg at ng bs t it is .adtnittod: -igonorally that, the live lowir. Minot -be amended. • "A jiiirrtom:-.FiSiot liorscr,r/t . le days since:Police ',justice Pip/4'1100d hini elf 05. for :,g{vfog llktgu1 advice... --A wants, comi. iplained 1.0 hint of thd annoying actiO 0141 ineighbor,Wholiho alleged -timed alms vo .and Obscene language to hor itt her Own hens., The' justice advised her on its- rec., rrenco to giife- the Man a lound,•thraehingi Which sho d0c1,--and:On arrest -pleaded the • tulge's °entail as the ezottitelialt take re wig,. . . • 'Why Cobblestones -Will flfut Doe . . . s Profetikor 1Tiitft, itt ii lecture before- 1110- Jiigineorit'.01uh of Philadelphia, -pro-. !Jounced cobbleetotipe uti fit for good,paving. .Thel form of -cobbloatoncii,being--iiphoroidal, was !oho:isn't°. be unfavorable to -resist the fermi which act upon there; atid.tlie pmts., tidal ithtience of friction between ,tlio sUrfaces_jof contact renders thorn unstable and'unilt to perform the duties required of. it geed pavement. -Tile porosity of such Surface covering; taltnitting 'Ns/Mor _freely to the- sub-structureof gravel, learn,: and clay; which eiperids ....forcibly in winter, raising tlieentire- surface, und tdiriiilcs atVaY under:the influence Of the spring tempera- -. ture,-.- leaying thastones unsupported, -was Mentioned as -another Oletrtent of .destrue. tie& and expense, and altogether it was concludid that cobblestones -Were unstable; -unsafe, :unclean, and ultimately more ex. pensive thattwell lai(1nelgian blocks having ,coneretafoundations: • • . , - : the 1)ulte of Albany gives' most agreeable •' dinners in his suite- -of . .part- mentain Buiikitighatn.' ralaite to literary ma -artistic -friends. •:-- . _:_;