The Sentinel, 1881-06-17, Page 7•1 Wu...a alma— • —.__•••••mucl-- .3L-para.a. aa..0.1 BAME OF STONEY CIRK, Ali Ainorit'1411 Account of tho •••••....•••••• ., TIONV FORT GEORUE FELL. -- ---....-- ---- isweesstite Designs Jails nude Public bY a V 0114.Itika• Mr, Jolla Wontwurtli, of ('Isiougn, who compiled a history of Fort 1)eartairti, states that while collecting faetti for iiroiluoing his narrativo lin wao prosetited with a book entitled " Medical l'rexcription Iso",k of 15. 14. A rniy, mod at Fort Iroarborii," by Mr, J. .1.. llshor, of La (lrosxo, Wis. In tide book wax written- a history i'f Lite 251it Itegittioist, II,H.A„ and In doings iii the war of loll Tito naiadof tiso author -Ix 'hot givott, but thori aro soma referetwoe to battlos fought 111 thi11 neighborhood- which will tutor/tot roadorit hf ilia nails ; . lit April following (Isla) tits, whole force wag ttrdered to Haoloott's Iferbor. About tho usidille 1/f May, Chandlor and Witider'x brigades, witli tile light troops, won (irdered on board Coin, Chanticov's 'loot, boom! to .. Fort Ooorgo, II. C. (that is Niagara). Tito float arrivo4 at Niagara, and sill &Ito troops ditiotisba,rise4 and opostnpod tioar tho blur. titilo crook-, whop -suitable boatm won pro. prod 'it'd otitor proparatiotte outdo for taking Fort °gorge. Early /tit tlio tieiriting of tho 27i1i of ldny, 1/410, all tho tosite woro atruck, and tiai wIti'let arttiy wont 'Ili board id- thoir _rosifootiv, 0 [setts, esels boat carrying about sietoon inoti- with thoir tirrns and soluiptnotite. Tito boate of oneli maim/tilt won tit *joy tiger to owls (Alter, Evory toast lia41 ,.,. Ilia tittiekot houloti altil bayonet fixed,", After ell w.as roady the float took titafr iitatiott-withio gratsu. atid-caniitte? distatio of tins elioro, lo/ as to . coils' ("or letidlitg,V It wao a boautifill inorotog, not 'a eloud t41 bo soon Or is ripplo :on tisolako, soil ay - ytliitsg soetnotl t,r, favor the oittorpriso-, C*4. fie*. lifeetetielierel _ 800tt Wit11 1410 light!' coops led-tito advenco, - tint Vrith Llogimotit ilt/llowoil this'll, kopirtg thole boets in adoorablo ordor.„ .Tlio floot kupt tile "wesi eloarl while tlioboth/ worts - pulling for tilts -littera, but- boforo we lantle4. tlio floot WILS thliitcd W.- outiati tiring. -- It ...110E11111S1 to ine-tt• if poeisi wt. of Providetice, for attlio otoniont -the floot coatiod-to--firee. favortiblo- britorn. 14p. sag- up; ..whielt carrio4 , our boat," _to/horst • replilly" that WO 00011- c1rnytt lire. .6:ferny p tit's: hunk,- but -hot 4il1 : 'boy. • lied .1....fint • ehergod • .- and i drivott • ' 4.40tVe .-.- vatteo- guard ..- iiit't tho- ..14ke ... up '. it to -... their - weists, Tile Work, liowovar,1*.eatioattisecortiplisliod, end lin ' our ::Ixitita. woro . lying .4,/ti• 11111 01101141W , mitoro 4114 -olie troop/v.-in hot purisuit„ Melo* ' Yoresytite's .- Millotostit itt advetwo cutting tioi thoir roar ;pitied . om :thoy '110"1- tfirouglri!-.fliti buttlitte -hitt).- tile - viii,40,,,,f. Newark, ,11 -Tito 2.511i Itogi_itioot .tis. the rneatitinist tnovoa aloitg.(iii tie' .inisik of - tlio Nisigare to: Fort 4Iisorge, .-witielt -soots • eurrowlored aftork blowing- . • up. . ' thole 111140.4%,1110,14114 thaii(110IS l-Sritisli forge : W10*- . ill rapid-rote/sat to tliirlington. Iltights, et the lioad of - Inkei :Otittiefo, :-IoiSvitig .....tito _ .4.111ar4cisios ,M (IMO poitstioNOtosi of, P.ort (loorge - and - the i.,"1,tinittifui. ; villege- of •-.Nowerit, in soldolt, Wit - ,f ()gild . 1:, ono -liouso ytlitt trittes.rornt: of 1-1414 iirlitItift4 is$O1 tho. tablo • laid for- shout tivonty -- perwms, Witit elf tho itiiplotrionts, fur l suiting - anti smOking, • iletifiteakendeoffeii(Inviting--ux. to Nit -(1()Wr. .titul'Partiiko of -JObst.-Ban's hospitality, .. . . - witieh . 0, -avelloall_oursolvies: -of in- good "otirtios ..ittthissflair tile: British lost in •..kill64:_14id:WOundinlebout 260.; roof,. besides: , oettx...-ti 'tete ecco.reditta -.:-.W. , tiwir . own. __account, TheArnetseartii.inkf.010-* iliod,'-‘001 101i. .woulided.. ...1,:1Ie Britisil: erfilY fworm ullowfot to:pfirrouktirelr ow.tt cosirsolOisurOl-y. to- the lalielor t116- lako -atullituf..tinto to _ thoroughly fortify thottikolvokiit Burlington - Heights Ana th*Orn 1110/111.t our erriVel, : This . tieti- wrong end . sitorad- tho - went Of good• - ---genoraisthip,- fori-• ilictoad Of Allowing -the - American -array to l 0 hilefoUr. Orlivo deo, ' thorshould .1JUVO -t' llowtia- the= onorny et- onco and ginit .tlior, --- no -:. taro' to rotio_Ve_r '-:fronr- thitie ;panic,- tiTit0 Pint end tiocond Brigades, fCitaildlor'. iind'',Winder'N, 'vitro • finally ordprod- to , artW ffitilft enorny ittid;. o _ after xonrel ditysit !.aenrotheraltitig,..found tlierit - thoroughly sted "on-.11.tirlingtOti Ifoltaits aweiting our errival„ Tito Cliandlor. Arigedo . enotimpoili.sit - fitoittiY• Crook,: six , -rolioit into _ the Brititilt,-. _ aiiii Winder's_ , Itr1ge411-la,y. alinlut thno villas (rout us. Ott- , the" Iakor *lion, . Wo •,:erriO64., at. Stoney (rook elioutli ocloCk.. p, mit Ott tini.litit of j. utio, 18 tiff : ' vti., soriral roghnottts. of Our- Irigioro ottottoopod- Witeresior-thriy- folitel it ., -inoct, convenient; end no reifying point Oitai • dosignatodiii_ castrilhf ..it night snttack, hut _ ovOry regiment leftth.eitiontit-foritsielf.florst- weo enothor- %net iihlundor, - and :shoived ' etotit misorabist.gonerelsitio, - Tit° 'Pwititt,y, .. -atilt iteglinort.tsincrtnpod„ in at. Tory wido Juno; witioh 14113 et 4ight engin with' the . melt( med !netting.. j Itie4-elpowyzwolligi ....-&-l.olt,liroo....wore 113041,- ..41014t -thil lotto, end lite cook's set toworit.prepering thoir oven. ..-itignieel,-:-.MelOr kinlith WAS t110..only .0414, officer in Orly roglin(ntt. .protiout,. fititenro. to. roor.hoitt 11 :(i'itio4lt end stela: this- .ragi, :rliontlatutit. Int put under -arms and -rnovo out of tho fano, eit. Ito thought 'We shoisid.- ,bo ettickia. boforn *riling, , I that -lid -it so, too, We Noon roused the itieeping 1110111ind InOr011.,out.of thele(lett_Oitig. this woke, complete- thoir work),-tprood, up thir mein - _r_0/14, Itho.nt. twentY i• NI_ 6. *114.- filed_ . to,: filo- leftinto--ert open. 11414141341formo4 into li.tio ' of- I/little,- piirelleL-end fitchig_ our tint Oncemproorkt;, end _font -,o, short , dititence literati/M. '.-IlverytauskotiVaelen4e4 with.: .4iirtr1age•conte1iting tsvolve- bnokshoti:with -.' no -bell,. _ ft *inc. those orietridgoir which. • Nava ' our- 1414110e10 -- and -'1' ballot% tier brigg4le, treni.dotOir • Whott the'regimout . Wisit_postea- ste state above, -'I Went bar*. to ' the lentsto son hoWitho cooks..w.e loft titer° - Were- gottingelonip 1 I witti about to gehtick .sttillio.regintoot. when I best(' ' t110 report of is musket, 'and thoitetiother enitanothor, - :-_ till OVOIYINent111111.1411 „lintel: •nrid. retrotitod . foto otc,p; ..Asel started -for .the regiment, r neer-tho big OW,- Stir:nag my boat.1,. 1 Ravi , 14nolurn0 Of Beltish theyonotti- within ten_ or - "...tweive-feet otrue; e ieginit-ititit the -Jena, -I. - hotoovor soortgeine ; my post in the rogi.. - -mentand found ai the num up.rtiadi and- ... Wafting .for ordirS 400-- fin, •-.. Tho- onetay,. . finding nobear Trilke lent Mit elow.•-coolor . .• (some ei Wheta -they- finiii4;4116.-rost-flod). --foerned- their line _Of -battle.penile1 y., fltir ; otre iftioi: but boloier thla W&$ 401111 the • `PsorintY-liftir Rogirnont - kit: the/4' 'know' , . _ „ w 0 : . n .. um . y a . „ , 13 destructivo fin, *WA ins retprned, and then tho bettle commenced, and oontinued with but few patuice till 2 o'clock in the morning. I could boar distinctly tbe British commandir giving orders toohnrgo tho Damn Yankon, which thoy attemptod to do without any other effect thane great lose of their mon. It was in them charges that we found the superiority of twolvo Inack Mot is each cartridge over the cam. mon oartridge. When tbo battle corn- tnoticed Oen, Chandler, with hits toted' and a few men, took up big position some fifty yarde from and on tho left otour regimont, where he had ordered ono company, with two pieceo of artillory, to bostationod, and whore bo throated our command to be milt. Them two cannon wore diseharged but twig'', whon tho enemy mad(' s furious charge and took both piecos, with Oen, chandlor awl his staff, , probably fifteen or twenty artillerymen and musiciants; This operation none of the officerx in our regi. moot know anything about at tho time. 'rhe first inforthation we bad of Oen. Chandler being a prixotter was from ids own lipm. It 10411/7114* Hui enemy had him and directod him to order our regiment 10. mem firing, W111111 his woll-known vole° sang ont Twotity-fiftli,come.firing," We then know he was i& primoner. Wo oboyod his- order but a short time only, OA tho enmity again °potted upon US IL :180441 (10. struetivo iire, which the Tivouty-lifth el/turned, Tito firing on both sides thou simitened, and but a low more Wrote woro fired. 1 should lns, xtated beforo that tho two pittcoo of 011,111inti takon by tho enmity whim Oen. Chendlor was tnado prisonor remained hut a olnirt time in thoir hands, and that boron thoy hod time to turn thorn U1800 us- a liontettaut of the Sixth, with a ilottsolunont id his regitnontomujo agallant chargo end retook both pioces. During all thia modest tint rogitnonts (excopt tho Twonty-filtit and Minh) WON in a *Mtn of onolholott, not knowing whoro to go or whom to fight. We. remind during. the bettio IL hoary tiro on our loft dank front -ono of our own rogimotitsIiu tito bottext 'art of lito contost, in the Midst of this Confusion nod mou awetho nettlo cosii tomcod Oen; Wandor boating OUr firing mounted him hone, and with Ilia .aido awl a law . MOO rod"' up tO tho scono 4,1 coofilet mull soon fouird libittoilr; in Ilii* Midst. of ,. tito enotity .and . was contiorpiontly _tondo. 13 pritionor, :The oninity.having, now; both of -our Ormorels made -14 predipitate totrosit, leaving their. disitilendsoma woundodon the fiold when -they .411, Tho -next. Morning thoy omit -Th- e flag citron -milting- to- bury Moir dinia, Attlie "We MOO 1111 .oxpross: front- .04111. Ihesthorn farina for twiny to, rottirit •to -Vort Ocorgo-Without any delay, - of the Dragonits-weenow tit@ /senior "offiesor„ mul tater dootroyingail tho surplus f 1441481 141(1 theeriny insok to Fort Georg°. -1,it thia -battle (iitonoy: Crook) the memo los . in. Milo& end wOundod 17.1, Ibm Arnoricens 'loot ton tiefierit bklakert Waxers .and 04 -rank tont - filo,•-• -The Ilogimont sieved. • Chandlorsto _ Delgado.- thet night. -front 14ital tont ; tor it Waif - rho- - Iteginiont: _pre ro& N for 41°11.'11160- tho Monty Cliargo(pin upon us; :'140013-itfter.Wo 181001464 Fort:066N° '0011,_ Doarborti took !amen of tho. army and the .romitiand volved- --on Om, Boyd,- tho -next *MI6, officer ilfoOrtaiiittol, At Fort George -the - 'American troopit ehout 4,000 strongtay all- Ourrimer.(NV? doing- nothing -oxceptyitikot fighting,- Wit oh Oceurrod inmost :tivery Morning at -daylight or as aeon tho British and Indians -conid tlio Wind.: on Moir *inn they would firo. upon OurtiOnti. -110114,..hut were, invariably. notified, .Tho --twontontling erto Los- ley. within twolvo o Colvo (1311044 ,1 ooh (11)301 till Wet 111111000r 'ht. Et tit reetoning pinatiou nothing W1140. 40110 tvo_rtity- Mtn,- 80.1110 • sixty or_ _sonar mon wan killod or. ,woUnded 113 skirts -AA ..or .ploket lighting (hiring tim- mummer: AMUSING BREACH OF PROMISE CASE, Enlivening Particulars of a Commercial Traveller's Courtship, DAMAGES FOR PLAINTIFF, £500. The came of "Fartrhlgo V14. Woosnam" 0111110 boloro Mr. Justice Donmett and a speciai jury in tho Queen's Bomb Divixios of the High Court. of Justice, London, lately. It was an seam for breach of promise of marriago by MINS Emma Eva Partridge, daughtor of a farmer at notch - hind Battery, Bookie/414h, Devonohiro, against Mr. Richard Woomera, a oommer. cisl traveller, in tin' employtnont of Messrs. Howell & (So., of Ht. Paul's Churchyard, ovidonco Wing given in snpport of tho plaintiff's woe. Mr. Weddy, Q,C,, and Mr, Dosiglao Walker appoarod for the plaintiff, and Mr, Day, Q. C., :and Mr, Foote roprosented tbo dofendant. Miss Emma, Eva Pertelage; the plaintiff, said the marriago wax poxtponed in April, 14*440, owing to the condition of her (moo, W111011 tlio plaintiff had• blouson seen. At that titne mho had 1111011 tho hOUNO 89 Hevon Histors' roisd„in which it was pr0pe4/34 the defondent and lieroolfshould !Ivo after thoy oterriod. The dolondatit's sisters woro carrying on the business of fancy draporo, W131013 the dole:taunt propotiod to continue. Tito dolondatit wrote 441 1)3411. time, sayipg ho was in Viso dunipx and W very wretched owing to what had pasited botwoon .thara. As a foot, there had boon a disagrooment batman; thoin on the Ilith of March, but many lottors hu4 pamood Maio thou. -The dootor Mid told hor that tho awollbvig in her fun Was owing to her being eolith:ma itt doors Honing horinvella motor. Ott Whit - Monday tho dofendent stoked hor --to go for a .drivo with !din to :Epping _Forotit; hot Although 'oho had not 'won him for e fortnight or titres' rit1011/1 110 took ,hbs. sister and brothor I&N woll; 81111 told ltint 111-1)30 course of the 4317 1)3141 ho bad trostod 110r. WO coolly, and 11144 paidmonattentton -to theft to liar. Whon talking about .thisit' fUturo tiro ho staid- 111441 130 -would lino° his two 'dotal% to livo . with theta, b4Iiu roplied 1131410130 would bo quite enough,. (Langliter,). .Hithstaluontly - the dolondent Said tohor that lie did -not lovo her so lituch,ali he used:04o. She- roPlied that -ho' ought to hey°thought of -that. bo. foro, and tio .tititst go tiornowitero.. Oltio with his ion,. Tim delendent in e..lettor to- lior itiokod liar' Whothereverything'Skid to bur lital not boon- trtie, hitt efiargea 1,01 -with- -having. boon ."..doWsright fo ,hitit., Weitinglotters which woro ducollful .frOrn -beginning to end, asking • for oxplettations -• front riirn _Whorl ShO 'ly wished .te "avail bbs-. .1110416ns. 110t., 8110. .111111 IWVOI writton- anything. docoitfiti= to the' :401endent,-- 8114- lout no -liloss what .: questiOnt )10 W-1/111011- to. ..h0 answoeod, and-theeefore tiokod- him , After.ftirther cot,' rotittondOrice. tilts - dofondetit :_ivroto; glOing tho .-following Maisons_ why :Ito not make. hoe - him nolo. hoe 'lions; which-, -110WOVOr, int 111111.htInVill. ali about.- .2. Tolling .hinito-go somowhertt else. with Ids* love, whorens HIM .111141' nOVne SIM SO .11111 -ttionvOr.to bin -,rernarktithat- be . dias trot love- lin so .tinichnii .110 had -dont:robe stild-he (11114111 10 hey@ gone Nome,- -*lora ellio with hitt :love; The':frightful petotiao she itedaloplityadmi.•WItit-Noudsiy„ 1m1oidiuut 134 p*rting 'that night had Saidwhat alitippy 'ley:- behest spout ;- and -44'. • a., -rreason Ito •:scarce1y. likod to spoilt, of, tie it _watt :no fault of ,:borir, -W111011 NW 11111101141:0011. -apPly 1.0 thm.. f.aitt--- thethor• auditor - mood to_drink moro opfrits then, thoy, who 'only.. drank water„likod.- 'Tito defendant told' tier that bosid o. I le 44)0 )14 ho had 11:salary of hotwoon- FOOT Bib if La t.4011-etid,r-th00 ayette,"and sionehOneas and V IN litOsareyr. - , . . "Ort .1(fon4atitight tiro .foinal.es who hen boon .perogritiatitig tho country atiring Lim Nit' fortnight, disterielbitig;Altottioidirox; "'-intornatiottel ropromonting. Eng,. -and .140Ot1a4111i,1431ire One of their_ :foot, ball oxiithitiotiorlu.Shavifield Perk, elf:tile fOothall.clulaciti- the. City- hitritiweelutiod _tho- u/4:0f thole parks. As Olirly_:(1411. 7 -o'clock Itntherglort Briclgo large 0r1)W4, -.•••.-_conripotiod chl.I1y.• of ....- tit(' (133I3-11M1I44 01 Jrbl1g0t(111 - and - tit') Selt,itterkot, About.. half,past_ 7, the _pleyttea areivedat the groimd bas. 4rawii-by.loar,It0106.14,7::4114... thlt. ifittitt WI441 WINO 4,10.4ft tflinUtOlf •oltorWfirEis.;:_ At . title .tinie-thero -would bo ehout 400 - spectators - tot. hour .tha.critwa that, ./1.6nstr4sgated. tho bridgo end itlotic the -hareietidos anclOsing- . tiro- -perk r.hitesit•-• through trio . gene, and tiprarigovor tit°tattoos in spitool Lilo., offortm of tit° tatilitoi':A none, scetintble thon look place., rind eitaria-to- hand. tiglit Onituod, wlilsh sioornod:to,attragt. more .attotition..flx aisle -play witliont.•.:gel on time . • tlio crowd, wit:16h,- hooted, .11isixod and leugliod alter, irately; (nit 11111- and iiiirrOunded tho. playors' end sublooted thern: tottotnewliiit,- rough. froNtotoot, 01/0 Or two of tint rriton. ters.:Of- .the' toerne police• :art* .theie .hat4-,ns'414 attoMpted to..korip- the crowd at -bey, but Woro 'nerfuointiffflul,' in1Sionstitfino -tho•pleyerti, tinOottatid.hi meking their .WaY buts, __Matirtif the oronet. followed thorn for mato dietsittee, and Homo palle4:tho otakon 14, w)31011 -the -roves had:boon attaatiod out _Of the ground; endiltreW the:m.tit tin it-displeyof football tho Meta' wae_a. Ivory 'tarn° tiffair, In .noticing -the ntatelt „plisyed et' -Eatobuglt, ./1.41i!'"1/4fif concluders- folios:Vs shown On--tho -neension Wfilf Of the Moot prienitlre :order, - :and cantinas's! - on14". of isonple orAir-O elikstios titofelio-plhoytt-r--eragmird. in a -big:side; It is eila thtit 011,/it-14e0i0a4* tiro to bit Played )431 WI tire loin 'if they do 'conto 'Off then it :will rnos1. probitblybo on :Mine of the protest/donel running: grounds, .for.110 0111h: -with. My regera -for-thoir good ..tiernii would antiourago such a.fiumillating:. 1.4.4310 triode of the popnier 0409016 N,ws. . - • • , e•rocent Nato of autogrephis in F,(14n. burgh .tliera.1yoto sold eight tosintieeripts:of itobertAUrini,Biddiag WW1 vpry-spiritad,tho first 101, for eaample, being p-ut-np et:11-ve• -guitiotte, and knocked dow.ti at thirtY. Ouin of -1;210_10to„41d, _wass.roaltnil for ../the putter of feolsottp,- With an -interootingnote bn th b ' - fioldst III Weles„- Iii "crose-exerninottiorttire raitititiff matt -that in Septetoboe,11470 Oho- . f- Nuffeiod learn tOothoehei but Wes nalto woIl Won_ Noventhor. 11(ir.fitre abont- Chrlittinati tinto„.014 tholefendtint _sew_ her in that- ootnta.. - ; . you not- hen 111)160.4144. ligreetnent..•with Abe .4ofondent *11*10 -1/1110 -you.s116414 'top' at in Eppitigiforesti- .andlievolIOntOdiontgroottiont 141 11141 'end of _the 447. -••• - • - ,IT1111 -1)/11111tiff;:-. Norer, Day, -111 you flOt: Stop- -at- note0. piece in- am- FOrost -to ititvo sonto re.frosh. Mont - • - 'Llioplu&lritbff-..Ymw;;411e detendatit'S Nieto awl I had-sottio limonado, . • Mr; DeyDid. you not .1111110 1101tiO tioni and gin end water F.-. .• , (in ati _indignant -voice) '146Vor-;.' I ban noVer Itakon. - so much *his, key thistilieve.litulto bo.takon -borne by the dolondent'assisters,: may- have hod e' glees •of ' wino whowl- Went tOlordoeu, liutnever any v.iltiskoy..- tvatiperfouq•iintrue., , , '101111 ..141.11g-tronatint • al tee itehtisl--;brokon-- 1)11 1110 ongagoment• -,Sho bedII4WOT liotsrd Of- _thorn. -WfOrd.: 110 solfeltor.:Asked the defendant to AceePt Seri - rice -Of wrIt ln, -an' tiltindoe..itt- conitolpeacti,-. Ana '3tho defondant -144. eerily meld Ito would Only tiikestopti for his -bion 40f/ince,- ...= - - - Dr;.flonry_fletifordirohnson, tho finealoal . Attendant on thopjaintifte fatinlY; ;Wild 4110 -Warr) genarallybeidthy, Tho plehttiff, .hosideo the -toothische, littd gatherInglin. bar face, awl _Atter he bad porfeCtly :wail: Ale _oh/Ind:et th0 .plaintlff's--hoinut . mediCal Practitionoi and tut a friend,Istn4 had none -knOWit or hotted' of hot _having .beeti...tho :Worsts for ihjuitr,r. _ • ' . ,-Dr; -Finahley, gen; itirniltir .'ovidonn, __The swelling:might ;_hefit Nano Ontinly-froft.ti bad • tat:Oland -liebilitk 10 '-cateh,itoldeftor_confitiontont,frOm.tursing, Mr. Wm; -Wallace Partridit0 -tiffs :broth/se,. :otid On. Whit -Monday, When thr.--plsintiff rotattiod frieti,,Eptling Foreot; shoWan CerteinlYnOt enythe work' for liquor,' OM .4010We:it - WM": .yery siffaetionete tmaards hor,andtafaitheyhtel had A, gooft day Mother. The defendant_ font to settle. = Oda- but --he did...not .6,0'0049 11, tlio charge of intOmporeneo -W110,iiiiido. *Oust tho pJaIritfU. N4,•,, • = 741..-raftlidgqi'lvili 'or tbe.. loot :witnixti• gen confirtnittory Oddities, rand .004- Ott theplaintiff drank01117*ink atal: witer 141 her meets, - , . • - : rartaillgo 'abhor, *Isla Ito ba4 novor known .14.p1aiti, tlff„takenplette 11. any" tintib-, I Mr; 1)143', 131 r�ply 10 JiIs Lordship, :said Maly qu.slknz li. Would,..kiiise on Whoa of the dolendant would be a reduc,, tion of datnages, Mr. Richard Woosnam, the defendant, said he had only seen the plaintiff about twenty timos in four years, and had not thorere made much proal, ems in her Intl, maey in that time. Iris districtfor travel ling Wall between Noweastle and (Maggot" which made it difficult for him to soe hot when she wee living in Devonshire or eaiiy. ing in London. In March, 1880, be wont to the plaintiffx home to see her immt- distely boforo the marriage, but on his arrival found mho wax severely ill, with tho doctor and nuns in attendance, lle felt vary much annoyed at having been brought so fez for no purpose, and left a day or two afterward/J. Whon lie saw tho plaintiff to London shortly alto:, lie fold her he woo aot pleased with the want of honesty hor family and boreelt in keeping biro ignorant of hot. ilinems. She replied that it wax Ito business of him, end ho thoi. paid no more ebotit fit, Afterwards he esked her again, and she then told him lie moot go emnewhors ',oleo with his love. On tho day they went to Epping Forest tho plaintiff at the first place whore they heal- rofroMmonts took a glass of beer, and 1. bad lemonade with othors. At anothor inn o ho -had gin end cold water, and be hi lomonado 10 koop her company. At another she had two ghtems of boor. When thoy W010 On the way home sho complainod al being thiexty arid had a glen of port, sod tie had it cup of too with ber—(faughtor) and aftorwards at another inn sho draoli two•gleesos of shorry alone, ana.after - they roachod )jotno they woro going to ban cold mintt and tee, but tho plaintiff sisked for 'Wait, and sho lout awholebottlo to boroall, (Laughter). During tint oarlior _part of the) day Ito- bad not treated her coldly, but at ono whom he .loved, until the torton4 gleam of short'''. (Leughter,) That was -too mut* for film. The plaintiff much annoyoa him by calling hitt oilskin nasty, disegroo. ebbe, dooeitful girlts. Whon howalked With hor.to her brothor's house, in snew.or to hat quotition why ho ha.4 Wen to.cold towar40 her, ho Wld 'tor what -hi thought Of lict conatiet.and ono:iterated tho- nine gleams ithe had takon.,Sho448314 thet-wes no -matteir .of his and 'mho 'would haVe anothor givi Woe° iihowent to bed,Ifa told itor theli hew/Mid moo tier -lethal' in her prOseno. and -toll hint- why bo coula •not .filako hOi;i! his wife. Sho---:Neld 'Oho ..wettla: not Ion .prittiont--- at- tint fititerviow '.urid asked: -11111) tO .14801001".10r . tho Metter, - kiss hoe and- midge- it up, hocitueo sho was alrola of whist her . frionds wool-dotty.Ile seta' ho -*Muhl -recOnsildee tho Matter: but dia _ . .not expoct -te AVelto.14, titeplitintiff.agtiin, Illaiittlery Wee $000 yoitr, andho receivod 460/n0460ton. Hu, had•sot :up.bitibrot,htirk -and toistere.at bueinoss, 4*14*1.e14*-X30 ss yier mall. Th6 Prottorty Wales produced • -••t14 .yesr! to'-bo-ditildoa - lottr -..oquel Mores -.intho 1140.. sdlotvance festooning:. was "lik In1t.lie could put. no part .Of: that into his. poeket, -In crosiooxernination tlio.(lotond.." ant:wild hohad prOvided all the rcapitel fok' bli:einoso iti7. the .fiov_on . Hi -stove Rota," and, tOok hal1. hrOthoroi roliod inortmey. tis-"W,tho _number Hitherto thorti -hit • only boon lotie60, , 11) gismos, end itonr'roforroa". to. tho "alibied afteregardo In cenv.oeisation or 'correspoe. aoneo. . . s. •- • ---• • --;- • ;"•• Misetisteith Atli° lifosiiiitzt, :1.h0 dolenk. itat'is.oldeat. ssI4*tlTr, $411*1 lii fieltforhbor, 10.70.1. *bon' on n.Viiit to-theplatintiff's bouniena Went with the plaintiff,end bernistOr,..ena ,thm. piaintiff'm bratitor,..46.0turt. Farm, .ana. whentlioro .threplitintiff -took -lout glasstili of -Whiskey and: boor, ittid'.-rerrind Went/ after 11uouso1vis 111 u "tory airty -state, buying 13144•ti tumbio; SIM- and." Inv -stettie • holpod this -plaintiff up to. hod;. sto Cho wee ititosicatedetid: -wise reftotwerde vory bit, Tito 'same;1141014 oreurroa twlco u114 -V. minim; and the -pleintiff -siskod. -thorn: 116i: 10 1441 8110 NSW th0 --141611ff lift tlikti_t110_Wi110 ena-Othor drinks on NVhif',Moiiday. •-.. - - • - - Iii Or(10111.0/1141ning01011 1110.Wit13011111144 the. plsititiff's.brothor Wits-quit,e tut intoxicated zsis tho plaititiff hermit; . Miss . -Fenny. Woomera, a younger sistor04 41.so-dolondent,-gan Colifienuttoky'evidanc6,- _--Mr; JOItit II; Woasnem,.:th0 -defetideties brother, --ernifiernod eildtinciegivon .theilifondent I& to-Whit.:Molidenenil *SU the oaths°. of ,'Ntock -1 71• 111,1• •businosti last •AuttuNt*es ,k1,600; 'hitt thero',Wore tre.,(14 oroilitimounts to tho Octant of £700.- Mitts Entma.`EOle.: Fertriago,ombiiing cellod, .sipoito With- oonsiderablo feeling, end 111/14_tharo_iie34 , 13(11. 14 ward of truth £,i tiro :storyllritt She taktiti the -liquor Which: bed -bacti,Mentienod 0V1 eny.ocisimion,. , Me, -.Day, nIt hobalf of tho ‘_dolondeni, appealed to, the Jury raIIuo 149:.belitive that the dofendatit end his shit,orto *Old not lieVo Concocted e,Wicked;e6aspirMy agelinit _tho :.plaiptiff then ban 40010,1a:9f tiro plaititiff are worthy -of credit. - •:-Mr. We44y cherisctorisod tIto.assolif WT 0111 Will!! sense visits tiniretierns for Frew Women to Answer. Why do women with red or yellowish hair wear " dead " gold and greens that romind the beholder of badly cooked vege- tables? Why do pale -faced, brown -haired women wear the deep red and orange hues which can "go " only with the olive and pomegranate tints and the blue black hair of the south? • Who ix accountable for tho terrible torra-cotte garments in which some othorwise harmlees maidens pervade fashionsibla crowd's, inspiring the observer with wonder, totally unmixed with admire - Win ?—slondor girle arrayed in shapeless clothoo, made apparently of slices of the Hall of tho now Natural Ilistory Museum at South Kensington; strong-minded young wornen in aggressive cloaks, 00 unoposikably hideous that we sigh for the ulster of last season, which we thon believed could not bo surpwased in 01110mm/tem ; awful things made of gage - green tweed with blue frills, or gosling woollen stuff tipped with pink 1 The eel - skin stylo ham boon succoedod by the bag, and though tho latter is more decent, it is not Inuoh less ugly. A woman with high, narrow shouldoro, and thin, long arms, might do better than array herself in a black satin bag, with a running string at tho nook and at the waist a "piping," (such, we wore moored by a sympathetic friend of the off/alder's/ own ilex, is the correct term by 'which to describo this contrivance,) from which the skirt bungs shapolesely to within 1111 inch of the ankles; and she might crown tho edifice more becomingly than with is bonnot—or wao it a het ?—like nothing in no,turo txcept a arumpled cab- bage. Tito " (*soy, un adjunct to tho tea talk', is of dubious elegance as won as unquostionably fatal to drinkable tea ; but whon adaptod as a cape to tbo shouldors of blooming girlhood, forming a straight lino 110104*4* the middlo of its back and cutting its sleeves in. two just abovo thoolbow, it is the vory most unsightly pieco of dross that can bo. put on, especially- • Wit is of a sickly .color. Halmon.pink satin, lining a big bonnet of cranky maim. lookingliko half a (1;07.013 shuns joinod • at the edges., would be-. trying W dm best 9omplexions; - it WAS - consoling to me it sppliod only ..to the worst. Why should a - -vory pretty lady wear a fiat -gown of s ptioullarly ropubsivo .groon in color, but of rich volvot in trattoria, and boor it EL hideous- :cartilot ohnik of „another'. and, - if .possible, mon repulsive green, wlth it bunch- of yollowlsh ribbon 141. tho • beck Mut IS ItIUSh tonnet.-liko tho vigor of a knight7s bolMot ? Why Mould'. • writing:4;00phi, painting Topple, 'singing -*tile, persons presumably intelligent, :slow thoy ell -do.-.somothing that -plows, -the Obi's: and iapaid for in Money, arr*y thomsolns in garments, of Prim fodfold— • shabbinoseis not the note.. of tho popular.. effiustation-4ut 'which filmdom them -dim. trOtotingly conspicuous? .Theso (petitions cannot fall to occur. to Mon -obiterving tho _humors Of .11.110100t. crowd; end °epochal, so tho arose °film "donillating piaci." tondo moro and' there to famplicity.- Of _course, Shore- will always be effected mato White, and shortbeired; with noddles_ " :that Infihn UN stare -and hate 118411.mako • wink „hi thoir brilliancy ; but them nro tho. more" brats" of Society, they 1410 WO Whig. nifiCanttob.-offensive;--.Lqfulint Speit4for. • - . • .. four' riere,. ii0;then. Whop he :bad - determined .lor. fivemotio not10 -taskir tho 'nut- -Sprott *lined 14.iviaktid. liato blast the plaintiffs dienoter, So that 'Silo should bo. prevented. 10.01 -marrying anybody-01mo._ - Thijury Ora :verdict for the plaintiff - with .;6_go .domogoo, aiid*-0X17F914110d opinion _that "dm loft the court 'without s itain-Opon.lier theriteter; . • . Te-Englesid lawn OPeg - _A NOW York4oport sitys .?"lossro... Min Radford and Charles Moore fCrO oltyauporintenaing Ili. 1/11114ing; Of IL WO hi :WIlidt they -Oxpoitt...-to arose tho lotiving,Now York Londthtabout the 11411 intit; The. boaVii (litnonsioni151 10 loot-lia61;.21) foot Onr irletit 'beam and 13-itiobasartift.• ThiS ditnintitive .oraft Will Carry throe tonit,7itiolitaing two provl- 4410145 1134 twolvo -.141t6 its.to ho riggOd ;brig,finthierr, but will hOprooldodwit111100 osin,--sina Will carry ;cannel proviSlona- fO'r. dile. in -bar. lockoro, ; :.Tho .•.-bertly Merl:nen-Nay -they Oxpeet tor- totath ; Lon(100 in thirty or. thirty.fin dayii efter :alerting, In London , the Oraft*illbo exhibitea et the Crystal I'i&l*co, Mr. lindford at EnglisIi- man and stays bo, has been -Making 118-0, (lay 1*1 teedstitnt, .fOretnati._. the •Ilrooklyn :Bridge.- ' • ' Architeets bows receivod-:intitrtuitione prOpitre• the resideace Mr. '.Dotisld. A; Sinith-- ..011vor11111141111*, for, the recopthin . Of. the ,OovernOr.Oenerel aita Mr. 3ohn Rodpsith Iise Tgiveti • 120,000 to Ittdoor.a..chtiir- of Theology- in the" 'Montreal_ Preibytorian -College, " - • A'.$1300,000 .Wnnern1 with .Ten -Days oft ' Stelaitity. -,- .• The PrIneess Suntartat, dno-of .the fevor.. 'tea of tho Ring Of Nem, end lwr. Infeat daughter, Will --droWne(1. last yeer about 10117 1111105 .from Bangkok, by the up:Jotting of a Intro.- The remains *wore. :ombalmed • end_ kept- about ;nine months,. Whoa tboy wore .orernstre1.. with imposing-„coremOnies &Van OXIX1000 ,of .11300,000 -docorations and 143 the- prinsontatiOnof ;gifts, roopoodon ono that tho rico took -place in — -Wcross.shapod building -200 foot in -length, . :Coverod.Witliinand.without hy'gildod cloth,. All thofoople Mid the fOraign • . . ropeosentatives won prosent, and. 1)110 -quarters .ana. fit - frost !restaurant Joan-pro- -vidod, Tito fire wait lighted by -tho. lint - King, -the socond Ring alio being-,presonti After -the tineral pyre tiftia -bean SOU- "sumod • thoro ware 'tinworks . and -, sports for - :ten successive nightx,- Among other representations wee tho int1111 dance, Oartietratel 131 .1:1-y lifty . inan swiiigtiig colored lanterns. During - tho entertain -matte each- ;day.- limoi, spectioti, of t110.1.9112011,..'00011111114 111111111 laver- phut arid _tfeketts toelottory,___ woru roattored freely itinOng theSpootetore..- -31any.boatitifullirixes woro drawn .by -both • . natjvcs .and - foreignsirs,_•- The- Buddhist- - lc tl ood *Oro the- princilail indoors by ." pr N I _ . , tido -Oraination:-••• One .131111. rod thousand " aollers tvero ditstributea in -gift,* to these gontlomen . of the yellow cloth. This -WAS: done to .4! elehelnerlit'l?:With the -hops 1.11411• 1„.0 00 #o14.11, Aria• 4411114 Yr11100101 Sun•snits•rbitt; Ks kilo- Wanda* " through 'tlitilong .tr.avitif Of ..'bIrthe end - .dosthe bur Ware she can find • • Whon -the' oronitttofy coremonies. woro over; -the .ashes and a low cherrod .hones•wore,tendorly.gatherodand pliced in a, .gol on --urn prepared to rocolve them. :This Urts.witarnado almoist ontiroly of -the .jewelit of thadeed Princess; end .11, istnener oneleeeked.thi roinaitis of the royal behe -111110 Hark anti, Jaime :A Now Yorkphysicien :has - eon :own - tut in -curing e, number Of .Citen of beck, mon or leis painful, by ineistittic On • -thesithstitution by. the patients _of slippers 'with low, broed•hoels, for tbo 'high tapering . Iioelot the-Frioneb.baot.' 110. -says :_!1'hon UPI 'flirty „physiOlogibel reason', Why .undue -olevations Of theimel must zanies ..tro-ublo. wIll.iniffIce to Nay that itsierveittetheow' :forward -Alio • -contents r of _the -abdOmitiel - ,cevityi'and tbe stritin Upon -tho nerves -and -04a- more or USN nonn00144 • , Wit11 or isurrounding tho 'beak WO'sub jeot "tod .utrumualstitrain in remisting the for= ward hnpuls.e.- -Of course., -In "Ruth .* lemebetitt 11. net Of itself e. disosse, but _ only -the indication Of•deop•seatod trouble, which fisisomotbmos dbmcult 10 desil. 'with...-' Ladios.should be warned thet this '=fiiisition. • In -heels:.is °Mein to bringthetn,pooner or-: .lateri-grOattroiiblo,-: if they mus.t gabore to:th• prevailing s.1y1e, they. 'Should -take. -- cern tO *ear .islippees on .sitogy noceition *Welt thesaered"duties: they .0wo to-fasibiountaY.periztit.-F, Hun, - tt. is Suggested. 111.N.ew Yorkto _cremate I10-dirt-4not by 'burning the ,totOttdowni. = but by _troeting ,-.great..furnacle in ,•-$ he suburb', - • •• - . •