HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-06-17, Page 4from the Registrar to tie Lent. Gov.
in Council, reg the platter in,dis-
pute between Oa Registrar and this
Council, be rut''rrc,l to a special coni -
the Endow . Sen$uet,
t• . F. LiORRTY Tn't711l5it AND TO ',ROUX THr.1CLY
Look:wr, Joao .17, 1881.
Country councIk
JUNE zcnz. .
The Council met On ituertdriy even.
in the -Town hall, Kincardine.
.N. tarden Purvis in the *hair. All the
,tubers were prvseut exeeat 1)r. Scott.
tr. Barker inform the Council that
i-yur MePhereou ' iehed to Address
-.I members in -a '•ungratulatury ad -
685 from the oitizotts of Kincardine.
teCouncil was willg,ltud the Mayur
:`used the plattort' and mead the fol-
_.viug uddiesrs:-'
the Warden an
County Council of
Mt„ tbc,'e- (f' the
UEN'r .E.MMEN,—A),low rue on _behalt'
the people .of the il'ewn - of Kii:c ir-
,.,u to extent to you •a hear.y wel
• •sue, to nue 1.ut a d'bt the. occasion of
• .ur 'holding,a solei• 1t 01 your Uuut,ty.
' ,ti tell. ' - -
It 11s oniy about,]]tthtrty- year liners
at Wove re. firesentttil rials l:oumt ' •at
s, -tt, : theta euuiity : tjoutioil ut `the-.
e -
fnited C",,unties of }lures:, Perth laud
I ir1ce. From the: tuiiuber of tuetubetra
it. w comprising the=(Jonuty Cuuuctd Ji.
reed; we tiro rerniitdedut-t:he.progroes
,,`.ado t y this Ouunily during that-slte,
.r.nd sre called upon. to consider that a..
,.-,anti► which than had comparatively:
,er iuhabttaatti except- the rod- man of
hos- now - • a population of .
- -.
it- forest,' { � : ' tot; towns=
rix(. .thou/aitd, with -
-:bout y _ .s - out-”:
t ht --villa e;Isand a-_litge agri
tral coutiuted p ple -_who have. ex=-
.•.,lltlllt. _• farms -well •iuiproved; -Sur. •ly
L '(..con -truly ,tray that: ,Our filet; hays
Lo' lieu In: jileiekin places. l I. .very.
there are many drawbacks,-
t err i
_el also► pttt9►tior tt t(7 b,3 •trail
— difficulties. et: i►untereii. -Put now
ad etiifir.uj vel a uuiht end
vo have. railroad_ and gravel ,. h
stirs whit
-,. ►rr:. .yrsblie -r lcl,ravrut. f
to'ilie yauduitr l of civtlic,ttium,
;t stands to -day in close
•ilt! this .uuuu y business
ruitnraty t(o: timet leadii g� ,
"sutra(: of the t rovincr.__ _ There `ire
(.tore :Who,` s knife t,hey.`_sittictl-in (i
•.,.maty could' ae tircely - tri ttcip,ita that
Ott 1(1311, a .ri it,rl, tune •1t .watt Il be iii
..ud fts,s,Otib1e .,1r(-11teittIiit.1!1 ;aA 1t'.16
LOW placed acu(l. -itl. '140- tr Barge'--aatietit this
= .tram p- ie `utter ural ta= your • 1-r dy;
rllich-hits heel O1I1patteil of :IIienwh i
Ylis1,laycel u ttrt.,et . deal•ut _u1I Igyi- and,
were aritiute(t b y f.trft im , a(l1I IMit mo-
ires, toil_ who wlrett '-tlai'y -.-au eptet1
,.1if:(r,:..rustilvrd iupiiII ,fang -.twit.-tit-• :-
- ties, : Asi,,t14 public oleic are nu
nlittee, censistin•4 of the Warden and
the Reeves. of 1;rlutt and Huron, to re•
port titer„uti at. their earliest conven-
ience. Carried.
1'he Warden informed the Council
that D. - W. boss had prepared u reply
to the memorial of the Registrar, which
would ha submitted to the committee.
It had Leen forwarded to the Govern-
CQuucil adjourned till nine.
n aday morning._
W LIN ►;ks VAT.
Messrs. Douglas and Potts moved
that a bridge bo guilt without :delay,
acruss the river Sauble, at the village of
Tara. Roads and ltridgea.
A. motion to make an add.tional grant
of $40t) On-Cue,tiituatlom of. the -county
line bets -veil \t'iar,on and the townlinta
of Antal„ 1 and Albemarle was ruled
out Of order.
Messrs. McI♦ean and I3rott't, moved
that th6 Council cetoider the propriety.
of uit:wing that ',art of the Court House
now -usttl fis a L,w 1♦il,rary, so as to
make it mote eoiveitent for members
of the -bar. G. tV W: -•
\lo'sers.-dohitlatune t%tt.11 K1eis Moved
that - the 'Reeve - of -Carrick_ '1 a -'..e the
bri,lge over tlw Metalx creek,, on. iNer-
wiindy- and -(,1trriek towulime, repaired
atut►ce R. & B. cote.
Messrs Scutt •and 1'dtts proved that
the -.bridge_ `over the S;tugceli,= at lc -
t til'der's. Witted, "be -covered itntiur_:the.
i uperintlentlnncc ::of :Our 3{eeve of .St u
Jr K cotnntittee,
Huglt _Mci.eotl -awl-thirty-four t thirty-four oth-
ens putitit led thea ()et itci1, asking: g
.tiunitIitesttitt to be uppoiiiteii to inve,iti-'I
gate :-t.ite tnittter ',t the- Arran (ronecil
ret'ueinit to. entertain tY pt tittOIl,' trotting
for a.trauser of certain�le,ta from 111,., 4
-A'Ijoi rtinu.ut. -
.i1 • ri�sultleil "ediiea�lay uft(•r-=
cLeoa SZ I' o��=��
SPR=ITG' 0-0033S.1-
The Largest Stock Ever Brought Into L ucknow.
BLACK CASHMERE, 20c to 60c.- 200 P11r,rE5 DREss GOODS, 10c. to 20e..
BLACK T, IEC S I9Nto S, from
6c. to llc
300 PIECES PRINTS, from to ),1C. �' IttO Pusan FACTORY COTTON, 5c t. lltjc. BROWN aLICK, from 12ic to'l o.
ALL.WOOL TWEEDS.. FROM. 46c to r,Oc.
TEL, from 20e to -If5e. per ib. - SUGARS. Cheaper than Ever
i�1EN'S I',1.Ut1t�T3 BOOTS, $1.25 up. -R;e. ,at...
l,w►��'BOOTS, train ol.00 up. BOYS' PLUVGH I3UU'rg. el�o� �,�:" Buyand Sell for -CASH.
Competition_and Cannot be Undersold, as We
We Defy
onvincdl; a hove �
rletely distance the Credit way .0i doing Bussu s.
® e � W )� d uldtfd to sell at a` Ntnsller%rl►fit than ever, and make our Cash system eom-
grb-Ca11 and Examine our price and be C
- - -
- .'I'ha atitllt r s report.wai referred -.t0.
the 1. tttai;e:e Ci,nimtittee
A t�,nrti~: litintlet'sl�ll
and Barker.
_moved t litthe oal_surgeon's _surgeon's salary'
tile. irNs{ nt• ,�� r..: 'Pirie titattnr
$aU for 1- Y
lee�1 bl eti malls •rtently luf lover by
r Salorii+;( Coiuiitittee..
t -
s}{t'ferrt'-1. -
that `l'
11.. 1'ie. tail 14i appointed short -
t to• further = tut! piospt i t . of t
t,OUlity. .
_t►rottil,t'tl r proarr urii,Y ie mitre' flat
,Y�ttst( v
1 ins is the A It:1)lltd tilti'' - fli _( .
- ' ;•rit,jt, h.,1( t tif:1L iu ,tiil4 LOW!'
t tiiti4etl Ol 1
jtf,,patK;:•1ttcl;('hn • 11,I1(1 'I'o11_nn ml,;ve i
hitrltt 151,iOt, t: ft+1 tltu' 11111ry- of IiiUCI3.
}tnftrrutl to g,a�,l att,l \%at',ltsii:e tiitnmtt
t • r te a 11 > t 'r>r, ' „r
dating tae:. h +ti< - f tr -
1 bar' al,uut 41 14.1.. was „Si netroty trust
: fide visi may* hs 1►G,ttrait.t-.(tnti-
clt,s_ti y . (.kat
. ori •t
cam a y
atrott(a1,lc�.:.-WIs. est -
apt 1tuF,plc ,atm 1,1 .,tl-u,l tri
st•!` you laity,
tii1 ,ire ii 11 isiit;' direr t.l►:w,,,4'lutn hems
t, , excre,istii-1r.1.sott will eon(ir tie,_
weld that -yuut kliOriiott held iii- 1 .inti:t,r
1' .i.i 1 -the I1 bell- will l,t:• long stint _
N1 W Pitt W'Ili,�
EW "('RI 11N4,
,N1:W 11111:1:T1N(S,
(A'J%11y pI ACHFS,-.
(CANvt�,) itt{N, " .-
r'1111.11Y I'O-W1)ER,
CAPERS, �. .
' f
l)I(1141),_ ,11�.A'l'S,
..�� .�LARCE-U
(illi I. sul,gcriber winter, t„ inft+ren the poll-
, - li that lie hats a 11tIKe rtunnt►ty of the
ditto t
,lt.a afitl-reriNe1ul,t:tts,i:--lly (i.tul.t .-ilii till
uf:.y.u.It _ r t ,'„i�fn
Sigtne I uta i b,hal1 Of the `: iu , 1
maitttw - "
.1'.'1t...SUue(:e�I,t;, ♦1T. -A..(.1 11t•.Itsl I tN,
Secretory. Ch.►Irni,.n,
Th fire rt,sortt%n{ .1_114 -suit thU ,Ml,i•,vor
'i,if:,retell _ tit lit ,O.our1(31 t hat the- tow
- hall bu'tiilin ,- (Ith`:e,s' its - C''11 i,v"t-ilt.s, -,
..t;hhrcwitit,- ta,nti Elie If tiei,tom 'of' rite'
t,"it ''• story 109filially exieu ud_t'' t•ltc
- tel1reseutatil es- of il►e variQmtt :dila-