HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-06-03, Page 5Ell APPORTION OF 1881 FRIN� GOO:S HA7 AiUV;. Choice Dress Goods CHOICE PRINTS, —VI':I X CIII: y4° Tia IN SATIN PARASOL , NOVELTIES IN SILK PARA -L-lovely Designs in Lace Curtains THE NOBB.I-EST SCOTCH TW7EDS tr i .1 Fila '11r ._j N 47.417.1 1.P Et,- ' x W. } =9 ra d 31 ly Cl ['lNCI.'. I: :LI' -7[ \T: OF i. liEsfr(FAL:I'1'1 1I�t1LLI 1,�(:)li L 1;t `'.)T,' .N1) 8-1:IOL3 LL °_ SOLD -CHEAP: F `1`0_Itl .11.1,1.1 (`1"alt"1MJ 1 ,. 1 CUEAT SPUHI1L OFFEiNC. 1'111, weekwu slluw a Fine Lille of WHITE HONEY -COMB QUILTS, .(A SPECIAL ]LI;(;AIN)—at $I.60 = Also a large Jai Line of BLEACHEDLINEN TOWEL (L'')rtlltre(1).-. -A perfect Eye -Opener! 0 3 ZY' 12 0 :AC H_ .31,10k Silk Curd Seal Brown Cora irald T.; Drab CJor' i and Trt w—li s—Away Down in- Price .p PE _i SEE WHAT PHYSICIANS And People in Canada sr.y aLout Soott'a E11111,11011 Of Euro Cod Li\ c1 Gil El}ipopho'sphitcs of UrriFil 81 Sod As a Remedy fo OonPt:mpt AND WASTING DISEASES. 11E1'1'1Cl,l,L1•', N. 1;., Alcssrs. S('u'IT K. Iit'\- \1.. 1 1.; 11 t. -f d and I,rc;crihcd fur some tip..., '?i4•,t' 1.unJrilni ..f (;0.1 1 lye, Oil,' and final it. un . 11. ut fixed j,rl:l,aratim], agreeing WI 11 ..;1 t'.. :1••11111'}[, ea-il•y take -11,. 1111;1 it.; f „1,111,1 ,. . :..1.!11 greatly t0 the str. u_tl, ,.r l rshelf 1-1 (,f th.• patient. A. 11. 14:( 1 , `I I. i .. Penn. a',••[. 4 .11.ge. ='A1111CR�T, N vi 4••ti:t, N•,V. 1;, ' 4) fessrs. lcu'i"I' et• 1,"11:.1:._ t:. 1 1-, .•, 11•-;.1 ly tw \ har 1 b' 1'e l..'. „ : • •; : n,t. 41 S+ ith �cutt'i' lattliliino of ('.,,1 I,it. r 11 11 i.1111t1•,•- rhosl,l€itt-.•, and e111 : 1.11 r i 11.. 1.1 1 •1. 11. I•: , - itt11111 .111 /1•V I,tful•e 11 144- 1. , i' I • ; 1• : 1., n. y a, :t:: L111tl1»ic.11 y.111, tti -1 lea •1 1';•1. 1,114(1.. it the ¶r,•Itt fay1., i:1 f• 1 ' [ Li'... , , : 1 .1 J tli LIQ rec•,1lnneil.i it ;..,i ;111 :.ii 'fthe:Y,,ttln•. 1 ° i' 1i..t 1x Nuv. ]`.r, -[1 S. 1 r:; 1:.,1. I'. [ . 11•: 111..1., 1 1 : 1.11 4.1114..1I 1 our _I:11,717 i••l! 1 1 r.(;1 sy 1'441-, 41,,1 11.111.•1 11 1. • 11- J1 t ,8�.1) a„ivacll, 1111411.11111.1 It.•1 • . t t., it th-4H :fr•,11i a11y' t.t h1 r 1'4(•1 A,:1 1 i• n (t 114 1.i11d 1 11:tie tt'i.•4.1. '1ft5I,;S.1111 h•a1 `Ir',1.:ft,1 it i,.lhity 1 oue'Iii;t, i i11)- f ,. '.s;,u 1.iti 111-111:1 -4i,1i)4i4i111t3, Lf' 114 1 r # t1 1.1 f•,ll P. :1a t: 1111 t : inion( •) }it_ t ri 11 t, 3111' t tffi �j. €' 11!;:.14) 1`.'..il taliell With 171l;.t'r 1111114 s, 111(1-nntl►i:ll) 1 i.din :1ti1.1.:4 .1;1;s:1- 14.11 "LttIiidai tret114'41 a lid-,'- wc rs,( and tJ,Jleltred ti, be in rt1ix•. last. 411tH” 11+441(,1(>S stagti 414' 4111)1111111, TJ'144 said 114. et•ol 1. lir, Lift -ul(>i 1 ,1,114. (011111X1 f1+•,j • y(Ir 1 n>tlsiun ,,n(I the fiat 1.d rt 14,:i� 711 tar 0 iipilOt1 of E'.ery-011( 11410 1(114•:1.1' 114:r,-;1;+1114ly -11111%114111'.. 13'ef014 :the 1r 4.1.11s••d __the -1111.-t bottle, •she frit 11114.1J:1,i 1114, mid to til(. ,i.111 'Ohe 'contlnl,ecl t11 ntrnd ,' ia},idly that_1)1, three 111•,nIIJ'. 1 v.l.,t,' 41,11 I;; a1,-ah11ijt 1114 u#l0.1, 414(1: l,n;I.,. 11 excellent hc:Llfli that she- j;•.;t 11,arri •1]- 1 iiion.tL'h-a-go •tile] has 11011 ai 11114. +11(1 1 t 1111. r /Son as you c -ext -find in flit.. 101.1itrr; ;`• )1'Ii. 1,111 1 BEA( 7 1,414 .1 3 11414[ t 1 1'+2 "pito, t':t:Lt1[C It:ta I . . 3 - • r*1 11a:I:..t t 1) t? 111 on .., r -1'r,-,...14( e 1 +,=•1 ., �1'I1.I t 1141 �,Lh3 I lh-.:ice[ .i • l -l1. __(h 1111( 1._ Cf t. t f:ll,.<LIF3il t•t i'• 1 ,111111 41111.111,.(1,-.,_. 'tt > I if n: 1. -`( 1 r ` i 1 It il-(1 •L -. 111)(11• l 1111 1.,: rt t• l..•¢.in -.,� +.Cl I-:,. ,Ii,.IE rt l.n'Ei ♦ .'c•' •J t,1- 1 --fr r• ,,yr,, ii 1'1 , t• (.4t.• , -'1 lir Sil"life[ illf•d- s- r : - - t.••1- s� 't - _: 1 'I i.. 1.. .- �.V:Y tt.2 � i'- x,�'t. .1 . .,711'11 1 , t,F� 2 � 7- .LII , 1 ,t �t l•1 r �,i, k:-�. -,- �.--., 1..: 4L1 I.L > i•, ..`i: or-3Vi-t] 1,4 "<::I,t-• [ [[ E:;3 -, 1. 1t Cr_llIY l ai-. -- f€•_f•::I-7y 7:l:til771i 1` -t:. -lilt- .'.f the 111•-..1•• ` b;-: r : - \\ til Fie IIf:i)i9fi'ltit: 1.2. -:; "-TRADE MARK 1rt 1) 1141711! 1111:tnitlt i><".!' ;= 1 -1 •t t1+ y, ttJ Lt- 1• t r * (r lr ,r it1 L :(.r 1 L.b r,r1i1[•ritruf��•1f11ftEt - •i_- -- - -� '..6--.-: _. � 1 1.( 141 -01 -\;a -i u -ir a.l. 'I ti..••Y tIl_ :1',1:riff tl - 1:11111,'1'}%,1111 tts• I3(11,e•;.4t°C1(' L:1)4)f.A sE liElc:i till:ill('' ti('i:ti1_1I v: sci1 t dna: under t;tZ`t1$11Il." •ax.Aiazige JMMilE 'CODON 4 1 . 1,-n1(..144 into 111-t 13[ cur jj1N, 1'11ise4, :111(1 1 than. -1 ; € r t•1: ,111 id'}: is v:1111' _ • t 4,111 11111&;. ; _eut, t E �t {1trality 14r1etai. - and at'lawe=. 1 11?a% ez it a point in my b4( iness to always ]keep the •ar� uez)( e� Supply' lz I. in :Town P Y }. 1 21 I, '-it(=, the cli-Itf)m of -ell. Meat-. Delivered to ' all Parts _ f the Village, on Shortest Notice: 11I(rl EST MARKET :.PRIG .s paid for all I'atted .'tock SITUP ,- or.earnp]ell 4111 li velock streets: JAS. GORDON. _• Y.D 'T -Mf I13f'1li' CO.,. _1'.7r0111 (lot , C.444a4111. r Fi.1.in 1.111X11444 1,t ..11111.44 4:1A 4•V.•Ii4(1 b\ . ;'11 :lit ('411.4,14 3141 tile Ci -tit• 1.'t"at s• ( c� l tti'zi(.Ll11--.t 111 -1•1.4.11211 • IS I.11ZKE1, > 1tO'%ZL' :LLITLRR -None Other Gan uz?Ze.. . IITI sttbscriber } er4by;ilrforlils the 1,lic hh 1 �I.. tlr. h(. fiali ,1.i(,nE.cl an DLA - elle -:11 As J • list reed van i • . lard( 4111 i - a r.liic,il stock of (r! J1,1i'F;�,I 41111 I'-LA'F E.I)° i ill; z. _ l,'i.'iit� elle newt.st styles(41 CI,O(1 S-,' L'1iOOcl17 S �- - J p•ili 1111(:�,; ` f = 1 1)('111=• 1's : !.15T1'1.:1:„ (. L't)l 1 I 4S 1 1.I'I';. SI,l,L CRTJI 1'_aIl(1,I'I IN, I:'T.i1; I:) 11 J:)11 LL 1. 1 L- ' I'(' I. \ 1 t I ,; � t� i'1 I �; _I: I �,` (.:�; � � . STI f)S and CITY TJU1"TQ\1 NotwitLstal, 111 1 tie 14.4. �I1 fitivan(�c 1f )0 er ccil l t 1 r> 1 in't Let;-I:am- 'pitpai•ed to C1a1 at An- 11in s of repairing "l.c:41.1 anti l,riir )ptl.y ex.ecuted a ,r.l stiti.4 facticil` ' w,arrar. tell.: solicit a call f[erl_llltc:i�ltl�„ uiclia•sc'r.1'l, 14: 1 r,-4. cfvr , 14t�3ano cl�nn here. ' 1 enicn:her thclfitr�ncl two .lacrs I;ast"oftl()7IX liel-IA 0:ituplt,ll :�tr(cet, 1411 I ne}.:.:-- BETTER 1; now „_'.L1.hlt 1, ONT., .T 1`7.3', l b' -O This is to certify 114 Ltnr% il;,1l:;lltcr.li t'- 111,x1 - Tiling disease .for mune- 111!' ,.. 1(1111 1'."14'- 1 e1.Y 14€11eh--erlticed i11 flcs1J, 1111[1 1,1„1 1,01. -'-41cni..1 111.11 tlk:across 111( sti•r.t. c+lu; t%.j'. tt1'. (11 1,-v a 121411 fI'leti(1 11)':11"1' 4[1,11 1;111111'14 11,' • 1.31 1 1 1 mu ,neat surjupre b(foi e 4141 11st11 4('t ( flu t y 14111114 Mier -he -1114 h,1 *1St il,j,l��. Li T(._a11(,11,- 1 .-- .rei:Jl111114nd it to esci4' ,)ft tru141,11.11 %Litt) tiac- ul1()11.1'.`t, sae'dinease: It)111 `l) 1;f)11`i_-. - • - r.. - The (z-rry ttelt 1t 11.Lt•r (f.1 4. leiil •i 71n1 -i.• riu. Pills-P.11111v the li 77f4.l correct all t,i_>-- olien; if the ->l aer,_Stomach, lei:4114.141:.114 L'114(:ls, 4411(1 are .1111 tl iilbIc in all co.n.p11i111F it el(l[_nt.t•I to II en] L1es, - 111� ointment i', 41n only yen:, i,II. 1 7e• 1,11(1 1&.,'. (,1y-rl'( ))44(1`, Sore..: :11.1 1-17.7 11',A,4.4er_1o11, talahl,#. 1or;I1i11(1iti', h- tixtilt, ('01101',s, ( olds, (11'111, 3 Il( rltrr' -and a11Skin 13ise'1St.s_it i, iloeglia1 1$,L1I1',9.RRL OP 'f aCUiFI*EIIS1 . most rcSIiectflllly 1141" leave to call 1,177,..71 ti ntiotluf the. }1'1111111 e .•il• i 11' •to t•1(- f •th t:cei t171.17,[,11 e:,-, .r W4 (741. a re ;••- 1,'111_ 'to manyq,•Lrt" 4.)f the glob( S1'1. Iflt 'I'ATIONSof•irliy fills and- lit -Milli. rJ hr- - frauds bear on thee: r')ih els (,7111 •1:11.1'1 esu`" i New York:. 1- -I do not-alIhiv lily-.5redic,ni' to fie '.11111 in :i,ny part= of'the :United i.t1Ly(s. -1 Last, . Agents there 1\IV A1('.411. es. etre 0731*' IIla419 by me, at ., Oxford _Sf1 t: Lolulrni• " - In -the b.ncl�r:of C11�1 Er. c-4( a, i1'xed ti tin-•F}ri,: riOusmake isi-eairiio>i, tt,u, ing the Puhii agairilt being ' ,cceircil'- ky counterfeits... 'Pt .lintbe mild:cllbv tllii anil::C111t11-trifk tht°y -dee the :lrfC,feith (/01 /petal(! t", crenou9n'.e. - , • �5713 c l4( f.l r ,,.r(1 1 1111 1 ( 1 11 t are cc 1 ri 4- ( � S' 7 - `f liE fi e R1.11\111, -:Ne � A p� �•r �rt� 1. 1 €:(1) 1ei3 Vclitnis.it ,,lis -!elf the ],rhe:cif u)` t (, ff1 n 1 e'111t" and 4-1.! tinld to oil 4'.111 t,12-41_.. it ....,.. l...C,•,.. .: ��1r, 1..,, PO in- ...... , 1, _.._..... _._:� - - --hive lsa,n }_ Snine 11- t1 e 1Iei. . 1 .: 1.ln _t 1 - ty j } e,t1•t) that seuse-.1'f ] ler: which fres•' lure T relay ti enter'' asking fr''ni all lion orahlejterc.1n4. 11184sil;tml ., ;11111 the:1'r1)lic, its fila a41 IIOIv lie II; their jii11\ er, ir' cj'erimi ein41 tliis Iia toefii1 111111(1. - • ]:itch Pot 44Iii1 1111x_ of the (genuine '1141111' .inegb4'arf3 tl��e tt4111x1t-i;oz•cn�lrlilcatl',Sitatn�I_ witj; 0.,ti'1:died all the rest --.of the, 3fachiiiery, 41i(1 144e 11411 Zai.]+ 4(•i f.` "4444 ' r_= IIID 3 of . �r�1 c� in to TJI rt'`� �..�1�Zi LINA W.E, h tl-e:alst, i ii hand lc lat>,e '`�c�r, ()f - �ash fa1;nds . f .`tvlould. lie`wo:l`Ir i l-1oL 'l I lAY. ,S PILLS ''Ail.) O lint - 1t':�'. a.01-1)(Ir,,, engraved thutjl..On-t>-- �Cve T ou hirig Etc(label 'Lithe :tcldl s�,t3,• \7 »l 5-1177. JNDON, whLl;-..lone':they aye' N'sttiljf: ctt i,<j; Ilui'lo?caiis.Pills (111a (ntlil,telit :bein'ini :on:; o+h'er"ucldregs itrerol(ntcrf(it., ',. The 'Irn(le 111ark:;7,f -tllejte ll ediciner: ants' U I LCI NG A SPECIALTY. gt'iltered in' Ottawa. 1lt''uce. any ore tl7r 'l'l.' b . 1 r' D r �Lmbe o0 reasoned u _. ing, House and Ba it, S Treleaven'a ne' 'bltildt•>; . have weekly sale all a;�. P� - wherehewill Cr,Inrrission--lust: '`rat c 1'.1 deft for scale, i.LFJ ill '1'13ELFIj� +5 . • LA:NDB` ;�� Amt:N STAi . e ,i., . •,` Fve 4(e ato,A;ll before _. e Pu�hliisines�ere B . , HRISTE !OBER-TS� out the British Posser.i(ii,t=,1•21{'1111.1' 1(1•.11) tlr- Americ 1111terfeit for Pale. 1 l be' P,tops. cuted Signed; • - • • T[IOS HOI.T•,()WAN 4325u1UE L1ci:L'1. Lr}:1101. S1 T.