HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-05-27, Page 4- XUrkfDW rn in& TUE LIiiitt 'Y TO IITTNKANL. TO'Alt1)"K flI Y.l•Y AUCOILI)(NO , THY.DICTA TKfi O!ro(,NsCISNCK WK Yau.g ASsoV ALL I,TIIKK L1HKK•YlK14. Vac now, Nay 27, 1881. HA '; EST OF DEATH. An Overloaded Steamer Cap - al es . Near London. 225 li.11 &IED INTO ETERNITY eeartren `, tag kee■ear--Brief In the City. 10NDo;', May ::4.—`Phis afternoon the poopls of this city w,sro thrown in- t„ the wt rtlesit excitement, throu4h the' ooeurrun of one o_ f tho most. terrible steambott: disasters on ree,rd. Ii. all the anti: �g ot steamboat lattal1ties, not exoeptini, even toe Ntn. raga use,- and .i�eli('(LN�tjtku disasters, which are yet i rasa in the, thin: Is of the p•lbtte all - k)vE,r the, 'continent, . mine has probably .-ver •e(jt rl[ed in -extent that which we - r,,ct,rd, V :Wlltcle about 225 livhs have mitt:('d. l)turiri,: the day; .a oilier tett+"/ott4s-tu; ht, enjoy- 8 t I i-,e:ut; t11' Ljle V,t13OtI l l,x IIr-ie,,t) 1`t )tig -trot_ flits t:i-ty to uj_' .ILi g L s'It:•4 `,falai -for ;.tl�use whit rtlrliiuti,a,l at .ILO -tile, - ,tial -Lill f :Olit.. door .„uttia':'i , t Wi19 it �e•plefi .(,f"• atealitbt'ut e1C( Elie 1Jtrq t}rS,,tigIi. tlt(e tidy, 011thcs. ltit-114.54 laver.: 1 i,is Extrjoy it•t,, it =lvl,s roinrl fed Alford atitruc_;Jvc ti`frtirr tlit,f lct ttrta:i< oris. -wait the ftlsltdary of the ('i,it,cit '.0! the boat to ltln ri'1~tI. ►I` tt't54 i►r1(l.1l,�(� a Cll't;li[t,vttttt e, tia[::en • cunit){4cori-1vit1t_tiro pti_h1 : 1,uIIe[: y; Iliittarall ;: iirrw ling' i ruwds :4it pia tai.irt) .i;,gekr-,rs F ; tire ri er _ _,_I ri ,s.were. mads ttoWr_ ti )4,044, tlistauee. 0iiibutti,=four ' -n Lok i►-,Into=_cf ,o ftlts._ iuitt,`4s Lo;•�tzrt g(t , } f 1 1,•4i,r6, ) [Iasi,' -.111e city water :works are find- tltft: three • i,r 1•,!ir: loci( I iEi.t:rl11i1t tK took.jtloI it la7ge l[iitds. of ex.-- 1,J Iit•rts f;star lntdry:t{rough- lr(lt„111 E. through- .. . Abet rtl r rtrv:vt('s. let. 1r,ur (soak In the utt rn iol), -wt of ;the ThaLtiv.i N .vtgitl.,i, before the bodied se far recovered were brought back to the city. Here a m( st 1leartrending scene engited. The b•dles as fast OM ttansf,.rred from' the i,teitmer, were laid out in'rows in the grass by ch.! rivt-r side all in their holiday attitt, and with the aid ot t ,tchea the faces were ea_erly acailnc,l by hundreds of anxious friends looking for their 1111AK log one. A goodly proportion of. the -' (lrowut,J are then in middle l:fo anti many ate children of ten(1(•r years. Many were the wails of sorrow which followed the i(lentifieitien of a ielativi.. I'e:rhaps it is a mother wh , •discovers her'ehild, or the children a parent. Ode mall was heard euquiri• g for four children. As fast as the corpses were chinned they were taken in charge by their friends slid removed to their homes. The accident w).s certainly due to - gloss carelessness. The boot wits -over: crowded to a disgraceful extent. 1'tie rn.ioager, Mr (;eurge I'a:-iErh, was expoq: tulated .with, by st.versl at Springbnnk, and urged •not to let the boat go out in that. overcrowiled condition, but he is reported to have replied, ” All i.itght ; 1. ktww my oWII business," or s ,rnething of that sort. -Mr. Samuel Stewart, stove rnerCh!int, e410 ol'_t.ho+e who pro: tested, left -the beat at 4pririgb ink. wit') - f is family, Several • Mini lre.l mote remained . there, unabl3 to gest pass'ege. 1 Iiuy had to wade home, a i!istanee of lour miles to:n•ight, a convey1'tce of 11.'t- being available. :-'I'In'-t.ulephoue Was -iii-constant Use bet'w ee411 the water: w(irks arid.: the- city,- : by friendly en: quirers.. This_ dlaakter will put $n end - to -t-he plea:sure rid-to-the<pleasure. sten mer-businesg,as bore: Lift•er ttte people- w;ll riot 'venture. The river, 'ivhlchr lras =been the -Silbies off runny jokes ',and puns on account of its anplioinut -shallowness, is 111 reality in svnla :1 laces;1 went_y.or thirty. feet deep. l;oc,xf+; FItatit,nery•(te., cl.(sap: at V 11. $,MI'tti tt 1k okstore, - lls;STiLOYINo 1 ,SYCT. 1'}rEj .Stan` Tlrtr41.1;11b!isl►Gsit he- fi,lfowir gPt►nc. ti 7ct;. fir info in tion about the- l,e=t ".11r.: 11uttor,• 'f 1 iI)'tlr(filie town- =$iris, }1a8. shown -.sus. au insect -i f the :j Luh spteles! ; II Ii g ,ons >_of 11 11U liber 11):1't I:truly -caused the (Tenth- .of font I. KI)( a ,-1)e1,t)�g[til; t(, oho (it I, is ileigl)i)irra,- _Mi.-A1(;X. - Mc -Load.: A"ft(rr tWO.;or i. �ee: slteii)'°had Eticri, _'1F. 111C1.eoil init(ii ail ti)v $tl iII-1nt) t,f t,lle eiIUSP; litril 'far -tip the nostril 111 (:lose pr(olt suity to 0-HEAPER TH ss', VER-!- • INT777" Y SPRIISTG- G-OODS. The Largest Stock Ever Brought, Into L ucknow. BLACK LTISTRE, 9c. to 25e I'ER YARD. - BLACK CASHMERE, 20c to 60c. 200 PIECES DRESS GOODS, 10c. bo 91e 300 PIECES PRINTS, from 6c. to llc. 150 PISCES FACTORY Cowes, 5c to Mc. BROWN DUCK, from 12},c to 22c, ALL -WOOL 'TWEEDS. FROM 45c to • 60e. GROCERIES. TEA, from 20c to 55e. per lb; BUGARf . Cheaper than Ever! F OO"I'S & SiOm S: f,%IMES' BOOTS, from 11.00 vp. BOYS' PLOUGH BOOTS, $1.00 up. - ' Mli1`'t, I'L(JITGFI BOOTS, $1.25 up. Vic, 'k's. We . Defy - Competition and Cannot be Undersold, is We .Cay and gireall and Examine our Prices and be Convinced. We have dPcidetl6 to sell at a ,ttn'tll,•r Profit than.e;rer, and pletc•ly distance the Credit way o: dr ing .11mdne•as. , • - Sell for CASH. make our Cash system atm :°THE°¢HICHEST.PRICES PALO FOR FIRM PRODUCE- TAKEN IN TRADE.n:-- - 'NEW 11ttN11r3 h.W N 1):L1;1r:3t3.-II0ODS,: ., �r S N1W.�(x11,1',[ t N ,- N:I,W M LItINOS, • 'JI1W CA41l MBRlfe3,. N1M;r, 1111I1t� fN(3 it.1Y S11LL 1. d , (, NNET J'I:A:GNP;Ft.. ('A-NNi' .l) T()M A'1'OE,H-, (11fR1(Y 1'OW1)Elt, . (1AI'J:lft3,_ r.4 he discovered ft))r•orfive;(f ,nrth- hl;tt fur -trio (1,t , these j: milts color th(ytI11tiIN;1) ,i1L'A'1'3 ,tea l .i,e ,ire .(,f a )c„tstu :bu , :AV here- ltlrKt� lUerc! ol; p,tg4enp;! cs cit al[ j' l k 'patiftiiJI t1 l t►t f i 0111 Ei(10 tI1(y :t ryin1 • froze y it . in vett ry. 1t ieu(lil er. _ °All wc11t. well -oo . xheep Jillet:t.(iil by tfieni. irrity. be-- dl,til1• et- ttittoat _was iii li'•il by -a kind, of. Moody. nnL'ter w titbit prints front the 11( x(*,,. -• A. fS.hrirt kt)_- ileta'; illy tinerled that sf1U stripped -.=•,flail: 'atnisinHally4 -whet, the ° et°ow(l - tiafiiiPlI (1 to ettr'ge t(rla1 S .pi11tit:tilet1'siile. (Jn allt,',dttzt p trij), til/14.1. .1rvt tu('r': tit iii i -.elf WiL, 'fiutiit:, .6. align cotntn.,tioil on - thii= l)ai; ,. sait.i by ,futon to t11L!ie. been tine I,Iay 1111 `pr inks. ---of a i,ucnlr r -of yvettlta •(,11 ttltl . ' i t 8tttl -Miall tat 'taut r14l ;V..,I unlet f. water '4foot 111 tato tri •clll)tI1 fttiore11 ti en the ldw(1r (leek, which w,i tritAketle: ; with pasg nnget8..Instantly tact lir(` wil ot1 1 l,ttl decks -rushed tel tht1 o) ii, it siticc In tii(sit .1v i girt .t(, Istltisr 1 ( , g . b'. 4 -with t tit of the water' shipped- by the. f)t/iLt,,� • ,ittls(s(.f t# _-�Utelt .lit tile bl,liut3itts 1141`t)13t1 i1,-_ 111ob it W&14 that 'OK Ut11ASI14lt. uC.tttftlttYn.... i� 't lower gook,; -nail by tither; as-; t) then .bout striking (,ria Snag, t-tto croWd- (nt et' i:uriosit.V to otic sults, andan the-stde of th(i. k *tilt the oel(litiotial-weight, a fire_; side ,f - : thti : boat:: ttilii_)t In. the 'writer , tit( -c1(+it1b of•-uho r0::: twct. lest, -. 11(111 vwt lr,:tl0._,tirwwd;'OOl1 the, taw,Irdeck W411'(s bi.ru flii � °ti) suVtl-ttteiti0al ut's Ilam � (l, 411 oto th"O. 1•iv_er tl<(t i(tliti etiptip tlog. Ilio_ .tipper (11,1kg ' g•ivo' w,1y, _ uui1:. f,liEi . wllel(t 'f,-+rttie-Ott ivwti, at ltiiii,tn ,l,6tili1j4,: 1, 401)rt (tlltitt(f-. (41.1U'w(1r(f tfilow, , tlietll lJII 1:1111 E1e ik, iiiitl-rl tide+r• i11.4 , lilt, 1tli fr t i43111(1'.-= „it i(; irto1,(;iisili.16 't=r• deli 'I ti Hifts a4•141 1) ttt,ef, fisilriwttdl;. `l`le`' I1, it t»i,ittti:tiOft Lei 40tt10 Oh: it* 1411J(' 1 iti) WO watts,`, taking-Witli it - Et r,:IHsst-It et'g ' wl4() '--iV()r(7 fit` . t 1) ._ i- f : - - .by t1tF#F.11►ll,U t14e 01sptst' (1(Eck,' � .=.111lihiCrf•. to: bolip-._thEtlttkelveg, -1 .• :tlik',ii •the :ti`-litclr:•W1lltulit 1111- vlt.le MA, ofl1Fsi :who i if:.w ,r, l _ iif l t1 ) trit v tc1.1!!1t!i!troot: trtlt intiil 44t1-I1.•,IlltrelII9 for that i414t,;t1 tlI')f(ii t)f -.11141 pi1s4E41'ig(11•r8 'l'it 141411 Wort,-JI+IwEit:lr't141. , (IX1(114(1-- fit if: 0-1411)i)((t,, •'`11i(1 tittiiut<t fill. 11.1'14.11111` 144lt t;44•'- 1 ilicti.r to ii►itll,y ,f :&1144 dim„vlit,c: ; WPM 44lirfgigh1ir lanil.lti:ttiy iv,rfi: itt blot#.w.Eay tfOt'tl Jitjttt Aa :4- Nil 4t# 141111:411911' h,!1, wt§ 1e§tir(1cl- slitl ti -work of i'e;(111(OIrlil . the t:odi(18 11"'itt tI4,1 1_1V'it}t1Uf1 trim -dot ra(7k lir., Get, i(tll 44'it,b. • rilt1 1todlo : -wot(1 -14144.1151 ' 4,11 ,lilt iil101itiltROLt. Linage 111 fait hg, tft ►,.'wor `brotignt :u1►otl( ttieli' -tal((Slr tt, tbEt I lliptlr y's( 114,0k141- :4110rtt : the., -td k oi' I1lrIItilteati044 b1gtiii, _:'fttt, _110(ItIlt,i4 do 1rr(t.i- Kt IIlrGiut .0 fiutsrtur-' isa41, . ix, airs, ti • w04- fruit futdnight Opp!' 11efory (lentil- the eves ;lose flie r 'natural color and into (s(itirl,leti)ly The gra}t-S1.Iii-i:lt.wits -,ail !w• ,1 ,(,.its 1ive:�,l- titi !' 1':(a,lttVfd- from for fii?4 (}1, s. eft it 1rE f, .. the .sheep's },:s1E1 . lntlt+c(1 .1t wits •tmi�: -1litn (1)1,!1:4 . of .tnrf)c iitililt Ali() cat er: 1.'itu(ta, with the vi(W af` i(ci;um(11its11fiigr its (tenth, but It Aurviltetl the operation } lient. icl,l>ea1-i IIg :to bti i IlJ 11reil lir: Hitt Tirri. Iivviliip. `I't or.t.AMi 1r -for axle,tit.' SMI'rtet, ict v)iri',.0 pric 3,�frotii' 30 ct,1. ft p.. I wlsii(it/rro -. illcrvt �f.r,N'I .for tll(l et.it,i1,l-s}1�11et.1t ui teinperiltiee itrgattiy uI. ti -(i11€, ia' 1i til ,,,miff -iii flue }lurixlies alto -tilt 'Gorilp ( 4,1,11 it 80tmi5 ittr_ if'- the fit -triple itt=, e'vety part of tl,u 1lo,uh1ii,ii wf,rts E„api1ti(1 with tlltf c(,tivic:idn, that alert) ix u _tioriid' dt'atl 41st111ug work lu ittg:: carded .011 ttrIol►g .t11t)tn t,y .11) 011; wife,_ !1'A`i1r largely to tiiti peoirle'14 owti •fault,; 11711” -been. 1rgtrllyy-0tritio t1u sn Ii'gr liar :pertllitleci to ritlti thg r. setts niitl 'tlutigli'I3t , raid :lotji(sverii11 their:1idlitsb—tti•d. t}irlt-it mttg+ _11" gt4if1-' t+(�(I t�►iiia w.l ilt iitn , :•1ti 111(1= ;batter Of.: • lirohi:bltory `Ingislnttlrn,;lf, *0411(1 .46 -ern., t M " f ,l J t Ct+ti as sf • ,fitjs pd(tlslir wLrltf .t1 long. wuy:cafi still :()f• tfttcir iiai'ltii:rttalttt4ty . r.oprejei1tativctt: = 'For. =dila lie,iv(tvet, : t11t1y hove 111(1 rt,.nit=(ly, if . t,11(i l ii4latfj(a d(,fief 00111(4.111 to.11mi, g i afi,t, l �tt'1,11 l 8r)1llri- ofl'-(fat a stiiall g 0 g at, ' 11t1Yntit<et 1p; ,(,)s4t pt1 . , l '14M 1111'1 13ouk1lt(il'0. . 114lIt1V•. PAit'fh14, At; I4tstlou'ih, On ,(puny=, -1_t,tfi .irll4t,, t.lr,t.wif'i1 f+f'.1t. 1't1i€t(tit,, M•oi't:htt.tit, of'ii-da- • M't111.R1i1E0. 1n (,U i1,b =VII tl4Ill =At tfl(: alai- -tl'tnes ,f . tint 1)t'illIl'is tither,. Vii,.: e �'t'11f4(11, I.st1,, _full bait l4irtlnr4i;; by tit(( 1 (;V. lit: 1)tivitit,(Jt1, i 1411!, ori. 1V 1fncl dtiy, 14th titit,t: l'. loniil �I Mel)r,ttiihl . to dist, Jaffe fttilOrt:all Off Kit)li1814. - e�filtfvt����r fi.'tll()t11, - • (1n Hitt• hilt,, byr . file Ilov:. 'l' _hlriitl, tit the r(ittidctticil of tht' biltint4 pilratite,.. • Mt*;--«follti Johnkt'':t,.of. l.owti1ffill 'Of Morris, t() Milk 1 Liza : ',Tetnil -Striiti 1 flitleat - (1i�i ghtiltr ;•ot My,:_ 1)ovltd f$truuct, of Aeliflell. Wilighitits w1ce ltlruite,cdjty.; SOW STO RCE- LI NEW UMBRELLAS, NEW S, N i;AV TIES +. -( NEW It1Nf1Tr..ti 1a,1 L NEW .11,1 N NEW Eti1.R1t711)fi.`1tY, NEW -LACES, ] T't'f-4 COCOA, • (JO(COANU1', ef)liNSTAPt (,1(1;li;Fl . .. 'r t1t141;11l =PEU:� RS, FINE. -CODYISI1, tll'for Ser -vice l itcriw ;;salt) iltTl{TtAlr -1ttt1.L, e'l)t�I P or %Vt;i,1;rkinrnis” wr1l: 3e keit. Y . 1. 1`t•( tnr a(•rvi =e nt J,nt%l0, .(�u,i l4 -Ant h ,1 [, -. � TT TERMS, '' • $I.50. - S rG�11).V l . Ilial, 4,; :',ni• .1,11, (AR1)',o('1,;ft -_ • )TTOM PRICE MEN'S. c1:n1;LAIi ;*,SYI117'1•'';S TIIRTt.,, ;4t}. `'`3 07;f0111) S1i 111 rS, 1ti1i N' OvE}t ALIA, - - 11t1,N` �S t•'ND1rJ1%VI:A R, MEN'S SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. coo -us S % A l 111 N l CII1',e3'I'.AL '1'WI�v i lial11E t5 YEAST, -FANCY-S(Al'S, It,l1711( lJU( 81/48 F::TiM1lHYAiD CBEED; UST: REcgivED W14fS:fER oney to o4na. Uri 11cn1 + tntn itt. n'�isonab1e rat 6,.011 terms (7f 1'"Y"ierit- to lullt-Borl'o*erb ELLIOT TRAVER-. Oi . LUekt,(1W, ,f tre11. I i J thanking the public for r,. Liberal the � l�fl It 1 tttl l`1 C� a accorded- me Alluring the past till'tst+ y:t8rl4 t would announce - t1iat this Springs Importations 81'(' larger Than .usualLind Cx- (Sheth gIyGood (ood - V alt (,, .ivhll� 11 1 _ am selling at the 4OWC13t 'Cash 'Prices, COTTONS, FACTORY CO , DUCKS, DENIMS, TWEEDS, READYMADE -• . CLOTHING/ C . LOT TEAS SUGARS, dee: Them; CON'NELL Sops, E1), F• . RO CERIE oots and : Shoe .1.ANX1:0t ,1i .1 111t1A8C511:1) JIVE N E: A -CALL illa Welt• .$1 iiJ►dsynt`b-t►inti �,+itiily. -t 4.'iidr. - i1,atty Address ,1,1t,111� , ('(t . Afil ltatn, Malate XXXXXXXXXXXICIXXXXN 115f .GL08E TOBACCO 00; vsnofr mae+t., , -W1$1 W1. HARD TIMES_ T _ HAI.; i'(,(1ile tl tl1e,pi-k8 of monmprom .J+ ow is the time to purchiae• - Ill and Park Lots, age a a . otsy 't%Vft►,.or without Buildings) At Terms _ WHICH WILL SUIT RICH OR POOR, by 8-1_11_11Y.1"8 SOMERVI L LE WHO ,W-111 Let • '11fld at Inn (d/Icr, On the 1Sridgo, . Ready and Willits • t(t accanlm(,itntt his il)In 41Otis pst t;, Ir • ANY OF THE WANTS :Which he has fur year'sprat s(,rvot1:tbtitn. DEED3.. MORTCACES rind other_ DOCUMENTS, !Carefully and 1'uncttrally stirrndrel'to�. SOMERVI •f. •