The Sentinel, 1881-05-20, Page 5.A. 4111111 til tJlmr PORTION OF 1881 414 SPRING GOODS SAVE ARVE. Choi e Dress Goods HOICE PRINTS. 'NOVELTIES Lovely THE --VELtY ('IIEAI',-- a IN SATIN PARASOLS, NOVELTIES IN SiLK .PARASOLS. esigns. in Lace. Curtains, OBBIEST SCOTCH TWEEDS, THEJ BAST CLOTHING IN TOWa ue` l`Ikt;'r .MI( A.T TJIL LOWEST 1'RILES- a� 1 e Suits .'I'- I LAr1'G'; E BIaS'I' QUALITY O-, TEAS t . II t. IL ON TIME T it.mt BLE C USTO` ER -.— CHEAP FQR u: '/sites tri.iaf*rm 4-omita:atty on ft8i1 `FIRST -CLAS Woniet C to a u t=xanr:ine :rt;on iii;°s aclt clxsis3 :Itis 'F:ebbie aC:-` Lef;re Pavel►. 1 riefrit;t1lrin Lest year's stock • t Fagg and_ Rtit ior. goods- - , r. T0. s poi a: ACHE.':{ 6Ktti" RPY..CSNit .�IP,II[CiYK. • TIRADE MARK•'I'tfEt;14LI L. EN -TRADE M RK Inc tl)athe has STOCK An unfniiing efire`for•,e min- at \V e al ii eek, Spermatorrhea, Imp-otency,anrl ullDiseases Eerore•Takingthatt hiIhw- as a 1. r c fSe,Jf�t - tilde;; Pain in the back,-�)imnesrs of Nish,:', Preinatnre old age. and many ether piseaaces that lead to Insanity or - (u'Isinptinn and a • Premature ' 1 Grave. �'llt psrticulir,ra ori. ' .Rut pamphlet, et, which we. de tre to mend : free- iiy mail to -every one, itr'I'lte Specific Med' cine issold by lel Drngi.ists .at `$1=prr ,sulk 1 sec ue ie •U 4, A use as loss of .'lei ory, Utuversal TT 1MM1- 1SsS" a11t1 lrldren'4 Boots his really auperici especially lria l$OfC+Stoek ;loofas sling - elsewhere, ao1:1 at and' under -age, or six packages for `;tai or will be- sent £ree.byu,aiic,n receipt of the looney - by ad- dressing _ ` ` i.ronto• ()tit .lianaila —* SoldinLneirnowbyail1drugb`iss. . 9 nd -b-y-where-in__Canada-and, the llnited$tuteg-- y y%11 wholeale anti= cetaidruc vsitts,. r takes is exchange: GOOD M B. 3- & -.ES 1I•t4 i fig r' u< , rc fn r -lint 1:It�<ls GG1'a laza' CAMP :i I)tJL p-repl r .ie 4x f))l t lati"rye lTf, %111l kcgp - 'of fl`vsk tTIC','lt reastimN a:110 3 FOR ALL .10 -cents per„tn, GORDo tit ins new- ile:1 cora aria ,v ook. ELL 8'i" 'f fie doing-1--)ii5i; .scallt,th111-aver . regular glilars1 pply-. of all kinds. at- .est 5T MEA PPLY iN TOWN Strat,t delivered o any .mart _ ot'_ the= _village oshortest notice ;n ___ Tires: Highest Market Price -paid- ter all )'s tealStook;. EICll PLr4 OFT Is MAIIKED 3�S . ftlRO'tZL 11 T�"Slult: . None. -011ier (re/l Zt: mle. Tar.Tl : Mullet it , 1 rxr, u I • c,reFi c _,. ,... v�ul,rurit_the ,atbhc th- he pais opened = 1 Treleaven's ne buildings, where he will have weekly male all articles deft for mile' Commission- •low- rate: 1IN TRELEAVEN. UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS. Our eflorts in placing attractive goods before the public, were r'ewat'tlt:ti ri 8ittu,'day:last (our.. xhiilition clay) not only by many Expression of Ap roval (r- -But p �r ----But by .one Of th_e--- - -LARGEST DAYS SALES _QF THE. SEASON I IF golf. We nava to hand this week some extra value in SCOTCH AND -CANADIAN TWEEDS, also a very fine ling of BLACK SATINS. AND. BLACK 'SILK 14--lIN(;1 S, S1 '.(;IAL JOB. ALEX: FI TDLA, atchmaker aid CLOCK SEE WHAT HYS1CIANS d People in Canada say about Scott's Emulsion Of Pure CO Liver Oil W1'1'H Hypajhsphites of ilnie & Sod As a Remedy. for Conatimvt - - AN1) 41NG_DlSE,'SES._ �. - Uf 1')TtTt'ousAc, N. L., Nov f,, 'So Messrs, Sc /TT & fowNn..- I -bavt used a1111 prei+eribed 11.1. souse time 'Stott'sEmulsion ••+ Cod lives Oil.' and Mut it an excelluut fix, d preparation, agreeing well .'its the stoma •1, eaitily taken, and its continued use adding greatly to the strength and comfort of the patient. A. H. i'1:C:K, M. D., 1'enn. Med. College. 'ow too AMuniwr, Nova Scotia, Nov. 8, '8O MsssrH. $co'rTr & ilowN1,.7-(lents, For 'Irmo ly two years I have,been acquainted with Scott's Emile .ion of t•c, i Liver Oil with hypo phosphites„ al,d consider it the t°nest pruner atiotl (row bef,'r,- the 1,uJ'li s, Its 1,ermaneu,•y US a:. `.Eii1uls11,si w iL'sthr'1,letu alitflavuT, wares•„ • it the great fa,.% ite fur children, and 1 d., highly reed suie11,1 11, for all'wasting disease of the system, routs, very truly, t'. r1. I31.A4.K, 311. 1+. If ar.WAx, N. ;i., Nov; H1, 'iO A Messrs $e' TT. I$Uwre.-•Centlemen,1have i-,rr..•cribed vniir Emulsion for the Bast two years, and -tonna :it more agreeable -to the stomach, and have 'setter rest -tilts from its nbr than from any other ,reparation of the kind I - have tried. - : - H M. CAMERON, M. L. eweller, .fins just reeeived a large :and varied stock of A ATC;; -I .S wELIERY anilePLA`!`EL) wsIz , .comprising the newest styles ot-(.LOCKS, 001 TI and9.iI.VLR.WATChESn, . • I3ROOC11E,S, EAI: -RINGS, " 0--E �i;tintI:WI DI)IN`G RINGS; LOCKETS, � STUDS and :CL'I r' I3I�'rTOI1'.' LU11 .h COOtEPS T1;A SETS,-CT:VET-and. PISi. '- . •:S. ,. .. VItUIT andBU-'.I"1.'I.:I 1t\1 �I*LI, 'STANDS, e UA1tI)-CASES, '&c.; Notwithstanding. .ffie recent advance of 30: )er.cc _ 1 nt in the wliolesalE. market, 1 am prenared to sell at 1 kinds of -repairing neatly `and 1,romptly-executed andtatiefacticn warranted. solicit a call from' :inte:)cling puicliaser3 before buying elsewhere.: einember the stand two-door-sTatzt-:of, t >+OII1 ikicHArhY S; (an)phell .Street; l.uckno''. '18 title ]ri-- BETTER- RUNNING ORDER than•t V th before: We 1111V1.- notu-:a• new -Engine-11-ml •' .>lie a..-1 1at,, ti --and overhauled .:all the :Litt obow f "floc �1ach:iitca } til,cre „ lore rter'i(a„- ;:. f do II1�3DS of WORK in the` T ; ... Bi IL�ING � L W,e:have also nn baud a large. 'Stock of -BELLEVILLE., ONT: ?Attains, S1 'r r ,t lBotvN >:.--vicar Sirs, I ler] it a dirty T owe -riot only to- you tilt to t1i' coninitii;ity to make the following NtateMent : ' • ut Abo3 years- agr, :my eldest aughter. waF. ' taken with a Severe ciild white; Fettled:4m her ” ltpcfr and netwitl stranding sill. that her .l►lcd .;cul tte,idant could .do, she :gut =worse, end worse and appeaieed ti; lie sin- :ailxl. the- last - hiii,eic88 stage of .:oossi ,f lion .'l'lJ ,)+l.fyr said lie et diel ,do no more, but recommended -your 1;noilsion, anti the effoct cif• it was in "the opinion of every tint, who knew her, isimldy" marvelous. I3i;fore she had used the first . bottle, she' felt much Letter, and to the, svr prise ,f- us all, She continued to mend ;au -.rapidly:that in threernontha 1#11e was able`to, ga ahout aM Usual, and fi_as contir.tted in such. excellent' _health that she. got'I;atrrfed-.1st -months sago, an i:haM noii'.as line:and healthy 1'. curl al you Can -find in the coo itrti. WILLI:'tMi BLAC1i,; Er.An1, ONT.,.JCLr, iso(). This isle certify that my' daughter has .bad Lung: disease for 'Soule time, and was very, Much ire(lnced ori flesh, add 'ball not Htreinith to walk acro,M the street. She was advised by a'lady friend to try $Cutt's Errnllnion, and to our.great surprise before -she had used three, : bottlesher e(urijiletely restored. 1 ' -teen:Upend it to e'et'yi,ne Ttrolibled with the Baine (Jit ett t., JOHN v,i. BOWES_ e Greatest. wander of ;modern Times. oLLOw PILLS &•';OINT `"" _ 4 The Pills Purity t_tre h ond; correct'al;l xirderH of tete •.live;:, ,Stn -t tch., `Kidney,• a.:1‘.1 Bowels, and are invaluable in all ci,iUpilis to - incidi.ntal to 'Amides. "1'he oiDtinent 1M•the7only reliable iemedy!(i Bad Legs, Old ♦Vininds, Soresai,d Veers,' -;a' iioweiver long standing.. -3' or 13ri,nchitis, J1 `tihena loughs, alC't, s. `(lout, .liheu>»I andlSkinDleeaseri it is no equal, • BEWARE OR • AMERICAN .COUNTEKwIS: - rnostrespectfully take 1 awe to -call tIi(• ., ttrnt> n of -the I.'uhhc generally- to the fa,• . that 'el taiii Hciimc M in New York are senci►u . to -many parts ol.the the -globe bI'U tIOUS`IMI 'TEt'I.iON':S if my Pills and Ointment... The. - frauihi bear on their lahcle_ som•e address itr- New York. - - - ..I (lo not allow In} ?STcsrb.:ine;t til 7,e RUld in atiy 1 art of tele 1 ilite,l Ss4.tt4s, - I }have ;Imo _ , Agents there. 1''.Iv fedieinc e :sire only made by fife, at tr:3:3, Oxford Street. London- _ _ Ti the.linoka of direktions •cflii:`tr.I to the t;1,u.: dolls make is a calit,o:.,.- a itiosi ,g the I'iihis ugaii Mt being -decade,. t,3- umnterfeit:s. lI(' - .not lier.inisled by this a'ida..i„ns trick, t ey ' circ the 6i+cnlerfeits t)tr i to •leirel 41 tleomi)i('1 '1 eat: counterfeits are F.urchrsed by unpril ciplel Vendors ;at „ire -half the 1,riee.Uf „j Pills 1)intuic-nb, and ale 1olil.to you 11 my ',five. enni e Medietri;?s. . 1 icmnestly_ apse::] to that: dense :of jus- t) i,s- ce.Wost't ich 3 feel •t ire. 1` rnay venture upop sol i gfrcmma11li''norallieperAonh toiiSsi1tnir.,` ' and be I'm bli;.a,rfarusniaylieintheirr,or•'- .er,:in denn„neing tl,i.4 liainefnl fraud. Medi- . a. ir.1 t.si el.Esix: t f. the 'Genuine 1.Iect ,�.. . ine,Jt� .n• T! .. . - s the . l )trxlr -0.f(.ernnze»t Stump: v.itb= ' he -14 ()Masi: i4 HU)a,ov, y's I'1:1.1,i\ 4 .J "I li':'1'_ ;:i r. I.oviist:1,'" i;ngravetl there�to, O -+ •• �,st� On 4,1 ..t -labs is the rtcldri'ss i t3 •t' '.nuY where_ -alone they.. -are ".lea . nufactu„ d, . o[ftne(l1/Y Pl((8 (tladl 014hail,' t=it inn .,,f,"_• l or aCldi''res,( .are coofferftit. 1<' a Trade.M'ark1 of these Ittedicines'ar.. I. NGASPE , s red in� Sd f+ Ottawa. Iiene.e any ,. , one. f., • e=at he Britiuh PnMeeesior.s; w.holm,�+ keep th J -•A, ericlu, (,ounterfeit for >i Sale, .tvih_br:�,ruE en .. d. Signed, +. OBEf TSt`3 i . 1 . . TH09 HOLIatwj t { 336CZYONI 'r> UT: LtOY M one LLIM eas d be r 'Doors . � ,, Sash' B� House and Barn- Eave'`Troug. . _ ghing, Etc; SCROLL AND BAND SAWING, 1 T S A i R B i _u LD' 1 uh, 1M a` i. 1 -call before ,t - e 1 irchaMln elMeluhc r CHRISI-IE: AL