HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-05-13, Page 1NT. IL A V I Q I Poll h- WHOLIE No. 23, -ITTT[ OiNT-ARIU, t-rUIJI vo L. L 9 C IT 0 `�71 9 - - - - - - KIM!- 7-7: - iENT. villa. -e Coillicill. -MISS K. C. STRONG, SAD A0011D. CAMPOELL n hi L Fm A inpeting of tile 71 Vz liciii, at,the adl! 1* BANKERS, Two -Neu SlnotJ14-r-ed WeAll. l's L 1. DI'M 0vCr,N11..I.G.reI, -Ile's ),1,0I.,1;,,v, A pril 1.1,CKNOVII .11141 a'A Gmixillovs h,.irv, mcl!iuoy- avd 1% 1 r. A. 'Mcfiltire's. ly. near lilt 1) bel previmis Iileet� ey to Loan at R duced Rate3 o N Q F.., Suit the Times. mg rea(I at,(], o il. ruotion, adopU0. Ail Ople of, a -o \101111fty evellili-g, tll'3 Pe was presented fi -Ili it. Proctor, 1plans lilt Wwtga'*-.� as Iu%v as 6 11'er velit. ty %vere staxtIed to fl. Ir fire Wood to Mrs. -McDonald, cbE[ri- e KOTES ;.K0J110FTCAGE8 BOUG.HT Kitiloce-111 11141 vicilli I that J01ill and t Aloved by Coui-. G pb I I,jV,i 1-y -Coun. Mellardy, That 'Col. ------------ Dr;.ftsmid I'll-ill,s 1-11 911 poilits ca,lied. -motliered by 2gils cotisideritio, thit the I to tilt David Spindler wele s . r, Mr.. T -ill of Till;iae- of requires morc Rents, &C. ill a .%ell, Oil tllia fm Lucknow of Auof.0 n oi RI -3 lotel. accuill-, that the lit South .1ille, Kii-loss. l(lation, and i 11%.AFTQ% lIAYAW.1,' IIAR issued I;t'-;.(.n of tile 'Villa arrants oil I AT - --IN 1-WERY-- iculars of the ODU ge w, is -of Cmilit- -The Imeevilwits antl part dre privo.41131 Citit'S 'Il"' toWl Nloili-V -to G a s ierease of Hotel Licellses, memorialize - V, I 'I'L. Milt (Ili till. United SULLes a0d a"ful trageily, as we lt�al'll tll(.nlp are a"` V allill- 1, - -- 0 vertior of Ontario, m d lie Lieu-teiialit Go x all, tollotiv!5 SpitAlt - -et perinisision to tiLke tile rder to i1iaill'111-f C "a' ell I)y Will find this the clkealwst. �Itfest�, and MoRt DEPARTMENT, man : arvied 'Wrio,111t, wPle elin v eDStis vf the:Villa e. Carried. Coun Coll ;d -Lu vullient fortil"ll NJ it. I'Ve to SiLik a well ou lin fat EDF -RICK -ROGERS9 FR- I N T E R F. S'T: t Liley were .1,osits if, th, Atter reaclih,g a dep If of 251t 'd neeting'of C( -tttile, uwil.9 A, iol her i. Was hel Five lier c, ged v I abalidol, iti� for a ttornv%�, ublig 2tid. -rcsent : Reev", 1'. it .-i.t, 1114,11i Dpartnwlit. A'r vMty. LOW PRICES. :,-r, Ft ; sellce (If Lit 0 s of )n -oullay, av me.-alrit ror itirivate Pill-tiel4i, -to -tiliA 1) 170 1 11, 1 Vl 1`111141,441 anA we r. t -I C IIAI 'lo" I" t'""Y siirface water.* Tilev ren- vv2tl operam 'quiteillors Berry, Illellii.rdy -d I,y ;I. '1url-tervil Bank I ailed $Stivmart. 04t tile well '; M ill eetiv-, Nv I i L "31MI10, C" pie � ious M I'll wk fativilitv afford, tiolls till*' collifirmv.d. The� Wllovumr V lt r', ill:' of qll ill% t Oil a i 'e t-,.36 'le I - ( 'r, L 'Al;CouxI(-S -well -o'e-utc If,-- - I I ig,, . -pi -1 -1 : -I. -Y ti., it "111-hillo' e olicotl t - 1\ I i . F 4, (l,ti 1, e 1,v.q I il., kj -.11 wood to EDICIAL. 'Lool� t -1 w U ell it -'sh rt lime'� -h% t - . I -and ;�tillo-oul c)`t iult- 1.111,1 Ip"TiI - as N-11-mireill e , ph I)( -Ijli it 1,21- .1 -!l �Ql) 0S. Y -fib Slj' Li W , i - - 1- -01 d out, 4 'lit tI,.o .'auvrno Is iMeGroi mll-I),WTV all T! W 'lace a lJoar"t Ab m ).08,1.. A- cowinul) 11 t If v, -'rile(I V e -1 Ti' t --tb I 4,0�4 11w w a ve lI k�, t ju c.- wit .1) to -pr R 3 9-A. It. All 4 11401 Its 101 v. c ki, 'i, 1167vii'l all t t t it,4 t - I -e' Vil I I;,u k (' "t f -.&.CA1V.PDEL. L R iN A. A4, f G It I 2W, i W. tki Iti- IL A Zv, 1:2 - 1,0' t LUC KN W if v TH a', IW-� ly -6 to, je bl 0. w lift (.,I* 4 0 -1br -I lie ardy fly � 4NICH, te h P f he e- - -a 'ej iId L e owg-1, evi Will t R itL-Co, helil 22 e 0 -IVI-EYE b, w a­01d- -A- tAt-or ney -at` -Bl, rr tit fld, le, 1' by Y f ("wil mkill-th I IP -K WIN HAM CWFFICE".�(-ENVS SU -0 DIAII! wl �6e t. f astt 1 liell Ilk, 6,it r, rn imix lilt -Mvid - .. f � - le11 1 atiLi f -r- - 41 1 " 1; I W I it,�, r I�l fe 111.0 avits-, or -vic�il C 11 01 t �-s 1�n Inerkitt f.,D own but. 0 -TO'SHOW -let - .,: 9 twriy t 11111 le� PAI� I re I" Fo i' pt Cet 11, Oil ot I le I Araw re de orli 11 ar '11S)i air. --w ;111(1 1' re -ti lit or viii I f t tir ties a kly &eual o.. s RRIACESm. t- ; f6d. I It" XJB L I G CIIE Or- Lq� o%�as, q It lie was trongly Itig it EAMINATIO.N. 'WX GCONS RJ APRW ';e-arly: t were 'see ga,4. LA 8 I- C No. Hia, TO.. re4 LO- H,--ii�- t'.tl$Ta�ds Priest F -1160. - iNI'tiltyre, 804 as exti i to i K -AV to 'ES at 7 to MOCKS I rs -bcfore 01-41 CLASS cotirsO:w I ct, as detith 6taiiad 965'. of oil in D. A v tO et��r-lnaibiifactur the. village. '014 vL -d k- - . Ik4 0(:� 6 6 w".s.. Colt tAll bre re cor- I T'y of tile West Otim Si 173 otit , C sto (4, �ln(ithiilg but 7f, -TowivsJiip,- tho lie *IlY inivite& rg 1 v. -J -I V. ilia t t art -Wile atiled ZG1 till wto ILI-Et �; -.4(. Itild shtieltl-,: 860 586 .13vird 5$4* P h -11 N% 8,114y: %V ffate Q '574 itt rwoo .0 t(, c' 41-1 - ml. "I' W will Ill.., -lock, 107 for'rny- fibolf-a, 7 -Y-C ri: 0-. F -e 4!38 NO.- 6A I NJ 11, -,tc u re, -CRT. IIf A �ufli6 iiii-k is (if th A m ON saw II I vA r.4 4 W, s IitNsl Ake of t W if; t III It,, tl .1 it, III J.7 Tit t -4 v I Eli 14 -k w - ftluff W 4rrmt v, v J41 t i:1 i i;,e 0 tt-i-tv v(i 11 tlt tit tV k: (I A .,.410 iU ta,, iFR AS -ER' 3m y -320 7 tV It's t?J) ed uc.e E call It`7 1 1-17 Di t 1 awl LA ty. -193 Wv`1 11 fit d 4.3 WALT E�R 1"REL tiltA,, it, e I,.. mark, b I-st t -4t anil'.th the e.vr tillA, boa 'tilt Forbes obtaitie 370*, 1 t V, 11 Asio re. it -v Tormolito 361 rjll li't t TA a GE fell I)i'lllul C Ilia 4 'ri v rPy -344, of i't to last li P e -1 33 33( -%v 1 -t t4ary' Cn) 'b 11 binel:y XtIler 324 Wlit mite. by 11464 334 h, - _aggle oL -Ids Tatterse Will 6 IN �k well.t, trum, L r 'M 31*3 1 e r, 6 Una C5. . I - - Ill . er .. - I f i t �ke'iio othe 320 OROUG I t -LE P1 '300 E H 7 y will 'wxr, Av e I t r me I. R t -e W illie flornelij-404 ltNturiay. ov OR L 1 aw.rence, Eddie L 5C W otio Ir 373 doW11'.- 0 We DS 500, idii 'dIed 1' all . el� 268- Blai (Afi3 -S E.S- o0061. -dVevil-r t, - - u8day' Miry. -4 R At 14 N -Atlanti(, 368 333 bout 2001�v �Ekl zZie 'IA*8000 -368 -66-6�6a- -p- Fi PINE ivswi ly rTERN am; low -A;a aiij otlier first chims loo o0o FE IT -324 �Iit price -pat C�,-quet-phtyifig--is a popidar- P tit I 'Jae. W ),reorie Glazijil. y le - Part of ft' line. alah, 333 t'G�ocds- of.gteameis' AhI6. Birch al;d 14 t mrHigh an Camh ou Wivury.'.. f'tickeW an (behism, -2k7s. ),own v- in I Cath etivere - Agoin 'atty on T in ir i oui.. or'-Wi ulpig: d all oint w a 319- ----------- I n to`n Loweat rates uu ng L' w D CAMIPBELL. Iiiiiihoorli . ow a' we Apt d 44 co U'Roo wj� Xom To ir