HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-05-06, Page 5.4 • • - ' • 3 , ' • - - . rT 1T1. A PORTION OF 1881 SEIM GOODS HAVE ARRIVED. 11-71167 rirri • Choice Dress Goods CHOICE PRINTS, —VERY CIIEAP,---7 ....11www••• 11104ELTIES IN SATIN PARASOLS, NOVELTIES :IN. SILK PARASOLS Lovely Designs in Lace Curtain.s, MAGNETISM The great Centre of Attraction for the people of THE NOBBIEST SOOTCH TWEEDS, . • - • • . - • .TTIE .IXAVE,ST PRTOS— _ .,-• - • ..4431.3.33.3•33.-4.' Rea a e .•. . . s ° F TEA TEsiN QUALITY BEST QIJ AND. BOOTS A7 • t .L SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH, ON- TIME TO- 1.1131ABLE CUSTOMERS.7.-.. . - . • -Wiabea to inform the public thathe. has constantly (in hand a FIRST-CLASS iSTOCK • -Women's, Misses'and Children's Bobtg., and Surrounding Country is the POPULAR ESTABLISHMEN R --ucknow SEE WHAT PHYSICFA S I have this 'week recived large additions 1.0 my fanamoth Stdtk, and on .SATURDAlf EVENINg NEXT, MA 7'TH, Wiil 111tVe • ' - • ON.EtiIBITION one of t he finest st, cks ever subnitted to the people of this village. l _ • - . - And People in Canada say vbot.t Scott's Eraml.sion Of Pure Cod. Liver Oil tOtkliv ilkPECIFIC MIERICINE TRADE MARK.THEGREATTN-TRADE MAK. GLISH REMEDY. An unfailing _ cure for Smola- . al W ea k nes. Spermatorrhea, - Impotency, and allDiseases ktr ReltneMb6r-,, theTAtore- will be open from at -which time I hope to- have every lady in u .and inspect illy stock. . Before takingtbat folloW_ aS f‘Afte gequenceofSeif A use ; aslose Nlemory,. UuiVersal; Pairiin.theback. Dimness of Vision, Premature old age, and many other Diseases. that lead to Insanity Pr -Consumption mid ft - , „ Premature Grave: - - particulars in;- 'ur paraphiet, which we desire to •send free - - by mail to every one,. figrThe Specifle Med- ein€ sold hy all Druggists at .$1 per pack- age, or siXpackages for $5 or will be- Sell free by mail mireceipt of the money by ad dreSsing • - - -TUE GRAY MEDICINF. - - Toronto; Canadi arkSold inLueicnoW byallditiggiss ev and by where in Canada and the UnitedStates y .wholeale and retaidruggstts; • - ' WITH ' Hypophosphiles ofike & Sod As a Roludy for Consuraiot A ND WASTING DISEASES. 10 p. m., know call - H.IVIcH RDY.' , • . . . • . , - - . • . • . • . - - . - - • - ". • ...• ..;.. , 3". 11 PErnvoinAe, N. -B., Nov 5, 'Si© Messrs. SCOTT & (BOWSiE.—I havt used and prescribed for some time `Scott's Emulsion of Cod Live, And it an exceuent fixed preparation, agreeing well with the stela:Al, easily taken, and its continued use ,adding greatly to the strength and comfortAif the patient: A. II. PECK, M. 1)., Penn. Med. College. • AmnEnsr, Nova Scotia, Nov. 8, '8U Messrs. SCOTT d BOWNE„--G Fr near ly.two yeah I have been acquainted with cott:illin-tilsion of Cod Liver Oil with 113rpo- phosphites, and consider it the finest prepar- ation now bob ,ire the public, Its permaneney as an Emulsion w ith the pleasant flavor, n uiie it the great Yayorite for children, and 1 de highly recannosaund itior all :wasting 'diseases of the system. 'Yours, very tndy,. • C. A. BLACK; M: D. • ilar,irAx; N. S., Nov. 10, '80 -1 • :Messrs iOrT & Bowls.g.--Gentlethen,Isibave .1. Prescribed your Emulsion for. the • 'past two years, and found it more --agreeable-. to the -1 stomach, and have better results from its nee' 1 -4 than from•any other -preparation of -the kindI . •-• - • •• • Co and e:camine his really saPerio -/ •gtock in each class, especiallyhis Aug Pebble St.: Whole -Stock ;Boots -Before purthasin.g- elseUhere:-. -S:pecialty,, List ;- -yetirla stock at and undor - AgrElf.s and Butter "takes iiUx.chinge :for 'goods. z . . . • OD MTS PO £LZ rr & 10 cents'per.tr, • - JAMES GORDO • - - . , .• _ ijavibg removoti_to hts new and coin - ' - . - - ' - in'.,dious Butche. hop East • • -. - • - IC Gralianlirs -., ar.ick Nock. .. . . , •k._ 0AtvippELL ' ST • _ '. Is now preparedfor i dong:bust , • ad I _ •„ , ness on.a larger scale,than ever. 11-0.7-vFill keep a regular supply- . of _fresh meat .of all kinds at. - reasonable prices. - . , 333 UTIO N. EACH-PLITG OF THE . - • IS ArATIKD NI)LATE • . - . chmaker and Jew ller just. reeelvita Tarn ttigi varied stock of. CLOCKS, . - - - .WATCIIES-, • - ___ - - --- - - - JEWELLERY and PLATER -WAR cothprising the o cLocxs, . GOLD and T.IATER 'WATCHES , - • - - - . . • . . .., --• -- - - • : - - - - - - BROOCHES - -- . ,-- - 1 ' - . •-' . - - -- - -,-;:-- •.- EAR -BIN 'Si ' • - ' -- OCKETS, • . - • GEM andWEDDINGRT.INGS, . STUDS and CUFF' BU ONS, BUTTER 'COOLERS, - TEA SETS, CRUET and STANDS, YRUIT and BUTTER RIN , CARD ,CASES &e. • • •433 Notwithstanding the recent advance of 30 _per cent in- • - marliCt, I amprepared to sell at I . . BROI%ZE LETTER . N()Ste • IIB subscriber hereby informs the p th he has opened an - ublic BESTMEAT SUPPLI IN TOWN ArcerioN MART - Ifeats delivered to any nart of tbe Treleaven's ne buildings, -where he will village on the shortest notice. have weekly sale all-atticles left' for sale . Cominiesior - -low rate. • Ihtiiiiiiesalit}astrktoset Psrit9scei-p.aid for r - z . e)UN 7..RE.LFJ:, . • h� wholesa1e .• 4No • _• • - Ai kinds of repairing neatly and proppliy.executed ad satisfaction • warranted: - - I solicit a call from intending purchasera before buyi4 elsewhere. emember the stand two cloois East of JOIIN.McIr Campbell Street, Lucknew R.I3Y'S, • have tried. . : cAMERON, AL J.P.- - • • • 'BEI:LEN11LE, -ONT. Messrs: SeeTr & P,,Wive.--,Dear $irs, I feel it a duty lowe not only to y(M litit to the. Cominur.ity tn makethe'followingstatement AbOntlit -years ago ..niy eldeet daughter was taken with asevere:cold whfel; settled on her - hinr,s, and -notwithstanding all•that her Med- . - ical attendant could do- .she -got, -worse-and__ orse„ and appeared ib' be in the last :mid _ • , , boneless stage of zfonstimption...--1The-1)octo_r, said he could do no more, but recOminerided your tinillsion, and the effoct of it was in the • ' • opinion • of -every one :Who knew her, .simply' marvelous. Before she. had -Used_ the first bottle, she felt much better, andto the . • :prise it us all, she continued to Mend ep ; rapidlythat in -three: months he was able to go about as usual, and has continued eitcellent health that she got ir.arried 18 Imoriths ago, indhasnow as fine and healthy a son AS 3'01.1'Cala find in the cruntry. - - • . - WILLIAM .BLACK. t71. /VORA i ONT., JULY., 1880. This isto certify that.my •daughter has had , ting disease for some tinie, and was verY., much reduced in iteslii and bad not strength to AV alk across the:street. She was advised by lady. friend to try Scott's Emulsion, ,an 1 to our great surprise before iit- -had used three bottlesher health uqt.s. completely reStored. recommend it to everyone thinfoled• with the -. same disease. . JOHN W. BOWES. The Greatest wonder of modern Times. . • chePills Purity the b cod, corred all die: orders of the, liver, Stomach, Kidneys. and . Bowels, and are invaluable in all cornpl sluts - incident.al to Females. _ - - . The ointment is the only reliable reinedyfo Bad -Legs, Old Wounds,Soree and Ulcers, • -however long standing. For Bronchitis, D - theria, Coughs, Colds. Gout, Rhein”, -and all Skin Diseases it is no equal.: • , ' 1.7 BEWARE Or - -• most reapectinlly take leave to eallthe a • tention of the Public .generally to the fie : that certain Houses in New York ars sendin to many parts of the _globe SPURIOUS IMI • TATIONSof ray pills and Ointment. These. fraudsbear•on their labels •- some address in NeIw_dolin°orkte'•lloW My -Medicines* - he sold i. any part 'ef the United States. I have no •• Agentsthere., MyMedicini-s-. are Only made by mei.to 533, Oxford Street. London. -In-the:Woks:of directions affixed to the•spu riensmake iS a, caution, warning 'the- Pali against -being deceived by counterfeite. •Dc . nothe rnisled by this audacious.t riek, t-Itcy are, the,emmterfeits they pretend to denoiintt.- These counterfeits are putelsi•sed by impair eipled Vendors at one-half the price of mp Pills and Ointment, and are -Sold to you asmy - - enuine Medicines. - • . roost eathestly appeal to thatisense of jus - ice. whieh I feel •sure may vepture upon asking from -all honorable persons.to assistthe'. - and the Public, as far as mai, Rein their now- -et, ir denouncing -this shameful Frond; - ! Each Pot and Box of The Genuine Medi- ines bears the British.Government Stamp. witis he words 4‘ Itoi.Lownir's AND • MET. 1,0,2;T1ON,'""engraVed thereon. On th label is the address,533, OxionoSrittEr,LON- - DON, where alone they are Manufactured.' liallmeWs Pills. aidVintmett Learing other address Are counterfeit, - 4 The Trade Marks of -these Medicines are ' • gistered in Ottawa. llenee, any one rthrough .iint the British Possession -is. whonmy-keep the Atherioins Counterfeit for sale, will be woo, evted. -Sigeed,7 - , THOS. HOLLOWAY -.1131110mouPSviuumr Lorpoil Id - - is now in— 1 BETTER RUNNING OR ER than -ever it Was before .- -- We -have. -put 'in-- -a new Engine- and . anew Planer,'_ and :have et'erhauledall-the. rest of the Machinery; -andare now repared to .do.. _ - . . -1 . • • ALL .1A1:011K 0.q..t. ,.9ING • - - • - - -• " We hai.c also on hand a large .Stock of t ": • • Seasoned Lumber, Doors, Sash, B inds, Mould- , ing, House and Barn Eave Trou hing, Etc. SCROLL AND BAND -SAWING,. : _ STAIR BUILDING A SrogOiALTY.. • Give no a ciill befoie purchasing elsewhere, HRISTIE & RQBERTB • • , c ...4 4, 4