HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-05-06, Page 4• . • MOW The atuchnow Jentinet 1 Hi,: I.TT1' it .lfC I: 1G \ 1:i;"E YliVELY •i'; Ii) THE owl -311.7A 'of, (.1.NSCLENCE WE 11:11-1, AB( )VE 1( -Til Ltcknow, May 6, 1831, \VI1E tr _Syndicate bargain was under discussion the Government sup- porters insisted that the the land sub- •- :i•ly should only be estimated at $1 per acre. • Mr. Blake and the Opoosi- titai, taking the Governinent figures of the value of the I I arii_s _11 tho belts' as laid out in the previoui session, computed the average price at .$3.18. The Syndicate have-seitled the matter • Tor the present by- fixing the price at • $2.5G further notice.' If no • . further increase should bemade, which is not at all -likely, the_valtte of the find subsidy •at_ this- :rats would he 4f."?00,000-instead of $2.5,000,000 as.claimed bp the Governmei.t. • • .:-:-.-.. - • -- - -. " - TnE-closing sentences o_t_ iNfr...Clatb: .•Ftroile's-speecti-in nip Ving.th-e""introdoct_ _ - -tion•(.4 tin; Irish -Land - Bill -hay ti • •_.• . ei , 20 Eitel ii'ng- ritti of an honest ritan'S utter . • ances: _ • - -: . : . . ,.., ..,- - • . , . . .. _ . . . . • < - -"There May le Other facts that arO - - • 4 isheartening enough, . but these arcirce_ unistances widen outfit to teacli neither. to despair •nor to. dosinnid., -B•tt there is a highs en-A:our-. ingament and -a-nobler encouram geent. - :yet -than th.isei and fs.ondthat--is. - to be' enjoyed hy all men -.who :have ' - faith in certainlirinciptee of action:-..";-- ' •It •is said- wo. have •• failed I do not admit. failure. almit siiccoss tn beincomplete. atilasked, How is • it to he -made compktol• I say" by patient patient - persistence., in welichiing- jctioArs)---by. steady- "adherence to the :work. . justice: (Cheers) Then .- • -shall not - depend. -_upon _the_rosuits_ of the moment.' It-- will not be - what -to day Of -.W-TUDTrow aay„; will be _ _ . . i 'rather what fruits' we 'ire to reap tl the long ratite ot- nation's -existence, tand with -that ".-we 7liave rockoiiiiig which cannotitt/I: Jtisti.ce,.sli,is to be our guide..* .It luta been said tbat_love - stronger than desith•and so justice 114 otronger-than popular_exeitement, than 4 . • Wiry sow dirty whe it when you can got a Fanning Mill that will take all the dirt out, at Hunter's Factory, Lucknow 1Z. HUNTEib. -1)EmisE.-Tit another column will 1)0 found a th•atii notice, recording ti.:o de.:.th of .M !travel) ALict,ean, of ..),Ipeint, laic 1,ticknow, .4 which litter N-illage he w a native, and in which he pk- pnt the gicarer part of MI boyhood, and also mm aktng enn o tiof hm is high oral and Coristian iiiaracter, and the esteeni in which he was held. The news ot his death w received by his friends bere with sad surprise and deep ri.,giet, Ile was a boy of unusually nice disposition and good qualities, and by his briglIt cheery manner and obliging disposition made himself a n geural favorite. Gifted with talents of no mean ot der, intelligent and am- bitious, he maintained -4 the positioof head pupil in the public:school here white attending it,- passed a highly creditable Interinediate Examination, and, bad he lived, would have made a high -mark in 'the world, but his death has gained for him a mark," higher than he could ever -have attained op- earth: With his father and..mother, he moved out.to Alpena, Arich:- hist summer, and the climate there proving fatil to a. con- stitution -never very strong," be sue:. .cumbed. tothe_ .dread -disease, cOnstunp.. tion;.d"ying it IfiS. father's residence 0111' at the--e-arly -a.76.---of.11 years .-and- 7 Mouths; • -.„. • • - • - • A. lisoor_Loi.*..Oot, forinutier.- Jiidging :from --the -bare- we- 'copy." -a :recent; &silo lof the l‘lout real •Ciiigettei :.thOse. w o ere", e.",xpieting: t&-:!realiZe SrttiOi priaa fir their -butter thi S'!Irascitis wiIi -stand. il. pint -nee. ef • being: -0riisapointe(K '11 to , following,quotationlite.;onts glooi v.pickure.; A.tj vies ...).,ceivet.1""-niail." from. EIIz11l 1(1, eo:icerning hatter, wfire' of . , ilisestrolio- nature ..ae-to quiteia puiicky fw1in itt ths_ fin- -11en t real. A. -letter Irony oneof.the- largest tirmain iLoncloti,-.4tated March'. 1741.),_ -Priei, kni Is to bwn niss. Jltij public'. at 4verpotd-z--at• 42,1_ .,to. rt.)do, not ‘1111)...• tis. -WO baso.liet_10()Yki.-.fifty packsges .during the itat-,Ifour - `Atiot,her ''..etter: fi biro'. your • ibutter Without ipsorve at-ther;pnblreeales; cannot get- rid..rof another from Glarog)w,-•sitys -The but tprinfy. kia t,. wo-nintebildition than wir ----vim amr-111-41k -11%. -111-141 41•••MOINIP•1111.11•11.10fl acLeod HEAPER TH EVE 1•TE-W" SIRIII\TC-blr •GOODS. The Largest Stock Ever Broug 1.-rsTRE, 9c. to 25e PER YARD. BLACK CASHMERE, 20c ti 300 I'IECES PuINTs, from c. to Ile.. 150 PrEcEs F.seToity Corn:IN, r Ai4L-IvooL • TwtEps, FROM it into Lucknow. • •'200 PIECES DRESS Gt»pS, 10c, te. 20c 11' yne. uitowN DUCK, Iron, 12,ic to 22e. 45e to • GROCERIES, TEA, from 20e to SV. per lb. SUG Its. Cheaper than Uteri BOOTS & S 0 S: LADIES' 1.3001'S, from 81.430 an. BOY' PLOif GM BOOTS, $1.6 Up,' ME1.\;'S 81 25 up. Le. . We _ Defy Competition Mad Cannot be Undergold, as We .131.4 and Sell for °ABEL 4,34(.4,4 and Examine our Prices and tie Curivince4. W. 1a,ve.c1Pciiird to sell at In,:ffnallir Profit; than ever, and make our Celli' eyistenr.epm _ pletely digt,-nee th.: Credit way :a &Rig Busin.e.tik. • :.111011EST- NP.W Plit<NTS, - NEW DRESS (.100I)S, NEW CRETiANS, _ NEW MERINOS, - NEW CASHMERES, NEW-SIIIRTING NEW SHEETINGS,--, • • . . . • .• CANNED-PEACTIF,,A, (•:ANNEI7 4AN,NE-1) (4. . :(11111-11V:1?0‘ ER, •. - 1.1.41?111:4,. - • .Dittlib MEATS WPM' tiMIIR1,1,A.gf" tit tiT 11ACIS, EW TIES - . NEW (ILOirES, 'NEW .FR-1NGES NEW .}Rim NEW } MB11oJD1RY, NEW LACES, .." EPPS COCOA,- • COC'OANITT, ' CORNSTARCH+ Pit:ALES, • _TIntidsll MACkEREt, FINE cubiasH, • ()T-TC)1V1 PRI tiNS 001,I,ARS, • •• AIEN!S WHITE SHIRT.r.4, - MEN'S OXFORD Elli111113. : mlyg,s_oVERALLS EN , U..T; UNDERWEAR, . . • - SI.Ek HANDKZiteltIEFS, • . _ CM -11:S FRIEND,- • WASHiNG-X.RYST-Ao ' • . AlASti VANGY SOZPS; T0ii..ET SOAPS', • 1LEf<1.7.1110 SOAP? • A LARGE imoTHit AND ULOVERSEED i A. IVIacIN TYRE. ull for Service ! JUST RECEIVED, 41, we p Th Ithough it in_ Olj our -road visearat:h.sdat-set: te.11r1:may__;' thesi Lttaisnclullek18:01:.'nue4:11vii;c11:11- It' hi SfYitel:t-nt:17)1311*741.eaidi; TtAllrEaHrigeehr,11:Se:Lti, 1:6• t ct.:41)' N1E1.151.0. _toriaacititii7:tgh w e ca Icidwe017 ebrYe :Alf°111:::::1:ti.:rill:r:a/1131!;;i8ilia.,... a_ • h-1,01:seseoettsi other u.. at e,d .• the p - -1 ..d -resent,11*- aI, 1S 'the gfilige fal•he t that light' tap that s„cfniof ne'inm117;;;$77:411-41slaa:lirj.liiccuttla y have- recieved Montreal_..tfoisr f irf.g"7e' - A FINE- LOT OF. • guwis rt.c.catiy sold in England. I 0 -1.17'7 -eV white,retard,au motile mieviatien however, ot "thti :pain triumph_to know that others are shining the di:- tress with wtl, us, for we underst Ind than. olf than our- On Real Estateat reasonable3111e,„•-, - • _ Now Yorkers sTO worse . . • t. • 8Cilot,ASTIC.:- The: following_ are the names .41f, the: pupils of Nihrseho.ol, . who obtained 'the- highest harks tor.. tt I - Ilsportrin.nts- 0 .-. p.r.&C.., 3eUitilt.1011fi for Arrtl IV.- fcri.--=-1,--11,-;. MacIlWaiti•," 2, M -M,t1wun, 3 T gogaii: • J`n.-I..„ E. Kerr,, '2; L. Mit. - - "lough :;-_-3; T. -TShepard" ; 4, S -Smith.. TIL 1) 2, 1)udd -; E Garner, 4, J. MacKingla;-. .5 • 8 ; S." Black. • • 1, E(Girviii; 2_, M. Ilogaii-; 3, E Ste wart, 4, 4, It.. Ityan ;_ 5;G. (Jackman.; 6,. R Blno& Junior. Department. -Miss 1ta1p1i..teacb-1I -1, W. M4eVit2iii; s2. N cartj4. A.': ilith.tingi; 4, (;itiajogr; Dunkeld, 6, W -..Monk- - /Man.- -I. Kerr, 2,-i_ Jack: roan, 3, A Mapilwain -; 4, -F. Glenn ICery; 2, L Hardy ',_ 3 B. Ditnmick ; 4, H. Ryan: h1oxNf.ss —We are . very eorry to 'win' -that. Mr. May 25 dangerously - ..Tw6-4,uctors have hoot) in attendance On. bun -: "We hope to • soon hear of his .-covery: •_ • FA ItMtNG:—Faernus aro busily engriged • = be i*- Sowffl' Thoy wi1• thtuugh zn this vicinity, this -week. . s, 1••• -:._ - - s DIEj). .' • -.. „:: ' AforiEvt,----.On'Momiay, thi. 18th April, . . • - _ .-Nlitrilecli 'AleLear,.aged .17 years • and 7 mufti's. Funeral was liont . - at the Congregation41 elicit& on - -21 -- Wednesday. br Rev. 4.W. West- „ . . - _ ••• Mr% McLean was a- Christian Toting -man, exemplary itt 11 his habits, mall _educated and intelligent, of inoie_than lordinarkprt Bra beloved by ill, /ii414ss is mourned -by a Jorge circle cif NtriauCti• -Alpena Counill .Pienem =. . their nab meludy .• ratherittiiiit"_give-flietr stuff. • - - • - 9°44011 terins �f P4Yi-4°.11t. _away in groat sottik of thorn are.: .1-t..-:' r1....t° ons7t,t000n :ktfit-„liOrrQWerS. • grs,,onsi,;ittered":flnprtti in New- Yuek.eity.. -Whiit tIiy id11 d6 with it mit this-. 000, it 11 the extra reftitt. frei,,lit edited to cost, j., an !punt in the •, trade.- I'c'.sil,Iy it •iei toiledto go into ..-"pot.m.1, and he -Shipped.- out again in_ a roriovtitwl forni; Ashuirt time siutce w -e uttloru.'(I the. furt, that butt:I:had, _been :ordered. lhack Irom Liverpool t� we -learn that anetherhitch of 1600 packages is on its way home.. - We liearthat reciantations -13ave.lbeen -:bothering Now • York anl. eitiOago::41 ippors ina ii-aggr Oivaf of 1at, anti • tjiat..in-•Liet. the:rowel..are' effusing tho Aeliyiest.etier experienced' in the trade. ---Iti t lis Matter.. fbctn nrc. -round -.lots .0-.1.nitter liehf .,en•cOuittry accOant,. Which :the. -,owners IrsfuSisl to hat ••tO day _would- not fetch: 1 per.pounit,‘..TI is is h 'Ming old btittor for: a Hoff," arid catching a fill..Witha vengearite.1-:11 was --." generally:rem:m.494.. thal "the, I osSeis newDUCKS, . being-enstaineit.would teach- salirtiti,".i, • -. • TELLIcyri:::.TRAvER. • 'IC --Next to Post 01.-ce * - • , ANI E3 1 I anlcingthe public for the very Liberal l'atronage accerded me during the past • three. years I would announce that this Springs Importations are larger than usual, and ex ceedintrly Good Value ..which I am selling at the Lowest etisli Prices. _ • FACTORY COTTONS lesson alt! 110. 1* 'aUtto 111 fututa DENIMS' -against Speculating- in this -elibpery'ar-- but 'judging •, from the pas, wo TWEEDS, very;much question it. - SMAT T oi MONEY, I 4 SUMOF' on Or al out the 20th -of April,- By proving - property and 'jiving expeneee.tho ownokr can have the fatale. Apply at the FIENTINBL =The feathered songsters are arriv- ing,,and alreaciv tire air iaj,iutii�al with TEAS, SUGARS, • - . . . _ - • . - - • . • - ' • • • . - iI- : . .. 5-. - . 2 ...•.....s-.._ . ...-,_,_ • ...,_,. ,. . • • • ...,;- . ..•- . • . a . ALL CI-IEA.P— ee Theth, - SMOKED ISPE • • 1 • -Has reduced -the priee of AL ES • . • Now le tile time to.purchase • illage *and Park Lots • GROCERIES V . (\Vith or without Dtiildings) • - • - ' . Boots and 'Sb� at terms ; ' • . • . . mita' WILL SUIT RICH OR- POOR,' , CANNOT B-E SURPA 1,--s--„F-D.' . . - ' _ brapply•tvg ii -1 . ,--,- , 1 .. , < 1 — ,t•- , JAS. GIVE 'N E A CALLJ I-- -A5 somt VILLE a week:- 312 a day -at home easily. thade. Costly outfit.0 e. Addreee.:. TRITE _& CO,. Augusta, Maine.1; X2MCXXXI. A'17 ;P`4” • '• • oyLpfk- 1 a - ci-TES' k.,IGARI-- • `, , THEY ARE MADE FROM TO BEST SELECTIONi OF BRIGHT! FLUE CuaEB' OLD \ilaGINIA LE.J4F Who will be found at .his Ofdoi. 071 tbe• } - 13iidge - • • lReady. and Vitilling _ • - te to accoinutollate his numerous' pation 111 1 ti ANYOF_ THE WANT. 'Which he has fur years -past seiw.ed • - tl'Y /4'4 g.tv DEEDS. MOR ?on TOACEST. 01% ii‘&1 La pi • Ira TOBACCO •DETRPIT•alsco* asa • - - . 1 1 and other • atb INT • ' - _ - • • • DOGUMENT-S • • • . I . • red - - • wit _ Carefully and Punctually itittendfct te. nr'171-i • ' _ • • prof, JAS. SONIE1;1111,1a.