HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-04-29, Page 5if A PORTION OF 1881 MIPiG GOODS HAVE AAE Choice Dress Goods CHOICE PRINTS —V ERA' CIIEAP,--- OVELTIES IN SATIN PARASOLS, NOVELTIES IN SILK PARASOLS. Lovely Designs in THE NOBBIEST SCO T 1E BEST ace Curtains CH TWEEDS, 1\1 PRICES- - AT T1.11' LLC) W EST 4 AT ES`l' 1I()DEL,S:_ I u its B0-.) :S °ANTI): SIIQ ES SQL C HEAP: OR..ON •TIS\IL'TO2RE. t1,1 3LI;'(;US-•l '-Elis.-= GAND OPE —OF— SEE WHAT ,PHYSICIANS And People in Canada say about NING 1 Scott's ErnIsio22 Of Pure Cod Liver Oil NEW SPRING GOODS. We have flow opened up, and have ready for inspection' Inc of the finest stocks of 1)ry Goods, &c., \ve 'lave (:ver presented to the people of Lucknow a td stlrrouudio:; country. \1'e refrain from lilov iug,al)out immense yua(ltitics o. guids, (1 ke some 7x9'louses), which, sum/41, , mere/. -'-rice. Nor will our say anythingabout our facilities tor buying, but will rest �t C c ouclaim toj,ublic-piattoflage - WASTING DISEASES• ypohospNfs of Utri & Sod As a Remedy for Consummt :'. ND Soler- on. the Meoits of lour Goods. -which we offer at She— Lowest Prices for Cash ter Trade. Wef call the attention of the Ladies t' our 33 -ad S \\''firs' cola',-' t:s in part til,ACK and COLOREED 1:1) 511: ' S, BLACK and COLORED - . ASi1.a1EKES; 11;1•:\U11 MERINOS, 1'ALAMA 1 1:15, (it:\J F (:LU1'ilS, - h \.1 A-hos('1.(11'lI' M1:LA\(iI•:, and lr 41(.,.1 S'I l.-1'I+S, a11of • which we otf5:r.a; our ural low prie.a, :In our E T a We show 1':1\C1- Bot(I,l-:u :41 fom1:., 7'u.er,l; I'--tt)s, 1).1 .-M sr•:Itx, I'o]u':ll,(,r$s, 1:+2[s,ssLu ('1I11,L,1tP.X- .1'LATE, 1'A.Nt 1lil:<..1T"1'As, (e ett. 011r STAp=., . TiD Is full of cful (:ootls -atilt as 1 -)t -i•1. and 1)rrXr'IS, Sx111TI�(,a I\c.• ;, 1oIVELiN(s, (;flilifi All WRITE CuTTu\S,' Gents's -Furnishings De• cor 1)tiI,ea thL ll(i;Itles-its-1t[�,-(�1ULLiit i, ,�JI[Iu"I'S,.�IIAt[ , C rocery an'd.' Boot && Shoe T TIcxluu.S, Sfti E c., etc: ()ur• INUS, TAlfLE- artme it .', LttaicEs,tC., etc., Our : epartrr ents._ re: is Usual' well filled with reliable moods-; i ndthe 1(riccs .a (;Ut down to 'the owest notch. I IT 1ILLR we have no'Gas Genercitors on the:� remises prepared to carry out...A look Will convince the :most spot for-Bargiins pd "advertise Mt•113,1 what we are ptieal that 11IeHardy's is the �CHA•RDY. NAC t�' the eo inform the Irablic thathe-pias e onstantlou lt l'anq a .FIRST-CLASS STOCK % eii A,, 011iell'S, itis; e. S' and.. Boot.'.: 10 Anil ' sa1(.«c- iris-- really supericl i tt i.ac i1 risen f'ch ic.:•W1=Lole-stock Boots 1 c€:s'c r1=c:1ii. t):.; elsewhere fi1la rill 1st:=yet' s.: sol at anal tincl.Qx and 4uLt(•r tal;.G'R ill aachaii ;e Buz-'-:3ti TT 1 :o: GOO N 1'%'S roll, • .LL. (8,.:) ttc MES , CORDO - 11:Iviir r'IIlc1.e'LI to_ !Its new an 1 corn ra +:11(I 11S l;ttit-)1(' .7'1111) 1' tit C .A16PELL; S !1f?\V r)'g('l)u`t`(' fe)1' is i. 1 '1 I1(;S is{)11 t Ian. er SI it 'c,t!i:iil-a� cr. 14 (� Ill l r;a(Il (ti 1 ( 7ittl . llypjy. -of froi4 i1reit t-'il 111- 1 i cJ -lit: -•1 ly(I1"ij llal{).{� l)1'IL.('S. -~ - 4`. 0, -5 - feel to :I! v-),:ti•t Of the it tt-ei.t IH)tice. -. :(t liig}u• \(:erbt-1 Price 'lids for_ k11 Eitted Stuck GRAY' X1'1+471 IC Ht;'i11!'i\li.' ' TRADE MARK 1'4i.r• (;_itHAT I;',. -TRADE• MARK, Ail unfailing' citro for Sem in- W,t akit es;;,-- Slit rillatori b a,: Tinpoteu(y,- - tihai.�,vs y and zllDis.ase,. LtIOreTc�IilIIe'thtltSs11LOW LU ,L t tet A. use-•; as loss (if 1lt.nlort-,"1.Ittri,crsal., Less!: tilde, Pan in the baih;_J)Itruc., of Preumaturt,olt1 age, and -many: other---)it:('aI.es- .that ](ad to Insanity or. ( o)rsi,Jllp ttloli iii d r7.1 afa, I'rcfirm ((lava c� rI a}I p uticul<it,--,-1/1- (‘ ur p:amphlet, which LLt.7,-1 s'11e to s('n.11-,free - 11y )1i 11 t(' every.://nrZ t'1'Itr Spt:cifici; U(;tl:= cine 1 soli' by -:z}1 1)[ug7';-l�ts at- $1 r r i4elc- •a. e, oe s v, pae4ages for : oi• will -151', sent'. free bL 111ail on receipt +.-if thl, :uio,icy .by ad lire■r+�.n . TUE GRAV.IptaottlIVIE Co.; 1 ---lost r. Out , (7rii d . Gr. S,ileltnl:,<G)i1 .w 1?,v tJ1,arttt,t,.i set ',ntT lir aL•fte)•eii ('ana(l a aint "the tritittc1Statcs:,' y -y d1,v1ItoI(s altt,aind. ret;auil i _ «stts. EACH-I'LlU G (LU THE S M RKED 1Z. Other n c � cy -: LLTTLfti . CZZ 7 # ZZG' [as J usE rseeived ° a: -large= And varle ` stock, --of CLOCIL_ , J) �Y-LLL1 RY-and--'LAT fib_ W1 E stooir ►-'sine(-rhe 11(W =t Ft�le�':oi UL ((lL�,l" Fall R ATili,. '-MOOCHES,: C]. R,RTI1CTS, .UC.ITTS, (",EM and -W DDING i INCS, f STITDS .auh. U >+ RUTTO_Nfi:, ..., ! •f r.2.5I�'.Tw`. CPI1:I1T' ati:1- PT:7E1X T.R.. Sr�,N Df.•.;, j'-I4vI1'.and PUTTER .K.\ . s, :NAPKIN :„R • Not thstantlina1 the, recent advance of3 cent . •' r pit.' tit, � hoIesaae market, -I am ,)reiaare(I:to el at 4 ' kinds of repairing- airi_.- � g rteafiy iln(a.� l,rl r,tptJ3 e warlaI:tr:Cl,. solicit a call f 'cnt 1nte:I(Iii g put chasC1 • bef Ieiernber the stand, ttvo doors East ofd O (,:; n}) )ei1-StPt, 1e1.t)clvl)ft! ficuted a�ici-sati lactieD o Rt fe buying clseuiliere. . 'lcH-ATDIj'S; _.•••• 5_ 1 Y( than - 1 -1/1111 1 ;,r11-cl ilieJ l rr1ty a toriits th( `j,illrhe- to li"i l' ,...4 -opened an I'tr le:11-1 )) s n'e lrla,lin,s --wwhere: lit, will 11;t , t.. sly sale all articles :left .for. Sade (-outfit',tiiof, 10'.e-- 2 ttL.. - .. `IuiL AVE , THE L UGKNO' i:: fluty in -- ITER • VM% u. it' ti:is Left .-re. -\4c Labe ]lot in- a new s)L triiauied-all -the. rest (if ;the A;l::ic,)liutr3', N 0,RDEI: ,and a new 'I -Timer. 'and -hn\:.e and e'1 -low prepared to do - ;. -WORK_�- h ay-e:also otf1i a11(I .a L ed umber r oo rSe ns▪ Y: ▪ use and Barn a'V SCROLL AND .BAND:SA‘,11ING9 STAOGR.B TFLeft` W V Y ,(i1La'-tis a call-hef(:4'C- rut'11addna;_: CH ISTIE . el- ll LINE. Blinds Mptiid oughi.n , Eta-. - SPECIALTY. ti PErirco JIAC, N. I;., Nov 8, 'KO Nlessrs. Sewn. & HowNE.-- I Ii..vt used and prescribed for some time `Scott's Emulsion of Cod -Live' Oil.' and find it an exee':eut fixed prepar:.tio11, agreeing well with the stoma As, easily take)1, and its colltit.ued use adding greatly to the strength and comfort of the patient. A. II. I'E('K, M. I)., Tenn. Sled. College. AMr1.IF_ItsT, 1(L a Scotia, Nov. 8, '2'13 Messrs. SCOTT d I3oi1`:iL•'.—(;cuts, For near ly two years I have been n' -'i salnte(1 with Scott's Emulsion of Cod 1.iver ( )11 a itll phosphites, and consider it. the lint -t pret,ar 'tion now 1efui-r the Intl,', , .lt- permanency as ar_ f.inunion 1t 1 t tat. pleasant fluv,,:ll,akerr it tlie'_•reat fa %oritt• f. P C1 .,ire -11, 111111 I as, hi,h1y ree ,llrnl(•ii. 1 it f„1• al: L. actin' di;eases of the system. fours, • cry truly, • ('. A. IiL_1('K, M. I1 IALIF.1' . \. S. Nov:I')• '21tl Messrs Scori ati lil,wllr:eu I have "xeserrbed your ':saes -ion for the piongive years, and found it -1mu1 t agreea(:de to the stomach. and hay e% bettt'r'results 1r4)111 its use than from .any other .pr:, t 1.ration of tilt. kind I have tiled. II. M. L' a_ME1WN, SII, D. ISI r,I•i viii.E, QIrT: 3IessrS. SCOTT & Bft sXE.-,Deal .Sirs, I feel - it a duty I owe not "lily• to you bit -A° VA' conunu7.rty to make the ft)llnw n7 ;it-alpine/4!•,: :About ;, years :ago my eldest daug )ter'-wac • takers will' a;;e ere cold width Fettled On her lunz,s, artd.ncitvathstarldiug all that her :Med ical attendant could (hi, slie' got 3yi(tn Ise 0;44 Worse, and :appeared to be,:in the last anis hopeless'sstage of .3onsunll)tioil. The: Doctor • said he teed]-' do no more, hilt recolnmended ynitr Emulsion, and the effect of was in the opinion of every one .who knew her; simply marvelous ..Before she. had used the first bottle; :she felt much better,and-to the sir= prise: of us all, she, continued to mend , r+, rapidly that in three months ,she was able tel gti about as usual, and has continued in sec}1_ excellent health' that she , got n:arI'ied in mi)nths.ago, and has now as :#inf• and..'•healih a -saw as you -can find in the country..- ; • WILLLUI BLACK. - ELOIe t, UN T. Jt Lt,;I.880: This' s to -Certify that my (laughter has .i�ird : Tung .disease for,aom( time, anti' was very much reduced in.lilfsh,'and, had not • strength to n alk•:acrosa the -street. 'She was ad}ised by lady"friend to' :tr Scotts I? tu]sr ,na ani tu.- out ,rent surprise befr,re the bad'ufied three bottlesher health Was complete'- restored. 1• re itmniend it to everyine troubled With the same' disease .:JOn1T W. BOWES. - The -Greatest.Tran;c' t4 o.f u;oc e`r71 rias w.t.>+.w 'rhe Pills Purity tlleib:ond, co'rrect;- , all di . : o •(lers'i,f. the liv-erg Stonmach;: I .id le3-. ;tad Bowels, and. are invaluable -i31 ;all uotu )1 sil.lt-a incidt11ta1 to 1' enialc's. . • The ointment is the onlyreliable renedy fo' Sad kegs, s, (1ld \% ou71ds, S.o1 a-.a1,d t,.lccI s, ^.a however ver lima standing For Bronchitis, 1 , thtria,,'('1,111115, Colt's, (iout, Iillell;R1 ', _ and all:Skin Diseases it is 116 ei-end, _ - BE"WARE . (>:1° AMERICN COUNTEEus, trotstr(1)1 et-f1111i tale leave to call the a tentilai of the 1'ttl,lic r(•3te i 111' to the far - thatetri.taiii nobs s In New ,; }' iii' are sentlil) • to m:tily parts elf the hl(>I,r SPL1;I()Ct S I141.1 1 'Sof n: -y I ilh and ;in -I: went. 'These - f alulsblaroutheir• lab,,la sense.address..in 1 do pot al low my: 74-ethl Iles to L}i' wild iz any part Of the"1.7iiited ytl1;t•.. 1' haat nr,. Agentathti1e. .)ly°_ill lh-iilcs are (ni1y made by ale, il• .,.i 3,-(•)xford 1-1▪ .'t..1,4.11410)) In the ll'aiks of diri'ctlorls Ili \4' l til tbe spn, rims, Dalt('r`.:a:i':1,1tion, • }aainli lin ,1'ii])13;' lglt� tb )n 'd,.(,1 t1( by" cotit)1 tfeil1.. I), 510)tll)e misled 1i this :tfi(I .(•loli>a . i o.1 , tri(;, are ' 11)1. er,tz,t(4 7t its (14/ 1)+4x14•,1: ':i cft,ruu,fi(':e. e _ _Ills i t uilti>•frlt� are ] ,.1tll,�.ct[ 1)y' tu1lu'i1 )l 1 ( taa(null t1f ,st pure , f ti 1'191 al11(1'llot1winttt ,8111I til..oif1ti,roiljr;.. 1 :t:o-t , (int° tri nlljav:(� oil :f sl•iisc (If. jar pct aviii(•1 t) '.'1 gin)( `t ili:iv \l81IIH ' 'diol=. '* i-1,tu, fl'(, t ,f1-ltolt(1 -lilt t ('1' ta14 t'a 4-i (jli(',• ;std the 1'11111-( a f 11' :t- li)a� lit in t'h'is Ii04V =i'1, 1)' (11tH upe i. tins :-;(.tnlef9.I }rand. 1•.:ti•11 l'' t Ins l'oi..ol tl r (;1'nrilrc< Ir(l 711(. :1: (,:-h Y:., :'1 �rtc,:rbe 55w t1i'. ▪ A Il -la aN}Y- JOINT • lit),'e-c (i , :L1 l 1111 '-111tH: 1a1117111 lis 4 :11:31). ;1112_1 2,11:T.T.o' 11')N. wit. 11 ..1,•r.x' tl(; ule '•1i tO'.d; (t111=41,lrr t, 1' •f)s (, •1:2 .. it1.. , (1)111 / t'�(.a.._ i,#1!r)`firs,'- ,cc,,,,•4 ((,,, JTti t: r' . :1:.1 i+•� „i't. ..L .%h 1. xi Ij. C'i :Ire- gistered=111 (:i1 tial a. 1 ieficse. Ccti: ;t . Out.the •Bili 1-14 P' - (-•1( is, it i,< It B,I'1' iii (#_ 11 c- t�ltri't'iGal, (~Vitii.i1rfc1(f( bt,))r(. _ =Ci'te's. iJ']i,llt'tl,� • T 'I II()s II(�L ,()WAV !I }�� fr..' '>3.) ilii Ut:LI j'ri,i.i.t,.:1 ((j•ae�:� ,5), • •