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The Sentinel, 1881-04-22, Page 5
A PORTION OF 1881 Lo#.11 �' ►• S _T E Ell .est, ICE PRINTS, --VERY CHEAP . iaATI# PARAstinS oVELT S Sag PARASOLS.. k' QBB EST S� TO 17.7 EST. PRIC;ES= .. ). \ _tet , J _I� iEI:1 .t, s '1LU.. BEST -OTTy L QTY- \ T1 E NEW SPRING GO.O • We have nu ,v opened up, and have ready for inspection one of the Goods, &c., we have ever presented to the people -of Lucknow and surroun refrain from Blowing 't',urit immense tluaatities of golds, (like some 7 soute1i •w never.crrive: Nor will yvesay. anything about our facilities tor our claim to.public pati t)nage- Solely on • the Xe its of our =which we offer at the— Lowest, Prices for Cash or. Tr We call the attention. of the Ladies to our. • . = SS'1.).-1;_16-..Ai-P;119 Which. ct to ,rises: in part I3LACand y E 1-. _ �K CO �()ItELD -SIMS, _13LAC ('ASt1,11I 111', 1' J'1?lt Cil 111 t 41-'SrQS,. rA1tAMMIATTAS, (ilIA SA_TE,L;, CLOTHS,- MELANGES and `I>'AI. (JH STUFF which Wt,' Offer t our usal- Low juices, . In our - WAL., show ly'<y'vc5 Bot i)' aL1i 1t()1tF, 1'l;i is :: ]'arm D ylth. MADDERS , I'OIlr l'iriLDREN'S i'LAII :1'`.tNer I LG<ATT.t", etc., &.t(..(r: ,Ju 1:3P17-111 ` =I_I NI)6UAIE..:1.10`_)TS'ANT) .SfOES, FOR 1ZELI11sLI Cl S1uMI l � `cri>Ir s t() info'rrtl tltt;: )lIl)lia tit rtite has • eoi ,t.uitl:} +2tt- Irina a STOC71 C �ron1ei1'S� _lfisses' and Boot»'. -0-and a ~i1ltif his really srtper:cr in cavil 'class., e I)ecially his_` free lc )marlin rttcei /t of the Moues bya:d- • `tif;:'FLf[3;Te 11C-� OC)a l; o®th def ssiirg 1 _ 3 • I; -fore purc'I lsi i elsewhei e: as1E-t It tY 311F IDi I'I. CO., TRADE MAAP,C.`IIIEGRT_ATr TRPep L MARK;: , rR°( i.LISH- REMEDY. - — 7n litcf ilitn 4 . (fit' -Utile. fair')Lt,lli� - ` til «'e`tf k n est 5 „ rrnit orrhea, 1f-:Irill, otcnc'y, •. fi r` gaud aill)tsc Cres rnJ , : ,-th It follow as a ti o (-`,�'�li SeeluenccotS itAftei tt use as lo, 'of ,Iletuort : L'nlversnl. T.assi-. tune, fain iii :tate hark, I)iitniens'of'. Vision; • Pa:m'tti:re old age. and rnany other .Diseases that li id to itisrinity:or . ('tslisuiription and I ''rctuatirr�• Gray...,::'Fill! particitltirs i:t „fir i)9. ll,'ziaet, iS 11Cl$'we desire to send- free nif il-to e.vi r ine t i The Specific Y 1 fic 11.,.2 cure- 3sold Ryall, f)rugAls.t.s'(it SI Tier pack •. a .c;e,.-orti x-packaglos'for $5 :or wi'll` be -sent - 1 I, fullof useful t,_owl., s.tch as I)ucj s •ttn(1 Di' i rpt,-SuIRT.INGS. I iciq,�Li ta; • JN(.1„Nus, 'f O1VI r tars; (;-]tu rind: WTITE Corio`s,-`etc , . etc. • Comprises the novelties in Ti s, (OLit4Rs,-. SHIRTs; -HATS CAPS, BRACE Gents's Furnishings Departmei Grocery and ,Boot. & Shoe -,Depart Are asusual"u•ell filled with reliable. g+)ods , and the prices -}ire cut down Tl1.r\rJ,! IZ we have:no fir1s'(re,ter,tto,s ttn.the premises, and aclverti. piepcirul t., carr;- out: ,A lw,ok Will 'convince the most sceptical'tha. .pit for 13 txoains. ,• •, '1 rigs, ()tit; ( cnatln: 1" ll3r71:.ucanow l,v altdrif.Jgtsv t v 'n"d lty uhere in f ianarl:i and the UnitedSt.,te:i_ y ya}I`whulealu and retaidruce*stts:. 1 1ii1!tt turin .: Sta(,c.aietlt�.. Last stock year's ; sci` vela at aI d-uu'er 3s `� I ergs nd ii , �itt�taken* t7.i1 3iello far-- • gur)(1t : - - - Tr 1_ - &CCD liv.cialTz' iron ALL. i1t1' !, ` a 0 & 10 cents .per in,; li •.Tttwirg"raIt rire>tf to his; new. and cam n: _11u`,18 lila-t( ter._ Shop East _ra c`I� c'2ro t ri leiT,,%!'Q'ck LL, . 111)1V- )r =)eLl�(l.(lfC)T.`�floing busi� ri5ss onaI(1 ger Scale,.t11an 'ever: :1 €, . is Kiii ) a, l.'(`glrl w -a1• suI)I)ly 61• f.1 t,: h n1.( at .,fall. -kind', at; E ett;b(_)I1alJlu pnc es. BEST PdEtii aUPPIY • ,Alt .,t' allure,. 1t, ,iev tet .,f th,, v.IIL -toe;ht.rc. - ►'t.c-1i.,1rt111s'li't 1'rice'.p.id.for a l 1 'ttted ` tuck_ • 8 est stocks of Dry -W ng country. e Houses), which, ing, but will refit °ode. :and COLOREI. CLO'1 ES, , all of D,il Ii+, 1 iB aL IIEETIWIS; TABLE-- u-1 - etc., etc., .Our ents. the lowest notch;` .Qn: yiyhatvie fsre INICHardy's is, the A atchmaker _ II'is just received- . a large and_vtirieel ;tock o "77 WC. -1'( iI'.1FS, .J E \V.ELI.E1 Y and I'LATEI) • (•,tl prising the newest style's c Q. L15 a:.. •• 1 LY E 1 Ivxrc F S; LIQOCIIES, . I Ali -R Ii L'I'1''11'I Ct )OLEIi',S EA. SI,r5,• CTIJLT and PI?,K '11 L 1'1' and- BUTTER I(NIVES; NAPKIN RINGS; STUDS- an : CUT r rU CART • • Yotisithstan(iing:_ thsk: reee.iit. advai ee of _30lier`cent 111 .'market, Ilam •prerla'red to sells at_. 11e CLOC1i 8 `G.00I�ET,S; r DNS,. 1 ,S'IANI)S-+ .LASES, & FACE Pl tt; QV THE 41 " >;Inds of. repairing''' neatly and- l;ron pily executed : r'arratted. solicit a (.sill. f16Ii ute:I(1 i?l; pu chasela before buying • R.emetrber the stand two_ (ocrs.: Fast of eJ OH ' !gill Campbell Street,lit cl:n(r=. • se«1iere.` i 11ITI EI) i�,Qi1ZQ�v�4i LfTTI':iZ'.: one :0/her is Genuine: rip IfT -it oilier lfertby intorums the piddle :he hat; t, e e da - - 4VC_TION MA. Tr,;lt.tyu•ian nr: 1_c,l11(11l )yhcre he; y(ill have' weeklysale .'' itll aeticles left for= welt - Con nissio -kw -rate. LNI:GIE1L than ever it-. was lief re.' , \'iYe have pot in- >,' now Engine. raid a overhauled fill thti rest of the ' facliinery and fi •e�' now prey, n ::tie ''{ • 1Ve have also -',u hand a lar --t' tock -of I'i tet, r and hare e SEE WHAT PHYSIC ATS And People in -Canada say about Seott's Emulsion Of Pure Cod Liver Oil y1'ITll , a Fyiophisphi1es of -U & Soda Asa Remedy for .Conmn ,tion AND WASTING DISEASES- PETITconIAci. N, B., Nov 5, 'bL . Messrs. Scow & BowNE.—I havt used and prescribed for some time `Scott's Emulsion of Cod Live: -Oil.' and find it an excellent fixed preparation, agreeing well with the stom'ah, easily taken, and its continued use adding greatly to the strength and comfort of the patient. A. Ii. PECK; M. D., ' - Penn Med. College._ pIrE'asr, Nova Scotia, Nnv .8,:'8u. Messrs. SCOTT ,1: BOWNE..—Gents, For near, 1Y- two two year;_ I , have ;been : acquainted -with Scott's t Erni—ash—al of Cod Liver Oil yvith:l3y-pc,. phosphites a`l,rl COm'ider it the finest .!.reps. atron_now ettni,re the puhlic, Its l erntanenev as an Em^uli;ionwith the] leasantfavor,makes it the great favvZ-ite: for ..liildren-,--.and I -do highly rec'inrafetrd .it for til waatirg diseases- of the .BVsten2. Yours, tory truly. - C. A. BL,.i_'K, M. Nov-. h):;p'SO Messrs Si ca &ton E_-:Gentleanen Iha%.. lue.scriled`yo u 1 nnlsicn-:for •the. - past. `twti years, and found it more-, agreeable to the stomach, and hive better ro.sults friar! its Ilse' Orin from any otherprcj.aration of the kind 1 . have tried. H'_ M. CAMERON, M. D. ' • ' ]tE7 LEV ILLS, ONT. - Iessrs..SCOTT &1'BOwNE - Dear Sirs; I fet I' it a duty I=:usve stat only - ti, you .lift tithe - community to make the folluw'ingt;itatenient : About J years ago my eldest daughter was taken -With a,severe cold Which-ettled.en -het luns,s,. and notwithstanding all that her TTed-- ical atten=dant could do, sate got worse aryl - worse,.and appeared 'to be in the "last :at,.t1 ` hopeless stage of onsumlttiou.- The Pct:. said he eeuld do no more, but recotnmendtd your Ewulsion;'and:the efioct4rf'it was in'thi: opinion of every one -who knew.. her, simply:- marvelous. Before-. she had. Used the first bottle, she felt much better, and to the ur ' prise. of ns all, 'he continued to mend so rapidly that in three m'ontlis she was a.le to . go about as usual, -and has 1 •ittii ued fit :mill . excellent health :that she grit married `1 _ months ago; and has' now as fine and health., a son as you .can find in the country:: WILILIAM LLACK Ei ort. , :ONT., JULY; 1880. ' "This i$ tri `certify: that pay- daughter has ball Lying disease for some time, and was very much reduced in flesh, and had - not strength to walk air-oss the. street.: `She was advisee. by. a lady friend to try 'Scott's Emulsion, 'and;t.=' our great surprise before iihe_ had :used thret liottlesb,er health was completely restored.' 1 _ recominend it to everyone troubled- with the same disease. -JOHN W. BOWI S, red to do easoned - Lum ber� - D r -�s, oo s, Sash, ash - B:g: n:.s ing„ House and Bar 11-:Eave= Trouug.h n SCROLL AND. BAtki©sAWi Nd, SSTA9ir° --GiVe us a ealt-befnre lrurcllasinl> ..The-GrEfatest ivsitderof m.idern Tint. : Ile 'Fills Purify the b trod. (, trr'-ct all: div or(ers.of the liver, St,iinach, -i(idtfevt.:.Z:ir_i Bowels, an(1 -are, ,invaluable in ill '°l.I-tittL4. inetdrntaltoltenfalet ` _` The ointment is the only rclia1 le rt gamily t -i Bad' Legs, Old Woitncls, Sores and Ulcers, a>' however long standing. For .11r. rachitis, li theria,• ('oyfghfs, Colds. Gout, 1 hems- 'inii'atlSkin1)iseasesiti is equa . I WARE 0; ' ANEfli� M :fQflflffj ,:, most respectfully talc:—leave to caul the- i ' tention of the Public generally to the far that certain Houses in NoW '-orae ire st'ndin. to'many parts rjf the •lobe I'1 IW) t',ti. I \'I (' - TATIO\Suf my Pills and Ointn;ent Thy►e frauds bear on their_ labels s( -one address in .Ne ..I ew York: - _ ..I do riot firllow my :Ierfi,anes to 1..)e.....sold, 1'.ill- any `part of the :United tit>tics.. - T have no Agents•there My Medicilt. s are ,only made h5y nye, at.: 33, Oxford Street. L. ndnn In the books. of directions -affixed to the sp, riots tnake:i• , caution, ' Warning the I'>11.1 . . against ht ing deceived,b , count deft...: I1 r mit be misled by this adaclonstint 1:--. ti.ey tee e . thetiotnterfeita tJo'ii )'r!Iend .„fo. flea -op -nee. '.l'htsecoot) terfei:tsare l>.rche tel`by unlrir." 'cil.led.Velnlors at; tine -half tit. -"rice -of in 1'ill5 and ()intmer>t1,attd1 are sold to you as n v 4,1)e' r(hl..1.- - "i mlinn'.t eatncslitLtl;y a.ppeal: to that, semi:. of jus -ice -which, T.feel 'wre T may. xi.Li.ur.e `ulx,11 asking fr. 1.1:11l h '.n, r illi• 1)t r,r(z1,. t o t.kj)-.f i , ' ;tvd the Puhhe, a,' fat as ma', lie in their pony- vr, 1r .11enounc lo_ this .baneful Ft > ,1. - •Each 1Pot Ino i<l'•.t ' f• -the: (centime ,Tedi 111('' be'OO,1iht I:i•iti7, 0.,verrfn4it Nei', j,. yt,itli' 'ir el,-; -- 1 1 o I iow Ay's 1:11.1 A AN.i'' ,0:11.7; - - :-- _H -8,3T. 1.ttSl},t4 •'-:i•t, graved_ there, :. - Op 411,- lali•1istb:e` lel lye,• ,,i,11x e,tt,4•'7Rr t;r,I ('N 'Iro:,X. sv here ,loaf -e they. Are .,1anirfrtti-ted,". f/a(.r„rvc,r,.x .I'•,fl . ,r,r:1. -(,i tt.; t in 1,ttr, rk,f' an., .)fairs ad d r',„vs tir, 'ot,At(J'f4•'_ --- ':file 1 i::trla Atat kis' , f thea t AI edrcires ATP gi .ti r.'il ill 1)itau a Hi r't .i y -44...t. tl, •c t t:z1 out 'he British- x‘ h. 1' f -y I.vi p tl:r- . Attu l i';a a'('.o';itr•: ;t it.f- r ...c. °"till.1,t. ) rise..- eutcd. Si Leib,- ' •' • `['1 [OS IlC 1 'I (xtrAy :i�. (j, ortn S,Tiiu.T. t r,po v'Zif- . flu!, -etc, •