HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-04-22, Page 4-'111111/
fiii Tuclutow 9t'tt�tlteY ,
1 -lir. 1.1'.0.11RTV TO 1 Friar 1N1) Ti, ARG' E 1-ItEELl
','l(I11N-; TI) ruE 1)1 ('!''TEL OFCuN5t'II:.•'E WE
AllyVE 1; 1... ftl!,'• I IItERT(E6.
LuNod', April 22, 1061,
sAy:; tlo) Brockville Recnrder : A
miner it 1.eAs County being di siruus
of securing- a , lltantity- of seed wheat
frt,ni ?Ltntt"l::t found upon inquiry
that the cost of transptation would
be 55 cents 1:er bush -1. Mr. Beat-
ty of the Sarnia Line; offered t1) lay
Anwn wheat from an equal distance
provided tt was purchased on the line
(+f the Northern Pacific Railway, for
tl arly fifty pier cent.. less. This is bti
o-te ex'itnpk. t f Synlic ite rates, which
i.t the end -wilt -take millions of dollars
,rlt of -.the pockets of the farmers- of
- t.te•.\orth West_ A monopoly. :s a
(arse tt)..ar)y.•CGuntry.
Ttr► &time,
I<rM:ty I.Hi ig o favorable d.ity
equally expressive terms, fignre largely
in his productions. We do net pre-
sume to dictate, but we think it offen-
sive ti good taste to fill his paper with
an,;h offensive lang;uage. Lay it on
g •fitly, Dion C., ) our denunciation
clay- proceed from a '`righteous indig-
nation," 1 ut have some regard for the
fcehng s of your readers. -
GooD FranAT.—This iia`)' was 1;en
erally observed as a holiday by our
citizens. A very quiet day was"speut.
UIWFELLOWS' SElirtON.---A. serrnJ11,
fur the (special bililtifit of 0:1dtellows,
will be pre tolled in Itev.-1). Cameron's
Presbytt:ri:ul Church, in tiro village, on
Sunday -morning next, at 11 a. m. The
members of the Lodge will attend in a
tiou is about open and vessel men
anticipate a busy and profitable season.
C-1pt. John McPherson left bete- early
last week ritl'I.is now in Chic:,gt), in
charge of (The Lady Dufferin."-
• YE4TRY IIEIsI'ING.—At the Vestry
Meeting of St; Peter's Church; Luck:
now, held- on the evening of Easter
Monday, . Messrs._ John :Laird and G..•
,INT. Priest were elected Chut ehw:lidens,
and- Mr.- 1): E.. Cameron; .Delegate to
the tSyilod:- Rev.Jsrnes Czrrie, Iucam;
burit..l,ieslded et the .Meeting. s.
a was.: ai.5ranae'lb(_t seeI1-
t•;1143- :u.# ;Nlalrit'd-antl Sir?!gle nten, au�l
tll.i _matt:a caul( (l t at t -lie L()rTit 1.ai.i ;(
iII t l.c: ult iut.t_' 1 The = Bene h;ts
avenged t!tnn1se1 v s of- - th••ir - .f"inner.
• ytfeat , scoling, a Victory ou-- -this
.region. 'TIL ' c`boy'Q_,'!_ however, sus
tat. ▪ tie L•.11), honorable- :defeat, ..as t11e
.;;tt,i)uiLictf: 3000-0 +sill >rhow .: The cra.',ot
} W 13 209 :anti- 400 yarns
- vnolo. well
r.t_lo r .
.l,u ;: ;t f�•r t T--_c� e. gut as fur. ails,:tellrs
t 1
IrARIr:A.1, • SINGr'3.
P.' t-.Cireisn elI 41 A. ,D. h. uiut.iI S. 45
J. 11_ Ilaltrter:.... .....2 W. -ii. l eleavcn.,.
\V. 1.1--l.itth t .T 33
.. L
1▪ ''ithdiater 30 J C-liristie la
1t. Errt►ham..._ ..,17 11. `5onta>>vllle 17
alee.in•* ofthe'.1f pile Club will; ha
',.'I`•it I):'t):, L. 1%1C itt=yre's,:rou:S„rtair
fivening .at •`5 30,:-ta .take: into)n-
i' o a<ri )ii the, a(ic I._ibility.• iii making
:n .v lea:l, ; 0'1 \!r. D. -Cami)►,ell s
far:ni ; ;1. full i)ttet1(I L rte is_ ietlueted..
.tI:im 1:to:L Ain .1 •' 1QIOIIli>l til'. Sjrn►od,
!r'i•i)i) . the; I)')rIrttfor•tl.-E..cpo�ztor
( RU t,. i1 -goat 1'tin iLrond th'e
3trt.et, _frightened the,- horst; of one -of
oar n edical meta 'on "l‘:Luii(lay-atterrroon;'
«rhlch so:are sed the. latter's; iie- :that,
springing eut :at hi:s buggy iiud•dra,« i rg_'
firth a long prnnln,%'knile,_he pursued-
the ittliilial.`w`ith the Intent t.o. cut'its'
throat. The rlliinial •lualraged to evade
hint; however,.and, fallin in lib'. put.-
,fins ; !ie' nide at it. from. behind,:
laying -barei,t,lia hip .Tune aria raking a
gash al out twelve niches: long.: •The'
'PrIOTE3t A /) (()ltr'r.3I'NT OF.REV.-D.. O. M
The Synod then .took, .up. tho,protest
anti-c<uupr�iat of Lite: Itev. 1). Cameron,
again -'t a de1ii'i•,11 of ;tile -Presbytery of
Ah, tlill ,,:'fir.+1l:.rL4 :4: new.orgarlization
t..rrey 1)x:- -
Cattigran: +v.is he•tr(i an lri3
ru) orf(e,1 by •
1 E).
Revs -11eFcir--1 licrlatttl and Z('asl�
ir�l.c uti.-brlutl;t` of dict I'r_shy_tery of
11t•ssr=. IIt'rtiltrs„r► ai,41` 1C1SI1ltrotl..
fti_t ;i
heard cl 'behalf `,ef = the. Ctir'gr-t,,.z
.)i cn oa. tank place, . partici )a`1(l
i -1 --by ti?e_s.s. _ Me
()r;151, (7-,, 11ranf=, St:ra'th,''
t, itix(ueufl- (*o don,--Tiiglt , I)sitids„ii.
by.. f)r.: (''-01traue, set-out!ed
1= Lr ° I41'tnr-otr, that the proteFt
ni:d'at peal I,e salt=.11)tZtt, in so far. as the'
S�.:t')tl tIi'e Il :it itlF i:a'l'('tit- to oro,U ize
< tlialllt r tc n.. Lt 't`ttttfi'I'1 pre: 31-a C-irr im-'
:t.tl 0 -3 at S') . short dlstanl,e :from
_ I. frkltct' ' a� 3 X utllt'�, a>i(1• iii a IUC-IIity
c�l'GI :) f.ir .1-1 i t ��I_Lli tits Ili -aiI5 of.
” irrt, , - kl+ : c: nt.:1 :therefore whit' the
-i>i-r-(>,)-1:11e•I,.e.,tl1yre_y toirr`ganlze, If.
noC.i 3`i`V, `iJid. C, 11'1-1g1'tlrill at SUltle
11,F•iilt wl ere a ,3�rlrtlz:t ali will not
inlirfcro will t .i3 it o -cc,rigre tioli;;,
amt t.eilt's no, conunen
Ni. •-11-46KEv Ixa'.=`I'lic' -tee op tlio,
.irt west Of thi
lake, i hat:i� uTrhe I ,
le- ,:los- .1s 'vest mulct,. 0ntl our. .sola
iltlt 1 E t.-100 E':t4'tllf5 Sf it ()tit; as �1t2'
>' .is to ,_tllrs.`that';t1le
n' 11- VO ('xper-refaced- all: e 1?
this" -month c,in h.' attributed, :a 1 .tl e;
-inion 1i Been= 4tea&li:ly from the `.«'est.-
"At -the: southern . porta i )n of -.the.. LI ke,
at the:eutlance --to_ the St. Clair S Clair; -'shre
the ice reaves the.. lake,= it. is : -being -
- b
b(i g: -
b asted: w i'h dynamite, %as fe•Irs of an
ice, jam, and coilaeguent tiood, are
n ;TY
..j f:i •
The Largest Stock Eve
lBrou ght- Into 1- ucknt;:lw,
BLACK LUSTRE, -9c. to 25e I'Elt YARD. BLACK. ('ASI t•,
300 PIECES PRINTS, from 6c. to llc. 150 rlEcEs FACT .111Y C:,TTUN, .c to I1 •:.
�,LL-WOOL 'I'\VEi-; s. Fi:(1'•I •i:,c
(1.11-catitr than f...'ver:
E ®71-: `.
TEA, from 20e to 55e. per ib.
LADIES' -BOOTS, from $1.00 up.
We Defy Competition :and :Cannot be
We'Ca11 and Examine our Prices and be Convinced. \Ve har 11..0
- liletely dist:Le t,)r. Cr
etite't iilf01 - :
• L:crt059E.---The: ."I's)tirl; S3j)ol s,:
.i✓hinipiunt • ,f tho=:Geuntit)s-of- 1111101/
and- Bruce ,- have ,--organ izetl -t )r, the
season, and have eleetecI: the foilovirg
oUicers :
President -Ir . ' .Cameron, Esq -
Viei :Pres:-U.:W. horsey, Es1;.:
3ri,1.: *cam:f res. -I) C:. ^ipbcll; I sc1..
Ca:ptatn.-=I�. A. llcIi tyr.
5eeretary.. -11. _E.• B.00ltiid ge. -
Praotisc will.:be c;.tnmenceil at once and
trip:). soya .aria deteririi11(1 to carry
everythingbef.-,re . thein : this s :asol1 tr
they (lid last. We -wish _them -succuss.=
(-,..r wfit ro-It YYTiia.y i u; mite( with sorne.
otli, r corl,r. gallon already ex•stilig in
-tkl , 11 eiglil)orli:)G 1 -
'This carried, two artier d-
Ir1,e ti t', it l;in. lo.,—t..-