HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-04-08, Page 51 A PORTION OF 1881 SPRING GODDHEARRIVEPJGRANO OPENING 1 Ch�iceDress Goods CHOICE PRINTS. —VERY CHEAP, -- NOVELTIES IN SATIN PARASOLS, NOVELTIES. IN SILK PARASOLS. Lovely Designs in Lace Curtains. THE NOBBIEST SOOTCH TWEEDS THE BEST CLOTHING IN TOWN �e� —AT THE LOWEST i4 ICES- - Suits At 8:50 ads... •..Sui LATEST MODELS .. IST FELT HATS_ THE BEST ALITY OF :TEAS,- -- HANDSOME BOOTS ';ANIS SH:OJ S, LL SOLD CHEAP . FI -OR ON TIME TO RELIABLE -CUSTOMERS. EI Av.L E I .: -Wishes to inform the public thathe has Atenstaiutly on hand a FIRST-CLASS STOCKTOF en's, Woren's; .Misses' ane Children's-Booka. Go and . examine his really - auperiti stock in each clasp, especially his ; Buff Pebble it- R' bole -Stock Bows: Before purchasing: elsewhere. ianliifacturi-no a ►Specialty:. Last year's stock sold it and,: inter- •eont, o`Eggs and Butter .takes axe fee gods. • • CRAY' ..rEl iFiC NRD1Cllil¢ TRADE MARK:TRRGaxet ER -TRADE -M RK,. GLISH RLNEDY'. An unfailing cure -for Sernin- .- al Weakness;. Spermatorrhea, Impotency, and allDiseas• it abet follow as.a sequenceofSelf .11.1 A use ; as, lose of Memory, Universal, T.aset tude, Pain-in..the back, ,D mnebs of Vision, Premature old age, and :many other Diseases,' that lead to lusanity orGor,sumption and a - Premature Grave. air -Full particulars - in Nur pamphlet, which we desire. to send - free by mail to every one, AThe Specific Med cine issold by all Druggists at 51 per•paekz, age, or six packages for $5 of wilI be: sent free -by, Mail on -receipt of the money -by ad' dressing . —OP— NEW SPRING GOODS. We have now opetrel up, and have ready for inspection one -of the finest stocks of Dry Goods, &c., we have ever presented to the pecple•of Lucknow nd snrrouudiug country. We refrain from !slowing about immense quantities .;f gods, (ike Home 49 Houses), which,. somehow never arrive. Nor will we say anything about our f• , ilities for buying, but will rest our claim tapublic patronage Solely on the Merits of our Goads. —which we offer at the— Lowest Prices for Cash We call the attention of the Ladies DJ ES • I3PP.AR r Trade. our PN��, • Which comprises in part BLACK and OOLOREED SIIJKS, BLACK and COLORED - CASHMERES, FRENCH MERINOS, PARAMAT 'AS, CRAPE- ULOTIlti, SATIN CLO1'I—t , MELANGES acid FARC STUFFS, alt of - which we offer at -our usat lvw p'ic:es, In oily- -which ur We show Ewer BORDERED ROBE, PURPLE PADS, DARK M DEItS, POMP&DOURB, EMBOSSED CH1Lr'RE1V'S PLATE, FANCY REGATTAS, e '., etc. Our - 6 TAP�;E D P'T Is full of useful Goods.. such as Dueas slid DENIMS, SHIRTIN( 6- TIMINGS, SHEETINOB, TABLE- - INGS, TOWELINGS, them. and WHITE COTTON.-, etc., etc. Our Gents's Furnishings Depar't_ment Comprises the novelties in TiEs, COLLARS, SHIRTS, HATS, CAPS, BRACES, etc., etc.,, Our Grocery and Boot & _ Shoe-. Departments.- Areas usual well filled. with reliable goods; and the prices re cut down :to the lowest Rotch. REMEMBER we leave no Gas Generators on the remise , andadvertiseonly what we' ere to carry ard 's is: the �..>w prepared y ut. A look will convince the mos ;. Ace tft.il that MgHa y spot for Bargainer • p , THE GRAY MEDICINE CO.,' Toronto. Out., Canada n9`Sold iin•Lucri:now byalidriiggiis e• .nd by where- in Canada and: the Unitedatates y y%Il wholeale and-. retaidrngrstts. . • EACH PLUG OF.THE .GOOD _MALTS .FOI r PLL.. - 1, & 10 :cents per ID G:C)RDCN -1[a-ring removed to his_ new and corn >pb,o'us Butch ;S)op East IS` MARKED att$mrS Rize Nock AMPBELL fe aredfordoln 'busi now P p � ness ona larger scale,th n ever. He:�nll keep a reg lar supply ..of fresh : meat of `all kinds at �na�ble.prices,.. .. , ... :- reas0 , BEST-�IEQf SUPPLY -M ats'deliyered .to any part of the village on the shortest notice, ' The Highest Market, Price paid for - 11, Fatted Stook : 1111.'BRONZE .ETtE1: one Other- t.s Geizuzne MCHARDY E subscriber hereby in foruathe public-. h 'he _has opened an. i :• 'GTCTI-0.1s. M_.9, Treleaven's ne buildings; where he:: will liavo weekl sale all aeticles. left. for sale y 1 Commissiou—lew . rate. 'HN- TIt,ELEAYIN, , • atolunaker eweller_ as just: received a large and va ied stack ;of • 41.. IVATCHEB,. JEWELLERY and1' comprising the n GOLDland !3TLVER WATCHES, . _ BROOCHE GE i sad WEDDII\G RINGS, STUDS an BUTTER `COOLERS, = TEA- SETS :: CRUET FRU T and BUTTER KNIVES • NAPKIN 1 TED • WARL, west -sty lea ;ole CLOCKS, EAR=RIIV'GS, LOCKETS, CUFI BUTTONS, - and PI OKLE :STANDS, INGS, • • 'CARD CASES, Ric. Notwithstanding ` P • per, advance of 30 cent inthe wholesale wrthetanding �th• recent recad Market, : ram prepared to ell at' a ` kinds of repairing neatly and, prori ptl, warranted. . ebllcit a call from inte iding purchasers Remember the stand tyro doors East of ..i' Campbell Street, 1 ucki' executed. and satisfaction fore buying elsewhere. - . HN McHARDY'S, BETTERRUNNIN than ever it -was before. We have put in a new Er ` overhauled allhe rest of the Machinery,. an AL _ �INDa : of WORK in' t" ORDER gine 'arid a new Planer, and have are now prepared to- do SEE WHAT PHYSICIANS And People. in Canada say about SCOW'S Em1113i021 Of Pure Cod Liver Oil WITH Hpohsphites of Doe & Soda .6.3.a Remedy for Conaumntion AND WASTING DISEASES. PETITCODIAC, N. B., Nov 5, '$O Messrs. Seorr & BowNE,—I hart used and prescribed for sores tine `Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil.' and find it an excellent fixed preparation, agreeing well with the stomach. easily taken, and its continued use 3ddind greatly to the strength and comfort of the patient. A. H. PECK, M. D..C, Penn. M-edollege. AMHERST, Nova Scotia, Nnv. 8, '80 Messrs. SCOTT & BOwNE.—Gents, For near- ly two years I have been acquainted with Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil u ith Hypo- phnsphites, ar;d-consider is the finest prepay stint" now before the puhlie. Its permanency as az Emulri.,uwiththeleleasantflavor, wakes it the great favorite for children, and I do higialy reennii rend it f»r,all wasting diseases of the system. Yours, very truly, C. A. BLACK, HALIFAX, N. S., Nors219, '80 Messrs Scow &. Bows it. --=Gentlemen, I have prescribed- your Emulsion for the -past two ye:.rs, and round it noire agreeable to the stomach; and have better results -from its use thin frnm any other preparation sof the kind'? have tried. H bI,'CA141LItUN,'1VI. D, • BELLEVILLE, -vim e= Messrs. SCOTT & BOw,E•-Dear Sirs, T :feel it a duty.I awe not only to you but to the- commui,ity •t.':make the following statement About 3 years' ago my eldest , Iaup' ter - wap taken with a severe sold which Fettled en her :kirks, and notwithstanding all thather .Med- ieal attendant could do, she' got worse and - worse, and appeared to le in the last and hopeless stage .of onsum tion .- -T _be Dikter 'said he :ccild dn•noo e m re, halt receimmPnded '. your Emulsion;;.and the effoetof it, ±aei Kthe- opinion of .every -one who knew her --simply marvelous. Before she 'lead used' ---the ret . bottle, she felt much better, and _to the sur - Prise . of -ns all, .sire- continsed to :;