HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-04-08, Page 3Evenin' Paper, Mister
• 0, please, sir, buy my papers "-
And the little breast seemed to throb,
And the baby.mouth puckered and trembled
With something that seemed like a sob.
But no person seemed to bother
Or care for the little child- -
Move on !" said the stern policeman,
And the night grew bitter and
Far over house tops and steeples
The cold now came down with the night,
And tbe little limbs trembled and shivered,
And the pinched little face grew white.
Under a low, arched doorway,
He nestled Lis tired wee form ;
Cold and bleak in the midnight
Down came the blustering storm.
But (loll was not a policeman.
And lie tenderly took him in,
And the pi milled little face greW paler,
- And the tired eyes strangely dim.
And the cold night winds seemed sobbing,
And the snow-thikes whispered soft,
Alaut from that great, cold city
1z-zi baby -soul tioated aloft.
But there, in the still gray morning,
A polieethan found in his tread
The strange little tonu of a baby
With its arms nestled under its head. •
An Irregutar Marriage and its Extraor-
dinary !sequel.
A correspondent at Gilboa, in the Cats-
kill Mountsens, gives the particulars of the
recent tarring and feathering of Mr. and
Mrs. Stephen Cantine by a, party of eight
masked men. Mrs. Canape is 13 years old
-and her husband is 22. The woman says
she left her first husband on account of his
drunkenness, and that, being tooprior to
get a divorce, she and Cantine went before
Justice of the Peace Shafer and were sworn
together. This proceeding scandalized the
neighborhood, and the couple received fur-
ther censure on account of the alleged
attempt of Ca.ntine to levy blackmail ou
Oscar Jackson, the village storekeeper, by
charging him with trying to seduce
Mrs. Cantine. The woman said to
the correspondent : "At midnight
last Wednesday we were awakened by
the bursting in of the door. I saw a crowd
of men coming into the kitchen. Some of
their faces blackened ee of the men -
them had masks on, aid Oall of them had
struck -my husband in the face, and then
four grabbed him by his arms and legs and
pullled him out on the floor and stripped
him. He kept saying, Boys, let me
They threw him face down au the iloor, and
held -him there while they put the tar and
feathers on him. There were eight men in
all. As soon -as the first four had pulled
my husband out of bed the ether four seized
me. Two of them held my arms (loam by
my sides as I sat on the side of the bed.
Only one men handled the tar, and so I had
to sit on the edge of the bed andsee my hus-
band ill-treated. There were pint, cups of
ter. One cupful they used. on him and the
other on me. A man with mittens on dipped
the mitteus in the tar and spread: it all
over My .husband's , body. When he had
spread it,alleover him they put on feathers.
When. they bad finished with my husband
they carried bina to a corner of the kitchen,
where two men held him down on the flo-or.
Thee the ether six got around me. They
put madcran en the floor, the earne as they.
did him. The man with the mittens began
by- putting tar -in my s face and eyes. - It
made.my. eyes smart at first and blinded
me.: Re then rubbed ear all over my body.
He also -put .-tan.feathers. I begged them to
The Future Etnperor Gertunny.
Prince William of Prussia, the son.of the
Crown Prince aud future Emperor of Ger-
many, is is promising young gentlerhan,
according to the Berlin correspondence of
the Londou Thnes. Ile is certainly not so
tall and probably not quite so vigorous and
robust es his princely father was at his
age, but still the physical . type of hie
paternal ancestors predominates in him too.
In particular-, apart from the • face, which
greatly resembles that of las father in
• profile. l'rince William has inherited- the
proverbial large hand of the Hohenzollerns,
eewhich palmistry has. sought to ctennect with
their remarkable - achievements, in the
sphere of conquest. When Prince William
was about niu-e menthe, old he -was present-
ed by his father to an assemblage of Berlin
citizens. ohe of whom facetiously took out
_ his watch and beld -it close to the- royal
infant's ear. Th a latter; however; less
amused by its tickingthan attracted by its
jewelled.brilliancy, clutched the chronona-e-
. tea with his tiny fiet, and kept a very tight
grip of it, too..- Air e.epe," said his prineely
1 - smiline • " Whate,:er -a Hohenzollern
-A tight fit -The horrors.
-April 15th is Good Friday.
-Advertising is a "blister Which draws
fields, the brooks ice-fet ered and the air Notes on Notable*.
full of frost, there Is littl that suggests the Axchibald Forbes is going to Melbourne,
typical spring. Australia, to give a series of lectures.
President Garfield is losing his appetite,
and takes horseback exercise.
It is reported that Parnell is engaged to
-It ie a cherished ccnviction with the
clumsy -footed men who ; re unable to dance
have the least
trade." that "the best dancer
-Star actresses are not always heavenly marry an American herress.
. brains." Perhaps a gro ging suspicion that
bodies. there is some truth in t is injurious theory
The King of Sweden loves literature, end
-Rosa D'Erina is concertizing in the has something to do w h this increasing
scarcity of da,ncing m n_ in the eastern has done some practical work.
province of Quebec. ' cities. In Washington s ciety dancing men Marquis Joachim Napoleon Peopoli,
-When a storm is brewing many per- have almost disappeare . member of the Italian Senate, is dead.
sons have their ail gratis. -Umbrella flirtatiol : To place your Mr. Gladstone now looks weary and
-When hens get in your garden' it is safe umbrella in a rack indic tes that it -is about ill, and complains that be feels" very old."
to shoe at 'ern on the spot to change owners. Ar umbrella carried Mr. Gladstone denies the statement that
" He who enters here leaves soap behind.' but the drippings of the rain, signifies the recess of Parliamanente.astern trip during
over the woman, the m• m getting nothing he intends taking
-Motto for a tramps' lodging -house
' -Spirits of the air are engaged in scat- ' -
. 1 and the woman the dri pinge it indicates Lafayette, Senator of France and grandson
A Paris despatch states that M. Oscar de
, courtship. When the m n has the umbrella
• right angles under •
of Gene Lafayette, is dead.
tering the birds and sending them to their marriage. To carry it a
summer homes. your arm signifies that, an eye is to be lost
-The new Russian" merry-go-round " the man who follof s you. To put a
T 1 zakoff Michaeloff, cotton umbrella by the side of a nice Bile
King Alfonso and wife lately presented
to the Pope a chalice mounted with $40,000
worth of precious stones.
It is probable that the Governor-General
will go to Quebec early in May. and re-
main there until the arrival of the princess.
A vote was unanimously passed in the .
Roumanian Senate and Chamber of Depu-
ties; proclaiming Prince Charles King of
Sir Charles Reed, special English Com-
missioner to the Philadelphia Exhibition
and. chairman of the judges' award on
education, is dead.
He adsoff. one signifies " eechan e is no robbery.'
- 01113Sa ,
-The proper remedy- for a young lady To lend an umbrella •ndicates "1 am a
who is short of stature is to get spliced as fool." To carry an ope umbrella just high
sopa as possible. enough to tear out me s eyes and knock
. -Hazel nuts are found in great abund- off men's hats signifi s "1 am a woman."
ance on the scrub -covered hills and wooded -Whycherly was -8 ; his wife was 18.
lands of Manitoba. Wh3cherly wasedying, but ere be took his
-The Kingston _ Freemasons have two final departure he d mended of her a
lots in the cemetery there, -in which to bury solemn _promise and he, not knowing its
their deceased brethreu. purport, gasped out at aesuranee that his
commands, whatever hey might be, should
mainly confined to exchanges of calls be obeyed. Then Why herly, with a ghastly
smile, said its e lowi
-the. social events ef the season- are
between landlords and tenants. • wife. the parting reqd
-When steamboat .passengers - talk too you is that when I an
much to the captain - he can always find woman sebbed)-wh
1". ,grave (she tore ber h
relief by shouting, " Man over -bored!"
'. -onc&-. gets into his gateep- be does pot. let- go stop. - I did. not dare to sceeemi ,
' liehorld_of go readily," ... Prince_ William; was afraid they- reightkill m_e, _When they
- . though not altogetherefree from pi Certain- -ha,d-finisbedathey.,eautipted'aa that- if -- we.
COnStitational delieetenessiie tieverthelese a. made anyeheiiie or attempt -ed to follitiev thetin
_ eteeure eider:and vigorous oterenain ;_ -while- ' they wejald-einnehack,...aud kill us. . Then
-- from theenaternal side. of .hianereatege he: theY, left :us,' eude all went out the:same,
, e seeree to have 'come by a, :British love of way 'they:',eitanea leaainee us ..lying there -
ea: epcirt ' and aelVentare. -Capts:eMierryate in neked. in the epld and.dark., - As 50011 es
particular -els is greet favorite- of the Prince. theY had gone Wesinade afire apd- Went to
theter Off. - NV'e scrubbed iiestey,
If Nihilism spreads to this ceuntry, low (the disconsolate
prominent men Will have to wear peas
made of stovepipe. How perfectly horrid!"
-A man having fallen down in a fit in a
tailor's shop, an enviousrivalsaid : "That's
the -only fit ever seen in that establish-
es„i,e_lenaa.3._ -all the reit of tbe nieht and it wasn't until
o'oloCk - the- next morning thee my- hus-
: .. . .
• :It le announced in -the papers that, owin bend looked well enough to go out. ' Tlien
--- - - . - - - e, . he went over to his father's house and told
-to-the death of Mr. Gorilla' -the efistedien-
ship of the Queebes Gold PaneryatiNindsor- -what .had happened. -It Was. days-bef.ore'l
'Castle is vacant. :The Office eteell is 1?11°.°f- got the tar all off -me. ' They put . sonae
-great tritst and tesponsibility., The &Alec- - my hair. tooa'and that :wee almost -impose
tion Of gill& anti isliver plate is- verY large. sible to get out.". severel arrests --were
-A Kingston saloon -keeper is being pro-
secuted for allowing gsegebling in his house.
It consisted in some /Aides throwing dice
for drinks.
-We have -seen spring.bohnets with six-
teen fullblownpoppies on them. The
young- ladies '- poppies hive to pay dearly.
fon them.
voice: "My beloved Canada's only lord, Baron de Longueui ,
st I have to make of
1 of Longueuil, iu the province of Quebec,
gone (here the poor , holds a patent signed by Louis XIV. He
n I am in the cold ' lives for the most part in Park L ane,London.
ir)-when I am laid
I roared with grief) -
r -"0- for heaven's
when am no long,'
sake! what am I t
you, my dear youn
love "), on pain of in
y - -s , dear," groan
wife), neve'r to marri
She dried her eyes ad
faithful woman has
-Remithscent: Jones says that the clouds
of his early chilclhOodwerepolaigger than a
.wornan's band; :but .o squall_ always fol-
lowed them. • _
---.-11-josfala and -Jtidgee '' is the subject
.6f Dr: 131.AnS'e lecture- on " The booksof the.
t- naisdeand theeearien. Were': .found guilty.of
and very valualelee It; is . _
: ordinarn.visitors to -the Castle. -Once; how-
ever, I was alloseede to. iugpeet .1t,,througlf.
- ,the intleence_of iiay friend-,.. the -.late Mr.-
Wogilasard, the Qfieeii'S librarian. ' this
gold pantry are preserved gOlden taialcarde
whieli heve been used by the soyereigns.cit
°idol:de:vs te drink --the. alp which =they
loved. 'Sonne were pointed Out to. rue -Which
had been regularly • use Y.' : 'VIII
and Qeeeti_Ehzebeth: Arnow, tlie curiosi,
-ties were uuggeta frons ett'slifornia, 'and
Australia selieeli had been "iresehted to the
QUeen. There-weee :vessels .of .eery form
and for every furpeseseeYerathing; -indeed,
that cpuld be required at -; 'chillier table
wise to be found -here in gold or eilver.- The
gold.plate is:valued. - at L2,000.000 sterling
and the eileer. XI,000,000.-London: Core
resperedeecee - - -
pailicipating in the assalt end were
$.20'a, niece.
. -o. Garitaer's Lan e4CiltiVittb.
" Doan't he toe -good," said the old man;
as lie crossed his bawls uhder his coat-tails.
" I advise you to be good, but not goody.
good. When a Man reaches a sartin line
of goselness he will have -de -respect, aif
-esteem of all. who Meet- iirn , fu Will
bless him an' widclers _will pray _for hime
-When he , cresses: ober dat. line Will
pray fiir de ;pool wid 'one hand . and lend
moeey at fifteen:per cent. \yid. de Oder-.
He will shed tears fur' his naybur's- woes,.
but leave *Kix iueltee of SIICINV 'ou-his sidewalk
fur de phblie to.evade feew. ' chin will
in Africa, bet his- own -boys Will play
-Bible " this ,eyening at the I. 0: A.
rooms.- All are invited, -
-When Frenchviom doein't lilieher
eyebrass she shears them ° off and .: buys
_pair for 40 cents.. ihtelligent goat;
she changes her. brows.: -
-A Hamilton youth, who Was trying to
-mesterei, bicycle, when asked. his age, said
hciel=seentifteens supine ere- :-and ene.
•;--:“Whiet your.evife'e. _Particulakhetle
game?" asked friend of henpecked hus,
band e she get' -a thoroughly Iliad,"
heanewerede s• drew ;poke.r." .
- •
Girls Their 01
Victor Hugo caught cold a fevs 'keeks mete, •
and his physician seized the occasion to
examine him thoroughly. The ma:n of
do? ")-I command medicine was surprised at the result.
wife (" y -e -s, y -e -s, 1
1 found," he said, "the frame of a man a
rring my malediction 45 years."'
d the horror strieken . The Grand Duke Vladimir, brother .tef. -
an °la man again 1" the late Czar of Russia, .who is 34 years of :
d promised --and that age, and is the husband of a. IGerman
Princess, and. the father of three sons, is
ept her word. ,
esteemed alike by the Emperor and by the
Russian people, and is likely to take an
n DreStanakert.
. b me 1 active part in civil and military affairs.
Why do not the o o- y
their own dreesmali erg? Paper patterns Mlle. Sara, Bernhardt has engaged six -
andthe shortening d • skirts have Made the state -rooms on board of the French line
task easy, and oric ue which-- sails from New
be more -interestin
Young wonee'n Whos
positions Esaglen
own sewing in ordei
ance (Which range, -erome ae0 to a p be furnished and upliolstere _
annum) do its work. TheY maY. lauje cadlY stYle.
not inore ; and this' probably he 1133uper-
resent-the inquiries of reporters provided. -
died and fifteen -fallS. • •
' -Understood A would
than " fancy, " work.
parents occupy high
frequently doIallitheir
to make their a'rllovv-.
York for Heves May Ath,for berselt, sister., ,
Mrejerrett and the reel of laer company.
Mile Bernhardt will deCupv twp roomse
which have been retained for her, and they
. -
quiver When he sites k f de poaa heathen:
ball in the alley ou -Sunday.. Ile will Weep
dress in a season de by a dressmaker, I -The Austrian Empress is said neYer la, ,
they confine their queries to outdoor paw-
ieneteetnpai:ed thbeyr atdimreess na*.ceurttiinicitglieahnoaus,et, wi hgo,
A tn -
While the young lad bers'elf'vnt ' PeT P ' concerning her bunting exploits in England
suits. She se pleased with the notes'. .
inter Published- by one
tsisiwO ihnegi.P of There
a-fitn-sile sseanistressh, :1doeshathee during the past w
is.1 a great advents: e in guild, him a s a .
.g the thatshe sent him dres nag -c. se
thus becoming ac minted -with methods embossed in silver; We congratulate Mire, ..
versant with an Bennett heaatily. .
ens as well as its poses. - ,T.he Prince.ss -Louise, -who staTted on the
e. 5th inst. for the _south ,of France and Italy,
rested for some days Let.Sau.lemos Her _
_royal highness ,proposes . visiting severd
places in the Riviera, and making her
principal stay at Sorrento. -On ilee 3.5-th
her royal highness arrived at, Floren_.ce.
-L-:-Theree.is too much sentimentalism
more you kick him the more he Wilfstick
If pal think a tory lacks plcuisileiliey,
dont,please don't, say that itis too thin:"
Merely shrug your islusulders andsay the,
it has tee) 'many chit, ecteristies of the Bern -
.• • "'" ; •
about theattachment of the dog. -. Yet the
to -you; especially if lie-heagoed teeth;
and personally cot
"neaps, withethe eel
of work, its' linaitat
bilitiee.--Jeney Ju
. .
---,The Primitive Methodist eConfeeence
'meet at Kingston ha Maywhilethetenerid
Aisembly orthe P esbyteruses convenes in
Queen's University in _duee..
ober de ueed. -'more Orfun but.
1)1 -.. Mr. Justice gsler -delivered-a judgmeet he won't put doWn shillin inoeey:
an attorney:s lien On Fri: Will talk charity by the hpnreaucl charge: a
Att.oriieY's l'ar Costs. '
in reference- to
, day, -Which settles .for.the present ea -rather boYstifteeneents for brakie' ,si,..fwe shillin':
unsettled, .411es:elan_ ': An ' -tAtteeney lhad • _pane of glees:: I eleana'evapt- .nlaffita etceilo
"--,re-CoVered a jeidgie c ut . for a . (theist. The wid ts.; tug god. Mau.- : , -When 1,-..kiit:e-e.- a, man
- client had -creditors, -.epe . Ole:whom:ger-7 to be 7wicked:I :knowehow to take him...
' nisheed the enapunt. cif' the' judginent hi. When I know him to be a.-,goody-geocly-.Men
-theehtuitis pf the - pereoie against eeliPM -rey only.SafetY ern tO let him alone.. SWIfee.
. , _ . ,. . .. . . . , .
:judge -Lie -at- 'WWI . emceed. e - The - attorney . ,you s meet- eamari . Who - Ira destreseed , ober'
.. e -claimed .a. lien -for hie costs in thesuita elegineralWickedeesseof 'de World'-doa,n'yeii-
The question .th- - be ' decided :was whether. lend hina.any _ mbney widont .gOodsecuritys
.e the -4e torn ay's.= lieu for eeests could- Override When yon: -Meet. a.: Man Who say.see ab.: en'.
.= the g.erniehee order:in-fee-or of the ereditor.• 'um,' ita ebbe his hands .:together an' -rile
illis lordships after a, cerefuiereview, Of ' the Up his eyes, dean.. challenge hie), to trade
leeithorities, eatue to 'the Conebasidie that -a hosses- 'Find ineamen -Wlio. Weep bekaee'
- . .
., 'garnishee 'order_ could- not cut -.Out .areat-
.. . _
torney'saien for eeets-S,.Thie wee -confined,.
howevers to: the - cdets _in the partienlar
, --A. ve oun,S girlof 1.finamed. Mary ShellY
eloped With Henry Coleman, a wipeeinthe.
C.- S. railway: rou dlionse, recently. She
Was assisted by one of the .boarders teieget.
her clothes away froephome: . • .
eencies andanecessites -
Revolution in CI -,Itrette linnuineture.
* A cigarette mac inc -which- makes over
100,000 cigarettee , er daSe(the work 9f sixty
hapds) has been I -Vented .bv a.I CQWMalli i from Genoa, and witnessed from e .
civil engineer, of t is city. The 1•consump- I 'dows of the Royal Palace, Via '130,1bi, -the
tion Of cigarettes i i the United States has [procession= pf, the "Return from the Cat;
increased enormo ly of _late. The revenue 1 sades." - • - '
- . .
returns tor the fis
1880, shows that 4
made in _that year,
per cent. on the '
mated by-SOrne re _
uresforthecurren year will be, neaely 1000 in
millions ! Tbeeni chine ie.soeperfect and .1 drives- out it is with the Queen ; A sbe
rapid in its wor ' that fourteen of them walks in Windeor Park HerMajesty 18 still . ,
would. suffice to anufacture for the entiee with her. Full of fun and high - animal
eBetubi:t:lle.enc,e that a moderate sized ... room. spirits, she is bound down by rigid cettr!s
veouId be all the space : required. -N. Y. i etiquettewhichmustbeinsafferabfy galling, •
-April proverbJ: A cold April the -barn
Princess Beatrice of, Grea,t_ _
Irelandleade a dreary sort of life divided
between OsbornesWindsor and: Balnacrel.
She has no .definite _defies except now and
again to stead in full dress near her roeld ;
nther t eome state CererepOial. If She
al year ending June ,
8,00 000 cigarettes were
an increase of over 70
eteduag year., It is esti-
nufacturers thaii the fig-
1 -Carlyle' e •verest critic,land a critic.: VV ISCONSIN
of bis own school was the old parish road- -
Man at Ecclefecl all. "Been long - time - -500,000 Acres
frog and his brood.- April showers ma e in tlais-neighboeb od?" asked :in American e
tlaY flowers. Whien April blows hie horn; 1 traveller on the utlook.for a eight ef, the ON TrIE. LIN OF THE,.
it's geod for hay afed co_rn. , 1 sage. "Beeti e a ma da,7s, sir, "Thee 1.11SCONSIN CENTRAL Ft
ill all - An Apri flood cerries .way the
lie saia that the_. Hamilton, Asy- hem you'll know- the ,Carlyle•sa:' Ther Weeel, that "
I _ _
re was•Jockeliewias a kind
ort o' chap, e doctor; but ,
Joeke-he's acid,
L5 Thomas," .gai. -Oita lae -
y, " 011; ay. of cooree, 1 SEEDS !- SEEDS ! PLAITS ! FLA -1\1'S!
Robeit Evans Co.
- •• t me see,".be.said leennag on his shovel and For lien Particulars:which will be genie
A:, ken the who.1 ce them. -was, let .-
free address
for the. Insane is now greatly. crowded ti,nd
:flat; Tepresentetions :having een-m •
the Oetario Goverment, it is not unlikely
that anadditiott will be erected thereto;
-a-A-correspondent says a ileac, industry
for Kincardine is talked of The Mesars.
.Coeip., of Hanailton; who hat've .prOp- erty in
salt, sand. not -to the attorney's lien for
general costs (is• costs outside the suit
•• in que;stion)",---iCaeaeitin. I3ank of: Gem-
- merce vs, Crouch, not vet reported.
thet:toWns propose establishing a branch of
. • show .",. °Ile their business, the Weed folks of the place
'de. world hain't better an I will
man who makes his' owne.bottee_ Unhappy. evil give- ' ; • . .
1 a bpnus , :,_
It ain de belief of a Man who beg put i - - eePatent este-Necessity-is he mother.
sixtytwo y!ars-ofs-life. on .dis 'Plene-taatit -
of haventimi, they saysbut_eeeing how maey.
F: ' • - t
Wicked. 'De law '-avill- soon' get lield•of.de Peolele eriiin thetratelves - by taking. out
' aanewues tobogood din it 5111 Ica lie t100
, e. too goo can
too _wicked but th t - d. ' -'t' b
. e patents' We - think -that " i - ti ' - tie'
, . - . . - nyen 071 .113 e
•- - - _ _ - •
.Echo - atatee, it is nots iinpeseible thatbefore
our.coal-fielcle are'exlieusted we shalfriave
=ilie-coeer.e11.- some ameine of --doieg many
rthingewitbout-that at -.present ,ineduadele.
- fuel -at ,leasta.in .regions Where. the Sun
shingsa We . have previouely egiven an:
eaecoant of Arouohotis, eolee. engine,but.
:that exteaordineryinethod of utilizing the
heet of the suit lots. -been -eeliyilied by .
inapre-Ne.ixseat.devieed by - Pifre: It is
thatathe latter has gone se -far as to
-Utilize 80 per cent. of thee- evaileble heat Of
•- the sea's:rays at -Paris; aud has actually
. -
...constructed -en. apperatts. with _which he
rite' of ever 2G galloesper Minute:.
cotched:-,111yeoit'of . 'a ..gbo-d: man -•am One . .
Mother of necessity." is the . Way the' pra-
yer!) should read.
who regeketsede- ch.urch- but am not ear7d
. _. .
away *kilt,- who :Will give --dollars-to.hia e -•a;Aetravellee pfethe Meet, -familiar type,
eiobi. nayburs but not a cent tO4q.heethen, to-a_geedyroa gentleinanneereilroad cat ;-
wile neber sees - de need of ..reforna Vvidout `-'. But . *fig, sin". AO yOu not ens:veer - me
refOrmirehis oVvii habits to:begin wid, who when I addrese you ?" '- a-Andeyosie sir,
' borrows , -money in a business way ana.lends eai.b-Y aci. Yoh aAdresse me when -I do libt
-inoneY onde-eame plans whp .speake well- -8PeE14-t0T'Your:- (No more emilierSa_t_iota ,) ,--
. , .
of religion, but who hates -de -byPecrits. ----The-Spec.. takes US up sliott_abent-ta.
Gin tire -a Mail vaic pays his debts, Speaks ' parp,graphin the-Teeies wonderingif -Peter
the truf in Ws ile-aii-4.g,"` lets whiskey alone, la wept -forward tobe - mesmerized atelleya
uses his family right. an, takes de side Of An iiold's seance in St. Iiitte. Whii doesn't
old aeappo' and. de- young an' weak - in de keow thet Ise kites at Berlin?' lint hasn't.
battle of life, - at' -. I doten keer what his he:Often-a travelled : further -then ;that i to
Teligio-ue.-faith arta, or _Whether lie healthy. male en -exhibition of himielf,2 '..-
o' throughitber .naud. Commissioner, Milwaukee, Wis. .
.cnAttiii: -
no a bad fellO .
".And there . N
inquirer, eage
there% Tam-
useless niunestruck chap a "
that writes boo Ei and, talks havers e Tani
stays moistly hp in Londen. There's
naething inTa ; but, mon, there'ajarnie,
owre in the N
ye, he's the m
tals's mair swi
than on y itber
The Crown
-peinaped 'Water to a. height oil)) feet, at the,
'A Cow Ocir strange _eight of a
:TOW on fire was 111 -Auburn iecently,
Jeremiah Finn had tried various lotions to
„ kill the vermin_ on Ins cow, and was recom-
mertded to apply kerosene. - This he did,
and wbile was applying it - along the
neck -and beck of the- animal, the oil took
fire from lamp, and Of the cow
became wild, throwing Jere :Midi down,
breaking through the side of the shinty
- and riming at full speed through the
streets. Men and boys chased the blazing
• cm and finally succeeded in extinguish-
ing the fire evith' blankets. -Ithaca (N', Y.)
journal.. • - s
:Afisherman on the Tay recently experie
enced a .curious adaenture. He Was en-dea-.
yoring to lan*a salmon,at Dunkeld; when
a large. otter ,seized it and held: On so
obstinately- that on -being dragged to the
Shore it had to be beaten off. a -
_ 'A Servant girlleft eMinneapoliS the other
-day for Deaver, under contradt to do house-
, .work hi a family= at '$50 a month, on do11-
. dition:that she wouldnot marry and would
remain in the- same place six months.
at all. Ile's de Mail to tie tb, sea' t• h • • - -
you ever no, ice- ove t iings get in
doan' rea.ch Eleaben all odder sorts o' men- '
• Ilam -
will sten'. almightYslim showe' yaur way when you re in a hurry? A „ _ . , _. . _ _ ilton woriian toldher husbead a runa,wiey
, - .. .•
.. . horse was going by. He jumped 86 quickly
As Had, Dog -Choked -to Death bY:n tail. he sprained is nee an in frantic
1 • a li. k a = bus- .
-A despatch - frord New Albany, Ind.,- hast}i fell oyer two chairs and skibned his
gives, an. account of a, ma,a- deg being shieie, .stepped en the dog, upset time table
"choked to death by - ae youlag girl, 12 -years With books -mid - a 'droplight oil it, ran
of age.. The -gielle: 2.a.. daughter of Jacob against his wife and hurt her, and 'got to
'Heesians, a faritter :living twelve miles -the wiedovi-juet is they were stopping.the
west of Neve -Albany.-- She Wag, if aPnears h°rse tw° hkeks•awaY' r'pued the corner*
-lands--there•s .a chap or
that family:Jamie
e ; into. ECCIefethen, market
farmer haeheipariSh.". :
rince of GerMan has- just.
purchased Rubens _magnificent • picture o
"'Neptune- anc 'Amphitrite,l' which has
hitherto been tie of the prineipal- orna-
ments of the c lebrated ifictOrel gallety: of
Count Schonb
paid for the
The malae
lover= is genera
fellow's wort
insthad of afte
_SEEDS are selected:W.W.I the greatest -
possible °axe-- from English, French. and
German Growers; also many varieties .
grown here under our :
ViSioN.' In the Plant line we to have
the beet commercial 'collection of Green
house and Budding Plants in- the ,Doinin-
ion and invite inspection. Our Seed.Waree
hoWitS is in- the Market 'Square. -mad our ' •
reen rb11 CharleS-St.;-three minutes'
in, in Vienne. :The price 1 walk from' the Market. If you haVe note
. already received' our laeatitiful Cataleigue -
Ork is .200, 00: Marks, ox
engaged inplay it home, surrounded bY \Veen the maiden isn't liugging,of her fellow,_.. I
' Of h. f 11 •
Berne. younger members of . the family, . e ow ._
Wliert she was attacked by asthall dog in -a
. .
Whenber fancy doesn't lightly turn to bangs,
- - ' Turn to bangs,
way that caused her to believe hilt mad- it is teii to one at she is ,getting yellow,
She holdly seized the animal bY the neck . Gett,ing.ryellow,- .
- en ubjealousy trwild pangs
and throat aed choked it to death. • •
• -".
in the district of -1-luenansAbrf on Iiis way -Aedehe dOesull seem_ tO.eaBraesftoeriEeittosttbedrse,lothes, ,
Don't forget that, she'S prejeoarrilgeeioter tpsteerce,pister,
honee from -the Transvaal had to crose'the
Vaal River, When hia-veas- stopped. by the
woman at the pent, who, told . him- She And will ne'er again invest in strip -ed bose,. _
. . - -
would not allow him to pais and that be : - , 'Vest instriped hose..
mast go baeliand fight.' Ile informed the ,-.The country just 1:10WpresentsabroWn,
, . . . 5 -
woman that that_urgent business called him. ba,reand unlovely aspect.. - Patchertainow
- 11 W 11' •said. 'she, "if yon must along the fence and 'among the stumps,
' blocks . of - ie ;by . the water.: side,' dead
- ------ b the 'fences' of the .
's. .
When you never see her rating the fried oyster,
A Cape paper says a gentleman residing_ The fried oyster,
A ei send.fer_one. ...They are mailed free to die
,who: lends money to her i -e ROBERT EVANS CO.,
is, lucky "she finde out'the
lessness before Marriage 1 _ Seed Merchants and Florists,
Y. llerelch Hartailtou, Ont.
NOW. OFFER .01t -.SALg-0)411-1,$50;o0O ,AdES--
oicest. FAB,IIIING and . i'llilliEWED: 'LANDS' il* :111'.e
Destined te be he best wheat producing region in the world. These lauds axe situated in the coturt-
ties cif Chippew a, Mackinac, Sahooleraft and 'Marquette, and erobrace inany thousands of Ores Of
'the best agrieu tural landS in the State of Michigan. ' • - -„ . .
Among those ,in the criuntieS ofi•Claippewa and -,Mackinac are tracts of what are ltnowens the
"burnt -or elea ed " litoda. Thesetlands offer many advantages -over the prairie lands of the 'WestiaS
the timber Jan s,adjoiniiig-insine a supply cif fuel at littlecost. The soil being -a rich -clay loam lot
great depth. - lie timberreimainingnpon the land being generally •suffieient for the settler'SliSe in •
building inidl tieing,", f - i :I ' - - • -I. ' • - - - - - - • .- ' ,
- These parti ly cleared lands -ire IDPW offered _atr-the low price of from $4- to 1,i0 .per acre,-,ene-
fourth cash, a ' (1.- the rentainder at purchaser's option, at any_ time withiu nine- years, yitlf interest,
.payable amnia, ly at 7.Per•rent;,- 1 • ' ' - ' - • - ,-- ---_----.....: - - • - :'• ... -
Roads are be ng opened through these lauds, .anduo-better opPorttnity has .-eve been Offered to ,
men (If 51011 f leans to secure i.a good farni,.and hiteuding•purchasers willbe wise by.availing them-
selves of this c
The lands in
Straits Of Mac
cultural lands
The iron an
In er h , timber au
s and charcoal kilns will bebullt .at varionS.peihts Along the line, aud-fureaee! are
:g,00dwages.while clearing the land. • •
ted alonglhe lirield the road at Point St. Ignace, . . - .. .
mand and. good pekes for labor, both in winter ii..n.d, summer, make these ilandSpar,
- au The lands adjacent the.railreog yaroeu-roffvererVdaotrp,rovicneil
Of the- CI
ome. _
go, 111 make peel pay L4 to buy powder 01
and lead_ for tlioee_who will fight." brane es
. e
Imre before prices advan , thelands a -re being vaPidlY taken and settled upon.
te'inmiediatelY oh the linoofthe Detruit, Mackinac -8c Marq Broad from the
inac foMarqii9tte are.more heavily tinabered, .and. are Owed uniVersolly 'good agri- .
leaving splendid farms when the -timber is reproved. .
lumber intirests of the upper peninsula are of Such magnitudtras to rail for all the
on the lands will produce -this. wIll.enable the
..charcoa.1 and -1
eettler-to mak
Luiriber mi
-nosy being er
.The great d
from *5 upwa ds, according to location, valuh of timber, etc. e
ticularly des' able as homes for e
. srrigoNG.'} Land Commissioner?,
39 Neivberry and McMillan Building, Detioit, Michigan'
arebeing re, i fly settled by Canadians.
For pamp ts, p d ther inforination, address, -
- T5. .511.•