HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-04-08, Page 2to way to make MC e that he had the good sensa try
1,eaf from the Calendar. as to tbSt 01tlay, that. seventy Pounds St municate to a inquire or to d
A year, I reckon I sh'an't get that back in a bring the money home and give it ition ani
JiY WILLIAM 31. BRIGGH', ke for him - and troublo,,Pe't mtyh,!;� , mug
hurry. Unless," he addiicl reflectively, trustworthy person to le
Where wt)o,l -.,iolots love to grow that was to turn up wilidli once I fondly that for reasons unexPlainey, he left the open tude.
sea and beesme a pilot in the port of Wil- should have to 1 sy up ir
Thickly Iles tho winter snow; hoped and still will fondly pray."
where the strestillot $lung and danced When the war bill became a horr ble nigh
nor sunbesill glanced, I did not understand what lie meant, but mington, North Carolina.
Ana the SULLIL broke out be retired, having saved more it was in ebr, tary tha
Intro' the Lueadow, down the dale. was afraid-wask. 11 he said, wit a money, and returned to England, resolved castle.. It w r mont
Al I i-; llu4he�i, and chill, and Palo! Some British uncles de to roam no more. I June, that the Ime Of
lieTt) the crow -f oot's ltonaer ree rolling of his head which meant great p I found that he was a very great boaster; began, and kind heaven
in the spring is seen, and satisfaction with himself, 11 even among
aid: Take and all his talk turned upon his own extrsor- helpless girl, yet ter BEL
re the chackerherries bide sea-fariu'men, would ha' 8 lot of f(
Lilt, pale arbuttis'side, You and your dinary ferocity, smartness, and insight. tures as fall to the
Imly, I 11 go](]. go and get your own livin'. sailor ever had so many adven one thing siq e red(
And the COWSUP'; tipped wit
hill and dal� unfold; seventy pounds a year!' Stephen Cobble- Certainly no
dick is not one of that sort. He is resigned. tures. or passed 6rough them with, such 'Stephen liad a b! at, whi
lolt'llere Elie ferret, huft an brwn, HesayssWeetly: I Heavert's will be done g". immunity from accidents. Carolina. It was his cu
SU,rc., his ii -t with pilfered down; Now ILI most of. his perils he seemed to weather peermitte, , to 90
h h a a
And tilt, fielti illousu in the heather lie offers his prodigal niece forgiveness$ mpanied by a certain 'Cap- outside the bar r Alton
Ist 01 ior tlays and weeks tOgethtr and opens his arms with a uncular blessin' have been acco my uncle terrible coa , Cornw
Li,esquirrol, wise and dutub. tain Ramsay, Who seemed to . to,
ALL,, fi,r 6etter day to Cow-- and a bed -room all to herself." fall a sort of demigod or hero. To me this of ten in th y and
lie did open his arms, but I did not sed model of alrous sailor seemed that year �thfiLt wouk
t!iu winter -bitter, stroti,-- into them. I would gladly have kis a gallant chiv little craft outsiG the
tim)'freezing uightm and long; that nobly benevolent old man whom I a filibuster certainly, a pirate probably, however, he aske, me if
the telul," goes rderer if be weLe a pirate. But . t ct,nies and found asleep in a -chair. But the other old and a ran Ram- him. I acceded IstlesS13
S: I'ling wif t o'er 11rif tea Knows so selfish, so inflated my uncl6 was, dominated by Captain above alitt.gloolil below man, so full of words, it was t4lat he had exper
lie-whei, will winter gi),.' uld not kiss even say; he seemed th losio sight Of morality, of. listening, or wiether b
with self-satisfaction, 1 cO d religion in contern . plating the
to receive an uncular " blessing. -honor, tin a
ilull the bo is begin to sWell'-, th sides, career of this man. What inother men he as he said,: t hold!: ng the
div Itircitini, leap thry'the dell; The convention agreed to on bo Rams�y orders, he asked er agai
lien ti,c,,wallow% it) unit fly, Ly uncle, whom I propose to call for the might have loathed, in Captain Lar" every
witeeiiu., circling tiAro'the lky, - him seemed additional proof of the man's heroic to Bailing togedth -be
L�71'-' Viulet bid's the rose future, partly because everybod ' y talled . And although he professed, as permitted, an W le
fro, its iong repose so, and partly fok other reasons vvbich will character Stephbu Cobbledick, went I have said, to have found religion"' and the cliffs, and, though
presently appear, y brooded �' er my
was by profession a Bible Christian, be tinuall,
Ityllell tlIv,gnat4 In ,,unshine dance, in iluest of my lugage, aud-the new life ' naeur of 1 he roe
wivaLice, M " lit of what he bad found the gra i
Ile,, EiLe bright h3uni certainly lost Big f. His grew upon me, all while
thu rtibi;i by the 110017 began. with relations, at when he talked of his former chie
"t, . -woo was I enriched
jig, ILI ne r lie sang before; Th
Nolen heart, and flower, and wing last I had learned who my father was; it admiration was perhaps heightened by the over the water I f'rgot
licomes file pring! was -twenty years Yet I never re ved f
'cribner's for April was now apparent that I belonged to the fact that the object one word of affect, on or e
lower class of the Queen I s subjects; it was younger than himself. y fferan
mado . Presently I made a- very interesting dis- _ya% with him on s,
also elea.-� that the fewer inquiries. I to vary have lived. The Oss 0
i onnections the covery. it was Stephen's custom he co not
NO ICELATION% uto the history of -my c ang- was a thing he coil
was- his stories everv- time he told them, ch' better it would be for my pride. , This pla . ce, the surroundings, and the A TER
14jory of To -day. h of' My dreams. -Instead of an ing the itances, which he always' gay .
A e in affectionat- uncle, I found arough sailor, circumi. etsil,'and-.ibe_ actors, Whom be K AltS A
ily don't you say What you me -an who had been made to pay for riae without, grea d - I -at length, giving, so far Boscast, in be in
look here� my gell, if Von and -.Me- knowing it b� mistake; instead of a wel- -always,dwribed each -young man who -'s aswer
continue frje�uds, don't ask too MalT wine, I received a plain notice that I must as he knew it, the family history of
in all a e if he i, is, if . anyti ing, fi
tionsbestraigh�t- expect nothing more; insteadof Pleasant- . -its br rich s. Thus, =�' Jack, 11. it
questions 4ud let theni'llues story say'at four in the afternoon, in. the evening. wa
lie as third offieer,'he was, aboArd a East ways of -ladybood, I was to look- for a life of ma;k seven or d the
It nap, he would e it -last until.. . E.y niorhing, - a, BLML ludiaman." poverty, hard work, and dependence. I -eight o'clock, when i� Was time to 90 to the of the- iunbearl a tow
OIL and !low didhe die?- was with a- heavy heart that I sought - MY t' first -Until I hav6aswim.. et: to
shark Vook him off Rangoon. . When room � that night itud tried to face MY for- tavern. it was startling.& became accu9tomed to. it,, -to the dis- think What rh.y es to
bitin' of him he wits tuyfe.with,courage. the- shark had: done a. About them.. .' udio'eked 'w gree
sW ever mind the -tears bf'dis&Ei it- c6pancies in his 'statemen poll attentjoa�tb My
de ad Once C ro or and ova, 'augi
this -sudden blow to rriy hopes.. or twice I turned It a ch- ., � - How lonty atio is that. Intent At. a to be -fathe or -my mother. -- t different limes our poem on aAtle
yean, ago, that �val ' ' - -cry but the inevitable ba k . -1 -1 6
'U One way MYf father had' -been an tain All- those thin I learned -.that .was aboard. at, the-' time a ee it w new life began. I Indianian, �-& B. 1p
I'd s ifaced, my board in bi Is nfficer. on They were
was- -simple. - W6 lived, as g own eves.." caqbdi and' th quarter-
my- -Its_ manner. er-, the purser, - Tlace- -in all En nd-
Stephe 'Most entirely a 'bitten it -two -by ausplara p9rt. -1 a Wished &I thit 4�.Wag g -cr(
on . - I . I I � - .. i be- n cit
I i� -arLdL be in the. - L Pushed 4 win
Ate -the cabin, master that- I am- not more, than ei, sea if mals a 6baik thathe di6d'-of cholera;;- �tlra awilich rise steepl ago, off lfkljy�oey Bay- andA this, Am I a of the W
Then year,; Aftk breakfast-, hq.tptok h s -006 ea., ar I foaiv
sa I car - Ye -to, J116 -and sat upon tho- quky ;,among be was- knecked. on at s. ignity, which is reall-,
atchincr and'eritici4ing e was by iti : And li;iwserg; �.� � � k, 1, . - � -- ote little fitiker, the gm '-As-, reg lit by- r
-&re s mo ems eurt' -which might. 0. ball in; re- q LWStiOn.; tl6 op6rati6n b �V�g and &'Tampli t birth a Knobli made a --t6yP van lich ille -repA -.or t to knOw abod 'Lay' .- iring'6f shi L Au ro Whatdo�you. stell- -Loo6- an ssh6 was- foi.9 or im - ladia out- of- which leaves, plymouill; her fatifer follbWed the cal iDgs
your zoother cargo, reasonable mall ess.
-d'aldr I' Want, port; - d. the roo warped of. figuie-head a , ,, gre
I-,.vas-sef ved at- 1, Thiq'-rueal *91 Pay agen -.awf t +
lie Alod his- he'ad. de;id ,, Market gtJrdener, - -any us -to, - the-
agston, 'zimaica, , as ed. to
by.Stepllen as-aruem _tAinglu-Of Qal-an L , 'U -lie tib or ,S neiair6 to
it flown to I Yow e, d- Jckr Tbe-re--aw-gen, a
NL.6 bur i.,er . ., ,q, III* - 8 I (m ow. die u e not -LB 41tter' t On Yo, ntw being pre4e er I one
Ova cotia (expiring yetlff.tv JacL your hand for it,-- or-,pu lN� . S a-- k dozen boat.. lyi
for -it,
Ston 111- jaMalea; at for.it, orpiill. down your sleeves frok-bite;- almottli- (MY is sor A . -.a
-i,he dolug f waoill forit� r he wate'r gre it
or brush-Vour liair or it,,Or By - and fit W -buried her). -jof drop, YOU.' in, the toL hisdoiri uncle Unel' e� engaLged in vain t le. can see the cr d oi
ro own eav6 noth* co-nAu'ut if' . .-
a to she le - preferre etors) - -o - ar L - on- either side Nile 1' '11. wh for, kind, cverpiter _ ed n n- their' walks . abrot
Did head. I i[irXdtoo f ii6be-. -'-Wb�_ a , II feajto�,s -;f auv*i Priticiples--wel. ku he, -u never exp a ate. k oil I, own to I
0 4 no 1AW cookirio, Lug L bout. wtkos� workshops, vvhe "Pa
d Britih sailbrl- a piece- 0. P0. were.,pxtrewely.- -ell -m- portrait - -- - - . . f rk-* tra' "'
retire feae statema a foun St
, ot, -sbouldbe the.flavor of a. rms one
1-ru. -illaitit te trade to P. :t"t C, it i,atllful P&SO 11-v takeii. -,corap�niouBb- hard to -recoil s re n; cabbag was a rbo,9t uni und 46oki Be
Pot; pb be ae with th.6.p6ork in;the tat3es, ins, -4peak;�nig,;ardlyoffruthl fbe lit e-�-. -her pict Jl1&t lie was; so to I -a L111 4 inade hh�- bv'birt minutes on e -retLdy'-i11 t Mvari&ious of- Xperidi .t -s And Oi Most -�i e s r Y w
.a ck for a, -6 fixedlu les -time; aDY- 0 Y call pu illy Ah
b d o s th
lie. ew nav b brilliant ima t -t e- 9
Ia-,--Dayen, - ".� 11 ll . g""" . I
r --t r
ti on. oriddw -victuals u- old omau--.w it)
a al r a s ei!ik &gain, -there w9, �.a -wai &dl, -moments. Sliewa-a- top 0 ii re turf ed,mout--i Ao- -poit'L res&etiale cooked�- "if Ve anevery day to do "-'for Steph�n� with w bite f6am -is au 'hoiild- do he -Work siad -at'Iftrst thi bro t
V bev: proud of connect' -then r
that . hail, ropo f rom, the ad A �ut
-as -alone '40 its
tI refused. She a off_
fater carved" shir fall- to aud�oal �s to gave the y', bu for ships to b is
b has -nothing thi, L her br ves, what.better tl,.n th ith 4 stoi3� you�ma . y, see itwb pn t
r . y- 111, 'conversation ith -V Mck-yard; vdii Yoti.b�st for �Li wha:te�er-toodo w
head. 'is IN in �ntk Y&ais for forgi Freat clasIl-knife jOj on en
rted f or- two f, the -hiell dodOffuty.for ev6 e Was trat::;po A cloudless day,
lan fk pr()� otliffig �sbort o 9 for gtace;--wh4t�bettei il hatshe, beink -at the admiral's rfam,5�11 thing her ove day, parting li
.. - a; nary o al� if yo.u,`Plea�e. W.Rieb h8ws' - have no
f -the ladVI nigh ilpbu - VL -bulidred I years Of iarvening th of -color lies u a I
red- pounds er, a; single alass, or grog; Vl igorbas -with a -poll
ar five- hand Dinner ovi L , , i 11 her soarin" ipirit-h � - , - � f, , itge, yet.fresh'an Iy. - fi� . in the rnotionldsS at(
0 -his a ternoon- "all. fa- -own r
she w t CU you a.� known in port Lively Bess and pipe,. �pt�pared .hirri f r'. thad-In her, mastdr e
6 it in's.ioi� odnsideied as clean th' )orbh-i ah6iller-critical vis "And she" t6ld,:me, which. d; a
-her-lines were gelildly citi 6w - nle I from c-bildb'd6d'. upon -a Place as a --for rs,< 'day, r, -h nd eic(Ithelabo and- greAtA surprisc�, that,- he had :Cut.. thouoh built more port compl Ws a� -very -esque as any of, co
spee brought er S ffi
theevelling, wbich,be s0eat -r�, sisier. t
co two -�;ug on aa -v oman pehloer brod . - I— - - '. ' d, on. the as near 16� no 1'-bg un -io - llop& that the ..test of f I kt the turday that'Leould not be biB niece. llok�d al Its Is -1wapi'clirried-or.led.bome I , , , h
bscurity-'-Iftl' .. lie wasa - it - this ov -evening 0 rill 'j -
familv had venitdoeliab forbore -t �:b disc � before a L ra Island, -where, a
the romance, 1iis. friends.; and ie sarigsougs -ag-. he -Steph ..well that be- dy Vpa
I thoiight i I t mils -'_by !7- kt lIiist on', becaus6-1 a
know -to. his. bei W t '11int t aplacell and 'tumbled'up the stairs -som neW, story. o-acco better to -be comme Ould invent bair way.backwi I -One�B- parer, -was fri 0 laS ich� had7gone Ithey w116, - On their
e,,iuuin, gfor and expla way
b 4h6ie -L *ili � 0 d ''k t r and- :th 'been natu'rally tang 1 t,
I kt to- reoard run en- e herb.of 4ast
w�re. before. See,- , s ILL- ..coati i6d, hase� yo ible, no cannot sud- e from. indingfithe nu -nes% aff,a laost bpit therefor -quetions tO� Pu dej -�-f -giird it Without '10&t 11119-1 �yefitfar off I It- aly'lloe, g 0 6'rc I-remAlue �'more anyL - - - as billy -e
But - . ohe-be6omes use -to Mo t' aro' drtain y,a ever wits
Oft br, tWQL you ,and ie bag 9;-figur� -po that not t, h '�ruiug (being.- none- great aw unc OLL-Sunday, in int bro Item 6r, sisters. quite eqnvin.ced. _Pon one , atemarkable,--ye
t) Il th- je f or his'Saturday,evening--s excesk) ffieved- pp
vou wera-.& one-orph by YO r w I S'�epbta-Aaia:couldbe,be --ke -the- acqu
e- woro had i,- found I . . - ta
St - went -to.clill - -11 . I _ ma 6w, to. - think how dr S
ephen pel.. , ' I poor t ar i :This um �sbamed,ui Mus -said, hile in A rica.L Do Me I must: I a -.moiherI`.s' relatiorl% kxlbw'�O 'Ay n,7 lie w ave known. .. I ; reli4io ' le, is creature ur
-conform, outwan '-bay
e him Ily--ti) the -Bible spi-ited and.feeb tine to mad t ;Omf,,- girls a. strained- d- t* av e
exi his ieli- buen;S. -Would, istine to
-you- 11, I Chy I never observedL that, L to get 8 �ae SittiatiOUL they j4o:110V- Ai -id if -istians. e- t u 6� his life 'ever,(-- nei�VeL by which od in ca
o - - oornin
wol gion l6a9t . - -
i1t4 you 1"t find produced the eff c P the; could & 6, deperodduce. -Mornin'i entl in
hsuc o use expect nl'u.oth- .,Or his cotiversa thev%:& gtind- it7s n r*, bi4 tilou, as-iliiue.-I only Wrote to my . -mistress. re
t school
Ihne rhoruin'.
let liz- rom t tion., c bf: and asked hei-belp.j: She prboiiged -mornin akino-demat UPOI i'mu,4 donfesstillit" nex t se. aid ot i1v 111 hame know, if he 48"I phra' ''to fike, a lowet level while, the'ras er Ia Soft- To
them. Iw& L B �chi . efly t a ,waiteld. I ppose is
'Mot1f&r came to -be folidly hoped., riL6d:*ith. Theii. I 9a own an Bu a-boiliW. --I-' iyouder how MV -nothing i o
to :er- too 0 e-,corne ard of �othill' hat" ndaily bread. s io: ie 1whell'.1 x�as in EE141 th6 fieces"fty of MY. s _g r& t to - ki'6* w
'ff u -No -'dbu t's d.
in .Liumtet Uo not think- there could have been any 1 t9ld �ou I don7V know." - . . - - J� how help rnygelLl w6e-
'tli -her, YOU. sti.11 'foi than. tbui§--sul young - thing more -dreadful me yet- ,vou , were wi eUL b �began to fall into bad i#av, - - J.. bQiling- mbra 0
when Bhe- And with my fatberwh d6aly-t-o-:discovdr-th-&t there -was.abaolutiil-� T an, aot'l fig.. fL I to -back- upon--��-uo had.. 110 companions.1 There were. nt� girls 0 e sver stratig� Where was or me fe
v . .. - - I . . ... - W ,I� could assoeiate� a yourL61d age uo belpili4-bands. - he di Lead, no-relai at. 136% borro') of i aiting t iere save the in -,we)
likb: one 4-Neroii Chris� being' You may
axed arid. I never Jear. was w� oblibg boorriAn three differ� -before. eirigthrown olmother'.'wa�;-&XIi was I -christeue(19" 1ian prisou,' b I n'Rei�utl�rlcc -is -ent- towVls� nd buried in three more Me Lord r
I -about the lion9ho lived in'the outer Worl(L.7 'All like Now`ybnkfioW a 1. lloo�e- father 016w6di at least f6ur As I knew of'the..outer'-world Wa- what I had, and v� laeop- sigl�Lll' s
'11. el ec '', ' , L* ''in I in. to differ,
yours'elf.-,and we lange the BubJ -e. IL 'little die( ur . 'with iifte- btfro bad thered rd th r
ck -OV :fo�'slilll.11 Your hammo t . UU616 It's a Y
-to- e, witilc -
towil �-aud from cer am Ahead. lov
N; I ". . I -- -,w6rk" I knew; - are- mostly. bk� n6itli brot er - r sist r:, :11ae. -to _ I .. '. . ',. [ :1 bit, no f who -er witil Me S"U4111 Ident thaAid",wbuli -'not 141SW6 onaection� cofild, It WLtSL A imposed .0 oil- thuy �OiLsi in.a. siblail. W. V
q�estjoa%_ I- therefore refrained horribly . neat 'gather v ro�!Y- lore re nn id
or- -11ini �ta a teph fjom as lug al are f ac en, you,
r6 paid'ivretebed d loilk not JO wth - the 0
ki ty -and Waitt e inoney; -they, -6 ad It pro,
-TV -ia-w- 01171 ai Cbri-taln, Can't Pro u: htl ,is -did Bible utly- t If f al. and bull -led n; Oeiltw draw scolded are, not a ee!7 I iien. - othere is so like Most L , - I 9 lie a �e
prese proce Cornish I'coiild �.an e .ern -the- f they are.not brisk.-. And then. e. e, Whi6k. WL�rE�tq go,. e�it I thp Ue r nrtibl --treMe —"�Xe - rta a , their wayi- .�udous i gf that ---tfi rraur3r by feel' fil rk and thbBewh6 -do ''not. The retired
a n mfLr-, women --who � wo alibat -thisiglil was. ie siarted with- the.. maxidl th'. t i - w.bo -shouW-bd .kinder, Were.sayig. e
on Alas� I - o-11
of. life-- in. e Poop 0 fast, ncli
Lny other - conditi by the aiine. ..of Stephen Cobb c -an. er jol6l
is cone I ern fly LM 0 imsjit was'we -known t14 or. t ps -in those ed- the only.* --ak he. ifferen e felt. Porha dlck�s niece,w.b lDman"i'Work--more UU7 er 'to live- as -much ays -;w6 th&fght,w4 read-crumbis-:an'
child., It'W -a foolish- b,
-e happlilesi; its. d ur Box .are St6pheu.-wasAu.4 I oung-ahil sby�; d- enBl'?" 'lovely- -t-Ilan We 0 1 -Y Jht, beti6k Al tw- fooling, of liourse, bult- was, e O I
f_, I- eft off 1� olng 0 roam mo- more,
Prose I' room in n , going out
11' per ei Therefore
roo -Mit. - -He therefore better - - paid,- better tail, b?Lt wbata% t � ciluibb, which the wbieli hold their ow . -Yet'l tbink ox
at B6Q i -left off tt my- disposal tile d was wrong -L. V ace f Will alw.ayH 16k,mach L "
the- bed- improvements are ma e, I sketch the ell Bit Ing hud-6-i e 0 were-tben - t* . '"d:enjo'j, -rag liappi6r lot ta that -peo right t116 s.i�at hom( ple. Alie e thorn as m . 'b Bf�irs. Waff t6-havc-'tyk'. the same reason U lil e ',bathe -in t roo P 11 uch ak I fruits o bor. The k -windows, I' f other'.,, e and thoiight4bey tq opeh tile of.. go�eraeggeg turn d and1oo I in 'fliL Me in� time e ul in, ie-ey Ile would�Wt interfere wi w rM 1 -of t, 3 io-r not being like au:� cs�`s of ine n Were sneering a in, -bare- 'pain wg��arid
d -was to: have t ev the:iviekedtfe t, P
e, -U '.for part, vdailiblers, red--ar a6d d the other be and, a ruelty me 6 0 ..engage, lor'f fr6�k. What a splendid
tbe�'kitc porch, an Ful noVels 'headedi and--�'dregsed -a er :E:ven-'-t e- ore , de -in ve,
ith them. h in cheerf notio 1nt fere.- �hith 'W If at -ad,�tog6-about t gt i -on? never e
le o -my pint lady -1) Ve
lield- out & 1b6tter:'pr6B,P6ct that yihmt C e 'regardstl -the C ' Mto the dMig'U"Be-'Of ur For my -own- PtLit ith of, arryini, appose -an nA-my -old. th 'beld. m, W inlfrayed'by hi anotfier
at a% to: a�dzboped M a, beheees� 4--ulwa� "Allould -co e o"BoscastIt Vlieyjo� trioney- ralght, lad the
oi�e"hopeful pro -m Be. stfull off, -r Me in It _ em d:
b understood marry. a man of -�io -should' I an mew4h-vbat face, ll er
:-, lyo u
9 With affie in"- the bar
teleff.ia6 'alto- return tbeirgreetih engage�
repat' it Bliould 3 explailli -11. (I--- �ft6rwirds � 1; ** fill -fiom: the; levels i schooners
when ic. begin hirig. 0 one; by. ct i ityand -.tea7p&rT decked -going 9001 ri,essing getbr 6f. Launceat6h resp6 ab I little half t m . y presence; e a re me the
IaTIL6 earl, Morleyby a, Oler the
y any B ing called to-'tbe own. -Moored be r bak orb -other ate h yen off a C I ga A -LLL This,was the pil
-ich I- 9110 dopt.. the'hidulgence of a ch�ii in big P Tbat dreadful Xnetbod WIL - uld . �clioosc. to 9, I c6ul liken' lob 11 i thetliiit 11,11
0 , . I . , (�)n L -- - - b i ig 86tL *d,wliciiLlief6und uttbat Werit - r;
maintenance . eu growing. Stephen kept a Way- t6 e -the. i6T
hk. -��.'%Vh,efi he gave week weekI
StOjje,. about ooi�--ia, wbich'I was an e that lie had, b a ke-bar cbegll , hjms6lf- I- b d us' d to loo n).a to teli'me think-bf it, the een. Ipi did sofaitlif�llyp� iim. hthat be at tile' Amount with -kind ofAerror.. not disa4yVLatac,1oOu%.t`oI before theLMASi; ed tis 'for many year for�-tliiiuilgB to pouuds� tj which he
eL-. -- tinu to the riffi "let- officer- it quickly -grew 'that the
And.. t at., my con somehow k of ch h, , -
oan&�fif teen- po ng
rve.pounds --- Aen - rr,- c)j you. -."Don't hurry your .Pounds. a e.i will. da f4 O� L the O,�
th or that he had' I knew no- fo, _ r in e
cer am yen c id ot -c I had. nothing 1o, a it with M-0 LOok r6urid a bit'. money self which he d 0111 eas y pa -046 �ba&-, Though) tuies -the nature of Yo cati W
e f
8.0 ti 0
ihe 1.
c I id
H 'I
c E
Y t
tl rol
f om
ad no spirit to carved her figure hehd; I christened her; I
ojected with the painted her. Nobody,g bands but mine
too much soli- and the shipwright's touched that craft,
her size that come when I anal she 8 ths fastest boat of I called her
f all. And the you 11 find outside the Solent-
tmare. the Carolina in remembrance Of thA coun-
t I went to Bos. try where I made that proild and glorious
ho afterwards,�-in nime as a Pilot Which You've read of in the my deliverance papers. And here comes my niece with took pity on a the tiller and the lines."
turned their heads in figure,
,h strange adveu- The young men
W. quickly to seethe Dieoe who to resemble
emed the life. voice �nd features was reported
ch he called the so marvelloual i yher uncle. They looked
tom, when the and saw; their eyes caught each other", a -sailing in her and fell with a kind of shame.
g the grand and For they saw a tall LLnd beautiful girl of All. it was not eighteen or nineteen, of graceful carriage,
windy spring of stepping delicately over the cough stones*
venture in his She was dressed simply, with a straw list,
luay. One day, white cotteu gloves, and some sort of P in
1, Would go with stuff dress. Now whether They took off their hats and salutea this
iencedmy, powers delectable nymph.
e found me good, Jump in, Avis," said her uncle. Gen -
lines And obeying tlemen, this is my niece. She ships as
n and so we took cox. lun. I'm captain and crew, and you're
I . Now, then, all aboord." day that weather the paesengers
talked I looked at Avis took bar place in the stern, saying
on shore I con- nothing. The young men sat oil each tilde unhappy position, of her. If they caught each other's eyes
ks and headlands -they weie. abashed, thinking of the blas- the Carolina tlew phemy.against beauty of which they had
y troubles. , been guilt'y in talking lightly of the pilot's*
rom my guardian niece; and they tried not to be caught look -
yen friendship. I jug at her face. faces slid figures as ce ;'I ought not to There is fashion in
f all that money there is fashion in dress. Now in t1le Year
forgive. eightepri hundred , and sixty-three faces were round, noses were tip -tilted, figures
ILI. were short, tall girls were rare. Later .1 fashions have caused the growth of.tal oraing," said the slender maidens with classical featl1tbs-
ed td tne name - of Girla.are, I am told, instructed while at school how to conduct their growing accord- nor than Boscastle quirements of � fushiou. It is
s 7 o'clock, and a iDg to the re
not a., eztra, and is- taught to. all -alike;
y were comind out ually success- 0 but of course, all are not eq
.19 with i ent to 9 -
. nt . ful. The ptizes.are obvious. . Avis was one. ok about you, and of the unsuccessful girls; that. is. 6e had harbdr, stinshinei n beyond the fashippable stature, -and U.-Wator, boats at freorleatures were of the Grecian - type.. g Ige - or Ile
because Sheworeher bair�unconsciOUBIY I W -to coa- tio of the.fashi6n those lad, thought lit in nt.-s raigb1i. _pleknot, whichwe . t t the most uiious' the hearts -of both painter And to ..Hlefe ItIlb 9 a-- hail The Istier, after the wobtbfbis -tribe,be-0*0 d ek thrio r06kst,o t1rink by. what'. collection.:of Wor, pl. her - bal nd where. I and:rbymeslie'Coiildbegt'illiistrzte as geog.raphe a'. cal-1.1this beauteous � image. oets' and:- baby"S�' his Tesedt, that -peopleare unhippy in t 'end,;, -they have - they'niustneeds p6rpetiially be the -slave 8 all un I ning Put - Piet, of 4ords. Jack, on the Other',!�and, 'Who be- end for a bfift of was notcouperned-witli aescribti6n,immedi-' to be i tow and ately f4ilt'bis he -&-rt -leap up- lu. zcrntemplat� at hav�6rs as th' p6�fect and wonderful -work -of ing-tbe Most -i es , a ove V 91 1 bull of f�-e -Akbting creation, the IaF;t an 1 b * it ie -Pier in ie9diness.' . e Stephen Cobbledick -put Out hi " S cu 4 iL`3�4 'S�ip iu,ithe -iharbori 'boat ha i3 rrow and-Win4- I ithiii tbq - P mg �reek.lo thia gw mouth.' Then he put -up nd trausparen t that little'---eOol- oaukllt the )ig-a-fid bre lided du t. to SO!- -the st6ny- bottom;- They ran along the shore to� tbt,4 X441 underle�dla�d`� IL -fid -Cliffs of Y thins! in We sh* -deep caverns, w1lerp 'P- in to Inined-by the sea `1 -th to the. cridt' which. seats reBort., Ad fisherme.ix go -.at might- anding u-�p hill. - head4;"past broad - -on a I knoplitbernoRtheir.silly 'in ho� I -&-orny zha you may, bayB -and'-narrw coves a- 114 etween-Its g ar Lau -whieli look,like prison -boll' in the rock*, Mai- do blow, lespeci- tons.- The loeeie :for criminal T-ri vest, you in y see fresh- 7, the, sea wazrisped -with little waves.. 211shing 'and hea-Vinjg with the mighty- Toll of 'the this narrowprison Ail, all- le. i�.- it iti,bad, then, Think, said tVe -Poet sof tly', addressinig ticul �.but lool6init-a-t -th-6 ruthl�ssi.coaft. Or Le iii. -Par. ar .A- � .1 11001] 26 sun -is setting u 'show--ti�'d ePon acOUthe cwlswam the'- sky and oceau would dash.obd -the ipr4. fly 'Oyer. these ind .a, B�Jendjdilow cliffs.ifi stormy yealim" 00 -lis andlis-refleettcl --tl lifted her f The gi e er is bel reply. low n gw/W it Ay 11 said 1II6 V-flot-'"thilik -,b - Xvijag f h
s,sipange, as ictur- 'this coast On yat44ee at such -a time! ast of England. The was onde-rthirty years Ago an( more�.- ad, thq rocks, Merry Maid .,of Wuzahce, twO eadland and'.Meach- h - Itudred ton barkquidbouncl�fro-ni�F.Alraouth re is. a, great souffieur 6 'Bri: Tort" He -p-roceeag.vatull - made le Bto- 11 'how' y - exira6rdin4ry craft Ild -ngth toAe' , view -to.,`DrTkfast.' seard'hinsillip be � bad" succeeded, -wheii v - .-Stephen Cob'hledicki tbov� and such. a -storm 1611 mp1bu, - .�A, - - t - 'a thought they were doomed to cer siu, ea- vhile---the.gaiia t- t at vesspl-,-straigbt ar trucilonj in stdaring tb whose alftle�- Hzirbor, ail re is- the )tna jnto�Bosc- d bringing� her up kae'tly like IB.' Own, taut -and safq,.iiot.c6sp�Lr.carriea�Avv,mol�- Y maid-eu 1, We must- a rope lost. ory "his hearers nt; of-tha .-Whil" lie ttelate&this st, ie ahoiiff' a better It,looking,iltbbut-t&ua-,� It 'Was A, were si en C a in uil so-youug i's 01 dull sto-�y told Wj,t1I -au immense zu erf, ver- before,metl- With, -tile. sailors,whb, details�, with - -.-. -; � . ' )e,�allednpon, -to testily to the couiai tophen; of his:Btat mt 1 if 4equired; a story which en,"; - r6plied-9 albe you -for -.� -sgil this called f4r no, lisienliag. g to get my-boaJ*ieady t 1 ?v m6s ;tereiiing -fryin, azi&the I water. Cobedp6k, paic. - ibe Poet; us; Wo Wol. in I y cocoal that's! %�re eanc you h another -ratuch rathe -an t sten th ur,old age. rh gart - isthe Foot, V111 you They listened; milile - tbt� lou rri I p eppOr 8 d Let . ud: in all -told them 'aiiother-, An tb-,�u -a thiid, fo , th, while. still the little. craft di6----- u ve been A d oA -��&nd a ur 1-- sick. Flerity to repent overed headland -after headland, tl�rld. eks rose -steep an the black inhospitable W e, on. high, a f6rtificalion of Naturfs,owu say that, itli Ol Salt �To be continued VV la-iob W al well "-Aebea-ved ay-- 101,bolg6t -through-. notii�ed, any ecu- Tfiou�li -th6reW. work Reporter-"' Have,YOU t6�day., �11 Come jean babitB-21; breez list Amer )w yotL as good �bit too, tbore is one thin,,,, and youre - lkek,*o-see.- -illati--the'disgustirla habit throats.. ,-Catiadiatts Atef ec ru of �,learing'theil h . 9A u. iat buta-tidYKA also'peculiar. They ey a ow- er ill, -boy-in, ojd-AJmt-adoo-r-w-as-for,- Y.L, --But pes and'he :replied To go in b trip, minds into 0. . my. 0 0 VI Baia Jac k; lit aB one continual: break ugh It w supper amd F 9-' d to +b'e friendly. .Giv- ;beech-makill' '00111d .-Ildt like, iheml wi - We get away. The -Canadians :are pour me -out indre tqa--, gentlemanly men- IMen of st -1 I- ho A -b . 11. -But -they. Are. s, good.for 11B. 4et'�tus w- elieve mean we Let'lls fii ilI6 camp i sufferably Blow They ad-mirethe Anleri- II -Americ4ll happens vii1a cans- *' I .
gal lug V ,- -and �Aen an OW+ ith 0 that's a splendid ]-fell anion they rtceive, hitii W.. -open . g th em gas opposite -1 WiilaPark for him. -,But arms�caunot do too m at 4- border -f Y. *hen they a atch th "I ep theAmericaus 4,
n 'nity'perso -A . I
ature' nified �a t t pilotis yarils- 'the elbow al� - every man they me 'All th, joi.ilt. id liar it is I 'Vol -doubt 1. fited to.robliem.11—American. -paper'. wal ''k 0 SO I 011.11 JfLc thought, ta like t Since th� li@ding of the -recent assizei in la oe rout to oa, §ayt�e B-a-rrib -tile -car- -of -Bray� --diBpositi-on juries is quite�'appar( -I' fellow,,. pryse Y; on: SiMC66 -grand owanenounc6a the'lgrau *As: When Judge Go- �- .1 I, . -1 .1 I I -
-a its use U.� -as having out ive besides a le of jury system Inguish or, 'a�d diBt ed-boay in tbe- potato 1rade, ne5s th-at fax�seeiiig d I aclititVi6lity'leel g,trere6hoedis�bon4,s sentlulentA and Sal it was a relic of the aark ages. -Bixt, wheILL boat.- a uilield � the syBt('�M a. few udge- --Cameroi old:.! -a, -.Sjuicoe. grand ti 10 -aua� gen omen; -he said; -days ago$ -is Slie,was -, built --6t Fal- ury A y w I a . is prud�nt- to tiiiiper--witb. down,� - T-hisi that it S &jad pi -1 I - . ... I
atementsi *as�,& fkbridaz -ancieni�custotn r6sentl I Y. g�s-ve �thelli6- - by, thing'to th qff ect� You'-Payw your. at 6a - t ha& been; I bludIt first i-noney aud-ydu takes, I -riggedlher*- L.1ingwood.-M6ssenger.