HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-03-25, Page 5• )7.(1 ' ' O . '-..�. yeK.`� .:'�. . � ...►. aim, b Sumrner, BEL or •zmrso--nismarorzraszapor...m.car.,•wasannili V,T1 , .`!';,.. '. vyt 1\ ('ll�:?�til)i'tt'tt `tock {'i!' (1;60,1::,„i1..�lleil .1 ?r"..4. '� 1; stirt` ,a-'� Il t t :1',:1: 1-0.). it a','1t ll)) l':11i011i''1'ti•,.., (,.411 l)f' all tally :;{if: :' ii) i'_cii i\Ci[[(i011. 1•01' liiti l{:-1•_t� `'.3 �i� e''. t'i {`.�l Now 71";-,011,,-4t, •• •ElAZ ;4 up nu � )- arviye e;?riy. TIC Concluding another y'ear's IlusiNESS, we take past year has been larger a11C1 more;;atl5f.let()ry tlltl, any Iil'SI\E.SS EXPERIENCE. e previous year -in Oili' have to thank'our many friends for their pat1'Oifage, wl;lliclt has so largely contributed to such a ,a,tisfac- tory . result; Permit ane to sly that in the future (as in the past) our I(l)l will LC to sell. Goods It the lowest possible priccii for Cash, (consistent . 1_ It good (la)))ity,.an(1 square dealing). -We make it a V•l}1t atTll ti)))es tt) lice)) one of the choicest and pest seleet:'d Stock of. Dry (�toixl:;, &c., in the County, and it is .fre(uently re marked that when no one else in the village las it, "Itmay l)c' 1)roeure(I at MclIardy s. We the opo,ning up new Spying (;(oriels-. CVCry• week and t)y the Cue et the Month Oul' stock will be very complete, at winch time —WO will Cunsl(1C1• it a 141 '1.SU1'e t() `;}1( tV our cl}st.(li}}ears and the public generally Half -)}k` ii the / • dillere11t departments of our imuiiillothJitock pleasure in stating that our Trade for tale SEE WHAT �e kP 11 ' S C-� AN S And People in Cart. -.da say about SCOtt'S 11,11111.,S1021 - - 11 , (►ease Ili 1101". 11, -4 -,nevous _ 1 3: C..iti�it{)h1C�,h�. �1 1, . 1 :)`T .�� .,+� • '. �1" .'1 t'•'cl ii(it Tater that:I.:th--_.;-)tti-1.e4)IUcaty, t t)illt lIl it ,)G4Gttic r', l ^, t) -r (,. z 4I •• r�tio«r 1'�=i -3, llll,I:l�4-tr-1 1elli ,: e5!`al,e- ill lllf��rni- the Kuhl c:t.t.lt'il! ll.1' usliantiy- (ln na.li l a P� S STDG-` Worncll'S, ?Misses rt'l �,_11'I'Ch011 S 100 ' t- clitA!' .'y71liellFI lir.3ltfZGN£ .Ar'.-', tV1PR<:r111I.Gl:l: AtT N7Tr r\OE:: 'SIC. 4 t,, Y �� ��,, _.t LIS 11 Tel lIr l,r. ,S?£ .�.,,,� .. t' ''+ An 1laf r1127g�- ir(y - F ?, ''' ult for tit men' 1*t'v .i' al -\V •e :L n •ass,. .... 1 �-- ICa'j- -�- -' S,,e-rtili1tr,t Itt:-a,._ t, •,. •-•}f-.:-- � Lnlp.t^tdncv l :lyi aInl all -(")int L`;e:it . f., - that follow -as as ti.IIll `` • '� )t 3 Latino. AMUenct 01:Jell 4 A. IiSe ai 1r•;' of- 'deinor-truiversal T 1ssl= tulle, I' tut in. the latch,. 'Dill -0.6>i of. Yin -ion, Pte:niatl rtioI 1: d e and ma P, other 'Diseases. 'that lend to III, Laity or (rii,eutnptinn :lad la 1 1 s. - - P1•t 1•L. t'1e �t-rt\e. -' , Pari) Particulars ... `: ..116 1)!LalphLet, which'We desire til i (n(1 free, ' 1rt- alt i.l to et a y` one' 4-irl'lie Specific ..Me -. eine is sulci lay i11 1).riu,t,i•ts: at . a1 -Per -pack•. ,:tee. ;,t six Lsle) a. ,(,rt- for y:i or twill Le sent frr.d•.1�i.v mail ait receipt of t"he-.inbney by. acl drd ssing '6;-5,:4;R_i.V M_ :1114 1N3 4.C.... . - l,rout• O t .(.nada:- a S.tld in T.nclelioxy by ail rlr ggi'' ev slid . .where in EIaI1a I :Lnd'= the U-nitedStates h�. va11 wholeale und'°retaidrI1i2 Stts. Y� _ - examine each . �Ias� p tl l Li) tt1l'l11 Qui0..1 tBat oo: anti' t.xa 1_is'really `t;tlper.t.l s l)ek In 'eac , especially' his. air .abr ;lrsa-e-4ltoels:BOft t4 .1-lefi.rlS .LS111 d1 it_\l'llfs)"P. l‘tairivfac d1' �1. S pe(a�tlty.-: sst • •s. -'sola a�.at.cl - OFF.:!; a111tt..i- taken sTch;ire. ;fdlr *YowlG - . .GOOD I e T� 'Olt 11LL. 1�I RD AL. OfPreCc1Cil hp o hos hi �,s f r► ► & Sada Ii WASTING DISEASES. AN1) Nov ; 'lo 11Iessus.-S(..TT & liowx1-:.- i h-tvt. used and lu'e,erilasl for sume tilne't.-•••t•tt•t 1..n,nLiun if Cod 1 ivet Oil.' Ln(I h.rnl it au exec-A.1a fixed -},t'O)'. e1)aration, ::!g1•et ibig,tell .64-!. It e stoma -'U- tast.,ke.u, atI.l its c(,t,tilt'.eri 'Ise st,liub ;;neatly to thestrength -tu)'i c:,titurt. of t),e - patient. 1\. 11. I'k!('I;,, 11. 1).. 1't- n. Met1. (', ,Ilene. <na�, \ta ^c„;a �•v. 8, 'h() t, (,eLi•` :r..,r• Mehr- 1Ic;Grs. ^cussp lt' (t{ rUt)wtt_ , ly two vetn•a 1. have lie: -n arrt•tatl ti tl with L,- •d. i ;�t•ett's1`.eutlsi+•r .•f ('i,.1,:,11. I,it"t-r Oti ,t itlt HSF, i j,1 ,_11,.te.;.:,1.d c.,I,.i.. tl •- t)`+„i. }neuar- ati:i now befere ti, 1.11-1.1.e, h - 1.eril):ute$ey - as ar Eau,.( i %.it -h=il1 tnt.l..t'•r,makes kItati ti =hnlygrteecnta.f,ind\l,, n)':teIt 't,,•It'•.,I 1 tt.t'e,l:f1,• g l()l(i1 seIa.tc}r, • of the systt:..:. l •.Lit., very trills-. - ('. A. Iil.K, M,1). DV ` "� T;; };UW N is --(:--utie nen, i ha.ve Messrs St '.T - -- - , - j d alar til: ir:L fur tat` }las; two ., . - ... pi escrthe t l: years, ;titl.aortal it ne i'e• agree,al le tat e stomach, and have better regnits la on 'its nee 1ll`L11 from any other prt'p ratir,n + .f tale kind I have tried. li 1I�C M_ERO\, M. 1), a vc.rnaer c nCI S. IND -ATE.. and Je' 'received a :lalrge stat) varied stock ofl, 1 - - c�1T:pr'lsing the 11Plvt.a h y ) lttX Il�� TCi�ls, 0T 1) ail .00C11ES, j T,UCKETS, t ) ,. ; r _ ,.' T • "(1 \1:'tiii$'W E) S1'1T13S. and (;L:r PxY): TONS,_ • 11�11� coos, S I 1)S CI ) l�'12L I T _ani11lUT C -E1: Its I� ES; �Tz�Pnl�i F�IITGS, GAR CASES., &c:' EAQ'b'`I'1, 0E -Ta 1•(` t•1Tig tomo art• toe his PAW all:) Coll).( 11. , i u!ls- ;Pottrhr ti.h(tll Eat.: 1, j 1:2Iilr kr C. _, 1 C - - . li'-,L ���Ir .,�r,. 1 ; . .I'e)are(lfor (1( l_!, bus( zio .� _ l� .. 1 = ne.,�,, on sa la"rgn: er,Scale,tha.e'ver. it _ ... lIe �� 111 keel) a reolila sn ,n.. ._ . PI 3`- ,. (l' ll l n . S 'Ui: 1resti- meat Ta cl d reason<t>r)1 e -prices. BEST MEAT UPPL TOIN • Meat1 delivered to ani' part of the village tin:tile'shnrtest notice. - The =Righeet-liarket.'Prree paid for all. Vatted Stook IS \I3IsED hstand •nn ;I.the recent- ativance.of.-301per cent in,tLP wholesale nt. ottv>t o , • '-et , I am.,prt-1 iedto sell at ,ll�i ),•inns:ofr sollc't ;a_cal Relneniber I BI- LE ILLE, ONT. ! '\Tessrs. Scnrr & ' \t'N 1)e a Sirs, I Nil - it a fluty I. owe_ not r•7.1r to you but to the conlmur.ity'to make the f, )iuv. il„ statement 'About3:yeers ago nor eldest d:;ii .'iter. was taken with a..sev'ere cold which Fettled on her ltiv�)r e, an ln�'j5f�AttlIbti'n4t,ing_;i tkether :1tiled', hopeless Stage of .ons,lnl1 tion. The Doctor do 'iii liar)) e; •t,lrt recorxirirended .:.said he ecnld _ - the P 't was th - ' , slur-3�;>ai-alsion a»_tl: the e$otit :cif i y r: one. ;lc ht� knew her, simply opinion of tw e y � •'marvelous. Before- the had used first the fir . bottle,: she -felt much better; and to the sur prise of us all, she continued) to mend se r?,pidly .that in 'three Months fhu w as able to go abi)ut as usual, and , has continued in such excellent .health that, eine :got -married 1R- mc>.nthe ago, and h;is now as line and •healthy a son as- you: can fide;(() the country.. EVIL LTA MBLACK.;:. - It�T,Oit 1, )firing -neatly .. and l owptt3* executed ;id satisfaction • warlarte(1..... , nom. �411erP:� m tut(, ldio�g psichaser.before-bu} before -buil! c.else. fie - - ne ,tape(two -dcurs East of JO EIN Mc ..A1U )Y:S, than ever 1t' was b' overhauled —i$ now 1n— RUNNING O fire:. "We ]lave pt t ':• , -in-. a new Engine-and ' rifew Planer,:., a ail the refit of the 'Machinery(., and are (tow prepare'( to do •of WOBX in the' BU 'LDIN' I We hai.e also on hand.a .large Stock of Seasoned "L -umber; .Doors, - Sash,.- ingY, douse and Barn Eave Tro SCROD -.- lS.'AIR BUILDiNI ive `is a, call Before 1iirt liasingel• se,vhi•re, t <: M r [7: a i t l{L v one her r31^t 1ITV,subscriber ht;rehv tatfort1, the Pub liC' _ th' lie har;r,pened an _ - 1ea ven`x ne hitihIii gs,.where he will v' Week . sale have-eek.ystifle all :articles left i 1 1' C:ummidaio�_=1ovt rate.— 0 ti `l tl�.I.FAYIsk: •'fhis;is.to certify that my daughter hasbad 'tiling_ disease for some ti7i a and was very much reduced in flesh, and hail not' strength in Walk across.: the street She vas advised by -a lady friend) to try Scott's Emulsion, and to oilr great surprise before she: had ttsed three bottlesher health was u,rnpletely -festered. I recotnniend it to everyone; troubled .'With . she same disease.' :._ 40111C \V . BOWES.- . - rhe Pills Purity the b odd, Correct- all d - orders of: the • liver, Stomach,kidney, and" -Bowels, and are in\ eluable in :all feompl..i1Lto identalto I• emales. oint.nent is the . in on1 reliable renledls .,r o _lhe y Bad Legs,. ('ild -Wounds, S0rea aisd :Ulcers, o however lona tariding. For Bxonchitin Ilip e. theriia,: Coughs;: Colds. Gout; Uheuu,atinta '.and all.SnDiseases it is no erltral. »> WILIME Off Id ; 'Nana in C. SPECIA• L AME11114-1COUNTERi:EITS1 vmostretpectfnl}y take leave to call the a tentiun tit the Publiclgenesat Y to the fee that Cei tainl1oll t':3 in: t=\1' i)i'k a:re tiendin - to ninny. -tarts of the:globe 4Pt 1fai _-S IMI .. TIoNSOf r,yPills,and Ointment. These • . 1' j) aranl:= heir._labels - Sone address in New York. , I do not ll -w my ,tttelieine.t lobe -wild-ix :Lay p:crt 'of the LTroitcl 5t.,,,rn I .. ' nal mane :�<rents"thele, i\I�s'�Ia+lxex 1�+;' 'are Y _...�..,....e...� fly' Tn(, a( ri3.'1',U\,[t)rd5t7 eke' T;. 1rirOrl t •! ri .t; , t 1 tc, ht sptti riousni al c iea` e utti.ce, , away) tb , nidi a� .in�i: i n� a et e_ ":•,* . n ,tax; in lidlly -til,, 'rt , r u)i� r dl r7rej circ i:-...,.- c.et�aON • • i»ierfc-ifsI,'r1; fur,c r•1 �,.t +)v`'%reit.. •, _ 4,.11t)tel'fE'it:E are Tr,. a•,CI)" +ti ))3r 11111)''11. Ile se ci ,jet', v• udirw :.t .1114.' ns'#-_ t, e ;xric:e �)f T111c::Ltitl (tCtltnit'rt;anti ;1.3t' 91>l(1 to }'011:1$11: alas dSif;:rLtS.. _ •-•:0)17,-.Ile"ekl tel that of 3111$-- .1. iu�, x L.sF71�'�t1V a} p ve>itle -upon i d which 1 feel iti•t: 1 slew - �.}.nr�frou, alxltt ut rtlilY'`�ii,n. tet •lr�istme; 1:1 ta:- I'+1111:as i:u• ,x� t ,•.c� site ix. their povr.- e2•.l?NnriritlGinlrt},35 ilnn,>jitlT�rau sem=a), C)l�lxnS rrt alt' �' ;PF'aT.0 - i; tear �l`Llet�:ue 3trl3 tn�ee.`ny ri a tIxot h i•�tcred;lu t)ttav(`�., �..: •.ken �� nu ,i ant t_ e r l be - tf( or • iuertcax ('m)i)terfcit for sn1e, -Will - ' av4t �;ne 4 For bsia}it>� � O ' '�. I th I l(ksofdilet .. # }, 1 1 ri n 1?COI t_x. , n� u.• i t he i. he _ -only Medicine that acct sfully purfie• at 1 T. 1 ti Liver gow�ls;1 Skin and:;.net's. Blood acts • upon' the , e' t• ime •it allaysfervor .rri�h 1 at the nam • • .anonwigiltd tem perfect p and i �c A.. Pia Pat curl Bus band- Bousness,speedil3r curing _-1 Rheunaatism, •u Nervous nd u p tion, Head�rche, las'�' rouaryszpe, • • strengthens theeiae�'qi- onsti- Jaund"ijyspep I ro -a l Debilit - Female :Complaints, , a y Care nrH ltral'r flag 11+t•iti,I, fa„n£,'„ ,cut SUMP Vl'=tia ,1;, 11ul.it)tii:{y'y �:al.Lti Alin OTpY he vs+xr 'i.;T 1r)>`lI):ta'rAnl ��t`UC11e31:02) On t is -the • ,RF.r?LoN-, label s 1.e1- (Lief Manufactured.. , t lone pd,,l, where eral ar> m frnxsi - • cies of Chrome- isease g and eve spa Rheum, every_ ! ham, .. 1. R Salt we. m a ch Bo to ,. Stoniach, Disordered Liver -Kidneys, y..... ii•)(,(xu rx Prl(v curd i)e,)1ricirt •'�etn.trr � mil; other nri7i71:S x, tt� r?ir)it or Blood. i- Be ar Size. $1.00 h P �t rr 3 she(`g Pa tt l h P es�oyet of " xam un cHiklrce : it . BEST BLOOD PURIFYING TONIC 1N THE WORLD THE & CO, SOLE AGENTS,: TORC0. H oc. - L MILBLRH -. >ln le Bo;tie..) . Sa P , . 3Ies. Freeman's Worm Powder u a safe; sure and effects mks, . Price s5), cents or ; for $1.. i'' ;• �I .a New Doisumdie Dyes are tis dry .� �e ae equal, -Foot its cents per P� a , tl- d, ` 1�fT A`- o� H OLI tem fUl E� Lovoo :$ IFtit _ •