HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-02-25, Page 8� I A I (;orrespol.deLjt aliouid make an Yle proceods amouute Neil-Beatola, wul it, town for a lew - townsmar, Mr. violded, Fts no.one c'Line- d to tha hand: Some SULU of $18 80, This - was the to ask for it. apparendy enjoyed therriselves fully. PERSUNAL.—OUr Old maklug UtLempt to keep, to facts. VW dohys, last weck. He has been H A sixt,h of a series of socials., aild thb 1,19 lvaie for soLao niouthz, DON% go hunting all over town for alust sticu, ssful of the six. -II(illey, When you can got it at TEN: 1. 0. 0. F. Soci-vL.—The long-talkei PipariiErzi.k.—We learu that NANT'S Atedicid Hall, at COSt- C WARE. theria is in thi and Lbat two of Oddielluw's 6o -,',I c-lincs Off In du PER,WNAL.—l1%1eV- J. T. Santli left- oil rime on Thu 4:3 GREAT 1,SALE OF HARD rsduy evenit, la$t iR tile clAl,ireii are strick- We-in,­Sday inorijii,g i o attend a spec spacious and handsome Lodgo Room, e., it: I it Wo hopo to Lear uf thej (;-I Dis- ' exceedeLt tliv, I)L,triet kleeliog of Eii,,- Godvri and fully equalled or Before Takin Stocj�c, at Them ly reeovei.y. I of C. -Ni. -Church, lielti it, niost sanume exjyei�tat'011s- He arrived lionto lapt nigh. was a laipe represeiiCA1011 Of the mew- o-,,,tensive alict- Cli n f rom a distance, and bers niany of thern �'ERMJX on IlOrses and Cat -,Ie eat, be thee ith their tainilivs and Ificilds D. MaCh ty"s'se S Nir. j%til t -s HOW ;81 w1l by callin at Dr. TEN - 'o n. i comforta'Ay rilled ti,e Hall. be !;eld i 111-.11 111111* 1,.It 6, aiid vrocur ng - NNNTS hall - 8rilith. occupied tile Chale, anil P., A-oititttl, on T'iiursday, rernedr. aSSi8ted 10. Slie t) uDder his wailzi,juient, ably I SEIIVI,�ES:—O Will" to thebeenct, hY the -a 119 -cummittice, evely- Auctionuer. -N( - 11 0 exculient on�or. A Caineroil, who W11119 11itsivd Off 'a 1 5tll (if Man., h, Wo W From nA)W til F III Gitilliltillioll services at pie slilg prograinin, Chux-I Iv Is 10 OT0111.)Wilig Witi. readiii-s and, Leettati- lu, T Oft r aa at�olltive au, Oil sa,61).tth (tispelisu(I witij, a,ter whicii rt:fr.i:h- r Church on Sbbath last. occasion bildiiL� Knox HARD W -M 1-ift A I 1 re was no 1 F3 OIL' last - I - lill, of 0111, the tutieral it ra .21 ot the latt, SFLLI--,-G OUT Alf.-Harn e i)rigraiii-lo w�-4 received vltlj� bV 0- 1) Wing boilt to 91" ull tile liever fahiiig favor w1dch always IJ41St0r, A + ost, - fQr. Cash Only. s� ith. The IAf Ler th 1,v. J. T. by tho 0 Nvi al)liet th inarke,i nt- i- at &reat sacritices. ite p Cut was llitenod 1.try U )Mbs, & , hlbe(,n a pt -Chcait bar,,,ains I th'!se 11AUS Choice provided lo tendon, ;..n -I ere;4tcd a delell way te r theoccasiol), uds of these scured by giving b il, a Call. file cowpany gave theniselve8 up t6the It. on the in, imprt nra"Lits wi;,,ch -'severally - suited Fs& --!--The wiclely: GIVING UP BUSIS of virious kinds �aild Pfrfies ho'in am Building will find it to theIr r-dVaVtagP thell). (Imne a �ECGRD 80118 '1 0c, Tea for 600�, kni-vii firin of It. Cluliderining, & son, ea.fur 40c. of Dull'Irlluoll, going - ou+ of 9-`Ctal chat. kept them ayr. b linir liands and sifiging "An I d -EA E and 30c. T fin N ku, tilitil- bout '.ruiflillpht? - when Q S& e af erjoh' - - 0 CALL AND. L)� SPECIAL TRAIN,- Meeting Vill 1". .1re 8j,11, n- uut tlieirentire stock ci Dry. 1 hto held oa' Friday, INI-orUh 4tb-, at t1le-les, Iv nw(liwed prices. Wel" dence of J13- Sinytti, I -,,q-)' a - b - ode,, bearing with tbG GLASS, PUT1Y, PA1NTS OJIS3 See Illel. r adv. in anhar IqAtLs, West Wawatiogh, fkfr th�- purpuse Ul ngerkients fc�r -seeuring a CARNIVAL. 'A Illasquer'Ide Carnival. hey hall (�njoyed -A . . . . . . . . atprices far b-.,I.()w- anyt., making arra ljj�,-p o6red before JA Lacknow. e6al-train for Daku, nieet ng was' li#il,,t in. Viowia, Sk� s (I e v e. n - to be hel t at igannoll, on Tu- v uV;iiljer ot. od S A -uni ng,. To of alt kiii is. Ran ays. -from- 75 on -a.liretty bRr-of, I . a - ue4 n was s, we and bd, a in this- fitir succe 11, nt to 'the.- i.iters ly. Pete 1lc'K1vnz;.o,.-c rl� -If th irain carf be 8"iy e n 75- 'this' vi 118"'i 7- e r - zd in V, ti TI -- A t of sk I ae was -wo -11'ast Y t r aplaul by! er Frafik, - V. y 1.11_ �, Cz ow t rill Asi- le gco XtrTiN its a-wa and rm-d, rd kets.l -'ectilig '01 W 13 ��Vinnii t t;e. andeliers C olWe.ha gai-A I AJ -bl- III-4tr Iv Dr WC-rinirtl ts'Butter. ill . t n Mo prol 'Thb e cry.., IN i k.] P, t ait e, an.( fill n rue 6.1 read a a 1 -b r S,,atprice t t was 11old -b e nt -v J W. 'old, staff -e, itte h( itse- at - -- , 0 - I -N[vrri�y 4 vi T -welt b-- m -ea ay e es 9f B, 6 wn ay LX, -b6 ed" of we Fmi cett id ica iscusse a lie. rillis-s!"ni to- form a. -rill nit i,.,nI6t:*At* -en ernen W.PT - .,.,UPP]l first�opjgprtulilty ''o riib6r; of' NT Y. -.R acI 111 DO - f T bas �y a tj n hloll vir. :.' d -ai fb as L.00vv a �v ellA to Hotel of Ives a �xp "ted tiy illake i to y;�4� 4 it )it La LE prior to. -Iii. FOR alaroe ;1 ee vv - , We citrin..) _�3 -711 ­SECott . - to- C. -ar ass WA m , ere 'ni, (to as u re, tbougl' Ulm '-Pl) -e e -cou gre ions tas Avn4 ofili .11, te e t.; -At or d: s I (I it t -oil e pre cif t ir 11loney RO 7 very. tak Nabi �nrlin( � .1 � . -, - - i - ell 001�pWej blii 61ics"t(4if -ard- svi a b-'rek th0'Xib-m�'pe"titi istrian f I Me- to VA4 to Tit osz. -centors, red sffidtills-, 116 roport.4 lie '111d sist irf. -he services 0 I -this fA wi)ek.. T tell over. fl :)Ul-i ye the R th-d! its El' 1 'It th u t b' Tlie tl I. ge Cin 0 the Lack ad-- prov. . A4 d weis, never o0 L -IFI.ill-- Nve e,.1ountiffil- provi tons-- we.:go:t.o �rmks of. With.- tile crops, jil.).i DUNG no b -6 0 N.- -Glub an�,! three ours o tb benpw. eel�.t --pr s. clek itot., taik,zn- intq-- lhe� --bX;-g;ki-- Liorrie ? arty ispersej. to 0 c 111 IR Wneraliy kti,) e 6 reduced. to 3,�)QO j6e - �Iv. no 'GRt If -. S- I �� ;OF iejr se of ­2 800--acr -all f -.e'nieg --Al ` veral I 'bad t, a -T g I yyyyy �Ijj 1 t�blo i-11 Of $alit ail �Pe It tat -pricew I creas -AND SHOE t leir. ti P� . .! I ­ eari, And ls� Ste., Y'l e,y fr -e T Delkart, It in R-ird war A, pa7pi ying Y�ll I- 1 0 r -Vo AT PEAOT, OLD STAFJD. b' b�u In 4) A Ate ss- a rie Grycepe at C..SEG. r wani* .3, gr( pg - t Art -.anY Rem- ember fhe -place. s we op 0, Ulf of icel re is . . . . . . . . . . vilra -as 211 ing-for is ti ft ir 1xr, r"e st,, -on 6 a, 1; N X -T, �M:O-N T d til C LD f b -poop ein- the- f. I: Cal u riverja I w ic r E -fl to 1M. 011 tI +1 0 o f Tooml for Spring "Goods Vev�'rs ofe-xii0ifitice vil. c- or cash�.�.at -Grently R ed6ced! -prie riotol �ga Ig out 0 sIpertani an d - e 71017, 1 111d I '.I,, Y r'. P 11C or- A! '%Ve have purchased the La 6d, Wfio HL TLe -ying that failed'.i iEt s: A f TgIist Stock v o ge neu Chi 0 k Tonledy U i4 - Jo (,-k-A t I' I I It F;'-. ST FLOWE: o go row �iqme e C for s. di uce-d t IS -2- ia,.ga y rece- s 4ron. c lisiantl unon -CO.'H iorFas got Ill. lug umm rtOW effed't's hI is- qu yet to xv Feb. 24" 1881.: f tb-!. r �iei h d 1 -7 flat) In �very OW.11, ere e� to eirect-a- cure, f 6,' roni That ve ly one f-thel'i e o d T _r wut,ef Room WelArs compelled-tosell all'inuc, h re -Let 111g, a.r.-.Lth nA At. - los f Y that th ere: is- 110, st the Mort e itod States" Vo 6colillilend -f the c' n 'by N1 a nte", �UG 'Fr�owrtt in Ell casesi of Dy., p q).- P suit f t A R A m to- -_p 'rs of Ila %i 6 ts, costi venesss, -%r'Dh1R and- by 1 1 the pe tde Of f -1 � 7LT � . I'le at l,a,,,- ncertain, mor Sale, Coutablied hi t an 0 C. -with ti .0 as�i6lj.Melltg i time -pyi�es itlefore purcl and iv� �f two bf t AWCK -it a, roit, atlftiallkt tAo, Ilis'z Or lie- the- 411 Telaltool iii1w .�,as whieb" yp u r d -gev� a� in.. -PIECI 0 aod vu4 r dt�ll: 3v, ii 1 0; no L.LOT zo rsold g vijIag6,,, of,, -Lui k -cf. this k. oid by public aue 1911, fj have been- Itra!try o r tly, I of Galso'; tile c - COST. at Whitely,— so lati -dilses-4ill -refial a,& eas g, - --,sday, i e. uh. iy of, March, c,%*v­,'a-%I;ty­ or. -r, gI)t ENT e ff 6 _now,. on -Tue WO P A with e sll -.10- 1 - U k it e lfbllqc,w was reselle r ,�d s a -0 Ze- -toi say:-. CO RRIGA.N 1.4 an e Is I at is Ing and e P The ti If of 'th ifferent ainpirinfeats- st - t rlum er 471tc t eF �Luc otis E. r V el C twelfth R11, seven. n t -tree rli�% I, ision o t e othisbil 't .'15 o aining oil Or aeres;more or' '�hey' g9t tho.,mover 'It SO. and it. vei*istin�v, s E TW e 01 Yp rs the results. -W 0 acres Are olIeared aw it! -aud --gave- iiin noj?;e iw f t so on�t the tnilWim the Est is, Of tht-re Ea a(J bb t el -1. 1!, IV I ke lot A a IOU a Pr scau So We' atitind-ane log bars Itriber it t NE. T T obtiiu*d front dii. DON-4- --vaved In, lit and LD� A& r 'OD ong itiawip 1 A R or, W, It lf,ve Wit) ation ii roni� thii. ib yg ,I,. eirs: of the -11,e ( . 1.1is. 0 -TOWNSHI kf the Clinton A fh ir P F-� KIN LOSSIF e d ti to riu, [if B Ye' Ulf othe oust ot ru ei Y as the WrItai t ?ell, PUCII 61171 -ltilftll' hzvin� -auy; C alMe. -7V IVAM. MbLeod late� of 'the -yen gi not tpl!. iry.e.known. G,(,! \frg. rry hiyi of -Kiql can ike C ounty of Bruee,� 777j. an,] 'know- MID 4o be Tfst.- IL nce,0! Go. -W - On. or abOut the I -died A D.1878; aje required-: r e, S,W to La'h Ai( Ior before t A' D- b day of tlie partw Ja Ja rta urc i rt ev, nf tbe County4f 'xv her V1114F ille "eve lj(-;.tllg- a GO E h Ch -ry grti 1W.1 partiellfiars of RA L Cut -,Pt.g is lihe -best pipesmo. Ing the. 10 -ter CK "'alld-ilotte 6f filile of ur o as. V -1arL;eJA` lull: '�f any hild F, GE N E to (16 U ii Lo- e itled Iheeeto, ed fine� old Bi ight Virginia LeA. trodit-ced injoQinada. Itis made from the -test etu, t. e 10s 019 red iti Canad itlor vinv,,or t ent kal ds metW -aS from which this id"co is maofOe -which r0moN ve -tic e- - in PuisuiInce Of the h(', havi"iw reference -on] the: clailf1s.4 ed Wdcro mamuf"Av, Ct r, Ive ll 'then b. !e:�js pre,parea'to ti e -6f-0 It -is tkade A `VQYL-q&.� tatutes -, I - i- � - - . , , . - - . ii mi " 34 �' � -. - . . ... - ­ I � i, .. U11111VE, -)bb conv bil -RackagesiIo '141 O'l the. do. A- UdS o h* U af, p-irfies. lltd -a to orlial "it At Kiul �284�L4ay� o 1 4 tit iestr.! -efale boets on, n. M Vn 0 It -were Be V t. �the' d U M Wool% Mb lig - O� �e to FECI r ed wuA -bour 114 NAKAO, ; , 8 the s,tAnteieii I and ffro. .-off a Lt' L WGU A -:of A.- lj:;�. Wev-;cautpered o able pad, RD e �1 d I �n n �, I �,Tr a e,a - -- ---------