HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-02-25, Page 51 1. 1 • ------- - Spring & Summer, 18812 'Will Sell his yet. well -assorted tock of Goods, usually kept in a Genera Store, Or ort time to. good relivable customers, cheap as can be -IA in 81F i4tore to rialie rooth for his large f.,Ind varied • 4 •tack f.SiiriT:ig Sra '5 mu Coods, _ NOW 11011.(rilt to arrive early • • nunferOus.. -take.- flOtiU that allAccc)unts'nutst be.settled wt. later tkiii the '-.t.P3-t1):-.1'el)rii0.11, ..Casii or No(0:-0 save trouhle 1 mistakes. - , am respectfully- -Ou . - ate -1011:•/••• 4:0 Great StockaTaking Salo I have commenced my regular annual Stock -taking Sale; aad will for the matt Ill 0 1-3 R Ver E E xs offer the balance of my•Fall and Winter Goods at HARD PAN PRICES FOR. CAI H. PILESOF COTTONS, STACKS OF TWEEDS.I PILES OF OVERCOATS, STACKS OF BLANKETS. PiLES OF MANTLES, STACKS OF FLANNELS, •&C., &c.: I am bound to ,clear out the above lines regardless of profit, in order to make reloia for my Spring Stcck. I invite every' wide-awake buyer to inspect my stork and compare my prices, . %If and be convinIed that-McHARDY'S is !the - CHEAPEST SPOT _IN TON. Ja H. MoHARIPY, , ../..,m1P-1111111.111II • B &WHO! WHAT NEXT? mono.33. :0 : {S. LITTLE} 1 las bought out Mr. W. S. Holmes interest in tLe ham, PrcvlEin& Crockery JE3ITSII\TSS, and has replenished the same with a NEW FREA STOC K, To whicl he Las allied a First -Claes Stock of BOCTS A ND SHOES of the very best quality anal workmanship, , to be • SOLD VERY CHEAP. cre-Rememl.er the place—W; S. Hohn' old stand tresk Indileentento —AT THE— CASH STORE. - 7 t less j! - ti- ' • t- 4`i.PECIFIC MEInCINE ' . . . • 1 - -- _ : - . - .. :• _ r . MARK.TilEaltEAT Lx-TRADe. MARK. GLIR SIf EPKDY. .,.E . An.. unfailing ' - •- - il:•1" #31- ettrfor Kollin"' .3_ • ' - ''' -:' al W e dk n ess, .. . . Spermaturrhea, ,,,... [ ' ' •2 Irapot ency, -- 1. . . [-t• ' * .. , . • -. . ,.-..-,-.: -S and alll)isbases i?,,L..,..,.,- rp,A,.;.„ that follow -as a - 4. -A. s ...• . . i...yLo -t•aug se, - .. - . is if ...a,.."..ei : ! _ ..• . . .. .. p.u..n.ceo- . e :-- . - - . tilde .Paiu in tlie-back, Dinine'ss of :Vision,- - •-• -- -- ' ' A. .use ; -as loss of itltimory, IluiVersal;Lasig- t , 1 .L .. , 1- ,tt -.' • - - Prenataire.old af,,c,- and many other Diseases •.. . - - . that leatl to 'Insanity or ,a(..,t)iititnirtion am a . 1 ,, .. . . 7... '• : - • Premature: Grave. - Arhull. -pa.rtictilars , in . . . .. . 'I - .- - • .. . . our palapliiet,,:whicli- we desire ,I,O. send- free •- - -- - .4).y roan to every one, A-E-The.SpeCific Med- P cine iS sold Dr liy all ugOsts -at - 41 per pack - 1 ` . ".age.,- or _six. _packrai;es ftir $145 .or. will be "sent free by mail on, receipt of the. ruoitey, by ad- = . - dressing, 3 t ' • • -,,, • . • . Only, $125 per Year. Of' all kinds - • • - - = • ma r el e - - as just is4beitTea- it :largo and Varied•-•-stoek--of -1 . C-1°P••8'-:-IV--r'-.A.TC1.1t{,S : : 1:•' - : - . .-. . ' -.-- . ....: ,---- .- . •. .: , .. . - -• . JE.V1iELLEIIY,and PLATED -1VAR-1.1', ._ . . . . _... _ - . ' .•.-.:, •-,.;--- . coliapr the neiverij-slile.3--of CI.0( K . .. .. _ .. . qOLD-ani aTINER lir;A., Ct.ff.8. -.. --: -- ---_-_ - • -- • -. - ---- --..: -. - - - - - . , _. ... ..,. . . .. .--':-_-•: , . : . • .: ...y , .- -. -. - BROOCHES, -33' 3i • . 3 3- 3 •••• :;. . ' '13' . . . - -'• •• - ' ' • -E R-ItUCOS; - = LigX-tilid-.17E1)15ING-11P.7-.-(1-$;"•-4.s-;-T:__ - - ---7-: -.:-_,- ;J.-• -.-- - - -. - -. -- !.._. :. ,. .... ....,. , ... - - - -: - '- --'. • - '--:: 4 -2-' ii118 and 1.)- TTFk:WT:T. ON -S.:, i ... ... . - . . .: • ,---..k • • . 33UTTER--COOLERS• -.- .-- - . _,,. • - T • --.:SETS,.., --CRITET- and-PTK.1.4E-.SfA-D, 13-,;:t.liIt and.-p:I.T T_.:_TEI..1,Ii.N. ,r.i Nj.ES.:,-..-.IN,A. 1'I.,.1.s,1-RI N (icS4-i-iit..1). _ c-4s-.E:liai,c. ] :-N-otwit.Irst:iiding. -t-lie,--reeitnt'i-a-ci*alli!e•-0-t 3 0 ..Per cin in IA the- .141)4es41e l• - • ...• .:‘-. .. . . -• I --: .- ----- • - • - ..-: ..--.- market1,• f -rain preparedf.to sell at - -.:-- .--..--:-. .. - •=r2.1.2 I:BATUMI:114(114E C41. "-- - " • ' " - - fr(frOnt(34 Out., -Canada:.' 'AZ -Rad in Luck:110W by al d rife:gisssvq.nd- by where in Oans.da -and the UrtitedState3 • .tyq,11,*holiile. and retaidnirgetts: - . -• kinds of repairing neatly and promptly executed and satisfaction - - . warranted. • - • . _ . - - a call from inoidin purchaserbefore_ buying elsewhpre. . . Remember the standjt ive. doors E;1Rt cam--pbt1I-Street, -LuOkircw . . _ _ . 3.. OF • •••., IS liARKI:1) • A LE PRIOESI LatestStiles -Oisierabo t3eoose frog). -Ladies' Corsets front 2,5 Cents up. - Ladies' IfoSiery worth 50c for 35c -111encs Dress Sliireefrom 50 centi Apt Men's Colored filiirtS frona 2.6c yienls-tineif:Cloliata worth 2O for 1:211). 1 - - . Men's Dude Pants 45 cents. " • - ' - . • - Twenty -Yards Wincey for $1,09 IR,I133301\TS In,igreat yartety--Lessh tan-lyilaolsesale... 75c" • _ . - Te worth for 61)c., 5 or Ibsor 3. Tea -worth 60e for 50c, or 5 lbs. for $2.2§, B.UTTERf AND EGGs.- Takenin Exchange, at the Fighe • - ...0014NELL - '31 Phe Groatetit wander of modern Timeu - • - • 31 AD Ati . IN - None -011ie,- is- Ge;iiiine.. . _ . • "„ • • • Eft subscriber hereby intones the public ' ' t.a. he bas opened an .. II 1L. U C Z' 10.N - 21E. .A. 32; T T 1,0W _ .... ',.S.T RAT.. Treleaven's ne buildinis,-. Where: he will have weekly sale, . all satiates left for Salo Curnniission,---lasr rate. . ' . . ' - •"'''- ' ' . illiN TL4.711/1.. - • Is in good 'repair, and-th-e undersigned are prepi-tred-to. fill all 0i:4.1(4s-in:the beg. passible Man, e'CiiStoni Planing.thnt 4aII!)0ti1ie,13eat,- eSrecially 011 -Vatching Maple Flooing;'.A well sensOned stock oillOnla:).,t;,, Sh '-Doors and Blinds always on land, ,• , - lianci and Scroll -Sawing in all it --branches, tair Builaing .S.,Speciality.' _Give us a call. " • • RISTIE B FRE2111AWS ',WON* 11911WW.11li vorei girl And Wooten*idrosTr.:4:1, - la_children or :dulls. Pelee_ eanto..or. hoc .0.00. • - - rpriffori - Mrs. • irlIEEMAN'll IIIW• 1,0 Ji1N11 khans sadAtura141041,1ii. 1116,11 esnali hl.enatli-111101polfc • . : _ - _ . • . , . • • XhePilliPurity the 1 ood, correct all dia.. - orders of the jiver, Stomach,- Kidney' aatt Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints • incidental to Females. The ointmentis the only reliable remedy fb _ Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, o liwever long standing, l'oe13ronellitis, Dip , theria,. Coughs, Colds. Gout, Rheumationg and al4Skin_Diseases it is no equal. BEWARE- or . _ AN1ERIC N COliNTElifEITS. t?fltini:nstoirettrieePetufil'aillic gtaekneerl:Ptlaley totheetlhiethff-a:aett.-- that Houses iii NEN'i, York are seridiu to: many :parts of the globe SPUIlIOUS 1MT, '1 ATIO.NS Of my PiIIK and -Ointment: These frauds bearon their .labels Some address in New York. • .„ I do not allow niy to he sold -flit!:• -any part . of the United S'tateS. I have. ma - eentstlapre.- Ity-Medicint 8 !'.131T byine; at 533,-Oxford#Street. To -union- - In the books of directions t.ffixed-to the spa - - - rious niakelisa'-cantion- against being deceived 1)y counterfeits. Pc • nothe misled by this audacious trick,ihey -afg • theCOVitterAitS theypreit'ild U denAzipee. •_ These counterfeits are purchesed by unprit. ipled- "Vendors at one-half the price of nil- - ' pills and .0intment, and art sold to you dimly • . _ ell 11111'! M.!tlici1It's. . - • • ' • !I' most earnestly appe,9.1 to that sense of jus-.-• ' ice,which I.feel. sure I may venture upon : asking -from allhonorablepersons, to assistme, •' . • • and the Public; as 'far as may lie il. their pow- •_ • - er, denouncing this sham eful Fraud. - - - , Each --Pot- and Box" of the Genuine Ines bears the nritish Clover:71111CW. Stain). . - woras '',.tioTALOWAVE4 Rrl:LS AND OIVT • - ' 317,N1'. LONDON," engraved thereon. On th -• _label is the addrks,A33, (.)X7oni)STREETa..-olr- :s - n.oN, where alone they :ire Afanufactured.- _ ilollotectes Pills' and _Ointment _hearing any, •_ other address aretounterfeit. _ ' , • fT4reqintaw Td rgdOetAfrislc.He nee, these any se, 3leabiniehnetsar(t ares- gistef ifmt the 'British POsseesions. whortnaY keeptbs: • , • American Counterfeit for stile will be vam as a-nted. skne THOS HOLLOWAY • • - 4, OzoosaastunylosgmAlik .