HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-02-25, Page 40
t) gat around &,naiij, and Pays he will j
ba trore careful in the futuie.
EXAM INATION. —f Ile following are
the iiames �qf tho pup Is of Paramount
PtlldiC Sehool who succeeded in obtain- rT
ing 60 per cent. of tbe aggre,_,ate ritim-
bar of imirks at the last six-weE�kly
lrji4,jLiRERTY TO UTTFR AND TO ARGUE FREF-11'r written eXallllnatIOD :_ V. 1'0104.—�N'0.
IU-11.ks obtainable, 1060—Annie Me
k&olkl)ING To T119 DICTATE; (IF CoNbCIENCE WZ &%
obtainable, 780-4uhn Cooke, 689
L% -,know, relma&77 Katie Clutlibertalill, 620 ; Donald
Swwal.t� 6.08; Ann(tte Stitherland, 4;
566; INjary Pickoring, 559; D. Gr. INle-
XGLAND free imports beats t1l" Konz:e, 554; Rol)ert tirdoeb 511.
E wl
litotectod United States in manufac- 111. FORM, NO. mark obtainaill Lion to g�ve you FirSWIlaw
o 720 We- buy for Cash and sell for Cash� therefore Nve arq., ill posil-
�Jas. Cooke, 615 ; Alex. Ardell, 59 , 18t tO IMIld, fl, la'rge tock ot
Une) aad the United States with li-be.. 4- Goods, TWENTY PER GENIT-LFSS TH'AN CREDIT 6STORE X1:1
Ilrid(,(.t Dovie 548; Johij Rcid, 538,;
ral laniClaws eats feudal EDglarld in V . 9
1) Ivi-A, 632 ; 1-,Iiz-,L J. M Aienzie,
beat Evg S_
agriculture. Canada with free tralde 524 ;- Win. Jn6. Potcher, 50.3 ; Jaiii,�s B40 A'S HOES, (&C,
and liberl land laws in Njul-elli4ol,
49; _iNlary* artin,- 444.
land in manufactures and the ITIlhed 11. F 0-itM, SR., warks ol,tainalhle, 'Which we bouo,bt at g'reatly. reduced d art, bou 'd to se -11 CIIEA� FOR CASH.
Ili agriculture, but three ypars (,j jNleKritzio, 389; Mary
Tory Goyg rnme-nt have faiste,1 upon us -Nic'Kenzie, 387 ; 'Albeit' Sillitil, 339;
_M _0 M W- 3: 'T X A- ID 3E
John Pickering, 331 ; Sainue.1.8inlih,
the worst fewures of United Statei
28 - Sarah McMillan, 324; --Alartl a "j XTRAORIU1NARY -SUCCESS
pr6te�tion aud -Eaglisih land monopojy. A. Clarke, 301. IL Fomt, J it.,_iNo. THE HAK;kETS.
Tae iesult will fAow all too s6un. 1111irks obtaitiabli., 47 5)_1N1allie Mur- _b' 0 F
Fall W eat ... ... 0,99 ray, 432;, Jas.,'Alurray, .407.; Frai5cis spring wheiii 0.95, .1.00 -
ng lom 50()
. ..i ... ... ... 5.00
1). Clarke, 376; 3 )hn Hunter, a 0.- &
ANOTHER fiV6 million& added to the Win.-Cuthbertson, 3:,0. Oats -0;.30 0.2�
annijal estimates this year, hinning t Pea.; . ... ... ... ... 0.60 0162
lie Potatoes, per bag A cowpo�ition of Six Hast
'Light Wanted I
0.31� to &boat forty- one r-rowned for. itt- inedical tirtd
annidat' expendittir'a up, H iy. per On ... ... ... ....
8.00, 8-00
f rining a Wool .... . ... �.0.27
Park. per dwt.' .5'so 6.25
This is-'dulle- '(Front Grip of -191h inst otber BACKOBEYONT, 1IRREAWA Feb,1 '81 )C.Lf iver
o.17 eadaebejl'�
-vt-r and.
Min '-by the iteignien Wlio ade.thla 0.16 tl6ift, -Fe mb.
DEAR N -LISTER EDITOR, Butter._ 0: 17 18
and with stones_ -ilt t.� Gin 6nd�, to )erlb .06 0.1% Agl,i 1u echo, fr T%irkeys,'j .. 0
n,_ the- ll.aifd
;a Mo. -a ypl' '-yer ha a --gude G ravirgance: of the. Alacke-azie orip, j -List Io coitynbe -ine that v.!4. 50 4:5.6
1790 it. the:
060- 861
Adifd G1 H. Ye icer1'v'q Pen
has� now reac I ick- t
------ rice --
__0 W- ell 110tion o.,geWn1--- t
)0 ()Q10 4f Pills F,
he G . ient Ila 3- lot ejfpugli'bulkf� g _"k FAIRW. 01 Ar
rund-tae nia qif-yilirdio. But 611-
_Qvern v
P -I iii,- ni b
4 -ay
T, 1LOT44. CON
A. A
In stat -A Sildip. MeAVII'listle- 41 _tbe I r ess, G. 1insi CLLU'lls .0 � It;'' - t
Coll! rts, el . d�d �" -, - - - - 4;C, ar
or,the B of _].W� - L of -bicla �)
-in i one mfle,-east *0A tlfe� rave
e paper� �-Iiaiid' -'I'll be ly
-0.1 says rame ouse V
b T avlrirz-
mse, ant
tlll�n* o tin iiell't aiid fT-."b barn and i�hetl,-- i6od , nf ed. .16
the .. .... Sit�' n ild k ii� 4' pri g. a crer4 er::the� b d!;
pump at. -the- ba;r gon'd,-zipp 'a d---
abou t
Of faml V
r to -.tbe thir6en'acre.s
i. r y
-ago )IS, q(
more -i us- be �r,' 'd c ail at aor rhav just l7e.cejvei� the larpest,� phea
colifeniporay. g, rain& Plows,
-tfdiej 4t. do(4) sa ld r
Bv'r D _W
:-pltizii r cill
iveol,6 ar6d, bri e(Ty,
selectett of RQ.BES :tfia
'A cuttel
this t,)Nvn.
zad.str-, t 6 � tzati6n --of the -robbory of j(� ni 11, il I be. sold. re rms 11 �i� to
-to-- le%ve, t Iti. 0up-1-
r Y?
Ilopme,61does by- tj�e--. pr�. ent,.taiitf oil you the,,subscriber. wis m ride.s ranuin� -Wards,
ot -0, sell.) III)
'it ives the toil. Ing a ;L"ATA16K COMICAA(,
llgaL. t
Kililoug, 0
k, Ji'r li ieii-
'Adt gril ild t al�iff Aj idge,
2 41
da �6 �30 -e�tr they're gettin` twi �k r�6 iltillion- -.1i'luckie- Q' -that ts-. he p 0
ooer,, t to awtu.- po
.-toLL&tariff rateez 7Q.
gLr Coulif be
ork-tku -I down; inToronto�L bi' B ER 0 vfh3� V Z ft Ill I.; AN
'Montreal priceS, 9
.................. .............. i-ilt6 fli-e-luit-jda o',tl,4 S J, for C;oft,%xz
. , m., .�6
ilAors- to' do: iwit they- k n,p A
risent Amount of
nionopoly tax,...
Obt ir.20, to,leta.ane w.1joit th4 o
a pqul 113
almost ata cent id- T
or - - - , . AfiSsits -BOWNE
a id ENT .
--ta wak'the t rilf,. ai ru.16, -4003) XZATS 2.02 1,M I E N - I have pregeribedScottli
&-tb� e' xtriita"3zation. levie, J, :- - - � - , i .. '.' , - , , G n ul-
in-ast be addi the ro
Qst, o-wer aj ie-ithex -rallwa, -oa 6 -ii, etc., in my.r.ract d
YS in. r sion.of Q
am greatly ease I
r T- :uSed itin -my. and
-to Make up for -thd195;s, of lihiun orsooth dl&ta.tiii` tao'-'a
revenue on f
wit it. beNtuse.0 its palatiibleness a ond
-all pa
m4 wgii ree -pt good results -that f�'110%vjis -use. I ha
aim thin S.. GOR ft ory fulous disea i d-
-Iiiel 108 All' veto". OV43 DC E,�Mceable_! in--scrfulous disea
w s Sir'
V1 L011ary-a cc -ion.
411cy -.a-! O_: 0 os -1111 - - lff-- 8 il, '_ � -_ �.� m ., . - D OT
sit -e, Ta jyt, ly� pr p pulff S
'figiare airay b n w -an,
UVingTeMo-ved to.hii ia I - � M - .--.
Loon,T4 Ti - Ill J Y_
e - - ... . __ I - Respecir: 11
otlafi d - I ike tbat!m'ji M. LANG 1L.
o il'Auld' Se op T
prncess� by vh ch- o e -v 1ved-
0 th' e ai�kit,wb call ayerty i"R _711y (1 2 E4st ki�a'dw T 7.
ve'r'-Y G_,E N_ il, E E K een-111 1 t 9- 1
I' fell Y, Pirf ok
plus�. out. or u -,a- a mittold 6 1 ny mm, -e land. rarn thae t b b 'I fi f t
are h Ve used yofir Liter-Emulsidni
hoispital -an(] in pr�ctice and b -w beEn.
t nineteentheentury, �tp th�ix*__
oin* si reatly- g v�lth its effects. - Ris.: )U diriglit for�a nth, -Urprepar
niv, 6, a effor d
8 -no
t an
--ara ion o old -other pre In
6pit alri f o Tha 0 1 se,- le th'A el er: . : _f G
'e. - for- a-
-1. -borile nd in be
raramou tAwn longer U
1 00, a v flwnly ness 111 a " p
fCon unte'spe hifdrelVs diseases 1,
-build for le�8 sillgr ,ail vae 0 up ang, tile tbe- cially. still
c n
thirik,tbit u'llifortittia a- young MILIA a I I " -: . I
-, - - .. I _� I -_ - � . 11 , 0 -ERLONY M D.
A I k6ep, a- yecrnlaf-s
nopoly.- �,A 0 - - - )i ty
t -bi,-- of fresh, me f 6f alt I' d
to ba oind.. a ai-
-vict, aw td, tin P*�qs -1, -leen'. sp6ekila'tors I'd,' ona, C ty
'b tvis.! Hyslod�i
that fell cr
refts bait iR 'a' —1. f
.qui a r.en6ugh
bide' wl q its 9sus. S OT�& ow,
I have, -Cfjd::
I to 'o -
':oil in ve'foul
[ristafibes; and I
'What. -gelitl Gai ty; TAin tion li'a i� t4ee.,�n.�ai�b
_U y 11''T
to 14 the.
heai ufriiion and flesh. I-
171ty h*Rfirldle,the Ttirieall dance PaikL
ligasesslorl Of.L And I 'wo -ad l51 er
-o thatj in- three the Uit:Eui ltaniij e�er wi
to-. akv paif -of tb Fj,-
ot. aw lyt u ed.
-said- and- d6iie, 4t ledat
i 14,geo �ibe Bb6rttstnotiM -1ftAU1QR'r0N-
nd ie - - d aric - I
Yffypaft uldeis im �nsed.-on 't 0( OT;
f -.lJfr
Oil? Tliie'lff�icsta -11 all
i a. evL 'de nose- snappin us mg
-f- --r -stoppalr - o consi r h9w rket -108 pa
h t &
n ra c,.% fai aI �all, 8: Restle- ak Jun rs d -ba
bi,jil recommend't., Liezif
illy! te-, G_ a r Ts
llvi'fruir . i- ave -give it you,kkem V* UZ -all edy- of C�d Li ijt witIiiiy,- -ill Fited; S c�
-think-it ii TRY, rein'edy 'for we
w n
to� hiiii lie weat -toeoso his. drinker avzi ll, fActi lie�s a, Scott- -A�',t:
am -Iing7, at aT :au -earin
hall lj�s
Money. oa
Ila f6rlible" need;
In a acco a li t. for i
ba- s6on
4 rength yerY f;al! bali
6-0,. Mt 1%, L
and Lnk I i
e had Moto--s6n: -b- and.,
- : -::� T. y
w lwiffl. - - : :
s e ours rtl Y.
is blis" 'tia be 'the a'rate; Un,
llbeen ierle-U the' p'erpbtrat0r-8 of tbia det-d- nielit. �to,
COTT -1,0
W01 lave V�en
J -1 - b be�,�sh ekled'hantf- ah,* -so . - - : u orrower
t ��9ay_ . -
' ' . . . I , . 1 j Wt it Tily. duiy to tbt yn - know- tb�a en
ti�- maifirier-, but nothing coulj- at- headil- LEave derive( -wa ed. for
imfyoui E
6W jij_tjlo y in
but knowiiig` ag- *el I RAV 1, had the use
low d
'h f tb-*
omuc o�
thiogg R Q
ELLI-d-T 7
sultfWl r
h U:qy -a le!�, g( C
NeXt -to tb in i, I - : - _ A sense'.co4ld lie ibiuk I lid b 'alld h
1)b6 FICE-
0 F td! iiia
d Qrit paper a hnrt PosCof
thiq�, to d' witir it.1 �c br Sir omes over My
'N )o
i n- his Nvit'l,
e- hQw- les to getL OUtL ki
h, ed i
0 0 cilutill
tim he tr 10 kl- a�p,,"-.how he r t�W' t re
It to scart a. line
dno -be sa �harp d III Sandie ho'k and, thav 6or jj bottles,
a could n.
t&: city
Id fakewt,
a4atpted -is its -AP '14
alld A as be pre-
th& rat." Bdt,,sh*.xrp e
b Le tes. When I bc!c;-em lls,Tlg it ivelg-
You timdx t6 (.t -d _GR y pp owa canw undsj xiow
ff Ql me pli
ware -tq is asl 'IfAL
U e is"I e 1:6 iliform -P C
is�d blo -i TA -4111 ,,�w.s itbout'going-6 't for, it d-rry
\AN a but bCOT' OWN
aiid' r, the '�Ibos ;-.A— r e ti
f lil;tc
bm upon
th tis- a: wri �y
-in, mind' a W
r Ar ano du -hat i 'w, 3
id _t e ar) wri. o,! a, t
r.a not'cc upt?,
11111011'� IS I"
ur el �.fil.et,qeqor In
t In
P_L abi 'irvin -(x ii r llsl)all - - -
-Agoin, he his
%R. I c re p
cc ally ?plied
he_ ae nQw-i IV r jjnjjjl�l o( Aiver.
d.R Nuln"Uto f6r
aT6 e(, -il(jo P L- iti
_,d 'I(
W et 1( a. 10 f
ljp in Oat, .
mpa,111r., th ill�, orporative Co ss G, liuhl
h to �o )n I iLiffk- be- T- llit- I -b 'Well
bf6ugIlt Jr -ontia or Dow '11t1l SlatlltR we
46t'i '1:im' enon,-ji n.
rou and Te nil t, 1) .
lk �h�b.ch-hj- and la If f T
!---Wo C-G'llk to
stock ih-
S18( find -.ra 111) ERIDGE
ac El
oj,( ored to im,
e-.*q6�k n.
fj or
P -W
-Re says 'Ve kot were
ner in ta6 anti; 10 L
Wit yonnic man.s,going inad Q., 25 9 :else ONE, 27
n,ly, illing *ild,6�t IV K_ ac k -
or I hive not, nor ne
Ver Kai.
C91DENT. M , Y"ey-anel-119 DEC
A Ta:"vl _y
or :'g 8 -
la,nd Do
mis d C.Ounell .Ifdjo r 0 Ineot ey U h ed t' 01
G.. Opp] n call of i, a- 4 the n03
64'cut big foiat, M�
lised in, a
rA_ -men-ling 01iktnie4t!should*be
id ax
yo - ----- connection 'with Biirdock B6 id Pffitteri -1 or
C erk.
&C. hiCe
Ulcers, Abscestes, Yeveri, SoAs,
.0 pw� -.T. MILBIMNA C
1 1109