HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-02-18, Page 5• c • 'Er 'a i 6.:Dp ing & Summer, 1881. �.7240risco' dj • Will Sell leis -et 1 ell :lsorte(l" Stock of Goods, u:,ually kept in a ( ttileral Store, Or o11. ti -%lie tO r;ood reliable customers, cheap as can be bouLe.it in any store, to make room for his large and varied • H EIGHO t WH lT NEXT ? Gnat Stouhrlaking Sale owe -13our lit to arrive early. • 1 -ii ti •amer.OUS-:(liStomers- A-iil_ -t)IOa` e t`.:i 'e- . ldtr2t'' t`3`at„4,tt : t't oili1tS'iliitst.1)(.(:tt : '(i not, t. lft(ii ,li111i . the.2.,;`;ti1-1't,�JTu2ary, t;itl:icl�lxv sash or' :N ` :Note. : i'u trollli1p :tiny iilistaii s ry il,t1i 1.0,..9.10 -C_ -1.11.11) V. V (1111,;, 1.m1.c mit-s., F6 iv y �5 .pe r i7 r :r' ; tri- - I have commenced my -regular annual Stock -taking Sala, axil will for the neat P 0 1i E T' offer the balance of my Fall and Winter Goods at HARDflN--PRICES FOR CASH. PILES CF COTTONS, STACKS OF TWEEDS. PILES OFf OVERCOATS, PILES O • T ism bound td Sprin>z Stcck. I invite every wid SlrikCKS OF BLANKETS, MANTLES,-STACEu% OF FLANNELS, &C., C. ear out the: above hues regardless of profit, la o>k'der-to mako -,,qm for my • awake buyer to _ins.peet rimy stock and con{.pare wy prices, convinced that MdUALDY'S .is the: • :0. LITTLI;i 1[:&s bought out Mr. W. S, Irulrres interest is the Call and -be O. 4•-A ,:C. l 1[I G11i + 1 T ;> TRAGE ma,4ft. r .JF! Pil 1 ' r • in ii• • c al /9. f r' 1 k} , •M�1 K>. -G tl'e f qr •t.ir in :n ` r,.. l,1 11' e t h ////���f �,tarrrin+.Y.nirl�c.c, v.� ��- � ;� 1,� l irl 1111 t C It ('."1' , �<.. � '•-'` __ s.• and all 1,iScnric5 1 '$i C-• i.. th• rt ,� •t1rvT�>�b�frluct'4enf�,lf�t£t I1 1154e ; 5 1 >'i r,f il;+ nlort ,'.1 lill%e_r s al TTassli. tude;.1' i i tri tale 13;ir1. 1 1fl!1� s itf tiitii�ln, • Pre--maititre:old a, .. and nr.iiry other j)t eases teat 1i 11th Tu vanity or (.I 1 iiu11>tlu'i liirl a 1'teuintu ' f°Tt i�.c. ttu i tri l• articulars in tsar frii:11>i1 11, :NO ett -send flee: e �= one,. tf. "t'he ;.1 eci is 11cd-,� 1>`; firmly ter 1 � r .. o eine i, split -1w iil 1)1,14.4414-s: :at 0 1>t r pack- • age,f : osixfur .9= of will be",-scrlt Tref, by 4itilun receipt .cf -tlie nto:rry lay ad-- If a l kin • •g`o 1)�i:t.r zf. i�7 .( s 4 '11.:a. iJ. Cr'.q .1 !'1'?I-lit 1 (..)),•,.,.Jt - 1 cs Intl ra Lucitti+)u 111.;:1[ 1r,.;:t,1 ry '11Xa' h;.where .il"tt'inalci tut- the 17 tritcd�tatt's' �y 11 whiilt-ales aatl tetri drns�_s;tt.s. r. GOLD aric! G1;\f an BUTTE Z;ILI3I' N9 Lw ttil 0. Ila j List r cRlvelt ft lame aiul arit=t, s Tr'III?S --. wel oek-=of- J_EW E1I LETZY" \V. i Coi1 pr:;.iii 4 the newt -1t styles of-LLOCI , RTL I�UNW'ATeH1.5, t L1.00GIIES,` ED, DI1(lithNOS C • LA 1.sI\ C1��1; L'JCPETS,` TUf) anar CSU i N BUTTONIS, COOL -MIS- TE.\ SII . ('.1 L''1 ' ai(';il I, I CI' LE 1S riA D5, cl BUTL I Itr- KNIVES -,_NAPKIN RINGS, I: UAi,D case, &C.; dent atlattceof' 30 h"'rtn.t Biuitelwholesale t aailly_ file mree<T prep- --ed to sell a i icery, Pr[-Sfl & [rackety 33-USTITICSS,4, aid has replenished the same with a N EW 1111,V,II STOCK, • To.whia• he has added a First -Claes Stock of BOO Ta H SHOES of the very best quality and workmanship,, • to be SOLD VERY CHEAP. k 5 Remem}ger the =lace—W . S. Holzer old stand `rerob ZZtIr.Ce zee if -AT 111E-' CAWal Svrv.`i 0 Ladies' Manta at less W OLESA E -PRI E Latest S tyles —O;ter 100 =t� ci_oose froDk Ladies' Ci.rs ets,fronj 2i Cents up.: Ladies' Men'eetnQ'froM10eHwsDe`iesstas' ferywS0:nmhrltt:hcLcomulcfop_, 3OOuscc�e Men's Duck-Fantt n , Twenty' Yards; Wincey for S1.C't. p, .i 13 - 0 In =great variety—Tess. than \Vlrolesaly. Tea -worth-7-5c fol•-6oc.fur -.5 lbc.-fore `'Pea s:Or.,h-ft0crr" ttir $2 li, U''i';`T' EIR -AND *EGG Taken in } change, at the Ihfihe I : loin i of rep'tiriri neatl4 and Icrornptly ep.cop tet -and satisfaction - wcartarted. a -call frons into:1(l-anpuichase boort tuyl>lg.e1se'r1iere, ember themt,anilt•nors lust of Jon,..111:cIIATLDX S, -: Citrn- i:D.eiwkil(1,. , • _ litiltl'_I 1) r 3�b'11�w4�. �:l orte G>I-Jicr. rt C11 i1 i ire. aY-arn•.7 ft1saliscribcr hereby informs the public tit he has opened :in VC T Z O t VZ 1. a T. 'Ka X ONNEL l �- fy 7•,�.y The %reatest';wancier-of modern Time .VitA 1.. rc.3 ksY i+•i 11 1F •.* e* �T' ..1C'wfi�y..-,, % 3 rile I'_ill1'1'urify the ``h oc'ii,.correct al •• . ai dors of the • 11ver, Stomach; :Bowels, els, and are invaluable iii_ all conik incldelital to 1' entales. - The ointmuent.i1, the only reliable rel 1 •_ Tail Les Old t'oinuis, fiure< arc1 1.=1pfi howo-er lojig standing. Fur 73rolichitln tii'ri;t,• Coughs, Colds Gout, Rheii;;-4, and all S kru llisea.os it it no eAqu�atl: :Sill>J•1Y E Vit bS at )� tii3`s sir .ii' i'3r d to -f'ri 'ti'1 orders in trio _ Z 1 .; }i, rrtl:rsi nr tl re hm .l t r 'on . 1 - Is in �01'; {._ s 1 1 anti is ; ^patella . iU;ii ,le-liod ring ; ,:A_ Well iui. ;t', t•' ii"I'1 i iiii� tllltl'`'111it 1'/ boat, t lxciiall� onl- 1 . . _u if ulll i11' ,n- :1 i`e�ors and 1-,1'i31(ildWf,ay - it bawl: call, ' se iT,o11e[I bt+>. It of s : , Baird sial, 'croll'Sawt ng iii .all'iitis branches.. S t:,i 13tn einl� a Speciality : Gi} e us a � iE TSO h { - — Treleaven's ne gni-ldings,: where he will have weekly sale all acticles left for sale Commission --low rate = r - 01IN T1L111G1 7a1�, 5.2 • Pa w r_-rl;fi� ru3 , fi. • Iifl`�t•r�i'ta}4 It 17K`a f 1*f Vci de$tro o 11sFliAllf'S�_�ADt'f[ :Pt1l1'DF.R is a -Karel, r�•er.nnd fatiectte[al J4r . >� yrs. Flit - .1verans" in chtltlrew or'adnita. Prick 25 cents, o1' 1 roo �i1+00 FZgrFIIAF'B I(EW 'if0111V,STIIC D E�.1 , pevr rt .In- eve r9 feLt�� ;Fol' mess and daraDWty biz Le<*e'ae eqw Pdco 76:ceats. p¢r ti • --g•••1•!••• } CEIIJIE1 moist re:ilectfiilly 1 ik" 1.'a e to-eo g; £) tentil,n. c f the 1'ul)hc *rnerally to 14, -ii that certain 11 host s i:l ; eid York's r it;, tl many pitrts,oi the *:1'>l;e S1 U 1 10 i1 •`- `'%T1() I)f-'m3 Pi iauud Uititnleil si , Trai ilsliearOti t-h':ir, labels. some 'a`' ,f slit 0i -k.- l cin \ riotall"tip 3nP �lrl•:csises to 1:.4-19, any part -of :clic 1 ni+er1 .tares I .41.01 A cuistlicre, 'tIv''le+lici les tri' • =�j l Ly xi1e; at ..,:i (iart•rd t+tr..et :i,�>7r' Li.the bnuk1 of dh',',,tion&affixed '?!..'-‘1,1 rions.nt ke is a e.tiition, li rlrpi0c 'blink. •igy_i11*,t 1a An '• Oct_c Teri by :cllnntt nil not:Ir. Misled by this,anla(3aus+tic: l the -1•0 it litcifc'itz 17 iy pr e r,id 0o da mail P] , , 1 -Ili(se coititturf eitsar \. lio.$e/?.iiaj: cii)tc`i' \.; , rh it-- ;type lralf tl: r 14,ai - pip,andtrintanept, and i'e=Soldt ; r, te - 4l11i111 %la3icipes.. = 1 •, � ] itio4 a m estlyappeal to -that s nisi TW, Which icit I f-f•el sure I may ve i A: ": asking from allheiior•ililepersons,. 1101 the Yultlic al,'fapr r as ay lie i iii e,1 cr,il> th•liOlint.mig this ShanefulT.hii Each .P:it Ana l;ox of the Ger' -- , lues Dears tie i�t•itisk Goiernmeni ?l lie ti:ords `t'11oLLQRA3''9 IB7.$ lT''.:iT_ Lli\l)Q :,'l cAzraved thtTE - labelisthe,uidre?S. i33,o►>ort+ t PON. where 'a7rrne they .are ]' ''' Heillm''ll e:3 .I't/ls .afd Oit)taneftt : ' other address Acis ca•cunterfei • The Trade %larks of these MF git teretlan'.Ottiawa Hence, an. r r, ent -tbe British popseseions,wlic• American Counterfeit for sale, : . vu :Sir? . THOS : tOLI.