HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-02-18, Page 3,
The sunset glows like ruddy wine,
I wait for hint whose heart is mine ;
O'er youth -r purpling peaks afar
The solit,try evening star
(ileauis like some rare, refulgent gem
Set in a rio al diadem.
The laiids••.,tw is divinely fair !
soun .ii-turlis the mellowed :lir
The glor‘ et t lie .ilying (lay --
Menotti, s ,thL ltrighter ray
The vesture, of the tr.el--4
tr. 1 in the evening breeze.
,./e l'ainie!i
The suns,: glow is fildius4 fast,
'Phi. to snit,: tiour is well nigh past ;
The ar1 rlINtit..11.011LII my. tread
Like wiz:slier, of a „io..• now fled! •
The ',zit, Iht,ti-oll the river seem
Like of a vanislipi dream !
I hear hi- ,leoure step at last !
My &toll -it lteAr heat:: wildly fast !
'Tts well ti at r hty's elear light is, gone,
And Night curtain now is drawn ;
Oniy thi• --1 may peep -and see
The, ineetit, trt.t my love and me!
11 ni'ainie
The 1'int-sr•--1 longer.seein to wail!
mists 111,W seem IL bridal veil! .
Soon, soon, hone:till yaii starry skies,
the soft hoe -light of his eyes,
My houn•ling heart supremely blest,
- I Alan t,Lidei to his lireast !
- 11ni'ainieli
A %Tit it'v.-tz LE EN TUE ICE..
The Terrihie Experience of a Shipwrecked
CreW on, Lake :Michigan.
On Sunday .morning last, the 30t1I of
January, the propeller St; 4Alliatr, Of, the
Northern Traneit line, left Milwau-kee for
Ludington with a cargo of flour. She had
oil 'beard five passengers, four of whom.
were we/net:with a crew of twenty -men.'
:When the- 4,-1 was about twenty- miles
northeast 61, .4filwankee and fifteen. miles
ont from: the _svest shore of the lake. She.:
suddenly Sprang a leak aft -and; began- to
-take water rap:nil:3.7.e The. pumps were -.s t
'to:Work; brie the. Water -.gained so rapidly
- that the captain . saw hie yeeseLitrust go
-down, and ortieted the, lifebcaets' to be put
in :readiness. 'Piths- Was: done. - and, -.:the
steward .thetiewith blankets; •provi:
sitinS-. and hfsepreservers. . The twenty,
seven persons: Ieft.. the sinking Propeiler at
I2,30- pan, on Silerlay, with- -thehope of
saving their livete -by rowing t.61 the htIQrOE.
When they started theirThopeseeined HWY
-_trebeeettireede but they had net proCeeded
far svlien. theencountered a. field or floate
T. lite. ice -Wilielf` the. northeestern had
dro;eo tuotog..aiesdioie line of.,the Western
shore, and, witiciesueldenlv elosed hitt:round
_theui. os- the. • breeze- freshened,. -sta-
r thate:.nothing biit, huge eeeltea . of -lee
could' be e'tt iu any. diretion,: The
lour boat $ - well.: together,- and
:th.eir crews --tverked as: neen never -worked
before-. etow took turns .in • etanding.
:in the bow of thti. leading -beat and -cutting:
-apaesage"throngh et.xese'-whieli
-the-y were foteatuate enough to: have :taken
- from the iin11-44g_osd,:_tvhde theerearsmen.
theu forcedtle boats -t_lit-t-teigle the ixarrow
e -chainielettrat had thus been opened. by the
-.choppers.r_ The paseengers_seidthose-erther
erew who Were engaged_ at the •oaiie- and at
the axes:, "though _W-repped iti blattketS,
shivered and became. bezietijibed,bY theut-
tingg•Viel•that piercreletheir :clothing, end
ee were soon 'drenched by .the- water that
ewashediettotheeboate::-This -bieffeting.orthe
wayeezega. breeteee- ef tlie ice wag' keptelp
---througlietet-theeeviieleeter eltentlayandthe
_long disirte,1-,niglie- witiele suceeeflede
ieetrip of clear water a-fewereds itt
•-length ewteeld- fill, them. -with -16y as they
- kept -their e eyes_._faetened-;_e_ro-OiC the White
lighthouse. Atha-If:past ton the Tueeda.y
the Snow ettsrinbecianie.seeleesetliatthey
coati not.'-,&- s -i-neeeetieue ten rode' in' front
=ofthe bigt.s...-The Weather. was intensely
theetherreemieteieraneing ite zero, 'end
. - the WILTe4- fraze;te.- everytliring touched.
_ 'The eufferiegserthe passengers' and Cie**
*ere -terrible, and 'wheirreectueldn.AA. etleese
.day.iti ttt.e: iv the bay lie front 'of .Mihvli,u.?.
- 'tree the:elite:ter them were epbadly froeen
that they. had - to be carried to the shore.
feet .and IinebS of all of -them "-Were
ereee„ tuid thee lived con''
:eidered mitteeel-eus. --So:eyed-or. them will
' and. ethers will lo eit-ir 1inbs'.
. . -
ROME, Feb. 9. -The Aurora publishes the
reply of Archbishop McCabe, of Dublin, to
the Pontifical letter concerning the Irish
agitation. Archbishop McCabe, in the
name of the Irish bishops assembled at
Maynooth, expresses gratitude for the
paternal letter of the Pope and their senti-
ments of devotion to him, and says that
evil and pernicious laws have for centuries
reduced their flocks to the extreme of
misery. Their country, though naturally
fertile, has often been visited by famine,
and the population, though active and
industrious, have been thrown upon foreigu
charity. Roused at length from .their
lethargy, the Irish people urgently demand
the abrogation.of those cruel laws, which the
bishops earnestly pray God-tiley inay obtain.
The reply continues: "It cannot be denied
that acts and speeches which we all deplore
hate' blackeneda cause otherwise most
just. While condemning such _excesses
and regarding their perpetrators as the
bitterest -eeetnies of their country, we
cannot forget the aellictions and straits
.which for centuries have ea.used our people
to despair of justice. _ Approving the end
which the present agrarian agitation ha,s
it view, we feel deeply certain that. the
means adopted can in no wise be approved.
Last June we warned Our flocks to restrain
the agitatien within the limits of equity
and moderation. We shall not fail iu our
duty -now or-peglect the counsel conveyed
in the words" of your holinese." The arch -
assures the Pope that the accomits-
_of Ireland in the English press sire exagger-
ated, and concludes with renewed express.,
shins of veneration: - The. Aurora, C9M,
meriting on the letter. Points out how much
:influence the Pope might have exercised in.
. the matter. had 'the Vatieen. been in -.direct
- , . - . _ .
-.relations. with England. . .
rite_lereat.,,Leitetes• iTtauffrsto.,
. . . .., - •
-,N-Ew-7-Kei_*.., .1.!"!--e.b.,-. 11.-;e:Mt...Patrick-Egan
.-telegraphi from -Paris 'tier_ le -lieu -se- •- .• - -:"."--- -
..Patriek.Ford, Editor .1-riSle-World--,;-- '. ..
At the urgent reqUeSt of the executive of
the Land Leagne,-_,ivho repciee " nofaitliTin
theheilot of the brutal and nuseritpulous
. . _ . . . _
mienly of °dr -nation( I. :aan--.fiethis -city- ,to
Maintain the permeation hetWeen . Arne rice:
tied Ireland.- ..-..--.- :. ' • .-" - - "
. -.Let, feiends. •Teorrespend--:-te the- above
:- address,. . -_ -' - - • - -
• .. . .
,•0iie'rwa.tchword notv- ifitigt- be, -.c_ No sure
-render."' ..„- .." - --: ', ' ... --.
.. - By Aratessin.g- °Ur centiC. ils-:„ .hy. -wasilhii
our funds:fn.-law 'suitS, ':.1?y -Suppreseion of
:ineetihe,S; by arbitrary 'arresti,by-iiitinaidie
tote: by a Parliamentary revolution in the
--.House.ef. :- Commons, by-- the ._,.exPulsion.of
• Pardell„---- and, efinaliyel by ' -iti; - croWning
sinfaenyfieedwardly poencing upon Mieliael
"DaVitt -arid-spiriting .hine- 'T-ae-Vieyfilth- one ot
•its•bastilee,-the-„Britisli" GOYeroment-h4a
_hoped to crush the Land Leligue.mid-bi=etek
Alio epieit:tetthe. Irish -people.- .... . : .
Iu this eVii-deSigh the enefity.is-balllede
•Ireland,-iig "thertnighly' ' Organized,' ' - The:-
epeeple are .resoliate,7telidainite-de-Tande.-dise
,ciplined.-- _Priestg-, . ana,- laynien,-Catholics-
and -.Proteetaiits, are _as, One.-- eNever Was-
such.a spectacle Of enione‘vitneSeed. •• - -
. -- But, abevealletlie enbetantiat • aid, that
is ,00netaaitly-wafted --EivOr to us fieni:-.our
- kind-ea:fie the_e_greatireptiblie, jellied With_
the e empatliye-eof' the- American
. ..
- expre,s.-edthren.S.gli:themplith of the TUnited.
,States 'ongresTS'eliae.infu-sedieto -Ireltend7a-
:spirit..1- • hope end '. of determination to
. .._ .
- tight it oat to, the bitter_outh..tilleandlord-,-
: ism., i s deadeanit all ferais'-'at.usUrpatiOn
apd-tyranny -. are ' laid preetrate,-,thattlie-
entire ferce-of 'the .Beitish,..:erepire.will- he
-inipotent tie subdue. -
.Redeubleyonr leXertions, felle* Ceu•ntrse. -
• men: _Shove.to tbe-enemy-that-the hope of..
' our:natieji is- made • imperieliable by the.
i greater..fraland across the eeee. -.- . -
".. Wire remittance to -n-IV. Credit -here in
-.bare of - l•-- :--.!: -KeOP . his name private:.
- : Pe-ratex.rEne.X.-- ..-
teleresesteeci IN: 1:0NID„
Iow „1.4.yns,..,..rkt (.4 okuoir
, -
. „The-Millis.ter pi:. Cu:stouts. Itist.week 'pre-
rintet.1 ts. return '1,°:- I-'arliartient.„ which
liewed thetwines- of fill'partieS who. -have-
fiporttel witted .for.the purpose of grinding
I bond. Ertlesi the- quantity iinpeetedbyeacli
- •••._e_irlyee.eitle datee-tenti „essrte.of -entry; . else
. fo:-"epeteitity- rtf. :flretir "expoeted- by each
•• eertyeand tliedates,froui the: 21se. of April
.. the Iet;of lIecteneber;-ls80-;-algo the dates
all berals ,giisen ;and_ t -he dates on vehicle
eey,. or 'ail e ..of theM;:eVere- --eaucelled.
• iditt What nianner sine,: bends were Cane
IletL eatetlfer-hv the-eeport. ef the wheat
.ffeeir Pe ley .pp..Jut of the duty, .. An
7:- - - antinatioir of: -Is.turnS,altoevsti_iat •••tlee-
illerS, 'without azi exceptieu, who availed.
tenseiyee Of tlie regulzstionswere, located
„, "filet clueof ttie-trunk I inea xfinnieg„ tliroti,gli -
aiada..-br fejcilig thelake:s4oro: i.ri (.)-Jittio
1.,..1,4.1 bnehele of - Y,sheat , evere-itnportett_
rinir the tithe entaited frit- the purpose of
• finding:in bend,. and of that -quantity_„ of
:feat el...48.1 barn:Is:were exported infleur
the `provinee Of- (./0.ehe-%711-;077:.huSliels
• witetit . were imported, a0- T. -Of ' that-
tutityl-.1er) ,bnstiels were exported as•
elite:and asi,4•541 hfir,reis iii- &Ur. e The -
al .-
-quantity' ot wheat;iniperted tlies_in
_ .., . .
-Ile- provinces- -was.- -1,08i;,601- busbele,_°L
jell- .,1:1;...5-8(1. .btielteli_ev--ere .eXportede as.
e: eitit-,e-and 13465barredgein-- flotire. • _Ail,
-. ::resting feature feature -in the -retii-r671--d-that-
Ifetri. T.."..."s4 Gibh_e.thedefetterel-'entime.
n . of" the -'! N.: .k.."'" in 'So:title_ Ontario,
't -t141 have impert .•-eni Augq,:t 7th:10,082
hels-Of Yatik-ee. ..„-- steand on November
• - 900;bl/she-Ie. -- t. t ' - ; • : --;
Ire.le• Acc.tieleler.r- 4)..N "rminEr -iii.Atli...
iminv‘c.,r of ID*;optelti(1-111:iin•t.Wvotin4ltd.-
2 ,pra...sT4-....--x,- Pai.....Fel). 10,--eAt Rack „Hill
. :-Mornin-g a passenger train r.4.n. iiitO- _ fi-,_
• eht .traiii..--abOut entering aesiding, . Both
' lies everte deniolished, the .baggageear
' telescoped, and: eiemunher pf...freight
.7wred-ked."'_. Teve. :men were instantly
cl four 'fatallyinjured . and:fiVe badly
.. - A -number !of. others were injured.
,-...tly. _T_Ehr.t eflage station -wee,' partly
, Telished, and. Maetelegraph operator
.-. apS fatally injured. The -disaster ;was
:.-e9 the egiSeenstruction of, a, telegram.by
, "reight enginee-ri-who ran his traineena.-
: efrong siding: A denet fog prevailedke-
. '
lirrItio- for .
upon onezidia-of ;the: slieet only.
'1..ieeau-Se- it iseften necessary -to ca-
ttle pages'.into•!etakee."-forthe ceinooeitors
and thiscannot..be dote ,when. both sides,
are written.-apon. -, • -
. _
.-2. Write clearly " and; distinctlY, being
partieidaely ea.refulin- the matter .orProper.
names, and evordS :front foreign- languages;
Why?: . Beau' -.e you'haVe lie: right to _ask
either editor eompoeitor. to .waste Is
time puzzling out .the -results.°1 .yeur•-:$61,
-•v „ - _
. • 3., Don't write :in:- a, microscopic hand..
AV.hY? - Because.the compositor has to read.
acroSS his LS(', at a distance. of-- nearly
two feet; also; becausa the editeri often'
wants to make additions and Other. Changes.
4. Dein't,liegiii, at the Very:top-Of-the first
page:: '.13e.canste. if yOnhave written
a- head for . your: article, the editor will;
prebably.evant to ch aped: t _and if you have
not,. -avhiell is:the:better -Way,-he.remet write
one: s Besides, lowants-returt -in which- to
write his instructions' to the ---printer- es to
the.- type_ to he uiied, , where _and -when. the
'prod!: is to be sant, etc.- - ." , ' •v
.5. Never roll-, your manuscript...: -Why
-Because- it niaddens and:exasperate-8 every
proof-readere _ ••
Be_brief. Why.? v. ''PecanSepeople don't
read.long-l.storjeg... , The - number' of readers
which any twlo..artielesv '.,114;i"e' is inversely
proportionedte the- •square -'of their respec
tive length, . That is, it, halt7coluiren article'
is read..by:four times esanagypeopleae 9116
or doublethat. length. • • -. • -
7:-.11aVe the 'fear of ethe waste -basket
-etniStatittyeatide-Stoadj1-y;befere_y.our eyes.
Wlisr- 'Be -eau -se it will; eaVe- you re'vast
anionnt af useless labOr, to Say" nothing of
paporand pestage.... 7 -
Always ;write -yew- hill name and ad.
dress. '-at your Tletter
.Why ?e-,-Beeause. it will often:happen- that
the•editerrmiII want .iti coninamneate ith
y01,1; -.ancl:be0aifi-e -he eeede to know- the
Writee'S flame: as a .guarantee of -good -faith::
if -You. usa a peeudonyne -.or itiitials, Write
Your °WO' name .ande addreeS -below •it,; .it
will e never bdivulged. -
- . - -
:- .Thege precepts in thy menaork. keep," -
'and for fear you Might I-forget:them cut
thorn:Mit . and: put thein wbete---- you tan.
-readily run throngh.thetie-When. tenepted.te
,spill' -
-following is said to have been a
very popular sang among the married men
during the cold snap
- „
"Ip the morning --
in the morning -by the dim tight,
Ibate to build the fi-yer in the mo-o-o-Orning
The Great _Philosopher's Funeral Yes-
terday-Ounsfriesahlre the -Last Rest.
IN; Place of Both Burns and Carlyle.
LoNethe Feb. 10. -Mr. Carlyle's remains
were interred in the family burial ground
of St. Feclian's churchyard, in the peace-
ful hamlet of Ecclefechan, where he first
saw the light. It was at one time hoped
that the ashes of tbe great Scotsman
might be fittingly deposited in Westminster
Abbey, and when it was known that this
honor Was declined. by his friends in unison
with his own earnest wishes, it was
expected that he would be laid beside his
wife in the ruined aisle of Haddington
cathedral. It was, however; Caelyle's wish
to repose among his kinsfolk,: and to be
buried with as little pomp and circum-
stance as possible.
- 3
- -
Wilful &Damage ot Property on the Wel-
: • land Canal.
$T.. CATHARINES, Feb. 11. -The partiesein
charge of the construction of the lock gates
on the Welland Canal- deposited recently
six new lockgates at lock No. 2 on the new
canal preparatory to shipping them into
position in the locks.. On Wednesday it
was discovered that some wanton. scoun-
drel had haeked all the six gates with an
axe on the rivet ends where the gates fit
into the hollow -quoins in the -Masonry of
the locti'. Three of the gates have received
more injury than the other three:
MOP . -
Twice itlarrieel to the Ma -me Alan. -
Last Saturday; in Oakland, Mrs, A. W
.Peareen; of that place, and- J. W. Letfwich
Of Sacramento, -- were eunited in the holy
bonds of iiititrimeny by Rev. Dr, .ge•
About two month. -the bride became
gee. rearson,.having been divorced- from
the man to.whoni she:is-n-0:W married,: as
alleged; on accoinit of- a protracted ilirta-
titei :withe A... W...":-,Peareon.,.. ..Wlionie she-,
Married, age soen -as...cliVereed. Iroria
On the e2Oth". (if ' last. Month
.the newly - Married • -counle, • . after e
sliort:season '01„.hitter lreflection,
ertv . and: .46Spair; - deternained:to. end
.their. existence -: belie., of:
-landationi: and ni.ade their- 'attempt -to cross
the Styx .together :itt-th-e• Bartlett Rouse;he
-.Oakland: Pearson '130c_is$filiin hie
faiteropt at enicide, but Mts. P.eireen,. time'
Pine c)verdose : -Of the' drug,-;. re-.
inaiiied :a Widow until last Saturday, -When
ehe--.-aecepted-the .offer of :her :former bus --
band', Who invited -her• te”. her Old:hemp-to
-renew ter-posititenesc wife -and -mother of.
his little child.-Stu-Frkiteisco
. . .
_ _
_ .BuFk.uyo,_ • Feb. 10,--Cousidertible f attene
tioiivas-..attracted .at the "Central:- dept,
:yesteidayr-afternomi, by; party (if Arabs,.
-composed bf-,,s'even•-'vraen:_and, ._end: -wen:lane
_TheireoetumeS,-vere..of Very .rich fabric,
especfidly tli4 'Of the lady. 1Jits.E6see
4416,1heir', manager, ---bag----.beeti itt this
cennteY.._alietit-efOur -vears, ILIId uses. the
Eiiglish 1:tnguige very fluently_---The;others_
cane Ttth:- October 29the 'remaining . one
year,: when -they Will '.return" heme: Atilottg
thentr:ie the:gnide of Stanley,.. who was it
member _.of r•the' expeditioi. that discovered
a ;:.reportere -.heintended-- taking- -a
stelephdoelitickto the -Old cofm.try with:him
.and establisbine it lideffein---Bethlelienetce
- eittinteeertall's Pitrminit. .
• , - .
CAATP " Porrut- *---Ilontana
Latest Canadian Notes.
The county of Welland a few days ago
sold 166 acres of marsh land at 6 per acre.
An opium eater was arrested in Belleville
on Friday on a charge of being drunk. He
was intoxicated with opium.
The treasurer of the Collingwood public
school had to furnish $6,000 security, and
has had his salary raised from $15 to $20
per year.
The Emerson News suggests the introduc-
tion of the 'reindeer from Lapland iuto
Manitoba and the Northwest. They are
domestic animals .- of great - usefulness,
increasing rapidly, well adapted for hard
work, living cheap, and for long distance
travelling they have no equal.'
Thomas C. Hellyer, a horse doctor, of -
Waterford, shot himself with a. revolver one
day last week, the bullet (a very large.sized
one) taking effect just at the brow of the
right eye and passing aerbss the forehead,
carrying away a portion of the sluill; and
leaving _ the brain bare. At last a
he -was in a very critical position. e had
seen drinking very _heavily for sonaptime
'before his it.teropt to end his life.
One year ago list Christmas there were
oulytwo girls- and ten settlers ittthe Oak
River distriet, in the Northwest territories,
near Rapid bity, and now there rule about
800- settler, about '500 of whom took up
their lands, in April and May of .1 St year.
Says the ; correspondent- of the eaforth
Expositor On last Christmas Mt. Philip
Ker gave tip boa a dance after, t y.had
finished heI ing hirn -to • raise his house.
Therewere forty -couples present, nd they
clamed fro' 8 in the evening uuti 7 next
ever had in
his was the first thi
116 -OR 1,- eertiement. The
...LIU gi is tripped off lively 4:id light
in their o ckskin moccasin% '.I e girls -
there'd° no wear rubbers or overshoes in
thexiaer. The out door dress comntists of
a fur cap, fiat° coat, fur mitts and Mee-
erY person there We 'rs it fur
.. ". _
ittlieutoE _Ei!iftstiAfAk.
flow- a- hei ContrIred 'to Cut I-
- -1,a MPS Tha
ro t` '
. '
:Feb. -1.0.-This morning While
• -
Charles M
wait catin i. breakfast, 14 wife •-approached;
hini frout fehintl; Ptit, one , arm. "about his
neekas if to' fernbeaceIiitu,.anclwith the
Othder ew fa razor across' his lethroat,
inilictincr terrible' g4Sh On the right Side:.
sod -also ttingshis right -band .
dcavor.'d u free himself,: Escaping from
-the hou. e heyinanaged-,-to reaeh the ogre-,
-3:flout Stre t, Police station, When the officer
in char took tdok.."-,hirn to Harefee
tr 1115
her; of No. 84 Peres avenue,
.titt 4[4E- - i N•convonATtoN. •
Eii-tcpcio hi! 14.gishosioot . Not to Ite. Rad,
' -- . - - - - ' . 1 -
_ ''..i;11110 1.41. - Feb. .10. ---The ' '.. bill. for "-the-I
incorpo. tion tif the Orange-AseeCiations of
.reaSt -'-. West 'Ontario - was before -the.
i'rivnte f Bills.- :Committee .. -:t this .. fore-- -
-noon.-:, The.• -bill is r7-Sinlilaok - it; . the: One
that -b B been.-introdueed_:yearlafter year
-by- 31i . Merrick, and the:prinei 'le 9f7incor-.."
peratienthaa...heen discussed oVO anti ...Over,
aga.inel. •TII6 attitude of - the ' Governuient
towards ithe bill is well-known -'nd. it is
Siirprikine theieforethatit'Wee threwn-ont.
...by -it voter'OE. 2 -012.; _.: " -r --
..•:4 7 - • _.,
coisontitsig: Gnu) .on-JEarelopes,-; --
- rou E-r!vis-Feti. 6.-113i. - S: -F-.- Potterd
t • , . , , . .
of •Mata Ora,S, Pa., --just per°. s ...the riverf
Iran -I?' rt Jor-vie, waS peismiedOa 'dieritinS
_Mann' r_ on "Jainiary • 29the---. Ite Sealed/
Sever 14n7:5,-;:elepes on T that -day-if 1..noisteinia
the with big tongue. :Fewes-oral days
hese ferecli iaterise .pain-, .and. pia Sunda
last IL .pieee heeaine detticlied:f orn ,tbe eucl
of hi., telaigue as lare-oe fte a pea... Since tlieii
lie- lids lict'iirapidlv improving. 'The phYgi
reiante we tt.ended line. (iQCitto that thei
.„,um tull the enVelepee ' Was
that ne tbe criiitaet..:With..thel ongue-, 'sone
-of.-I e poison waS absorbed. T. '
▪ -
-1! eh :7, -7 -Further pursuit of- Sitting.B1111-
.and abmid.oned fer •
the present ateleast.: will _probahlY
cenfineilee toletia,ich toWard, -Fott :Keough
er.Butord :the_ 9th.- inst..- Hee Will .pre.-
-vioeiely: endeav.or to viek
-uneaptur..ed'.-„SaxageS, :sepreted the
villageS of the Yanktenia .
- 7Se. Pete, Febl-0,7-A:rnplailliver Special
_states.tliat .the.-,treeps :_toOk pOssessuen of
-Black Caffishe...cainp, arrested. the -chief,:
-fifty - Yanktonnitis,-- and thirty liestile
-crheananalis .491,et, a --noted- ho.stile ,
.chief, aineng•..theeaaptured Uncripapae;
Hewilibe taken to -Thiford.iii
, .
- "P.attiotiSin ie.-..ordinardy. the birthof
suffering-in one fernior another:: It rarely
Speake anticipatiOn. of trouble eitrig.
rathe‘thevoice.Of enftering.`eiisting, - is
thee :outcry, of- .enapty. is.tomachs and
.initDriSoned.libertie,S; Selong nation
is tlinwhole. preeperens, it - cares; little
ah4fit tendeheies, matt.ex• how fatal.
- • -
The molifying dollar:a° soothes • the best of
1 us that we to toleratet1 worst
-tyrannies .nntil their pressure begins• to
•I Make every nerve en:liver:, ReSigtande to tt
great - and - powerful ..:-.Wiong alivays-an
..unwelcorrie 'effort, - and ,-it -is ,eie-Ver -under-.
talien Mitilat clearly. becom.es the lesser of
two : --Objectiona.ble -alteinatiymee.N.7 Y.
- •
v•' -v The-borreWing..'bf --dieaven"S .liveries for
',the service of too:dvilie an ehltrick and
one: that: is :never.' Worii:ent., There are
T alWaye -enoegli.peeple • .who ede riot look
inside el. the liVery befeeled its braids
-believe that:the Wearer:
-of therespectahle ,gaeb. ,;theeesiner of it.
.Prefes-Sioriniaes et) more- noise than
practice that la. -C.Oiisiderable eroWd,' care
•usnallY beet:might, by it, -When the neise is
loud.eneaigh and the profession safiCiently.
sad atiouS.-Philade„lphia •er
• Hew". TO Levess-When-"the
_price Of' eggs are so high 'as lit.preeent; the
following infallible ride to Make a hen lay,
laid dawn by Prof; Boynton-, -of-N.6W -York,
-1willHbe„:invalualge_:"±Put; -the, _hen in
Waiirt place; -Say abotit 76,, with plenty bE
:Sunshine; . feed. :her with 'reeere- and ;food -
containing a good supply pliorsphe.te- _of
linie, 7and yonhavetliehen.in a Place where
-she can't help laying.'';
r • 'Shaffer is-thecleadiug phygi-
.. • .
-cianat "%Wester, -Ohioe if-Ilis- Wife 'Objected
;to, - *Omen, -:--- patients; anrl
denianded: .that coufino Itis
:practica.ie Moe.. HerefusetIteethus tliro*-
aWay moretharehalf his - 'Shc
- •
„ _ _ .
-.HA' wealthy. pork packer. who attended
the -theatre- recently, Said. that he could not
Understand. why. it took- so long in ilieSS
. . .
-certain actor - when he could dressA hog itt
eight minutes. • •
A little girl who- applied tn_Queen Vic-
toria for her autograph. received the fol-
lowing : "For of such is the -kingdom of
heaven. Victoria Regina ." -4 -
- A kiss The f tulips
- o .
• '
t - AlIeriotiOn- of -Netit Igio.-4
I ie e -days- (if neuraler 'and esurlde
cold ,t is eeosible to-lia•ves' -ate reeane 41
reIT f CloSeeitt-- hand:- - Make two Or three
littlep.gs.of cotton ploth an fill- 'them-. -11,>
with iv% Then JWben 'ye need -.the
. . .
_beat: net lig :hot as. po.seibl , even to the
extcin -al beoWning.- the:cloth and'apply. o
thei a hing: member. TiPeOpt Who canna
endur the Odor of the Old -ti no repledy-lof
hp+. nd!vinegar "(ICI:- not Ovh ebt .to that Id
-. . . I
hive alone.- The I dry liop-he a ie. a great
in) r ye eiit upon Wet cloth of any.kiiid
e •
arOness Botttlett.Con 110- Ogg: •
--: ' .1t. onessBnitlett-Contte::. s. usiiallv
comp fliedbya beautiful co ey dog, which
ies4e. lit frem -Mr.11ienrYlry rig; and which
. has, - little -history. actorThe•. swds: one day_.
.drivi g over the Braemar: --, oorS, When_lhe:
lost 1 is - Skye terrier; Whiehi, had been' t 4t- •
ting- long-behind-hiStrTap.fl- 116 ' got down..
t,olloilefor it, directing- the.; river to golon.
, -•
with the trap-. - ---- Qn ----the -*bar -T•lie 'nieti ne.
sliep eel(' witha coney; and -the loan when
told- f the actor's loss offered --to land Ithe-
terrier. ••, At a Word fronihine the to ley -
Min tes -returned. .".„--Whe e is her .0. -lied
altirt .4 off, and - after an:: absenceof ei.i
the • hepherd; .and -the dog,. ifting one -.e?' w,
pointedin-the direetion- a . lie.rotpl..:' I He.
hae, ,one afteiethe trap,. the Shepheed. ' id;
a.ind Xr.--IrVing, :Marvelling; .. and, in.-tk
-me &dolls, ---",returried to 4 the road,. iicl,
eel in„,einei with.' the .- trap;-i'found his.1 ttle
_fav rite awaiting,. his arriv- t:..He bo ' ght
Ipe Co4ey, -at the- moderate price -of , ecu
giii -eas, - and e'en ,his'. re Ir. to town i ± . -
'gen edit-tethe baroness.' . -- T -
- f _ -----s---ee---e.,
We aref•net half .ii-Olfto-ilielp:etlithat
y our.. laws: of.diVoren.!..-Exid: tOleratiOn.of,
the-socialevilWe are doing more to cqrapt-
•th natien's heart than INTO monisie tenfold
.Vi d; avowed andblatant, rid organized, to
- '1 rge -ektent_ ntillifies its f-; ...so- far .V, self --
lesion is :concerned._ e ut vice,. lii. king
-n still,: trickles into alt the eteViees--of-
so iety.- A nation -of Mormons isein ossie
bl ----net SO. A -nation ofTbertints,'-'-_-. rOf.
4Flie.IPs, Ando -ver, Mass,;-!.- -- ' ' • ,
f_-__ f -is -reported that'tlie -Rev. lir,:Steritt„
lp_a tor of the QUeenStree Baptist church,
St - Catharines, Int.s• ,reeetVed: a- call "from
Oa - ,leailing'13-fiptist . church -in -pt, , sohn,
IT w- Brunswick,- recently held hyth -'llet.
Mr.-, daisy, Who it .is :said 'S going to Livere
p olffiBnglaiid,,:totake charge of . w church
there.. -....--The-- church --in ' t....jOhn,--pays a
salary of .0;50. per antra and afre par
s nage. . .-- • : .
. . , . ..
----Turf. note-!?." Kenia-:0
-" I should blush to simper" is the latest
-Pink ited pale blue are softened with
white lace.
-Cream satin Is brocaded with large
flowers in dead gold.
-Solon:en) married 700 wives and yet
they tell tie of his great wisdom. .
-When A New York young man pops the
question n Ow he says: " Let's consolidate."
-Women who go out of their wits when
any startlipg emergency occurs seldom
have far te go.
--The iiubmisSion of the Scott Act in
Elgin comity has been postponed till it is
seen if St. Thomas is to be a city.
--s-Out of. 18 insane persons sent from the
county of Wellington last year, 8 were sent
to the asylum here.
-the IgiaSonic fraternity of Toronto are
considering the advisability of buildinget
new Masonic halk
--If a !man can't find bread for his
family (Wring this winter weather he had
better go Somewhere and work for it.
-We know a Man who does not enjoy a
dog fight,Ibut'alwfays runs to one for fear '
that he May be considered eccentric. -
e-Dorifig a cold snap one needs all, the
thing be can; get. It is dangerous to
leave offfipsehabit, be it never so bad..
i ,
i -The fPrincees Louisehas had a studio '
built at Kengington by Mr. E. W. Goodwin .-
. l. . • 4 i
! _ . F. 4 ..., 4. sturdy oak
-Araenf a r°1; ktincy bedtimes a willow
tregrheiget-e-ilo Ottawa. i •
e 'The! Bev. Mr. McGuire, .of Knox,
---.c urch, Jiir)ii.s, iiii,s accepted the pastorate
its another efluereli in Bmarspri, Manitoba.
- -±Theitie4 line of the Vominion- Tele -1.
, i
g apherip;anyi from Guelph to Hamilton -
is now lee use or sexidi g and. reeeiving
merge yo ng man Alia maiden_ will
e eage:Y.a
4 l-fut
Mare mint. r. will - Vass *110
tiie me .
I ok-', --te ieatedly - back to -, the "surprise '
p .t. -y-''' itIld eltating season of 1881.-:_ - 4
tot011'417i, do i taisatnine,411; ilvloews 'll•ctealnhateeliagfilldie
hen he dies lieIeavei as bad au- Odor
bieLinnTdhnctoo that:,
itlhoraleare as loving as
rail irl;:Adve_.
Advertised ati
angle incessantly .
turtle doves in the',
ction is genera* -
. -
-... e more our darling Winifred.
Will -bang her golden hair; _,
pellof fever lather head
As srtfboth aSeInnaware. . .,
-P4iS ladies on gayi a,na festive °pea,
- ,1
ions 'wear red feathers on red Plush hats
,and Seline4timegebave• red °lab Or -plaid .
-' bisli 'Mantles:). • - t-
Wieetpirup your children warm -in cell.-
;ithoeathdr. ' If they . psisist in 'gfeing Out --
uttlieir. eetapee rapthem when. they ' .-
1 1 • -- 4
eorne rack. -
.-... -I l
-1-ieedies have te- much _more delic4e-
rgartiliationthanmene Their- sposrtions
itre_a_pe'e tie •bechmeetiMed after they ha't'e
beenii goeieOlat Iteco;Uple-tif-yeargeinletS_______
they erre ell huebanded.
...._ _ . .
- aps true:iluwardnes6 of Art
to be. foundimthe story - of t
h - behio tiriested ler having e
thece helves Onlyetryinteto get -a good one:
six ve vese ,exetised h inself by de.c-laripg
erloge were sent s• to'eLapla d, -
'tli - r . . '-' ' - 'il-
'thelairv.yere -to Lie-beria-the-donkeYslit° •
.... , , , , . h..."_.- .7:-.--,
1_11..ttSr,4,; ' -bid . lovers. to Sigh,beria,. -94e
editoils 1,tre News -zeal -land and 'the-. key,- -
hole flan/els-to Peer -u-, he eternal fitnee 1:-.9,1
thine; -*mild haVe - eqa ilibritiere: 'dotvet t_ a
-_ _-1
fine jjoiht. . : -. .- ' - . • , - ;., ,.
-:- .,"'' —
---"--slennie- firune _crit
jcises little -woithen '
Who 41Wathe them -sell/ s with great folds of
al' - -Ydra loaded - !trains' Alla-
1 t • - -i- -
carr4 pounds
of heads. She seers* $.' Seeia
Wompaxin-a plain high, gown of brown satin
withfruilles f fine late: and a - string -Of .
Maiblr beadsaround -herneckeeadress.,hat ,
is noti an ob, taele, th t even 'Wit is long itt
swill v .draWn, up. liiitt is -taste." - i '.-•
•-•Youne. IGeotge . having iineportiMed
his- father -for a hers; ,..the indulgent parent
presten,ted birn witht le -ancient steed, whjelr
'for it -ears had -- carried him about the -if city' '
.streibia. Afew days after tbe"affeetio,fiate
emu linterviewed Ilisfather and, renewed lila- -..
retplest, saving.. gather, can t youtlecive .
• , -
me fa, horeela little nearer my own age that -
wotildle_niote Of a, 6ompailiori for me"
. - -Owing to _the large number :a bre en..
j• - .. ' ' - 1.L. ' --k
cartwheels, the'. (rand Trunlftailway are
n .
on idering the ' ad ption of 0. patent In- ..
:vehtted by -Mr. Fi dlay' founder of iMon-
_ If ,
-treUle-wbereby the .prings..of the car are .
ip1at3ed between th hub _and- rim ,of :the -
.wheetandllie ironi cOntracts. and expands._ '
•Wiffhtiut restriction, or-strain.,1J e .
-14t is a eound and! cemprehensive.Phil- ' .
:eed,Phy of:life -whiebasserts that tho best, -_-•
Wing is religion, ,a-iid the next best 0.'s•the . -- -
ability te enjoYon4's self andhaere.4 :400a..
1a4gli...„ :Laughter helps the digestion Jet the
so:Alias well _as th4,t .of the body.. 1:11ess_ ,
'yolar.theologylillosys you tOsmile you "tliay .,
bep"Aettysure that yo411,a,v-d enisrea your - '-
Bible and eught to begin it again.' '
he valentine Seasen for 1881 pr. rinses
toleXceedfie brisk
ess any of its .predeces--
sOirge New :York niantifeettirere inferna the •
drIalers here that they have already 1 cafi iit
ftl.st. band more .-IyaientlijeS than -, (hiring
attire seasonSinprevious years. -The:taste 1. '
and- means of alt_elasses are catered to as
uitial; andle er.spe whese garner -Would: :
1)§.-dilli month with-Outthe sending of ;* .
. _. .
Valentine as, pronnsed happiness -for a cent, -.
i+,1: tot dollars up to the hundreds. . -' - -
-1- 7 • ' 1 - : 1
' ' ' Ott 011thq Si pper3r-pave
- his what r -time bas fremdm
N1 asiieg str wit to save!, '
nit-doal- ololictS-EPT 111441:10, --
--The jokSthe Jeers
That reach iny ears ,-
That raggeq.- urehinsliintter,
• As stautling.tbeie i .
--. Itaekaiid veer, .
.- - „
And then lido in„tho gutter.
When i renieniber Ave]:
I The thnpg-that I hay stumbr (1•,
- -j:C.Tid..giggle, laugh autt -4311,- -
' - j As Werth° walk 1. st Twee,-
1 feet lid though •- - .:' -
• rdliklu
to go,- -
With sho gn or with.hillY;_
, ,
- And -boat or Shoot I -- -
. --The bonn galoot 1. -
Who keephis 'walk se ine„
-, Thus on the -slimiery ave ?tete
This win vr-tiuio Itas found -me
,- Ito ashes s remin-7to save,- .-
, ,. And deal bolelidikatieue4 Inc.
" t - i • ''
' Lord - vBeaeonSfield 'has ftiloy•Fed. the •
lexarnp)e , of 110. --Gladst6rie .iii giving his
iOnautp a reitis ion of -20 int tent. on their
f rents. • .. .. = .
. . , . , .
, this
!If in
• you
• ton,
'Time(' • .
„ „.
ket e
le res.
a- r,
,,,1--'- ie-_,!:,-,•;,.•',I,-i;..,.-,.-.-.,,'-.e.l"_i'.:',-'i3--'.t86'nt1..l1',-t.13.7.eo,1i:,,.-,1.1,.i-eN,9•3.1c
)il11 rt
• .t1
• -Aty
, _r .
t: :se
. .:3;.
- - -
, .,..
' TV.
... Ii,