HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-02-11, Page 8121FIVD#214.0!!!-Lo___I'LlE _ T 1 Pf4 E 1- A L E. N01.11-4 :;OING. SOUTH; 1 1:1-2. ail, 4:58, a.. ff. 11 p. to. Exp., 1 1:12, a. m. 11:..', p. p. ni. - t).1 l'ue.sday evening the Ili .;'11 Readines, .N1r. t.0 Vall.34.1-.1(' tio.„;‘•:- rii.g. lieners : 11 'es:es : --Halt. a ton of t'eu S'. .1 ius ( onlitien „reed. j i rived At 1) 1. TENN.e.efs Ale 'eta! 1 1: st1;;:eve1e:s.—Advate t te has 1jeela d the tnaw t.1 clear 4.,11 the sidowalks i1. 11 lo -f -r,t lovely o' our s the le.eart i4 'visa:. d 1.• :tee the .tetre herr - i,;!tOt Ate:Tee- SAT 1. - - At lot 1 3. con 1 1, Wes! \\ ac..1.1..)eli. Ili le m iil he s )1,1 by_ 1 uhli.• aue ! )!! a (cut .tity of stlick, ie.: Piseeteell.Y.-- I t ifl Very areloyieg to _ p'emente, ie...., t it prop -.r:y ef AI r. .1 tv. or le -.1.)v1ne„ I Weill.) t.) "all e!,(1 concert:7 Vca'slt. :),, Tuursd iv. the 24th iest. and have notch of t.',:eir eiljnyinent ,4.4 rile Proeceif nes spoiled by the neisy Stift to c ,-.• In ,- , , t-,( '-n-t., I or'c-lock li, in. : Iniiiret JouTtiet.eevee ioneer. •he ef tyouth wie) coegrega!t3 • A thi-. Iriek 'if the hall—the "gods"-- x sAue. )11 I:i.1 ty moreing laetr tli. and elle keep up a perfect bedlam it - shed at. II Li t is' Al ill, Ashfield.,. m a, pieetine-, wh'eitliii-g and stainping, This ent ee 1 and the lines and .tr-aces of the is testraiiied to sopte .PXtPlit: 'WM-1 .! tilp h tries, of a te. art 6t horses. st .inlitig pee fermances are going oo, yet enereh thereet.veie ha-letel 0. 1)1 .4 -es., ne dori.ot neise is kept to often render . the 1,_-ot de - -- out If peety .sp ie. The aeresser ef the performer .nniutelligible te.those eseaped recognitien. -end. tile vietnn, a ill the imine liate vicinity Of!the noisy larmee who .,li td .c etre for his erie.t.,Iiad, ofics.: If :Dile or. two of tlie-e youths f.:) lead lifis-le,.):s .•:; hoirt.e.. " wee- . • ::. eirtel 'out .1)y the-(.'ien ;table i; • ' ..wepti:..-e* doel)t have a berwacial effect,- - 14-Ictete---HA. s; :.;...al'tithier llie AttsPreee; ity.tielticing order aanonee:the :rest, of • ft.v. ,44.1tes .X..i.t ' f..Jo.7ietv. ot• Ile' -- eAtet ticeli 4. (1p.....4 _rjliebe- hall:at -.line• . reseee. 4..'!'.f• of Gent.- Ileri...-1:-...-9,',.4n: lily c-v....'enf('' tre.,.:*-..- _This- will. be -.1-1).-- •* PI X -t11 efetite seeires,tItiel jeinteeeleed, w. ereel c -1._ t....ril ;-Vi ilebe _no ftiletitittti -tri- ilie "raiti-oi the....1._tt,:t-J-;,..4(t;.*,:tr,..!,1i. p-_ pular ente.r- ... .- y-Iti-14Wil-t,S.:. r.--e-e-- _ if newSin,q..eer Men RELIGIOUS. —011 Sabbath last, PV•V. J. T. Smith, pester of the Methodist Chu -ch in this villtree, preselted the 4i/e1a eerly -Aleetieg Servicee of tlie I ',Jog auto circuit tor Rev, 1L Davey. In 163 a dsteice his pulpit W413 occupied by Rev. Mr. Ceek, assietant toinister on the Dungaenon circuit. '..smeNe.—This week we pr.4eet to eta re eters a carefully revised ie - pori of tlec tinal sreeell of. tile Hon: \Yard. 1;lake, id. the House of Com melts,. el the nature (-it the elonopolies, aril ie.t.,neeittes grant to the AmPrieaa tte. The 3eeech is hill of ftet4, tign•e-e atel arguineot ae individual character. bar - eau) with- the Syndicate witl be tile sti').lee. of reference for many, ygms to collie, an 1 this speech. of Air_ l',1-tki•'s wi.11 f•lund te contain.. a inine of ialorrettior on every phase of the matter. _READ1NGS.—The members of -Union Band Temperance Lodge held tneir seeond Peitny R ou Tues - d ty even:ng. Die tall of rain through the day had threatened ar unpropitious evening, but before nieht.carne on the rain ceased, and tnough the wodthez was not very desiraele, yet it was fine enough to permit.of a large attendance th 11:01 was pretty well tilled. The succ:•ss of the last Reading,s bati cleated at interest- in. this one, end something 4.f a tre .t was expected In this, we aie happy to say, none wore disappnatfe_l. :11o( prop amine tit- o igh- eut was excellent arel one wiiieh we arv. certain no one would b .grudge giving 25 cents to hear. It Nva,5001 . with doubt one of the 1 est lot al c ever given in this village. 'The talere employed 4,VOrt: all. II:eOlbf4I'S of Ale Lodge, and c regraeulate tI.e Lodge on tild 110;S-SS1.011 8.!)1I111,41-- 01, 41 , arna4.eur telent. 'We will net p alien aize fuether than. to retention the ceeeniee ptece of tile ent itainmeht. the de.1.-•gue "Frein Puntrpkilt l'his in itself was w eth treble the ailreission tee. and tairly brought (town the lieliee ir. -a -rib-tickler, it -vn s with Ge,../18„Altitanac a.nel oille constant roar ef -laughter wets t up by the audience. Robt. Kerr • s ..r..forottlian 1-2ert1'•0'.1:S1' receiVed a la rfdet ovation and he teok part ot -the • perfect ;OIL,, Scarcely less of greeted MiSi Ale A. Treleart Blew the,amo 011S QIil 11 the otte r-ellar..(:-...ers were e( enstairre:L1„:13141 cattle in, fo t 01 alT1111,... Tho at an early hour:ell r•aplur.. t r_i,tUriaitilf en :trit4t, ..t..1 e mieliMEgglierfeggigglefieleMiverresermile2nr . • of the "bloomieg" of the 'village on Monday everting the I 7th tit., at the r si -knee-of Rev. Mr. 1-1yke, who was' pleasantly surplised on tile occa-itin• Mu -ie, vocal aid iitstranOntal, wa.F. the chid' feature in tile C. e•liof.4s. I t is.runeeired that Mr. Wilson, druggist, 's abut to leave t le village. his depart ure, w hich :xi: t hin le -. avo-VI: F G vin D D 0 yj cl. The community as a wliele will r.-gier able, as he lets haii geed suteess in his . F. f 5 line of lim-ities in his plc.:Al:1, situatitai„ (Ex-frauoian ..'ftlo)llt) . The I:Aloe:lug :ire the 1.1l1 -5 Of I lu.si- r- pup.ls ill S. S. N. l'e, I lur. e, wile ele W i _IV (.1aF-.—Al..): i‘litelo-J,, 1 4)r.,it , _ L. •-,--- --1-N '1•11E-- -5 .. tr..iirytt Itis,lii-st: marks f,r tneliai 4,1 J0,.. Cbl'.`tIcKiii,./.11., .1...1.-n. Mc:i,rther;e1 1 CI-- t emperance iiall, eelij 111 CI1S-4.- iieOc :\i, ileliet 1, 11„ NI!GrUgOT; -1 CI l'.--, Pl. 211,..------3l. Alt.... t ---i- _ . r., 1. .I. ilil. 2E1 fla y .Loi ag, FeJ. C.. . 1.1..-(ILIN 0-W, ON I-- 1 ,1-:"4 M.iiryticUregor, _;%:-.x.. 1\kKeuzit-, N„ .Queen, 1:1. 1'-1 /1111, Sarah ..N.,atialeents. A "1.0v;•11v to netity of. tile yeetien, 'hes lefei: tNhilutii--,.: its: lt' atAln; (.;.-Vi". GUBJECT.—The 'Nays of Renee. cr IL Sta.tien, ii) the slilLpt- t f e sieain hay a Peep into Convent Lite. pte,s, .1 lar._e hulk (...f 11:s II:1s hue]. 74.12'11. 1'v -11)i -0 -W -1i l.ss jugt. r9tureel to 1rcs,set1 anti- 51:1 pl.c:1 ay. ay durinet 1..;1, ..,...i.g. 4 •ieeee fruw, -1, zw,•.y.4p1-.:;-•,‘1 w, Lair I., TaFt rr.chti:, - , , i:, t :le ' : : • ' ry a *ogre Tip,re are some cases of' iphtlier. i fat :aacetee 1. cpaneee to cr.,r;f14, .1,1 rvce:1--.1.i.: la _II ..i. .1 5 . • I • . • 1 • . 1 ti • ••, V 1,10.' xilleee. - - - . - : • 1 4m.y tat...tele:4 teteele,e1.....-, .44,e:a 4,„.. . e ebeer. tte. tls.-.:t t.-.-1 ,•ver,:C.R, a.vr,,...•es Tee officers of AVater Lil ' Lo.lee : 1_ . le Dvo, Sc,-V.s1, 1, wad - e now retorne -Let 5 • .. ' . '''..:1,1,Sfi. i !Witt:lic.s.t1..:: }e -t of rseun,n;cniatiol,g, and fail hod to hear the lectore of the t Nr- Yankee te ae le as "1 liss aid, V:1).,.). 41al.y. w4111 tuir slia.re NOTI CE. LL PART r ingelited te the esly.cril-or are requeeta,1 to plums, C2.11 2.1)d 1 f,7 1/414 if poi.sible befure‘ ale 1St t1f .-Ntar-.1, as 1 afa fl need of ready ni-..aay. Alia. Ross, Ltc:kw--r Doors open at 7, Lecture to CCIIIITILMCO 21. 8 P LII!..!Ifat&TIAN.•To.:TEIR -IN LatTIBY.T.IS'r,'--.:.1.- 1.7,...,1_,i,1,6,1.i.111,14i.11,1:1-1.:. . -- - . he tvi".._-tiile. Of. (.-a-rt.-,11.1.tipi-t •:-1.0 Ilaillt-,-14.4- 4: 11114 N; Orli:1.11(.4_14 ,1-.FOrti.tOrY *-1.1'0111.. -',,ivo 1:1,4-0;0,44(T (,1 ebeie.-p-el u. I.,i-r- '-;,tie,i-_,- 0.11..;(yr,)-- and :(.1.11-1kt; Iiri-41:11-.is.1!-:Prza.1.t.r tlitilnielitt.,:.thi-W-itit-eT,.- 14 11 it: feel 'tiu:;0'. . tint'ing 1 ll'r• -preSerit:yea-r...-...,k(C-exten-ive , thy .will..go,,...a.iell tales, ,. . - eoer---spie:derice,isliPitig-i.o,at_rii!(1..oli with , ..• . trf'(l'elieg:ertiligraitte- bY,'....-,t1te-:-.11.;)iiit)1)E1.-. : (.:o.:'.; -.04-e..-- 1 fte-cott-e.e ,I.N.eneitr'tiic.,-...- rex--ifi0 A N-1)•,.t‘i.---1, t -o. getni-1.1tretvelr.. It:inn -40,f-it; CI _ to ...5iif t,ti-itje.k; . tp,„-1, 6 t lite tt.ti tiii,-,OF.-q)c.--`crie. ttls. 0 -10 14 4.- • 04 ()Ptir. e '21 bat eliii....p alciitP-4exite.eiiee".--.1, utieereerite:......11a;1 on 1..-.1 itellaye.e.veniple, - • .e. , - - • • . .. .. :9....., •.....4 . 11' IiItC4.-I.4 . ' - - •-t.-6,t- I )--. . . . t___ .1,1 ---,-: .'c---:11.1 :t':11'...:::'-'ell.,....1t-: t',231L°i.iII:g....1: t) einigvan°: .1 Isr°4it'S''1-1".)aige'l'ts.4-'1...3.' 1 ,ti t,, („:..,-,0,--,v,,,i...iy../..t.ii- . . e cmiii.„.„0.1y_ii.1.,,,,t4i4ja . F.-.,...:(-..:,iiiir,:h, W-. s'aeo.nplete s. . - .. • He . ..•,. .... e . , . ... ... !la the matteree.the 1'0as* .tf . .. . s .- . - ' 2.•- .... . . • ._: , r:31.97. --4...t.-.,- - - 4 -1.- . . . i .r. -.. 1.1...a.sti.,._..,!il vett ...,•)(.„.6i,,11 t.raini,,,,_thefil.,..,t.....$.1.(f`;(tO.S, 411 It .0/-11.':;lea'.1.).: 1 i-:1-Spoi 111, --of: IV714 0 .7.- 1.11 1,1210 , ,,-f,,-1,-.., : .-.1.-.. '''''''' '. = - .,t,i. ;. 11.11 i. . .... . - ..i.Itlfl.., ('-irr--4*-''Ir'''.°41t a'''d ''.171.`-'."(Y,''.: s.,.\-tolt,' ' Y'itt.'' cutiv.I'71' l'il.'cintg: wits -lb' flot w.ii-ii4itudi'vg -;t4- :x. ity.:-"Iy.:. ',:2-0-j,(1-..• , ,-, . 144.... 1.„,,, j. . , ,f ,v.ii a, ' ,, i 11 -st,o., it...Ili. - i.m..0.!..ip...i. t;f (1h1 l) attore:it:. e _ iei.lig :ie..-re,- ,-Peis'.7€.,..-11.' th--i-re`elt tle..-..ir•futhre,li4)niee`, : ,1 -.11F -'''C,7(•111 'all_ „i() , _i.':eatiler';, Indee.1lew. til( lie:a tp.4t.i.,?t.- - 1.n.. tho_4.2..111111.:t1r pf P.: ilea', -.1.7eritill att.-, -ilece...t.s.ii,i; E... - =1' -(•'-t--- nut;, -., iet.::.'. ez.r. h‘.!-eteckell -1 iftiu- tit''. ae:tn:11 's "tt lets-- r -•.1.:tIiitit; 11:1-4-..13iiii 'luta; .reei.-,..,/'1.1-,./....,seei,..,.;(.t.-et-eerie.1 -.ac,...i a_t_tr_petev.e- :ilk. i,lie:...71-',,Eific-1.,1121-,, ...,j1.-‘_._"41 ... .. ,. -. ••. .i -;. .. , .. . . - et, -.late Of th ' ,)1-37,41,LVING sVit--iv-S- '=-(:)11 -- :!,101Idav: . ve......et..149 e...1 -ug ---_--1,11)1- 41,1Yri -1'..ft l --.11....(1 - Y comma, r.ece,u-• .r, AV b 0 .I.,!it (1. ,..3_1:71,!-I:it41e "riot- i.,.1-11tlirti(ii4.i. , - . ••• . - r- -- 1' - • ink. ag,aii.:,-,, , o...1 it. ...1....c. e -"ilovetisalp of K ijo 0::.:11,. Uttla..e,:( illfrit...4 ..-erIc..e. .. 1- , (1,..,11c"t/T)i trf t-i1-6-r)41,rcAtii,tit tilt: cohlitr)..;.• •-teegee.e.,,,Jee-_(,.fle-te.fle- 1.1.1e,e ,..:_. to. • eang . i .. i ei-',.tit'a•-••( --a- •'1:tir-S'Zt,l-1. :ti:tolietice,- in :Cie -'"Feq•1'•' - (-)-Ilv- TI-:.-4lil4'(l'i- . )-ltt-1°.ii-;:-. fl:ielkii 'l -41av rif...):71;TI'1:11Inf; -I'' 1). II Mui-ch,k‘..,'1").1 I.V s-,..:4;it el, iiti --: rt Ili- ,1";:11A-1(..!:: tb,,s°_,..f.::',.:--ti_-1'4"-_,-:1:i'stift.:*-3.-7.,,;:tior,n-11, iff-th i, -...t cliiii6ii y,..,--,,,e;(-1.-el.i.fiit-eil wit,..-Ii...-tjrr'YI: il")----.11.-"Y-t1111141)-Y-11 it.:!1;-:,,,xl.d..i.)..ii.,-io.a.t,..f.A-ti,so.,,,..1.:-.11,-,-,..-N(‘,,„..-, ..c.,0e,,i_...1-Inet4-1. cr. - al: .,'(::Orre..e.r..e-4,1-'.,,,t .tei '.."1..r;;.1;:i.tiot:dititi.oliti,:.-: :-Atir.iiellfaifiii;:elf,;--.,„Iii4,:..11;-.4t1,:/.2_,_,Itt,?i,..iere.,4_14:,,iiriet,4i-iit-4_,ilii.1131„:,_,i-lei‘ei•-; - -- - 11 p77.sitig eCenes.frour. various*: Colt 111.-ki Cie.:of-I ---4 1:1.1.-4'.4---11411 11-1. Li Is:” i:'• it iie.e- 411if-l-it.111llv ilicllii-„I after Prblph.-ile:r t,--'1:_,.....--, -r- lit..., .. ._. 31-k".1 -;.-,!----if illese -Sti.,:e-cre,x-. . . ra•"t-.- (lf ' '13.'e----e---'-'1'.eq)e 1 -.--1' 14 41111 .4 : -Y7-0 will-iri.iiee,,,,..17t,:,_di.itrillit.,te 4i.:Et-cOy.:•-• b:e3,11,titill, 0,11,117,iitild ,, -fir- ., &nil _, : it,...i.:)(11!-:_;t1.::::c-, ill.Iii1,11!-:,--7.ii ii:;I:F:)iti.11.:-0/:.!..rr..t- ,t;t(a)-1 q.,?;.1)itia6,;.ii,t.:-_,Aibte.:1i:iiiit.. ..bilea.4,!4-eit,S;_:41.l.e.ef.t:liteilii,e.,..,111::y-riik-te.it:4-: r..ee'11--,-;„.:1,..i.:,44.(1,tflit.ve,‘itelt.... -ierree trpellbouild: i.; -nilieiratieli:, :--witilel_ . -we. shall: ..,.the.11_ . ,,I.1.'e I>, ti...','It., lu 11! it ill.-- 01,14.-Orit -ot.- a aim:tie-31- , . hat ti'l 0---.- ft-rOugts te'.;11.4._.1.',.';",_'u;a:"‘ e -11f- :'4.11...''.i:(' --B: ...----1. '-1-.. '1Z."71'ed 'Itataili..''''''t .°1'111('' t.h2 l'''. 1°7'. '''''''e" ' ,141r:./1--17..if1T-3_ t _4,au.5 i.l.er...... , ..kt.,7as :i..tt,..„1.r.1 : -\115-e'.f8-frOi IQ' -a Ali Citi:til trs; of -Pais.- 1)-ato.l.'"it„Kii-11- is?, i! 28tt' dr -Ay fit JAI:It ari ,--- . - , - -I- . ' / 4 1 1--..-..-i-- ---- ' ,-- ". 1- ,•_. 1-.1 -Voe.ali:r.t.si ;1)11.: 1 I/.iS, ._tletri1S...!11‘. mre-re-,, thce-- ,aneietereet ing arid epiteasing 'e4)te.11411- . .., •.- -. ,r. , , • .• - - . - . -- _.- - A.. de. isd...... -.. .... - . ' - - .• - - e• -•s -s .1.)iilou;.•(". Fi-H.tti---t.tr(I,.. --AI-iiis.- ;,."I:;', ... .-f (). G. '1%, wine eleeted at, Past itleettee en 2 4:43. ilist. nis iiehe ssing tevorable, althouell .re-ivritteg the ev: (1011D 11115 tlIC Cotti,leil for the we if tlie To eel 1 1..11 v I 'nee,. m'e* • • /0, :LT; 7.3.)ii:c:T 1.1.'-ATtE7! r. • ie.sted -io ttere Ankro. V'leatill'•--10f 1.11Ckil 1,7 • A. --''i -in Ow Teel terstii.e all, 14nel:flow. t l' 9th- * 1' ' 1 1: , a_itrozy. ); , to . IAN_ "TiCg " 25 vrar , 2L0011,1' cora rrdic , --tvr-N411e in tti.er.r.f tIte ESTATI: of C ATITY.31- _ I._ IN1; IV r.C11.i.111-•.01:.1I latt •of tke 3 -ii- • • Lige of :it. 1141e:we' ,the Towt.sh;t1 If \Vi'fi ,1, ' Waw..mmill, ilitioa Cs,”ty ef_ 11 ii TiFtiT; ...AA ,:t ter,,1 la' lItt Sing It:ay: claims - --eisst (`-,.t.be-ri e Itte-he, turd late of - : --Give.- $ 311.afte- or . A. - II el.,--n.A, -...ty.1(ili, A ec-oatt- ea. who 13.i•41 cm (a- abtre.1 fife ,5ilitil- y 'ef shifter - -'- 1..aht ',Pt 1"ZelfliTI-4,ion or liefoie the 1-5th:dal-Of elate.ry_ ce.xt to tebd to .1,titaTt 41atir1c7t4-4` -- It .1,1-ree :(-,-,'' il-.1-1;:: sg.:a‘r'f,;rslit .:.;_iilat ltel2iles '.(1.`11::sin' et.1T: :7:1114Illeilr 1 (14- : 'Ili e'filli ir4..rt_i_1•311:4 A (A. flick cla.m- --.11, 411“1.- ifilc:et" ity,. if r.-uy,14;111ty, tl.e.iA, alter :n-litell... (Tate *It , -- -V.Y '4. 1,1-otreeti to i.:tribeite Cies eteet:i 4f. tie, -- :,1l-0i1,, A eceaseill'.01 vat -ties entitly.1 tlietet(3 it-a'r-i-ig-reft reitiie laly to.1.1-,o -elaiwe -of Ailiurt, • we she; 1 1,71:•'11 ira' e :a ct.,ice; in t,srl-alpe(0.4..t. 1eVise(1 Staiut.p tif ()ntarit,, Captir.1.07, "..3,ectitra -*.it.- Dared elli',..tetil day Of leeeerel.ea. -Will. -. - . Vee‘etterrs a, a id.' Cat,I'Sritie lIntliarl-ict'ii, . DAVID TO1`.7 Slid Tt/-1131:1"t1.'' 3,1171IP.A1'- . • -- . . - • - - . .. e. -,,* eixee......_--e:_ieI'l'-,v-0,- ..-t ) -tlietiTe Our -Reeet-tri"--,--,,,,...-_-_;-...-_....-ti.as-_. - _,•_r_s.,,,,..1i .....,._ ''A- - ' - ri - •- - •fill-- tlrf.t- ti 1 •' ' tineft4s.....eerterte. -.!-,r-..cre el . , ..— . '11-,Twl'I'll't - '•, ....-1-,:%-' bee,: et --Rieettr1,- _-_e_.-;e0........ eeee...- 4--,1..e... . . , . .:,,z... ,1:- • (Y? . I- , „....., ,y ikee /111- : 1 . . 1 ti.41-1 kl. -112.1.V catehreg p.,i. .. -Vr.-S -e.,,,IFI-Alitr-J, (..- .,-. -...ki. , .. t_ .:. .1',1:file- ..i1,1:p;,1-1-.,1:11i1-. (-A,.."-.1,(1.:,..112.„.ii,,,,.7.,,,...,,,, •-. sitillrg."11'4:,;:ili.imitiki.''''...ailiz.,:i. s'''''. .i. 0 i .1: -1-,-.-d1.4 , iti,.:11:11.1-7,eiit.i:Iiii,:16.,,,i,s:. - 1 1 4- - tt 1z, ,- lirl• .tvAO111.. ... - ' - --.. tit .tir ri-Ver. 1, t e I ..l 4•fetlieie-tittli are e!..tr...4. 4 . .... , t.iroteee.e.t• -1.10les r.1 -t Itti- tee -dtt ktfitlitt - , -- • . --".• - -• - . r.to.-nt arttt--- we fiavit : 11Q- 111'11 a•11011 in , . i . . ...tee p y..1.1,..., s. 0 ,-.h.''r-' r) l -'41;:i -or-. -.tiff:. 1-1k:e- -.- '.... - ee ,-, ; e• t---,.ef of 0. 6,1...;},(i_i ii • NI iiii.t.i.3 11:airie, O.': •.:1.1.164.;(1, '_'111.i;..: a i - .-,i, --i;‘-i-nt , --- - , . -..- -s. ---- ,- -.. : - - , _ _..,. i , e .i._ t.I.:\., It_ lira {..gil;rerj 15v ,l.iii.m.i.as..., .Sr,,sjitg; --Of-.'"..1-'itilley,-,•ato ' . :-)1-.1*--. lj:-.-J'e-- Th • - ,..... - ' .•e • . - pi eeetre4...4-te it_ tle-....t. .,.......4.4_,. .‘„. , , . i. ();. (..). .1.;,:_141., oc,u,1-.,-)1 tia, . ,,,. ( ,„., (:111,:o.g,l, wilo pia, If. , iiii., U,aiiit'.111.13..,. i. If --Liiek 14.tt W. : :-.I416- II_ Il_ °I:- - l'ielliliti-r,i 011;j1,(1 ( 1.'•(.1t/II.o.*, -..11.4.e..e.e.r.,..,en.c...tit .t hat.. 11;of.. or. t.b., ,i,rocee ..11; ._40:::.:_ii;;:asvs.,.a.e:.iStilt;,17ol'itlag,i_iii).:4..011d)..1.a.di:1-::ti't:::1431,-;i„,ualdr. • ;%••,d r lit i,-i:ii,ti, 'tc=ii,i .1.4,..-iti,e1,1 ;.iiis.-1-1-,$1-a•-:1 ,,v, -r--,-.1.0. wi.ri. to pi.).- ''.ii t•he .-.-;iitit.i'ir.. 'a el:- - . I '- . . _ . .., t lle, V litt-,.e itttpe.artil. 11 it wrce 114 ,41 a --I.° Ig'(-1`-`i'w1 (11 r'ir:e"'''t4F 1,..":'''.` u -i• Ir'-r•l-t- I 'ti.te S:iltb.ttli- eli,i61-cif 'din_ GL-tiirc!L." I -.1-*'--f-• s JeItt . lrart:'-r-r. rey 04.1.-ifel'or c, Ft --tl-'--- --- -- - -- - ' .:: - 2'. - - 1-i:(.vi. 'tile] l'oilet'.. trti * iaVe estateli,11- - -1-1‘eir irli 1...(1 4: . a'' '4-1 a:it'''. iii)t, g* --Lt i'* --i- 1 'r .. -.--1'Ef'u-TATION. T.() TUE: -()*-41.. -ed. tilienselv.ea:aelr ri.11 ..-..t. v-etite3, .14.1s3 - - .. .- - - . . • . - . _ ati.*'• p-eCti tria.e'e -.11,P-....ictti_-_-.,. Ifitt: .f -r :_. t'ee.i.-"W.11 “1,..r... -;i:.. 1).1--..`feeitaiit. and :1:,- fi...'-alltItelloo - ot ' -Stritfietl ... alttotuelt -- a _Iitiore 1;11-1,1. -1),11 -itt:..-,t ?if_streiritlei iitg...thels.E1.; li ...v.i:i.g.oi•(*.it'oli in ..tie 144. (it iaw4,sfrali“cr-Aiere;- wag - A11 P." ICr;e3Y".1t.. a.121.1,' - . • - - - - . , . - _ • ... .- 1 i..,14, .t:,,c .1..4,,, 0.„1.11., ,,•,, I., by --r,11 I.. g I. 1LS1. weei;-., the ceicelouten ;,oe.. (-Ay toek ...will 1,e....eliv.:ayeewehifati eil by i .Lue.kpow- . . . . . .. . - . . - )(•-n;-!:4•1 ,0'..:',I.Ilitsitv- an!,):;.-. the. tit. ,..ii --4,. after" ittAere-'4..f their. vi?it to tlie-ti4pit.....1 •ateIeenee. ,,.1-.1...t.t.10..Aturrit', litrras.e.hat.m--- -te,r4. - 1.' -tee: brotliet feeod ia flits i';.11-ti-i*e. I. 't 1 -al,p,,:_ite.- -111;-..m., a - - (It outftticro -, to. wait .e4'e1-4ievbodyi1 4y.11..1 per and etegeettislo • I- as -heee -.e. -r.. .4.-41, i •-fer -rtile eue.e.4ee of T. ali Eel 1-„xeelleecy,•' :the- - f ;eiverrier--- . reliiioriii,", 'of -•"-11:1:i1el. rat ',ft' .Alel.errse„.."?-, :'v.- t; 1v 11 ite..lets to in..-- -(--:-..litst tl-, 10 it1 Nil e_hiai If) he'. i.ires:-....iitl'at ' .'it,:t.- 'f.VVi.- ki'lf.,;.:4 '..af ' ittif -.."...'..-._Mist: S, .i:t1 ttot4L'.-1'.1!•3-„ w'al. . Witt 11,9,-.1:0 14.. -•is 'a - -...A.P.11ttElltIF1.9:'-fli-,L0.1 Ile:-cOki id ..j. --t. 1 i ro:iff- ..,-;.::::ttill1:1.).1:::-.i.')'3'iNll'-el.1.'"1:1::: 111.8:: 14;1'1 i k. ar (risi !1-`1`1.:.L‘.;":nr .:6; ''". • • .. . _ • ... • . . .... „ . - , t . . • • -the W -i V I 4 :lit -r:ItittArif,'-ut, -fttlit--*0 11.-tve. c-titr - A5ititi...1.1 (;:stiv-s iti:-:-...;€4-c. -.-Tiext.. (-1 :, tti :-1,-)(.3 iiro. . .. . -b.' -.e1."- ‘a 'I-ri'c'iv*1:a 1.r..61-1-- st,e-t-e-qs 'tetra t14#.:-.4%., /4 .t...qe i..),t‘.;t - - °Ist*1,, .11.1, I.c .c . 'With 1LPIC -1.• . I s •-• •, 2 . • . • _ lo; ':' -lie is4,-- 1-.(I till .d,iiii/ta`.1 i rill ;that; lie. ' in ori te?1 ex Core, _Mr ..... :rong'Serpoerty it a41:1).utto.. .;)e.,.:r1Nh'.aa i'ejls- :' -_11;3...5-..11'., -',I :.i., -----T Ili. tit -1w Ii.0(.."1"....114.0•-., ; .t,'-',4 iravc-ll;r: ;4_ oil: lite- _ .t7 it,_ts :• tiliiio.-t. -The Stice:. lifi -Ott tti,e•to-11- ... ...,• . . .... .... . _ . ... . -1=11 4 :I -Vi:I:icl .:.zutioll t..t lirf..0.. le- -•t,-.- arell a_ tiller:. -cres' I,a,.. b4eii ..1tort.riirit tin- 1..Iff ice r rtInitt-g.h. !11S, 14. its softetiotl. -: .1. -4 -,.at I., tI,V. li tr.,7t 4 ,ir.,111,,.a1,1 _triv,-ilii.i,4-1.-;- - - - ,T._ ' f.-- •„., t.......nef .e,..... t„ita0.1',..4,iiit-tr-ver., vii• -•-1 1,uci:"...tn-t.!,v- it. _ 1:,.. ......rt.csiree _:,;5.. _.,... qr., . .. . , .. . . I...., .. ... t .n1 ...... &1'( ':--i'. .. 1 ' .' 1,1 . '. ' 11+ 1.-:41Wil(i'l'i'oll,ple: t f-soileee ft:Itot z -i. 1- .-. - 1- ritlot r.-11 i...r...-.4•44itng%•-rolt.i. .-.1.% e, lit t.enit. . . .. •. , „. , - - 1. . .. . . I t ' .. 7116!JtY :w i.21.‘:.--; ' .-e-•'' - --- .:-.'''''- 7 -: -:--,i,, -irlii- I.-. _ler:c.-4,...- trill') :the S.;---e:ety. . -' eecte):, er- (-21,airrn..t.e, co„,.. Ire coneer. .. .1-'. _ .._ •,...7,- a ,4114.z.l.r.-f,kr:11.;_r.„ 'I I 11.4::,1! - 4 ••') iii/v.rvit!=v,-- a . • .._ . e. 1- 1- ‘1,11-1(f,P;i:.S•Itie re hee. 11.1.10.*, -t lel ;Judea,. • -:.• ,‘' e; kl:,1-,;t.:-r- -.L."-...)147-1: V-__.i't.t.I110.-slI,-1.- ,.-a..t"rt1e,ii-Cs1.°!''..e --/11:11..titiel '-:1:- e"...e. ,,,a,, .-_ 14,,,itiv., . .. .. ._ ,41.1.1..ratlifillA.-;r-y - . - • I}Ut ..1:1)t- '‘ 1-s-citi.-Z- t!' niatcf,....cf.lfr --11'il-s'''' .141' .'ari,,rstooit 1.„‘r,.(fr pnia:iii(1.0.,. --ei.?-.7.,,iia,:-?;-1,...t* ,...1.!1:1 . * * ' ' *'" ... - .., (NO .. . , r.,rieL4 v .11-t-A1-1.1:*!(1-t i'. -os ".. 14 C„Fit391: for -ti;e1r-: . . , ; t110,-- p•kritti7e; (11'1 Wa.fflArg. 1"11 -11“!:..W. 'y ia e,.....11.0.-:iii-;pi-ii-rigi ttro",:livt1I--4s.,..aii,I. tki;...ii,i,,,..-i..,,i6i,- i-i;e.-coii, 1.,, eta b -i•,.,11,1,1•.,. le . .. : - .ter. I.alt tt.t--- 1=1 our (.. es.,tlia'ititi., ..: ,,,t, , ei, ettorentiertereteeht. 1 0-, .., /44 (7•._ , elle. ueeepae-ve o le -..glfe•ii"--.1)y.-1 -,----eee.--e--•--- t .-. , . e. - • .- --e- . - - • -eue.i...............-............ _____, .- .". ..:64'..7t)r).-1-.•'',-e.4-,* -v:4.-): turile4. T-1-•ifig,- '‘vhe;t.I., _etre r -of- the" Alielip-a,leitere,laSiiii., eeep...., --0-...ki,.0.1,--y.f (;,,,i. ,i, _. 4. .. c.)>, -Is's-r-it-k-i,e..-:-:.----Ttro ,-...11_;tiet,iry .-?7_7.;.ti6g'.,-Ii,-.([ =,:i -s ti-iit ---t tlk -,- \v.:ix- -d. -.warn): I •1--i iv s - .,..-_..- _ -4.- „, ; ,i_e 1)14trie.t.-..Niel !.1 "1 ' fr--e -$ -"Ilit'il ritlittli'l-e- 11; litit.thi: ,10';:lifiql.IftfIC:,- ...• - •.• .We .4141 `1.-e-i..y I ileknow. ...t he le 4 -ter - Of. a .ful'beri.t7).ee- voice wa V it deruttle Ids' etsee-iitri:etna.leeee..Thei :titee_iti-lils Se-V:.fraleso 1 ..4), -el.„.,; -`-_:...6. le, -..e.•.,,: -/-s_ro:e!)ti;i:p-)"ilt,iti-rf...;::tei-l• . 'Alle,"_ utt; .eiliiiyti16-1 .lur.c. .-efs. tee -ee,eri, tenci'''.. le+,'. 'Teel.' tr A;i„1.1.i4-04.: l'7.ere ,-. It INVtil 11r:- "-i lig' -was-. the :...c?-4tiii'c'.ett .1i,t„by--MniS.1;iereng .heart.edee.rel ientlaiseisti'e-e C-Iledlnifin; land his s; stet.; ALSs Fate -Stritteive which 1111 -ItinOeslt to_e 1..i-i.leraiilt)..trettiple litr.er fei1.44-4 46 J,Iii.c, ito vii tlit.'lig.,:ktiit.-. r...._c--ocui.t.c..'the:i.lop!ireil -att(11,11e-y: : Sh.in1=1 '11•--- P-'---7:1; . t'a;.(.10 •'., :III" -•:-;)(itlitioil . to - ---- - - - f--- . A 141'ECIAI .1 Its ,!:074 A., ti) tefj - :15t7: ritX{7) f;Tizi.,„pg . _ lace. . prolkiae tall- . - T.teii•trul,er , . for me. - , ..r. -.•7-.11—''YC.) Pi ,t, 1 - a. c - ,. 1 "Y eI.'51);t'.;t:•,!t-i,,, r itlit,c0 Pres ct.• 'In: ke We 'nay t... puff, -.t.i.stsen-ti..po 4,....ittr,f-e-t,_.:1.3tecir a : _:•7° tr'ee. fr'in) stP3P1'; ' ri‘ne ''''(ra j'm ;--4"11-'cl-alr - .r.J.-•-ni _for :4114,4 GQ(Iti - . ,I , It iain ,--a4e.l.. on ',to _lards fire :ss-trorid fr..,:elaoture ,,,,........,i, -......,p;,. CLW...,. „,„.. -,,,..,„4.,j,,,,.:1 -,,,A sulioniff.r.-, kitcliee'.1t.t.tached --;.l.:2:... ,:r-‘:....;:71:?%.::4:::,7ff,.. „ I:1.7'1i ,;,7....:..1,1§4t. e. 1.-la.:r1rii)0!..f1.011:41):':-(41ii;iiitr:‘,34'1:flblz..ri*e.i2;ilisirieringt:11:-tb.rr7lit:T.::.ii(.1:71aoaed.a?•._.g46o-174.. • - ln.l'i;Yi-1..tIlL'refl-rlf.',_f4 livai A (.1:- tf‘'ill Iv(' l'e skitia ro'rsd, atia-aii4,iitiiiitca fr;,nt T.ttelpOw. - . alltios5role; alio at ,:. . - .13, tn.,the 11(1. conessiftii?)..4 !le ' 1 (IYII, 31-0011. -0....A5 T .1:e Ii5 Vali .--Tiess,quii-..-ter .4if itA .::iiiBil;er 4 - -compelled to.-aell S-sionclit(.1 9...ir -present --Fit iek' . :k.-1 1 . . - , -Priee-c- 10 15/1-itr: Cl/ loOters- :West -watr!tutiso,:cpm.!-441/1141g ,z40., r)(..Koes ,4-_,./borsert-r. i -7 ' ' , , ,i..i.„.:_..L__,, , , . ,.. . ,i„,,, ,,f ,..,-..„,,,,,,,...,,, are,olenrea 14t1 0 -. . t' . - .. • ' -mil fr:ir.fro•-ai-Otimnisi, Snit t*ere 'are st=tacte Ta1U-- : _ - 'al)le eeaar, -ale. 044.1 pint fsmiser- on. lige wok - 0A -LT- trid SFX101.71; ''-.$ !()CI,ITand II -FAR- e'*V( ... ' i: ... • . ' ' f , , ,, .i-)11.1.'elk-',).->elfOre 1---)1,-.rilia. tit) ''-....---T; q/wia-e .e.: .- ..IT' ---LT". 1141e.el41:''34'ile 4-41-16- '-'41'-'.,,R1,...::- ' 1 . i .. . .... ,. : - - i _ A ..„ fi-fr:e-pria I:4r .e,oi,t, m•-ithin one Irion.,,la tirteres.tes.. - )1:. ",' = Srt'211-:` 1.1ue' -... an. I thei baIalice .to lie ,seeureil 1' Ti. r.--or,t.(.tag_g., - -witlt intorest :it ....ereit per ...eetit . :2-.-a-a.rly e or et, II lititrilia -1,-;:itti.:;f1Lettlry fieell-p140 cztven, net _ -csa'a 41 4-,r ¼1:1'l. .r termis may 'be Yariid in awy reasonable- way -to-auit ptireitaetir.- A . 7 - -,For furthq pirticill?:rs apply to . . " Joirtr 'rarer VVFAT pr -to • , . Auctioneer, Ltiekativr, - '.. Iirrittlici.., -rtlafis, Tar.c•-.,"stfit_itzr,'-tirlif,01-1.ti. .... ' ' I • N-7•7it-Vms3Sol:ielter*,?..F.(fronto 1-)iti'edt-3.-t11.:Tdy, 1 11)k,..-- _ "i"-,AT:ITJ-'1!41.17.7r u .e TOWN•SIll Tv — tria tifiELD WillfiANOz: In tho ef a'A'vaon. 'Ceder &nal) -;:irtne tile Power of Filet 'Cfmt aim:a:111 a . ertsift /1.1ortesge a tide litt,13::, to the VeLdors.,.-witiely , A -need -at tt le -a sale.„ 71,a _ ilefault-1 ss bier) 12PAO, rt5rcti fir *!«-i':; Anetion Hetr•itilittie_Yillaee of 1.-nol:oti, ort- lit-te-srla Tfarilary 15th. 'B _ . . .,_ 9: ,-_- 5, at 12 o-elticlt, peon, file "fello:Wilig..-par eels, ol , . . la-nt1;:viz,:--'11.ket *outh 1-1:altot 1.ot,Nosn in tho nth clo_ncessi;ar, Eaiteri, Di 6din of 'tti,i • - '`itiviivliip of ..it:llh-eld;-. cantainiiig. 109 tares, more Or 4'-, i•' and excent three-xi:imitate. of art-r.ere Itcrit,)fere solti to 1/.aniel Fer-guria, .. 'Of vrb(c1) alwat (10 acres are eleTred and about_ RipicY ws. 111611.ra evei (' unparty eteet ott biji 1 0 r pa- t of value -f,.t0;;.eI.0.• .. -':'.." .?:e•f:-.1.„.t':;,,.,;i,--.-:'..-.,e‘‘(.'p-.--i::s-.t.:.l:1s..,e:el-f.......-._t.'t'..,-.ij-,.-.../,:.... -.,,--t_:...!.i."r.---.r....:-.-..i..*..-.-l-i.e---;:._:-. ..'-.e...;-',..e%.-."._-.-._ -': ._t,.. ..,--.1., •;.s.'*„-..'-- ..- ia:1'-it;.:, " ,l...•:" ,e..:e.li?,';'_.t_,r...i:.....-'-1.-,i- .-..li'l.10*;.i,7...1t.7..•f-!ii4t',•..")tti._-..:,,:ee,-,'i-- - i(•1 .,.i .:„;r:,;..1.":._'-,is'.:1;1.-1..i,',..:°'l.•-:i..-..'..4_.r,-.'--•...i.t._'_-:'_1_..'_-'--,..'.'.:-.-'". ._,-:-i'.s,., .-.-..-1...1.•. i_2. ..*._'...v.._.,..ls . ...,:---.a-'r•-.:.1•s - 1-!-.If-1•...1.._1-.'-..i..1---s'..rt 1111 11 psS,ectsvn. by ths ('otittrit 1l'1screrhvaeG4-p11: aI" 1 ati:6144(4 1R qetv Iit 1liecS,:t4)1' 4,1411.1, itiIfei0tiiiiv 1li4(-11e1!1-411 w-1°(blgir''S5wl'ie'-", ooa1(11111(111(4)roe14', 4trro liLbi:st.1t41 ei etenhtitrsint()ver 11cattl'iu! ixLP1s'YrYT!'tilt,i1c11Y iies upa-tfr:tit ttesfrrlitett 10 IeIii11itita 'iftlitf•1''(1''(-' 11y w1111'tArt'111.lilt::17t. -a.- l.: ,,rii ,,,,,,ti),iii,IL,1,;(1iiivt.,,aliiiitchee1; ()laf601V.1:ef?)ins:!0t1i::.eiif1;1,‘iii:liy%1sst: ,},ftii4''ri,1,rw:ttrtiotici111)1,,triiit,.:44t114ePi-t1;;:1i:4:1tliil-11Il,i::k(.a1(t:loti 11'I'll7's .._1 111.1;i1e'41ir:i‘20it,eiii,:g(;tui()li.,,ti1) ,4.::it11:11 1 gtil 0 ItiTpri•1L11,411 (I1:1"it1t!1;i-1.1:ttire1):44 8'))alt.111'ItJ),-I11111b111'l(i1111ioi.il.9418evel.'i-e,F i.:114i,i-1:IFi147ijiAki4 rdlit:eti AVirs titan 111,' 1a,,b1lijpt7;iiereiiieye,ca111}11l(tfI.4Laviacted1)v F11‘ttr4SyeJ1 ttt,41it4I 11r 14 11)01),011v/4pA.r,%.r,1 1,-11rogreereeNorabl3l or ..i_,,--iXt.W,illtr.-iiitrot(oli1tYitbo:111 ,t`p Vtit e141,41_y Iiitil)V8NIt'NYjtt941t6ge8.. it -,.._:•.•,C iin• - iast/triPrulue_ega;ii.sn."ht/Ioh.r'e.qiil4-' ibneag.rtdr.:ap.ip, ei:ri?'p-tsp- ltoa- c'i.r-/te.gaa..rl-t•.-o--'b(oa_Tsc.a,thCcoai -ii/-;-erd-ewo; WS 11kpr0ve theHlfe7LtJIIII1.1tikU 1er:4.t10111111e14 44i4 ,4ell,11crl!t1lm1litAt4bo. I df ec d1riliVIf!yinalefrolnhebest 1 ti-,0aii-i ,.4110otI314t s4 al' gtic..ailha SOOT'it1, p 10'er.v. 4' w 1,.doabti:s3_bealfomwgk:hislrae a thare cts nom ,-hasanr thrrtaaio-ii sufctOred rt • iler:ii4r‘gif°;iltej41'l On W!ilil:el' tle- -- '. ..lI1:,r ,. - . .‘.„. 't. rll'a.GiI:A_11El.T4at0nely2.414C.4:01-1CdOn.;eiloyrap-- socs(L ii i,TileFebhandytin-foklpers.orni;. Itis roldbYallvespettilo lealArsia all pad °1.p6nini71; qi43y8f-ti i .f: - •v*ufaCt:lac.ty: -1 - *pent bisvnik, .: _:ii . ti ra tv ‘,7vhe,Inethe .C.re Ill,chee, .ttele.,a doctorI111.It 1lolle. tletelate.r 1 iithi direttioTsLa moleietrey it, and rae 1r-ar Pitr1u11li" 1 I))t1114 1:r.);.ede ip,ed °yetthEat lindlit gplio11/pi COrep 1nv es a rar eri-lence if tte • Teletlionejstill .. pru-telice or 1.•.,1 1i12.1iage1up-..t.: _I -t....1);., Burn ber wi a sc0)11.1) .0 - (.-qpilitigliam,,AJtuierai 11:1I/l. 131111,1ings, . ' _NOT10E,----At11 tet1ti0IS dra.Wwl tr; 31 .. C01111C-11 1114A.011 11 (..:4111pb°11118.-11('1V- 411 voitiooment. An eni e • • fluelph• for tliv oi4 unpa.))._ f D D _ . OS.5E6116E2 -4141: GEN-LIZA BLA Airrit teiliattb-d. to 1'1i.)3(1"s Stand,WiR9e1i& is prepared t dp of G-13.eral utsol PlAitfovo A .sibmm Work- donecm Short Notice., 0i -re -him* is11:- - . ;••