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The Sentinel, 1881-02-11, Page 5
• • 4 Spring simmer, 1881, Will S,,2.11 his vet �� el1.�.�ssorft(.1 Stock Y c� of moods, usually kep in a General Store, f,ri;1 `1 O1' oil 1.1.11G'- tr . -m r 1 � r {1(:(. 1 (,11tl)1e • Clltitoinel't , Cli;'E1l) its ctui. I)e : r€)ligil ;lL it1;E" .st(i;'t", to niltkic rovi11 lol' f11S •kl'ge• 'd (1 1 .. Vlil'I - oiv 'nt }it •to arrive ear I531i flwiC)l.e,: ei( ffi;11 =t; Zt'iil ) t.;t?-t,l.%t''- 1iOi`,ICCv'.thats it %t►:.'( (.1i11itS 1nust he sE'tI ij-.l(.t-latl'I-tt1<:ll t�l(a' !: t�I 'i`1J1LI-ar. tiler' : �` t4''cl uz, �, Yt 5tt1'E t7'C)fi1 �.0 all(t7lllSt I atn, res a�ct_ �lU - 3 uu1 S, , ,iiclo_,,v, Fab. 3,-18 el - 4 tit, _'tkl 1 r� 1paIr, -RIU1 t[•,* it lPT4R��r1,Y1 'ire I t * .':r (1 tu 1 1 . ii._[,.rtlPl 4 In 111E !lest !t!fi • acres ,( n.-tt.n1 1 l,t_i ' •.'' tr,.(:t-(-all-at, ,;.).'.,7 r - 1: Slb1e wally. ,. _ - ,t 1 i TA -at, C I.r•t ' i,i�l. tl lliL-illtl � ?7 `. �.. 3eFte.tr . s'F•e-k of t_ -.g, 1x1,1 1=liiorin ;� well tt .:�, `�tt--•i'r, 1:• r F•:psi t, i.`ii(itl, ;tic- tti--ft:'iti+,ttl b Baud .t ltl 3. tekil •�,,i 162 in -ail its t ].tnc'l.(. ?1.111 i,a11_ci1., %, � #; 1 ccial.ty C1Ve nsitcal. T /. • •4y ir eitt r _ 0ptU111111 _The. only; Medicine -'that successfully purifier`' the Blood, acts upon the Liver, Bowels, Skin and :".dneys, while :at the ;same tame it =allays: Nervous ; ritation,. _and:_strengtheei ns the Debilitated System _` 1,erfectiy and speedily - > - .. , - p y curing Bihor.: & ss,Jaundice D. yspepsYtit, Consti-; paaion, Headache, Rh(:-tL aiism - , DropsyN ervous and den=: eral Debility, Female Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Salt : Rheum,; and every species :;f Chronic Disease arising from, _ Disordered Liver, ; Blow Kidneys,= :Stomach,<:°-o�' ::. THE BEST_BLO©i} PURIFYIU Bowels d - NU TONIC IN THE WORLD.- - - - sample Rotttle IOe. ' T:-MiIBiIRH & Ci; SOLE AGENTS, ,tCRQtp; 'regular"Size, $1.00 ,+.-.-3lrs: Freeman s Wnrni Powder k a safe sure -an `effectual d ' - - ; - . e, :p4s Pnce 2" cenLs or 3:for $1. ' d destro}es of .norm m duldrell or tr) reoinan's New !/owes[% Dyes are •Perfe-Perfect' • ' every color. , For brightness seed' Bart} ey have ix, eg»aL _ Price YS cent. per package, - --- 1:41-1:,415 PlAjG OAF- LIFT? S Ai A BKI: n_:. ` IN-EItOriZE t7P one nOohis entane. ems.. 1'�i='� 1hA!?4 `1 ► F( 1 1 C It } R�t?i PRI aft.: t - }�1yt\(..t1'I for :4trit Iii t '• _ t r S in.1 .t.... r 1tl .,,:ti, a .0 t11a;t1rrtttttc !� a t �• -' S.31t.19 Tail1„„'tee use ; as.14-;sk uf'-til u11;il (ui r .at,Lostrude, Pairtitliulltck, (f PrenlLtriold a;e ani :natty other .)iseasestt lead -to , Insanity:or (On,suroptzara:ind a 1'romtaty fi' Gra c . x: s'<<tti1 lla iciil ars. in 'hair i,:ainl,aiet, which the • '' 1to re ,Settt] "free by iii ilt( i ;•ory t�� .• r i'ltca,5ticotfic':ted= dela ts,itrlit by all 1)rtlt;.-ixt8 :tt~yl_ per pack :t. e., or !di- 11.tzIcit e, fur ti, : ui w-iJI -be- seat.] free l,y uia,il oil receipt ,f the _money ;by ad- dressito THE. GILay.:mrIa3cirtE pronto.Out, .C' • anadts e S•pld atneicnnw:la : il(ir •' y. aht v ud 11y,where-in Canada and the U.nitediitatee x 11 whloealy aatd cetaidrayt?abts.: Groat D$o aig ZaleJHf1(iH01 WHIT IvBgT?{S. LITTLE} I have commenced my regular annual Stoak-taking Sale, aid will for the neat { : 0.1J R -w- •:r s offer the balance of my Fa1hand Winter Goods a6'• HARD PA:S I'RIqS FO* GAS PILES OF COTTONS, STACKS OF TV@IEEDS, PILES OF OVERCOATS. STACKS OF "BLANKETS. PULES OF MANTLES, • STACKS OIF FLANNELS, &C., &C. - 1 - I ani bound_ to clear .otic the abave lines -e - --1r._-- ._, profit . - Sprittr Steck.- - - I 1 - - - V'. ii invite every wide ayfsake buyer to inspect my -stock and edmpape!my presses, Call d be I , 1 i . convinced that MCHJ IU)Y-S is the i} }�}:tsT . SPOT TN. TOW,s . 1 !- HARDY, '. -- -,--- •- i -1.1- i 'CLOCK DOLT) az. -E GLI[ and 1.1"." BtTIIR•.V'.. '.till1T and 1 U ,.OtjVtI154ZI3"iI�13 ust .racelvr'ci a Iargo and Varied stoc J O f JEwELLEP1T .and. PLATED r;; . ; t) prism the nawcst sty les of -CLOCKS, 13R -O -(CII Ji •ll. --.E1.._ C -S-; )I G RIIN GS, - LOCKETS, l 77 r 'I' s - i' - ,:. CRU' -7 'T an 1.1: r I - LE STAND rEP, K.,.); IVES , 1t A.1'I' .N C x,1'.1. CASES,_ I Ito._ -recent - advance- of 30 per -c e=n iv:bolosa e' market I `� to I,1 marc cl to seal L-nds o :ejr itinb tic�,ii.ly_ an}a.l rors�p Iy a ecutelt wheal rod. - • i;• •_ solicit a C,t allreni er ad satisfaction re 111.nta:riing purchase -4.a })toebuiy elsr. zhere. the standtwo f,00 ; East of-dO11N. (janifibell ,�trcet, Lilckticr* -ITaving spared n• it -:O..-n•••.r • lEas bought out Mr. 1V. S, Holmes interest tit the tircery Pr[Yon 8z Crake B TSI Ste', and has replenished the same with a _NEW FPF'1i S7'OOIf, To which he has aiddt-d a First -Claw StocI, of BOC TS ND SHOES of the very best quality -aha workmanshii,, "tu be • SOL VERY OIEAP: Iterlieml•er the place,—W, S.- liolmem' 01(1 stand . . Vii" g11 I.a: f ^a'r`'th — - j '1'I E-- Ladies' .,an't/es, at fere t2- HO'LESAL ? E ..s 'Latest Styles Oyer 10)0 t:,'choose iron), Ladies' Corsets from 2.i Vetlts lip Ladies' Hosiery worth :.{;c for .35c. ` Men's Dress Shirts fruity iio'ceuta , 31eri's Colored. Shirts from 'La'c•.ur,, ' • Men's Linen Collars worth 20c, for 12496 Men's Duck Pante 45. ecnLs:: h . - Twenty Ynrds 3V 1,cey for $1.6 4 In _great • variety -Less -than Z Ioie' j ., Tea worth 75C for 6.,c;., or ix 11,:. Tea worth 60c is,r "Ne, or lila. Taker! in Elchang , at the 11 i i1 er tunenor expense' in visiting the different mink ' e fft ets,ifs :prepare d, to ire -her the Ut:uent-of the t - n the -20th When°I willexhib T STY!, „ and-folloiving days, my large, arid- hi ndson1 a 'hoty oom will. . bo • to: eo . ,_ f ttie.inci:st cl(r in ra_ ,� % and attractive • The _ act! GE, dG • u - t to n. nal°�. •.._ t t6 .ns 1 b. T f rI111inery whieb ever : ltich fashion !laps been pleased,' to' say The ALL•- IMPORT •IL\ T Qc;ii anm a'. conspie O g f p ?IC 1 ten flan ,U .1.PS..I' • 1- _ fLi . i R . rn . B . O S 1. T; G 1 S UIi,�1t1_ �.,... i ,+ 2' 5 I, III} , (LUIS '� . L , L I3Li� 1n.e11 Ices plrofitztui, 1 an.i showingt ' e g ewestln every iiiur e1•tanliii-` �+ai1. and CAN �1)1AN IV _,..VvS.+- a. aBy Persian n mbs, Cloth Ga s,<Fe1t:Hats,in all C 1he Remember e cordially' t i nvited to, : . r 3 t , visit my. Roo buy or lot. A1I`are welcome 1 will think. ` ` F oar, ill o It xa favor if You willo • of SCOTCH,.E_'N(,; ISII Latest Styles. ttPr=whether yon want to ie and ase Fit The Greatest xvander•of modern- Trines; • . ,fig tak4lit 7 ° v P1ie I'ilIs purity the 'b ood, correct ,a1I , cat- ordersof the Iiver, ;�toniach, Kilner, and towels and:ara in valuable � . all co111,1.laiuta incidental to } en,ales. _ The ointment i.. : ; y S.t11.e't,nl. Rad � ).liar:ie rert�ec3-: ` i Lad Legs, .Old-11'ou:nds, Sores ai.i1'' I •y'f �._ 7 L , cro howt-ver long stair di�:s, i' or B1 t1rfl bili., Dip' ` theria, Coughs, Colds. -Gont,, I Iletuuatis+.n auil sll SkinDiseases it is no eq -dal... al,: .12EVIT RE pP�FRIG� COU@TfBffIiS, most resl;ectfiiliy: take ieai e "tci 'ea -lithe~ tentitn of the Public g neraliy to tie 'f act that pettainl1onses-in Nv`i ;'., k vitt' seuditt' to many parts of the globeSlpl'131(3i,S i it.' 1'ct.'I`'TUNSof ley P3± a and (),ii,irne t - 'These frauds ou their lahc,is :revile atlarese. I\ -'w 't.rk.• I di* notal/Oa3v n13.- = t�eei1t-1, cc to be Sold iii _ tn?l1iart, z'f-:flit 1'1,ited St:::tt•4.' -1 iia e.1.t; AgelitStht-r,' wi�y--i,dlc1.l, .re 1;!1I2, ivatl by me., i1.:,;1:,UNlford ,stree;utj„ndu I1the horiisfdirectrrn• t1.13*., '=- 'xi nniakiisa the i'1ibli. ag...instbeing -:.1leered:I 'by .conutel•r,'.it•R. ':Dc -- not lie -inisle,l by this an dacsit strick,,:ieey =ttge ._ titers ttittcr,feitsl)crrt13retend Yo (i(!::,,;14i;. 'rh �'se counter fei sal'1 e I:i.lellr SG.i t11 Uhl* 7taeine t 1%entetilfieti s rt ottti-lutlf. . lien 1)l_ic.,, of ti - 'tils;aird{1lhtmOtt; and are toll) to yen as.my : 3 enllInrs. I iaust ear'neatly apli('.1 t,7 :that scu a of jus - 1, e ivL tli I fes lj :Mee . may tic 11 'rt. itni(,n asking g f'rl.0 xllhvnt>i- 1 Jel;ei;,oi,s. t,i ts;isinle,' and :the Public., Las far .is 111.a =1h- ia their po' _ . r, lit le#tuunesll rthis Th14inefillErlaid, - .. I:acl1;I'ot and :iioo n_ f :the -Genuine1Zed - Ines bears the h'y 1(j , ( �1 ...oic,a,i,lent,Stain)).. }vitt, he. cords- ” lfoil_i,w 's 111 `r.: Txttvi)ON,'' ertgr ed thereon. -On t: r. label istlre address,.533, OX1?ti411i STn£ET,.1.oz- i i ;, where "lone they- are 31liitlnfact;ttr:;d. 'Hnf fotvicy7.8 7'lfs.tl�cll.C)t)ttlnt:7i� ueuri�i;� .fit, • ... o ller • ievklre$s:erre-couli,L'r' Cit. - '_E'he Trade Darks of t , h.se 1llealieiuea ale gistered its Ott w : • . . a.-.0, Benne, any ens t117,,n}tr; out the .' I3ri t to Possessions, Posse a_t ot:s �v11,r1 � I.YY ,t-. to Aniericun Luunter eitforaa1e - i.iii Lit' pL m cured; .Sigueil, + . 1, . >>w . THfi role,?;(! �v v Out►ll:ii4TIucaa.• 4