HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-02-04, Page 7CURED BY PRAYEK. 'Miraculous Healing ot a Young Lady - Her Own Narrative of the Remark- able Altair. (Now York World.) • Enough people to fill the Methodist church at the corner of First place and Clinton street, in Brooklyn, assembled there last eveuteg to listen to a narration of the miractiloes cure of Miss Jennie Smith fro -m theelips of that lady. Miss Smith is apparently of middle age, and wore last night a black dress with a. pretty little bonnet to match. She was pale, her eyes were brimful of tears,and she declared in the course of her remarks that she was rather emotional. ' I suppose," she began, " that people will think I do nothing ▪ but tell the story of ray cure, but I am pre- pared to let the Lord teke care of that. One day I was prostrated. It lasted six months and then I got better. Then I was taken down agaiu, and it lasted eighteen mouths. The third time I was prostrated I was prostrated very bad. There would be times when I was unconscious and times when I would be speechless. There was an inclination in me to murmur, but my reli- gious experience had been deep, and while I was sometimes in the valley, at other times I was on the mountain‘ tops. Twenty-six persons are in their graves to- day who visited me while I was confined to my bed, and nine of the physicians who attended me have gone to their everlasting rest. And so it went on, aud,I was carried • to a camp -meeting and a dear brother came to my couch and saAd I must consult a Phil- adelphia doctor. But there was sruall-pox there, so _ couldn't go, and I went to the lake shore, not being able to go to the sea shore, which is better. So when I got there • I met some people whoeknowing that I had had wonderful answers to prayer -which I have -asked me why 1 didn't esk for com, plete restoration. - but my faith was not then complete. I can't lead you up, my dear friends, tci all that followed, bile God made - it. very clear that He was trying me and testing me. So when I gcit to Philadelphia. I went to & hospital, and I was very poorly. I -couldn't raise City head and my right limb was bad. It was a struggle between faith and rebellion; but after a time I seemed to got- Ev_eirripse Of heaven and won the vic- tory. I,Ivery day had :definite epirituttl blessings. At last I wrote several notes to evarious niiiiistera otthe gospel asking them • - to be present on -a certain:- Tuesday • ing„ After Iliad. written thein .nud -sgiven them, to a niesseeger,. I felt as if 1 had done. something wieked, and stretched -out niy ▪ hand: to strike the hell aglia recall the riles- ,sengere but God , gavei me pain, in • the _ O&M and 2.preVented enye aiding iser _and:, the tninisterS and -"tithe 'Went .along till it: - Lib -ere came a haptism of strengtli.:; I- felt. it Strike me on the top; of my head and _ PaSs_- dawn to my: feet.. ,TheY *ere all • • godly been Who surrounded me and they_ will beer witness-. that they-sa.w thesteength• : -geeinto .-Aedtheu for the first tinit' in sixteeri-Yeare trose to my feet and, -walk-. 'ing ten or twerve" paces, amide down into in arm,ehair. : After tat_ime they picked ;Jae ahdebere neei_to bedattid. hrptight intea - -glass of milk. and steadily:gainediitrength • until I Yeadhed._ preseei state. othealtit, - thisa-tee,:aftea-khark eXhausted-tliree schottla dif medicine." - • 77.777' : TELEG ••••- lying there tor num..0,....-ee-e-e- i• - - found by his friends nearly dead. He died a, joke, but -linen 1.41 ICIdlis.u. Canadian. in a, few hours afterwards.' is a son of the noted physician of ;he same _. THURSDAY, Jan. 20. John Jones, a respectable looking, name. William Jenkins, a brakeman on the stranger, fell and broke his leg last even -1 There have been great floods i.i Oregon Grand Junction, was seriously crushed ing on St. Joseph street, Montreal. He and Washington territory. A very warm while coupling cars at Belleville yesterday was iutoxicated and endeavored to stand rain fell in torrents for over thirty hours, The Irisholen of Ottawa are goiugto hold on the broken member until it became so melting the large quantities of sn iw which a meeting cla Friday evening next m sup. badly fractured as to render the necessity had fallen early in the winter au! swelling port of the Land League movement in of amputation a strong probebility. i the rivers to an unusual height. The low - Ireland. A man named Evglesby was taken by lands were inundated- for miles, bridges Joseph Wayper, of Arthur, has bought train on Wednesday night from Emerson were swept away, wharves and e &rehouses out the good -will and business of James to Winnipeg with both hisfeet badly frozen. flooded and railroads ,washed out. The Broderick, hotel -keeper at the Great West- It happened through exposure when driving damage to property in Portheid is very. ern station in Guelph, and takes possession. out during the late cold spell beyond West great. The lower stories Of dwelliegs and next week. . Lynne. His feet were bandaged up, and it several large docks were flooded, lestroying - A man named G. Chaplin, a vagrant, was is thought they will have to be amputated. a large quantity of grain which could not found yesterday morning in Montreal, He was removed from the train to the be removed in time. The loss is probably in an unconscious state from frost bites and a hospital. 1,500,000. severe beating. He had fallen or been A country dealer went to Montreal on ItIluct•Ilaneous. thrown over the revetment wall, some five Thursday for the purpose of compromising A telegram from Valparaiso reports that or six feet, axed his arm was broken. with his creditors, to whom he owed $1,200. a great battle has been fought rear Charil- The Dominion Government have pur- He offered 25c. on the dollar, but one of his los, nine miles south of Lima. The Peru - chased a seventy‘acre farm on the Cole creditors, who Was rather wide awake, took; vians were defeated and driven from their Harbor road, Dartmouth, N. S., from the out proceedings and bad the debtor ar-Iposition with a heavy loss. The Chilians eseate af the late W.' A. Johnson, fpr the rested, whereupon he pulled out $1,400 and I hold Charillos. EI,EVEIN - O'CLOCK:- 1110YEITIENT. vat- T-avorit -the Yiewpi of , . .„ • • - _ • -..the- Ladies. -A deputation of -the Women's -Christian Tehiperanee Union waithd. upein tlfeakt ton- ney-Generat . at the f1'arliantentary- build-. lags yesterday i(Thuredayrafteraeon, in- - reference to the agitation to keep epen the :places for the -Sale :of' ifitoileating till 11 o'clock 'on Saturday evenings._ The- depatation. -was" intrOduced to the Attorney -General by Dr. MOLatiehlin; of • Boivirtativille .M.. -P._ . = l%frs Harvey presented the Jollowing . , petitions,the:signatures to which been obtained byathe Omen's Chriatian ;Tent= -peranee 'Unions - ha -the "fra,rioui towns in respense to arrequest hem . the Unions in Tore-et-a:in one month a_From -Hamilton, _bearing setili.tures ; " from Loudon,. __1,764.;, !rem Brantford, includitag the vil-- . -.1ages of Cainesville and Mount' Vernon,- 1;090-; St. - Catha,rin.es, -1,561; - Chatham-, 1,080-;• Collingwood,- 461 ; -Newmarket, 464; q.58 -; W.ellaud, 5281. Thorold, Cooksville .-(south township) and -the village of Islington. - . - • : " - Mrs Judea/ jonea also 'presented peti- . tioit from the Council of Brantfordadepree • . . eating any -change in -the early cies-nig law: Meta. Harvey read a .petition . from • Tra rontoabeaaing 5,200'siaanaturegalwhich also oPposed the Yipwa of the licensed victual- --lers.- She asked .:the Attorney -General • to- - give theni Ina hearty suppert. - • - • . The... Attorney -General replied- that. lie Weuld-haVe great pleasure in acceding-- to -their.recanest.. . Eip-did not know when he hada, moce agr6eitble cltetY to- tie-darn:1, as - D Governinent to 110 . rrtoria tee e °mato _ entieely sympathized With -- the ohjects 'enact that fiues eollectedunder the Canada Teniperatiee Act -be paid_ auto the. co-unty Where collected,' inatead Of being handed over to the Recoiver-,Generale_ , use of the Indians in that district. Several The United States Government recently families have already encamped there, and settled his liabilities in full. The country- man thought the insolvent law was still in landed 2,300 tons of coal at Pago-'ago, others will follow. one of the Samoan Islands, for the use of On Tuesday afternoon smoke was seeti the United States navy. No opposition was issuing from Mr. Thomas Hayden's resi- shown. deuce on Cavan street, Port Hope. The , firemen were quickly on the spot, and soon extinguished the flames. Loss about 4O0;$ no insurance. The fire was caused by children playing with matches. force. EuroPean. TFIIIIISDAY, Jan. 20. . Duncan McLaren, Liberal member of Parliament for Edinburgh city; has ree sighed. - A company has been formed Jor the pur- pose of establishince a line of Steamers for the,transportation of cattle from America. Capital £500,000. Truth says the Marriage of Baroness Burdett -Coutts withir. Ashmead Bartlett takes place next week at ter arikti residence by specialeliceuse. The Scottish Heritable Security Com- pany, a land mortgage company, has sus- pended. The capital and • assets are X1,000,000; its liabilities are not reported. The marriage of Leopold lae l'Rothschild, youngest -son of -the late -Baren Lionel de Rothschild, and Miss Perugia, of Trieste, took place yesterday at the portland street Synagogue, London. .Therrinpe of Wale's, an A poor old man about 77 years of age nained John Beeberich, was found dead yesterday afternoonat Formosa, probably from apoplexy. He lived alone there in a little shanty, and was last seen alive on Tuesday night.Ile was found -by a little boy who was taking him some food. • On •Tuesday night Mr. William Park, grocer, of Mount Hope, Richmond street,' London., left his cutter outside, and some- tirne during themight some person unknown took the cutter away a short distance from the house &lid. with an axe chopped it com- pletely into kindliug wood; nothing was left but the iron work. James Coyle, a farmer;.while driving to hie home at , Frampton, a:day or two ago, was accidentally killed me the Levis Kennebec -railWay. He: fell asleep in his vehicle and his horse took the track, falling into a culvert. While endeavoring to -dis- engap-lnm a. train came suddeulY upon Einetue caw:catcher' stiiking him in the abdomen and etinaing some Of his intestines to protrude.. He was placed on the car.5 and -ckt St ' C a eye Joseph shying uutil arriYed there and had receive/it thelast rites of the Roman Catholic. Church: -The jury Lord and Lady Itosebery, sons. of rauk were present. - The- election for a mei:Ober other per. of the Corn - Mot S for Wigan to till theivacancy Citused by Loyd Lindsay's successien te the peer -- age upon the death of 4%d Crawford re . suited in the election of Mr. owell (Con- servative) by 3;005 votes. Jo in Lancaster --(Liberal) received. 2,536 votes. Tiiiii leaves the representatipn ' of.- ,t e• eonstituency- politidally imehanged. - 7 nraiy, .jana 21. - tine .of the iiiinee•at Re 'Ruth, Corewall; -returned Yerdiet-of .aceideutal death, and- " _ • ' • -The --RitediehaChief ei Stidyk has - offered to furnish-theaPor -e 5 060 cavalrm.in ' tha.event-of war:wit r ece.- 1,Ondota this year. .. -- a in 'Greece. The Minister of: War has 'asent Liordships. ,.-justice e • . his -resiaitatioti, licit if - as net ' aceeited. Biadulph- prispners-. twit wn-e-it; sig-nea ,liaating,s .allllreSZ _tb" 'the English s a, wa suddenly flooded. y sterday. Ei ahaolved" the 'company's offictals from -all blame in the matter rsiiiis were drovineet. -- • - Fineta,_ Jan, 21. It is said that there is little likelihood of - • - the Provineial Exitibitiou, being held at, ellilititrY preparatioes re still_going on ",TtisticaeOsler widpreside at the trial of the Six' thousand :_and "c/411-1-Y-Cwo persons " -town hall of Langton, ofirned • by P0Ple with:regard th :ilidependetice7;of . . . • - John Steinlieff • was 'totally tlestrovod b the Transvaal...I a - A. boiler exploded'. 011 :Wednesday. night. fire Mi Wednesday -morning-at 1 &clock. _ ' - -- • .1. - • - - - - - - • : . at -Oraliam's woollen „fife . ry, at Dewebury, - Rienntond ,Bookils, of Mystie, Que:.. a .1englanda The building: a4 levelled to the .TVery- reapectable ',farther of sober habits-, 4i,a-airoa" Eieeea persai e l,wore . inetantiy , hung himself. in It is -bent on Wednesday -aatea and -sixteen seriously l'renelemilitary material and great publiit injured. . a . I T - - - - .. tatown - . • -- - i - • nig it. . he cause, ta ,S. yet....1111.... . . _ . . - -- - • The fi00,000 MO francl 'Worth of -redeera7 1a°1'd°1-1 desPat61i •sa-•-Ys 'that Arr. I.able 3,per cent: rentes, o eomplete the A. '1owns:11A, forpierly•-of -Petrailta„ is- ae, • turning Nvit.11- :a statwor-k-sawil1• notlie 1 uti ju y next, oPeraters -to. prospect for oil --ill, 13,titisli: mud!iL anay fiot be in- dispel u-sib.id:_tn *.• ' .then eve!): - -1 a Aarow °Cc. urred-at. -a Wake on -Bucker's -- at: is reperteii St' Pet.ersburg that very.' Flats, near. Lcindoe, the ether night. be- 'diSturbing. pewit has h -en received frein, tweeu two men nanied John jMurphy. 'and- official-soureee, to the effee't thatgreat tnili- Mutt-thew Shea, the •'fornr.ei of Whom was, .tary ereparatirins are he'i.nrlinade ia Chinese. fined10. - ' .; ' :Mautchuria, in the direction of the Siberitln = Miss Jeanie Fraier, 14 Years .014, WaS• frontier. • THE CRILI-PERU WAH. Crumbing Defeat et tbe Pernylann-;-Ter. rible Butchery on Both Viidept-Lima Occupied by the Clailiantt. BUENOS AYAES, Jan. 2I. -The Chilians attacked and completely defeated the Peruvian army at Mirailorys. General l'ierola, president of l'eru and. chief Of the army, fled. The Chanute ocomied Lima without -resistance on the 1791 lost. Pie- rola's.brotber and the Perualan Minister of War ' were taken prisoner. The. 1-'eru- Vi13.n loss in the battle at charillas was 7,600 killed and 2,000, prisoners. Twenty- five thousand Peruvians weep engagedin the battle of Mirallores. The Chilian loss in both battles was heavy. The diplomatic body in Lima urge an armiStiee,aird.ask that the person of Pierola be respected. , Motherirel.ii taist: lifeless.. . .1•10ND4)N, - Jae. 22. -The eudden ' death. of Mr. Sothern was not generally Itnewii amotig his friends iii:14oedon till yesterday afternoon, though hie death iiccurr4d about 6 ti -'clock ,on Thursday. .11e had been living in '.L.raidon -at the apartment -1i; of •ItiS sieter„ -Mrs; Cpwana at the :!eorner of. Oxford' and Vere streets., Two +/pelts --agolie.lieft-Lotte don • far: Bournementle. retlqinfig to tptan: a few.daya ago._ ifo.ti*a.bQep,41..-hiderl tlie.care- of .Sira. :William jettner-,: -Old . Sir -James - Paget .since -his first ,arrivalin 1.4endon, and' fi:v_as. Only . 'abIe. to sec: --.hiainiost intirnate, friends._ ..=..me.::Edivin- . Bciotli ,ealled a 'few" ,1 day-s.....aago-: 'and- -77paid - alaitn-.f a, - lung - visit. - -.1Ir.'. a Dien a--..Beiteit"atilt. ai,,Ind- -.other old" friends -were - frepienii I visitqah..-. -,--II.iai -malady was of -A-very edinfilicatell natutea- - ,1 . -. i He" had been a great Suftefer•.fropt..:ta..-eau.i. . . . .., - 1 Ceroas affeetieu fora yeat-aatet:....-A. -mbitth: f u .ago Sit -Janis -P aagetCalled in the, ssistaee Of Sir _Williani jentier to d iSliusii tl e eh auce. of a a elk:ate Opeaation.-Sirlwilliard-Jenne4 .hoWever, fn-otionudedagainsivit, sikyieg that a cure -Nir4S imeossible --and the operation -Woeld-Onlyagife aii*cesstan . tert frea,Stee Mr. Sea/erns return It/ L )tJt.IdiI tltf physi- china- haaei beet)", na.notial ut a , teud an •911.- TbutsdaY•nteruing tile !encl. aia..-s --Seeti'tia he not far Off,' : Hie entire -Wide -in ecillapaeda. endhe gradually 1.tto4, itil,Auy-k.u.(itil'iOD At twilight he . -clinetlY pa55e41.awayl, the .only people., preaeut being Ina; pet:art_ sa Ila it. l*Off 'Vailf. ItT Thi - ' e.stiteated:_ that._ liat _pereonal..- CAIN ..11A6 HOWELL, MiC11., Jan. 21.-- A terrible tragedy happened here last night. Wm. Van Blaricem, a farmer in Genoa,. five miles from here, has not lived happilylvith his wife, who left him and went t like with her daughter, Mrs. Cyrus Sweet, near by. Blaricom visited her yesteelay morning and persuaded her to return lenee, when hot words followed, and it is supposed that he first shot his wife and then 1uio.t1f. The deed was not discovered until about 4 p.m., when a neighbor called at the liouse.. On finding it closed, her suspicions were aroused, and she proceeded to. inform her husband, who, with a Mr. Ji], -i-. and a pedlar named Seymour, proceedea to Van Blaricom's house, and made a forcible en- trance. Entering the lieuee a sickening sight met their gaze. Off the flour, in the front room, lay the body of Mrs. Van Blaricom, with a bullet hole ill her breast, two inches below the right nipple; and beside her -lay her uncoil/era), husband gasping for breath, with a. 32 -calibre re- volver near him, all five of tee eharnbers empty. Her husband has keen a pas- sionate man, muth addicted to drink, and has been known to threaten his wife. He was not,nowever, uuder tlie influence of ilk liquor at the time of the tragedy. Ad he TERRIBLE WARNING. ,ted the , -esbuea f rein the pa,nal_vgatera at' =Montreal. - -'11re-ti.Oltdrt -.acittoe . aatera;---who O*n. _ • . -on Wednesday by Mr: MoMara. it the -neffily three-fourths of th f spindles of that Grand Truuk. She had broken thrall& place will close their uif the. deniand" the ice. and her immersion has..niade her „of the operatives for _a seriously ill. ' • • is not witharawn bef e.state is not over forty thclusand. Two Girbi Killed in it Con..tiug Accident te in A.mhland. The Pottsville Chronicle ssa : On Sun- day afternoon a party of young people were engaged in coasting at the shanties," be- tween Centralia and Aahland. Among them was a set composed of three or four girls and a young man, who had a large Sled. Everything was jollity and pleasure fora while, but it ended very seriously at last, and the sport came to an end with the death of one of the girls and fatal injuries to another. The accident occurred in this way : The party had •st:irted down the hill, with the young roan steer- ing. Seeing a sleigh drawn by a horse coming up the hill, and fearing he could not pass it safely, the, young mem jumped Off, expecting hisfair co do likewise. _They were so ttoo powerless to move, and the S.ItV1 flew along Ale,. Over the ice and snow at a terreati. speed, stopping only at a telegraph pole at the foot of the hill, which it strut k with terri- ble force. One of the girls; Carduff; lwas :thrown iso vielep tly agai /las -the pole Ithat the top of her.akull was ertished,rn andher-death caused instautly z another of the girls, Ilenora Doherty, weal alite -hurled against the pole and sustained internal -jariets; from .the died am -Alenday; .Both.werev-oungladiea of exeethair parent- age, jliSt. MO:480,11i ng :jot° beiratif ul. W-01.111811-. hood, and their sad _deaths' li t. throwlia pail of aorrew_oVer the coin/minify in Which they lived: • • = , . New Method of Preventing Fraudin - - Our English-exelaangee report tbat it. ei methed of preventing, the fratud-dlent alters.:. troll -of chequeS has been Patentied by,a A .:A.-Nesbit. , The , metlibd ' i 'favorably ill - •Spelten or iii the CliemicatigewS 111-r. Nesbit 1...-Ideanee. of tv.aise peinta out. that in order .1.,15-.rern. ve - .writi!ng - re. ..the..,_ends of ink -either aliglit.ly abid or al aline solu- tions.-ninst heused. - .1Iel 'propbs.es,_ th4;e- refus.ed fa grant atatid ance..... ... .. " - " '' . ..T__,_., .,__ ..,.___ .Aroirir enn_t_ii...f.5,000 -opera-, ' tiyeS. , The Blackbarn. mestere.. Lave alSo ,affected -by both ' acids ' lid -- lkalies but whiclitakes one. color in the former .titirl fore, tottnt cheques wit!. a' d.le-: whiehris . i -- another in the.: latter.1 He .-iyould.:then- : .-- 'I Tnnuseaa - Jan.' 20. - print upon the docureent part] ' inan acid, , Last Sunday the .R.v. ,Win. Gatip, late and -partty-'.in.;. an .--allitiline--. Ink, 'se' that treasurer_ of Andrew. ottnty, Era :left lionie the eliaracthis,linesade4ges,, tca.woald he ..uneeretheatoualy: It is ] said 'that ilia ac- apparent only in virtue of --thir i-espectlive "cotints . as I-treas.-lir& are . 4,000 or more. alkalinitaeor aciditYa. kr a -for er ineiste _ed- "ellort,. -1.1.i....Gapp. was- Minister el- the .such ..a ...doeumeet. with a- di uta liitidl, in. I -mothoaist. .01-inroh iii Chicago; fled rearnaii order to discharge any Ofrt b the-Writling.,, iii that ivieittity.eteed hiether_ ilia a -Minister 'the:color would, take -the aaci tint, ;feat the andgentleman.. .. -.::::: :- - ‘' • • - ::•• acid wordiaa lines or design would • theape :i.. IlesSia, aged da gliter .pf-Wre.'Wertia pear ; and if the.ebequelfvuelthen placed in living near.ProSperitia. A: G.,': Was outraged ; en alkaline solution All awliclle wouldi.be- Dian, yeata old,:was-lound. lying mil dispute tlie---con-ntry road near_laongliettil,-Qttea hit& --ozt Wednesday night, frozen badly; sind waS taken :care of by a resident awned:P. Le- page. . The ditur. : walked nearly •twenty miles.- - .1., a 'A young ainiat named Fraeer,- :at ,St: George, N. Was driving. in- hay ..ratik with it loaded gun, with its muzZle -pointing towards him; when. --the guit-:•tvent off: and pert of thecontenta lodged"in-. his face and hoad.; He Waa not killed::: ' ' .11 stitastanp-a-oecurred onathe . "Grand, Trunk railway at" - -Granten -yeaterclay . „ toOrniuga -. Five freight. Oars were baldly - damaged, four laden with -grain end one with pork. ThetraCk was not.cleared till 3..30 p. ma.: A broken wheel caused the ace At the Carleton- (N, B.) Municipal -Conn- ed reaUltition was passed - direethig, the warden and secretary -treasurer to .• inc. the depiatation. sought ..te attain atia deavoringte leak% the. evils --arising. -from- He. had. .alwaya.,been of -"opinio.n - that. -thea eloeing. of - hare:. on „Satnrday evenings at -7..!o'alock:Wasi r a valuable vision pf lava, .and Whilef duty to listen to the "-suPporters of. „each Sideof - the question,- he had. never heard anything- - teinalade-hien to:, artar-Lbia views, whieh were concurred iii by bihcellear";ueit. There - had been ta great deal ---written trattl,sead-to Make -them: believe that - the " early "clogina • . of the bars WAS net the populat,sentiment, but he was of *different opinion. He thefolajpet. of the petitionerswonld. be at7- tained, and that:Year yearatheyawauld See less iutemperanee in the. laud.. He - then ..thankecIthe deputation andWithdreva, The ladies .etate.-that.if they had -had tinae they . would have ,seCtiredathita timea the nnnaher of eignaturea Pi- the OetitiOns. - - - - _ - Ana Ottawa _cerrespondeut -telegraphe Sit- --Leonard: -Title-y."1i alimaincenient atif :Abe dissolution of -the pree-ent--.Parliament- _ ;,4 subject- of general -cellyetliatteni;ifii.-it itatakea-tp- hintafitet,_thataallihopeOfoaray.- ing; hih,-priaainae, been-absai and secondly, that:::Sir Chaelest•Tupper Succeeds /ma:leader. • :The --Lenclort--papera 'state: tliat-Xra:Vie The Ptuathers or AloUtreal • are fermin aai association to C011fOrill to t1.16 corporation by-laws and regulations as to the inahner of Lining -work, and the corpdration of Mona treat en. its part Agrees. to appoint them ▪ autboriZed Pitilitbe.r.:_ and publish them 'its suety. - The pablic expects- Id be. better served by this moveinent:paul- the eity'st an" - a,: • : - Saatateav; Jan. 22. -Joseph. 'Stade; cf--btouties.1, in it fit . Of desPo_ , , ndenerlast night took liefiyydose of.laurlanitrii,-and then made his- way tothe_ hospital pp, get_ cured. recovery is: doubtful. '• _ - . - - Thelarnily cicRobert- Clark; ..of londop„ were taken -ill on. -IVednesday night, with isynaptoins .of poisoning. Medinal , attend- ance was called,- and they- recovered: next day. 'The poisoning -la-maid to .hisaintention or _retiring Tram public life at Slated- trpra sc"e-substance in a package of _baking powder.- . • . • • Lauchlizi -Matheson, a_fariner the 'vici- nity of Inverhurou, was found dead- in the- atiash on Thursday merning. •The deceased - - _ . ayara sUbjectateetaking.fits, and itais tItoaght probable that was suffocated in the sturni during one of them,• as When found he was • *•..11EFOIIE :.../klloOter Eli(01,,--4:14eus• .1110.cy4 ST... PETRI-V-4MM.), J1,411,19. tele. • -graphs _that _on -the night Ilth:an iinmense rerce of Tureormina haele iser- lie upon the.front -and Ilanics.-.7isi siege . Works. •An_ether 1;ody attaektql. the cakop on boilailanks and in the lama -A. hand -tee hand fight enaued - alter -The-Tiireomansf were ailtie eytely. veimIsed-, Item:the ,caiup'azid f-roin the -treat aftd right flank Of • the -siege- Works,--"Utia, • the:left- - -flanitthey eapturedia.pedoub/... from a .cona - pally -of Tronsettapiatt treopa„ hist -their , -,e-emnriaader, .39 men -killed anal 44, werrudeda The Tuacomana-liere-seaptured Iwo tain guns, all the 'gunners beirrg •• their - Riteeifiat reaerve- recap. tured the redoubt .auflone ;of the gieleahnt .the Turconians gged- Away tee, other : .gun, wee; howevea; - .derecluselees.- The -epatuy rat l'eal Tifit42 - great loss to within -a short disiancepf the fortress: : -The total Bin:sit/1i zariaa -one Officer -and -02 'then killed, "and-- ;42 effieers: _and 'woiinded. -The- :works -rueolupleted 411ring-tile night, ;Ind kussian inortrarS threw )..11eIls thc. in- terioinf. the place. -Next 4 -ay 1,.ussiau • . „ capip was advatieed tee The siege is still proceeding. - • -- • • • - , -STRANGE - Attempt -to elbow a %lank 11,tviOcigtsr bY 11. Lndk. BALTIgOlti:.4-13; 18-7---AVVAley? wealthy shipping .inerChant, marle -a/posits - --at the Mechanics' National aubject c..-eque. 1 hi Mon. 0 'MS own or datighter'e day Ricketts drew -out --sio feneh -yes- -terday -there we-ie.:not -sufficient fa pay a - large cheque presented bY his tighter. When payment was reftreed She :aeelared. • .. that her family had . been .rilegraeed. And - fired 13, Shot -at the president aif tit bank After it desperate .stritgele, in -f-ala;i;h her elegant costume vvia total ,to advredit, : was placed in a, carriage ana holog..‘ Iti is alleged that she has -bettannti insane :over the matter. • . • • • . . • • • • • - • . • from- her .brother s - honse to- her -home.. design would :not be reatored as. their Iv -isl- and murdered ou -.-,M -inlay eveiungegoing coine alkalme; and the bat rrds, lines- or 13 Spear -man -and Fair nekroes)aeofifeaaed--to.: bility"deatended .npon tilleir 4 Vain ct--acidity.. ltifelitg:mirderedhe .. - Last -night.* large H an ,-alkalipar eolutien wasf_lirst applieddrawd took the:in% o t=lof jail, -Speartn-att -the ' printing: would 4:011 -:disappear„ i 'and Wag ehot:•and killed._ ..Fair es -ea -end-, but was Col:lid-not' be ..reeterecll.by ti,Ce subsequent I recaptured.. - -- and hanged- -. lay --whites applicationof au acid; .4tia blacks. Mise We' th.*as a heatitiful_and" , . . . 7 : . . ' . • • '.*: t7-:, - 4 . excellent liTorriali -.. . ' ." :. ....• • _, , .- -. .ranprirl Trenti 'as ibrinidupils. ._ , . :. , • .. - GeOrge, DusSela of., New': York,. aged '24; -_:-.-1 Loanosi. -Jan. 26.--eqemplaints. are. being fell Madly he le.ve l' it - l‘it14- -EibilY-Re:ve-r.' ,anade'regazdingthe delays- ina:tram/181'ring- .aged-25; whohasben separated frOrn he_personsitiatfee persiena Motif the ja-t to the •ft..1y-Itint - JIM/band .for .seme i Ina.- Mae- -Raver re- - :neat tees -0-tyl. , .c..a.se..131. bilve, .t,4en ., kziown "..elineitie6rdedlitishe!'tuiellee-eafin'silf::t"Lharsetw.liti.-grittatiptiiity"Ss-:if-, -wfohr.eurein-e,thonorts after:the 6., athitiatinin into, a, patient huh l'3.-eti • .. Canted in- jai', .)i-ltijol iii. Mi4: R6Y.603 faee, aid ti4s°146. --his Or her sanitY." lad taken ' nlacei :and' the'faCee of,. her brother andilds.wifeaWho loirijetittiesa .i.rila 4gitred for life.- - XI% Tte-vOr= thil4'...-19ge. her place. --'The Case-o:1:aliti-4r.it..°E-411:18:LI)Paenuatt:11-ucaensfi'-- _came- teber assietabe .- -All three:are dis. :been a -fleeted beforli the - -removal-1 takes sItht; - Dea-ael.escape , ., ...--..,;- a ...,. -_,.....-' -. - "- -: •Strathroyaaja inlittet,Oed _.:4.-,,,u • :ei=j;tiiiile.. a . The: British stela er -Nicosiga- is, ite-to .aee-wia.-vrao.outiced1Sw;abg-..od ,ione-a,id-e4 i '34e*--..YOrk:froitra..NbW ...ifittle' after' it -voyage- to jail; but -had receilred-herOae the ibailiff ef-taten-tY-feur days, . • Itiaencoantereda. ter-- a:Ric gale Oti January 'rd 'Which. continued: aiylutn. "Shebad te go there all the same, - front •Toronte eame,tp. renloee her ao. the .gevell: T3.4Y8a T.-1-'01 sglig-:.-btOk.9- 'ill Pvet-thc'. %and aftef a -Short- tiitieawa'sa diacliarged as, sihip•Landas_wefit..-everythieg-befeiethein- eeeea, .- Thelaelee fliligaea-10 i)e aea4sea in. Thiterew auffe.redlereatly,I--", -chi ttTeTfoktrth ..-.Terailto;..1-3aa, the z regg fitiOil : 'at • iii_6 extt, jt4 day of ' the."-:gevet9 *rle"AAI:er -13evend liejtvY 'force reciaire it inaulto be gent::frot -there - seas Were_Shipped; which bare-ied overboard to Ale- all the inovin bf, patients. -- • . . , . Iwo 'ef - the -lifebolitsi.: tore a away alle 'Calla,. - -- -- - - - I - - apd. dill'Other,dalliag i, .-ThelIenrier from •Gibrueltar Deeeinher 22nd, alscalad.tat eir.i.„ .•0.-.eXpirv-_e-Ndetawleolailein.t.ttlie-r_ttid., ,I.,baprer,actiti?altiiiit,n.„6, 'irli japilat.,w-, izabsi, t i ble voyage/a TIlleel -.a...brake peer lier erytinng ninv.no,:bin.7witatti. -death if he doea-noticligehtiroe Abe IiiSraineir: great fdr,y.. - 1.4'. • i 1- a' - . aa.einest.aro.ye_elnerleekS and.two 'of 'the Crete; alld 'Wed:tie-0' • I"- ilia, en -11}10Y: ;Uri -.14-eale - .ciffefs laataiediar.d,ef--X2()._foritlie..ermiction -Of . 1 . i Were:seriottelk lni"-ur6d.-• the writer 4r pentlii'a: -adding' fthat, -a--thoul;- : ,- FiTO/CY..J'ari: 21. . 1 westeNN4it, „wenced at phiitteete sand suche lettere .0t prevent -him phut tneeven years :?.n penitehtiary in: 1875', -frqin. °!--i'pha-jog vi:41<mn ch(A)se''e for CernplieitY ithe-ahditetion of Charlie! An exChange*aYSt -‘1-The kind of -Roes, was releaitet,yeaterday wider the-i.eake-children-dou'llety after is "al--eake of alniost entirely buried in the snow. • operatien of the cot mutation laws., - soap." Hew aboat stomia cake? 1' a and lecturer, will shortly be Viarried to -1 - At ColbOine Harbor013Thursday a inset _Dr. 13-rown-Se4tiard, jun., dentist, living I - There arcve nliii,niste4sin the Spurgeen will take place itiLonclori--.. . - -. t tree in the woods, wheti he was -struck by'a on the charge of stealing a valuable - Mal- ibrother auld tw`o s;ens. , , - -._. - I • .. _ - toriaC.-Woodhull, the AMericaii writer - •- - , the hoion of a noble house. The ceremony named Thomas Maxnrell., was chopping a at Cold SpringedNerY-,- hate been a-riested family ----Re Spurgeon; hiS father • . wan `e -sea, that 1 .../ ..a: .._ .'.-"---• depaitlos.a,tl.fitiriiitati.eS,",00,-a°1;--zusy 30 tui duty. ifendilayi Iither*t.intning with tie one i .It . waaNciu,....ibiang,___.4,: r he?"-- - --- * - • that kget... ',hese notes; . . . 11014T. RE*11.41:::a. 819711:17:dri:i71:A-fr. -Quintal and her family, --Coneksi.ing, of 1111, pOrSODS, were reported to -day .'..to• •. pitiful -etate of de.stitutirat 443 Montcalm street. - Mr, Lament, ef he Vincent de Paul Society. -fOund th. fnmily Serrii-unde eondition,. -al „tiering from cold And leailiee, 110 havin been ....eaten by them - li.r tee -daya. There.. was no -lire' nor firf:yisiiina _ill the , -house, and but little y-onegeSt children, 8 zin0 10 of age respectively, were removed. to the lqetre tra,me hospital, and _the tea° eldest were left with the mother; evliee wae •i hg from inflammation of the She .expired, and the -children were removed, to the Rotel Dien.. All svere suffering- .froin in- flainniatiou -of the luugs. Vrottglit,or: hy the cold, as they ima bo-fito-odogs en. their -feet.. Their' privations:haVC Almost 3(51.110 them " era* _Dr;Leblanc _attended:to thainother, and saw' that the :children- 'Were properly - Clothed and fed. _ • --, The Scottish% Liheratioa "Saciety• has re solved that now isthe time to press -the -rtisttefof disestablishinent in-aleni land, atid, -that the sithjeet should be ifatr4aced into the presentTierliarnent"10- The Duke_ of. Nerthumbirland xistendit introduce the electric light at AIniviok -Castle, and if successful it Will no 'doubt be ' used in -ether English houses. eeeeeeeee,-,,eueiee and Loyd llartingt royalty to Lord C The Ile argins of ,leeeAe .